A tracker with the protocol "udp://" in its URI is supposed to be contacted using this protocol.
This protocol is supported by xbt-tracker.
For additional information and descritptions of the terminology used in this document, see the protocol specification
All values are sent in network byte order (big endian). The sizes are specified with ANSI-C standard types.
If no response to a request is received within 15 seconds, resend the request. If no reply has been received after 60 seconds, stop retrying.
Client sends packet:
size | name | description |
int64_t | connection_id | Not used, ignored by tracker. |
int32_t | action | 0 for a connection request |
int32_t | transaction_id | Randomized by client. |
optional part
size | name | description |
int8_t | flags | 1 = authentication |
int8_t[8] | username | |
int8_t[8] | password_hash | sha1-hash of the tracker password |
what is the point of having a fixed size username field instead of a null-terminated string?
Why send the hash of the password instead of the password itself?
Server replies with packet:
size | name | description |
int32_t | action | Describes the type of packet, in this case it should be 0, for connect. If 3 (for error) see errors. |
int32_t | transaction_id | Must match the transaction_id sent from the client. |
int64_t | connection_id | A connection id, this is used when further information is exchanged with the tracker, to identify you. This connection id can be reused for multiple requests, but if it's cached for too long, it will not be valid anymore. |
Client sends packet:
size | name | description |
int64_t | connection_id | The connection id acquired from establishing the connection. |
int32_t | action | Action. in this case, 1 for announce. |
int32_t | transaction_id | Randomized by client. |
int8_t[20] | info_hash | The info-hash of the torrent you want announce yourself in. |
int8_t[20] | peer_id | Your peer id. |
int64_t | downloaded | The number of byte you've downloaded in this session. |
int64_t | left | The number of bytes you have left to download until you're finished. |
int64_t | uploaded | The number of bytes you have uploaded in this session. |
int32_t | event | The event, one of
uint32_t | ip | Your ip address. Set to 0 if you want the tracker to use the sender of this udp packet. |
int32_t | num_want | The maximum number of peers you want in the reply. Use -1 for default. |
uint16_t | port | The port you're listening on. |
Server replies with packet:
size | name | description |
int32_t | action | The action this is a reply to. Should in this case be 1 for announce. If 3 (for error) see errors. |
int32_t | transaction_id | Must match the transaction_id sent in the announce request. |
int32_t | interval | the number of seconds you should wait until reannouncing yourself. |
The rest of the server reply is a variable number of the following structure:
size | name | description |
int32_t | ip | The ip of a peer in the swarm. |
uint16_t | port | The peer's listen port. |
Client sends packet:
size | name | description |
int64_t | connection_id | The connection id retreived from the establishing of the connection. |
int32_t | action | The action, in this case, 2 for scrape. |
int32_t | transaction_id | Randomized by client. |
int8_t[20] | info_hash | The info hash that is to be scraped. |
Server replies with packet:
size | name | description |
int32_t | action | The action, should in this case be 2 for scrape. If 3 (for error) see errors. |
int32_t | transaction_id | Must match the sent transaction id. |
The rest of the packet contains a variable number of the following structures:
size | name | description |
int8_t[20] | info_hash | The info hash of this info. |
int32_t | complete | The total number of completed downloads. |
int32_t | downloaded | The current number of connected seeds. |
int32_t | incomplete | The current number of connected leechers. |
In case of a tracker error, the server replies with this packet:
size | name | description |
int32_t | action | The action, in this case 3, for error. |
int32_t | transaction_id | Must match the transaction_id sent from the client. |
int8_t[] | error_string | The rest of the packet is a string describing the error. |
The action fields has the following encoding:
- connect = 0
- announce = 1
- scrape = 2
- error = 3 (only in server replies)
Protocol designed by Olaf van der Spek