#!/usr/bin/env python

import sys

# to use this script, first run 'sample' to sample your libtorrent based process
# the output can then be passed to this script to auto-fold call stacks at
# relevant depths and to filter out low sample counts
f = open(sys.argv[1])

def parse_line(l):
	indentation = 0
	while indentation < len(l) and l[indentation] == ' ':
		indentation += 1
	if indentation == 0:
		return (0, 0, '')

	l = l.strip().split(' ')
	samples = int(l[0])
	fun = ' '.join(l[1:])

	return (indentation, samples, fun)

fold = -1

	sample_limit = int(sys.argv[2])
	sample_limit = 5

fun_samples = {}

for l in f:
	if 'Sort by top of stack' in l: break

	indentation, samples, fun = parse_line(l)
	if samples < sample_limit: continue
	if fold != -1 and indentation > fold: continue
	fold = -1

	if '__gnu_cxx::__normal_iterator<' in fun:
		fold = indentation - 1

	if 'boost::_bi::bind_t' in fun: continue
	if 'boost::_bi::list' in fun: continue
	if 'boost::_mfi::mf' in fun: continue
	if 'boost::_bi::storage' in fun: continue

# should only add leaves
	if fun in fun_samples: fun_samples[fun] += samples
	else: fun_samples[fun] = samples

	output = '%s%-4d %s' % (' ' * (indentation/2), samples, fun)
	if len(output) > 200: output = output[0:200]
	print output

	if 'invariant_checker_impl' in fun: fold = indentation
	if 'free_multiple_buffers' in fun: fold = indentation
	if 'libtorrent::condition::wait' in fun: fold = indentation
	if 'allocate_buffer' in fun: fold = indentation
	if '::find_POD' in fun: fold = indentation
	if 'SHA1_Update' in fun: fold = indentation
	if 'boost::detail::function::basic_vtable' in fun: fold = indentation
	if 'operator new' in fun: fold = indentation
	if 'malloc' == fun: fold = indentation
	if 'free' == fun: fold = indentation
	if 'std::_Rb_tree' in fun: fold = indentation
	if 'pthread_cond_wait' in fun: fold = indentation
	if 'mp_exptmod' == fun: fold = indentation
	if '::check_invariant()' in fun: fold = indentation
	if 'libtorrent::condition::wait' in fun: fold = indentation
	if '_sigtramp' in fun: fold = indentation
	if 'time_now_hires' in fun: fold = indentation
	if 'libtorrent::sleep' in fun: fold = indentation
	if 'puts' == fun: fold = indentation
	if 'boost::asio::basic_stream_socket' in fun: fold = indentation
	if 'recvmsg' == fun: fold = indentation
	if 'sendmsg' == fun: fold = indentation
	if 'semaphore_signal_trap' == fun: fold = indentation
	if 'boost::detail::atomic_count::operator' in fun: fold = indentation
	if 'pthread_mutex_lock' == fun: fold = indentation
	if 'pthread_mutex_unlock' == fun: fold = indentation
	if '>::~vector()' == fun: fold = indentation
	if 'szone_free_definite_size' == fun: fold = indentation
	if 'snprintf' == fun: fold = indentation
	if 'usleep' == fun: fold = indentation
	if 'pthread_mutex_lock' == fun: fold = indentation
	if 'pthread_mutex_unlock' == fun: fold = indentation
	if 'std::string::append' in fun: fold = indentation
	if 'getipnodebyname' == fun: fold = indentation
	if '__gnu_debug::_Safe_iterator<std::' in fun: fold = indentation
	if 'fflush' == fun: fold = indentation
	if 'vfprintf' == fun: fold = indentation
	if 'fprintf' == fun: fold = indentation
	if 'BN_mod_exp' == fun: fold = indentation
	if 'BN_CTX_free' == fun: fold = indentation
	if 'cerror' == fun: fold = indentation
	if '0xffffffff' == fun: fold = indentation

list = []
for k in fun_samples:
	list.append((fun_samples[k], k))

list = sorted(list, reverse=True)

for i in list:
	print '%-4d %s' % (i[0], i[1])