============================================ BitTorrent extension for arbitrary DHT store ============================================ :Author: Arvid Norberg, arvid@rasterbar.com :Version: 1.0.0 .. contents:: Table of contents :depth: 2 :backlinks: none This is a proposal for an extension to the BitTorrent DHT to allow storing and retrieving of arbitrary data. It supports both storing *immutable* items, where the key is the SHA-1 hash of the data itself, and *mutable* items, where the key is the public key of the key pair used to sign the data. There are two new proposed messages, ``put`` and ``get``. terminology ----------- In this document, a *storage node* refers to the node in the DHT to which an item is being announced and stored on. A *requesting node* refers to a node which makes look-ups in the DHT to find the storage nodes, to request items from them, and possibly re-announce those items to keep them alive. messages -------- The proposed new messages ``get`` and ``put`` are similar to the existing ``get_peers`` and ``announce_peer``. Responses to ``get`` should always include ``nodes`` and ``nodes6``. Those fields have the same semantics as in its ``get_peers`` response. It should also include a write token, ``token``, with the same semantics as int ``get_peers``. The write token MAY be tied specifically to the key which ``get`` requested. i.e. the ``token`` can only be used to store values under that one key. The ``id`` field in these messages has the same semantics as the standard DHT messages, i.e. the node ID of the node sending the message, to maintain the structure of the DHT network. The ``token`` field also has the same semantics as the standard DHT message ``get_peers`` and ``announce_peer``, when requesting an item and to write an item respectively. The ``k`` field is the 32 byte ed25519 public key, which the signature can be authenticated with. When looking up a mutable item, the ``target`` field MUST be the SHA-1 hash of this key. The distinction between storing mutable and immutable items is the inclusion of a public key, a sequence number and signature (``k``, ``seq`` and ``sig``). ``get`` requests for mutable items and immutable items cannot be distinguished from eachother. An implementation can either store mutable and immutable items in the same hash table internally, or in separate ones and potentially do two lookups for ``get`` requests. The ``v`` field is the *value* to be stored. It is allowed to be any bencoded type (list, dict, string or integer). When it's being hashed (for verifying its signature or to calculate its key), its flattened, bencoded, form is used. It is important to use the exact bencoded representation as it appeared in the message. decoding and then re-encoding bencoded structures is not necessarily an identity operation. Storing nodes SHOULD reject ``put`` requests where the bencoded form of ``v`` is longer than 1000 bytes. immutable items --------------- Immutable items are stored under their SHA-1 hash, and since they cannot be modified, there is no need to authenticate the origin of them. This makes immutable items simple. A node making a lookup SHOULD verify the data it receives from the network, to verify that its hash matches the target that was looked up. put message ........... Request: .. parsed-literal:: { "a": { "id": *<20 byte id of sending node (string)>*, "v": ** }, "t": **, "y": "q", "q": "put" } Response: .. parsed-literal:: { "r": { "id": *<20 byte id of sending node (string)>* }, "t": **, "y": "r", } get message ........... Request: .. parsed-literal:: { "a": { "id": *<20 byte id of sending node (string)>*, "target": **, }, "t": **, "y": "q", "q": "get" } Response: .. parsed-literal:: { "r": { "id": *<20 byte id of sending node (string)>*, "token": **, "v": **, "nodes": **, "nodes6": ** }, "t": **, "y": "r", } mutable items ------------- Mutable items can be updated, without changing their DHT keys. To authenticate that only the original publisher can update an item, it is signed by a private key generated by the original publisher. The target ID mutable items are stored under is the SHA-1 hash of the public key (as it appears in the ``put`` message). In order to avoid a malicious node to overwrite the list head with an old version, the sequence number ``seq`` must be monotonically increasing for each update, and a node hosting the list node MUST not downgrade a list head from a higher sequence number to a lower one, only upgrade. The sequence number SHOULD not exceed ``MAX_INT64``, (i.e. ``0x7fffffffffffffff``. A client MAY reject any message with a sequence number exceeding this. The signature is a 64 byte ed25519 signature of the bencoded sequence number concatenated with the ``v`` key. e.g. something like this:: ``3:seqi4e1:v12:Hello world!``. put message ........... Request: .. parsed-literal:: { "a": { "cas": **, "id": *<20 byte id of sending node (string)>*, "k": **, "seq": **, "sig": **, "token": **, "v": ** }, "t": **, "y": "q", "q": "put" } Storing nodes receiving a ``put`` request where ``seq`` is lower than or equal to what's already stored on the node, MUST reject the request. If the sequence number is equal, and the value is also the same, the node SHOULD reset its timeout counter. If the sequence number in the ``put`` message is lower than the sequence number associated with the currently stored value, the storing node MAY return an error message with code 302 (see error codes below). Note that this request does not contain a target hash. The target hash under which this blob is stored is implied by the ``k`` argument. The key is the SHA-1 hash of the key (``k``). The ``cas`` field is optional. If present it is interpreted of the sha-1 hash of the sequence number and ``v`` field that is expected to be replaced. The buffer to hash is the same as the one signed when storing. ``cas`` is short for *compare and swap*, it has similar semantics as CAS CPU instructions. If specified as part of the put command, and the current value stored under the public key differs from the expected value, the store fails. The ``cas`` field only applies to mutable puts. Response: .. parsed-literal:: { "r": { "id": *<20 byte id of sending node (string)>* }, "t": **, "y": "r", } If the store fails for any reason an error message is returned instead of the message template above, i.e. one where "y" is "e" and "e" is a tuple of [error-code, message]). Failures include where the ``cas`` hash mismatches and the sequence number is outdated. If no ``cas`` field is included in the ``put`` message, the value of the current ``v`` field should be disregarded when determining whether or not to save the item. The error message (as specified by BEP5_) looks like this: .. _BEP5: http://www.bittorrent.org/beps/bep_0005.html .. parsed-literal:: { "e": [ **, ** ], "t": **, "y": "e", } In addition to the error codes defined in BEP5_, this specification defines some additional error codes. +------------+-----------------------------+ | error-code | description | +============+=============================+ | 205 | message (i.e. ``v`` field) | | | too big. | +------------+-----------------------------+ | 206 | invalid signature | +------------+-----------------------------+ | 301 | the CAS hash mismatched, | | | re-read value and try | | | again. | +------------+-----------------------------+ | 302 | sequence number less than | | | current. | +------------+-----------------------------+ An implementation MUST emit 301 errors if the cas-hash mismatches. This is a critical feature in synchronization of multiple agents sharing an immutable item. get message ........... Request: .. parsed-literal:: { "a": { "id": *<20 byte id of sending node (string)>*, "target:" *<20 byte SHA-1 hash of public key (string)>* }, "t": **, "y": "q", "q": "get" } Response: .. parsed-literal:: { "r": { "id": *<20 byte id of sending node (string)>*, "k": **, "nodes": **, "nodes6": **, "seq": **, "sig": **, "token": **, "v": ** }, "t": **, "y": "r", } signature verification ---------------------- The signature, private and public keys are in the format as produced by this derivative `ed25519 library`_. .. _`ed25519 library`: https://github.com/nightcracker/ed25519 In order to make it maximally difficult to attack the bencoding parser, signing and verification of the value and sequence number should be done as follows: 1. encode value and sequence number separately 2. concatenate *"3:seqi"* ``seq`` *"e1:v"* ``len`` *":"* and the encoded value. sequence number 1 of value "Hello World!" would be converted to: "3:seqi1e1:v12:Hello World!" In this way it is not possible to convince a node that part of the length is actually part of the sequence number even if the parser contains certain bugs. Furthermore it is not possible to have a verification failure if a bencoding serializer alters the order of entries in the dictionary. 3. sign or verify the concatenated string On the storage node, the signature MUST be verified before accepting the store command. The data MUST be stored under the SHA-1 hash of the public key (as it appears in the bencoded dict). On the requesting nodes, the key they get back from a ``get`` request MUST be verified to hash to the target ID the lookup was made for, as well as verifying the signature. If any of these fail, the response SHOULD be considered invalid. expiration ---------- Without re-announcement, these items MAY expire in 2 hours. In order to keep items alive, they SHOULD be re-announced once an hour. Any node that's interested in keeping a blob in the DHT alive may announce it. It would simply repeat the signature for a mutable put without having the private key. test vectors ------------