/* Copyright (c) 2007-2016, Arvid Norberg All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * Neither the name of the author nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include "libtorrent/socket.hpp" #include "libtorrent/socket_io.hpp" #include "libtorrent/upnp.hpp" #include "libtorrent/io.hpp" #include "libtorrent/parse_url.hpp" #include "libtorrent/xml_parse.hpp" #include "libtorrent/enum_net.hpp" #include "libtorrent/random.hpp" #include "libtorrent/aux_/time.hpp" // for aux::time_now() #include "libtorrent/aux_/escape_string.hpp" // for convert_from_native #include "libtorrent/debug.hpp" #include "libtorrent/aux_/disable_warnings_push.hpp" #include #include #include "libtorrent/aux_/disable_warnings_pop.hpp" #include #include // for snprintf #include #include using namespace std::placeholders; namespace libtorrent { using namespace aux; namespace upnp_errors { boost::system::error_code make_error_code(error_code_enum e) { return error_code(e, upnp_category()); } } // upnp_errors namespace static error_code ignore_error; // TODO: 3 bind the broadcast socket. it would probably have to be changed to a vector of interfaces to // bind to, since the broadcast socket opens one socket per local // interface by default upnp::upnp(io_service& ios , std::string const& user_agent , aux::portmap_callback& cb , bool ignore_nonrouters) : m_user_agent(user_agent) , m_callback(cb) , m_retry_count(0) , m_io_service(ios) , m_resolver(ios) , m_socket(udp::endpoint(address_v4::from_string("" , ignore_error), 1900)) , m_broadcast_timer(ios) , m_refresh_timer(ios) , m_map_timer(ios) , m_disabled(false) , m_closing(false) , m_ignore_non_routers(ignore_nonrouters) , m_last_if_update(min_time()) { } void upnp::start() { TORRENT_ASSERT(is_single_thread()); error_code ec; m_socket.open(std::bind(&upnp::on_reply, self(), _1, _2, _3) , m_refresh_timer.get_io_service(), ec); m_mappings.reserve(10); } upnp::~upnp() = default; void upnp::discover_device() { TORRENT_ASSERT(is_single_thread()); #ifndef TORRENT_DISABLE_LOGGING if (m_socket.num_send_sockets() == 0) log("No network interfaces to broadcast to"); #endif discover_device_impl(); } #ifndef TORRENT_DISABLE_LOGGING bool upnp::should_log() const { return m_callback.should_log_portmap(aux::portmap_transport::upnp); } TORRENT_FORMAT(2,3) void upnp::log(char const* fmt, ...) const { TORRENT_ASSERT(is_single_thread()); if (!should_log()) return; va_list v; va_start(v, fmt); char msg[500]; std::vsnprintf(msg, sizeof(msg), fmt, v); va_end(v); m_callback.log_portmap(aux::portmap_transport::upnp, msg); } #endif void upnp::discover_device_impl() { TORRENT_ASSERT(is_single_thread()); const char msearch[] = "M-SEARCH * HTTP/1.1\r\n" "HOST:\r\n" "ST:upnp:rootdevice\r\n" "MAN:\"ssdp:discover\"\r\n" "MX:3\r\n" "\r\n\r\n"; error_code ec; #ifdef TORRENT_DEBUG_UPNP // simulate packet loss if (m_retry_count & 1) #endif m_socket.send(msearch, sizeof(msearch) - 1, ec); if (ec) { #ifndef TORRENT_DISABLE_LOGGING if (should_log()) { log("broadcast failed: %s. Aborting." , convert_from_native(ec.message()).c_str()); } #endif disable(ec); return; } ADD_OUTSTANDING_ASYNC("upnp::resend_request"); ++m_retry_count; m_broadcast_timer.expires_from_now(seconds(2 * m_retry_count), ec); m_broadcast_timer.async_wait(std::bind(&upnp::resend_request , self(), _1)); #ifndef TORRENT_DISABLE_LOGGING log("broadcasting search for rootdevice"); #endif } // returns a reference to a mapping or -1 on failure int upnp::add_mapping(portmap_protocol const p, int const external_port , int const local_port) { TORRENT_ASSERT(is_single_thread()); // external port 0 means _every_ port TORRENT_ASSERT(external_port != 0); #ifndef TORRENT_DISABLE_LOGGING log("adding port map: [ protocol: %s ext_port: %u " "local_port: %u ] %s", (p == portmap_protocol::tcp?"tcp":"udp") , external_port , local_port, m_disabled ? "DISABLED": ""); #endif if (m_disabled) return -1; std::vector::iterator mapping_it = std::find_if( m_mappings.begin(), m_mappings.end() , [](global_mapping_t const& m) { return m.protocol == portmap_protocol::none; }); if (mapping_it == m_mappings.end()) { m_mappings.push_back(global_mapping_t()); mapping_it = m_mappings.end() - 1; } mapping_it->protocol = p; mapping_it->external_port = external_port; mapping_it->local_port = local_port; int const mapping_index = int(mapping_it - m_mappings.begin()); for (auto const& dev : m_devices) { rootdevice& d = const_cast(dev); TORRENT_ASSERT(d.magic == 1337); if (int(d.mapping.size()) <= mapping_index) d.mapping.resize(mapping_index + 1); mapping_t& m = d.mapping[mapping_index]; m.act = mapping_t::action::add; m.protocol = p; m.external_port = external_port; m.local_port = local_port; if (!d.service_namespace.empty()) update_map(d, mapping_index); } return mapping_index; } void upnp::delete_mapping(int mapping) { TORRENT_ASSERT(is_single_thread()); if (mapping >= int(m_mappings.size())) return; global_mapping_t& m = m_mappings[mapping]; #ifndef TORRENT_DISABLE_LOGGING log("deleting port map: [ protocol: %s ext_port: %u " "local_port: %u ]", (m.protocol == portmap_protocol::tcp?"tcp":"udp"), m.external_port , m.local_port); #endif if (m.protocol == portmap_protocol::none) return; for (auto const& dev : m_devices) { rootdevice& d = const_cast(dev); TORRENT_ASSERT(d.magic == 1337); TORRENT_ASSERT(mapping < int(d.mapping.size())); d.mapping[mapping].act = mapping_t::action::del; if (!d.service_namespace.empty()) update_map(d, mapping); } } bool upnp::get_mapping(int const index , int& local_port , int& external_port , portmap_protocol& protocol) const { TORRENT_ASSERT(is_single_thread()); TORRENT_ASSERT(index < int(m_mappings.size()) && index >= 0); if (index >= int(m_mappings.size()) || index < 0) return false; global_mapping_t const& m = m_mappings[index]; if (m.protocol == portmap_protocol::none) return false; local_port = m.local_port; external_port = m.external_port; protocol = m.protocol; return true; } void upnp::resend_request(error_code const& ec) { TORRENT_ASSERT(is_single_thread()); COMPLETE_ASYNC("upnp::resend_request"); if (ec) return; std::shared_ptr me(self()); if (m_closing) return; if (m_retry_count < 12 && (m_devices.empty() || m_retry_count < 4)) { discover_device_impl(); return; } if (m_devices.empty()) { disable(errors::no_router); return; } for (auto const& dev : m_devices) { if (!dev.control_url.empty() || dev.upnp_connection || dev.disabled) { continue; } // we don't have a WANIP or WANPPP url for this device, // ask for it rootdevice& d = const_cast(dev); TORRENT_ASSERT(d.magic == 1337); TORRENT_TRY { #ifndef TORRENT_DISABLE_LOGGING log("connecting to: %s", d.url.c_str()); #endif if (d.upnp_connection) d.upnp_connection->close(); d.upnp_connection = std::make_shared(m_io_service , m_resolver , std::bind(&upnp::on_upnp_xml, self(), _1, _2 , std::ref(d), _5)); d.upnp_connection->get(d.url, seconds(30), 1); } TORRENT_CATCH (std::exception const& exc) { TORRENT_DECLARE_DUMMY(std::exception, exc); TORRENT_UNUSED(exc); #ifndef TORRENT_DISABLE_LOGGING log("connection failed to: %s %s", d.url.c_str(), exc.what()); #endif d.disabled = true; } } } void upnp::on_reply(udp::endpoint const& from, char* buffer , std::size_t bytes_transferred) { TORRENT_ASSERT(is_single_thread()); std::shared_ptr me(self()); // parse out the url for the device /* the response looks like this: HTTP/1.1 200 OK ST:upnp:rootdevice USN:uuid:000f-66d6-7296000099dc::upnp:rootdevice Location: Server: Custom/1.0 UPnP/1.0 Proc/Ver EXT: Cache-Control:max-age=180 DATE: Fri, 02 Jan 1970 08:10:38 GMT a notification looks like this: NOTIFY * HTTP/1.1 Host: NT:urn:schemas-upnp-org:device:MediaServer:1 NTS:ssdp:alive Location: USN:uuid:c17f0c32-d19b-4938-ae94-65f945c3a26e::urn:schemas-upnp-org:device:MediaServer:1 Cache-Control:max-age=900 Server:Microsoft-Windows-NT/5.1 UPnP/1.0 UPnP-Device-Host/1.0 */ error_code ec; if (clock_type::now() - seconds(60) > m_last_if_update) { m_interfaces = enum_net_interfaces(m_io_service, ec); #ifndef TORRENT_DISABLE_LOGGING if (ec && should_log()) { log("when receiving response from: %s: %s" , print_endpoint(from).c_str(), convert_from_native(ec.message()).c_str()); } #endif m_last_if_update = aux::time_now(); } if (!ec && !in_local_network(m_interfaces, from.address())) { #ifndef TORRENT_DISABLE_LOGGING if (should_log()) { char msg[400]; int num_chars = std::snprintf(msg, sizeof(msg) , "ignoring response from: %s. IP is not on local network. " , print_endpoint(from).c_str()); for (auto const& iface : m_interfaces) { num_chars += std::snprintf(msg + num_chars, sizeof(msg) - num_chars, "(%s,%s) " , print_address(iface.interface_address).c_str(), print_address(iface.netmask).c_str()); if (num_chars >= int(sizeof(msg))) break; } log("%s", msg); } #endif return; } bool non_router = false; if (m_ignore_non_routers) { std::vector routes = enum_routes(m_io_service, ec); if (std::none_of(routes.begin(), routes.end() , [from] (ip_route const& rt) { return rt.gateway == from.address(); })) { // this upnp device is filtered because it's not in the // list of configured routers if (ec) { #ifndef TORRENT_DISABLE_LOGGING if (should_log()) { log("failed to enumerate routes when " "receiving response from: %s: %s" , print_endpoint(from).c_str(), convert_from_native(ec.message()).c_str()); } #endif } else { #ifndef TORRENT_DISABLE_LOGGING if (should_log()) { char msg[400]; int num_chars = std::snprintf(msg, sizeof(msg), "SSDP response from: " "%s: IP is not a router. " , print_endpoint(from).c_str()); for (auto const& route : routes) { num_chars += std::snprintf(msg + num_chars, sizeof(msg) - num_chars, "(%s,%s) " , print_address(route.gateway).c_str() , print_address(route.netmask).c_str()); if (num_chars >= int(sizeof(msg))) break; } log("%s", msg); } #endif non_router = true; } } } http_parser p; bool error = false; p.incoming(span(buffer, bytes_transferred), error); if (error) { #ifndef TORRENT_DISABLE_LOGGING if (should_log()) { log("received malformed HTTP from: %s" , print_endpoint(from).c_str()); } #endif return; } if (p.status_code() != 200 && p.method() != "notify") { #ifndef TORRENT_DISABLE_LOGGING if (should_log()) { if (p.method().empty()) { log("HTTP status %u from %s" , p.status_code(), print_endpoint(from).c_str()); } else { log("HTTP method %s from %s" , p.method().c_str(), print_endpoint(from).c_str()); } } #endif return; } if (!p.header_finished()) { #ifndef TORRENT_DISABLE_LOGGING if (should_log()) { log("incomplete HTTP packet from %s" , print_endpoint(from).c_str()); } #endif return; } std::string url = p.header("location"); if (url.empty()) { #ifndef TORRENT_DISABLE_LOGGING if (should_log()) { log("missing location header from %s" , print_endpoint(from).c_str()); } #endif return; } rootdevice d; d.url = url; std::set::iterator i = m_devices.find(d); if (i == m_devices.end()) { std::string protocol; std::string auth; // we don't have this device in our list. Add it std::tie(protocol, auth, d.hostname, d.port, d.path) = parse_url_components(d.url, ec); if (d.port == -1) d.port = protocol == "http" ? 80 : 443; if (ec) { #ifndef TORRENT_DISABLE_LOGGING if (should_log()) { log("invalid URL %s from %s: %s" , d.url.c_str(), print_endpoint(from).c_str(), convert_from_native(ec.message()).c_str()); } #endif return; } // ignore the auth here. It will be re-parsed // by the http connection later if (protocol != "http") { #ifndef TORRENT_DISABLE_LOGGING if (should_log()) { log("unsupported protocol %s from %s" , protocol.c_str(), print_endpoint(from).c_str()); } #endif return; } if (d.port == 0) { #ifndef TORRENT_DISABLE_LOGGING if (should_log()) { log("URL with port 0 from %s", print_endpoint(from).c_str()); } #endif return; } #ifndef TORRENT_DISABLE_LOGGING if (should_log()) { log("found rootdevice: %s (%d)" , d.url.c_str(), int(m_devices.size())); } #endif if (m_devices.size() >= 50) { #ifndef TORRENT_DISABLE_LOGGING if (should_log()) { log("too many rootdevices: (%d). Ignoring %s" , int(m_devices.size()), d.url.c_str()); } #endif return; } d.non_router = non_router; TORRENT_ASSERT(d.mapping.empty()); for (auto const& j : m_mappings) { mapping_t m; m.act = mapping_t::action::add; m.local_port = j.local_port; m.external_port = j.external_port; m.protocol = j.protocol; d.mapping.push_back(m); } std::tie(i, std::ignore) = m_devices.insert(d); } // iterate over the devices we know and connect and issue the mappings try_map_upnp(); if (m_ignore_non_routers) { ADD_OUTSTANDING_ASYNC("upnp::map_timer"); // check back in in a little bit to see if we have seen any // devices at one of our default routes. If not, we want to override // ignoring them and use them instead (better than not working). m_map_timer.expires_from_now(seconds(1), ec); m_map_timer.async_wait(std::bind(&upnp::map_timer, self(), _1)); } } void upnp::map_timer(error_code const& ec) { TORRENT_ASSERT(is_single_thread()); COMPLETE_ASYNC("upnp::map_timer"); if (ec) return; if (m_closing) return; try_map_upnp(true); } void upnp::try_map_upnp(bool timer) { TORRENT_ASSERT(is_single_thread()); if (m_devices.empty()) return; bool override_ignore_non_routers = false; if (m_ignore_non_routers && timer) { // if we don't ave any devices that match our default route, we // should try to map with the ones we did hear from anyway, // regardless of if they are not running at our gateway. override_ignore_non_routers = std::none_of(m_devices.begin() , m_devices.end(), [](rootdevice const& d) { return d.non_router == false; }); #ifndef TORRENT_DISABLE_LOGGING if (override_ignore_non_routers) { log("overriding ignore non-routers"); } #endif } for (std::set::iterator i = m_devices.begin() , end(m_devices.end()); i != end; ++i) { // if we're ignoring non-routers, skip them. If on_timer is // set, we expect to have received all responses and if we don't // have any devices at our default route, then issue requests // to any device we found. if (m_ignore_non_routers && i->non_router && !override_ignore_non_routers) continue; if (i->control_url.empty() && !i->upnp_connection && !i->disabled) { // we don't have a WANIP or WANPPP url for this device, // ask for it rootdevice& d = const_cast(*i); TORRENT_ASSERT(d.magic == 1337); TORRENT_TRY { #ifndef TORRENT_DISABLE_LOGGING log("connecting to: %s", d.url.c_str()); #endif if (d.upnp_connection) d.upnp_connection->close(); d.upnp_connection = std::make_shared(m_io_service , m_resolver , std::bind(&upnp::on_upnp_xml, self(), _1, _2 , std::ref(d), _5)); d.upnp_connection->get(d.url, seconds(30), 1); } TORRENT_CATCH (std::exception const& exc) { TORRENT_DECLARE_DUMMY(std::exception, exc); TORRENT_UNUSED(exc); #ifndef TORRENT_DISABLE_LOGGING log("connection failed to: %s %s", d.url.c_str(), exc.what()); #endif d.disabled = true; } } } } void upnp::post(upnp::rootdevice const& d, char const* soap , char const* soap_action) { TORRENT_ASSERT(is_single_thread()); TORRENT_ASSERT(d.magic == 1337); TORRENT_ASSERT(d.upnp_connection); char header[2048]; std::snprintf(header, sizeof(header), "POST %s HTTP/1.1\r\n" "Host: %s:%u\r\n" "Content-Type: text/xml; charset=\"utf-8\"\r\n" "Content-Length: %d\r\n" "Soapaction: \"%s#%s\"\r\n\r\n" "%s" , d.path.c_str(), d.hostname.c_str(), d.port , int(strlen(soap)), d.service_namespace.c_str(), soap_action , soap); d.upnp_connection->m_sendbuffer = header; #ifndef TORRENT_DISABLE_LOGGING log("sending: %s", header); #endif } void upnp::create_port_mapping(http_connection& c, rootdevice& d, int i) { TORRENT_ASSERT(is_single_thread()); TORRENT_ASSERT(d.magic == 1337); if (!d.upnp_connection) { TORRENT_ASSERT(d.disabled); #ifndef TORRENT_DISABLE_LOGGING log("mapping %u aborted", i); #endif return; } char const* soap_action = "AddPortMapping"; error_code ec; std::string local_endpoint = print_address(c.socket().local_endpoint(ec).address()); char soap[2048]; std::snprintf(soap, sizeof(soap), "\n" "" "" "" "%u" "%s" "%u" "%s" "1" "%s at %s:%d" "%u" "" , soap_action, d.service_namespace.c_str(), d.mapping[i].external_port , (d.mapping[i].protocol == portmap_protocol::udp ? "UDP" : "TCP") , d.mapping[i].local_port , local_endpoint.c_str() , m_user_agent.c_str(), local_endpoint.c_str(), d.mapping[i].local_port , d.lease_duration, soap_action); post(d, soap, soap_action); } void upnp::next(rootdevice& d, int i) { TORRENT_ASSERT(is_single_thread()); if (i < num_mappings() - 1) { update_map(d, i + 1); } else { auto const j = std::find_if(d.mapping.begin(), d.mapping.end() , [] (mapping_t const& m) { return m.act != mapping_t::action::none; }); if (j == d.mapping.end()) return; update_map(d, int(j - d.mapping.begin())); } } void upnp::update_map(rootdevice& d, int const i) { TORRENT_ASSERT(is_single_thread()); TORRENT_ASSERT(d.magic == 1337); TORRENT_ASSERT(i < int(d.mapping.size())); TORRENT_ASSERT(d.mapping.size() == m_mappings.size()); if (d.upnp_connection) return; std::shared_ptr me(self()); mapping_t& m = d.mapping[i]; if (m.act == mapping_t::action::none || m.protocol == portmap_protocol::none) { #ifndef TORRENT_DISABLE_LOGGING log("mapping %u does not need updating, skipping", i); #endif m.act = mapping_t::action::none; next(d, i); return; } TORRENT_ASSERT(!d.upnp_connection); TORRENT_ASSERT(!d.service_namespace.empty()); #ifndef TORRENT_DISABLE_LOGGING log("connecting to %s", d.hostname.c_str()); #endif if (m.act == mapping_t::action::add) { if (m.failcount > 5) { m.act = mapping_t::action::none; // giving up next(d, i); return; } if (d.upnp_connection) d.upnp_connection->close(); d.upnp_connection = std::make_shared(m_io_service , m_resolver , std::bind(&upnp::on_upnp_map_response, self(), _1, _2 , std::ref(d), i, _5), true, default_max_bottled_buffer_size , std::bind(&upnp::create_port_mapping, self(), _1, std::ref(d), i)); d.upnp_connection->start(d.hostname, d.port , seconds(10), 1); } else if (m.act == mapping_t::action::del) { if (d.upnp_connection) d.upnp_connection->close(); d.upnp_connection = std::make_shared(m_io_service , m_resolver , std::bind(&upnp::on_upnp_unmap_response, self(), _1, _2 , std::ref(d), i, _5), true, default_max_bottled_buffer_size , std::bind(&upnp::delete_port_mapping, self(), std::ref(d), i)); d.upnp_connection->start(d.hostname, d.port , seconds(10), 1); } m.act = mapping_t::action::none; } void upnp::delete_port_mapping(rootdevice& d, int i) { TORRENT_ASSERT(is_single_thread()); TORRENT_ASSERT(d.magic == 1337); if (!d.upnp_connection) { TORRENT_ASSERT(d.disabled); #ifndef TORRENT_DISABLE_LOGGING log("unmapping %u aborted", i); #endif return; } char const* soap_action = "DeletePortMapping"; char soap[2048]; error_code ec; std::snprintf(soap, sizeof(soap), "\n" "" "" "" "%u" "%s" "" , soap_action, d.service_namespace.c_str() , d.mapping[i].external_port , (d.mapping[i].protocol == portmap_protocol::udp ? "UDP" : "TCP") , soap_action); post(d, soap, soap_action); } namespace { void copy_tolower(std::string& dst, char const* src, int len) { dst.clear(); dst.reserve(len); while (len-- > 0) { dst.push_back(to_lower(*src++)); } } } TORRENT_EXTRA_EXPORT void find_control_url(int type, char const* string , int str_len, parse_state& state) { if (type == xml_start_tag) { std::string tag; copy_tolower(tag, string, str_len); state.tag_stack.push_back(tag); // std::copy(state.tag_stack.begin(), state.tag_stack.end(), std::ostream_iterator(std::cout, " ")); // std::cout << std::endl; } else if (type == xml_end_tag) { if (!state.tag_stack.empty()) { if (state.in_service && state.tag_stack.back() == "service") state.in_service = false; state.tag_stack.pop_back(); } } else if (type == xml_string) { if (state.tag_stack.empty()) return; // std::cout << " " << string << std::endl;} if (!state.in_service && state.top_tags("service", "servicetype")) { std::string name(string, str_len); if (string_equal_no_case(name.c_str(), "urn:schemas-upnp-org:service:WANIPConnection:1") || string_equal_no_case(name.c_str(), "urn:schemas-upnp-org:service:WANIPConnection:2") || string_equal_no_case(name.c_str(), "urn:schemas-upnp-org:service:WANPPPConnection:1")) { state.service_type.assign(string, str_len); state.in_service = true; } } else if (state.control_url.empty() && state.in_service && state.top_tags("service", "controlurl") && strlen(string) > 0) { // default to the first (or only) control url in the router's listing state.control_url.assign(string, str_len); } else if (state.model.empty() && state.top_tags("device", "modelname")) { state.model.assign(string, str_len); } else if (state.tag_stack.back() == "urlbase") { state.url_base.assign(string, str_len); } } } void upnp::on_upnp_xml(error_code const& e , libtorrent::http_parser const& p, rootdevice& d , http_connection& c) { TORRENT_ASSERT(is_single_thread()); std::shared_ptr me(self()); TORRENT_ASSERT(d.magic == 1337); if (d.upnp_connection && d.upnp_connection.get() == &c) { d.upnp_connection->close(); d.upnp_connection.reset(); } if (e && e != boost::asio::error::eof) { #ifndef TORRENT_DISABLE_LOGGING if (should_log()) { log("error while fetching control url from: %s: %s" , d.url.c_str(), convert_from_native(e.message()).c_str()); } #endif d.disabled = true; return; } if (!p.header_finished()) { #ifndef TORRENT_DISABLE_LOGGING log("error while fetching control url from: %s: incomplete HTTP message" , d.url.c_str()); #endif d.disabled = true; return; } if (p.status_code() != 200) { #ifndef TORRENT_DISABLE_LOGGING if (should_log()) { log("error while fetching control url from: %s: %s" , d.url.c_str(), convert_from_native(p.message()).c_str()); } #endif d.disabled = true; return; } parse_state s; xml_parse(p.get_body(), std::bind(&find_control_url, _1, _2, _3, std::ref(s))); if (s.control_url.empty()) { #ifndef TORRENT_DISABLE_LOGGING log("could not find a port mapping interface in response from: %s" , d.url.c_str()); #endif d.disabled = true; return; } d.service_namespace = s.service_type; TORRENT_ASSERT(!d.service_namespace.empty()); if (!s.model.empty()) m_model = s.model; if (!s.url_base.empty() && s.control_url.substr(0, 7) != "http://") { // avoid double slashes in path if (s.url_base[s.url_base.size()-1] == '/' && !s.control_url.empty() && s.control_url[0] == '/') s.url_base.erase(s.url_base.end()-1); d.control_url = s.url_base + s.control_url; } else d.control_url = s.control_url; std::string protocol; std::string auth; error_code ec; if (!d.control_url.empty() && d.control_url[0] == '/') { std::tie(protocol, auth, d.hostname, d.port, d.path) = parse_url_components(d.url, ec); if (d.port == -1) d.port = protocol == "http" ? 80 : 443; d.control_url = protocol + "://" + d.hostname + ":" + to_string(d.port).data() + s.control_url; } #ifndef TORRENT_DISABLE_LOGGING if (should_log()) { log("found control URL: %s namespace %s " "urlbase: %s in response from %s" , d.control_url.c_str(), d.service_namespace.c_str() , s.url_base.c_str(), d.url.c_str()); } #endif std::tie(protocol, auth, d.hostname, d.port, d.path) = parse_url_components(d.control_url, ec); if (d.port == -1) d.port = protocol == "http" ? 80 : 443; if (ec) { #ifndef TORRENT_DISABLE_LOGGING if (should_log()) { log("failed to parse URL '%s': %s" , d.control_url.c_str(), convert_from_native(ec.message()).c_str()); } #endif d.disabled = true; return; } d.upnp_connection = std::make_shared(m_io_service , m_resolver , std::bind(&upnp::on_upnp_get_ip_address_response, self(), _1, _2 , std::ref(d), _5), true, default_max_bottled_buffer_size , std::bind(&upnp::get_ip_address, self(), std::ref(d))); d.upnp_connection->start(d.hostname, d.port , seconds(10), 1); } void upnp::get_ip_address(rootdevice& d) { TORRENT_ASSERT(is_single_thread()); TORRENT_ASSERT(d.magic == 1337); if (!d.upnp_connection) { TORRENT_ASSERT(d.disabled); #ifndef TORRENT_DISABLE_LOGGING log("getting external IP address"); #endif return; } char const* soap_action = "GetExternalIPAddress"; char soap[2048]; std::snprintf(soap, sizeof(soap), "\n" "" "" "" , soap_action, d.service_namespace.c_str() , soap_action); post(d, soap, soap_action); } void upnp::disable(error_code const& ec) { TORRENT_ASSERT(is_single_thread()); m_disabled = true; // kill all mappings for (std::vector::iterator i = m_mappings.begin() , end(m_mappings.end()); i != end; ++i) { if (i->protocol == portmap_protocol::none) continue; portmap_protocol const proto = i->protocol; i->protocol = portmap_protocol::none; m_callback.on_port_mapping(int(i - m_mappings.begin()), address(), 0, proto, ec , aux::portmap_transport::upnp); } // we cannot clear the devices since there // might be outstanding requests relying on // the device entry being present when they // complete error_code e; m_broadcast_timer.cancel(e); m_refresh_timer.cancel(e); m_map_timer.cancel(e); m_socket.close(); } namespace { struct error_code_parse_state { error_code_parse_state(): in_error_code(false), exit(false), error_code(-1) {} bool in_error_code; bool exit; int error_code; }; void find_error_code(int type, char const* string, error_code_parse_state& state) { if (state.exit) return; if (type == xml_start_tag && !std::strcmp("errorCode", string)) { state.in_error_code = true; } else if (type == xml_string && state.in_error_code) { state.error_code = std::atoi(string); state.exit = true; } } struct ip_address_parse_state: public error_code_parse_state { ip_address_parse_state(): in_ip_address(false) {} bool in_ip_address; std::string ip_address; }; void find_ip_address(int type, char const* string, ip_address_parse_state& state) { find_error_code(type, string, state); if (state.exit) return; if (type == xml_start_tag && !std::strcmp("NewExternalIPAddress", string)) { state.in_ip_address = true; } else if (type == xml_string && state.in_ip_address) { state.ip_address = string; state.exit = true; } } struct error_code_t { int code; char const* msg; }; error_code_t error_codes[] = { {0, "no error"} , {402, "Invalid Arguments"} , {501, "Action Failed"} , {714, "The specified value does not exist in the array"} , {715, "The source IP address cannot be wild-carded"} , {716, "The external port cannot be wild-carded"} , {718, "The port mapping entry specified conflicts with " "a mapping assigned previously to another client"} , {724, "Internal and External port values must be the same"} , {725, "The NAT implementation only supports permanent " "lease times on port mappings"} , {726, "RemoteHost must be a wildcard and cannot be a " "specific IP address or DNS name"} , {727, "ExternalPort must be a wildcard and cannot be a specific port "} }; } struct upnp_error_category : boost::system::error_category { const char* name() const BOOST_SYSTEM_NOEXCEPT override { return "UPnP error"; } std::string message(int ev) const BOOST_SYSTEM_NOEXCEPT override { int num_errors = sizeof(error_codes) / sizeof(error_codes[0]); error_code_t* end = error_codes + num_errors; error_code_t tmp = {ev, nullptr}; error_code_t* e = std::lower_bound(error_codes, end, tmp , [] (error_code_t const& lhs, error_code_t const& rhs) { return lhs.code < rhs.code; }); if (e != end && e->code == ev) { return e->msg; } char msg[500]; std::snprintf(msg, sizeof(msg), "unknown UPnP error (%d)", ev); return msg; } boost::system::error_condition default_error_condition( int ev) const BOOST_SYSTEM_NOEXCEPT override { return boost::system::error_condition(ev, *this); } }; boost::system::error_category& upnp_category() { static upnp_error_category cat; return cat; } void upnp::on_upnp_get_ip_address_response(error_code const& e , libtorrent::http_parser const& p, rootdevice& d , http_connection& c) { TORRENT_ASSERT(is_single_thread()); std::shared_ptr me(self()); TORRENT_ASSERT(d.magic == 1337); if (d.upnp_connection && d.upnp_connection.get() == &c) { d.upnp_connection->close(); d.upnp_connection.reset(); } if (m_closing) return; if (e && e != boost::asio::error::eof) { #ifndef TORRENT_DISABLE_LOGGING if (should_log()) { log("error while getting external IP address: %s" , convert_from_native(e.message()).c_str()); } #endif if (num_mappings() > 0) update_map(d, 0); return; } if (!p.header_finished()) { #ifndef TORRENT_DISABLE_LOGGING log("error while getting external IP address: incomplete http message"); #endif if (num_mappings() > 0) update_map(d, 0); return; } if (p.status_code() != 200) { #ifndef TORRENT_DISABLE_LOGGING if (should_log()) { log("error while getting external IP address: %s" , convert_from_native(p.message()).c_str()); } #endif if (num_mappings() > 0) update_map(d, 0); return; } // response may look like // // // // // // // span body = p.get_body(); #ifndef TORRENT_DISABLE_LOGGING if (should_log()) { log("get external IP address response: %s" , std::string(body.data(), body.size()).c_str()); } #endif ip_address_parse_state s; xml_parse(body, std::bind(&find_ip_address, _1, _2, std::ref(s))); #ifndef TORRENT_DISABLE_LOGGING if (s.error_code != -1) { log("error while getting external IP address, code: %u", s.error_code); } #endif if (!s.ip_address.empty()) { #ifndef TORRENT_DISABLE_LOGGING log("got router external IP address %s", s.ip_address.c_str()); #endif d.external_ip = address::from_string(s.ip_address.c_str(), ignore_error); } else { #ifndef TORRENT_DISABLE_LOGGING log("failed to find external IP address in response"); #endif } if (num_mappings() > 0) update_map(d, 0); } void upnp::on_upnp_map_response(error_code const& e , libtorrent::http_parser const& p, rootdevice& d, int mapping , http_connection& c) { TORRENT_ASSERT(is_single_thread()); std::shared_ptr me(self()); TORRENT_ASSERT(d.magic == 1337); if (d.upnp_connection && d.upnp_connection.get() == &c) { d.upnp_connection->close(); d.upnp_connection.reset(); } if (e && e != boost::asio::error::eof) { #ifndef TORRENT_DISABLE_LOGGING if (should_log()) { log("error while adding port map: %s" , convert_from_native(e.message()).c_str()); } #endif d.disabled = true; return; } if (m_closing) return; // error code response may look like this: // // // // s:Client // UPnPError // // // 402 // Invalid Args // // // // // if (!p.header_finished()) { #ifndef TORRENT_DISABLE_LOGGING log("error while adding port map: incomplete http message"); #endif next(d, mapping); return; } std::string ct = p.header("content-type"); if (!ct.empty() && ct.find_first_of("text/xml") == std::string::npos && ct.find_first_of("text/soap+xml") == std::string::npos && ct.find_first_of("application/xml") == std::string::npos && ct.find_first_of("application/soap+xml") == std::string::npos ) { #ifndef TORRENT_DISABLE_LOGGING log("error while adding port map: invalid content-type, \"%s\". " "Expected text/xml or application/soap+xml", ct.c_str()); #endif next(d, mapping); return; } // We don't want to ignore responses with return codes other than 200 // since those might contain valid UPnP error codes error_code_parse_state s; span body = p.get_body(); xml_parse(body, std::bind(&find_error_code, _1, _2, std::ref(s))); if (s.error_code != -1) { #ifndef TORRENT_DISABLE_LOGGING log("error while adding port map, code: %u" , s.error_code); #endif } mapping_t& m = d.mapping[mapping]; if (s.error_code == 725) { // only permanent leases supported d.lease_duration = 0; m.act = mapping_t::action::add; ++m.failcount; update_map(d, mapping); return; } else if (s.error_code == 727) { return_error(mapping, s.error_code); } else if ((s.error_code == 718 || s.error_code == 501) && m.failcount < 4) { // some routers return 501 action failed, instead of 716 // The external port conflicts with another mapping // pick a random port m.external_port = 40000 + random(10000); m.act = mapping_t::action::add; ++m.failcount; update_map(d, mapping); return; } else if (s.error_code != -1) { return_error(mapping, s.error_code); } #ifndef TORRENT_DISABLE_LOGGING if (should_log()) { log("map response: %s" , std::string(body.data(), body.size()).c_str()); } #endif if (s.error_code == -1) { m_callback.on_port_mapping(mapping, d.external_ip, m.external_port, m.protocol, error_code() , aux::portmap_transport::upnp); if (d.lease_duration > 0) { m.expires = aux::time_now() + seconds(int(d.lease_duration * 0.75f)); time_point next_expire = m_refresh_timer.expires_at(); if (next_expire < aux::time_now() || next_expire > m.expires) { ADD_OUTSTANDING_ASYNC("upnp::on_expire"); error_code ec; m_refresh_timer.expires_at(m.expires, ec); m_refresh_timer.async_wait(std::bind(&upnp::on_expire, self(), _1)); } } else { m.expires = max_time(); } m.failcount = 0; } next(d, mapping); } void upnp::return_error(int mapping, int code) { TORRENT_ASSERT(is_single_thread()); int num_errors = sizeof(error_codes) / sizeof(error_codes[0]); error_code_t* end = error_codes + num_errors; error_code_t tmp = {code, nullptr}; error_code_t* e = std::lower_bound(error_codes, end, tmp , [] (error_code_t const& lhs, error_code_t const& rhs) { return lhs.code < rhs.code; }); std::string error_string = "UPnP mapping error "; error_string += to_string(code).data(); if (e != end && e->code == code) { error_string += ": "; error_string += e->msg; } portmap_protocol const proto = m_mappings[mapping].protocol; m_callback.on_port_mapping(mapping, address(), 0, proto, error_code(code, upnp_category()) , aux::portmap_transport::upnp); } void upnp::on_upnp_unmap_response(error_code const& e , libtorrent::http_parser const& p, rootdevice& d, int mapping , http_connection& c) { TORRENT_ASSERT(is_single_thread()); std::shared_ptr me(self()); TORRENT_ASSERT(d.magic == 1337); if (d.upnp_connection && d.upnp_connection.get() == &c) { d.upnp_connection->close(); d.upnp_connection.reset(); } if (e && e != boost::asio::error::eof) { #ifndef TORRENT_DISABLE_LOGGING if (should_log()) { log("error while deleting portmap: %s" , convert_from_native(e.message()).c_str()); } #endif } else if (!p.header_finished()) { #ifndef TORRENT_DISABLE_LOGGING log("error while deleting portmap: incomplete http message"); #endif } else if (p.status_code() != 200) { #ifndef TORRENT_DISABLE_LOGGING if (should_log()) { log("error while deleting portmap: %s" , convert_from_native(p.message()).c_str()); } #endif } else { #ifndef TORRENT_DISABLE_LOGGING if (should_log()) { span body = p.get_body(); log("unmap response: %s" , std::string(body.data(), body.size()).c_str()); } #endif } error_code_parse_state s; if (p.header_finished()) { xml_parse(p.get_body(), std::bind(&find_error_code, _1, _2, std::ref(s))); } portmap_protocol const proto = m_mappings[mapping].protocol; m_callback.on_port_mapping(mapping, address(), 0, proto, p.status_code() != 200 ? error_code(p.status_code(), http_category()) : error_code(s.error_code, upnp_category()) , aux::portmap_transport::upnp); d.mapping[mapping].protocol = portmap_protocol::none; next(d, mapping); } void upnp::on_expire(error_code const& ec) { TORRENT_ASSERT(is_single_thread()); COMPLETE_ASYNC("upnp::on_expire"); if (ec) return; time_point now = aux::time_now(); time_point next_expire = max_time(); for (std::set::iterator i = m_devices.begin() , end(m_devices.end()); i != end; ++i) { rootdevice& d = const_cast(*i); TORRENT_ASSERT(d.magic == 1337); for (int m = 0; m < num_mappings(); ++m) { if (d.mapping[m].expires != max_time()) continue; if (d.mapping[m].expires < now) { d.mapping[m].expires = max_time(); update_map(d, m); } else if (d.mapping[m].expires < next_expire) { next_expire = d.mapping[m].expires; } } } if (next_expire != max_time()) { ADD_OUTSTANDING_ASYNC("upnp::on_expire"); error_code e; m_refresh_timer.expires_at(next_expire, e); m_refresh_timer.async_wait(std::bind(&upnp::on_expire, self(), _1)); } } void upnp::close() { TORRENT_ASSERT(is_single_thread()); error_code ec; m_refresh_timer.cancel(ec); m_broadcast_timer.cancel(ec); m_map_timer.cancel(ec); m_closing = true; m_socket.close(); for (std::set::iterator i = m_devices.begin() , end(m_devices.end()); i != end; ++i) { rootdevice& d = const_cast(*i); TORRENT_ASSERT(d.magic == 1337); if (d.control_url.empty()) continue; for (std::vector::iterator j = d.mapping.begin() , end2(d.mapping.end()); j != end2; ++j) { if (j->protocol == portmap_protocol::none) continue; if (j->act == mapping_t::action::add) { j->act = mapping_t::action::none; continue; } j->act = mapping_t::action::del; m_mappings[j - d.mapping.begin()].protocol = portmap_protocol::none; } if (num_mappings() > 0) update_map(d, 0); } } }