/* Copyright (c) 2003, Arvid Norberg All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * Neither the name of the author nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include "libtorrent/pch.hpp" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef TORRENT_DEBUG #include #endif #ifdef _MSC_VER #pragma warning(push, 1) #endif #include #include #include #ifdef _MSC_VER #pragma warning(pop) #endif #include "libtorrent/torrent_handle.hpp" #include "libtorrent/session.hpp" #include "libtorrent/torrent_info.hpp" #include "libtorrent/tracker_manager.hpp" #include "libtorrent/parse_url.hpp" #include "libtorrent/bencode.hpp" #include "libtorrent/hasher.hpp" #include "libtorrent/entry.hpp" #include "libtorrent/peer.hpp" #include "libtorrent/bt_peer_connection.hpp" #include "libtorrent/web_peer_connection.hpp" #include "libtorrent/http_seed_connection.hpp" #include "libtorrent/peer_id.hpp" #include "libtorrent/alert.hpp" #include "libtorrent/identify_client.hpp" #include "libtorrent/alert_types.hpp" #include "libtorrent/extensions.hpp" #include "libtorrent/aux_/session_impl.hpp" #include "libtorrent/instantiate_connection.hpp" #include "libtorrent/assert.hpp" #include "libtorrent/broadcast_socket.hpp" using namespace libtorrent; using boost::tuples::tuple; using boost::tuples::get; using boost::tuples::make_tuple; using boost::bind; using libtorrent::aux::session_impl; namespace { struct find_peer_by_ip { find_peer_by_ip(tcp::endpoint const& a, const torrent* t) : ip(a) , tor(t) { TORRENT_ASSERT(t != 0); } bool operator()(session_impl::connection_map::value_type const& c) const { tcp::endpoint const& sender = c->remote(); if (sender.address() != ip.address()) return false; if (tor != c->associated_torrent().lock().get()) return false; return true; } tcp::endpoint const& ip; torrent const* tor; }; struct peer_by_id { peer_by_id(const peer_id& i): pid(i) {} bool operator()(session_impl::connection_map::value_type const& p) const { if (p->pid() != pid) return false; // have a special case for all zeros. We can have any number // of peers with that pid, since it's used to indicate no pid. if (std::count(pid.begin(), pid.end(), 0) == 20) return false; return true; } peer_id const& pid; }; } namespace libtorrent { torrent::torrent( session_impl& ses , tcp::endpoint const& net_interface , int block_size , int seq , add_torrent_params const& p) : m_policy(this) , m_active_time(seconds(0)) , m_seeding_time(seconds(0)) , m_total_uploaded(0) , m_total_downloaded(0) , m_started(time_now()) , m_last_scrape(min_time()) , m_torrent_file(p.ti ? p.ti : new torrent_info(p.info_hash)) , m_storage(0) , m_host_resolver(ses.m_io_service) , m_lsd_announce_timer(ses.m_io_service) , m_tracker_timer(ses.m_io_service) #ifndef TORRENT_DISABLE_DHT , m_last_dht_announce(time_now() - minutes(15)) #endif , m_ses(ses) , m_trackers(m_torrent_file->trackers()) , m_average_piece_time(0) , m_piece_time_deviation(0) , m_total_failed_bytes(0) , m_total_redundant_bytes(0) , m_padding(0) , m_net_interface(net_interface.address(), 0) , m_save_path(complete(p.save_path)) , m_num_verified(0) , m_storage_mode(p.storage_mode) , m_state(torrent_status::checking_resume_data) , m_settings(ses.settings()) , m_storage_constructor(p.storage) , m_progress(0.f) , m_ratio(0.f) , m_max_uploads((std::numeric_limits::max)()) , m_num_uploads(0) , m_max_connections((std::numeric_limits::max)()) , m_block_size(p.ti ? (std::min)(block_size, m_torrent_file->piece_length()) : block_size) , m_complete(-1) , m_incomplete(-1) , m_deficit_counter(0) , m_sequence_number(seq) , m_last_working_tracker(-1) , m_time_scaler(0) , m_abort(false) , m_paused(p.paused) , m_auto_managed(p.auto_managed) #ifndef TORRENT_DISABLE_RESOLVE_COUNTRIES , m_resolving_country(false) , m_resolve_countries(false) #endif , m_sequential_download(false) , m_got_tracker_response(false) , m_connections_initialized(p.ti) , m_super_seeding(false) , m_has_incoming(false) , m_files_checked(false) , m_queued_for_checking(false) , m_announcing(false) , m_waiting_tracker(false) , m_seed_mode(p.seed_mode && m_torrent_file->is_valid()) , m_override_resume_data(p.override_resume_data) { if (m_seed_mode) m_verified.resize(m_torrent_file->num_pieces(), false); if (p.resume_data) m_resume_data.swap(*p.resume_data); if (m_settings.prefer_udp_trackers) prioritize_udp_trackers(); #ifndef TORRENT_DISABLE_ENCRYPTION hasher h; h.update("req2", 4); h.update((char*)&m_torrent_file->info_hash()[0], 20); m_obfuscated_hash = h.final(); #endif #ifdef TORRENT_DEBUG m_files_checked = false; #endif INVARIANT_CHECK; if (p.name && !p.ti) m_name.reset(new std::string(p.name)); if (p.tracker_url) { m_trackers.push_back(announce_entry(p.tracker_url)); m_trackers.back().fail_limit = 0; m_trackers.back().source = announce_entry::source_magnet_link; m_torrent_file->add_tracker(p.tracker_url); } } void torrent::start() { TORRENT_ASSERT(!m_picker); if (!m_seed_mode) { m_picker.reset(new piece_picker()); if (!m_resume_data.empty()) { if (lazy_bdecode(&m_resume_data[0], &m_resume_data[0] + m_resume_data.size(), m_resume_entry) != 0) { std::vector().swap(m_resume_data); if (m_ses.m_alerts.should_post()) { m_ses.m_alerts.post_alert(fastresume_rejected_alert(get_handle(), "parse failed")); #if defined TORRENT_VERBOSE_LOGGING || defined TORRENT_LOGGING || defined TORRENT_ERROR_LOGGING (*m_ses.m_logger) << "fastresume data for " << torrent_file().name() << " rejected: parse failed\n"; #endif } } } } // we need to start announcing since we don't have any // metadata. To receive peers to ask for it. if (m_torrent_file->is_valid()) { init(); } else { set_state(torrent_status::downloading_metadata); if (!m_trackers.empty()) start_announcing(); } } #ifndef TORRENT_DISABLE_DHT bool torrent::should_announce_dht() const { if (m_ses.m_listen_sockets.empty()) return false; if (!m_ses.m_dht) return false; if (m_torrent_file->is_valid() && !m_files_checked) return false; // don't announce private torrents if (m_torrent_file->is_valid() && m_torrent_file->priv()) return false; if (m_trackers.empty()) return true; int verified_trackers = 0; for (std::vector::const_iterator i = m_trackers.begin() , end(m_trackers.end()); i != end; ++i) if (i->verified) ++verified_trackers; return verified_trackers == 0 || !m_settings.use_dht_as_fallback; } #endif torrent::~torrent() { // The invariant can't be maintained here, since the torrent // is being destructed, all weak references to it have been // reset, which means that all its peers already have an // invalidated torrent pointer (so it cannot be verified to be correct) // i.e. the invariant can only be maintained if all connections have // been closed by the time the torrent is destructed. And they are // supposed to be closed. So we can still do the invariant check. TORRENT_ASSERT(m_connections.empty()); INVARIANT_CHECK; #if defined TORRENT_VERBOSE_LOGGING || defined TORRENT_ERROR_LOGGING for (peer_iterator i = m_connections.begin(); i != m_connections.end(); ++i) { (*(*i)->m_logger) << "*** DESTRUCTING TORRENT\n"; } #endif TORRENT_ASSERT(m_abort); if (!m_connections.empty()) disconnect_all(); } void torrent::read_piece(int piece) { TORRENT_ASSERT(piece >= 0 && piece < m_torrent_file->num_pieces()); int piece_size = m_torrent_file->piece_size(piece); int blocks_in_piece = (piece_size + m_block_size - 1) / m_block_size; read_piece_struct* rp = new read_piece_struct; rp->piece_data.reset(new (std::nothrow) char[piece_size]); rp->blocks_left = 0; rp->fail = false; peer_request r; r.piece = piece; r.start = 0; for (int i = 0; i < blocks_in_piece; ++i, r.start += m_block_size) { r.length = (std::min)(piece_size - r.start, m_block_size); filesystem().async_read(r, bind(&torrent::on_disk_read_complete , shared_from_this(), _1, _2, r, rp)); ++rp->blocks_left; } } void torrent::on_disk_read_complete(int ret, disk_io_job const& j, peer_request r, read_piece_struct* rp) { session_impl::mutex_t::scoped_lock l(m_ses.m_mutex); disk_buffer_holder buffer(m_ses, j.buffer); --rp->blocks_left; if (ret != r.length) { rp->fail = true; set_error(j.error, j.error_file); pause(); } else { std::memcpy(rp->piece_data.get() + r.start, j.buffer, r.length); } if (rp->blocks_left == 0) { int size = m_torrent_file->piece_size(r.piece); if (rp->fail) { rp->piece_data.reset(); size = 0; } if (m_ses.m_alerts.should_post()) { m_ses.m_alerts.post_alert(read_piece_alert( get_handle(), r.piece, rp->piece_data, size)); } delete rp; } } void torrent::add_piece(int piece, char const* data, int flags) { TORRENT_ASSERT(piece >= 0 && piece < m_torrent_file->num_pieces()); int piece_size = m_torrent_file->piece_size(piece); int blocks_in_piece = (piece_size + m_block_size - 1) / m_block_size; peer_request p; p.piece = piece; p.start = 0; picker().inc_refcount(piece); for (int i = 0; i < blocks_in_piece; ++i, p.start += m_block_size) { if (picker().is_finished(piece_block(piece, i)) && (flags & torrent::overwrite_existing) == 0) continue; p.length = (std::min)(piece_size - p.start, m_block_size); char* buffer = m_ses.allocate_disk_buffer("add piece"); // out of memory if (buffer == 0) { picker().dec_refcount(piece); return; } disk_buffer_holder holder(m_ses, buffer); std::memcpy(buffer, data + p.start, p.length); filesystem().async_write(p, holder, bind(&torrent::on_disk_write_complete , shared_from_this(), _1, _2, p)); piece_block block(piece, i); picker().mark_as_downloading(block, 0, piece_picker::fast); picker().mark_as_writing(block, 0); } picker().dec_refcount(piece); } void torrent::on_disk_write_complete(int ret, disk_io_job const& j , peer_request p) { session_impl::mutex_t::scoped_lock l(m_ses.m_mutex); INVARIANT_CHECK; if (m_abort) { piece_block block_finished(p.piece, p.start / m_block_size); return; } piece_block block_finished(p.piece, p.start / m_block_size); if (ret == -1) { if (has_picker()) picker().write_failed(block_finished); if (alerts().should_post()) alerts().post_alert(file_error_alert(j.error_file, get_handle(), j.str)); set_error(j.error, j.error_file); pause(); return; } picker().mark_as_finished(block_finished, 0); // did we just finish the piece? if (picker().is_piece_finished(p.piece)) { async_verify_piece(p.piece, bind(&torrent::piece_finished, shared_from_this() , p.piece, _1)); } } bool torrent::add_merkle_nodes(std::map const& nodes, int piece) { return m_torrent_file->add_merkle_nodes(nodes, piece); } peer_request torrent::to_req(piece_block const& p) { int block_offset = p.block_index * m_block_size; int block_size = (std::min)(torrent_file().piece_size( p.piece_index) - block_offset, m_block_size); TORRENT_ASSERT(block_size > 0); TORRENT_ASSERT(block_size <= m_block_size); peer_request r; r.piece = p.piece_index; r.start = block_offset; r.length = block_size; return r; } std::string torrent::name() const { if (valid_metadata()) return m_torrent_file->name(); if (m_name) return *m_name; return ""; } #ifndef TORRENT_DISABLE_EXTENSIONS void torrent::add_extension(boost::shared_ptr ext) { m_extensions.push_back(ext); } void torrent::add_extension(boost::function(torrent*, void*)> const& ext , void* userdata) { boost::shared_ptr tp(ext(this, userdata)); if (!tp) return; add_extension(tp); for (peer_iterator i = m_connections.begin(); i != m_connections.end(); ++i) { peer_connection* p = *i; boost::shared_ptr pp(tp->new_connection(p)); if (pp) p->add_extension(pp); } // if files are checked for this torrent, call the extension // to let it initialize itself if (m_connections_initialized) tp->on_files_checked(); } #endif // this may not be called from a constructor because of the call to // shared_from_this() void torrent::init() { TORRENT_ASSERT(m_torrent_file->is_valid()); TORRENT_ASSERT(m_torrent_file->num_files() > 0); TORRENT_ASSERT(m_torrent_file->total_size() >= 0); m_file_priority.resize(m_torrent_file->num_files(), 1); m_block_size = (std::min)(m_block_size, m_torrent_file->piece_length()); if (m_torrent_file->num_pieces() > piece_picker::max_pieces) { set_error(error_code(errors::too_many_pieces_in_torrent, libtorrent_category), ""); pause(); } // the shared_from_this() will create an intentional // cycle of ownership, se the hpp file for description. m_owning_storage = new piece_manager(shared_from_this(), m_torrent_file , m_save_path, m_ses.m_files, m_ses.m_disk_thread, m_storage_constructor , m_storage_mode); m_storage = m_owning_storage.get(); if (has_picker()) { m_picker->init((std::max)(m_torrent_file->piece_length() / m_block_size, 1) , int((m_torrent_file->total_size()+m_block_size-1)/m_block_size)); } std::vector const& url_seeds = m_torrent_file->url_seeds(); for (std::vector::const_iterator i = url_seeds.begin() , end(url_seeds.end()); i != end; ++i) add_web_seed(*i, web_seed_entry::url_seed); std::vector const& http_seeds = m_torrent_file->http_seeds(); for (std::vector::const_iterator i = http_seeds.begin() , end(http_seeds.end()); i != end; ++i) add_web_seed(*i, web_seed_entry::http_seed); if (m_seed_mode) { m_ses.m_io_service.post(boost::bind(&torrent::files_checked, shared_from_this())); std::vector().swap(m_resume_data); lazy_entry().swap(m_resume_entry); return; } set_state(torrent_status::checking_resume_data); if (m_resume_entry.type() == lazy_entry::dict_t) { char const* error = 0; if (m_resume_entry.dict_find_string_value("file-format") != "libtorrent resume file") error = "invalid file format tag"; std::string info_hash = m_resume_entry.dict_find_string_value("info-hash"); if (!error && info_hash.empty()) error = "missing info-hash"; if (!error && sha1_hash(info_hash) != m_torrent_file->info_hash()) error = "mismatching info-hash"; if (error && m_ses.m_alerts.should_post()) { m_ses.m_alerts.post_alert(fastresume_rejected_alert(get_handle(), error)); } if (error) { #if defined TORRENT_VERBOSE_LOGGING || defined TORRENT_LOGGING || defined TORRENT_ERROR_LOGGING (*m_ses.m_logger) << "fastresume data for " << torrent_file().name() << " rejected: " << error << "\n"; #endif std::vector().swap(m_resume_data); lazy_entry().swap(m_resume_entry); } else { read_resume_data(m_resume_entry); } } TORRENT_ASSERT(m_block_size > 0); int file = 0; for (file_storage::iterator i = m_torrent_file->files().begin() , end(m_torrent_file->files().end()); i != end; ++i, ++file) { if (!i->pad_file) continue; m_padding += i->size; peer_request pr = m_torrent_file->map_file(file, 0, m_torrent_file->file_at(file).size); int off = pr.start & (m_block_size-1); if (off != 0) { pr.length -= m_block_size - off; pr.start += m_block_size - off; } TORRENT_ASSERT((pr.start & (m_block_size-1)) == 0); int blocks_per_piece = m_torrent_file->piece_length() / m_block_size; piece_block pb(pr.piece, pr.start / m_block_size); for (; pr.length >= m_block_size; pr.length -= m_block_size, ++pb.block_index) { if (pb.block_index == blocks_per_piece) { pb.block_index = 0; ++pb.piece_index; } m_picker->mark_as_finished(pb, 0); } } m_storage->async_check_fastresume(&m_resume_entry , bind(&torrent::on_resume_data_checked , shared_from_this(), _1, _2)); } void torrent::on_resume_data_checked(int ret, disk_io_job const& j) { session_impl::mutex_t::scoped_lock l(m_ses.m_mutex); if (ret == piece_manager::fatal_disk_error) { if (m_ses.m_alerts.should_post()) { m_ses.m_alerts.post_alert(file_error_alert(j.error_file, get_handle(), j.str)); } #if defined TORRENT_VERBOSE_LOGGING || defined TORRENT_LOGGING || defined TORRENT_ERROR_LOGGING (*m_ses.m_logger) << time_now_string() << ": fatal disk error [" " error: " << j.str << " torrent: " << torrent_file().name() << " ]\n"; #endif set_error(j.error, j.error_file); pause(); set_state(torrent_status::queued_for_checking); std::vector().swap(m_resume_data); lazy_entry().swap(m_resume_entry); return; } if (m_resume_entry.type() == lazy_entry::dict_t) { // parse out "peers" from the resume data and add them to the peer list if (lazy_entry const* peers_entry = m_resume_entry.dict_find_list("peers")) { peer_id id(0); for (int i = 0; i < peers_entry->list_size(); ++i) { lazy_entry const* e = peers_entry->list_at(i); if (e->type() != lazy_entry::dict_t) continue; std::string ip = e->dict_find_string_value("ip"); int port = e->dict_find_int_value("port"); if (ip.empty() || port == 0) continue; error_code ec; tcp::endpoint a(address::from_string(ip, ec), (unsigned short)port); if (ec) continue; m_policy.peer_from_tracker(a, id, peer_info::resume_data, 0); } } // parse out "banned_peers" and add them as banned if (lazy_entry const* banned_peers_entry = m_resume_entry.dict_find_list("banned_peers")) { peer_id id(0); for (int i = 0; i < banned_peers_entry->list_size(); ++i) { lazy_entry const* e = banned_peers_entry->list_at(i); if (e->type() != lazy_entry::dict_t) continue; std::string ip = e->dict_find_string_value("ip"); int port = e->dict_find_int_value("port"); if (ip.empty() || port == 0) continue; error_code ec; tcp::endpoint a(address::from_string(ip, ec), (unsigned short)port); if (ec) continue; policy::peer* p = m_policy.peer_from_tracker(a, id, peer_info::resume_data, 0); if (p) p->banned = true; } } } bool fastresume_rejected = !j.str.empty(); if (fastresume_rejected && m_ses.m_alerts.should_post()) { m_ses.m_alerts.post_alert(fastresume_rejected_alert(get_handle(), j.str)); } #if defined TORRENT_VERBOSE_LOGGING || defined TORRENT_LOGGING || defined TORRENT_ERROR_LOGGING (*m_ses.m_logger) << "fastresume data for " << torrent_file().name() << " rejected: " << j.str << "\n"; #endif if (ret == 0) { // there are either no files for this torrent // or the resume_data was accepted if (!fastresume_rejected && m_resume_entry.type() == lazy_entry::dict_t) { // parse have bitmask lazy_entry const* pieces = m_resume_entry.dict_find("pieces"); if (pieces && pieces->type() == lazy_entry::string_t && int(pieces->string_length()) == m_torrent_file->num_pieces()) { char const* pieces_str = pieces->string_ptr(); for (int i = 0, end(pieces->string_length()); i < end; ++i) { if (pieces_str[i] & 1) m_picker->we_have(i); if (m_seed_mode && (pieces_str[i] & 2)) m_verified.set_bit(i); } } // parse unfinished pieces int num_blocks_per_piece = static_cast(torrent_file().piece_length()) / block_size(); if (lazy_entry const* unfinished_ent = m_resume_entry.dict_find_list("unfinished")) { for (int i = 0; i < unfinished_ent->list_size(); ++i) { lazy_entry const* e = unfinished_ent->list_at(i); if (e->type() != lazy_entry::dict_t) continue; int piece = e->dict_find_int_value("piece", -1); if (piece < 0 || piece > torrent_file().num_pieces()) continue; if (m_picker->have_piece(piece)) m_picker->we_dont_have(piece); std::string bitmask = e->dict_find_string_value("bitmask"); if (bitmask.empty()) continue; const int num_bitmask_bytes = (std::max)(num_blocks_per_piece / 8, 1); if ((int)bitmask.size() != num_bitmask_bytes) continue; for (int j = 0; j < num_bitmask_bytes; ++j) { unsigned char bits = bitmask[j]; int num_bits = (std::min)(num_blocks_per_piece - j*8, 8); for (int k = 0; k < num_bits; ++k) { const int bit = j * 8 + k; if (bits & (1 << k)) { m_picker->mark_as_finished(piece_block(piece, bit), 0); if (m_picker->is_piece_finished(piece)) async_verify_piece(piece, bind(&torrent::piece_finished , shared_from_this(), piece, _1)); } } } } } } files_checked(); } else { // either the fastresume data was rejected or there are // some files set_state(torrent_status::queued_for_checking); if (should_check_files()) queue_torrent_check(); } std::vector().swap(m_resume_data); lazy_entry().swap(m_resume_entry); } void torrent::queue_torrent_check() { if (m_queued_for_checking) return; m_queued_for_checking = true; m_ses.check_torrent(shared_from_this()); } void torrent::dequeue_torrent_check() { if (!m_queued_for_checking) return; m_queued_for_checking = false; m_ses.done_checking(shared_from_this()); } void torrent::force_recheck() { // if the torrent is already queued to check its files // don't do anything if (should_check_files() || m_state == torrent_status::checking_resume_data) return; if ((is_paused() && !m_auto_managed)) { // set the queued for checking state, so that it's // checked as soon as it's resumed or made auto managed set_state(torrent_status::queued_for_checking); return; } clear_error(); disconnect_all(); m_owning_storage->async_release_files(); m_owning_storage = new piece_manager(shared_from_this(), m_torrent_file , m_save_path, m_ses.m_files, m_ses.m_disk_thread, m_storage_constructor , m_storage_mode); m_storage = m_owning_storage.get(); if (!m_picker) m_picker.reset(new piece_picker()); m_picker->init(m_torrent_file->piece_length() / m_block_size , int((m_torrent_file->total_size()+m_block_size-1)/m_block_size)); // assume that we don't have anything m_files_checked = false; set_state(torrent_status::checking_resume_data); if (m_auto_managed) set_queue_position((std::numeric_limits::max)()); std::vector().swap(m_resume_data); lazy_entry().swap(m_resume_entry); m_storage->async_check_fastresume(&m_resume_entry , bind(&torrent::on_force_recheck , shared_from_this(), _1, _2)); } void torrent::on_force_recheck(int ret, disk_io_job const& j) { session_impl::mutex_t::scoped_lock l(m_ses.m_mutex); if (ret == piece_manager::fatal_disk_error) { if (m_ses.m_alerts.should_post()) { m_ses.m_alerts.post_alert(file_error_alert(j.error_file, get_handle(), j.str)); } #if defined TORRENT_VERBOSE_LOGGING || defined TORRENT_LOGGING || defined TORRENT_ERROR_LOGGING (*m_ses.m_logger) << time_now_string() << ": fatal disk error [" " error: " << j.str << " torrent: " << torrent_file().name() << " ]\n"; #endif set_error(j.error, j.error_file); pause(); return; } set_state(torrent_status::queued_for_checking); if (should_check_files()) queue_torrent_check(); } void torrent::start_checking() { TORRENT_ASSERT(should_check_files()); set_state(torrent_status::checking_files); m_storage->async_check_files(bind( &torrent::on_piece_checked , shared_from_this(), _1, _2)); } void torrent::on_piece_checked(int ret, disk_io_job const& j) { session_impl::mutex_t::scoped_lock l(m_ses.m_mutex); INVARIANT_CHECK; if (ret == piece_manager::disk_check_aborted) { dequeue_torrent_check(); return; } if (ret == piece_manager::fatal_disk_error) { if (m_ses.m_alerts.should_post()) { m_ses.m_alerts.post_alert(file_error_alert(j.error_file, get_handle(), j.str)); } #if defined TORRENT_VERBOSE_LOGGING || defined TORRENT_LOGGING || defined TORRENT_ERROR_LOGGING (*m_ses.m_logger) << time_now_string() << ": fatal disk error [" " error: " << j.str << " torrent: " << torrent_file().name() << " ]\n"; #endif pause(); set_error(j.error, j.error_file); return; } m_progress = j.piece / float(torrent_file().num_pieces()); TORRENT_ASSERT(m_picker); if (j.offset >= 0 && !m_picker->have_piece(j.offset)) m_picker->we_have(j.offset); // we're not done checking yet // this handler will be called repeatedly until // we're done, or encounter a failure if (ret == piece_manager::need_full_check) return; dequeue_torrent_check(); files_checked(); } void torrent::use_interface(const char* net_interface) { INVARIANT_CHECK; error_code ec; address a(address::from_string(net_interface, ec)); if (ec) return; m_net_interface = tcp::endpoint(a, 0); } void torrent::on_tracker_announce_disp(boost::weak_ptr p , error_code const& e) { if (e) return; boost::shared_ptr t = p.lock(); if (!t) return; t->on_tracker_announce(); } void torrent::on_tracker_announce() { session_impl::mutex_t::scoped_lock l(m_ses.m_mutex); m_waiting_tracker = false; if (m_abort) return; announce_with_tracker(); } void torrent::on_lsd_announce_disp(boost::weak_ptr p , error_code const& e) { if (e) return; boost::shared_ptr t = p.lock(); if (!t) return; t->on_lsd_announce(); } void torrent::on_lsd_announce() { session_impl::mutex_t::scoped_lock l(m_ses.m_mutex); if (m_abort) return; TORRENT_ASSERT(!m_torrent_file->priv()); if (m_torrent_file->is_valid() && m_torrent_file->priv()) return; if (is_paused()) return; boost::weak_ptr self(shared_from_this()); error_code ec; // announce on local network every 5 minutes m_lsd_announce_timer.expires_from_now(minutes(5), ec); m_lsd_announce_timer.async_wait( bind(&torrent::on_lsd_announce_disp, self, _1)); // announce with the local discovery service m_ses.announce_lsd(m_torrent_file->info_hash()); #ifndef TORRENT_DISABLE_DHT if (!m_ses.m_dht) return; ptime now = time_now(); if (should_announce_dht() && now - m_last_dht_announce > minutes(14)) { m_last_dht_announce = now; m_ses.m_dht->announce(m_torrent_file->info_hash() , m_ses.listen_port() , bind(&torrent::on_dht_announce_response_disp, self, _1)); } #endif } #ifndef TORRENT_DISABLE_DHT void torrent::on_dht_announce_response_disp(boost::weak_ptr t , std::vector const& peers) { boost::shared_ptr tor = t.lock(); if (!tor) return; tor->on_dht_announce_response(peers); } void torrent::on_dht_announce_response(std::vector const& peers) { if (peers.empty()) return; if (m_ses.m_alerts.should_post()) { m_ses.m_alerts.post_alert(dht_reply_alert( get_handle(), peers.size())); } std::for_each(peers.begin(), peers.end(), bind( &policy::peer_from_tracker, boost::ref(m_policy), _1, peer_id(0) , peer_info::dht, 0)); } #endif void torrent::announce_with_tracker(tracker_request::event_t e) { INVARIANT_CHECK; if (m_trackers.empty()) return; if (m_abort) e = tracker_request::stopped; tracker_request req; req.info_hash = m_torrent_file->info_hash(); req.pid = m_ses.get_peer_id(); req.downloaded = m_stat.total_payload_download(); req.uploaded = m_stat.total_payload_upload(); req.left = bytes_left(); if (req.left == -1) req.left = 16*1024; req.event = e; tcp::endpoint ep = m_ses.get_ipv6_interface(); error_code ec; if (ep != tcp::endpoint()) req.ipv6 = ep.address().to_string(ec); // if we are aborting. we don't want any new peers req.num_want = (req.event == tracker_request::stopped) ?0:m_settings.num_want; req.listen_port = m_ses.listen_port(); req.key = m_ses.m_key; ptime now = time_now(); int tier = INT_MAX; for (int i = 0; i < m_trackers.size(); ++i) { announce_entry& ae = m_trackers[i]; if (ae.tier > tier) break; if (ae.is_working()) tier = ae.tier; if (!ae.can_announce(now)) { if (ae.is_working() && !m_settings.announce_to_all_trackers) break; continue; } req.url = ae.url; req.event = e; if (req.event == tracker_request::none) { if (!ae.start_sent) req.event = tracker_request::started; if (!ae.complete_sent && is_seed()) req.event = tracker_request::completed; } #if defined TORRENT_VERBOSE_LOGGING || defined TORRENT_LOGGING (*m_ses.m_logger) << time_now_string() << " ==> TACKER REQUEST " << req.url << " event=" << (req.event==tracker_request::stopped?"stopped" :req.event==tracker_request::started?"started":"") << " abort=" << m_abort << "\n"; if (m_abort) { boost::shared_ptr tl(new aux::tracker_logger(m_ses)); m_ses.m_tracker_manager.queue_request(m_ses.m_io_service, m_ses.m_half_open, req , tracker_login(), m_ses.m_listen_interface.address(), tl); } else #endif m_ses.m_tracker_manager.queue_request(m_ses.m_io_service, m_ses.m_half_open, req , tracker_login(), m_ses.m_listen_interface.address() , m_abort?boost::shared_ptr():shared_from_this()); ae.updating = true; if (m_ses.m_alerts.should_post()) { m_ses.m_alerts.post_alert( tracker_announce_alert(get_handle(), req.url, req.event)); } if (ae.is_working() && !m_settings.announce_to_all_trackers) break; } update_tracker_timer(); } void torrent::scrape_tracker() { if (m_trackers.empty()) return; int i = m_last_working_tracker; if (i == -1) i = 0; tracker_request req; req.info_hash = m_torrent_file->info_hash(); req.kind = tracker_request::scrape_request; req.url = m_trackers[i].url; m_ses.m_tracker_manager.queue_request(m_ses.m_io_service, m_ses.m_half_open, req , tracker_login(), m_ses.m_listen_interface.address(), shared_from_this()); m_last_scrape = time_now(); } void torrent::tracker_warning(tracker_request const& req, std::string const& msg) { session_impl::mutex_t::scoped_lock l(m_ses.m_mutex); INVARIANT_CHECK; if (m_ses.m_alerts.should_post()) m_ses.m_alerts.post_alert(tracker_warning_alert(get_handle(), req.url, msg)); } void torrent::tracker_scrape_response(tracker_request const& req , int complete, int incomplete, int downloaded) { session_impl::mutex_t::scoped_lock l(m_ses.m_mutex); INVARIANT_CHECK; TORRENT_ASSERT(req.kind == tracker_request::scrape_request); if (complete >= 0) m_complete = complete; if (incomplete >= 0) m_incomplete = incomplete; if (m_ses.m_alerts.should_post()) { m_ses.m_alerts.post_alert(scrape_reply_alert( get_handle(), m_incomplete, m_complete, req.url)); } } void torrent::tracker_response( tracker_request const& r , address const& tracker_ip , std::vector& peer_list , int interval , int complete , int incomplete , address const& external_ip) { session_impl::mutex_t::scoped_lock l(m_ses.m_mutex); INVARIANT_CHECK; TORRENT_ASSERT(r.kind == tracker_request::announce_request); if (external_ip != address()) m_ses.set_external_address(external_ip); ptime now = time_now(); if (interval < m_settings.min_announce_interval) interval = m_settings.min_announce_interval; announce_entry* ae = find_tracker(r); if (ae) { if (!ae->start_sent && r.event == tracker_request::started) ae->start_sent = true; if (!ae->complete_sent && r.event == tracker_request::completed) ae->complete_sent = true; ae->verified = true; ae->updating = false; ae->fails = 0; ae->next_announce = now + seconds(interval); int tracker_index = ae - &m_trackers[0]; m_last_working_tracker = prioritize_tracker(tracker_index); } update_tracker_timer(); if (complete >= 0) m_complete = complete; if (incomplete >= 0) m_incomplete = incomplete; if (complete >= 0 && incomplete >= 0) m_last_scrape = now; #if defined TORRENT_VERBOSE_LOGGING || defined TORRENT_LOGGING std::stringstream s; s << "TRACKER RESPONSE:\n" "interval: " << interval << "\n" "peers:\n"; for (std::vector::const_iterator i = peer_list.begin(); i != peer_list.end(); ++i) { s << " " << std::setfill(' ') << std::setw(16) << i->ip << " " << std::setw(5) << std::dec << i->port << " "; if (!i->pid.is_all_zeros()) s << " " << i->pid << " " << identify_client(i->pid); s << "\n"; } s << "external ip: " << external_ip << "\n"; debug_log(s.str()); #endif // for each of the peers we got from the tracker for (std::vector::iterator i = peer_list.begin(); i != peer_list.end(); ++i) { // don't make connections to ourself if (i->pid == m_ses.get_peer_id()) continue; error_code ec; tcp::endpoint a(address::from_string(i->ip, ec), i->port); if (ec) { // assume this is because we got a hostname instead of // an ip address from the tracker tcp::resolver::query q(i->ip, to_string(i->port).elems); m_host_resolver.async_resolve(q, bind(&torrent::on_peer_name_lookup, shared_from_this(), _1, _2, i->pid)); } else { // ignore local addresses from the tracker (unless the tracker is local too) if (is_local(a.address()) && !is_local(tracker_ip)) continue; m_policy.peer_from_tracker(a, i->pid, peer_info::tracker, 0); } } if (m_ses.m_alerts.should_post()) { m_ses.m_alerts.post_alert(tracker_reply_alert( get_handle(), peer_list.size(), r.url)); } m_got_tracker_response = true; } void torrent::on_peer_name_lookup(error_code const& e, tcp::resolver::iterator host , peer_id pid) { session_impl::mutex_t::scoped_lock l(m_ses.m_mutex); INVARIANT_CHECK; if (e || host == tcp::resolver::iterator() || m_ses.is_aborted()) return; if (m_ses.m_ip_filter.access(host->endpoint().address()) & ip_filter::blocked) { #if defined TORRENT_VERBOSE_LOGGING || defined TORRENT_LOGGING || defined TORRENT_ERROR_LOGGING error_code ec; debug_log("blocked ip from tracker: " + host->endpoint().address().to_string(ec)); #endif if (m_ses.m_alerts.should_post()) { m_ses.m_alerts.post_alert(peer_blocked_alert(host->endpoint().address())); } return; } m_policy.peer_from_tracker(*host, pid, peer_info::tracker, 0); } size_type torrent::bytes_left() const { // if we don't have the metadata yet, we // cannot tell how big the torrent is. if (!valid_metadata()) return -1; return m_torrent_file->total_size() - quantized_bytes_done(); } size_type torrent::quantized_bytes_done() const { // INVARIANT_CHECK; if (!valid_metadata()) return 0; if (m_torrent_file->num_pieces() == 0) return 0; if (is_seed()) return m_torrent_file->total_size(); const int last_piece = m_torrent_file->num_pieces() - 1; size_type total_done = size_type(num_have()) * m_torrent_file->piece_length(); // if we have the last piece, we have to correct // the amount we have, since the first calculation // assumed all pieces were of equal size if (m_picker->have_piece(last_piece)) { int corr = m_torrent_file->piece_size(last_piece) - m_torrent_file->piece_length(); total_done += corr; } return total_done; } // returns the number of bytes we are interested // in for the given block. This returns m_block_size // for all blocks except the last one (if it's smaller // than m_block_size) and blocks that overlap a padding // file int torrent::block_bytes_wanted(piece_block const& p) const { file_storage const& fs = m_torrent_file->files(); int piece_size = m_torrent_file->piece_size(p.piece_index); int offset = p.block_index * m_block_size; if (m_padding == 0) return (std::min)(piece_size - offset, m_block_size); std::vector files = fs.map_block( p.piece_index, offset, (std::min)(piece_size - offset, m_block_size)); int ret = 0; for (std::vector::iterator i = files.begin() , end(files.end()); i != end; ++i) { file_entry const& fe = fs.at(i->file_index); if (fe.pad_file) continue; ret += i->size; } TORRENT_ASSERT(ret <= (std::min)(piece_size - offset, m_block_size)); return ret; } // fills in total_wanted, total_wanted_done and total_done void torrent::bytes_done(torrent_status& st) const { INVARIANT_CHECK; st.total_done = 0; st.total_wanted_done = 0; st.total_wanted = m_torrent_file->total_size(); TORRENT_ASSERT(st.total_wanted >= m_padding); TORRENT_ASSERT(st.total_wanted >= 0); if (!valid_metadata() || m_torrent_file->num_pieces() == 0) return; TORRENT_ASSERT(st.total_wanted >= m_torrent_file->piece_length() * (m_torrent_file->num_pieces() - 1)); const int last_piece = m_torrent_file->num_pieces() - 1; const int piece_size = m_torrent_file->piece_length(); if (is_seed()) { st.total_done = m_torrent_file->total_size() - m_padding; st.total_wanted_done = st.total_done; st.total_wanted = st.total_done; return; } TORRENT_ASSERT(num_have() >= m_picker->num_have_filtered()); st.total_wanted_done = size_type(num_have() - m_picker->num_have_filtered()) * piece_size; TORRENT_ASSERT(st.total_wanted_done >= 0); st.total_done = size_type(num_have()) * piece_size; TORRENT_ASSERT(num_have() < m_torrent_file->num_pieces()); int num_filtered_pieces = m_picker->num_filtered() + m_picker->num_have_filtered(); int last_piece_index = m_torrent_file->num_pieces() - 1; if (m_picker->piece_priority(last_piece_index) == 0) { st.total_wanted -= m_torrent_file->piece_size(last_piece_index); --num_filtered_pieces; } st.total_wanted -= size_type(num_filtered_pieces) * piece_size; // if we have the last piece, we have to correct // the amount we have, since the first calculation // assumed all pieces were of equal size if (m_picker->have_piece(last_piece)) { TORRENT_ASSERT(st.total_done >= piece_size); int corr = m_torrent_file->piece_size(last_piece) - piece_size; TORRENT_ASSERT(corr <= 0); TORRENT_ASSERT(corr > -piece_size); st.total_done += corr; if (m_picker->piece_priority(last_piece) != 0) { TORRENT_ASSERT(st.total_wanted_done >= piece_size); st.total_wanted_done += corr; } } TORRENT_ASSERT(st.total_wanted >= st.total_wanted_done); // subtract padding files if (m_padding > 0) { file_storage const& files = m_torrent_file->files(); int fileno = 0; for (file_storage::iterator i = files.begin() , end(files.end()); i != end; ++i, ++fileno) { if (!i->pad_file) continue; peer_request p = files.map_file(fileno, 0, i->size); for (int j = p.piece; p.length > 0; ++j, p.length -= piece_size) { int deduction = (std::min)(p.length, piece_size); bool done = m_picker->have_piece(j); bool wanted = m_picker->piece_priority(j) > 0; if (done) st.total_done -= deduction; if (wanted) st.total_wanted -= deduction; if (wanted && done) st.total_wanted_done -= deduction; } } } TORRENT_ASSERT(st.total_done <= m_torrent_file->total_size() - m_padding); TORRENT_ASSERT(st.total_wanted_done <= m_torrent_file->total_size() - m_padding); TORRENT_ASSERT(st.total_wanted_done >= 0); TORRENT_ASSERT(st.total_done >= st.total_wanted_done); const std::vector& dl_queue = m_picker->get_download_queue(); const int blocks_per_piece = (piece_size + m_block_size - 1) / m_block_size; // look at all unfinished pieces and add the completed // blocks to our 'done' counter for (std::vector::const_iterator i = dl_queue.begin(); i != dl_queue.end(); ++i) { int corr = 0; int index = i->index; // completed pieces are already accounted for if (m_picker->have_piece(index)) continue; TORRENT_ASSERT(i->finished <= m_picker->blocks_in_piece(index)); #ifdef TORRENT_DEBUG for (std::vector::const_iterator j = boost::next(i); j != dl_queue.end(); ++j) { TORRENT_ASSERT(j->index != index); } #endif for (int j = 0; j < blocks_per_piece; ++j) { TORRENT_ASSERT(m_picker->is_finished(piece_block(index, j)) == (i->info[j].state == piece_picker::block_info::state_finished)); if (i->info[j].state == piece_picker::block_info::state_finished) { corr += block_bytes_wanted(piece_block(index, j)); } TORRENT_ASSERT(corr >= 0); TORRENT_ASSERT(index != last_piece || j < m_picker->blocks_in_last_piece() || i->info[j].state != piece_picker::block_info::state_finished); } st.total_done += corr; if (m_picker->piece_priority(index) > 0) st.total_wanted_done += corr; } TORRENT_ASSERT(st.total_wanted <= m_torrent_file->total_size() - m_padding); TORRENT_ASSERT(st.total_done <= m_torrent_file->total_size() - m_padding); TORRENT_ASSERT(st.total_wanted_done <= m_torrent_file->total_size() - m_padding); TORRENT_ASSERT(st.total_wanted_done >= 0); TORRENT_ASSERT(st.total_done >= st.total_wanted_done); std::map downloading_piece; for (const_peer_iterator i = begin(); i != end(); ++i) { peer_connection* pc = *i; boost::optional p = pc->downloading_piece_progress(); if (!p) continue; if (m_picker->have_piece(p->piece_index)) continue; piece_block block(p->piece_index, p->block_index); if (m_picker->is_finished(block)) continue; std::map::iterator dp = downloading_piece.find(block); if (dp != downloading_piece.end()) { if (dp->second < p->bytes_downloaded) dp->second = p->bytes_downloaded; } else { downloading_piece[block] = p->bytes_downloaded; } #ifdef TORRENT_DEBUG TORRENT_ASSERT(p->bytes_downloaded <= p->full_block_bytes); if (p->piece_index == last_piece_index && p->block_index == m_torrent_file->piece_size(last_piece) / block_size()) TORRENT_ASSERT(p->full_block_bytes == m_torrent_file->piece_size(last_piece) % block_size()); else TORRENT_ASSERT(p->full_block_bytes == block_size()); #endif } for (std::map::iterator i = downloading_piece.begin(); i != downloading_piece.end(); ++i) { int done = (std::min)(block_bytes_wanted(i->first), i->second); st.total_done += done; if (m_picker->piece_priority(i->first.piece_index) != 0) st.total_wanted_done += done; } TORRENT_ASSERT(st.total_done <= m_torrent_file->total_size() - m_padding); TORRENT_ASSERT(st.total_wanted_done <= m_torrent_file->total_size() - m_padding); #ifdef TORRENT_DEBUG if (st.total_done >= m_torrent_file->total_size()) { // Thist happens when a piece has been downloaded completely // but not yet verified against the hash std::cerr << "num_have: " << num_have() << std::endl; std::cerr << "unfinished:" << std::endl; for (std::vector::const_iterator i = dl_queue.begin(); i != dl_queue.end(); ++i) { std::cerr << " " << i->index << " "; for (int j = 0; j < blocks_per_piece; ++j) { std::cerr << (i->info[j].state == piece_picker::block_info::state_finished ? "1" : "0"); } std::cerr << std::endl; } std::cerr << "downloading pieces:" << std::endl; for (std::map::iterator i = downloading_piece.begin(); i != downloading_piece.end(); ++i) { std::cerr << " " << i->first.piece_index << ":" << i->first.block_index << " " << i->second << std::endl; } } TORRENT_ASSERT(st.total_done <= m_torrent_file->total_size()); TORRENT_ASSERT(st.total_wanted_done <= m_torrent_file->total_size()); #endif TORRENT_ASSERT(st.total_done >= st.total_wanted_done); } // passed_hash_check // 0: success, piece passed check // -1: disk failure // -2: piece failed check void torrent::piece_finished(int index, int passed_hash_check) { session_impl::mutex_t::scoped_lock l(m_ses.m_mutex); #if defined TORRENT_VERBOSE_LOGGING || defined TORRENT_LOGGING (*m_ses.m_logger) << time_now_string() << " *** PIECE_FINISHED [ p: " << index << " chk: " << ((passed_hash_check == 0) ?"passed":passed_hash_check == -1 ?"disk failed":"failed") << " ]\n"; #endif TORRENT_ASSERT(valid_metadata()); if (passed_hash_check == 0) { // the following call may cause picker to become invalid // in case we just became a seed piece_passed(index); // if we're in seed mode, we just acquired this piece // mark it as verified if (m_seed_mode) verified(index); } else if (passed_hash_check == -2) { // piece_failed() will restore the piece piece_failed(index); } else { TORRENT_ASSERT(passed_hash_check == -1); m_picker->restore_piece(index); restore_piece_state(index); } } void torrent::update_sparse_piece_prio(int i, int start, int end) { TORRENT_ASSERT(m_picker); if (m_picker->have_piece(i) || m_picker->piece_priority(i) == 0) return; bool have_before = i == 0 || m_picker->have_piece(i - 1); bool have_after = i == end - 1 || m_picker->have_piece(i + 1); if (have_after && have_before) m_picker->set_piece_priority(i, 7); else if (have_after || have_before) m_picker->set_piece_priority(i, 6); } void torrent::piece_passed(int index) { // INVARIANT_CHECK; TORRENT_ASSERT(index >= 0); TORRENT_ASSERT(index < m_torrent_file->num_pieces()); if (m_ses.m_alerts.should_post()) { m_ses.m_alerts.post_alert(piece_finished_alert(get_handle() , index)); } remove_time_critical_piece(index, true); bool was_finished = m_picker->num_filtered() + num_have() == torrent_file().num_pieces(); std::vector downloaders; m_picker->get_downloaders(downloaders, index); // increase the trust point of all peers that sent // parts of this piece. std::set peers; std::copy(downloaders.begin(), downloaders.end(), std::inserter(peers, peers.begin())); m_picker->we_have(index); for (peer_iterator i = m_connections.begin(); i != m_connections.end();) { peer_connection* p = *i; ++i; p->announce_piece(index); } for (std::set::iterator i = peers.begin() , end(peers.end()); i != end; ++i) { policy::peer* p = static_cast(*i); if (p == 0) continue; p->on_parole = false; ++p->trust_points; // TODO: make this limit user settable if (p->trust_points > 20) p->trust_points = 20; if (p->connection) p->connection->received_valid_data(index); } if (settings().max_sparse_regions > 0 && m_picker->sparse_regions() > settings().max_sparse_regions) { // we have too many sparse regions. Prioritize pieces // that won't introduce new sparse regions // prioritize pieces that will reduce the number of sparse // regions even higher int start = m_picker->cursor(); int end = m_picker->reverse_cursor(); if (index > start) update_sparse_piece_prio(index - 1, start, end); if (index < end - 1) update_sparse_piece_prio(index + 1, start, end); } #ifndef TORRENT_DISABLE_EXTENSIONS for (extension_list_t::iterator i = m_extensions.begin() , end(m_extensions.end()); i != end; ++i) { #ifndef BOOST_NO_EXCEPTIONS try { #endif (*i)->on_piece_pass(index); #ifndef BOOST_NO_EXCEPTIONS } catch (std::exception&) {} #endif } #endif // since this piece just passed, we might have // become uninterested in some peers where this // was the last piece we were interested in for (peer_iterator i = m_connections.begin(); i != m_connections.end();) { peer_connection* p = *i; // update_interest may disconnect the peer and // invalidate the iterator ++i; // if we're not interested already, no need to check if (!p->is_interesting()) continue; // if the peer doesn't have the piece we just got, it // wouldn't affect our interest if (!p->has_piece(index)) continue; p->update_interest(); } if (!was_finished && is_finished()) { // torrent finished // i.e. all the pieces we're interested in have // been downloaded. Release the files (they will open // in read only mode if needed) finished(); // if we just became a seed, picker is now invalid, since it // is deallocated by the torrent once it starts seeding } } void torrent::piece_failed(int index) { // if the last piece fails the peer connection will still // think that it has received all of it until this function // resets the download queue. So, we cannot do the // invariant check here since it assumes: // (total_done == m_torrent_file->total_size()) => is_seed() INVARIANT_CHECK; TORRENT_ASSERT(m_storage); TORRENT_ASSERT(m_storage->refcount() > 0); TORRENT_ASSERT(m_picker.get()); TORRENT_ASSERT(index >= 0); TORRENT_ASSERT(index < m_torrent_file->num_pieces()); if (m_ses.m_alerts.should_post()) m_ses.m_alerts.post_alert(hash_failed_alert(get_handle(), index)); // increase the total amount of failed bytes add_failed_bytes(m_torrent_file->piece_size(index)); std::vector downloaders; m_picker->get_downloaders(downloaders, index); // decrease the trust point of all peers that sent // parts of this piece. // first, build a set of all peers that participated std::set peers; std::copy(downloaders.begin(), downloaders.end(), std::inserter(peers, peers.begin())); #ifdef TORRENT_DEBUG for (std::vector::iterator i = downloaders.begin() , end(downloaders.end()); i != end; ++i) { policy::peer* p = (policy::peer*)*i; if (p && p->connection) { p->connection->piece_failed = true; } } #endif #ifndef TORRENT_DISABLE_EXTENSIONS for (extension_list_t::iterator i = m_extensions.begin() , end(m_extensions.end()); i != end; ++i) { #ifndef BOOST_NO_EXCEPTIONS try { #endif (*i)->on_piece_failed(index); #ifndef BOOST_NO_EXCEPTIONS } catch (std::exception&) {} #endif } #endif for (std::set::iterator i = peers.begin() , end(peers.end()); i != end; ++i) { policy::peer* p = static_cast(*i); if (p == 0) continue; if (p->connection) p->connection->received_invalid_data(index); // either, we have received too many failed hashes // or this was the only peer that sent us this piece. // TODO: make this a changable setting if (p->trust_points <= -7 || peers.size() == 1) { // we don't trust this peer anymore // ban it. if (m_ses.m_alerts.should_post()) { peer_id pid(0); if (p->connection) pid = p->connection->pid(); m_ses.m_alerts.post_alert(peer_ban_alert( get_handle(), p->ip(), pid)); } // mark the peer as banned p->banned = true; if (p->connection) { #ifdef TORRENT_LOGGING (*m_ses.m_logger) << time_now_string() << " *** BANNING PEER [ " << p->ip() << " ] 'too many corrupt pieces'\n"; #endif #if defined TORRENT_VERBOSE_LOGGING || defined TORRENT_ERROR_LOGGING (*p->connection->m_logger) << "*** BANNING PEER [ " << p->ip() << " ] 'too many corrupt pieces'\n"; #endif p->connection->disconnect("too many corrupt pieces, banning peer"); } } } // we have to let the piece_picker know that // this piece failed the check as it can restore it // and mark it as being interesting for download // TODO: do this more intelligently! and keep track // of how much crap (data that failed hash-check) and // how much redundant data we have downloaded // if some clients has sent more than one piece // start with redownloading the pieces that the client // that has sent the least number of pieces m_picker->restore_piece(index); restore_piece_state(index); TORRENT_ASSERT(m_storage); TORRENT_ASSERT(m_picker->have_piece(index) == false); #ifdef TORRENT_DEBUG for (std::vector::iterator i = downloaders.begin() , end(downloaders.end()); i != end; ++i) { policy::peer* p = (policy::peer*)*i; if (p && p->connection) { p->connection->piece_failed = false; } } #endif } void torrent::restore_piece_state(int index) { TORRENT_ASSERT(has_picker()); for (peer_iterator i = m_connections.begin(); i != m_connections.end(); ++i) { peer_connection* p = *i; std::vector const& dq = p->download_queue(); std::vector const& rq = p->request_queue(); for (std::vector::const_iterator k = dq.begin() , end(dq.end()); k != end; ++k) { if (k->block.piece_index != index) continue; m_picker->mark_as_downloading(k->block, p->peer_info_struct() , (piece_picker::piece_state_t)p->peer_speed()); } for (std::vector::const_iterator k = rq.begin() , end(rq.end()); k != end; ++k) { if (k->piece_index != index) continue; m_picker->mark_as_downloading(*k, p->peer_info_struct() , (piece_picker::piece_state_t)p->peer_speed()); } } } void torrent::abort() { INVARIANT_CHECK; if (m_abort) return; m_abort = true; // if the torrent is paused, it doesn't need // to announce with even=stopped again. if (!is_paused()) { stop_announcing(); } #if defined TORRENT_VERBOSE_LOGGING || defined TORRENT_ERROR_LOGGING for (peer_iterator i = m_connections.begin(); i != m_connections.end(); ++i) { (*(*i)->m_logger) << "*** ABORTING TORRENT\n"; } #endif // disconnect all peers and close all // files belonging to the torrents disconnect_all(); if (m_owning_storage.get()) { m_storage->async_release_files( bind(&torrent::on_files_released, shared_from_this(), _1, _2)); m_storage->abort_disk_io(); } dequeue_torrent_check(); if (m_state == torrent_status::checking_files) set_state(torrent_status::queued_for_checking); m_owning_storage = 0; m_host_resolver.cancel(); } void torrent::super_seeding(bool on) { if (on == m_super_seeding) return; // don't turn on super seeding if we're not a seed TORRENT_ASSERT(!on || is_seed() || !m_files_checked); if (on && !is_seed() && m_files_checked) return; m_super_seeding = on; if (m_super_seeding) return; // disable super seeding for all peers for (peer_iterator i = begin(); i != end(); ++i) { (*i)->superseed_piece(-1); } } int torrent::get_piece_to_super_seed(bitfield const& bits) { // return a piece with low availability that is not in // the bitfield and that is not currently being super // seeded by any peer TORRENT_ASSERT(m_super_seeding); // do a linear search from the first piece int min_availability = 9999; std::vector avail_vec; for (int i = 0; i < m_torrent_file->num_pieces(); ++i) { if (bits[i]) continue; int availability = 0; for (const_peer_iterator j = begin(); j != end(); ++j) { if ((*j)->superseed_piece() == i) { // avoid superseeding the same piece to more than one // peer if we can avoid it. Do this by artificially // increase the availability availability = 999; break; } if ((*j)->has_piece(i)) ++availability; } if (availability > min_availability) continue; if (availability == min_availability) { avail_vec.push_back(i); continue; } TORRENT_ASSERT(availability < min_availability); min_availability = availability; avail_vec.clear(); avail_vec.push_back(i); } if (min_availability > 1) { // if the minimum availability is 2 or more, // we shouldn't be super seeding any more super_seeding(false); return -1; } return avail_vec[rand() % avail_vec.size()]; } void torrent::on_files_deleted(int ret, disk_io_job const& j) { session_impl::mutex_t::scoped_lock l(m_ses.m_mutex); if (ret != 0) { if (alerts().should_post()) alerts().post_alert(torrent_delete_failed_alert(get_handle(), j.str)); } else { if (alerts().should_post()) alerts().post_alert(torrent_deleted_alert(get_handle())); } } void torrent::on_files_released(int ret, disk_io_job const& j) { /* session_impl::mutex_t::scoped_lock l(m_ses.m_mutex); if (alerts().should_post()) { alerts().post_alert(torrent_paused_alert(get_handle())); } */ } void torrent::on_save_resume_data(int ret, disk_io_job const& j) { session_impl::mutex_t::scoped_lock l(m_ses.m_mutex); if (!j.resume_data && alerts().should_post()) { alerts().post_alert(save_resume_data_failed_alert(get_handle(), j.str)); return; } if (j.resume_data && alerts().should_post()) { write_resume_data(*j.resume_data); alerts().post_alert(save_resume_data_alert(j.resume_data , get_handle())); } } void torrent::on_file_renamed(int ret, disk_io_job const& j) { session_impl::mutex_t::scoped_lock l(m_ses.m_mutex); { if (ret == 0) { if (alerts().should_post()) alerts().post_alert(file_renamed_alert(get_handle(), j.str, j.piece)); m_torrent_file->rename_file(j.piece, j.str); } else { if (alerts().should_post()) alerts().post_alert(file_rename_failed_alert(get_handle(), j.str, j.piece)); } } } void torrent::on_torrent_paused(int ret, disk_io_job const& j) { session_impl::mutex_t::scoped_lock l(m_ses.m_mutex); if (alerts().should_post()) alerts().post_alert(torrent_paused_alert(get_handle())); } std::string torrent::tracker_login() const { if (m_username.empty() && m_password.empty()) return ""; return m_username + ":" + m_password; } void torrent::set_piece_deadline(int piece, time_duration t, int flags) { ptime deadline = time_now() + t; if (is_seed() || m_picker->have_piece(piece)) { if (flags & torrent_handle::alert_when_available) read_piece(piece); return; } for (std::list::iterator i = m_time_critical_pieces.begin() , end(m_time_critical_pieces.end()); i != end; ++i) { if (i->piece != piece) continue; i->deadline = deadline; i->flags = flags; // resort i since deadline might have changed while (boost::next(i) != m_time_critical_pieces.end() && i->deadline > boost::next(i)->deadline) { std::iter_swap(i, boost::next(i)); ++i; } while (i != m_time_critical_pieces.begin() && i->deadline < boost::prior(i)->deadline) { std::iter_swap(i, boost::next(i)); --i; } return; } time_critical_piece p; p.first_requested = min_time(); p.last_requested = min_time(); p.flags = flags; p.deadline = deadline; p.peers = 0; p.piece = piece; std::list::iterator i = std::upper_bound(m_time_critical_pieces.begin() , m_time_critical_pieces.end(), p); m_time_critical_pieces.insert(i, p); } void torrent::remove_time_critical_piece(int piece, bool finished) { for (std::list::iterator i = m_time_critical_pieces.begin() , end(m_time_critical_pieces.end()); i != end; ++i) { if (i->piece != piece) continue; if (finished) { if (i->flags & torrent_handle::alert_when_available) { read_piece(i->piece); } // update the average download time and average // download time deviation time_duration dl_time = time_now() - i->first_requested; if (m_average_piece_time == seconds(0)) { m_average_piece_time = dl_time; } else { time_duration diff = time_duration(dl_time.diff - m_average_piece_time.diff); if (m_piece_time_deviation == seconds(0)) m_piece_time_deviation = diff; else m_piece_time_deviation = m_piece_time_deviation * 0.6f + diff * 0.4; m_average_piece_time = m_average_piece_time * 0.6f + dl_time * 0.4f; } } m_time_critical_pieces.erase(i); return; } } // remove time critical pieces where priority is 0 void torrent::remove_time_critical_pieces(std::vector const& priority) { for (std::list::iterator i = m_time_critical_pieces.begin(); i != m_time_critical_pieces.end();) { if (priority[i->piece] == 0) { i = m_time_critical_pieces.erase(i); continue; } ++i; } } void torrent::piece_availability(std::vector& avail) const { INVARIANT_CHECK; TORRENT_ASSERT(valid_metadata()); if (is_seed()) { avail.clear(); return; } m_picker->get_availability(avail); } void torrent::set_piece_priority(int index, int priority) { // INVARIANT_CHECK; TORRENT_ASSERT(valid_metadata()); if (is_seed()) return; // this call is only valid on torrents with metadata TORRENT_ASSERT(m_picker.get()); TORRENT_ASSERT(index >= 0); TORRENT_ASSERT(index < m_torrent_file->num_pieces()); bool was_finished = is_finished(); bool filter_updated = m_picker->set_piece_priority(index, priority); TORRENT_ASSERT(num_have() >= m_picker->num_have_filtered()); if (filter_updated) { update_peer_interest(was_finished); if (priority == 0) remove_time_critical_piece(index); } } int torrent::piece_priority(int index) const { // INVARIANT_CHECK; TORRENT_ASSERT(valid_metadata()); if (is_seed()) return 1; // this call is only valid on torrents with metadata TORRENT_ASSERT(m_picker.get()); TORRENT_ASSERT(index >= 0); TORRENT_ASSERT(index < m_torrent_file->num_pieces()); return m_picker->piece_priority(index); } void torrent::prioritize_pieces(std::vector const& pieces) { INVARIANT_CHECK; // this call is only valid on torrents with metadata TORRENT_ASSERT(valid_metadata()); if (is_seed()) return; TORRENT_ASSERT(m_picker.get()); int index = 0; bool filter_updated = false; bool was_finished = is_finished(); for (std::vector::const_iterator i = pieces.begin() , end(pieces.end()); i != end; ++i, ++index) { TORRENT_ASSERT(*i >= 0); TORRENT_ASSERT(*i <= 7); filter_updated |= m_picker->set_piece_priority(index, *i); TORRENT_ASSERT(num_have() >= m_picker->num_have_filtered()); } if (filter_updated) { update_peer_interest(was_finished); remove_time_critical_pieces(pieces); } } void torrent::piece_priorities(std::vector& pieces) const { INVARIANT_CHECK; // this call is only valid on torrents with metadata TORRENT_ASSERT(valid_metadata()); if (is_seed()) { pieces.clear(); pieces.resize(m_torrent_file->num_pieces(), 1); return; } TORRENT_ASSERT(m_picker.get()); m_picker->piece_priorities(pieces); } namespace { void set_if_greater(int& piece_prio, int file_prio) { if (file_prio > piece_prio) piece_prio = file_prio; } } void torrent::prioritize_files(std::vector const& files) { INVARIANT_CHECK; // this call is only valid on torrents with metadata if (!valid_metadata() || is_seed()) return; // the bitmask need to have exactly one bit for every file // in the torrent TORRENT_ASSERT(int(files.size()) == m_torrent_file->num_files()); if (m_torrent_file->num_pieces() == 0) return; std::copy(files.begin(), files.end(), m_file_priority.begin()); update_piece_priorities(); } void torrent::set_file_priority(int index, int prio) { INVARIANT_CHECK; TORRENT_ASSERT(index < m_torrent_file->num_files()); TORRENT_ASSERT(index >= 0); if (m_file_priority[index] == prio) return; m_file_priority[index] = prio; update_piece_priorities(); } int torrent::file_priority(int index) const { TORRENT_ASSERT(index < m_torrent_file->num_files()); TORRENT_ASSERT(index >= 0); return m_file_priority[index]; } void torrent::file_priorities(std::vector& files) const { INVARIANT_CHECK; files.resize(m_file_priority.size()); std::copy(m_file_priority.begin(), m_file_priority.end(), files.begin()); } void torrent::update_piece_priorities() { INVARIANT_CHECK; if (m_torrent_file->num_pieces() == 0) return; size_type position = 0; int piece_length = m_torrent_file->piece_length(); // initialize the piece priorities to 0, then only allow // setting higher priorities std::vector pieces(m_torrent_file->num_pieces(), 0); for (int i = 0; i < int(m_file_priority.size()); ++i) { size_type start = position; size_type size = m_torrent_file->files().at(i).size; if (size == 0) continue; position += size; if (m_file_priority[i] == 0) continue; // mark all pieces of the file with this file's priority // but only if the priority is higher than the pieces // already set (to avoid problems with overlapping pieces) int start_piece = int(start / piece_length); int last_piece = int((position - 1) / piece_length); TORRENT_ASSERT(last_piece < int(pieces.size())); // if one piece spans several files, we might // come here several times with the same start_piece, end_piece std::for_each(pieces.begin() + start_piece , pieces.begin() + last_piece + 1 , bind(&set_if_greater, _1, m_file_priority[i])); } prioritize_pieces(pieces); } // this is called when piece priorities have been updated // updates the interested flag in peers void torrent::update_peer_interest(bool was_finished) { for (peer_iterator i = begin(); i != end();) { peer_connection* p = *i; // update_interest may disconnect the peer and // invalidate the iterator ++i; p->update_interest(); } // the torrent just became finished if (is_finished() && !was_finished) { finished(); } else if (!is_finished() && was_finished) { // if we used to be finished, but we aren't anymore // we may need to connect to peers again resume_download(); m_policy.recalculate_connect_candidates(); } } void torrent::filter_piece(int index, bool filter) { INVARIANT_CHECK; TORRENT_ASSERT(valid_metadata()); if (is_seed()) return; // this call is only valid on torrents with metadata TORRENT_ASSERT(m_picker.get()); TORRENT_ASSERT(index >= 0); TORRENT_ASSERT(index < m_torrent_file->num_pieces()); bool was_finished = is_finished(); m_picker->set_piece_priority(index, filter ? 1 : 0); update_peer_interest(was_finished); } void torrent::filter_pieces(std::vector const& bitmask) { INVARIANT_CHECK; // this call is only valid on torrents with metadata TORRENT_ASSERT(valid_metadata()); if (is_seed()) return; TORRENT_ASSERT(m_picker.get()); bool was_finished = is_finished(); int index = 0; for (std::vector::const_iterator i = bitmask.begin() , end(bitmask.end()); i != end; ++i, ++index) { if ((m_picker->piece_priority(index) == 0) == *i) continue; if (*i) m_picker->set_piece_priority(index, 0); else m_picker->set_piece_priority(index, 1); } update_peer_interest(was_finished); } bool torrent::is_piece_filtered(int index) const { // this call is only valid on torrents with metadata TORRENT_ASSERT(valid_metadata()); if (is_seed()) return false; TORRENT_ASSERT(m_picker.get()); TORRENT_ASSERT(index >= 0); TORRENT_ASSERT(index < m_torrent_file->num_pieces()); return m_picker->piece_priority(index) == 0; } void torrent::filtered_pieces(std::vector& bitmask) const { INVARIANT_CHECK; // this call is only valid on torrents with metadata TORRENT_ASSERT(valid_metadata()); if (is_seed()) { bitmask.clear(); bitmask.resize(m_torrent_file->num_pieces(), false); return; } TORRENT_ASSERT(m_picker.get()); m_picker->filtered_pieces(bitmask); } void torrent::filter_files(std::vector const& bitmask) { INVARIANT_CHECK; // this call is only valid on torrents with metadata if (!valid_metadata() || is_seed()) return; // the bitmask need to have exactly one bit for every file // in the torrent TORRENT_ASSERT((int)bitmask.size() == m_torrent_file->num_files()); size_type position = 0; if (m_torrent_file->num_pieces()) { int piece_length = m_torrent_file->piece_length(); // mark all pieces as filtered, then clear the bits for files // that should be downloaded std::vector piece_filter(m_torrent_file->num_pieces(), true); for (int i = 0; i < (int)bitmask.size(); ++i) { size_type start = position; position += m_torrent_file->files().at(i).size; // is the file selected for download? if (!bitmask[i]) { // mark all pieces of the file as downloadable int start_piece = int(start / piece_length); int last_piece = int(position / piece_length); // if one piece spans several files, we might // come here several times with the same start_piece, end_piece std::fill(piece_filter.begin() + start_piece, piece_filter.begin() + last_piece + 1, false); } } filter_pieces(piece_filter); } } void torrent::replace_trackers(std::vector const& urls) { m_trackers = urls; m_last_working_tracker = -1; for (std::vector::iterator i = m_trackers.begin() , end(m_trackers.end()); i != end; ++i) if (i->source == 0) i->source = announce_entry::source_client; if (m_settings.prefer_udp_trackers) prioritize_udp_trackers(); if (!m_trackers.empty()) start_announcing(); else stop_announcing(); } void torrent::prioritize_udp_trackers() { // look for udp-trackers for (std::vector::iterator i = m_trackers.begin() , end(m_trackers.end()); i != end; ++i) { if (i->url.substr(0, 6) != "udp://") continue; // now, look for trackers with the same hostname // that is has higher priority than this one // if we find one, swap with the udp-tracker std::string udp_hostname; using boost::tuples::ignore; boost::tie(ignore, ignore, udp_hostname, ignore, ignore, ignore) = parse_url_components(i->url); for (std::vector::iterator j = m_trackers.begin(); j != i; ++j) { std::string hostname; boost::tie(ignore, ignore, hostname, ignore, ignore, ignore) = parse_url_components(j->url); if (hostname != udp_hostname) continue; if (j->url.substr(0, 6) == "udp://") continue; using std::swap; using std::iter_swap; swap(i->tier, j->tier); iter_swap(i, j); break; } } } void torrent::add_tracker(announce_entry const& url) { std::vector::iterator k = std::find_if(m_trackers.begin() , m_trackers.end(), boost::bind(&announce_entry::url, _1) == url.url); if (k != m_trackers.end()) { k->source |= url.source; return; } k = std::upper_bound(m_trackers.begin(), m_trackers.end(), url , boost::bind(&announce_entry::tier, _1) < boost::bind(&announce_entry::tier, _2)); if (k - m_trackers.begin() < m_last_working_tracker) ++m_last_working_tracker; k = m_trackers.insert(k, url); if (k->source == 0) k->source = announce_entry::source_client; if (!m_trackers.empty()) start_announcing(); } void torrent::choke_peer(peer_connection& c) { INVARIANT_CHECK; TORRENT_ASSERT(!c.is_choked()); TORRENT_ASSERT(!c.ignore_unchoke_slots()); TORRENT_ASSERT(m_num_uploads > 0); c.send_choke(); --m_num_uploads; } bool torrent::unchoke_peer(peer_connection& c) { INVARIANT_CHECK; TORRENT_ASSERT(c.is_choked()); TORRENT_ASSERT(!c.ignore_unchoke_slots()); if (m_num_uploads >= m_max_uploads) return false; if (!c.send_unchoke()) return false; ++m_num_uploads; return true; } void torrent::cancel_block(piece_block block) { INVARIANT_CHECK; for (peer_iterator i = m_connections.begin() , end(m_connections.end()); i != end; ++i) { (*i)->cancel_request(block); } } void torrent::remove_peer(peer_connection* p) { // INVARIANT_CHECK; TORRENT_ASSERT(p != 0); peer_iterator i = m_connections.find(p); if (i == m_connections.end()) { TORRENT_ASSERT(false); return; } if (ready_for_connections()) { TORRENT_ASSERT(p->associated_torrent().lock().get() == this); if (p->is_seed()) { if (m_picker.get()) { m_picker->dec_refcount_all(); } } else { if (m_picker.get()) { bitfield const& pieces = p->get_bitfield(); TORRENT_ASSERT(pieces.count() < int(pieces.size())); m_picker->dec_refcount(pieces); } } } if (!p->is_choked() && !p->ignore_unchoke_slots()) { --m_num_uploads; m_ses.m_unchoke_time_scaler = 0; } if (p->peer_info_struct() && p->peer_info_struct()->optimistically_unchoked) { m_ses.m_optimistic_unchoke_time_scaler = 0; } m_policy.connection_closed(*p); p->set_peer_info(0); TORRENT_ASSERT(i != m_connections.end()); m_connections.erase(i); // remove from bandwidth request-queue for (int c = 0; c < 2; ++c) { for (queue_t::iterator i = m_bandwidth_queue[c].begin() , end(m_bandwidth_queue[c].end()); i != end; ++i) { if (i->peer != p) continue; m_bandwidth_queue[c].erase(i); break; } } } void torrent::connect_to_url_seed(web_seed_entry const& web) { INVARIANT_CHECK; #if defined TORRENT_VERBOSE_LOGGING || defined TORRENT_LOGGING (*m_ses.m_logger) << time_now_string() << " resolving web seed: " << web.url << "\n"; #endif std::string protocol; std::string auth; std::string hostname; int port; std::string path; char const* error; boost::tie(protocol, auth, hostname, port, path, error) = parse_url_components(web.url); if (error) { #if defined TORRENT_VERBOSE_LOGGING || defined TORRENT_LOGGING (*m_ses.m_logger) << time_now_string() << " failed to parse web seed url: " << error << "\n"; #endif // never try it again m_web_seeds.erase(web); return; } #ifdef TORRENT_USE_OPENSSL if (protocol != "http" && protocol != "https") #else if (protocol != "http") #endif { if (m_ses.m_alerts.should_post()) { m_ses.m_alerts.post_alert( url_seed_alert(get_handle(), web.url, "unknown protocol")); } // never try it again m_web_seeds.erase(web); return; } if (hostname.empty()) { if (m_ses.m_alerts.should_post()) { m_ses.m_alerts.post_alert( url_seed_alert(get_handle(), web.url, "invalid hostname")); } // never try it again m_web_seeds.erase(web); return; } if (port == 0) { if (m_ses.m_alerts.should_post()) { m_ses.m_alerts.post_alert( url_seed_alert(get_handle(), web.url, "invalid port")); } // never try it again m_web_seeds.erase(web); return; } m_resolving_web_seeds.insert(web); proxy_settings const& ps = m_ses.web_seed_proxy(); if (ps.type == proxy_settings::http || ps.type == proxy_settings::http_pw) { // use proxy tcp::resolver::query q(ps.hostname, to_string(ps.port).elems); m_host_resolver.async_resolve(q, bind(&torrent::on_proxy_name_lookup, shared_from_this(), _1, _2, web)); } else { if (m_ses.m_port_filter.access(port) & port_filter::blocked) { if (m_ses.m_alerts.should_post()) { m_ses.m_alerts.post_alert( url_seed_alert(get_handle(), web.url, "port blocked by port-filter")); } // never try it again m_web_seeds.erase(web); return; } tcp::resolver::query q(hostname, to_string(port).elems); m_host_resolver.async_resolve(q, bind(&torrent::on_name_lookup, shared_from_this(), _1, _2, web , tcp::endpoint())); } } void torrent::on_proxy_name_lookup(error_code const& e, tcp::resolver::iterator host , web_seed_entry web) { session_impl::mutex_t::scoped_lock l(m_ses.m_mutex); INVARIANT_CHECK; #if defined TORRENT_VERBOSE_LOGGING || defined TORRENT_LOGGING (*m_ses.m_logger) << time_now_string() << " completed resolve proxy hostname for: " << web.url << "\n"; #endif if (m_abort) return; if (e || host == tcp::resolver::iterator()) { if (m_ses.m_alerts.should_post()) { m_ses.m_alerts.post_alert( url_seed_alert(get_handle(), web.url, e.message())); } // the name lookup failed for the http host. Don't try // this host again m_web_seeds.erase(web); return; } if (m_ses.is_aborted()) return; tcp::endpoint a(host->endpoint()); using boost::tuples::ignore; std::string hostname; int port; char const* error; boost::tie(ignore, ignore, hostname, port, ignore, error) = parse_url_components(web.url); if (error) { if (m_ses.m_alerts.should_post()) { m_ses.m_alerts.post_alert( url_seed_alert(get_handle(), web.url, error)); } m_web_seeds.erase(web); return; } if (m_ses.m_ip_filter.access(a.address()) & ip_filter::blocked) { if (m_ses.m_alerts.should_post()) m_ses.m_alerts.post_alert(peer_blocked_alert(a.address())); return; } tcp::resolver::query q(hostname, to_string(port).elems); m_host_resolver.async_resolve(q, bind(&torrent::on_name_lookup, shared_from_this(), _1, _2, web, a)); } void torrent::on_name_lookup(error_code const& e, tcp::resolver::iterator host , web_seed_entry web, tcp::endpoint proxy) { session_impl::mutex_t::scoped_lock l(m_ses.m_mutex); INVARIANT_CHECK; #if defined TORRENT_VERBOSE_LOGGING || defined TORRENT_LOGGING (*m_ses.m_logger) << time_now_string() << " completed resolve: " << web.url << "\n"; #endif if (m_abort) return; std::set::iterator i = m_resolving_web_seeds.find(web); if (i != m_resolving_web_seeds.end()) m_resolving_web_seeds.erase(i); if (e || host == tcp::resolver::iterator()) { if (m_ses.m_alerts.should_post()) { std::stringstream msg; msg << "HTTP seed hostname lookup failed: " << e.message(); m_ses.m_alerts.post_alert( url_seed_alert(get_handle(), web.url, msg.str())); } #if defined TORRENT_VERBOSE_LOGGING || defined TORRENT_LOGGING || defined TORRENT_ERROR_LOGGING (*m_ses.m_logger) << " ** HOSTNAME LOOKUP FAILED!**: " << web.url << "\n"; #endif // the name lookup failed for the http host. Don't try // this host again m_web_seeds.erase(web); return; } if (m_ses.is_aborted()) return; tcp::endpoint a(host->endpoint()); if (m_ses.m_ip_filter.access(a.address()) & ip_filter::blocked) { if (m_ses.m_alerts.should_post()) m_ses.m_alerts.post_alert(peer_blocked_alert(a.address())); return; } boost::shared_ptr s(new (std::nothrow) socket_type(m_ses.m_io_service)); if (!s) return; bool ret = instantiate_connection(m_ses.m_io_service, m_ses.web_seed_proxy(), *s); (void)ret; TORRENT_ASSERT(ret); if (m_ses.web_seed_proxy().type == proxy_settings::http || m_ses.web_seed_proxy().type == proxy_settings::http_pw) { // the web seed connection will talk immediately to // the proxy, without requiring CONNECT support s->get()->set_no_connect(true); } boost::intrusive_ptr c; if (web.type == web_seed_entry::url_seed) { c = new (std::nothrow) web_peer_connection( m_ses, shared_from_this(), s, a, web.url, 0); } else if (web.type == web_seed_entry::http_seed) { c = new (std::nothrow) http_seed_connection( m_ses, shared_from_this(), s, a, web.url, 0); } if (!c) return; #ifdef TORRENT_DEBUG c->m_in_constructor = false; #endif #ifndef TORRENT_DISABLE_EXTENSIONS for (extension_list_t::iterator i = m_extensions.begin() , end(m_extensions.end()); i != end; ++i) { boost::shared_ptr pp((*i)->new_connection(c.get())); if (pp) c->add_extension(pp); } #endif #ifndef BOOST_NO_EXCEPTIONS try { #endif // add the newly connected peer to this torrent's peer list m_connections.insert(boost::get_pointer(c)); m_ses.m_connections.insert(c); c->start(); m_ses.m_half_open.enqueue( bind(&peer_connection::connect, c, _1) , bind(&peer_connection::timed_out, c) , seconds(settings().peer_connect_timeout)); #ifndef BOOST_NO_EXCEPTIONS } catch (std::exception& e) { #if defined TORRENT_VERBOSE_LOGGING || defined TORRENT_LOGGING || defined TORRENT_ERROR_LOGGING (*m_ses.m_logger) << " ** HOSTNAME LOOKUP FAILED!**: " << e.what() << "\n"; #endif c->disconnect(e.what(), 1); } #endif } #ifndef TORRENT_DISABLE_RESOLVE_COUNTRIES namespace { unsigned long swap_bytes(unsigned long a) { return (a >> 24) | ((a & 0xff0000) >> 8) | ((a & 0xff00) << 8) | (a << 24); } } void torrent::resolve_peer_country(boost::intrusive_ptr const& p) const { if (m_resolving_country || p->has_country() || p->is_connecting() || p->is_queued() || p->in_handshake() || p->remote().address().is_v6()) return; asio::ip::address_v4 reversed(swap_bytes(p->remote().address().to_v4().to_ulong())); error_code ec; tcp::resolver::query q(reversed.to_string(ec) + ".zz.countries.nerd.dk", "0"); if (ec) { p->set_country("!!"); return; } m_resolving_country = true; m_host_resolver.async_resolve(q, bind(&torrent::on_country_lookup, shared_from_this(), _1, _2, p)); } namespace { struct country_entry { int code; char const* name; }; } void torrent::on_country_lookup(error_code const& error, tcp::resolver::iterator i , intrusive_ptr p) const { session_impl::mutex_t::scoped_lock l(m_ses.m_mutex); INVARIANT_CHECK; m_resolving_country = false; if (m_abort) return; // must be ordered in increasing order static const country_entry country_map[] = { { 4, "AF"}, { 8, "AL"}, { 10, "AQ"}, { 12, "DZ"}, { 16, "AS"} , { 20, "AD"}, { 24, "AO"}, { 28, "AG"}, { 31, "AZ"}, { 32, "AR"} , { 36, "AU"}, { 40, "AT"}, { 44, "BS"}, { 48, "BH"}, { 50, "BD"} , { 51, "AM"}, { 52, "BB"}, { 56, "BE"}, { 60, "BM"}, { 64, "BT"} , { 68, "BO"}, { 70, "BA"}, { 72, "BW"}, { 74, "BV"}, { 76, "BR"} , { 84, "BZ"}, { 86, "IO"}, { 90, "SB"}, { 92, "VG"}, { 96, "BN"} , {100, "BG"}, {104, "MM"}, {108, "BI"}, {112, "BY"}, {116, "KH"} , {120, "CM"}, {124, "CA"}, {132, "CV"}, {136, "KY"}, {140, "CF"} , {144, "LK"}, {148, "TD"}, {152, "CL"}, {156, "CN"}, {158, "TW"} , {162, "CX"}, {166, "CC"}, {170, "CO"}, {174, "KM"}, {175, "YT"} , {178, "CG"}, {180, "CD"}, {184, "CK"}, {188, "CR"}, {191, "HR"} , {192, "CU"}, {203, "CZ"}, {204, "BJ"}, {208, "DK"}, {212, "DM"} , {214, "DO"}, {218, "EC"}, {222, "SV"}, {226, "GQ"}, {231, "ET"} , {232, "ER"}, {233, "EE"}, {234, "FO"}, {238, "FK"}, {239, "GS"} , {242, "FJ"}, {246, "FI"}, {248, "AX"}, {250, "FR"}, {254, "GF"} , {258, "PF"}, {260, "TF"}, {262, "DJ"}, {266, "GA"}, {268, "GE"} , {270, "GM"}, {275, "PS"}, {276, "DE"}, {288, "GH"}, {292, "GI"} , {296, "KI"}, {300, "GR"}, {304, "GL"}, {308, "GD"}, {312, "GP"} , {316, "GU"}, {320, "GT"}, {324, "GN"}, {328, "GY"}, {332, "HT"} , {334, "HM"}, {336, "VA"}, {340, "HN"}, {344, "HK"}, {348, "HU"} , {352, "IS"}, {356, "IN"}, {360, "ID"}, {364, "IR"}, {368, "IQ"} , {372, "IE"}, {376, "IL"}, {380, "IT"}, {384, "CI"}, {388, "JM"} , {392, "JP"}, {398, "KZ"}, {400, "JO"}, {404, "KE"}, {408, "KP"} , {410, "KR"}, {414, "KW"}, {417, "KG"}, {418, "LA"}, {422, "LB"} , {426, "LS"}, {428, "LV"}, {430, "LR"}, {434, "LY"}, {438, "LI"} , {440, "LT"}, {442, "LU"}, {446, "MO"}, {450, "MG"}, {454, "MW"} , {458, "MY"}, {462, "MV"}, {466, "ML"}, {470, "MT"}, {474, "MQ"} , {478, "MR"}, {480, "MU"}, {484, "MX"}, {492, "MC"}, {496, "MN"} , {498, "MD"}, {500, "MS"}, {504, "MA"}, {508, "MZ"}, {512, "OM"} , {516, "NA"}, {520, "NR"}, {524, "NP"}, {528, "NL"}, {530, "AN"} , {533, "AW"}, {540, "NC"}, {548, "VU"}, {554, "NZ"}, {558, "NI"} , {562, "NE"}, {566, "NG"}, {570, "NU"}, {574, "NF"}, {578, "NO"} , {580, "MP"}, {581, "UM"}, {583, "FM"}, {584, "MH"}, {585, "PW"} , {586, "PK"}, {591, "PA"}, {598, "PG"}, {600, "PY"}, {604, "PE"} , {608, "PH"}, {612, "PN"}, {616, "PL"}, {620, "PT"}, {624, "GW"} , {626, "TL"}, {630, "PR"}, {634, "QA"}, {634, "QA"}, {638, "RE"} , {642, "RO"}, {643, "RU"}, {646, "RW"}, {654, "SH"}, {659, "KN"} , {660, "AI"}, {662, "LC"}, {666, "PM"}, {670, "VC"}, {674, "SM"} , {678, "ST"}, {682, "SA"}, {686, "SN"}, {690, "SC"}, {694, "SL"} , {702, "SG"}, {703, "SK"}, {704, "VN"}, {705, "SI"}, {706, "SO"} , {710, "ZA"}, {716, "ZW"}, {724, "ES"}, {732, "EH"}, {736, "SD"} , {740, "SR"}, {744, "SJ"}, {748, "SZ"}, {752, "SE"}, {756, "CH"} , {760, "SY"}, {762, "TJ"}, {764, "TH"}, {768, "TG"}, {772, "TK"} , {776, "TO"}, {780, "TT"}, {784, "AE"}, {788, "TN"}, {792, "TR"} , {795, "TM"}, {796, "TC"}, {798, "TV"}, {800, "UG"}, {804, "UA"} , {807, "MK"}, {818, "EG"}, {826, "GB"}, {834, "TZ"}, {840, "US"} , {850, "VI"}, {854, "BF"}, {858, "UY"}, {860, "UZ"}, {862, "VE"} , {876, "WF"}, {882, "WS"}, {887, "YE"}, {891, "CS"}, {894, "ZM"} }; if (error || i == tcp::resolver::iterator()) { // this is used to indicate that we shouldn't // try to resolve it again p->set_country("--"); return; } while (i != tcp::resolver::iterator() && !i->endpoint().address().is_v4()) ++i; if (i != tcp::resolver::iterator()) { // country is an ISO 3166 country code int country = i->endpoint().address().to_v4().to_ulong() & 0xffff; // look up the country code in the map const int size = sizeof(country_map)/sizeof(country_map[0]); country_entry tmp = {country, ""}; country_entry const* i = std::lower_bound(country_map, country_map + size, tmp , bind(&country_entry::code, _1) < bind(&country_entry::code, _2)); if (i == country_map + size || i->code != country) { // unknown country! p->set_country("!!"); #if defined TORRENT_VERBOSE_LOGGING || defined TORRENT_LOGGING || defined TORRENT_ERROR_LOGGING (*m_ses.m_logger) << "IP " << p->remote().address() << " was mapped to unknown country: " << country << "\n"; #endif return; } p->set_country(i->name); } } #endif void torrent::read_resume_data(lazy_entry const& rd) { m_total_uploaded = rd.dict_find_int_value("total_uploaded"); m_total_downloaded = rd.dict_find_int_value("total_downloaded"); m_active_time = seconds(rd.dict_find_int_value("active_time")); m_seeding_time = seconds(rd.dict_find_int_value("seeding_time")); m_complete = rd.dict_find_int_value("num_seeds", -1); m_incomplete = rd.dict_find_int_value("num_downloaders", -1); set_upload_limit(rd.dict_find_int_value("upload_rate_limit", -1)); set_download_limit(rd.dict_find_int_value("download_rate_limit", -1)); set_max_connections(rd.dict_find_int_value("max_connections", -1)); set_max_uploads(rd.dict_find_int_value("max_uploads", -1)); m_seed_mode = rd.dict_find_int_value("seed_mode", 0) && m_torrent_file->is_valid(); if (m_seed_mode) m_verified.resize(m_torrent_file->num_pieces(), false); lazy_entry const* file_priority = rd.dict_find_list("file_priority"); if (file_priority && file_priority->list_size() == m_torrent_file->num_files()) { for (int i = 0; i < file_priority->list_size(); ++i) m_file_priority[i] = file_priority->list_int_value_at(i, 1); update_piece_priorities(); } lazy_entry const* piece_priority = rd.dict_find_string("piece_priority"); if (piece_priority && piece_priority->string_length() == m_torrent_file->num_pieces()) { char const* p = piece_priority->string_ptr(); for (int i = 0; i < piece_priority->string_length(); ++i) m_picker->set_piece_priority(i, p[i]); } if (!m_override_resume_data) { int auto_managed_ = rd.dict_find_int_value("auto_managed", -1); if (auto_managed_ != -1) m_auto_managed = auto_managed_; } int sequential_ = rd.dict_find_int_value("sequential_download", -1); if (sequential_ != -1) set_sequential_download(sequential_); if (!m_override_resume_data) { int paused_ = rd.dict_find_int_value("paused", -1); if (paused_ != -1) m_paused = paused_; } lazy_entry const* trackers = rd.dict_find_list("trackers"); if (trackers) { int tier = 0; for (int i = 0; i < trackers->list_size(); ++i) { lazy_entry const* tier_list = trackers->list_at(i); if (tier_list == 0 || tier_list->type() != lazy_entry::list_t) continue; for (int j = 0; j < tier_list->list_size(); ++j) { announce_entry e(tier_list->list_string_value_at(j)); if (std::find_if(m_trackers.begin(), m_trackers.end() , boost::bind(&announce_entry::url, _1) == e.url) != m_trackers.end()) continue; e.tier = tier; m_trackers.push_back(e); } ++tier; } std::sort(m_trackers.begin(), m_trackers.end(), boost::bind(&announce_entry::tier, _1) < boost::bind(&announce_entry::tier, _2)); if (m_settings.prefer_udp_trackers) prioritize_udp_trackers(); } lazy_entry const* mapped_files = rd.dict_find_list("mapped_files"); if (mapped_files && mapped_files->list_size() == m_torrent_file->num_files()) { for (int i = 0; i < m_torrent_file->num_files(); ++i) { std::string new_filename = mapped_files->list_string_value_at(i); if (new_filename.empty()) continue; rename_file(i, new_filename); } } lazy_entry const* url_list = rd.dict_find_list("url-list"); if (url_list) { for (int i = 0; i < url_list->list_size(); ++i) { std::string url = url_list->list_string_value_at(i); if (url.empty()) continue; add_web_seed(url, web_seed_entry::url_seed); } } lazy_entry const* httpseeds = rd.dict_find_list("httpseeds"); if (httpseeds) { for (int i = 0; i < httpseeds->list_size(); ++i) { std::string url = httpseeds->list_string_value_at(i); if (url.empty()) continue; add_web_seed(url, web_seed_entry::http_seed); } } if (m_torrent_file->is_merkle_torrent()) { lazy_entry const* mt = rd.dict_find_string("merkle tree"); if (mt) { std::vector tree; tree.resize(m_torrent_file->merkle_tree().size()); std::memcpy(&tree[0], mt->string_ptr() , (std::min)(mt->string_length(), int(tree.size()) * 20)); if (mt->string_length() < tree.size() * 20) std::memset(&tree[0] + mt->string_length() / 20, 0 , tree.size() - mt->string_length() / 20); m_torrent_file->set_merkle_tree(tree); } else { // TODO: if this is a merkle torrent and we can't // restore the tree, we need to wipe all the // bits in the have array TORRENT_ASSERT(false); } } } void torrent::write_resume_data(entry& ret) const { ret["file-format"] = "libtorrent resume file"; ret["file-version"] = 1; ret["total_uploaded"] = m_total_uploaded; ret["total_downloaded"] = m_total_downloaded; ret["active_time"] = total_seconds(m_active_time); ret["seeding_time"] = total_seconds(m_seeding_time); int seeds = 0; int downloaders = 0; if (m_complete >= 0) seeds = m_complete; else seeds = m_policy.num_seeds(); if (m_incomplete >= 0) downloaders = m_incomplete; else downloaders = m_policy.num_peers() - m_policy.num_seeds(); ret["num_seeds"] = seeds; ret["num_downloaders"] = downloaders; ret["sequential_download"] = m_sequential_download; ret["seed_mode"] = m_seed_mode; const sha1_hash& info_hash = torrent_file().info_hash(); ret["info-hash"] = std::string((char*)info_hash.begin(), (char*)info_hash.end()); // blocks per piece int num_blocks_per_piece = static_cast(torrent_file().piece_length()) / block_size(); ret["blocks per piece"] = num_blocks_per_piece; if (m_torrent_file->is_merkle_torrent()) { // we need to save the whole merkle hash tree // in order to resume std::string& tree_str = ret["merkle tree"].string(); std::vector const& tree = m_torrent_file->merkle_tree(); tree_str.resize(tree.size() * 20); std::memcpy(&tree_str[0], &tree[0], tree.size() * 20); } // if this torrent is a seed, we won't have a piece picker // and there will be no half-finished pieces. if (!is_seed()) { const std::vector& q = m_picker->get_download_queue(); // unfinished pieces ret["unfinished"] = entry::list_type(); entry::list_type& up = ret["unfinished"].list(); // info for each unfinished piece for (std::vector::const_iterator i = q.begin(); i != q.end(); ++i) { if (i->finished == 0) continue; entry piece_struct(entry::dictionary_t); // the unfinished piece's index piece_struct["piece"] = i->index; std::string bitmask; const int num_bitmask_bytes = (std::max)(num_blocks_per_piece / 8, 1); for (int j = 0; j < num_bitmask_bytes; ++j) { unsigned char v = 0; int bits = (std::min)(num_blocks_per_piece - j*8, 8); for (int k = 0; k < bits; ++k) v |= (i->info[j*8+k].state == piece_picker::block_info::state_finished) ? (1 << k) : 0; bitmask.insert(bitmask.end(), v); TORRENT_ASSERT(bits == 8 || j == num_bitmask_bytes - 1); } piece_struct["bitmask"] = bitmask; // push the struct onto the unfinished-piece list up.push_back(piece_struct); } } // save trackers if (!m_trackers.empty()) { entry::list_type& tr_list = ret["trackers"].list(); tr_list.push_back(entry::list_type()); int tier = 0; for (std::vector::const_iterator i = m_trackers.begin() , end(m_trackers.end()); i != end; ++i) { if (i->tier == tier) { tr_list.back().list().push_back(i->url); } else { tr_list.push_back(entry::list_t); tr_list.back().list().push_back(i->url); tier = i->tier; } } } // save web seeds if (!m_web_seeds.empty()) { entry::list_type& url_list = ret["url-list"].list(); for (std::set::const_iterator i = m_web_seeds.begin() , end(m_web_seeds.end()); i != end; ++i) { if (i->type != web_seed_entry::url_seed) continue; url_list.push_back(i->url); } entry::list_type& httpseed_list = ret["httpseeds"].list(); for (std::set::const_iterator i = m_web_seeds.begin() , end(m_web_seeds.end()); i != end; ++i) { if (i->type != web_seed_entry::http_seed) continue; httpseed_list.push_back(i->url); } } // write have bitmask // the pieces string has one byte per piece. Each // byte is a bitmask representing different properties // for the piece // bit 0: set if we have the piece // bit 1: set if we have verified the piece (in seed mode) entry::string_type& pieces = ret["pieces"].string(); pieces.resize(m_torrent_file->num_pieces()); if (is_seed()) { std::memset(&pieces[0], 1, pieces.size()); } else { for (int i = 0, end(pieces.size()); i < end; ++i) pieces[i] = m_picker->have_piece(i) ? 1 : 0; } if (m_seed_mode) { TORRENT_ASSERT(m_verified.size() == pieces.size()); for (int i = 0, end(pieces.size()); i < end; ++i) pieces[i] |= m_verified[i] ? 2 : 0; } // write renamed files if (&m_torrent_file->files() != &m_torrent_file->orig_files()) { entry::list_type& fl = ret["mapped_files"].list(); for (torrent_info::file_iterator i = m_torrent_file->begin_files() , end(m_torrent_file->end_files()); i != end; ++i) { fl.push_back(i->path.string()); } } // write local peers entry::list_type& peer_list = ret["peers"].list(); entry::list_type& banned_peer_list = ret["banned_peers"].list(); int max_failcount = m_ses.m_settings.max_failcount; for (policy::const_iterator i = m_policy.begin_peer() , end(m_policy.end_peer()); i != end; ++i) { error_code ec; if (i->second.banned) { entry peer(entry::dictionary_t); peer["ip"] = i->second.addr.to_string(ec); if (ec) continue; peer["port"] = i->second.port; banned_peer_list.push_back(peer); continue; } // we cannot save remote connection // since we don't know their listen port // unless they gave us their listen port // through the extension handshake // so, if the peer is not connectable (i.e. we // don't know its listen port) or if it has // been banned, don't save it. if (i->second.type == policy::peer::not_connectable) continue; // don't save peers that doesn't work if (i->second.failcount >= max_failcount) continue; entry peer(entry::dictionary_t); peer["ip"] = i->second.addr.to_string(ec); if (ec) continue; peer["port"] = i->second.port; peer_list.push_back(peer); } ret["upload_rate_limit"] = upload_limit(); ret["download_rate_limit"] = download_limit(); ret["max_connections"] = max_connections(); ret["max_uploads"] = max_uploads(); ret["paused"] = m_paused; ret["auto_managed"] = m_auto_managed; // write piece priorities entry::string_type& piece_priority = ret["piece_priority"].string(); piece_priority.resize(m_torrent_file->num_pieces()); if (is_seed()) { std::memset(&piece_priority[0], 1, pieces.size()); } else { for (int i = 0, end(piece_priority.size()); i < end; ++i) piece_priority[i] = m_picker->piece_priority(i); } // write file priorities entry::list_type& file_priority = ret["file_priority"].list(); file_priority.clear(); for (int i = 0, end(m_file_priority.size()); i < end; ++i) file_priority.push_back(m_file_priority[i]); } void torrent::get_full_peer_list(std::vector& v) const { v.clear(); v.reserve(m_policy.num_peers()); for (policy::const_iterator i = m_policy.begin_peer(); i != m_policy.end_peer(); ++i) { peer_list_entry e; e.ip = i->second.ip(); e.flags = i->second.banned ? peer_list_entry::banned : 0; e.failcount = i->second.failcount; e.source = i->second.source; v.push_back(e); } } void torrent::get_peer_info(std::vector& v) { v.clear(); for (peer_iterator i = begin(); i != end(); ++i) { peer_connection* peer = *i; // incoming peers that haven't finished the handshake should // not be included in this list if (peer->associated_torrent().expired()) continue; v.push_back(peer_info()); peer_info& p = v.back(); peer->get_peer_info(p); #ifndef TORRENT_DISABLE_RESOLVE_COUNTRIES if (resolving_countries()) resolve_peer_country(intrusive_ptr(peer)); #endif } } void torrent::get_download_queue(std::vector& queue) { queue.clear(); if (!valid_metadata() || is_seed()) return; piece_picker const& p = picker(); std::vector const& q = p.get_download_queue(); for (std::vector::const_iterator i = q.begin(); i != q.end(); ++i) { partial_piece_info pi; pi.piece_state = (partial_piece_info::state_t)i->state; pi.blocks_in_piece = p.blocks_in_piece(i->index); pi.finished = (int)i->finished; pi.writing = (int)i->writing; pi.requested = (int)i->requested; int piece_size = int(torrent_file().piece_size(i->index)); int num_blocks = (std::min)(pi.blocks_in_piece, int(partial_piece_info::max_blocks_per_piece)); for (int j = 0; j < num_blocks; ++j) { block_info& bi = pi.blocks[j]; bi.state = i->info[j].state; bi.block_size = j < pi.blocks_in_piece - 1 ? m_block_size : piece_size - (j * m_block_size); bool complete = bi.state == block_info::writing || bi.state == block_info::finished; if (i->info[j].peer == 0) { bi.peer = tcp::endpoint(); bi.bytes_progress = complete ? bi.block_size : 0; } else { policy::peer* p = static_cast(i->info[j].peer); if (p->connection) { bi.peer = p->connection->remote(); if (bi.state == block_info::requested) { boost::optional pbp = p->connection->downloading_piece_progress(); if (pbp && pbp->piece_index == i->index && pbp->block_index == j) { bi.bytes_progress = pbp->bytes_downloaded; TORRENT_ASSERT(bi.bytes_progress <= bi.block_size); } else { bi.bytes_progress = 0; } } else { bi.bytes_progress = complete ? bi.block_size : 0; } } else { bi.peer = p->ip(); bi.bytes_progress = complete ? bi.block_size : 0; } } pi.blocks[j].num_peers = i->info[j].num_peers; } pi.piece_index = i->index; queue.push_back(pi); } } bool torrent::connect_to_peer(policy::peer* peerinfo) { INVARIANT_CHECK; TORRENT_ASSERT(peerinfo); TORRENT_ASSERT(peerinfo->connection == 0); peerinfo->connected = time_now(); #ifdef TORRENT_DEBUG // this asserts that we don't have duplicates in the policy's peer list peer_iterator i_ = std::find_if(m_connections.begin(), m_connections.end() , bind(&peer_connection::remote, _1) == peerinfo->ip()); TORRENT_ASSERT(i_ == m_connections.end() || dynamic_cast(*i_) == 0); #endif TORRENT_ASSERT(want_more_peers()); TORRENT_ASSERT(m_ses.num_connections() < m_ses.max_connections()); tcp::endpoint a(peerinfo->ip()); TORRENT_ASSERT((m_ses.m_ip_filter.access(peerinfo->addr) & ip_filter::blocked) == 0); boost::shared_ptr s(new socket_type(m_ses.m_io_service)); bool ret = instantiate_connection(m_ses.m_io_service, m_ses.peer_proxy(), *s); (void)ret; TORRENT_ASSERT(ret); boost::intrusive_ptr c(new bt_peer_connection( m_ses, shared_from_this(), s, a, peerinfo)); #ifdef TORRENT_DEBUG c->m_in_constructor = false; #endif c->add_stat(peerinfo->prev_amount_download, peerinfo->prev_amount_upload); peerinfo->prev_amount_download = 0; peerinfo->prev_amount_upload = 0; #ifndef TORRENT_DISABLE_EXTENSIONS for (extension_list_t::iterator i = m_extensions.begin() , end(m_extensions.end()); i != end; ++i) { #ifndef BOOST_NO_EXCEPTIONS try { #endif boost::shared_ptr pp((*i)->new_connection(c.get())); if (pp) c->add_extension(pp); #ifndef BOOST_NO_EXCEPTIONS } catch (std::exception&) {} #endif } #endif // add the newly connected peer to this torrent's peer list m_connections.insert(boost::get_pointer(c)); m_ses.m_connections.insert(c); peerinfo->connection = c.get(); c->start(); int timeout = settings().peer_connect_timeout; if (peerinfo) timeout += 3 * peerinfo->failcount; #ifndef BOOST_NO_EXCEPTIONS try { #endif m_ses.m_half_open.enqueue( bind(&peer_connection::connect, c, _1) , bind(&peer_connection::timed_out, c) , seconds(timeout)); #ifndef BOOST_NO_EXCEPTIONS } catch (std::exception& e) { std::set::iterator i = m_connections.find(boost::get_pointer(c)); if (i != m_connections.end()) m_connections.erase(i); c->disconnect(e.what()); return false; } #endif return peerinfo->connection; } bool torrent::set_metadata(char const* metadata_buf, int metadata_size) { INVARIANT_CHECK; if (m_torrent_file->is_valid()) return false; hasher h; h.update(metadata_buf, metadata_size); sha1_hash info_hash = h.final(); if (info_hash != m_torrent_file->info_hash()) { if (alerts().should_post()) { alerts().post_alert(metadata_failed_alert(get_handle())); } return false; } lazy_entry metadata; int ret = lazy_bdecode(metadata_buf, metadata_buf + metadata_size, metadata); error_code ec; if (ret != 0 || !m_torrent_file->parse_info_section(metadata, ec)) { // this means the metadata is correct, since we // verified it against the info-hash, but we // failed to parse it. Pause the torrent if (alerts().should_post()) { alerts().post_alert(metadata_failed_alert(get_handle())); } set_error(error_code(errors::invalid_swarm_metadata, libtorrent_category), ""); pause(); return false; } if (m_ses.m_alerts.should_post()) { m_ses.m_alerts.post_alert(metadata_received_alert( get_handle())); } init(); return true; } bool torrent::attach_peer(peer_connection* p) { // INVARIANT_CHECK; TORRENT_ASSERT(p != 0); TORRENT_ASSERT(!p->is_local()); m_has_incoming = true; if ((m_state == torrent_status::queued_for_checking || m_state == torrent_status::checking_files || m_state == torrent_status::checking_resume_data) && valid_metadata()) { p->disconnect("torrent is not ready to accept peers"); return false; } if (m_ses.m_connections.find(p) == m_ses.m_connections.end()) { p->disconnect("peer is not properly constructed"); return false; } if (m_ses.is_aborted()) { p->disconnect("session is closing"); return false; } if (int(m_connections.size()) >= m_max_connections) { p->disconnect("reached connection limit"); return false; } #ifndef BOOST_NO_EXCEPTIONS try { #endif #ifndef TORRENT_DISABLE_EXTENSIONS for (extension_list_t::iterator i = m_extensions.begin() , end(m_extensions.end()); i != end; ++i) { boost::shared_ptr pp((*i)->new_connection(p)); if (pp) p->add_extension(pp); } #endif if (!m_policy.new_connection(*p)) return false; #ifndef BOOST_NO_EXCEPTIONS } catch (std::exception& e) { #if defined TORRENT_LOGGING (*m_ses.m_logger) << time_now_string() << " CLOSING CONNECTION " << p->remote() << " policy::new_connection threw: " << e.what() << "\n"; #endif p->disconnect(e.what()); return false; } #endif TORRENT_ASSERT(m_connections.find(p) == m_connections.end()); peer_iterator ci = m_connections.insert(p).first; #ifdef TORRENT_DEBUG error_code ec; TORRENT_ASSERT(p->remote() == p->get_socket()->remote_endpoint(ec) || ec); #endif #if defined TORRENT_DEBUG && !defined TORRENT_DISABLE_INVARIANT_CHECKS m_policy.check_invariant(); #endif return true; } bool torrent::want_more_peers() const { return int(m_connections.size()) < m_max_connections && !is_paused() && ((m_state != torrent_status::checking_files && m_state != torrent_status::checking_resume_data && m_state != torrent_status::queued_for_checking) || !valid_metadata()) && m_policy.num_connect_candidates() > 0 && !m_abort; } void torrent::disconnect_all() { session_impl::mutex_t::scoped_lock l(m_ses.m_mutex); // doesn't work with the m_paused -> m_num_peers == 0 condition // INVARIANT_CHECK; while (!m_connections.empty()) { peer_connection* p = *m_connections.begin(); TORRENT_ASSERT(p->associated_torrent().lock().get() == this); #if defined TORRENT_VERBOSE_LOGGING || defined TORRENT_ERROR_LOGGING if (m_abort) (*p->m_logger) << "*** CLOSING CONNECTION 'aborting'\n"; else (*p->m_logger) << "*** CLOSING CONNECTION 'pausing'\n"; #endif #ifdef TORRENT_DEBUG std::size_t size = m_connections.size(); #endif if (p->is_disconnecting()) m_connections.erase(m_connections.begin()); else p->disconnect(m_abort?"stopping torrent":"pausing torrent"); TORRENT_ASSERT(m_connections.size() <= size); } } namespace { // this returns true if lhs is a better disconnect candidate than rhs bool compare_disconnect_peer(peer_connection const* lhs, peer_connection const* rhs) { // prefer to disconnect peers we're not interested in if (lhs->is_interesting() != rhs->is_interesting()) return rhs->is_interesting(); // prefer to disconnect peers that are not seeds if (lhs->is_seed() != rhs->is_seed()) return rhs->is_seed(); // prefer to disconnect peers that are on parole if (lhs->on_parole() != rhs->on_parole()) return lhs->on_parole(); // prefer to disconnect peers that send data at a lower rate size_type lhs_transferred = lhs->statistics().total_payload_download(); size_type rhs_transferred = rhs->statistics().total_payload_download(); if (lhs_transferred != rhs_transferred && lhs_transferred > 0 && rhs_transferred > 0) { ptime now = time_now(); size_type lhs_time_connected = total_seconds(now - lhs->connected_time()); size_type rhs_time_connected = total_seconds(now - rhs->connected_time()); double lhs_rate = double(lhs_transferred) / (lhs_time_connected + 1); double rhs_rate = double(rhs_transferred) / (rhs_time_connected + 1); return lhs_rate < rhs_rate; } // prefer to disconnect peers that chokes us if (lhs->is_choked() != rhs->is_choked()) return lhs->is_choked(); return lhs->last_received() < rhs->last_received(); } } int torrent::disconnect_peers(int num) { INVARIANT_CHECK; int ret = 0; // buils a list of all connected peers and sort it by 'disconnectability'. std::vector peers(m_connections.size()); std::copy(m_connections.begin(), m_connections.end(), peers.begin()); #ifdef TORRENT_DEBUG for (std::vector::iterator i = peers.begin() , end(peers.end()); i != end; ++i) { // make sure this peer is not a dangling pointer TORRENT_ASSERT(m_ses.has_peer(*i)); } #endif std::sort(peers.begin(), peers.end(), compare_disconnect_peer); // never disconnect peers that connected less than 90 seconds ago ptime cut_off = time_now() - seconds(90); for (std::vector::iterator i = peers.begin() , end(peers.end()); i != end && ret < num; ++i) { peer_connection* p = *i; if (p->connected_time() > cut_off) continue; ++ret; p->disconnect("optimistic disconnect"); } return ret; } int torrent::bandwidth_throttle(int channel) const { return m_bandwidth_limit[channel].throttle(); } int torrent::bandwidth_queue_size(int channel) const { return (int)m_bandwidth_queue[channel].size(); } void torrent::request_bandwidth(int channel , boost::intrusive_ptr const& p , int max_block_size, int priority) { TORRENT_ASSERT(max_block_size > 0); TORRENT_ASSERT(m_bandwidth_limit[channel].throttle() > 0); TORRENT_ASSERT(p->max_assignable_bandwidth(channel) > 0); TORRENT_ASSERT(p->m_channel_state[channel] == peer_info::bw_torrent); int block_size = (std::min)(m_bandwidth_limit[channel].throttle() / 10 , max_block_size); if (block_size <= 0) block_size = 1; if (m_bandwidth_limit[channel].max_assignable() > 0) { perform_bandwidth_request(channel, p, block_size, priority); } else { // skip forward in the queue until we find a prioritized peer // or hit the front of it. queue_t::reverse_iterator i = m_bandwidth_queue[channel].rbegin(); while (i != m_bandwidth_queue[channel].rend() && priority > i->priority) { ++i->priority; ++i; } m_bandwidth_queue[channel].insert(i.base(), bw_queue_entry( p, block_size, priority)); } } void torrent::expire_bandwidth(int channel, int amount) { session_impl::mutex_t::scoped_lock l(m_ses.m_mutex); INVARIANT_CHECK; TORRENT_ASSERT(amount > 0); m_bandwidth_limit[channel].expire(amount); queue_t tmp; while (!m_bandwidth_queue[channel].empty()) { bw_queue_entry qe = m_bandwidth_queue[channel].front(); if (m_bandwidth_limit[channel].max_assignable() == 0) break; m_bandwidth_queue[channel].pop_front(); if (qe.peer->max_assignable_bandwidth(channel) <= 0) { TORRENT_ASSERT(m_ses.m_bandwidth_manager[channel]->is_in_history(qe.peer.get())); if (!qe.peer->is_disconnecting()) tmp.push_back(qe); continue; } perform_bandwidth_request(channel, qe.peer , qe.max_block_size, qe.priority); } m_bandwidth_queue[channel].insert(m_bandwidth_queue[channel].begin(), tmp.begin(), tmp.end()); } void torrent::perform_bandwidth_request(int channel , boost::intrusive_ptr const& p , int block_size , int priority) { TORRENT_ASSERT(p->m_channel_state[channel] == peer_info::bw_torrent); p->m_channel_state[channel] = peer_info::bw_global; m_ses.m_bandwidth_manager[channel]->request_bandwidth(p , block_size, priority); m_bandwidth_limit[channel].assign(block_size); } void torrent::assign_bandwidth(int channel, int amount, int blk) { session_impl::mutex_t::scoped_lock l(m_ses.m_mutex); TORRENT_ASSERT(amount > 0); TORRENT_ASSERT(amount <= blk); if (amount < blk) expire_bandwidth(channel, blk - amount); } // called when torrent is finished (all interesting // pieces have been downloaded) void torrent::finished() { INVARIANT_CHECK; TORRENT_ASSERT(is_finished()); TORRENT_ASSERT(m_state != torrent_status::finished && m_state != torrent_status::seeding); if (alerts().should_post()) { alerts().post_alert(torrent_finished_alert( get_handle())); } set_state(torrent_status::finished); set_queue_position(-1); // we have to call completed() before we start // disconnecting peers, since there's an assert // to make sure we're cleared the piece picker if (is_seed()) completed(); // disconnect all seeds // TODO: should disconnect all peers that have the pieces we have // not just seeds std::vector seeds; for (peer_iterator i = m_connections.begin(); i != m_connections.end(); ++i) { peer_connection* p = *i; TORRENT_ASSERT(p->associated_torrent().lock().get() == this); if (p->upload_only()) { #if defined TORRENT_VERBOSE_LOGGING || defined TORRENT_ERROR_LOGGING (*p->m_logger) << "*** SEED, CLOSING CONNECTION\n"; #endif seeds.push_back(p); } } std::for_each(seeds.begin(), seeds.end() , bind(&peer_connection::disconnect, _1, "torrent finished, disconnecting seed", 0)); TORRENT_ASSERT(m_storage); // we need to keep the object alive during this operation m_storage->async_release_files( bind(&torrent::on_files_released, shared_from_this(), _1, _2)); } // this is called when we were finished, but some files were // marked for downloading, and we are no longer finished void torrent::resume_download() { INVARIANT_CHECK; TORRENT_ASSERT(!is_finished()); set_state(torrent_status::downloading); set_queue_position((std::numeric_limits::max)()); } // called when torrent is complete (all pieces downloaded) void torrent::completed() { m_picker.reset(); set_state(torrent_status::seeding); if (!m_announcing) return; ptime now = time_now(); for (std::vector::iterator i = m_trackers.begin() , end(m_trackers.end()); i != end; ++i) { if (i->complete_sent) continue; i->next_announce = now; } announce_with_tracker(); } // this will move the tracker with the given index // to a prioritized position in the list (move it towards // the begining) and return the new index to the tracker. int torrent::prioritize_tracker(int index) { INVARIANT_CHECK; TORRENT_ASSERT(index >= 0); TORRENT_ASSERT(index < m_trackers.size()); if (index >= (int)m_trackers.size()) return -1; while (index > 0 && m_trackers[index].tier == m_trackers[index-1].tier) { using std::swap; swap(m_trackers[index], m_trackers[index-1]); if (m_last_working_tracker == index) --m_last_working_tracker; else if (m_last_working_tracker == index - 1) ++m_last_working_tracker; --index; } return index; } int torrent::deprioritize_tracker(int index) { INVARIANT_CHECK; TORRENT_ASSERT(index >= 0); TORRENT_ASSERT(index < m_trackers.size()); if (index >= (int)m_trackers.size()) return -1; while (index < m_trackers.size() - 1 && m_trackers[index].tier == m_trackers[index + 1].tier) { using std::swap; swap(m_trackers[index], m_trackers[index + 1]); if (m_last_working_tracker == index) ++m_last_working_tracker; else if (m_last_working_tracker == index + 1) --m_last_working_tracker; ++index; } return index; } void torrent::files_checked() { session_impl::mutex_t::scoped_lock l(m_ses.m_mutex); TORRENT_ASSERT(m_torrent_file->is_valid()); if (m_abort) return; // we might be finished already, in which case we should // not switch to downloading mode. If all files are // filtered, we're finished when we start. if (m_state != torrent_status::finished) set_state(torrent_status::downloading); INVARIANT_CHECK; if (m_ses.m_alerts.should_post()) { m_ses.m_alerts.post_alert(torrent_checked_alert( get_handle())); } if (!is_seed()) { // turn off super seeding if we're not a seed if (m_super_seeding) m_super_seeding = false; // if we just finished checking and we're not a seed, we are // likely to be unpaused if (m_ses.m_auto_manage_time_scaler > 1) m_ses.m_auto_manage_time_scaler = 1; if (is_finished() && m_state != torrent_status::finished) finished(); } else { for (std::vector::iterator i = m_trackers.begin() , end(m_trackers.end()); i != end; ++i) i->complete_sent = true; if (m_state != torrent_status::finished) finished(); } #ifndef TORRENT_DISABLE_EXTENSIONS for (extension_list_t::iterator i = m_extensions.begin() , end(m_extensions.end()); i != end; ++i) { #ifndef BOOST_NO_EXCEPTIONS try { #endif (*i)->on_files_checked(); #ifndef BOOST_NO_EXCEPTIONS } catch (std::exception&) {} #endif } #endif if (!m_connections_initialized) { m_connections_initialized = true; // all peer connections have to initialize themselves now that the metadata // is available for (torrent::peer_iterator i = m_connections.begin(); i != m_connections.end();) { peer_connection* pc = *i; ++i; if (pc->is_disconnecting()) continue; pc->on_metadata_impl(); if (pc->is_disconnecting()) continue; pc->init(); } } m_files_checked = true; start_announcing(); } alert_manager& torrent::alerts() const { return m_ses.m_alerts; } fs::path torrent::save_path() const { return m_save_path; } bool torrent::rename_file(int index, std::string const& name) { INVARIANT_CHECK; TORRENT_ASSERT(index >= 0); TORRENT_ASSERT(index < m_torrent_file->num_files()); if (!m_owning_storage.get()) return false; m_owning_storage->async_rename_file(index, name , bind(&torrent::on_file_renamed, shared_from_this(), _1, _2)); return true; } void torrent::move_storage(fs::path const& save_path) { INVARIANT_CHECK; if (m_owning_storage.get()) { m_owning_storage->async_move_storage(save_path , bind(&torrent::on_storage_moved, shared_from_this(), _1, _2)); } else { m_save_path = save_path; } } void torrent::on_storage_moved(int ret, disk_io_job const& j) { session_impl::mutex_t::scoped_lock l(m_ses.m_mutex); if (alerts().should_post()) { alerts().post_alert(storage_moved_alert(get_handle(), j.str)); } m_save_path = j.str; } piece_manager& torrent::filesystem() { TORRENT_ASSERT(m_owning_storage.get()); TORRENT_ASSERT(m_storage); return *m_storage; } torrent_handle torrent::get_handle() { return torrent_handle(shared_from_this()); } session_settings const& torrent::settings() const { return m_ses.settings(); } #ifdef TORRENT_DEBUG void torrent::check_invariant() const { session_impl::mutex_t::scoped_lock l(m_ses.m_mutex); if (is_paused()) TORRENT_ASSERT(num_peers() == 0); if (!should_check_files()) TORRENT_ASSERT(m_state != torrent_status::checking_files); else TORRENT_ASSERT(m_queued_for_checking); if (!m_ses.m_queued_for_checking.empty()) { // if there are torrents waiting to be checked // assert that there's a torrent that is being // processed right now int found = 0; int found_active = 0; for (aux::session_impl::torrent_map::iterator i = m_ses.m_torrents.begin() , end(m_ses.m_torrents.end()); i != end; ++i) if (i->second->m_state == torrent_status::checking_files) { ++found; if (i->second->should_check_files()) ++found_active; } // the case of 2 is in the special case where one switches over from // checking to complete. TORRENT_ASSERT(found_active >= 1); TORRENT_ASSERT(found_active <= 2); TORRENT_ASSERT(found >= 1); } TORRENT_ASSERT(m_resume_entry.type() == lazy_entry::dict_t || m_resume_entry.type() == lazy_entry::none_t); TORRENT_ASSERT(m_bandwidth_queue[0].size() <= m_connections.size()); TORRENT_ASSERT(m_bandwidth_queue[1].size() <= m_connections.size()); for (int c = 0; c < 2; ++c) { queue_t::const_iterator j = m_bandwidth_queue[c].begin(); if (j == m_bandwidth_queue[c].end()) continue; ++j; for (queue_t::const_iterator i = m_bandwidth_queue[c].begin() , end(m_bandwidth_queue[c].end()); i != end && j != end; ++i, ++j) TORRENT_ASSERT(i->priority >= j->priority); } int num_uploads = 0; std::map num_requests; for (const_peer_iterator i = begin(); i != end(); ++i) { #ifdef TORRENT_EXPENSIVE_INVARIANT_CHECKS // make sure this peer is not a dangling pointer TORRENT_ASSERT(m_ses.has_peer(*i)); #endif peer_connection const& p = *(*i); for (std::vector::const_iterator i = p.request_queue().begin() , end(p.request_queue().end()); i != end; ++i) ++num_requests[*i]; for (std::vector::const_iterator i = p.download_queue().begin() , end(p.download_queue().end()); i != end; ++i) if (!i->not_wanted && !i->timed_out) ++num_requests[i->block]; if (!p.is_choked() && !p.ignore_unchoke_slots()) ++num_uploads; torrent* associated_torrent = p.associated_torrent().lock().get(); if (associated_torrent != this) TORRENT_ASSERT(false); } TORRENT_ASSERT(num_uploads == m_num_uploads); if (has_picker()) { for (std::map::iterator i = num_requests.begin() , end(num_requests.end()); i != end; ++i) { piece_block b = i->first; int count = i->second; int picker_count = m_picker->num_peers(b); if (!m_picker->is_downloaded(b)) TORRENT_ASSERT(picker_count == count); } TORRENT_ASSERT(num_have() >= m_picker->num_have_filtered()); } if (valid_metadata()) { TORRENT_ASSERT(m_abort || !m_picker || m_picker->num_pieces() == m_torrent_file->num_pieces()); } else { TORRENT_ASSERT(m_abort || !m_picker || m_picker->num_pieces() == 0); } #ifdef TORRENT_EXPENSIVE_INVARIANT_CHECKS for (policy::const_iterator i = m_policy.begin_peer() , end(m_policy.end_peer()); i != end; ++i) { TORRENT_ASSERT(i->second.addr == i->first); } #endif size_type total_done = quantized_bytes_done(); if (m_torrent_file->is_valid()) { if (is_seed()) TORRENT_ASSERT(total_done == m_torrent_file->total_size()); else TORRENT_ASSERT(total_done != m_torrent_file->total_size() || !m_files_checked); TORRENT_ASSERT(m_block_size <= m_torrent_file->piece_length()); } else { TORRENT_ASSERT(total_done == 0); } if (m_picker && !m_abort) { // make sure that pieces that have completed the download // of all their blocks are in the disk io thread's queue // to be checked. const std::vector& dl_queue = m_picker->get_download_queue(); for (std::vector::const_iterator i = dl_queue.begin(); i != dl_queue.end(); ++i) { const int blocks_per_piece = m_picker->blocks_in_piece(i->index); bool complete = true; for (int j = 0; j < blocks_per_piece; ++j) { if (i->info[j].state == piece_picker::block_info::state_finished) continue; complete = false; break; } } } if (valid_metadata()) { TORRENT_ASSERT(m_block_size > 0); TORRENT_ASSERT((m_torrent_file->piece_length() & (m_block_size-1)) == 0); } // if (is_seed()) TORRENT_ASSERT(m_picker.get() == 0); } #endif void torrent::set_sequential_download(bool sd) { m_sequential_download = sd; } void torrent::set_queue_position(int p) { TORRENT_ASSERT((p == -1) == is_finished() || (!m_auto_managed && p == -1) || (m_abort && p == -1)); if (is_finished() && p != -1) return; if (p == m_sequence_number) return; session_impl::torrent_map& torrents = m_ses.m_torrents; if (p >= 0 && m_sequence_number == -1) { int max_seq = -1; for (session_impl::torrent_map::iterator i = torrents.begin() , end(torrents.end()); i != end; ++i) { torrent* t = i->second.get(); if (t->m_sequence_number > max_seq) max_seq = t->m_sequence_number; } m_sequence_number = (std::min)(max_seq + 1, p); } else if (p < 0) { for (session_impl::torrent_map::iterator i = torrents.begin() , end(torrents.end()); i != end; ++i) { torrent* t = i->second.get(); if (t == this) continue; if (t->m_sequence_number >= m_sequence_number && t->m_sequence_number != -1) --t->m_sequence_number; } m_sequence_number = p; } else if (p < m_sequence_number) { for (session_impl::torrent_map::iterator i = torrents.begin() , end(torrents.end()); i != end; ++i) { torrent* t = i->second.get(); if (t == this) continue; if (t->m_sequence_number >= p && t->m_sequence_number < m_sequence_number && t->m_sequence_number != -1) ++t->m_sequence_number; } m_sequence_number = p; } else if (p > m_sequence_number) { int max_seq = 0; for (session_impl::torrent_map::iterator i = torrents.begin() , end(torrents.end()); i != end; ++i) { torrent* t = i->second.get(); int pos = t->m_sequence_number; if (pos > max_seq) max_seq = pos; if (t == this) continue; if (pos <= p && pos > m_sequence_number && pos != -1) --t->m_sequence_number; } m_sequence_number = (std::min)(max_seq, p); } if (m_ses.m_auto_manage_time_scaler > 2) m_ses.m_auto_manage_time_scaler = 2; } void torrent::set_max_uploads(int limit) { TORRENT_ASSERT(limit >= -1); if (limit <= 0) limit = (std::numeric_limits::max)(); m_max_uploads = limit; } void torrent::set_max_connections(int limit) { TORRENT_ASSERT(limit >= -1); if (limit <= 0) limit = (std::numeric_limits::max)(); m_max_connections = limit; } void torrent::set_peer_upload_limit(tcp::endpoint ip, int limit) { TORRENT_ASSERT(limit >= -1); peer_iterator i = std::find_if(m_connections.begin(), m_connections.end() , bind(&peer_connection::remote, _1) == ip); if (i == m_connections.end()) return; (*i)->set_upload_limit(limit); } void torrent::set_peer_download_limit(tcp::endpoint ip, int limit) { TORRENT_ASSERT(limit >= -1); peer_iterator i = std::find_if(m_connections.begin(), m_connections.end() , bind(&peer_connection::remote, _1) == ip); if (i == m_connections.end()) return; (*i)->set_download_limit(limit); } void torrent::set_upload_limit(int limit) { TORRENT_ASSERT(limit >= -1); if (limit <= 0) limit = (std::numeric_limits::max)(); if (limit < num_peers() * 10) limit = num_peers() * 10; m_bandwidth_limit[peer_connection::upload_channel].throttle(limit); } int torrent::upload_limit() const { int limit = m_bandwidth_limit[peer_connection::upload_channel].throttle(); if (limit == (std::numeric_limits::max)()) limit = -1; return limit; } void torrent::set_download_limit(int limit) { TORRENT_ASSERT(limit >= -1); if (limit <= 0) limit = (std::numeric_limits::max)(); if (limit < num_peers() * 10) limit = num_peers() * 10; m_bandwidth_limit[peer_connection::download_channel].throttle(limit); } int torrent::download_limit() const { int limit = m_bandwidth_limit[peer_connection::download_channel].throttle(); if (limit == (std::numeric_limits::max)()) limit = -1; return limit; } void torrent::delete_files() { #if defined TORRENT_VERBOSE_LOGGING for (peer_iterator i = m_connections.begin(); i != m_connections.end(); ++i) { (*(*i)->m_logger) << "*** DELETING FILES IN TORRENT\n"; } #endif disconnect_all(); stop_announcing(); if (m_owning_storage.get()) { TORRENT_ASSERT(m_storage); m_storage->async_delete_files( bind(&torrent::on_files_deleted, shared_from_this(), _1, _2)); } } void torrent::clear_error() { if (!m_error) return; bool checking_files = should_check_files(); if (m_ses.m_auto_manage_time_scaler > 2) m_ses.m_auto_manage_time_scaler = 2; m_error = error_code(); m_error_file.clear(); if (!checking_files && should_check_files()) queue_torrent_check(); } void torrent::set_error(error_code const& ec, std::string const& error_file) { bool checking_files = should_check_files(); m_error = ec; m_error_file = error_file; if (checking_files && !should_check_files()) { // stop checking m_storage->abort_disk_io(); dequeue_torrent_check(); set_state(torrent_status::queued_for_checking); } } void torrent::auto_managed(bool a) { INVARIANT_CHECK; if (m_auto_managed == a) return; bool checking_files = should_check_files(); m_auto_managed = a; // recalculate which torrents should be // paused m_ses.m_auto_manage_time_scaler = 0; if (!checking_files && should_check_files()) { queue_torrent_check(); } else if (checking_files && !should_check_files()) { // stop checking m_storage->abort_disk_io(); dequeue_torrent_check(); set_state(torrent_status::queued_for_checking); } } // the higher seed rank, the more important to seed int torrent::seed_rank(session_settings const& s) const { enum flags { seed_ratio_not_met = 0x400000, recently_started = 0x200000, no_seeds = 0x100000, prio_mask = 0xfffff }; if (!is_finished()) return 0; int scale = 100; if (!is_seed()) scale = 50; int ret = 0; ptime now(time_now()); int seed_time = total_seconds(m_seeding_time); int download_time = total_seconds(m_active_time) - seed_time; // if we haven't yet met the seed limits, set the seed_ratio_not_met // flag. That will make this seed prioritized // downloaded may be 0 if the torrent is 0-sized size_type downloaded = (std::max)(m_total_downloaded, m_torrent_file->total_size()); if (seed_time < s.seed_time_limit && (seed_time > 1 && download_time / float(seed_time) < s.seed_time_ratio_limit) && downloaded > 0 && m_total_uploaded / downloaded < s.share_ratio_limit) ret |= seed_ratio_not_met; // if this torrent is running, and it was started less // than 30 minutes ago, give it priority, to avoid oscillation if (!is_paused() && now - m_started < minutes(30)) ret |= recently_started; // if we have any scrape data, use it to calculate // seed rank int seeds = 0; int downloaders = 0; if (m_complete >= 0) seeds = m_complete; else seeds = m_policy.num_seeds(); if (m_incomplete >= 0) downloaders = m_incomplete; else downloaders = m_policy.num_peers() - m_policy.num_seeds(); if (seeds == 0) { ret |= no_seeds; ret |= downloaders & prio_mask; } else { ret |= (downloaders * scale / seeds) & prio_mask; } return ret; } // this is an async operation triggered by the client void torrent::save_resume_data() { INVARIANT_CHECK; if (!m_owning_storage.get()) { if (alerts().should_post()) { alerts().post_alert(save_resume_data_failed_alert(get_handle() , "save resume data failed, torrent is being destructed")); } return; } TORRENT_ASSERT(m_storage); if (m_state == torrent_status::queued_for_checking || m_state == torrent_status::checking_files || m_state == torrent_status::checking_resume_data) { if (alerts().should_post()) { alerts().post_alert(save_resume_data_failed_alert(get_handle() , "won't save resume data, torrent does not have a complete resume state yet")); } return; } m_storage->async_save_resume_data( bind(&torrent::on_save_resume_data, shared_from_this(), _1, _2)); } bool torrent::should_check_files() const { return (m_state == torrent_status::checking_files || m_state == torrent_status::queued_for_checking) && (!m_paused || m_auto_managed) && !has_error() && !m_abort; } bool torrent::is_paused() const { return m_paused || m_ses.is_paused(); } void torrent::pause() { INVARIANT_CHECK; if (m_paused) return; bool checking_files = should_check_files(); m_paused = true; if (!m_ses.is_paused()) do_pause(); if (checking_files && !should_check_files()) { // stop checking m_storage->abort_disk_io(); dequeue_torrent_check(); set_state(torrent_status::queued_for_checking); } } void torrent::do_pause() { if (!is_paused()) return; #ifndef TORRENT_DISABLE_EXTENSIONS for (extension_list_t::iterator i = m_extensions.begin() , end(m_extensions.end()); i != end; ++i) { #ifndef BOOST_NO_EXCEPTIONS try { #endif if ((*i)->on_pause()) return; #ifndef BOOST_NO_EXCEPTIONS } catch (std::exception&) {} #endif } #endif #if defined TORRENT_VERBOSE_LOGGING || defined TORRENT_ERROR_LOGGING for (peer_iterator i = m_connections.begin(); i != m_connections.end(); ++i) { (*(*i)->m_logger) << "*** PAUSING TORRENT\n"; } #endif // this will make the storage close all // files and flush all cached data if (m_owning_storage.get()) { TORRENT_ASSERT(m_storage); m_storage->async_release_files( bind(&torrent::on_torrent_paused, shared_from_this(), _1, _2)); m_storage->async_clear_read_cache(); } else { if (alerts().should_post()) alerts().post_alert(torrent_paused_alert(get_handle())); } disconnect_all(); stop_announcing(); } void torrent::resume() { INVARIANT_CHECK; if (!m_paused) return; bool checking_files = should_check_files(); m_paused = false; do_resume(); if (!checking_files && should_check_files()) queue_torrent_check(); } void torrent::do_resume() { if (is_paused()) return; #ifndef TORRENT_DISABLE_EXTENSIONS for (extension_list_t::iterator i = m_extensions.begin() , end(m_extensions.end()); i != end; ++i) { #ifndef BOOST_NO_EXCEPTIONS try { #endif if ((*i)->on_resume()) return; #ifndef BOOST_NO_EXCEPTIONS } catch (std::exception&) {} #endif } #endif if (alerts().should_post()) alerts().post_alert(torrent_resumed_alert(get_handle())); m_started = time_now(); clear_error(); start_announcing(); } void torrent::update_tracker_timer() { if (!m_announcing) return; ptime next_announce = max_time(); int tier = INT_MAX; for (std::vector::iterator i = m_trackers.begin() , end(m_trackers.end()); i != end; ++i) { if (i->tier > tier) break; if (i->is_working()) tier = i->tier; if (i->fails >= i->fail_limit && i->fail_limit != 0) continue; if (i->updating) continue; if (i->next_announce < next_announce) next_announce = i->next_announce; if (i->is_working() && !m_settings.announce_to_all_trackers) break; } if (next_announce == max_time()) return; // since we don't know if we have to re-issue the async_wait or not // always do it // if (m_tracker_timer.expires_at() <= next_announce) return; error_code ec; boost::weak_ptr self(shared_from_this()); m_tracker_timer.expires_at(next_announce, ec); m_tracker_timer.async_wait(bind(&torrent::on_tracker_announce_disp, self, _1)); m_waiting_tracker = true; } void torrent::start_announcing() { if (is_paused()) return; // if we don't have metadata, we need to announce // before checking files, to get peers to // request the metadata from if (!m_files_checked && valid_metadata()) return; if (m_announcing) return; m_announcing = true; if (!m_trackers.empty()) { // tell the tracker that we're back std::for_each(m_trackers.begin(), m_trackers.end() , bind(&announce_entry::reset, _1)); m_stat.clear(); announce_with_tracker(); } // private torrents are never announced on LSD // or on DHT, we don't need this timer. if (!m_torrent_file->is_valid() || !m_torrent_file->priv()) { error_code ec; boost::weak_ptr self(shared_from_this()); m_lsd_announce_timer.expires_from_now(seconds(1), ec); m_lsd_announce_timer.async_wait( bind(&torrent::on_lsd_announce_disp, self, _1)); } } void torrent::stop_announcing() { if (!m_announcing) return; error_code ec; m_lsd_announce_timer.cancel(ec); m_tracker_timer.cancel(ec); m_announcing = false; ptime now = time_now(); for (std::vector::iterator i = m_trackers.begin() , end(m_trackers.end()); i != end; ++i) i->next_announce = now; announce_with_tracker(tracker_request::stopped); } void torrent::second_tick(stat& accumulator, float tick_interval) { INVARIANT_CHECK; #ifndef TORRENT_DISABLE_EXTENSIONS for (extension_list_t::iterator i = m_extensions.begin() , end(m_extensions.end()); i != end; ++i) { #ifndef BOOST_NO_EXCEPTIONS try { #endif (*i)->tick(); #ifndef BOOST_NO_EXCEPTIONS } catch (std::exception&) {} #endif } #endif if (is_paused()) { // let the stats fade out to 0 m_stat.second_tick(tick_interval); return; } time_duration since_last_tick = microsec(tick_interval * 1000000L); if (is_seed()) m_seeding_time += since_last_tick; m_active_time += since_last_tick; ptime now = time_now(); // ---- TIME CRITICAL PIECES ---- if (!m_time_critical_pieces.empty()) { request_time_critical_pieces(); } // ---- WEB SEEDS ---- // re-insert urls that are to be retried into the m_web_seeds typedef std::map::iterator iter_t; for (iter_t i = m_web_seeds_next_retry.begin(); i != m_web_seeds_next_retry.end();) { iter_t erase_element = i++; if (erase_element->second <= now) { m_web_seeds.insert(erase_element->first); m_web_seeds_next_retry.erase(erase_element); } } // if we have everything we want we don't need to connect to any web-seed if (!is_finished() && !m_web_seeds.empty() && m_files_checked) { // keep trying web-seeds if there are any // first find out which web seeds we are connected to std::set web_seeds; for (peer_iterator i = m_connections.begin(); i != m_connections.end(); ++i) { web_peer_connection* p = dynamic_cast(*i); if (p) web_seeds.insert(web_seed_entry(p->url(), web_seed_entry::url_seed)); http_seed_connection* s = dynamic_cast(*i); if (s) web_seeds.insert(web_seed_entry(s->url(), web_seed_entry::http_seed)); } for (std::set::iterator i = m_resolving_web_seeds.begin() , end(m_resolving_web_seeds.end()); i != end; ++i) web_seeds.insert(web_seeds.begin(), *i); // from the list of available web seeds, subtract the ones we are // already connected to. std::vector not_connected_web_seeds; std::set_difference(m_web_seeds.begin(), m_web_seeds.end(), web_seeds.begin() , web_seeds.end(), std::back_inserter(not_connected_web_seeds)); // connect to all of those that we aren't connected to std::for_each(not_connected_web_seeds.begin(), not_connected_web_seeds.end() , bind(&torrent::connect_to_url_seed, this, _1)); } for (peer_iterator i = m_connections.begin(); i != m_connections.end();) { peer_connection* p = *i; ++i; m_stat += p->statistics(); // updates the peer connection's ul/dl bandwidth // resource requests #ifndef BOOST_NO_EXCEPTIONS try { #endif p->second_tick(tick_interval); #ifndef BOOST_NO_EXCEPTIONS } catch (std::exception& e) { #if defined TORRENT_VERBOSE_LOGGING || defined TORRENT_ERROR_LOGGING (*p->m_logger) << "**ERROR**: " << e.what() << "\n"; #endif p->disconnect(e.what(), 1); } #endif } accumulator += m_stat; m_total_uploaded += m_stat.last_payload_uploaded(); m_total_downloaded += m_stat.last_payload_downloaded(); m_stat.second_tick(tick_interval); m_time_scaler--; if (m_time_scaler <= 0) { m_time_scaler = 10; if (settings().max_sparse_regions > 0 && m_picker && m_picker->sparse_regions() > settings().max_sparse_regions) { // we have too many sparse regions. Prioritize pieces // that won't introduce new sparse regions // prioritize pieces that will reduce the number of sparse // regions even higher int start = m_picker->cursor(); int end = m_picker->reverse_cursor(); for (int i = start; i < end; ++i) update_sparse_piece_prio(i, start, end); } m_policy.pulse(); } } void torrent::request_time_critical_pieces() { // build a list of peers and sort it by download_queue_time std::vector peers; peers.reserve(m_connections.size()); std::remove_copy_if(m_connections.begin(), m_connections.end() , std::back_inserter(peers), !boost::bind(&peer_connection::can_request_time_critical, _1)); std::sort(peers.begin(), peers.end() , boost::bind(&peer_connection::download_queue_time, _1, 16*1024) < boost::bind(&peer_connection::download_queue_time, _2, 16*1024)); std::set peers_with_requests; std::vector interesting_blocks; std::vector backup1; std::vector backup2; std::vector ignore; ptime now = time_now(); for (std::list::iterator i = m_time_critical_pieces.begin() , end(m_time_critical_pieces.end()); i != end; ++i) { if (i != m_time_critical_pieces.begin() && i->deadline > now + m_average_piece_time + 4 * m_piece_time_deviation) { // don't request pieces whose deadline is too far in the future break; } // loop until every block has been requested from do { // pick the peer with the lowest download_queue_time that has i->piece std::vector::iterator p = std::find_if(peers.begin(), peers.end() , boost::bind(&peer_connection::has_piece, _1, i->piece)); if (p == peers.end()) break; peer_connection& c = **p; interesting_blocks.clear(); backup1.clear(); backup2.clear(); m_picker->add_blocks(i->piece, c.get_bitfield(), interesting_blocks , backup1, backup2, 1, 0, c.peer_info_struct() , ignore, piece_picker::fast, 0); std::vector const& rq = c.request_queue(); bool added_request = false; if (!interesting_blocks.empty() && std::find(rq.begin(), rq.end() , interesting_blocks.front()) != rq.end()) { c.make_time_critical(interesting_blocks.front()); added_request = true; } else if (!interesting_blocks.empty()) { c.add_request(interesting_blocks.front(), true); added_request = true; } // TODO: if there's been long enough since we requested something // from this piece, request one of the backup blocks (the one with // the least number of requests to it) and update the last request // timestamp if (added_request) { peers_with_requests.insert(peers_with_requests.begin(), &c); if (i->first_requested == min_time()) i->first_requested = now; if (!c.can_request_time_critical()) { peers.erase(p); } else { // resort p, since it will have a higher download_queue_time now while (p != peers.end()-1 && (*p)->download_queue_time() > (*(p+1))->download_queue_time()) { std::iter_swap(p, p+1); ++p; } } } } while (!interesting_blocks.empty()); } // commit all the time critical requests for (std::set::iterator i = peers_with_requests.begin() , end(peers_with_requests.end()); i != end; ++i) { (*i)->send_block_requests(); } } std::set torrent::web_seeds(web_seed_entry::type_t type) const { std::set ret; for (std::set::const_iterator i = m_web_seeds.begin() , end(m_web_seeds.end()); i != end; ++i) { if (i->type != type) continue; ret.insert(i->url); } return ret; } void torrent::retry_web_seed(std::string const& url, web_seed_entry::type_t type, int retry) { if (retry == 0) retry = m_ses.settings().urlseed_wait_retry; m_web_seeds_next_retry[web_seed_entry(url, type)] = time_now() + seconds(retry); } bool torrent::try_connect_peer() { TORRENT_ASSERT(want_more_peers()); if (m_deficit_counter < 100) return false; m_deficit_counter -= 100; bool ret = m_policy.connect_one_peer(); return ret; } void torrent::give_connect_points(int points) { TORRENT_ASSERT(points <= 100); TORRENT_ASSERT(points > 0); TORRENT_ASSERT(want_more_peers()); m_deficit_counter += points; } void torrent::async_verify_piece(int piece_index, boost::function const& f) { // INVARIANT_CHECK; TORRENT_ASSERT(m_storage); TORRENT_ASSERT(m_storage->refcount() > 0); TORRENT_ASSERT(piece_index >= 0); TORRENT_ASSERT(piece_index < m_torrent_file->num_pieces()); TORRENT_ASSERT(piece_index < (int)m_picker->num_pieces()); #ifdef TORRENT_DEBUG if (m_picker) { int blocks_in_piece = m_picker->blocks_in_piece(piece_index); for (int i = 0; i < blocks_in_piece; ++i) { TORRENT_ASSERT(m_picker->num_peers(piece_block(piece_index, i)) == 0); } } #endif m_storage->async_hash(piece_index, bind(&torrent::on_piece_verified , shared_from_this(), _1, _2, f)); #if defined TORRENT_DEBUG && !defined TORRENT_DISABLE_INVARIANT_CHECKS check_invariant(); #endif } void torrent::on_piece_verified(int ret, disk_io_job const& j , boost::function f) { session_impl::mutex_t::scoped_lock l(m_ses.m_mutex); // return value: // 0: success, piece passed hash check // -1: disk failure // -2: hash check failed if (ret == -1) { if (alerts().should_post()) alerts().post_alert(file_error_alert(j.error_file, get_handle(), j.str)); set_error(j.error, j.error_file); pause(); } f(ret); } const tcp::endpoint& torrent::current_tracker() const { return m_tracker_address; } announce_entry* torrent::find_tracker(tracker_request const& r) { std::vector::iterator i = std::find_if( m_trackers.begin(), m_trackers.end() , bind(&announce_entry::url, _1) == r.url); if (i == m_trackers.end()) return 0; return &*i; } void torrent::file_progress(std::vector& fp) const { fp.clear(); fp.resize(m_torrent_file->num_files(), 1.f); if (is_seed()) return; std::vector progress; file_progress(progress); for (int i = 0; i < m_torrent_file->num_files(); ++i) { file_entry const& f = m_torrent_file->file_at(i); if (f.size == 0) fp[i] = 1.f; else fp[i] = float(progress[i]) / f.size; } } void torrent::file_progress(std::vector& fp) const { TORRENT_ASSERT(valid_metadata()); fp.resize(m_torrent_file->num_files(), 0); if (is_seed()) { for (int i = 0; i < m_torrent_file->num_files(); ++i) fp[i] = m_torrent_file->files().at(i).size; return; } TORRENT_ASSERT(has_picker()); for (int i = 0; i < m_torrent_file->num_files(); ++i) { peer_request ret = m_torrent_file->files().map_file(i, 0, 0); size_type size = m_torrent_file->files().at(i).size; // zero sized files are considered // 100% done all the time if (size == 0) { fp[i] = 0; continue; } size_type done = 0; while (size > 0) { size_type bytes_step = (std::min)(size_type(m_torrent_file->piece_size(ret.piece) - ret.start), size); if (m_picker->have_piece(ret.piece)) done += bytes_step; ++ret.piece; ret.start = 0; size -= bytes_step; } TORRENT_ASSERT(size == 0); fp[i] = done; } const std::vector& q = m_picker->get_download_queue(); for (std::vector::const_iterator i = q.begin(), end(q.end()); i != end; ++i) { size_type offset = size_type(i->index) * m_torrent_file->piece_length(); torrent_info::file_iterator file = m_torrent_file->file_at_offset(offset); int file_index = file - m_torrent_file->begin_files(); int num_blocks = m_picker->blocks_in_piece(i->index); piece_picker::block_info const* info = i->info; for (int k = 0; k < num_blocks; ++k) { TORRENT_ASSERT(file != m_torrent_file->end_files()); TORRENT_ASSERT(offset == size_type(i->index) * m_torrent_file->piece_length() + k * m_block_size); TORRENT_ASSERT(offset < m_torrent_file->total_size()); while (offset >= file->offset + file->size) { ++file; ++file_index; } TORRENT_ASSERT(file != m_torrent_file->end_files()); size_type block_size = m_block_size; if (info[k].state == piece_picker::block_info::state_none) { offset += m_block_size; continue; } if (info[k].state == piece_picker::block_info::state_requested) { block_size = 0; policy::peer* p = static_cast(info[k].peer); if (p && p->connection) { boost::optional pbp = p->connection->downloading_piece_progress(); if (pbp && pbp->piece_index == i->index && pbp->block_index == k) block_size = pbp->bytes_downloaded; TORRENT_ASSERT(block_size <= m_block_size); } if (block_size == 0) { offset += m_block_size; continue; } } if (offset + block_size > file->offset + file->size) { int left_over = m_block_size - block_size; // split the block on multiple files while (block_size > 0) { TORRENT_ASSERT(offset <= file->offset + file->size); size_type slice = (std::min)(file->offset + file->size - offset , block_size); fp[file_index] += slice; offset += slice; block_size -= slice; TORRENT_ASSERT(offset <= file->offset + file->size); if (offset == file->offset + file->size) { ++file; ++file_index; if (file == m_torrent_file->end_files()) { offset += block_size; break; } } } offset += left_over; TORRENT_ASSERT(offset == size_type(i->index) * m_torrent_file->piece_length() + (k+1) * m_block_size); } else { fp[file_index] += block_size; offset += m_block_size; } TORRENT_ASSERT(file_index <= m_torrent_file->num_files()); } } } void torrent::set_state(torrent_status::state_t s) { #ifdef TORRENT_DEBUG if (s != torrent_status::checking_files && s != torrent_status::queued_for_checking) TORRENT_ASSERT(!m_queued_for_checking); if (s == torrent_status::seeding) TORRENT_ASSERT(is_seed()); if (s == torrent_status::finished) TORRENT_ASSERT(is_finished()); if (s == torrent_status::downloading && m_state == torrent_status::finished) TORRENT_ASSERT(!is_finished()); #endif if (m_state == s) return; if (m_ses.m_alerts.should_post()) m_ses.m_alerts.post_alert(state_changed_alert(get_handle(), s, m_state)); m_state = s; } torrent_status torrent::status() const { INVARIANT_CHECK; ptime now = time_now(); torrent_status st; st.has_incoming = m_has_incoming; if (m_error) st.error = m_error.message() + ": " + m_error_file; st.seed_mode = m_seed_mode; if (m_last_scrape == min_time()) { st.last_scrape = -1; } else { st.last_scrape = total_seconds(now - m_last_scrape); } st.up_bandwidth_queue = (int)m_bandwidth_queue[peer_connection::upload_channel].size(); st.down_bandwidth_queue = (int)m_bandwidth_queue[peer_connection::download_channel].size(); st.num_peers = (int)std::count_if(m_connections.begin(), m_connections.end() , !boost::bind(&peer_connection::is_connecting, _1)); st.list_peers = m_policy.num_peers(); st.list_seeds = m_policy.num_seeds(); st.connect_candidates = m_policy.num_connect_candidates(); st.seed_rank = seed_rank(m_ses.m_settings); st.all_time_upload = m_total_uploaded; st.all_time_download = m_total_downloaded; st.active_time = total_seconds(m_active_time); st.seeding_time = total_seconds(m_seeding_time); st.storage_mode = m_storage_mode; st.num_complete = m_complete; st.num_incomplete = m_incomplete; st.paused = m_paused; bytes_done(st); TORRENT_ASSERT(st.total_wanted_done >= 0); TORRENT_ASSERT(st.total_done >= st.total_wanted_done); // payload transfer st.total_payload_download = m_stat.total_payload_download(); st.total_payload_upload = m_stat.total_payload_upload(); // total transfer st.total_download = m_stat.total_payload_download() + m_stat.total_protocol_download(); st.total_upload = m_stat.total_payload_upload() + m_stat.total_protocol_upload(); // failed bytes st.total_failed_bytes = m_total_failed_bytes; st.total_redundant_bytes = m_total_redundant_bytes; // transfer rate st.download_rate = m_stat.download_rate(); st.upload_rate = m_stat.upload_rate(); st.download_payload_rate = m_stat.download_payload_rate(); st.upload_payload_rate = m_stat.upload_payload_rate(); if (m_waiting_tracker && !is_paused()) st.next_announce = boost::posix_time::seconds( total_seconds(next_announce() - now)); else st.next_announce = boost::posix_time::seconds(0); if (st.next_announce.is_negative()) st.next_announce = boost::posix_time::seconds(0); st.announce_interval = boost::posix_time::seconds(0); if (m_last_working_tracker >= 0) { TORRENT_ASSERT(m_last_working_tracker < m_trackers.size()); st.current_tracker = m_trackers[m_last_working_tracker].url; } else { std::vector::const_iterator i; for (i = m_trackers.begin(); i != m_trackers.end(); ++i) if (i->updating) break; if (i != m_trackers.end()) st.current_tracker = i->url; } st.num_uploads = m_num_uploads; st.uploads_limit = m_max_uploads; st.num_connections = int(m_connections.size()); st.connections_limit = m_max_connections; // if we don't have any metadata, stop here st.state = m_state; if (!valid_metadata()) { st.state = torrent_status::downloading_metadata; st.progress = m_progress; st.block_size = 0; return st; } st.block_size = block_size(); if (m_state == torrent_status::checking_files) st.progress = m_progress; else if (st.total_wanted == 0) st.progress = 1.f; else st.progress = st.total_wanted_done / static_cast(st.total_wanted); if (has_picker()) { st.sparse_regions = m_picker->sparse_regions(); int num_pieces = m_picker->num_pieces(); st.pieces.resize(num_pieces, false); for (int i = 0; i < num_pieces; ++i) if (m_picker->have_piece(i)) st.pieces.set_bit(i); } st.num_pieces = num_have(); st.num_seeds = num_seeds(); if (m_picker.get()) st.distributed_copies = m_picker->distributed_copies(); else st.distributed_copies = -1; return st; } void torrent::add_redundant_bytes(int b) { TORRENT_ASSERT(b > 0); m_total_redundant_bytes += b; m_ses.add_redundant_bytes(b); } void torrent::add_failed_bytes(int b) { TORRENT_ASSERT(b > 0); m_total_failed_bytes += b; m_ses.add_failed_bytes(b); } int torrent::num_seeds() const { INVARIANT_CHECK; return (int)std::count_if(m_connections.begin(), m_connections.end() , boost::bind(&peer_connection::is_seed, _1)); } void torrent::tracker_request_timed_out( tracker_request const& r) { session_impl::mutex_t::scoped_lock l(m_ses.m_mutex); INVARIANT_CHECK; #if defined TORRENT_VERBOSE_LOGGING || defined TORRENT_LOGGING || defined TORRENT_ERROR_LOGGING debug_log("*** tracker timed out"); #endif if (r.kind == tracker_request::announce_request) { announce_entry* ae = find_tracker(r); if (ae) { ae->failed(); int tracker_index = ae - &m_trackers[0]; deprioritize_tracker(tracker_index); } if (m_ses.m_alerts.should_post()) { m_ses.m_alerts.post_alert(tracker_error_alert(get_handle() , ae?ae->fails:0, 0, r.url, "tracker timed out")); } } else if (r.kind == tracker_request::scrape_request) { if (m_ses.m_alerts.should_post()) { m_ses.m_alerts.post_alert(scrape_failed_alert(get_handle() , r.url, "tracker timed out")); } } update_tracker_timer(); } // TODO: with some response codes, we should just consider // the tracker as a failure and not retry // it anymore void torrent::tracker_request_error(tracker_request const& r , int response_code, const std::string& str) { session_impl::mutex_t::scoped_lock l(m_ses.m_mutex); INVARIANT_CHECK; #if defined TORRENT_VERBOSE_LOGGING || defined TORRENT_LOGGING || defined TORRENT_ERROR_LOGGING debug_log(std::string("*** tracker error: ") + str); #endif if (r.kind == tracker_request::announce_request) { announce_entry* ae = find_tracker(r); if (ae) { ae->failed(); int tracker_index = ae - &m_trackers[0]; deprioritize_tracker(tracker_index); } if (m_ses.m_alerts.should_post()) { m_ses.m_alerts.post_alert(tracker_error_alert(get_handle() , ae?ae->fails:0, response_code, r.url, str)); } } else if (r.kind == tracker_request::scrape_request) { if (m_ses.m_alerts.should_post()) { m_ses.m_alerts.post_alert(scrape_failed_alert(get_handle(), r.url, str)); } } update_tracker_timer(); } #if defined TORRENT_VERBOSE_LOGGING || defined TORRENT_LOGGING || defined TORRENT_ERROR_LOGGING void torrent::debug_log(const std::string& line) { (*m_ses.m_logger) << time_now_string() << " " << line << "\n"; } #endif }