/* Copyright (c) 2006-2014, Arvid Norberg, Magnus Jonsson All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * Neither the name of the author nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include #include #include #include #if defined TORRENT_DEBUG && !defined TORRENT_DISABLE_INVARIANT_CHECKS #if TORRENT_HAS_BOOST_UNORDERED #include #else #include #endif #endif // TORRENT_DEBUG && !TORRENT_DISABLE_INVARIANT_CHECKS #ifdef _MSC_VER #pragma warning(push, 1) #endif #include #include #include #include #ifdef TORRENT_USE_VALGRIND #include #endif #ifdef _MSC_VER #pragma warning(pop) #endif #include "libtorrent/peer_id.hpp" #include "libtorrent/torrent_info.hpp" #include "libtorrent/tracker_manager.hpp" #include "libtorrent/bencode.hpp" #include "libtorrent/hasher.hpp" #include "libtorrent/entry.hpp" #include "libtorrent/session.hpp" #include "libtorrent/fingerprint.hpp" #include "libtorrent/entry.hpp" #include "libtorrent/alert_types.hpp" #include "libtorrent/invariant_check.hpp" #include "libtorrent/file.hpp" #include "libtorrent/bt_peer_connection.hpp" #include "libtorrent/ip_filter.hpp" #include "libtorrent/socket.hpp" #include "libtorrent/aux_/session_impl.hpp" #ifndef TORRENT_DISABLE_DHT #include "libtorrent/kademlia/dht_tracker.hpp" #endif #include "libtorrent/enum_net.hpp" #include "libtorrent/config.hpp" #include "libtorrent/utf8.hpp" #include "libtorrent/upnp.hpp" #include "libtorrent/natpmp.hpp" #include "libtorrent/lsd.hpp" #include "libtorrent/instantiate_connection.hpp" #include "libtorrent/peer_info.hpp" #include "libtorrent/build_config.hpp" #include "libtorrent/extensions.hpp" #include "libtorrent/random.hpp" #include "libtorrent/magnet_uri.hpp" #include "libtorrent/aux_/session_settings.hpp" #include "libtorrent/torrent_peer.hpp" #include "libtorrent/choker.hpp" #if defined TORRENT_VERBOSE_LOGGING #include "libtorrent/socket_io.hpp" #endif #ifndef TORRENT_WINDOWS #include #endif #if defined TORRENT_VERBOSE_LOGGING || defined TORRENT_LOGGING || defined TORRENT_ERROR_LOGGING // for logging stat layout #include "libtorrent/stat.hpp" // for logging the size of DHT structures #ifndef TORRENT_DISABLE_DHT #include #include #include #include #include #endif // TORRENT_DISABLE_DHT #include "libtorrent/http_tracker_connection.hpp" #include "libtorrent/udp_tracker_connection.hpp" #include "libtorrent/debug.hpp" #if TORRENT_USE_IOSTREAM namespace libtorrent { std::ofstream logger::log_file; std::string logger::open_filename; mutex logger::file_mutex; } #endif // TORRENT_USE_IOSTREAM #endif #ifdef TORRENT_USE_GCRYPT extern "C" { GCRY_THREAD_OPTION_PTHREAD_IMPL; } namespace { // libgcrypt requires this to initialize the library struct gcrypt_setup { gcrypt_setup() { gcry_check_version(0); gcry_error_t e = gcry_control(GCRYCTL_SET_THREAD_CBS, &gcry_threads_pthread); if (e != 0) fprintf(stderr, "libcrypt ERROR: %s\n", gcry_strerror(e)); e = gcry_control(GCRYCTL_INITIALIZATION_FINISHED, 0); if (e != 0) fprintf(stderr, "initialization finished error: %s\n", gcry_strerror(e)); } } gcrypt_global_constructor; } #endif // TORRENT_USE_GCRYPT #ifdef TORRENT_USE_OPENSSL #include namespace { // openssl requires this to clean up internal // structures it allocates struct openssl_cleanup { ~openssl_cleanup() { CRYPTO_cleanup_all_ex_data(); } } openssl_global_destructor; } #endif // TORRENT_USE_OPENSSL #ifdef TORRENT_WINDOWS // for ERROR_SEM_TIMEOUT #include #endif using boost::shared_ptr; using boost::weak_ptr; using libtorrent::aux::session_impl; #ifdef BOOST_NO_EXCEPTIONS namespace boost { void throw_exception(std::exception const& e) { ::abort(); } } #endif namespace libtorrent { #if defined TORRENT_ASIO_DEBUGGING std::map _async_ops; std::deque _wakeups; int _async_ops_nthreads = 0; mutex _async_ops_mutex; #endif socket_job::~socket_job() {} void network_thread_pool::process_job(socket_job const& j, bool post) { if (j.type == socket_job::write_job) { TORRENT_ASSERT(j.peer->m_socket_is_writing); j.peer->get_socket()->async_write_some( *j.vec, j.peer->make_write_handler(boost::bind( &peer_connection::on_send_data, j.peer, _1, _2))); } else { if (j.recv_buf) { j.peer->get_socket()->async_read_some(asio::buffer(j.recv_buf, j.buf_size) , j.peer->make_read_handler(boost::bind( &peer_connection::on_receive_data, j.peer, _1, _2))); } else { j.peer->get_socket()->async_read_some(j.read_vec , j.peer->make_read_handler(boost::bind( &peer_connection::on_receive_data, j.peer, _1, _2))); } } } // TODO: 2 find a better place for this function proxy_settings::proxy_settings(aux::session_settings const& sett) { hostname = sett.get_str(settings_pack::proxy_hostname); username = sett.get_str(settings_pack::proxy_username); password = sett.get_str(settings_pack::proxy_password); type = sett.get_int(settings_pack::proxy_type); port = sett.get_int(settings_pack::proxy_port); proxy_hostnames = sett.get_bool(settings_pack::proxy_hostnames); proxy_peer_connections = sett.get_bool( settings_pack::proxy_peer_connections); } namespace aux { void session_impl::init_peer_class_filter(bool unlimited_local) { // set the default peer_class_filter to use the local peer class // for peers on local networks boost::uint32_t lfilter = 1 << m_local_peer_class; boost::uint32_t gfilter = 1 << m_global_class; struct class_mapping { char const* first; char const* last; boost::uint32_t filter; }; const static class_mapping v4_classes[] = { // everything {"", "", gfilter}, // local networks {"", "", lfilter}, {"", "", lfilter}, {"", "", lfilter}, // link-local {"", "", lfilter}, // loop-back {"", "", lfilter}, }; #if TORRENT_USE_IPV6 const static class_mapping v6_classes[] = { // everything {"::0", "ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff", gfilter}, // link-local {"fe80::", "febf::ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff", lfilter}, // loop-back {"::1", "::1", lfilter}, }; #endif class_mapping const* p = v4_classes; int len = sizeof(v4_classes) / sizeof(v4_classes[0]); if (!unlimited_local) len = 1; for (int i = 0; i < len; ++i) { error_code ec; address_v4 begin = address_v4::from_string(p[i].first, ec); address_v4 end = address_v4::from_string(p[i].last, ec); if (ec) continue; m_peer_class_filter.add_rule(begin, end, p[i].filter); } #if TORRENT_USE_IPV6 p = v6_classes; len = sizeof(v6_classes) / sizeof(v6_classes[0]); if (!unlimited_local) len = 1; for (int i = 0; i < len; ++i) { error_code ec; address_v6 begin = address_v6::from_string(p[i].first, ec); address_v6 end = address_v6::from_string(p[i].last, ec); if (ec) continue; m_peer_class_filter.add_rule(begin, end, p[i].filter); } #endif } #if defined TORRENT_USE_OPENSSL && BOOST_VERSION >= 104700 && OPENSSL_VERSION_NUMBER >= 0x90812f // when running bittorrent over SSL, the SNI (server name indication) // extension is used to know which torrent the incoming connection is // trying to connect to. The 40 first bytes in the name is expected to // be the hex encoded info-hash int servername_callback(SSL *s, int *ad, void *arg) { session_impl* ses = (session_impl*)arg; const char* servername = SSL_get_servername(s, TLSEXT_NAMETYPE_host_name); if (!servername || strlen(servername) < 40) return SSL_TLSEXT_ERR_ALERT_FATAL; sha1_hash info_hash; bool valid = from_hex(servername, 40, (char*)&info_hash[0]); // the server name is not a valid hex-encoded info-hash if (!valid) return SSL_TLSEXT_ERR_ALERT_FATAL; // see if there is a torrent with this info-hash boost::shared_ptr t = ses->find_torrent(info_hash).lock(); // if there isn't, fail if (!t) return SSL_TLSEXT_ERR_ALERT_FATAL; // if the torrent we found isn't an SSL torrent, also fail. if (!t->is_ssl_torrent()) return SSL_TLSEXT_ERR_ALERT_FATAL; // if the torrent doesn't have an SSL context and should not allow // incoming SSL connections if (!t->ssl_ctx()) return SSL_TLSEXT_ERR_ALERT_FATAL; // use this torrent's certificate SSL_CTX *torrent_context = t->ssl_ctx()->native_handle(); SSL_set_SSL_CTX(s, torrent_context); SSL_set_verify(s, SSL_CTX_get_verify_mode(torrent_context), SSL_CTX_get_verify_callback(torrent_context)); return SSL_TLSEXT_ERR_OK; } #endif session_impl::session_impl(fingerprint const& cl_fprint) : #ifndef TORRENT_DISABLE_POOL_ALLOCATOR m_send_buffers(send_buffer_size()) , #endif m_io_service() #ifdef TORRENT_USE_OPENSSL , m_ssl_ctx(m_io_service, asio::ssl::context::sslv23) #endif , m_alerts(m_settings.get_int(settings_pack::alert_queue_size), alert::all_categories) , m_disk_thread(m_io_service, this, m_stats_counters , (uncork_interface*)this) , m_download_rate(peer_connection::download_channel) #ifdef TORRENT_VERBOSE_BANDWIDTH_LIMIT , m_upload_rate(peer_connection::upload_channel, true) #else , m_upload_rate(peer_connection::upload_channel) #endif , m_tracker_manager(*this) , m_num_save_resume(0) , m_work(io_service::work(m_io_service)) , m_max_queue_pos(-1) , m_key(0) , m_listen_port_retries(10) #if TORRENT_USE_I2P , m_i2p_conn(m_io_service) #endif , m_socks_listen_port(0) , m_interface_index(0) , m_allowed_upload_slots(8) , m_unchoke_time_scaler(0) , m_auto_manage_time_scaler(0) , m_optimistic_unchoke_time_scaler(0) , m_disconnect_time_scaler(90) , m_auto_scrape_time_scaler(180) , m_next_explicit_cache_torrent(0) , m_cache_rotation_timer(0) , m_next_suggest_torrent(0) , m_suggest_timer(0) , m_peak_up_rate(0) , m_peak_down_rate(0) , m_created(time_now_hires()) , m_last_tick(m_created) , m_last_second_tick(m_created - milliseconds(900)) , m_last_choke(m_created) , m_next_rss_update(min_time()) #ifndef TORRENT_DISABLE_DHT , m_dht_announce_timer(m_io_service) , m_dht_interval_update_torrents(0) #endif , m_external_udp_port(0) , m_udp_socket(m_io_service) , m_utp_socket_manager(m_settings, m_udp_socket, m_stats_counters, NULL , boost::bind(&session_impl::incoming_connection, this, _1)) #ifdef TORRENT_USE_OPENSSL , m_ssl_udp_socket(m_io_service) , m_ssl_utp_socket_manager(m_settings, m_ssl_udp_socket, m_stats_counters , &m_ssl_ctx , boost::bind(&session_impl::incoming_connection, this, _1)) #endif , m_boost_connections(0) , m_timer(m_io_service) , m_lsd_announce_timer(m_io_service) , m_host_resolver(m_io_service) , m_download_connect_attempts(0) , m_tick_residual(0) #if defined TORRENT_VERBOSE_LOGGING || defined TORRENT_LOGGING || defined TORRENT_ERROR_LOGGING , m_logpath(".") #endif , m_deferred_submit_disk_jobs(false) , m_pending_auto_manage(false) , m_need_auto_manage(false) , m_abort(false) , m_paused(false) #if TORRENT_USE_ASSERTS && defined BOOST_HAS_PTHREADS , m_network_thread(0) #endif { #if TORRENT_USE_ASSERTS m_posting_torrent_updates = false; #endif m_udp_socket.set_rate_limit(m_settings.get_int(settings_pack::dht_upload_rate_limit)); m_udp_socket.subscribe(&m_utp_socket_manager); m_udp_socket.subscribe(this); m_udp_socket.subscribe(&m_tracker_manager); #ifdef TORRENT_USE_OPENSSL m_ssl_udp_socket.subscribe(&m_ssl_utp_socket_manager); m_ssl_udp_socket.subscribe(this); #endif #ifdef TORRENT_REQUEST_LOGGING char log_filename[200]; #ifdef TORRENT_WINDOWS const int pid = GetCurrentProcessId(); #else const int pid = getpid(); #endif snprintf(log_filename, sizeof(log_filename), "requests-%d.log", pid); m_request_log = fopen(log_filename, "w+"); if (m_request_log == 0) { fprintf(stderr, "failed to open request log file: (%d) %s\n", errno, strerror(errno)); } #endif error_code ec; m_listen_interface = tcp::endpoint(address_v4::any(), 0); TORRENT_ASSERT_VAL(!ec, ec); // ---- generate a peer id ---- std::string print = cl_fprint.to_string(); TORRENT_ASSERT_VAL(print.length() <= 20, print.length()); // the client's fingerprint std::copy( print.begin() , print.begin() + print.length() , m_peer_id.begin()); url_random((char*)&m_peer_id[print.length()], (char*)&m_peer_id[0] + 20); } void session_impl::start_session(settings_pack const& pack) { #if defined TORRENT_VERBOSE_LOGGING || defined TORRENT_LOGGING || defined TORRENT_ERROR_LOGGING m_logger = create_log("main_session", listen_port(), false); session_log("log created"); #endif error_code ec; #ifdef TORRENT_USE_OPENSSL m_ssl_ctx.set_verify_mode(asio::ssl::context::verify_none, ec); #if BOOST_VERSION >= 104700 #if OPENSSL_VERSION_NUMBER >= 0x90812f SSL_CTX_set_tlsext_servername_callback(m_ssl_ctx.native_handle(), servername_callback); SSL_CTX_set_tlsext_servername_arg(m_ssl_ctx.native_handle(), this); #endif // OPENSSL_VERSION_NUMBER #endif // BOOST_VERSION #endif #ifndef TORRENT_DISABLE_DHT m_next_dht_torrent = m_torrents.begin(); #endif m_next_lsd_torrent = m_torrents.begin(); m_next_downloading_connect_torrent = 0; m_next_finished_connect_torrent = 0; m_next_scrape_torrent = 0; m_tcp_mapping[0] = -1; m_tcp_mapping[1] = -1; m_udp_mapping[0] = -1; m_udp_mapping[1] = -1; #ifdef TORRENT_USE_OPENSSL m_ssl_tcp_mapping[0] = -1; m_ssl_tcp_mapping[1] = -1; m_ssl_udp_mapping[0] = -1; m_ssl_udp_mapping[1] = -1; #endif m_global_class = m_classes.new_peer_class("global"); m_tcp_peer_class = m_classes.new_peer_class("tcp"); m_local_peer_class = m_classes.new_peer_class("local"); // local peers are always unchoked m_classes.at(m_local_peer_class)->ignore_unchoke_slots = true; // local peers are allowed to exceed the normal connection // limit by 50% m_classes.at(m_local_peer_class)->connection_limit_factor = 150; TORRENT_ASSERT(m_global_class == session::global_peer_class_id); TORRENT_ASSERT(m_tcp_peer_class == session::tcp_peer_class_id); TORRENT_ASSERT(m_local_peer_class == session::local_peer_class_id); init_peer_class_filter(true); // TCP, SSL/TCP and I2P connections should be assigned the TCP peer class m_peer_class_type_filter.add(peer_class_type_filter::tcp_socket, m_tcp_peer_class); m_peer_class_type_filter.add(peer_class_type_filter::ssl_tcp_socket, m_tcp_peer_class); m_peer_class_type_filter.add(peer_class_type_filter::i2p_socket, m_tcp_peer_class); // TODO: there's no rule here to make uTP connections not have the global or // local rate limits apply to it. This used to be the default. #ifdef TORRENT_UPNP_LOGGING m_upnp_log.open("upnp.log", std::ios::in | std::ios::out | std::ios::trunc); #endif #if defined TORRENT_VERBOSE_LOGGING || defined TORRENT_LOGGING || defined TORRENT_ERROR_LOGGING char tmp[300]; snprintf(tmp, sizeof(tmp), "libtorrent configuration: %s\n" "libtorrent version: %s\n" "libtorrent revision: %s\n\n" , TORRENT_CFG_STRING , LIBTORRENT_VERSION , LIBTORRENT_REVISION); (*m_logger) << tmp; #endif // TORRENT_VERBOSE_LOGGING #if TORRENT_USE_RLIMIT // ---- auto-cap max connections ---- struct rlimit rl; if (getrlimit(RLIMIT_NOFILE, &rl) == 0) { #if defined TORRENT_VERBOSE_LOGGING || defined TORRENT_LOGGING || defined TORRENT_ERROR_LOGGING session_log(" max number of open files: %d", rl.rlim_cur); #endif // deduct some margin for epoll/kqueue, log files, // futexes, shared objects etc. rl.rlim_cur -= 20; // 80% of the available file descriptors should go to connections m_settings.set_int(settings_pack::connections_limit, (std::min)( m_settings.get_int(settings_pack::connections_limit) , int(rl.rlim_cur * 8 / 10))); // 20% goes towards regular files (see disk_io_thread) #if defined TORRENT_VERBOSE_LOGGING || defined TORRENT_LOGGING || defined TORRENT_ERROR_LOGGING session_log(" max connections: %d", m_settings.get_int(settings_pack::connections_limit)); session_log(" max files: %d", int(rl.rlim_cur * 2 / 10)); #endif } #endif // TORRENT_USE_RLIMIT #if defined TORRENT_VERBOSE_LOGGING || defined TORRENT_LOGGING || defined TORRENT_ERROR_LOGGING session_log(" generated peer ID: %s", m_peer_id.to_string().c_str()); #endif settings_pack* copy = new settings_pack(pack); m_io_service.post(boost::bind(&session_impl::apply_settings_pack, this, copy)); // call update_* after settings set initialized m_io_service.post(boost::bind(&session_impl::init_settings, this)); #if defined TORRENT_VERBOSE_LOGGING || defined TORRENT_LOGGING || defined TORRENT_ERROR_LOGGING session_log(" spawning network thread"); #endif m_thread.reset(new thread(boost::bind(&session_impl::main_thread, this))); } void session_impl::init_settings() { #ifndef TORRENT_NO_DEPRECATE update_local_download_rate(); update_local_upload_rate(); #endif update_download_rate(); update_upload_rate(); update_connections_limit(); update_unchoke_limit(); update_disk_threads(); update_network_threads(); update_upnp(); update_natpmp(); update_lsd(); update_dht(); if (m_listen_sockets.empty()) { update_listen_interfaces(); open_listen_port(); } } void session_impl::async_resolve(std::string const& host, int flags , session_interface::callback_t const& h) { m_host_resolver.async_resolve(host, flags, h); } void session_impl::queue_async_resume_data(boost::shared_ptr const& t) { INVARIANT_CHECK; int loaded_limit = m_settings.get_int(settings_pack::active_loaded_limit); if (m_num_save_resume + m_alerts.num_queued_resume() >= loaded_limit && m_user_load_torrent && loaded_limit > 0) { TORRENT_ASSERT(t); // do loaded torrents first, otherwise they'll just be // evicted and have to be loaded again if (t->is_loaded()) m_save_resume_queue.push_front(t); else m_save_resume_queue.push_back(t); return; } if (t->do_async_save_resume_data()) ++m_num_save_resume; } // this is called whenever a save_resume_data comes back // from the disk thread void session_impl::done_async_resume() { TORRENT_ASSERT(m_num_save_resume > 0); --m_num_save_resume; } // this is called when one or all save resume alerts are // popped off the alert queue void session_impl::async_resume_dispatched(int num_popped_resume) { INVARIANT_CHECK; int num_queued_resume = m_alerts.num_queued_resume(); int loaded_limit = m_settings.get_int(settings_pack::active_loaded_limit); while (!m_save_resume_queue.empty() && (m_num_save_resume + num_queued_resume < loaded_limit || loaded_limit == 0)) { boost::shared_ptr t = m_save_resume_queue.front(); m_save_resume_queue.erase(m_save_resume_queue.begin()); if (t->do_async_save_resume_data()) ++m_num_save_resume; } } void session_impl::init() { #if defined TORRENT_LOGGING || defined TORRENT_VERBOSE_LOGGING session_log(" *** session thread init"); #endif // this is where we should set up all async operations. This // is called from within the network thread as opposed to the // constructor which is called from the main thread #if defined TORRENT_ASIO_DEBUGGING async_inc_threads(); add_outstanding_async("session_impl::on_tick"); #endif error_code ec; m_io_service.post(boost::bind(&session_impl::on_tick, this, ec)); #if defined TORRENT_ASIO_DEBUGGING add_outstanding_async("session_impl::on_lsd_announce"); #endif int delay = (std::max)(m_settings.get_int(settings_pack::local_service_announce_interval) / (std::max)(int(m_torrents.size()), 1), 1); m_lsd_announce_timer.expires_from_now(seconds(delay), ec); m_lsd_announce_timer.async_wait( boost::bind(&session_impl::on_lsd_announce, this, _1)); TORRENT_ASSERT(!ec); #ifndef TORRENT_DISABLE_DHT update_dht_announce_interval(); #endif #if defined TORRENT_LOGGING || defined TORRENT_VERBOSE_LOGGING session_log(" done starting session"); #endif } void session_impl::save_state(entry* eptr, boost::uint32_t flags) const { TORRENT_ASSERT(is_single_thread()); entry& e = *eptr; entry::dictionary_type& sett = e["settings"].dict(); save_settings_to_dict(m_settings, sett); #ifndef TORRENT_DISABLE_DHT if (flags & session::save_dht_settings) { entry::dictionary_type& dht_sett = e["dht"].dict(); dht_sett["max_peers_reply"] = m_dht_settings.max_peers_reply; dht_sett["search_branching"] = m_dht_settings.search_branching; dht_sett["max_fail_count"] = m_dht_settings.max_fail_count; dht_sett["max_torrents"] = m_dht_settings.max_torrents; dht_sett["max_dht_items"] = m_dht_settings.max_dht_items; dht_sett["max_torrent_search_reply"] = m_dht_settings.max_torrent_search_reply; dht_sett["restrict_routing_ips"] = m_dht_settings.restrict_routing_ips; dht_sett["extended_routing_table"] = m_dht_settings.extended_routing_table; } if (m_dht && (flags & session::save_dht_state)) { e["dht state"] = m_dht->state(); } #endif if (flags & session::save_feeds) { entry::list_type& feeds = e["feeds"].list(); for (std::vector >::const_iterator i = m_feeds.begin(), end(m_feeds.end()); i != end; ++i) { feeds.push_back(entry()); (*i)->save_state(feeds.back()); } } #ifndef TORRENT_DISABLE_EXTENSIONS for (ses_extension_list_t::const_iterator i = m_ses_extensions.begin() , end(m_ses_extensions.end()); i != end; ++i) { TORRENT_TRY { (*i)->save_state(*eptr); } TORRENT_CATCH(std::exception&) {} } #endif } proxy_settings session_impl::proxy() const { return proxy_settings(m_settings); } void session_impl::load_state(lazy_entry const* e) { TORRENT_ASSERT(is_single_thread()); lazy_entry const* settings; if (e->type() != lazy_entry::dict_t) return; #ifndef TORRENT_DISABLE_DHT // load from the old settings names settings = e->dict_find_dict("dht"); if (settings) { lazy_entry const* val; val = settings->dict_find_int("max_peers_reply"); if (val) m_dht_settings.max_peers_reply = val->int_value(); val = settings->dict_find_int("search_branching"); if (val) m_dht_settings.search_branching = val->int_value(); val = settings->dict_find_int("max_fail_count"); if (val) m_dht_settings.max_fail_count = val->int_value(); val = settings->dict_find_int("max_torrents"); if (val) m_dht_settings.max_torrents = val->int_value(); val = settings->dict_find_int("max_dht_items"); if (val) m_dht_settings.max_dht_items = val->int_value(); val = settings->dict_find_int("max_torrent_search_reply"); if (val) m_dht_settings.max_torrent_search_reply = val->int_value(); val = settings->dict_find_int("restrict_routing_ips"); if (val) m_dht_settings.restrict_routing_ips = val->int_value(); val = settings->dict_find_int("extended_routing_table"); if (val) m_dht_settings.extended_routing_table = val->int_value(); } #endif #ifndef TORRENT_NO_DEPRECATE settings = e->dict_find_dict("proxy"); if (settings) { lazy_entry const* val; val = settings->dict_find_int("port"); if (val) m_settings.set_int(settings_pack::proxy_port, val->int_value()); val = settings->dict_find_int("type"); if (val) m_settings.set_int(settings_pack::proxy_type, val->int_value()); val = settings->dict_find_int("proxy_hostnames"); if (val) m_settings.set_bool(settings_pack::proxy_hostnames, val->int_value()); val = settings->dict_find_int("proxy_peer_connections"); if (val) m_settings.set_bool(settings_pack::proxy_peer_connections, val->int_value()); val = settings->dict_find_string("hostname"); if (val) m_settings.set_str(settings_pack::proxy_hostname, val->string_value()); val = settings->dict_find_string("password"); if (val) m_settings.set_str(settings_pack::proxy_password, val->string_value()); val = settings->dict_find_string("username"); if (val) m_settings.set_str(settings_pack::proxy_username, val->string_value()); } settings = e->dict_find_dict("encryption"); if (settings) { lazy_entry const* val; val = settings->dict_find_int("prefer_rc4"); if (val) m_settings.set_bool(settings_pack::prefer_rc4, val->int_value()); val = settings->dict_find_int("out_enc_policy"); if (val) m_settings.set_int(settings_pack::out_enc_policy, val->int_value()); val = settings->dict_find_int("in_enc_policy"); if (val) m_settings.set_int(settings_pack::in_enc_policy, val->int_value()); val = settings->dict_find_int("allowed_enc_level"); if (val) m_settings.set_int(settings_pack::allowed_enc_level, val->int_value()); } #endif settings = e->dict_find_dict("settings"); if (settings) { settings_pack* pack = load_pack_from_dict(settings); apply_settings_pack(pack); } // in case we just set a socks proxy, we might have to // open the socks incoming connection if (!m_socks_listen_socket) open_new_incoming_socks_connection(); m_udp_socket.set_proxy_settings(proxy()); #ifndef TORRENT_DISABLE_DHT settings = e->dict_find_dict("dht state"); if (settings) { m_dht_state = *settings; } #endif settings = e->dict_find_list("feeds"); if (settings) { m_feeds.reserve(settings->list_size()); for (int i = 0; i < settings->list_size(); ++i) { if (settings->list_at(i)->type() != lazy_entry::dict_t) continue; boost::shared_ptr f(new_feed(*this, feed_settings())); f->load_state(*settings->list_at(i)); f->update_feed(); m_feeds.push_back(f); } update_rss_feeds(); } #ifndef TORRENT_DISABLE_EXTENSIONS for (ses_extension_list_t::iterator i = m_ses_extensions.begin() , end(m_ses_extensions.end()); i != end; ++i) { TORRENT_TRY { (*i)->load_state(*e); } TORRENT_CATCH(std::exception&) {} } #endif } #ifndef TORRENT_DISABLE_EXTENSIONS typedef boost::function(torrent*, void*)> ext_function_t; struct session_plugin_wrapper : plugin { session_plugin_wrapper(ext_function_t const& f) : m_f(f) {} virtual boost::shared_ptr new_torrent(torrent* t, void* user) { return m_f(t, user); } ext_function_t m_f; }; void session_impl::add_extension(ext_function_t ext) { TORRENT_ASSERT(is_single_thread()); TORRENT_ASSERT_VAL(ext, ext); boost::shared_ptr p(new session_plugin_wrapper(ext)); m_ses_extensions.push_back(p); } void session_impl::add_ses_extension(boost::shared_ptr ext) { TORRENT_ASSERT(is_single_thread()); TORRENT_ASSERT_VAL(ext, ext); m_ses_extensions.push_back(ext); m_alerts.add_extension(ext); ext->added(this); } #endif feed_handle session_impl::add_feed(feed_settings const& sett) { TORRENT_ASSERT(is_single_thread()); // look for duplicates. If we already have a feed with this // URL, return a handle to the existing one for (std::vector >::const_iterator i = m_feeds.begin(), end(m_feeds.end()); i != end; ++i) { if (sett.url != (*i)->m_settings.url) continue; return feed_handle(*i); } boost::shared_ptr f(new_feed(*this, sett)); m_feeds.push_back(f); update_rss_feeds(); return feed_handle(f); } void session_impl::remove_feed(feed_handle h) { TORRENT_ASSERT(is_single_thread()); boost::shared_ptr f = h.m_feed_ptr.lock(); if (!f) return; std::vector >::iterator i = std::find(m_feeds.begin(), m_feeds.end(), f); if (i == m_feeds.end()) return; m_feeds.erase(i); } void session_impl::get_feeds(std::vector* ret) const { TORRENT_ASSERT(is_single_thread()); ret->clear(); ret->reserve(m_feeds.size()); for (std::vector >::const_iterator i = m_feeds.begin() , end(m_feeds.end()); i != end; ++i) ret->push_back(feed_handle(*i)); } void session_impl::pause() { TORRENT_ASSERT(is_single_thread()); if (m_paused) return; #if defined TORRENT_VERBOSE_LOGGING || defined TORRENT_LOGGING session_log(" *** session paused ***"); #endif m_paused = true; for (torrent_map::iterator i = m_torrents.begin() , end(m_torrents.end()); i != end; ++i) { torrent& t = *i->second; t.do_pause(); } } void session_impl::resume() { TORRENT_ASSERT(is_single_thread()); if (!m_paused) return; m_paused = false; for (torrent_map::iterator i = m_torrents.begin() , end(m_torrents.end()); i != end; ++i) { torrent& t = *i->second; t.do_resume(); if (t.should_check_files()) t.start_checking(); } } void session_impl::abort() { TORRENT_ASSERT(is_single_thread()); if (m_abort) return; #if defined TORRENT_LOGGING session_log(" *** ABORT CALLED ***"); #endif // abort the main thread m_abort = true; error_code ec; #if TORRENT_USE_I2P m_i2p_conn.close(ec); #endif stop_lsd(); stop_upnp(); stop_natpmp(); #ifndef TORRENT_DISABLE_DHT stop_dht(); m_dht_announce_timer.cancel(ec); #endif m_lsd_announce_timer.cancel(ec); for (std::set >::iterator i = m_incoming_sockets.begin() , end(m_incoming_sockets.end()); i != end; ++i) { (*i)->close(ec); TORRENT_ASSERT(!ec); } m_incoming_sockets.clear(); // close the listen sockets for (std::list::iterator i = m_listen_sockets.begin() , end(m_listen_sockets.end()); i != end; ++i) { i->sock->close(ec); TORRENT_ASSERT(!ec); } m_listen_sockets.clear(); if (m_socks_listen_socket && m_socks_listen_socket->is_open()) { m_socks_listen_socket->close(ec); TORRENT_ASSERT(!ec); } m_socks_listen_socket.reset(); #if TORRENT_USE_I2P if (m_i2p_listen_socket && m_i2p_listen_socket->is_open()) { m_i2p_listen_socket->close(ec); TORRENT_ASSERT(!ec); } m_i2p_listen_socket.reset(); #endif #if defined(TORRENT_VERBOSE_LOGGING) || defined(TORRENT_LOGGING) session_log(" aborting all torrents (%d)", m_torrents.size()); #endif // abort all torrents for (torrent_map::iterator i = m_torrents.begin() , end(m_torrents.end()); i != end; ++i) { i->second->abort(); } m_torrents.clear(); #if defined(TORRENT_VERBOSE_LOGGING) || defined(TORRENT_LOGGING) session_log(" aborting all tracker requests"); #endif m_tracker_manager.abort_all_requests(); #if defined(TORRENT_VERBOSE_LOGGING) || defined(TORRENT_LOGGING) session_log(" aborting all connections (%d)", m_connections.size()); #endif // abort all connections while (!m_connections.empty()) { #if TORRENT_USE_ASSERTS int conn = m_connections.size(); #endif (*m_connections.begin())->disconnect(errors::stopping_torrent, peer_connection::op_bittorrent); TORRENT_ASSERT_VAL(conn == int(m_connections.size()) + 1, conn); } m_download_rate.close(); m_upload_rate.close(); // #error closing the udp socket here means that // the uTP connections cannot be closed gracefully m_udp_socket.close(); m_external_udp_port = 0; #ifdef TORRENT_USE_OPENSSL m_ssl_udp_socket.close(); #endif m_undead_peers.clear(); // it's OK to detach the threads here. The disk_io_thread // has an internal counter and won't release the network // thread until they're all dead (via m_work). m_disk_thread.set_num_threads(0, false); } bool session_impl::has_connection(peer_connection* p) const { return m_connections.find(p->self()) != m_connections.end(); } void session_impl::insert_peer(boost::shared_ptr const& c) { TORRENT_ASSERT(!c->m_in_constructor); m_connections.insert(c); } void session_impl::set_port_filter(port_filter const& f) { m_port_filter = f; if (m_settings.get_bool(settings_pack::no_connect_privileged_ports)) m_port_filter.add_rule(0, 1024, port_filter::blocked); // Close connections whose endpoint is filtered // by the new ip-filter for (torrent_map::iterator i = m_torrents.begin() , end(m_torrents.end()); i != end; ++i) i->second->ip_filter_updated(); } void session_impl::set_ip_filter(ip_filter const& f) { INVARIANT_CHECK; m_ip_filter = f; // Close connections whose endpoint is filtered // by the new ip-filter for (torrent_map::iterator i = m_torrents.begin() , end(m_torrents.end()); i != end; ++i) i->second->port_filter_updated(); } ip_filter const& session_impl::get_ip_filter() const { return m_ip_filter; } port_filter const& session_impl::get_port_filter() const { return m_port_filter; } template void static set_socket_buffer_size(Socket& s, session_settings const& sett, error_code& ec) { int snd_size = sett.get_int(settings_pack::send_socket_buffer_size); if (snd_size) { stream_socket::send_buffer_size prev_option; s.get_option(prev_option, ec); if (!ec && prev_option.value() != snd_size) { stream_socket::send_buffer_size option(snd_size); s.set_option(option, ec); if (ec) { // restore previous value s.set_option(prev_option, ec); return; } } } int recv_size = sett.get_int(settings_pack::recv_socket_buffer_size); if (recv_size) { stream_socket::receive_buffer_size prev_option; s.get_option(prev_option, ec); if (!ec && prev_option.value() != recv_size) { stream_socket::receive_buffer_size option(recv_size); s.set_option(option, ec); if (ec) { // restore previous value s.set_option(prev_option, ec); return; } } } } int session_impl::create_peer_class(char const* name) { return m_classes.new_peer_class(name); } void session_impl::delete_peer_class(int cid) { // if you hit this assert, you're deleting a non-existent peer class TORRENT_ASSERT(m_classes.at(cid)); if (m_classes.at(cid) == 0) return; m_classes.decref(cid); } peer_class_info session_impl::get_peer_class(int cid) { peer_class_info ret; peer_class* pc = m_classes.at(cid); // if you hit this assert, you're passing in an invalid cid TORRENT_ASSERT(pc); if (pc == 0) { #ifdef TORRENT_DEBUG // make it obvious that the return value is undefined ret.upload_limit = random(); ret.download_limit = random(); ret.label.resize(20); url_random(&ret.label[0], &ret.label[0] + 20); ret.ignore_unchoke_slots = false; #endif return ret; } pc->get_info(&ret); return ret; } void session_impl::queue_tracker_request(tracker_request& req , std::string login, boost::weak_ptr c, boost::uint32_t key) { req.listen_port = listen_port(); if (m_key) req.key = m_key; else req.key = key; #ifdef TORRENT_USE_OPENSSL // SSL torrents use the SSL listen port if (req.ssl_ctx) req.listen_port = ssl_listen_port(); req.ssl_ctx = &m_ssl_ctx; #endif if (is_any(req.bind_ip)) req.bind_ip = m_listen_interface.address(); m_tracker_manager.queue_request(get_io_service(), req , login, c); } void session_impl::set_peer_class(int cid, peer_class_info const& pci) { peer_class* pc = m_classes.at(cid); // if you hit this assert, you're passing in an invalid cid TORRENT_ASSERT(pc); if (pc == 0) return; pc->set_info(&pci); } void session_impl::set_peer_class_filter(ip_filter const& f) { INVARIANT_CHECK; m_peer_class_filter = f; } ip_filter const& session_impl::get_peer_class_filter() const { return m_peer_class_filter; } void session_impl::set_peer_class_type_filter(peer_class_type_filter f) { m_peer_class_type_filter = f; } peer_class_type_filter session_impl::get_peer_class_type_filter() { return m_peer_class_type_filter; } void session_impl::set_peer_classes(peer_class_set* s, address const& a, int st) { boost::uint32_t peer_class_mask = m_peer_class_filter.access(a); // assign peer class based on socket type const static int mapping[] = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 4, 2, 2, 2, 3}; int socket_type = mapping[st]; // filter peer classes based on type peer_class_mask = m_peer_class_type_filter.apply(socket_type, peer_class_mask); for (peer_class_t i = 0; peer_class_mask; peer_class_mask >>= 1, ++i) { if ((peer_class_mask & 1) == 0) continue; // if you hit this assert, your peer class filter contains // a bitmask referencing a non-existent peer class TORRENT_ASSERT_PRECOND(m_classes.at(i)); if (m_classes.at(i) == 0) continue; s->add_class(m_classes, i); } } bool session_impl::ignore_unchoke_slots_set(peer_class_set const& set) const { int num = set.num_classes(); for (int i = 0; i < num; ++i) { peer_class const* pc = m_classes.at(set.class_at(i)); if (pc == 0) continue; if (pc->ignore_unchoke_slots) return true; } return false; } bandwidth_manager* session_impl::get_bandwidth_manager(int channel) { return (channel == peer_connection::download_channel) ? &m_download_rate : &m_upload_rate; } // the back argument determines whether this bump causes the torrent // to be the most recently used or the least recently used. Putting // the torrent at the back of the queue makes it the most recently // used and the least likely to be evicted. This is the default. // if back is false, the torrent is moved to the front of the queue, // and made the most likely to be evicted. This is used for torrents // that are paused, to give up their slot among the loaded torrents void session_impl::bump_torrent(torrent* t, bool back) { if (t->is_aborted()) return; bool new_torrent = false; // if t is the only torrent in the LRU list, both // its prev and next links will be NULL, even though // it's already in the list. Cover this case by also // checking to see if it's the first item if (t->next != NULL || t->prev != NULL || m_torrent_lru.front() == t) { #ifdef TORRENT_DEBUG torrent* i = (torrent*)m_torrent_lru.front(); while (i != NULL && i != t) i = (torrent*)i->next; TORRENT_ASSERT(i == t); #endif // this torrent is in the list already. // first remove it m_torrent_lru.erase(t); } else { new_torrent = true; } // pinned torrents should not be part of the LRU, since // the LRU is only used to evict torrents if (t->is_pinned()) return; if (back) m_torrent_lru.push_back(t); else m_torrent_lru.push_front(t); if (new_torrent) evict_torrents_except(t); } void session_impl::evict_torrent(torrent* t) { TORRENT_ASSERT(!t->is_pinned()); // if there's no user-load function set, we cannot evict // torrents. The feature is not enabled if (!m_user_load_torrent) return; // if it's already evicted, there's nothing to do if (!t->is_loaded() || !t->should_be_loaded()) return; TORRENT_ASSERT(t->next != NULL || t->prev != NULL || m_torrent_lru.front() == t); #if defined TORRENT_DEBUG && defined TORRENT_EXPENSIVE_INVARIANT_CHECKS torrent* i = (torrent*)m_torrent_lru.front(); while (i != NULL && i != t) i = (torrent*)i->next; TORRENT_ASSERT(i == t); #endif int loaded_limit = m_settings.get_int(settings_pack::active_loaded_limit); // 0 means unlimited, never evict enything if (loaded_limit == 0) return; if (m_torrent_lru.size() > loaded_limit) { // just evict the torrent m_stats_counters.inc_stats_counter(counters::torrent_evicted_counter); TORRENT_ASSERT(t->is_pinned() == false); t->unload(); m_torrent_lru.erase(t); return; } // move this torrent to be the first to be evicted whenever // another torrent need its slot bump_torrent(t, false); } void session_impl::evict_torrents_except(torrent* ignore) { if (!m_user_load_torrent) return; int loaded_limit = m_settings.get_int(settings_pack::active_loaded_limit); // 0 means unlimited, never evict enything if (loaded_limit == 0) return; // if the torrent we're ignoring (i.e. making room for), allow // one more torrent in the list. if (ignore->next != NULL || ignore->prev != NULL || m_torrent_lru.front() == ignore) { #ifdef TORRENT_DEBUG torrent* i = (torrent*)m_torrent_lru.front(); while (i != NULL && i != ignore) i = (torrent*)i->next; TORRENT_ASSERT(i == ignore); #endif ++loaded_limit; } while (m_torrent_lru.size() >= loaded_limit) { // we're at the limit of loaded torrents. Find the least important // torrent and unload it. This is done with an LRU. torrent* i = (torrent*)m_torrent_lru.front(); if (i == ignore) { i = (torrent*)i->next; if (i == NULL) break; } m_stats_counters.inc_stats_counter(counters::torrent_evicted_counter); TORRENT_ASSERT(i->is_pinned() == false); i->unload(); m_torrent_lru.erase(i); } } bool session_impl::load_torrent(torrent* t) { TORRENT_ASSERT(is_single_thread()); evict_torrents_except(t); // we wouldn't be loading the torrent if it was already // in the LRU (and loaded) TORRENT_ASSERT(t->next == NULL && t->prev == NULL && m_torrent_lru.front() != t); // now, load t into RAM std::vector buffer; error_code ec; m_user_load_torrent(t->info_hash(), buffer, ec); if (ec) { t->set_error(ec, torrent::error_file_metadata); t->pause(false); return false; } bool ret = t->load(buffer); if (ret) bump_torrent(t); return ret; } void session_impl::deferred_submit_jobs() { if (m_deferred_submit_disk_jobs) return; m_deferred_submit_disk_jobs = true; m_io_service.post(boost::bind(&session_impl::submit_disk_jobs, this)); } void session_impl::submit_disk_jobs() { TORRENT_ASSERT(m_deferred_submit_disk_jobs); m_deferred_submit_disk_jobs = false; if (m_abort) return; m_disk_thread.submit_jobs(); } // copies pointers to bandwidth channels from the peer classes // into the array. Only bandwidth channels with a bandwidth limit // is considered pertinent and copied // returns the number of pointers copied // channel is upload_channel or download_channel int session_impl::copy_pertinent_channels(peer_class_set const& set , int channel, bandwidth_channel** dst, int max) { int num_channels = set.num_classes(); int num_copied = 0; for (int i = 0; i < num_channels; ++i) { peer_class* pc = m_classes.at(set.class_at(i)); TORRENT_ASSERT(pc); if (pc == 0) continue; bandwidth_channel* chan = &pc->channel[channel]; // no need to include channels that don't have any bandwidth limits if (chan->throttle() == 0) continue; dst[num_copied] = chan; ++num_copied; if (num_copied == max) break; } return num_copied; } bool session_impl::use_quota_overhead(bandwidth_channel* ch, int channel, int amount) { ch->use_quota(amount); return (ch->throttle() > 0 && ch->throttle() < amount); } int session_impl::use_quota_overhead(peer_class_set& set, int amount_down, int amount_up) { int ret = 0; int num = set.num_classes(); for (int i = 0; i < num; ++i) { peer_class* p = m_classes.at(set.class_at(i)); if (p == 0) continue; bandwidth_channel* ch = &p->channel[peer_connection::download_channel]; if (use_quota_overhead(ch, peer_connection::download_channel, amount_down)) ret |= 1 << peer_connection::download_channel; ch = &p->channel[peer_connection::upload_channel]; if (use_quota_overhead(ch, peer_connection::upload_channel, amount_up)) ret |= 1 << peer_connection::upload_channel; } return ret; } // session_impl is responsible for deleting 'pack', but it // will pass it on to the disk io thread, which will take // over ownership of it void session_impl::apply_settings_pack(settings_pack* pack) { bool reopen_listen_port = (pack->has_val(settings_pack::ssl_listen) && pack->get_int(settings_pack::ssl_listen) != m_settings.get_int(settings_pack::ssl_listen)) || (pack->has_val(settings_pack::listen_interfaces) && pack->get_str(settings_pack::listen_interfaces) != m_settings.get_str(settings_pack::listen_interfaces)); apply_pack(pack, m_settings, this); m_disk_thread.set_settings(pack); delete pack; if (reopen_listen_port) { error_code ec; open_listen_port(); } } #ifndef TORRENT_NO_DEPRECATE void session_impl::set_settings(libtorrent::session_settings const& s) { INVARIANT_CHECK; TORRENT_ASSERT(is_single_thread()); settings_pack* p = load_pack_from_struct(m_settings, s); apply_settings_pack(p); } libtorrent::session_settings session_impl::deprecated_settings() const { libtorrent::session_settings ret; load_struct_from_settings(m_settings, ret); return ret; } #endif tcp::endpoint session_impl::get_ipv6_interface() const { return m_ipv6_interface; } tcp::endpoint session_impl::get_ipv4_interface() const { return m_ipv4_interface; } enum { listen_no_system_port = 0x02 }; listen_socket_t session_impl::setup_listener(std::string const& device , bool ipv4, int port, int& retries, int flags, error_code& ec) { listen_socket_t ret; int last_op = 0; listen_failed_alert::socket_type_t sock_type = (flags & open_ssl_socket) ? listen_failed_alert::tcp_ssl : listen_failed_alert::tcp; ret.sock.reset(new socket_acceptor(m_io_service)); ret.sock->open(ipv4 ? tcp::v4() : tcp::v6(), ec); last_op = listen_failed_alert::open; if (ec) { if (m_alerts.should_post()) m_alerts.post_alert(listen_failed_alert(device, last_op, ec, sock_type)); #if defined TORRENT_VERBOSE_LOGGING || defined TORRENT_LOGGING || defined TORRENT_ERROR_LOGGING session_log("failed to open socket: %s: %s" , device.c_str(), ec.message().c_str()); #endif return ret; } // SO_REUSEADDR on windows is a bit special. It actually allows // two active sockets to bind to the same port. That means we // may end up binding to the same socket as some other random // application. Don't do it! #ifndef TORRENT_WINDOWS error_code err; // ignore errors here ret.sock->set_option(socket_acceptor::reuse_address(true), err); #endif #if TORRENT_USE_IPV6 if (!ipv4) { error_code err; // ignore errors here #ifdef IPV6_V6ONLY ret.sock->set_option(v6only(true), err); #endif #ifdef TORRENT_WINDOWS #ifndef PROTECTION_LEVEL_UNRESTRICTED #define PROTECTION_LEVEL_UNRESTRICTED 10 #endif // enable Teredo on windows ret.sock->set_option(v6_protection_level(PROTECTION_LEVEL_UNRESTRICTED), err); #endif } #endif // TORRENT_USE_IPV6 address bind_ip = bind_to_device(m_io_service, *ret.sock, ipv4 , device.c_str(), port, ec); if (ec == error_code(boost::system::errc::no_such_device, generic_category())) return ret; while (ec && retries > 0) { #if defined TORRENT_VERBOSE_LOGGING || defined TORRENT_LOGGING || defined TORRENT_ERROR_LOGGING session_log("failed to bind to interface [%s] \"%s\": %s" , device.c_str(), bind_ip.to_string(ec).c_str() , ec.message().c_str()); #endif ec.clear(); TORRENT_ASSERT_VAL(!ec, ec); --retries; port += 1; bind_ip = bind_to_device(m_io_service, *ret.sock, ipv4 , device.c_str(), port, ec); last_op = listen_failed_alert::bind; } if (ec && !(flags & listen_no_system_port)) { // instead of giving up, trying // let the OS pick a port port = 0; ec.clear(); bind_ip = bind_to_device(m_io_service, *ret.sock, ipv4 , device.c_str(), port, ec); last_op = listen_failed_alert::bind; } if (ec) { // not even that worked, give up if (m_alerts.should_post()) m_alerts.post_alert(listen_failed_alert(device, last_op, ec, sock_type)); #if defined TORRENT_VERBOSE_LOGGING || defined TORRENT_LOGGING || defined TORRENT_ERROR_LOGGING session_log("cannot bind to interface \"%s\": %s" , device.c_str(), ec.message().c_str()); #endif return ret; } ret.external_port = ret.sock->local_endpoint(ec).port(); TORRENT_ASSERT(ret.external_port == port || port == 0); last_op = listen_failed_alert::get_peer_name; if (!ec) { ret.sock->listen(m_settings.get_int(settings_pack::listen_queue_size), ec); last_op = listen_failed_alert::listen; } if (ec) { if (m_alerts.should_post()) m_alerts.post_alert(listen_failed_alert(device, last_op, ec, sock_type)); #if defined TORRENT_VERBOSE_LOGGING || defined TORRENT_LOGGING || defined TORRENT_ERROR_LOGGING session_log("cannot listen on interface \"%s\": %s" , device.c_str(), ec.message().c_str()); #endif return ret; } // if we asked the system to listen on port 0, which // socket did it end up choosing? if (port == 0) { port = ret.sock->local_endpoint(ec).port(); last_op = listen_failed_alert::get_peer_name; if (ec) { if (m_alerts.should_post()) m_alerts.post_alert(listen_failed_alert(device, last_op, ec, sock_type)); #if defined TORRENT_VERBOSE_LOGGING || defined TORRENT_LOGGING || defined TORRENT_ERROR_LOGGING char msg[200]; snprintf(msg, 200, "failed to get peer name \"%s\": %s" , device.c_str(), ec.message().c_str()); (*m_logger) << time_now_string() << msg << "\n"; #endif } } if (m_alerts.should_post()) m_alerts.post_alert(listen_succeeded_alert(tcp::endpoint(bind_ip, port) , (flags & open_ssl_socket) ? listen_succeeded_alert::tcp_ssl : listen_succeeded_alert::tcp)); #if defined TORRENT_VERBOSE_LOGGING || defined TORRENT_LOGGING || defined TORRENT_ERROR_LOGGING session_log(" listening on: %s external port: %d" , print_endpoint(tcp::endpoint(bind_ip, port)).c_str(), ret.external_port); #endif return ret; } void session_impl::open_listen_port() { #if defined TORRENT_VERBOSE_LOGGING || defined TORRENT_LOGGING || defined TORRENT_ERROR_LOGGING m_logger = create_log("main_session", listen_port(), false); session_log("log created"); #endif TORRENT_ASSERT(is_single_thread()); TORRENT_ASSERT(!m_abort); int flags = m_settings.get_bool(settings_pack::listen_system_port_fallback) ? 0 : listen_no_system_port; error_code ec; // reset the retry counter m_listen_port_retries = m_settings.get_int(settings_pack::max_retry_port_bind); retry: // close the open listen sockets // close the listen sockets for (std::list::iterator i = m_listen_sockets.begin() , end(m_listen_sockets.end()); i != end; ++i) i->sock->close(ec); m_listen_sockets.clear(); m_stats_counters.set_value(counters::has_incoming_connections, 0); ec.clear(); if (m_abort) return; m_ipv6_interface = tcp::endpoint(); m_ipv4_interface = tcp::endpoint(); // TODO: instead of having a special case for this, just make the // default listen interfaces be ",[::1]:6881" and use // the generic path. That would even allow for not listening at all. if (m_listen_interfaces.empty()) { // this means we should open two listen sockets // one for IPv4 and one for IPv6 listen_socket_t s = setup_listener("", true , m_listen_interface.port() , m_listen_port_retries, flags, ec); if (s.sock) { // update the listen_interface member with the // actual port we ended up listening on, so that the other // sockets can be bound to the same one m_listen_interface.port(s.external_port); TORRENT_ASSERT(!m_abort); m_listen_sockets.push_back(s); } #ifdef TORRENT_USE_OPENSSL if (m_settings.get_int(settings_pack::ssl_listen)) { int retries = 10; listen_socket_t s = setup_listener("", true , m_settings.get_int(settings_pack::ssl_listen) , retries, flags | open_ssl_socket, ec); if (s.sock) { TORRENT_ASSERT(!m_abort); m_listen_sockets.push_back(s); } } #endif #if TORRENT_USE_IPV6 // only try to open the IPv6 port if IPv6 is installed if (supports_ipv6()) { listen_socket_t s = setup_listener("::1", false, m_listen_interface.port() , m_listen_port_retries, flags, ec); if (s.sock) { TORRENT_ASSERT(!m_abort); m_listen_sockets.push_back(s); } #ifdef TORRENT_USE_OPENSSL if (m_settings.get_int(settings_pack::ssl_listen)) { s.ssl = true; int retries = 10; listen_socket_t s = setup_listener("::1", false , m_settings.get_int(settings_pack::ssl_listen) , retries, flags | open_ssl_socket, ec); if (s.sock) { TORRENT_ASSERT(!m_abort); m_listen_sockets.push_back(s); } } #endif // TORRENT_USE_OPENSSL } #endif // TORRENT_USE_IPV6 // set our main IPv4 and IPv6 interfaces // used to send to the tracker std::vector ifs = enum_net_interfaces(m_io_service, ec); for (std::vector::const_iterator i = ifs.begin() , end(ifs.end()); i != end; ++i) { address const& addr = i->interface_address; if (addr.is_v6() && !is_local(addr) && !is_loopback(addr)) m_ipv6_interface = tcp::endpoint(addr, m_listen_interface.port()); else if (addr.is_v4() && !is_local(addr) && !is_loopback(addr)) m_ipv4_interface = tcp::endpoint(addr, m_listen_interface.port()); } } else { // TODO: 2 the udp socket(s) should be using the same generic // mechanism and not be restricted to a single one // we should open a one listen socket for each entry in the // listen_interfaces list for (int i = 0; i < m_listen_interfaces.size(); ++i) { std::string const& device = m_listen_interfaces[i].first; int port = m_listen_interfaces[i].second; int num_device_fails = 0; #if TORRENT_USE_IPV6 const int first_family = 0; #else const int first_family = 1; #endif for (int address_family = first_family; address_family < 2; ++address_family) { error_code err; address test_family = address::from_string(device.c_str(), err); if (!err && test_family.is_v4() != address_family) continue; listen_socket_t s = setup_listener(device, address_family, port , m_listen_port_retries, flags, ec); if (ec == error_code(boost::system::errc::no_such_device, generic_category())) { ++num_device_fails; continue; } if (s.sock) { TORRENT_ASSERT(!m_abort); m_listen_sockets.push_back(s); tcp::endpoint bind_ep = s.sock->local_endpoint(ec); #if TORRENT_USE_IPV6 if (bind_ep.address().is_v6()) m_ipv6_interface = bind_ep; else #endif m_ipv4_interface = bind_ep; } #ifdef TORRENT_USE_OPENSSL if (m_settings.get_int(settings_pack::ssl_listen)) { int retries = 10; listen_socket_t s = setup_listener(device, address_family , m_settings.get_int(settings_pack::ssl_listen) , m_listen_port_retries, flags | open_ssl_socket, ec); if (s.sock) { TORRENT_ASSERT(!m_abort); m_listen_sockets.push_back(s); } } #endif } if (num_device_fails == 2) { // only report this if both IPv4 and IPv6 fails for a device if (m_alerts.should_post()) m_alerts.post_alert(listen_failed_alert(device , listen_failed_alert::bind , error_code(boost::system::errc::no_such_device, generic_category()) , listen_failed_alert::tcp)); } } } if (m_listen_sockets.empty() && ec) { #if defined TORRENT_VERBOSE_LOGGING || defined TORRENT_LOGGING || defined TORRENT_ERROR_LOGGING char msg[200]; snprintf(msg, sizeof(msg), "cannot bind TCP listen socket to interface \"%s\": %s" , print_endpoint(m_listen_interface).c_str(), ec.message().c_str()); (*m_logger) << msg << "\n"; #endif if (m_listen_port_retries > 0) { m_listen_interface.port(m_listen_interface.port() + 1); --m_listen_port_retries; goto retry; } if (m_alerts.should_post()) m_alerts.post_alert(listen_failed_alert(print_endpoint(m_listen_interface) , listen_failed_alert::bind, ec, listen_failed_alert::udp)); return; } #ifdef TORRENT_USE_OPENSSL // TODO: 2 use bind_to_device in udp_socket int ssl_port = m_settings.get_int(settings_pack::ssl_listen); udp::endpoint ssl_bind_if(m_listen_interface.address(), ssl_port); m_ssl_udp_socket.bind(ssl_bind_if, ec); if (ec) { #if defined TORRENT_VERBOSE_LOGGING || defined TORRENT_LOGGING || defined TORRENT_ERROR_LOGGING session_log("SSL: cannot bind to UDP interface \"%s\": %s" , print_endpoint(m_listen_interface).c_str(), ec.message().c_str()); #endif if (m_alerts.should_post()) { error_code err; m_alerts.post_alert(listen_failed_alert(print_endpoint(ssl_bind_if) , listen_failed_alert::bind, ec, listen_failed_alert::utp_ssl)); } ec.clear(); } else { if (m_alerts.should_post()) m_alerts.post_alert(listen_succeeded_alert( tcp::endpoint(ssl_bind_if.address(), ssl_bind_if.port()) , listen_succeeded_alert::utp_ssl)); } #endif // TODO: 2 use bind_to_device in udp_socket m_udp_socket.bind(udp::endpoint(m_listen_interface.address(), m_listen_interface.port()), ec); if (ec) { #if defined TORRENT_VERBOSE_LOGGING || defined TORRENT_LOGGING || defined TORRENT_ERROR_LOGGING session_log("cannot bind to UDP interface \"%s\": %s" , print_endpoint(m_listen_interface).c_str(), ec.message().c_str()); #endif if (m_listen_port_retries > 0) { m_listen_interface.port(m_listen_interface.port() + 1); --m_listen_port_retries; goto retry; } if (m_alerts.should_post()) { error_code err; m_alerts.post_alert(listen_failed_alert(print_endpoint(m_listen_interface) , listen_failed_alert::bind, ec, listen_failed_alert::udp)); } return; } else { m_external_udp_port = m_udp_socket.local_port(); maybe_update_udp_mapping(0, m_listen_interface.port(), m_listen_interface.port()); maybe_update_udp_mapping(1, m_listen_interface.port(), m_listen_interface.port()); if (m_alerts.should_post()) m_alerts.post_alert(listen_succeeded_alert(m_listen_interface, listen_succeeded_alert::udp)); } if (m_settings.get_int(settings_pack::peer_tos) != 0) { update_peer_tos(); } ec.clear(); set_socket_buffer_size(m_udp_socket, m_settings, ec); if (ec) { if (m_alerts.should_post()) m_alerts.post_alert(udp_error_alert(udp::endpoint(), ec)); } // initiate accepting on the listen sockets for (std::list::iterator i = m_listen_sockets.begin() , end(m_listen_sockets.end()); i != end; ++i) async_accept(i->sock, i->ssl); open_new_incoming_socks_connection(); #if TORRENT_USE_I2P open_new_incoming_i2p_connection(); #endif if (!m_listen_sockets.empty()) { tcp::endpoint local = m_listen_sockets.front().sock->local_endpoint(ec); if (!ec) remap_tcp_ports(3, local.port(), ssl_listen_port()); } #if defined TORRENT_VERBOSE_LOGGING || defined TORRENT_LOGGING || defined TORRENT_ERROR_LOGGING m_logger = create_log("main_session", listen_port(), false); #endif } void session_impl::remap_tcp_ports(boost::uint32_t mask, int tcp_port, int ssl_port) { if ((mask & 1) && m_natpmp.get()) { if (m_tcp_mapping[0] != -1) m_natpmp->delete_mapping(m_tcp_mapping[0]); m_tcp_mapping[0] = m_natpmp->add_mapping(natpmp::tcp, tcp_port, tcp_port); #ifdef TORRENT_USE_OPENSSL if (m_ssl_tcp_mapping[0] != -1) m_natpmp->delete_mapping(m_ssl_tcp_mapping[0]); if (ssl_port > 0) m_ssl_tcp_mapping[0] = m_natpmp->add_mapping(natpmp::tcp , ssl_port, ssl_port); #endif } if ((mask & 2) && m_upnp.get()) { if (m_tcp_mapping[1] != -1) m_upnp->delete_mapping(m_tcp_mapping[1]); m_tcp_mapping[1] = m_upnp->add_mapping(upnp::tcp, tcp_port, tcp_port); #ifdef TORRENT_USE_OPENSSL if (m_ssl_tcp_mapping[1] != -1) m_upnp->delete_mapping(m_ssl_tcp_mapping[1]); if (ssl_port > 0) m_ssl_tcp_mapping[1] = m_upnp->add_mapping(upnp::tcp , ssl_port, ssl_port); #endif } } void session_impl::open_new_incoming_socks_connection() { int proxy_type = m_settings.get_int(settings_pack::proxy_type); if (proxy_type != settings_pack::socks5 && proxy_type != settings_pack::socks5_pw && proxy_type != settings_pack::socks4) return; if (m_socks_listen_socket) return; m_socks_listen_socket = boost::shared_ptr(new socket_type(m_io_service)); bool ret = instantiate_connection(m_io_service, proxy() , *m_socks_listen_socket); TORRENT_ASSERT_VAL(ret, ret); #if defined TORRENT_ASIO_DEBUGGING add_outstanding_async("session_impl::on_socks_accept"); #endif socks5_stream& s = *m_socks_listen_socket->get(); s.set_command(2); // 2 means BIND (as opposed to CONNECT) m_socks_listen_port = m_listen_interface.port(); if (m_socks_listen_port == 0) m_socks_listen_port = 2000 + random() % 60000; s.async_connect(tcp::endpoint(address_v4::any(), m_socks_listen_port) , boost::bind(&session_impl::on_socks_accept, this, m_socks_listen_socket, _1)); } void session_impl::update_i2p_bridge() { // we need this socket to be open before we // can make name lookups for trackers for instance. // pause the session now and resume it once we've // established the i2p SAM connection #if TORRENT_USE_I2P if (m_settings.get_str(settings_pack::i2p_hostname).empty()) { error_code ec; m_i2p_conn.close(ec); return; } m_i2p_conn.open(m_settings.get_str(settings_pack::i2p_hostname) , m_settings.get_int(settings_pack::i2p_port) , boost::bind(&session_impl::on_i2p_open, this, _1)); #endif } #if TORRENT_USE_I2P proxy_settings session_impl::i2p_proxy() const { proxy_settings ret; ret.hostname = m_settings.get_str(settings_pack::i2p_hostname); ret.type = settings_pack::i2p_proxy; ret.port = m_settings.get_int(settings_pack::i2p_port); return ret; } void session_impl::on_i2p_open(error_code const& ec) { if (ec) { if (m_alerts.should_post()) m_alerts.post_alert(i2p_alert(ec)); #if defined TORRENT_VERBOSE_LOGGING || defined TORRENT_LOGGING || defined TORRENT_ERROR_LOGGING char msg[200]; snprintf(msg, sizeof(msg), "i2p open failed (%d) %s", ec.value(), ec.message().c_str()); (*m_logger) << msg << "\n"; #endif } // now that we have our i2p connection established // it's OK to start torrents and use this socket to // do i2p name lookups open_new_incoming_i2p_connection(); } void session_impl::open_new_incoming_i2p_connection() { if (!m_i2p_conn.is_open()) return; if (m_i2p_listen_socket) return; m_i2p_listen_socket = boost::shared_ptr(new socket_type(m_io_service)); bool ret = instantiate_connection(m_io_service, m_i2p_conn.proxy() , *m_i2p_listen_socket); TORRENT_ASSERT_VAL(ret, ret); #if defined TORRENT_ASIO_DEBUGGING add_outstanding_async("session_impl::on_i2p_accept"); #endif i2p_stream& s = *m_i2p_listen_socket->get(); s.set_command(i2p_stream::cmd_accept); s.set_session_id(m_i2p_conn.session_id()); s.async_connect(tcp::endpoint(address_v4::any(), m_listen_interface.port()) , boost::bind(&session_impl::on_i2p_accept, this, m_i2p_listen_socket, _1)); } void session_impl::on_i2p_accept(boost::shared_ptr const& s , error_code const& e) { #if defined TORRENT_ASIO_DEBUGGING complete_async("session_impl::on_i2p_accept"); #endif m_i2p_listen_socket.reset(); if (e == asio::error::operation_aborted) return; if (e) { if (m_alerts.should_post()) m_alerts.post_alert(listen_failed_alert("i2p", listen_failed_alert::accept , e, listen_failed_alert::i2p)); #if defined TORRENT_VERBOSE_LOGGING || defined TORRENT_LOGGING || defined TORRENT_ERROR_LOGGING session_log("cannot bind to port %d: %s" , m_listen_interface.port(), e.message().c_str()); #endif return; } open_new_incoming_i2p_connection(); incoming_connection(s); } #endif bool session_impl::incoming_packet(error_code const& ec , udp::endpoint const& ep, char const* buf, int size) { m_stats_counters.inc_stats_counter(counters::on_udp_counter); if (ec) { // don't bubble up operation aborted errors to the user if (ec != asio::error::operation_aborted && m_alerts.should_post()) m_alerts.post_alert(udp_error_alert(ep, ec)); #if defined TORRENT_VERBOSE_LOGGING || defined TORRENT_LOGGING || defined TORRENT_ERROR_LOGGING session_log("UDP socket error: (%d) %s", ec.value(), ec.message().c_str()); #endif } return false; } void session_impl::async_accept(boost::shared_ptr const& listener, bool ssl) { TORRENT_ASSERT(!m_abort); shared_ptr c(new socket_type(m_io_service)); stream_socket* str = 0; #ifdef TORRENT_USE_OPENSSL if (ssl) { // accept connections initializing the SSL connection to // use the generic m_ssl_ctx context. However, since it has // the servername callback set on it, we will switch away from // this context into a specific torrent once we start handshaking c->instantiate >(m_io_service, &m_ssl_ctx); str = &c->get >()->next_layer(); } else #endif { c->instantiate(m_io_service); str = c->get(); } #if defined TORRENT_ASIO_DEBUGGING add_outstanding_async("session_impl::on_accept_connection"); #endif listener->async_accept(*str , boost::bind(&session_impl::on_accept_connection, this, c , boost::weak_ptr(listener), _1, ssl)); } void session_impl::on_accept_connection(shared_ptr const& s , weak_ptr listen_socket, error_code const& e, bool ssl) { #if defined TORRENT_ASIO_DEBUGGING complete_async("session_impl::on_accept_connection"); #endif m_stats_counters.inc_stats_counter(counters::on_accept_counter); TORRENT_ASSERT(is_single_thread()); boost::shared_ptr listener = listen_socket.lock(); if (!listener) return; if (e == asio::error::operation_aborted) return; if (m_abort) return; error_code ec; if (e) { tcp::endpoint ep = listener->local_endpoint(ec); #if defined(TORRENT_VERBOSE_LOGGING) || defined(TORRENT_LOGGING) session_log("error accepting connection on '%s': %s" , print_endpoint(ep).c_str(), e.message().c_str()); #endif #ifdef TORRENT_WINDOWS // Windows sometimes generates this error. It seems to be // non-fatal and we have to do another async_accept. if (e.value() == ERROR_SEM_TIMEOUT) { async_accept(listener, ssl); return; } #endif #ifdef TORRENT_BSD // Leopard sometimes generates an "invalid argument" error. It seems to be // non-fatal and we have to do another async_accept. if (e.value() == EINVAL) { async_accept(listener, ssl); return; } #endif if (e == boost::system::errc::too_many_files_open) { // if we failed to accept an incoming connection // because we have too many files open, try again // and lower the number of file descriptors used // elsewere. if (m_settings.get_int(settings_pack::connections_limit) > 10) { // now, disconnect a random peer torrent_map::iterator i = std::max_element(m_torrents.begin() , m_torrents.end(), boost::bind(&torrent::num_peers , boost::bind(&torrent_map::value_type::second, _1))); if (m_alerts.should_post()) m_alerts.post_alert(performance_alert( torrent_handle(), performance_alert::too_few_file_descriptors)); if (i != m_torrents.end()) { i->second->disconnect_peers(1, e); } m_settings.set_int(settings_pack::connections_limit, m_connections.size()); } // try again, but still alert the user of the problem async_accept(listener, ssl); } if (m_alerts.should_post()) { error_code err; m_alerts.post_alert(listen_failed_alert(print_endpoint(ep), listen_failed_alert::accept, e , ssl ? listen_failed_alert::tcp_ssl : listen_failed_alert::tcp)); } return; } async_accept(listener, ssl); #ifdef TORRENT_USE_OPENSSL if (ssl) { // for SSL connections, incoming_connection() is called // after the handshake is done #if defined TORRENT_ASIO_DEBUGGING add_outstanding_async("session_impl::ssl_handshake"); #endif s->get >()->async_accept_handshake( boost::bind(&session_impl::ssl_handshake, this, _1, s)); m_incoming_sockets.insert(s); } else #endif { incoming_connection(s); } } #ifdef TORRENT_USE_OPENSSL // to test SSL connections, one can use this openssl command template: // // openssl s_client -cert .pem -key .pem // -CAfile .pem -debug -connect -tls1 // -servername void session_impl::ssl_handshake(error_code const& ec, boost::shared_ptr s) { #if defined TORRENT_ASIO_DEBUGGING complete_async("session_impl::ssl_handshake"); #endif m_incoming_sockets.erase(s); error_code e; tcp::endpoint endp = s->remote_endpoint(e); if (e) return; #if defined(TORRENT_VERBOSE_LOGGING) || defined(TORRENT_LOGGING) session_log(" *** peer SSL handshake done [ ip: %s ec: %s socket: %s ]" , print_endpoint(endp).c_str(), ec.message().c_str(), s->type_name()); #endif if (ec) { if (m_alerts.should_post()) { m_alerts.post_alert(peer_error_alert(torrent_handle(), endp , peer_id(), peer_connection::op_ssl_handshake, ec)); } return; } incoming_connection(s); } #endif // TORRENT_USE_OPENSSL void session_impl::incoming_connection(boost::shared_ptr const& s) { TORRENT_ASSERT(is_single_thread()); #ifdef TORRENT_USE_OPENSSL // add the current time to the PRNG, to add more unpredictability boost::uint64_t now = time_now_hires().time_since_epoch().count(); // assume 12 bits of entropy (i.e. about 8 milliseconds) RAND_add(&now, 8, 1.5); #endif if (m_paused) { #if defined(TORRENT_VERBOSE_LOGGING) || defined(TORRENT_LOGGING) session_log(" <== INCOMING CONNECTION [ ignored, paused ]"); #endif return; } error_code ec; // we got a connection request! tcp::endpoint endp = s->remote_endpoint(ec); if (ec) { #if defined(TORRENT_VERBOSE_LOGGING) || defined(TORRENT_LOGGING) session_log("%s <== INCOMING CONNECTION FAILED, could " "not retrieve remote endpoint " , print_endpoint(endp).c_str(), ec.message().c_str()); #endif return; } #if defined(TORRENT_VERBOSE_LOGGING) || defined(TORRENT_LOGGING) session_log(" <== INCOMING CONNECTION %s type: %s" , print_endpoint(endp).c_str(), s->type_name()); #endif if (!m_settings.get_bool(settings_pack::enable_incoming_utp) && is_utp(*s)) { #if defined(TORRENT_VERBOSE_LOGGING) || defined(TORRENT_LOGGING) session_log(" rejected uTP connection"); #endif if (m_alerts.should_post()) m_alerts.post_alert(peer_blocked_alert(torrent_handle() , endp.address(), peer_blocked_alert::utp_disabled)); return; } if (!m_settings.get_bool(settings_pack::enable_incoming_tcp) && s->get()) { #if defined(TORRENT_VERBOSE_LOGGING) || defined(TORRENT_LOGGING) session_log(" rejected TCP connection"); #endif if (m_alerts.should_post()) m_alerts.post_alert(peer_blocked_alert(torrent_handle() , endp.address(), peer_blocked_alert::tcp_disabled)); return; } // if there are outgoing interfaces specified, verify this // peer is correctly bound to on of them if (!m_settings.get_str(settings_pack::outgoing_interfaces).empty()) { error_code ec; tcp::endpoint local = s->local_endpoint(ec); if (ec) { #if defined(TORRENT_VERBOSE_LOGGING) || defined(TORRENT_LOGGING) session_log(" rejected connection: (%d) %s", ec.value() , ec.message().c_str()); #endif return; } if (!verify_bound_address(local.address() , is_utp(*s), ec)) { if (ec) { #if defined(TORRENT_VERBOSE_LOGGING) || defined(TORRENT_LOGGING) session_log(" rejected connection, not allowed local interface: (%d) %s" , ec.value(), ec.message().c_str()); #endif return; } #if defined(TORRENT_VERBOSE_LOGGING) || defined(TORRENT_LOGGING) session_log(" rejected connection, not allowed local interface: %s" , local.address().to_string(ec).c_str()); #endif if (m_alerts.should_post()) m_alerts.post_alert(peer_blocked_alert(torrent_handle() , endp.address(), peer_blocked_alert::invalid_local_interface)); return; } } // local addresses do not count, since it's likely // coming from our own client through local service discovery // and it does not reflect whether or not a router is open // for incoming connections or not. if (!is_local(endp.address())) m_stats_counters.set_value(counters::has_incoming_connections, 1); // this filter is ignored if a single torrent // is set to ignore the filter, since this peer might be // for that torrent if (m_stats_counters[counters::non_filter_torrents] == 0 && (m_ip_filter.access(endp.address()) & ip_filter::blocked)) { #if defined(TORRENT_VERBOSE_LOGGING) || defined(TORRENT_LOGGING) session_log("filtered blocked ip"); #endif if (m_alerts.should_post()) m_alerts.post_alert(peer_blocked_alert(torrent_handle() , endp.address(), peer_blocked_alert::ip_filter)); return; } // check if we have any active torrents // if we don't reject the connection if (m_torrents.empty()) { #if defined(TORRENT_VERBOSE_LOGGING) || defined(TORRENT_LOGGING) session_log(" There are no torrents, disconnect"); #endif return; } // figure out which peer classes this is connections has, // to get connection_limit_factor peer_class_set pcs; set_peer_classes(&pcs, endp.address(), s->type()); int connection_limit_factor = 0; for (int i = 0; i < pcs.num_classes(); ++i) { int pc = pcs.class_at(i); if (m_classes.at(pc) == NULL) continue; int f = m_classes.at(pc)->connection_limit_factor; if (connection_limit_factor < f) connection_limit_factor = f; } if (connection_limit_factor == 0) connection_limit_factor = 100; boost::uint64_t limit = m_settings.get_int(settings_pack::connections_limit); limit = limit * 100 / connection_limit_factor; // don't allow more connections than the max setting // weighed by the peer class' setting bool reject = num_connections() >= limit + m_settings.get_int(settings_pack::connections_slack); if (reject) { if (m_alerts.should_post()) { m_alerts.post_alert( peer_disconnected_alert(torrent_handle(), endp, peer_id() , peer_connection::op_bittorrent , error_code(errors::too_many_connections, get_libtorrent_category()))); } #if defined(TORRENT_VERBOSE_LOGGING) || defined(TORRENT_LOGGING) session_log("number of connections limit exceeded (conns: %d, limit: %d, slack: %d), connection rejected" , num_connections(), m_settings.get_int(settings_pack::connections_limit) , m_settings.get_int(settings_pack::connections_slack)); #endif return; } // if we don't have any active torrents, there's no // point in accepting this connection. If, however, // the setting to start up queued torrents when they // get an incoming connection is enabled, we cannot // perform this check. if (!m_settings.get_bool(settings_pack::incoming_starts_queued_torrents)) { bool has_active_torrent = false; for (torrent_map::iterator i = m_torrents.begin() , end(m_torrents.end()); i != end; ++i) { if (i->second->allows_peers()) { has_active_torrent = true; break; } } if (!has_active_torrent) { #if defined(TORRENT_VERBOSE_LOGGING) || defined(TORRENT_LOGGING) session_log(" There are no _active_ torrents, disconnect"); #endif return; } } m_stats_counters.inc_stats_counter(counters::incoming_connections); if (m_alerts.should_post()) m_alerts.post_alert(incoming_connection_alert(s->type(), endp)); setup_socket_buffers(*s); peer_connection_args pack; pack.ses = this; pack.sett = &m_settings; pack.stats_counters = &m_stats_counters; pack.allocator = this; pack.disk_thread = &m_disk_thread; pack.ios = &m_io_service; pack.tor = boost::weak_ptr(); pack.s = s; pack.endp = endp; pack.peerinfo = 0; boost::shared_ptr c = boost::make_shared(boost::cref(pack) , get_peer_id()); #if TORRENT_USE_ASSERTS c->m_in_constructor = false; #endif if (!c->is_disconnecting()) { // in case we've exceeded the limit, let this peer know that // as soon as it's received the handshake, it needs to either // disconnect or pick another peer to disconnect if (num_connections() >= limit) c->peer_exceeds_limit(); TORRENT_ASSERT(!c->m_in_constructor); m_connections.insert(c); c->start(); } } void session_impl::setup_socket_buffers(socket_type& s) { error_code ec; set_socket_buffer_size(s, m_settings, ec); } void session_impl::on_socks_accept(boost::shared_ptr const& s , error_code const& e) { #if defined TORRENT_ASIO_DEBUGGING complete_async("session_impl::on_socks_accept"); #endif m_socks_listen_socket.reset(); if (e == asio::error::operation_aborted) return; if (e) { if (m_alerts.should_post()) m_alerts.post_alert(listen_failed_alert("socks5", listen_failed_alert::accept, e , listen_failed_alert::socks5)); return; } open_new_incoming_socks_connection(); incoming_connection(s); } // if cancel_with_cq is set, the peer connection is // currently expected to be scheduled for a connection // with the connection queue, and should be cancelled // TODO: should this function take a shared_ptr instead? void session_impl::close_connection(peer_connection* p , error_code const& ec) { TORRENT_ASSERT(is_single_thread()); boost::shared_ptr sp(p->self()); // someone else is holding a reference, it's important that // it's destructed from the network thread. Make sure the // last reference is held by the network thread. if (!sp.unique()) m_undead_peers.push_back(sp); // too expensive // INVARIANT_CHECK; #ifdef TORRENT_DEBUG // for (aux::session_impl::torrent_map::const_iterator i = m_torrents.begin() // , end(m_torrents.end()); i != end; ++i) // TORRENT_ASSERT(!i->second->has_peer((peer_connection*)p)); #endif #if defined(TORRENT_LOGGING) session_log(" CLOSING CONNECTION %s : %s" , print_endpoint(p->remote()).c_str(), ec.message().c_str()); #endif TORRENT_ASSERT(p->is_disconnecting()); TORRENT_ASSERT(sp.use_count() > 0); connection_map::iterator i = m_connections.find(sp); // make sure the next disk peer round-robin cursor stays valid if (i != m_connections.end()) m_connections.erase(i); } // implements alert_dispatcher bool session_impl::post_alert(alert* a) { if (!m_alerts.should_post(a)) return false; m_alerts.post_alert_ptr(a); return true; } void session_impl::set_peer_id(peer_id const& id) { m_peer_id = id; } void session_impl::set_key(int key) { m_key = key; } int session_impl::next_port() const { int start = m_settings.get_int(settings_pack::outgoing_port); int num = m_settings.get_int(settings_pack::num_outgoing_ports); std::pair out_ports(start, start + num); if (m_next_port < out_ports.first || m_next_port > out_ports.second) m_next_port = out_ports.first; int port = m_next_port; ++m_next_port; if (m_next_port > out_ports.second) m_next_port = out_ports.first; #if defined TORRENT_LOGGING session_log(" *** BINDING OUTGOING CONNECTION [ port: %d ]", port); #endif return port; } // used to cache the current time // every 100 ms. This is cheaper // than a system call and can be // used where more accurate time // is not necessary extern ptime g_current_time; initialize_timer::initialize_timer() { g_current_time = time_now_hires(); } int session_impl::rate_limit(peer_class_t c, int channel) const { TORRENT_ASSERT(channel >= 0 && channel <= 1); if (channel < 0 || channel > 1) return 0; peer_class const* pc = m_classes.at(c); if (pc == 0) return 0; return pc->channel[channel].throttle(); } int session_impl::upload_rate_limit(peer_class_t c) const { return rate_limit(c, peer_connection::upload_channel); } int session_impl::download_rate_limit(peer_class_t c) const { return rate_limit(c, peer_connection::download_channel); } void session_impl::set_rate_limit(peer_class_t c, int channel, int limit) { TORRENT_ASSERT(is_single_thread()); TORRENT_ASSERT(limit >= -1); TORRENT_ASSERT(channel >= 0 && channel <= 1); if (channel < 0 || channel > 1) return; peer_class* pc = m_classes.at(c); if (pc == 0) return; if (limit <= 0) limit = 0; pc->channel[channel].throttle(limit); } void session_impl::set_upload_rate_limit(peer_class_t c, int limit) { set_rate_limit(c, peer_connection::upload_channel, limit); } void session_impl::set_download_rate_limit(peer_class_t c, int limit) { set_rate_limit(c, peer_connection::download_channel, limit); } #if TORRENT_USE_ASSERTS bool session_impl::has_peer(peer_connection const* p) const { TORRENT_ASSERT(is_single_thread()); return std::find_if(m_connections.begin(), m_connections.end() , boost::bind(&boost::shared_ptr::get, _1) == p) != m_connections.end(); } bool session_impl::any_torrent_has_peer(peer_connection const* p) const { for (aux::session_impl::torrent_map::const_iterator i = m_torrents.begin() , end(m_torrents.end()); i != end; ++i) if (i->second->has_peer(p)) return true; return false; } #endif void session_impl::sent_bytes(int bytes_payload, int bytes_protocol) { m_stat.sent_bytes(bytes_payload, bytes_protocol); } void session_impl::received_bytes(int bytes_payload, int bytes_protocol) { m_stat.received_bytes(bytes_payload, bytes_protocol); } void session_impl::trancieve_ip_packet(int bytes, bool ipv6) { m_stat.trancieve_ip_packet(bytes, ipv6); } void session_impl::sent_syn(bool ipv6) { m_stat.sent_syn(ipv6); } void session_impl::received_synack(bool ipv6) { m_stat.received_synack(ipv6); } void session_impl::on_tick(error_code const& e) { #if defined TORRENT_ASIO_DEBUGGING complete_async("session_impl::on_tick"); #endif m_stats_counters.inc_stats_counter(counters::on_tick_counter); TORRENT_ASSERT(is_single_thread()); // submit all disk jobs when we leave this function deferred_submit_jobs(); ptime now = time_now_hires(); aux::g_current_time = now; // too expensive // INVARIANT_CHECK; // we have to keep ticking the utp socket manager // until they're all closed if (m_abort) { if (m_utp_socket_manager.num_sockets() == 0) return; #if defined TORRENT_ASIO_DEBUGGING fprintf(stderr, "uTP sockets left: %d\n", m_utp_socket_manager.num_sockets()); #endif } if (e == asio::error::operation_aborted) return; if (e) { #if defined TORRENT_LOGGING || defined TORRENT_VERBOSE_LOGGING session_log("*** TICK TIMER FAILED %s", e.message().c_str()); #endif ::abort(); return; } #if defined TORRENT_ASIO_DEBUGGING add_outstanding_async("session_impl::on_tick"); #endif error_code ec; m_timer.expires_at(now + milliseconds(m_settings.get_int(settings_pack::tick_interval)), ec); m_timer.async_wait(bind(&session_impl::on_tick, this, _1)); m_download_rate.update_quotas(now - m_last_tick); m_upload_rate.update_quotas(now - m_last_tick); m_last_tick = now; m_utp_socket_manager.tick(now); // only tick the following once per second if (now - m_last_second_tick < seconds(1)) return; #ifndef TORRENT_DISABLE_DHT if (m_dht_interval_update_torrents < 40 && m_dht_interval_update_torrents != int(m_torrents.size())) update_dht_announce_interval(); #endif // remove undead peers that only have this list as their reference keeping them alive std::vector >::iterator i = std::remove_if( m_undead_peers.begin(), m_undead_peers.end() , boost::bind(&boost::shared_ptr::unique, _1)); m_undead_peers.erase(i, m_undead_peers.end()); int tick_interval_ms = int(total_milliseconds(now - m_last_second_tick)); m_last_second_tick = now; m_tick_residual += tick_interval_ms - 1000; boost::int64_t session_time = total_seconds(now - m_created); if (session_time > 65000) { // we're getting close to the point where our timestamps // in torrent_peer are wrapping. We need to step all counters back // four hours. This means that any timestamp that refers to a time // more than 18.2 - 4 = 14.2 hours ago, will be incremented to refer to // 14.2 hours ago. m_created += hours(4); const int four_hours = 60 * 60 * 4; for (torrent_map::iterator i = m_torrents.begin() , end(m_torrents.end()); i != end; ++i) { i->second->step_session_time(four_hours); } } #ifndef TORRENT_DISABLE_EXTENSIONS for (ses_extension_list_t::const_iterator i = m_ses_extensions.begin() , end(m_ses_extensions.end()); i != end; ++i) { TORRENT_TRY { (*i)->on_tick(); } TORRENT_CATCH(std::exception&) {} } #endif // don't do any of the following while we're shutting down if (m_abort) return; // -------------------------------------------------------------- // RSS feeds // -------------------------------------------------------------- if (now > m_next_rss_update) update_rss_feeds(); switch (m_settings.get_int(settings_pack::mixed_mode_algorithm)) { case settings_pack::prefer_tcp: set_upload_rate_limit(m_tcp_peer_class, 0); set_download_rate_limit(m_tcp_peer_class, 0); break; case settings_pack::peer_proportional: { int num_peers[2][2] = {{0, 0}, {0, 0}}; for (connection_map::iterator i = m_connections.begin() , end(m_connections.end());i != end; ++i) { peer_connection& p = *(*i); if (p.in_handshake()) continue; int protocol = 0; if (is_utp(*p.get_socket())) protocol = 1; if (p.download_queue().size() + p.request_queue().size() > 0) ++num_peers[protocol][peer_connection::download_channel]; if (p.upload_queue().size() > 0) ++num_peers[protocol][peer_connection::upload_channel]; } peer_class* pc = m_classes.at(m_tcp_peer_class); bandwidth_channel* tcp_channel = pc->channel; int stat_rate[] = {m_stat.upload_rate(), m_stat.download_rate() }; // never throttle below this int lower_limit[] = {5000, 30000}; for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i) { // if there are no uploading uTP peers, don't throttle TCP up if (num_peers[1][i] == 0) { tcp_channel[i].throttle(0); } else { if (num_peers[0][i] == 0) num_peers[0][i] = 1; int total_peers = num_peers[0][i] + num_peers[1][i]; // this are 64 bits since it's multiplied by the number // of peers, which otherwise might overflow an int boost::uint64_t rate = stat_rate[i]; tcp_channel[i].throttle((std::max)(int(rate * num_peers[0][i] / total_peers), lower_limit[i])); } } } break; } // -------------------------------------------------------------- // auto managed torrent // -------------------------------------------------------------- if (!m_paused) m_auto_manage_time_scaler--; if (m_auto_manage_time_scaler < 0) { INVARIANT_CHECK; m_auto_manage_time_scaler = settings().get_int(settings_pack::auto_manage_interval); recalculate_auto_managed_torrents(); } // -------------------------------------------------------------- // check for incoming connections that might have timed out // -------------------------------------------------------------- for (connection_map::iterator i = m_connections.begin(); i != m_connections.end();) { peer_connection* p = (*i).get(); ++i; // ignore connections that already have a torrent, since they // are ticked through the torrents' second_tick if (!p->associated_torrent().expired()) continue; // TODO: have a separate list for these connections, instead of having to loop through all of them if (m_last_tick - p->connected_time() > seconds(m_settings.get_int(settings_pack::handshake_timeout))) p->disconnect(errors::timed_out, peer_connection::op_bittorrent); } // -------------------------------------------------------------- // second_tick every torrent (that wants it) // -------------------------------------------------------------- #if TORRENT_DEBUG_STREAMING > 0 printf("\033[2J\033[0;0H"); #endif std::vector& want_tick = m_torrent_lists[torrent_want_tick]; for (int i = 0; i < int(want_tick.size()); ++i) { torrent& t = *want_tick[i]; TORRENT_ASSERT(t.want_tick()); TORRENT_ASSERT(!t.is_aborted()); t.second_tick(tick_interval_ms, m_tick_residual / 1000); // if the call to second_tick caused the torrent // to no longer want to be ticked (i.e. it was // removed from the list) we need to back up the counter // to not miss the torrent after it if (!t.want_tick()) --i; } #ifndef TORRENT_DISABLE_DHT int dht_down = 0; int dht_up = 0; if (m_dht) { m_dht->network_stats(dht_up, dht_down); m_stats_counters.inc_stats_counter(counters::sent_dht_bytes, dht_up); m_stats_counters.inc_stats_counter(counters::recv_dht_bytes, dht_down); } #endif // TODO: this should apply to all bandwidth channels if (m_settings.get_bool(settings_pack::rate_limit_ip_overhead)) { peer_class* gpc = m_classes.at(m_global_class); #ifndef TORRENT_DISABLE_DHT gpc->channel[peer_connection::download_channel].use_quota(dht_down); gpc->channel[peer_connection::upload_channel].use_quota(dht_up); #endif int up_limit = upload_rate_limit(m_global_class); int down_limit = download_rate_limit(m_global_class); if (down_limit > 0 && m_stat.download_ip_overhead() >= down_limit && m_alerts.should_post()) { m_alerts.post_alert(performance_alert(torrent_handle() , performance_alert::download_limit_too_low)); } if (up_limit > 0 && m_stat.upload_ip_overhead() >= up_limit && m_alerts.should_post()) { m_alerts.post_alert(performance_alert(torrent_handle() , performance_alert::upload_limit_too_low)); } } m_peak_up_rate = (std::max)(m_stat.upload_rate(), m_peak_up_rate); m_peak_down_rate = (std::max)(m_stat.download_rate(), m_peak_down_rate); m_stat.second_tick(tick_interval_ms); // -------------------------------------------------------------- // scrape paused torrents that are auto managed // (unless the session is paused) // -------------------------------------------------------------- if (!is_paused()) { INVARIANT_CHECK; --m_auto_scrape_time_scaler; if (m_auto_scrape_time_scaler <= 0) { std::vector& want_scrape = m_torrent_lists[torrent_want_scrape]; m_auto_scrape_time_scaler = m_settings.get_int(settings_pack::auto_scrape_interval) / (std::max)(1, int(want_scrape.size())); if (m_auto_scrape_time_scaler < m_settings.get_int(settings_pack::auto_scrape_min_interval)) m_auto_scrape_time_scaler = m_settings.get_int(settings_pack::auto_scrape_min_interval); if (!want_scrape.empty() && !m_abort) { if (m_next_scrape_torrent >= int(want_scrape.size())) m_next_scrape_torrent = 0; torrent& t = *want_scrape[m_next_scrape_torrent]; TORRENT_ASSERT(t.is_paused() && t.is_auto_managed()); t.scrape_tracker(); ++m_next_scrape_torrent; if (m_next_scrape_torrent >= int(want_scrape.size())) m_next_scrape_torrent = 0; } } } // -------------------------------------------------------------- // refresh torrent suggestions // -------------------------------------------------------------- --m_suggest_timer; if (m_settings.get_int(settings_pack::suggest_mode) != settings_pack::no_piece_suggestions && m_suggest_timer <= 0) { INVARIANT_CHECK; m_suggest_timer = 10; torrent_map::iterator least_recently_refreshed = m_torrents.begin(); if (m_next_suggest_torrent >= int(m_torrents.size())) m_next_suggest_torrent = 0; std::advance(least_recently_refreshed, m_next_suggest_torrent); if (least_recently_refreshed != m_torrents.end()) least_recently_refreshed->second->refresh_suggest_pieces(); ++m_next_suggest_torrent; } // -------------------------------------------------------------- // refresh explicit disk read cache // -------------------------------------------------------------- --m_cache_rotation_timer; if (m_settings.get_bool(settings_pack::explicit_read_cache) && m_cache_rotation_timer <= 0) { INVARIANT_CHECK; m_cache_rotation_timer = m_settings.get_int(settings_pack::explicit_cache_interval); torrent_map::iterator least_recently_refreshed = m_torrents.begin(); if (m_next_explicit_cache_torrent >= int(m_torrents.size())) m_next_explicit_cache_torrent = 0; std::advance(least_recently_refreshed, m_next_explicit_cache_torrent); // how many blocks does this torrent get? int cache_size = (std::max)(0, m_settings.get_int(settings_pack::cache_size) * 9 / 10); if (m_connections.empty()) { // if we don't have any connections at all, split the // cache evenly across all torrents cache_size = cache_size / (std::max)(int(m_torrents.size()), 1); } else { cache_size = cache_size * least_recently_refreshed->second->num_peers() / m_connections.size(); } if (least_recently_refreshed != m_torrents.end()) least_recently_refreshed->second->refresh_explicit_cache(cache_size); ++m_next_explicit_cache_torrent; } // -------------------------------------------------------------- // connect new peers // -------------------------------------------------------------- try_connect_more_peers(); // -------------------------------------------------------------- // unchoke set calculations // -------------------------------------------------------------- m_unchoke_time_scaler--; if (m_unchoke_time_scaler <= 0 && !m_connections.empty()) { m_unchoke_time_scaler = settings().get_int(settings_pack::unchoke_interval); recalculate_unchoke_slots(); } // -------------------------------------------------------------- // optimistic unchoke calculation // -------------------------------------------------------------- m_optimistic_unchoke_time_scaler--; if (m_optimistic_unchoke_time_scaler <= 0) { m_optimistic_unchoke_time_scaler = settings().get_int(settings_pack::optimistic_unchoke_interval); recalculate_optimistic_unchoke_slots(); } // -------------------------------------------------------------- // disconnect peers when we have too many // -------------------------------------------------------------- --m_disconnect_time_scaler; if (m_disconnect_time_scaler <= 0) { m_disconnect_time_scaler = m_settings.get_int(settings_pack::peer_turnover_interval); // if the connections_limit is too low, the disconnect // logic is disabled, since it is too disruptive if (m_settings.get_int(settings_pack::connections_limit) > 5) { if (num_connections() >= m_settings.get_int(settings_pack::connections_limit) * m_settings.get_int(settings_pack::peer_turnover_cutoff) / 100 && !m_torrents.empty()) { // every 90 seconds, disconnect the worst peers // if we have reached the connection limit torrent_map::iterator i = std::max_element(m_torrents.begin(), m_torrents.end() , boost::bind(&torrent::num_peers, boost::bind(&torrent_map::value_type::second, _1)) < boost::bind(&torrent::num_peers, boost::bind(&torrent_map::value_type::second, _2))); TORRENT_ASSERT(i != m_torrents.end()); int peers_to_disconnect = (std::min)((std::max)( int(i->second->num_peers() * m_settings.get_int(settings_pack::peer_turnover) / 100), 1) , i->second->num_connect_candidates()); i->second->disconnect_peers(peers_to_disconnect , error_code(errors::optimistic_disconnect, get_libtorrent_category())); } else { // if we haven't reached the global max. see if any torrent // has reached its local limit for (torrent_map::iterator i = m_torrents.begin() , end(m_torrents.end()); i != end; ++i) { boost::shared_ptr t = i->second; // ths disconnect logic is disabled for torrents with // too low connection limit if (t->num_peers() < t->max_connections() * m_settings.get_int(settings_pack::peer_turnover_cutoff) / 100 || t->max_connections() < 6) continue; int peers_to_disconnect = (std::min)((std::max)(int(t->num_peers() * m_settings.get_int(settings_pack::peer_turnover) / 100), 1) , t->num_connect_candidates()); t->disconnect_peers(peers_to_disconnect , error_code(errors::optimistic_disconnect, get_libtorrent_category())); } } } } m_tick_residual = m_tick_residual % 1000; // m_peer_pool.release_memory(); } // returns the index of the first set bit. int log2(boost::uint32_t v) { // http://graphics.stanford.edu/~seander/bithacks.html#IntegerLogDeBruijn static const int MultiplyDeBruijnBitPosition[32] = { 0, 9, 1, 10, 13, 21, 2, 29, 11, 14, 16, 18, 22, 25, 3, 30, 8, 12, 20, 28, 15, 17, 24, 7, 19, 27, 23, 6, 26, 5, 4, 31 }; v |= v >> 1; // first round down to one less than a power of 2 v |= v >> 2; v |= v >> 4; v |= v >> 8; v |= v >> 16; return MultiplyDeBruijnBitPosition[boost::uint32_t(v * 0x07C4ACDDU) >> 27]; } void session_impl::received_buffer(int s) { int index = (std::min)(log2(s >> 3), 17); m_stats_counters.inc_stats_counter(counters::socket_recv_size3 + index); } void session_impl::sent_buffer(int s) { int index = (std::min)(log2(s >> 3), 17); m_stats_counters.inc_stats_counter(counters::socket_send_size3 + index); } void session_impl::update_rss_feeds() { time_t now_posix = time(0); ptime min_update = max_time(); ptime now = time_now(); for (std::vector >::iterator i = m_feeds.begin(), end(m_feeds.end()); i != end; ++i) { feed& f = **i; int delta = f.next_update(now_posix); if (delta <= 0) delta = f.update_feed(); TORRENT_ASSERT(delta >= 0); ptime next_update = now + seconds(delta); if (next_update < min_update) min_update = next_update; } m_next_rss_update = min_update; } void session_impl::prioritize_connections(boost::weak_ptr t) { m_prio_torrents.push_back(std::make_pair(t, 10)); } #ifndef TORRENT_DISABLE_DHT void session_impl::add_dht_node(udp::endpoint n) { TORRENT_ASSERT(is_single_thread()); if (m_dht) m_dht->add_node(n); } bool session_impl::has_dht() const { return m_dht.get(); } void session_impl::prioritize_dht(boost::weak_ptr t) { TORRENT_ASSERT(!m_abort); if (m_abort) return; TORRENT_ASSERT(m_dht); m_dht_torrents.push_back(t); #if defined(TORRENT_VERBOSE_LOGGING) || defined(TORRENT_LOGGING) boost::shared_ptr tor = t.lock(); if (tor) session_log("prioritizing DHT announce: \"%s\"", tor->name().c_str()); #endif // trigger a DHT announce right away if we just added a new torrent and // there's no back-log. in the timer handler, as long as there are more // high priority torrents to be announced to the DHT, it will keep the // timer interval short until all torrents have been announced. if (m_dht_torrents.size() == 1) { #if defined TORRENT_ASIO_DEBUGGING add_outstanding_async("session_impl::on_dht_announce"); #endif error_code ec; m_dht_announce_timer.expires_from_now(seconds(0), ec); m_dht_announce_timer.async_wait( bind(&session_impl::on_dht_announce, this, _1)); } } void session_impl::on_dht_announce(error_code const& e) { #if defined TORRENT_ASIO_DEBUGGING complete_async("session_impl::on_dht_announce"); #endif TORRENT_ASSERT(is_single_thread()); if (e) { #if defined(TORRENT_VERBOSE_LOGGING) || defined(TORRENT_LOGGING) session_log("aborting DHT announce timer (%d): %s" , e.value(), e.message().c_str()); #endif return; } if (m_abort) { #if defined(TORRENT_VERBOSE_LOGGING) || defined(TORRENT_LOGGING) session_log("aborting DHT announce timer: m_abort set"); #endif return; } if (!m_dht) { m_dht_torrents.clear(); return; } TORRENT_ASSERT(m_dht); // announce to DHT every 15 minutes int delay = (std::max)(m_settings.get_int(settings_pack::dht_announce_interval) / (std::max)(int(m_torrents.size()), 1), 1); if (!m_dht_torrents.empty()) { // we have prioritized torrents that need // an initial DHT announce. Don't wait too long // until we announce those. delay = (std::min)(4, delay); } #if defined TORRENT_ASIO_DEBUGGING add_outstanding_async("session_impl::on_dht_announce"); #endif error_code ec; m_dht_announce_timer.expires_from_now(seconds(delay), ec); m_dht_announce_timer.async_wait( bind(&session_impl::on_dht_announce, this, _1)); if (!m_dht_torrents.empty()) { boost::shared_ptr t; do { t = m_dht_torrents.front().lock(); m_dht_torrents.pop_front(); } while (!t && !m_dht_torrents.empty()); if (t) { t->dht_announce(); return; } } if (m_torrents.empty()) return; if (m_next_dht_torrent == m_torrents.end()) m_next_dht_torrent = m_torrents.begin(); m_next_dht_torrent->second->dht_announce(); // TODO: 2 make a list for torrents that want to be announced on the DHT so we // don't have to loop over all torrents, just to find the ones that want to announce ++m_next_dht_torrent; if (m_next_dht_torrent == m_torrents.end()) m_next_dht_torrent = m_torrents.begin(); } #endif void session_impl::on_lsd_announce(error_code const& e) { #if defined TORRENT_ASIO_DEBUGGING complete_async("session_impl::on_lsd_announce"); #endif m_stats_counters.inc_stats_counter(counters::on_lsd_counter); TORRENT_ASSERT(is_single_thread()); if (e) return; if (m_abort) return; #if defined TORRENT_ASIO_DEBUGGING add_outstanding_async("session_impl::on_lsd_announce"); #endif // announce on local network every 5 minutes int delay = (std::max)(m_settings.get_int(settings_pack::local_service_announce_interval) / (std::max)(int(m_torrents.size()), 1), 1); error_code ec; m_lsd_announce_timer.expires_from_now(seconds(delay), ec); m_lsd_announce_timer.async_wait( bind(&session_impl::on_lsd_announce, this, _1)); if (m_torrents.empty()) return; if (m_next_lsd_torrent == m_torrents.end()) m_next_lsd_torrent = m_torrents.begin(); m_next_lsd_torrent->second->lsd_announce(); ++m_next_lsd_torrent; if (m_next_lsd_torrent == m_torrents.end()) m_next_lsd_torrent = m_torrents.begin(); } void session_impl::auto_manage_torrents(std::vector& list , int& checking_limit, int& dht_limit, int& tracker_limit , int& lsd_limit, int& hard_limit, int type_limit) { for (std::vector::iterator i = list.begin() , end(list.end()); i != end; ++i) { torrent* t = *i; if (t->state() == torrent_status::checking_files) { if (checking_limit <= 0) t->pause(); else { t->resume(); t->start_checking(); --checking_limit; } continue; } --dht_limit; --lsd_limit; --tracker_limit; t->set_announce_to_dht(dht_limit >= 0); t->set_announce_to_trackers(tracker_limit >= 0); t->set_announce_to_lsd(lsd_limit >= 0); if (!t->is_paused() && t->is_inactive() && hard_limit > 0) { // the hard limit takes inactive torrents into account, but the // download and seed limits don't. continue; } if (type_limit > 0 && hard_limit > 0) { --hard_limit; --type_limit; #if defined TORRENT_VERBOSE_LOGGING || defined TORRENT_LOGGING if (!t->allows_peers()) t->log_to_all_peers("AUTO MANAGER STARTING TORRENT"); #endif t->set_allow_peers(true); } else { #if defined TORRENT_VERBOSE_LOGGING || defined TORRENT_LOGGING if (t->allows_peers()) t->log_to_all_peers("AUTO MANAGER PAUSING TORRENT"); #endif // use graceful pause for auto-managed torrents t->set_allow_peers(false, true); } } } void session_impl::recalculate_auto_managed_torrents() { INVARIANT_CHECK; m_need_auto_manage = false; if (is_paused()) return; // these vectors are filled with auto managed torrents // TODO: these vectors could be copied from m_torrent_lists, // if we would maintain them. That way the first pass over // all torrents could be avoided. It would be especially // efficient if most torrents are not auto-managed // whenever we receive a scrape response (or anything // that may change the rank of a torrent) that one torrent // could re-sort itself in a list that's kept sorted at all // times. That way, this pass over all torrents could be // avoided alltogether. std::vector checking; std::vector downloaders; downloaders.reserve(m_torrents.size()); std::vector seeds; seeds.reserve(m_torrents.size()); // these counters are set to the number of torrents // of each kind we're allowed to have active int num_downloaders = settings().get_int(settings_pack::active_downloads); int num_seeds = settings().get_int(settings_pack::active_seeds); int checking_limit = 1; int dht_limit = settings().get_int(settings_pack::active_dht_limit); int tracker_limit = settings().get_int(settings_pack::active_tracker_limit); int lsd_limit = settings().get_int(settings_pack::active_lsd_limit); int hard_limit = settings().get_int(settings_pack::active_limit); if (num_downloaders == -1) num_downloaders = (std::numeric_limits::max)(); if (num_seeds == -1) num_seeds = (std::numeric_limits::max)(); if (hard_limit == -1) hard_limit = (std::numeric_limits::max)(); if (dht_limit == -1) dht_limit = (std::numeric_limits::max)(); if (lsd_limit == -1) lsd_limit = (std::numeric_limits::max)(); if (tracker_limit == -1) tracker_limit = (std::numeric_limits::max)(); for (torrent_map::iterator i = m_torrents.begin() , end(m_torrents.end()); i != end; ++i) { torrent* t = i->second.get(); TORRENT_ASSERT(t); if (t->is_auto_managed() && !t->has_error()) { if (t->state() == torrent_status::checking_files) { checking.push_back(t); continue; } TORRENT_ASSERT(t->m_resume_data_loaded || !t->valid_metadata()); // this torrent is auto managed, add it to // the list (depending on if it's a seed or not) if (t->is_finished()) seeds.push_back(t); else downloaders.push_back(t); } else if (!t->is_paused()) { if (t->state() == torrent_status::checking_files) { if (checking_limit > 0) --checking_limit; continue; } TORRENT_ASSERT(t->m_resume_data_loaded || !t->valid_metadata()); --hard_limit; } } bool handled_by_extension = false; #ifndef TORRENT_DISABLE_EXTENSIONS // TODO: 0 allow extensions to sort torrents for queuing #endif if (!handled_by_extension) { std::sort(checking.begin(), checking.end() , boost::bind(&torrent::sequence_number, _1) < boost::bind(&torrent::sequence_number, _2)); std::sort(downloaders.begin(), downloaders.end() , boost::bind(&torrent::sequence_number, _1) < boost::bind(&torrent::sequence_number, _2)); std::sort(seeds.begin(), seeds.end() , boost::bind(&torrent::seed_rank, _1, boost::ref(m_settings)) > boost::bind(&torrent::seed_rank, _2, boost::ref(m_settings))); } auto_manage_torrents(checking, checking_limit, dht_limit, tracker_limit, lsd_limit , hard_limit, num_downloaders); if (settings().get_bool(settings_pack::auto_manage_prefer_seeds)) { auto_manage_torrents(seeds, checking_limit, dht_limit, tracker_limit, lsd_limit , hard_limit, num_seeds); auto_manage_torrents(downloaders, checking_limit, dht_limit, tracker_limit, lsd_limit , hard_limit, num_downloaders); } else { auto_manage_torrents(downloaders, checking_limit, dht_limit, tracker_limit, lsd_limit , hard_limit, num_downloaders); auto_manage_torrents(seeds, checking_limit, dht_limit, tracker_limit, lsd_limit , hard_limit, num_seeds); } } void session_impl::recalculate_optimistic_unchoke_slots() { TORRENT_ASSERT(is_single_thread()); if (m_allowed_upload_slots == 0) return; std::vector opt_unchoke; for (connection_map::iterator i = m_connections.begin() , end(m_connections.end()); i != end; ++i) { peer_connection* p = i->get(); TORRENT_ASSERT(p); torrent_peer* pi = p->peer_info_struct(); if (!pi) continue; if (pi->web_seed) continue; torrent* t = p->associated_torrent().lock().get(); if (!t) continue; if (t->is_paused()) continue; if (pi->optimistically_unchoked) { TORRENT_ASSERT(!p->is_choked()); opt_unchoke.push_back(pi); } if (!p->is_connecting() && !p->is_disconnecting() && p->is_peer_interested() && t->free_upload_slots() && p->is_choked() && !p->ignore_unchoke_slots() && t->valid_metadata()) { opt_unchoke.push_back(pi); } } // find the peers that has been waiting the longest to be optimistically // unchoked // avoid having a bias towards peers that happen to be sorted first std::random_shuffle(opt_unchoke.begin(), opt_unchoke.end()); // sort all candidates based on when they were last optimistically // unchoked. std::sort(opt_unchoke.begin(), opt_unchoke.end() , boost::bind(&torrent_peer::last_optimistically_unchoked, _1) < boost::bind(&torrent_peer::last_optimistically_unchoked, _2)); #ifndef TORRENT_DISABLE_EXTENSIONS for (ses_extension_list_t::iterator i = m_ses_extensions.begin() , end(m_ses_extensions.end()); i != end; ++i) { if ((*i)->on_optimistic_unchoke(opt_unchoke)) break; } #endif int num_opt_unchoke = m_settings.get_int(settings_pack::num_optimistic_unchoke_slots); if (num_opt_unchoke == 0) num_opt_unchoke = (std::max)(1, m_allowed_upload_slots / 5); // unchoke the first num_opt_unchoke peers in the candidate set // and make sure that the others are choked for (std::vector::iterator i = opt_unchoke.begin() , end(opt_unchoke.end()); i != end; ++i) { torrent_peer* pi = *i; if (num_opt_unchoke > 0) { --num_opt_unchoke; if (!pi->optimistically_unchoked) { peer_connection* p = static_cast(pi->connection); torrent* t = p->associated_torrent().lock().get(); bool ret = t->unchoke_peer(*p, true); if (ret) { pi->optimistically_unchoked = true; m_stats_counters.inc_stats_counter(counters::num_peers_up_unchoked_optimistic); pi->last_optimistically_unchoked = boost::uint16_t(session_time()); } else { // we failed to unchoke it, increment the count again ++num_opt_unchoke; } } } else { if (pi->optimistically_unchoked) { peer_connection* p = static_cast(pi->connection); torrent* t = p->associated_torrent().lock().get(); pi->optimistically_unchoked = false; m_stats_counters.inc_stats_counter(counters::num_peers_up_unchoked_optimistic, -1); t->choke_peer(*p); } } } } void session_impl::try_connect_more_peers() { if (m_abort) return; if (num_connections() >= m_settings.get_int(settings_pack::connections_limit)) return; // this is the maximum number of connections we will // attempt this tick int max_connections = m_settings.get_int(settings_pack::connection_speed); // zero connections speeds are allowed, we just won't make any connections if (max_connections <= 0) return; // this loop will "hand out" connection_speed to the torrents, in a round // robin fashion, so that every torrent is equally likely to connect to a // peer // boost connections are connections made by torrent connection // boost, which are done immediately on a tracker response. These // connections needs to be deducted from this second if (m_boost_connections > 0) { if (m_boost_connections > max_connections) { m_boost_connections -= max_connections; max_connections = 0; } else { max_connections -= m_boost_connections; m_boost_connections = 0; } } // TODO: use a lower limit than m_settings.connections_limit // to allocate the to 10% or so of connection slots for incoming // connections int limit = m_settings.get_int(settings_pack::connections_limit) - num_connections(); // this logic is here to smooth out the number of new connection // attempts over time, to prevent connecting a large number of // sockets, wait 10 seconds, and then try again if (m_settings.get_bool(settings_pack::smooth_connects) && max_connections > (limit+1) / 2) max_connections = (limit+1) / 2; std::vector& want_peers_download = m_torrent_lists[torrent_want_peers_download]; std::vector& want_peers_finished = m_torrent_lists[torrent_want_peers_finished]; // if no torrent want any peers, just return if (want_peers_download.empty() && want_peers_finished.empty()) return; // if we don't have any connection attempt quota, return if (max_connections <= 0) return; INVARIANT_CHECK; int steps_since_last_connect = 0; int num_torrents = int(want_peers_finished.size() + want_peers_download.size()); for (;;) { if (m_next_downloading_connect_torrent >= int(want_peers_download.size())) m_next_downloading_connect_torrent = 0; if (m_next_finished_connect_torrent >= int(want_peers_finished.size())) m_next_finished_connect_torrent = 0; torrent* t = NULL; // there are prioritized torrents. Pick one of those while (!m_prio_torrents.empty()) { t = m_prio_torrents.front().first.lock().get(); --m_prio_torrents.front().second; if (m_prio_torrents.front().second > 0 && t != NULL && t->want_peers()) break; m_prio_torrents.pop_front(); t = NULL; } if (t == NULL) { if ((m_download_connect_attempts >= m_settings.get_int( settings_pack::connect_seed_every_n_download) && want_peers_finished.size()) || want_peers_download.empty()) { // pick a finished torrent to give a peer to t = want_peers_finished[m_next_finished_connect_torrent]; TORRENT_ASSERT(t->want_peers_finished()); m_download_connect_attempts = 0; ++m_next_finished_connect_torrent; } else { // pick a downloading torrent to give a peer to t = want_peers_download[m_next_downloading_connect_torrent]; TORRENT_ASSERT(t->want_peers_download()); ++m_download_connect_attempts; ++m_next_downloading_connect_torrent; } } TORRENT_ASSERT(t->want_peers()); TORRENT_ASSERT(t->allows_peers()); TORRENT_TRY { if (t->try_connect_peer()) { --max_connections; steps_since_last_connect = 0; m_stats_counters.inc_stats_counter(counters::connection_attempts); } } TORRENT_CATCH(std::bad_alloc&) { // we ran out of memory trying to connect to a peer // lower the global limit to the number of peers // we already have m_settings.set_int(settings_pack::connections_limit, num_connections()); if (m_settings.get_int(settings_pack::connections_limit) < 2) m_settings.set_int(settings_pack::connections_limit, 2); } ++steps_since_last_connect; // if there are no more free connection slots, abort if (max_connections == 0) return; // there are no more torrents that want peers if (want_peers_download.empty() && want_peers_finished.empty()) break; // if we have gone a whole loop without // handing out a single connection, break if (steps_since_last_connect > num_torrents + 1) break; // maintain the global limit on number of connections if (num_connections() >= m_settings.get_int(settings_pack::connections_limit)) break; } } void session_impl::recalculate_unchoke_slots() { TORRENT_ASSERT(is_single_thread()); INVARIANT_CHECK; ptime now = time_now(); time_duration unchoke_interval = now - m_last_choke; m_last_choke = now; // build list of all peers that are // unchokable. std::vector peers; for (connection_map::iterator i = m_connections.begin(); i != m_connections.end();) { boost::shared_ptr p = *i; TORRENT_ASSERT(p); ++i; torrent* t = p->associated_torrent().lock().get(); torrent_peer* pi = p->peer_info_struct(); if (p->ignore_unchoke_slots() || t == 0 || pi == 0 || pi->web_seed || t->is_paused()) continue; if (!p->is_peer_interested() || p->is_disconnecting() || p->is_connecting()) { // this peer is not unchokable. So, if it's unchoked // already, make sure to choke it. if (p->is_choked()) continue; if (pi && pi->optimistically_unchoked) { m_stats_counters.inc_stats_counter(counters::num_peers_up_unchoked_optimistic, -1); pi->optimistically_unchoked = false; // force a new optimistic unchoke m_optimistic_unchoke_time_scaler = 0; // TODO: post a message to have this happen // immediately instead of waiting for the next tick } t->choke_peer(*p); continue; } peers.push_back(p.get()); } // the unchoker wants an estimate of our upload rate capacity // (used by bittyrant) int max_upload_rate = upload_rate_limit(m_global_class); if (m_settings.get_int(settings_pack::choking_algorithm) == settings_pack::bittyrant_choker && max_upload_rate == 0) { // we don't know at what rate we can upload. If we have a // measurement of the peak, use that + 10kB/s, otherwise // assume 20 kB/s max_upload_rate = (std::max)(20000, m_peak_up_rate + 10000); if (m_alerts.should_post()) m_alerts.post_alert(performance_alert(torrent_handle() , performance_alert::bittyrant_with_no_uplimit)); } m_allowed_upload_slots = unchoke_sort(peers, max_upload_rate , unchoke_interval, m_settings); int num_opt_unchoke = m_settings.get_int(settings_pack::num_optimistic_unchoke_slots); if (num_opt_unchoke == 0) num_opt_unchoke = (std::max)(1, m_allowed_upload_slots / 5); // reserve some upload slots for optimistic unchokes int unchoke_set_size = m_allowed_upload_slots; // go through all the peers and unchoke the first ones and choke // all the other ones. for (std::vector::iterator i = peers.begin() , end(peers.end()); i != end; ++i) { peer_connection* p = *i; TORRENT_ASSERT(p); TORRENT_ASSERT(!p->ignore_unchoke_slots()); // this will update the m_uploaded_at_last_unchoke // TODO: this should be called for all peers! p->reset_choke_counters(); torrent* t = p->associated_torrent().lock().get(); TORRENT_ASSERT(t); if (unchoke_set_size > 0) { // yes, this peer should be unchoked if (p->is_choked()) { if (!t->unchoke_peer(*p)) continue; } --unchoke_set_size; TORRENT_ASSERT(p->peer_info_struct()); if (p->peer_info_struct()->optimistically_unchoked) { // force a new optimistic unchoke // since this one just got promoted into the // proper unchoke set m_optimistic_unchoke_time_scaler = 0; p->peer_info_struct()->optimistically_unchoked = false; m_stats_counters.inc_stats_counter(counters::num_peers_up_unchoked_optimistic, -1); } } else { // no, this peer should be choked TORRENT_ASSERT(p->peer_info_struct()); if (!p->is_choked() && !p->peer_info_struct()->optimistically_unchoked) t->choke_peer(*p); } } } void session_impl::cork_burst(peer_connection* p) { TORRENT_ASSERT(is_single_thread()); if (p->is_corked()) return; p->cork_socket(); m_delayed_uncorks.push_back(p); } void session_impl::do_delayed_uncork() { m_stats_counters.inc_stats_counter(counters::on_disk_counter); TORRENT_ASSERT(is_single_thread()); for (std::vector::iterator i = m_delayed_uncorks.begin() , end(m_delayed_uncorks.end()); i != end; ++i) { (*i)->uncork_socket(); } m_delayed_uncorks.clear(); } #if defined _MSC_VER && defined TORRENT_DEBUG static void straight_to_debugger(unsigned int, _EXCEPTION_POINTERS*) { throw; } #endif void session_impl::main_thread() { #if defined _MSC_VER && defined TORRENT_DEBUG // workaround for microsofts // hardware exceptions that makes // it hard to debug stuff ::_set_se_translator(straight_to_debugger); #endif // this is a debug facility // see single_threaded in debug.hpp thread_started(); TORRENT_ASSERT(is_single_thread()); // initialize async operations init(); bool stop_loop = false; while (!stop_loop) { error_code ec; m_io_service.run(ec); if (ec) { #ifdef TORRENT_DEBUG fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", ec.message().c_str()); std::string err = ec.message(); #endif TORRENT_ASSERT(false); } m_io_service.reset(); stop_loop = m_abort; } #if defined(TORRENT_VERBOSE_LOGGING) || defined(TORRENT_LOGGING) session_log(" locking mutex"); #endif /* #ifdef TORRENT_DEBUG for (torrent_map::iterator i = m_torrents.begin(); i != m_torrents.end(); ++i) { TORRENT_ASSERT(i->second->num_peers() == 0); } #endif */ #if defined(TORRENT_VERBOSE_LOGGING) || defined(TORRENT_LOGGING) session_log(" cleaning up torrents"); #endif // clear the torrent LRU (probably not strictly necessary) list_node* i = m_torrent_lru.get_all(); #if TORRENT_USE_ASSERTS // clear the prev and next pointers in all torrents // to avoid the assert when destructing them while (i) { list_node* tmp = i; i = i->next; tmp->next = NULL; tmp->prev= NULL; } #endif m_torrents.clear(); TORRENT_ASSERT(m_torrents.empty()); TORRENT_ASSERT(m_connections.empty()); #if TORRENT_USE_ASSERTS && defined BOOST_HAS_PTHREADS m_network_thread = 0; #endif } boost::shared_ptr session_impl::delay_load_torrent(sha1_hash const& info_hash , peer_connection* pc) { #ifndef TORRENT_DISABLE_EXTENSIONS for (ses_extension_list_t::iterator i = m_ses_extensions.begin() , end(m_ses_extensions.end()); i != end; ++i) { add_torrent_params p; if ((*i)->on_unknown_torrent(info_hash, pc, p)) { error_code ec; torrent_handle handle = add_torrent(p, ec); return handle.native_handle(); } } #endif return boost::shared_ptr(); } // the return value from this function is valid only as long as the // session is locked! boost::weak_ptr session_impl::find_torrent(sha1_hash const& info_hash) const { TORRENT_ASSERT(is_single_thread()); torrent_map::const_iterator i = m_torrents.find(info_hash); #if defined TORRENT_DEBUG && defined TORRENT_EXPENSIVE_INVARIANT_CHECKS for (torrent_map::const_iterator j = m_torrents.begin(); j != m_torrents.end(); ++j) { torrent* p = boost::get_pointer(j->second); TORRENT_ASSERT(p); } #endif if (i != m_torrents.end()) return i->second; return boost::weak_ptr(); } void session_impl::insert_torrent(sha1_hash const& ih, boost::shared_ptr const& t , std::string uuid) { m_torrents.insert(std::make_pair(ih, t)); if (!uuid.empty()) m_uuids.insert(std::make_pair(uuid, t)); TORRENT_ASSERT(m_torrents.size() >= m_torrent_lru.size()); } void session_impl::set_queue_position(torrent* me, int p) { if (p >= 0 && me->queue_position() == -1) { for (session_impl::torrent_map::iterator i = m_torrents.begin() , end(m_torrents.end()); i != end; ++i) { torrent* t = i->second.get(); if (t->queue_position() >= p) { t->set_queue_position_impl(t->queue_position()+1); t->state_updated(); } if (t->queue_position() >= p) t->set_queue_position_impl(t->queue_position()+1); } ++m_max_queue_pos; me->set_queue_position_impl((std::min)(m_max_queue_pos, p)); } else if (p < 0) { TORRENT_ASSERT(me->queue_position() >= 0); TORRENT_ASSERT(p == -1); for (session_impl::torrent_map::iterator i = m_torrents.begin() , end(m_torrents.end()); i != end; ++i) { torrent* t = i->second.get(); if (t == me) continue; if (t->queue_position() == -1) continue; if (t->queue_position() >= me->queue_position()) { t->set_queue_position_impl(t->queue_position()-1); t->state_updated(); } } --m_max_queue_pos; me->set_queue_position_impl(p); } else if (p < me->queue_position()) { for (session_impl::torrent_map::iterator i = m_torrents.begin() , end(m_torrents.end()); i != end; ++i) { torrent* t = i->second.get(); if (t == me) continue; if (t->queue_position() == -1) continue; if (t->queue_position() >= p && t->queue_position() < me->queue_position()) { t->set_queue_position_impl(t->queue_position()+1); t->state_updated(); } } me->set_queue_position_impl(p); } else if (p > me->queue_position()) { for (session_impl::torrent_map::iterator i = m_torrents.begin() , end(m_torrents.end()); i != end; ++i) { torrent* t = i->second.get(); int pos = t->queue_position(); if (t == me) continue; if (pos == -1) continue; if (pos <= p && pos > me->queue_position() && pos != -1) { t->set_queue_position_impl(t->queue_position()-1); t->state_updated(); } } me->set_queue_position_impl((std::min)(m_max_queue_pos, p)); } trigger_auto_manage(); } #ifndef TORRENT_DISABLE_ENCRYPTION torrent const* session_impl::find_encrypted_torrent(sha1_hash const& info_hash , sha1_hash const& xor_mask) { sha1_hash obfuscated = info_hash; obfuscated ^= xor_mask; torrent_map::iterator i = m_obfuscated_torrents.find(obfuscated); if (i == m_obfuscated_torrents.end()) return NULL; return i->second.get(); } #endif boost::weak_ptr session_impl::find_torrent(std::string const& uuid) const { TORRENT_ASSERT(is_single_thread()); std::map >::const_iterator i = m_uuids.find(uuid); if (i != m_uuids.end()) return i->second; return boost::weak_ptr(); } // returns true if lhs is a better disconnect candidate than rhs bool compare_disconnect_torrent(session_impl::torrent_map::value_type const& lhs , session_impl::torrent_map::value_type const& rhs) { // a torrent with 0 peers is never a good disconnect candidate // since there's nothing to disconnect if ((lhs.second->num_peers() == 0) != (rhs.second->num_peers() == 0)) return lhs.second->num_peers() != 0; // other than that, always prefer to disconnect peers from seeding torrents // in order to not harm downloading ones if (lhs.second->is_seed() != rhs.second->is_seed()) return lhs.second->is_seed(); return lhs.second->num_peers() > rhs.second->num_peers(); } boost::weak_ptr session_impl::find_disconnect_candidate_torrent() const { aux::session_impl::torrent_map::const_iterator i = std::min_element(m_torrents.begin(), m_torrents.end() , boost::bind(&compare_disconnect_torrent, _1, _2)); TORRENT_ASSERT(i != m_torrents.end()); if (i == m_torrents.end()) return boost::shared_ptr(); return i->second; } #if defined TORRENT_VERBOSE_LOGGING || defined TORRENT_LOGGING || defined TORRENT_ERROR_LOGGING boost::shared_ptr session_impl::create_log(std::string const& name , int instance, bool append) { error_code ec; // current options are file_logger, cout_logger and null_logger return boost::shared_ptr(new logger(m_logpath, name, instance, append)); } void session_impl::session_log(char const* fmt, ...) const { if (!m_logger) return; va_list v; va_start(v, fmt); session_vlog(fmt, v); va_end(v); } void session_impl::session_vlog(char const* fmt, va_list& v) const { char usr[400]; vsnprintf(usr, sizeof(usr), fmt, v); va_end(v); char buf[450]; snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s: %s\n", time_now_string(), usr); (*m_logger) << buf; } #if defined TORRENT_VERBOSE_LOGGING void session_impl::log_all_torrents(peer_connection* p) { for (session_impl::torrent_map::const_iterator i = m_torrents.begin() , end(m_torrents.end()); i != end; ++i) { p->peer_log(" %s", to_hex(i->second->torrent_file().info_hash().to_string()).c_str()); } } #endif #endif void session_impl::get_torrent_status(std::vector* ret , boost::function const& pred , boost::uint32_t flags) const { for (torrent_map::const_iterator i = m_torrents.begin(), end(m_torrents.end()); i != end; ++i) { if (i->second->is_aborted()) continue; torrent_status st; i->second->status(&st, flags); if (!pred(st)) continue; ret->push_back(st); } } void session_impl::refresh_torrent_status(std::vector* ret , boost::uint32_t flags) const { for (std::vector::iterator i = ret->begin(), end(ret->end()); i != end; ++i) { boost::shared_ptr t = i->handle.m_torrent.lock(); if (!t) continue; t->status(&*i, flags); } } void session_impl::post_torrent_updates() { INVARIANT_CHECK; TORRENT_ASSERT(is_single_thread()); std::auto_ptr alert(new state_update_alert()); std::vector& state_updates = m_torrent_lists[aux::session_impl::torrent_state_updates]; alert->status.reserve(state_updates.size()); #if TORRENT_USE_ASSERTS m_posting_torrent_updates = true; #endif // TODO: it might be a nice feature here to limit the number of torrents // to send in a single update. By just posting the first n torrents, they // would nicely be round-robined because the torrent lists are always // pushed back for (std::vector::iterator i = state_updates.begin() , end(state_updates.end()); i != end; ++i) { torrent* t = *i; TORRENT_ASSERT(t->m_links[aux::session_impl::torrent_state_updates].in_list()); alert->status.push_back(torrent_status()); // querying accurate download counters may require // the torrent to be loaded. Loading a torrent, and evicting another // one will lead to calling state_updated(), which screws with // this list while we're working on it, and break things t->status(&alert->status.back(), ~torrent_handle::query_accurate_download_counters); t->clear_in_state_update(); } state_updates.clear(); #if TORRENT_USE_ASSERTS m_posting_torrent_updates = false; #endif m_alerts.post_alert_ptr(alert.release()); } void session_impl::post_session_stats() { std::auto_ptr alert(new session_stats_alert()); std::vector& values = alert->values; values.resize(counters::num_counters, 0); m_disk_thread.update_stats_counters(m_stats_counters); // TODO: 3 it would be really nice to update these counters // as they are incremented. This depends on the session // being ticked, which has a fairly coarse grained resolution m_stats_counters.set_value(counters::sent_bytes , m_stat.total_upload()); m_stats_counters.set_value(counters::sent_payload_bytes , m_stat.total_transfer(stat::upload_payload)); m_stats_counters.set_value(counters::sent_ip_overhead_bytes , m_stat.total_transfer(stat::upload_ip_protocol)); m_stats_counters.set_value(counters::recv_bytes , m_stat.total_download()); m_stats_counters.set_value(counters::recv_payload_bytes , m_stat.total_transfer(stat::download_payload)); m_stats_counters.set_value(counters::recv_ip_overhead_bytes , m_stat.total_transfer(stat::download_ip_protocol)); m_stats_counters.set_value(counters::limiter_up_queue , m_upload_rate.queue_size()); m_stats_counters.set_value(counters::limiter_down_queue , m_download_rate.queue_size()); m_stats_counters.set_value(counters::limiter_up_bytes , m_upload_rate.queued_bytes()); m_stats_counters.set_value(counters::limiter_down_bytes , m_download_rate.queued_bytes()); for (int i = 0; i < counters::num_counters; ++i) values[i] = m_stats_counters[i]; alert->timestamp = total_microseconds(time_now_hires() - m_created); m_alerts.post_alert_ptr(alert.release()); } std::vector session_impl::get_torrents() const { std::vector ret; for (torrent_map::const_iterator i = m_torrents.begin(), end(m_torrents.end()); i != end; ++i) { if (i->second->is_aborted()) continue; ret.push_back(torrent_handle(i->second)); } return ret; } torrent_handle session_impl::find_torrent_handle(sha1_hash const& info_hash) { return torrent_handle(find_torrent(info_hash)); } void session_impl::async_add_torrent(add_torrent_params* params) { if (string_begins_no_case("file://", params->url.c_str()) && !params->ti) { m_disk_thread.async_load_torrent(params , boost::bind(&session_impl::on_async_load_torrent, this, _1)); return; } error_code ec; torrent_handle handle = add_torrent(*params, ec); delete params; } void session_impl::on_async_load_torrent(disk_io_job const* j) { add_torrent_params* params = (add_torrent_params*)j->requester; error_code ec; torrent_handle handle; if (j->error.ec) { ec = j->error.ec; m_alerts.post_alert(add_torrent_alert(handle, *params, ec)); } else { params->url.clear(); params->ti = boost::shared_ptr((torrent_info*)j->buffer); handle = add_torrent(*params, ec); } delete params; } #ifndef TORRENT_DISABLE_EXTENSIONS void session_impl::add_extensions_to_torrent( boost::shared_ptr const& torrent_ptr, void* userdata) { for (ses_extension_list_t::iterator i = m_ses_extensions.begin() , end(m_ses_extensions.end()); i != end; ++i) { boost::shared_ptr tp((*i)->new_torrent(torrent_ptr.get(), userdata)); if (tp) torrent_ptr->add_extension(tp); } } #endif torrent_handle session_impl::add_torrent(add_torrent_params const& p , error_code& ec) { torrent_handle h = add_torrent_impl(p, ec); m_alerts.post_alert(add_torrent_alert(h, p, ec)); return h; } torrent_handle session_impl::add_torrent_impl(add_torrent_params const& p , error_code& ec) { TORRENT_ASSERT(!p.save_path.empty()); #ifndef TORRENT_NO_DEPRECATE p.update_flags(); #endif add_torrent_params params = p; if (string_begins_no_case("magnet:", params.url.c_str())) { parse_magnet_uri(params.url, params, ec); if (ec) return torrent_handle(); params.url.clear(); } if (string_begins_no_case("file://", params.url.c_str()) && !params.ti) { std::string filename = resolve_file_url(params.url); boost::shared_ptr t = boost::make_shared(filename, boost::ref(ec), 0); if (ec) return torrent_handle(); params.url.clear(); params.ti = t; } if (params.ti && params.ti->is_valid() && params.ti->num_files() == 0) { ec = errors::no_files_in_torrent; return torrent_handle(); } #ifndef TORRENT_DISABLE_DHT // add p.dht_nodes to the DHT, if enabled if (m_dht && !p.dht_nodes.empty()) { for (std::vector >::const_iterator i = p.dht_nodes.begin() , end(p.dht_nodes.end()); i != end; ++i) m_dht->add_node(*i); } #endif INVARIANT_CHECK; if (is_aborted()) { ec = errors::session_is_closing; return torrent_handle(); } // figure out the info hash of the torrent sha1_hash const* ih = 0; sha1_hash tmp; if (params.ti) ih = ¶ms.ti->info_hash(); else if (!params.url.empty()) { // in order to avoid info-hash collisions, for // torrents where we don't have an info-hash, but // just a URL, set the temporary info-hash to the // hash of the URL. This will be changed once we // have the actual .torrent file tmp = hasher(¶ms.url[0], params.url.size()).final(); ih = &tmp; } else ih = ¶ms.info_hash; // we don't have a torrent file. If the user provided // resume data, there may be some metadata in there if ((!params.ti || !params.ti->is_valid()) && !params.resume_data.empty()) { int pos; error_code ec; lazy_entry tmp; lazy_entry const* info = 0; #if defined TORRENT_VERBOSE_LOGGING || defined TORRENT_LOGGING session_log("adding magnet link with resume data"); #endif if (lazy_bdecode(¶ms.resume_data[0], ¶ms.resume_data[0] + params.resume_data.size(), tmp, ec, &pos) == 0 && tmp.type() == lazy_entry::dict_t && (info = tmp.dict_find_dict("info"))) { #if defined TORRENT_VERBOSE_LOGGING || defined TORRENT_LOGGING session_log("found metadata in resume data"); #endif // verify the info-hash of the metadata stored in the resume file matches // the torrent we're loading std::pair buf = info->data_section(); sha1_hash resume_ih = hasher(buf.first, buf.second).final(); // if url is set, the info_hash is not actually the info-hash of the // torrent, but the hash of the URL, until we have the full torrent // only require the info-hash to match if we actually passed in one if (resume_ih == params.info_hash || !params.url.empty() || params.info_hash.is_all_zeros()) { #if defined TORRENT_VERBOSE_LOGGING || defined TORRENT_LOGGING session_log("info-hash matched"); #endif params.ti = boost::make_shared(resume_ih); if (params.ti->parse_info_section(*info, ec, 0)) { #if defined TORRENT_VERBOSE_LOGGING || defined TORRENT_LOGGING session_log("successfully loaded metadata from resume file"); #endif // make the info-hash be the one in the resume file params.info_hash = resume_ih; ih = ¶ms.info_hash; } else { #if defined TORRENT_VERBOSE_LOGGING || defined TORRENT_LOGGING || defined TORRENT_ERROR_LOGGING session_log("failed to load metadata from resume file: %s" , ec.message().c_str()); #endif } } #if defined TORRENT_VERBOSE_LOGGING || defined TORRENT_LOGGING || defined TORRENT_ERROR_LOGGING else { session_log("metadata info-hash failed"); } #endif } #if defined TORRENT_VERBOSE_LOGGING || defined TORRENT_LOGGING || defined TORRENT_ERROR_LOGGING else { session_log("no metadata found"); } #endif } // is the torrent already active? boost::shared_ptr torrent_ptr = find_torrent(*ih).lock(); if (!torrent_ptr && !params.uuid.empty()) torrent_ptr = find_torrent(params.uuid).lock(); // if we still can't find the torrent, look for it by url if (!torrent_ptr && !params.url.empty()) { torrent_map::iterator i = std::find_if(m_torrents.begin() , m_torrents.end(), boost::bind(&torrent::url, boost::bind(&std::pair >::second, _1)) == params.url); if (i != m_torrents.end()) torrent_ptr = i->second; } if (torrent_ptr) { if ((params.flags & add_torrent_params::flag_duplicate_is_error) == 0) { if (!params.uuid.empty() && torrent_ptr->uuid().empty()) torrent_ptr->set_uuid(params.uuid); if (!params.url.empty() && torrent_ptr->url().empty()) torrent_ptr->set_url(params.url); if (!params.source_feed_url.empty() && torrent_ptr->source_feed_url().empty()) torrent_ptr->set_source_feed_url(params.source_feed_url); return torrent_handle(torrent_ptr); } ec = errors::duplicate_torrent; return torrent_handle(); } int queue_pos = ++m_max_queue_pos; torrent_ptr.reset(new torrent(*this , 16 * 1024, queue_pos, params, *ih)); torrent_ptr->start(); #ifndef TORRENT_DISABLE_EXTENSIONS typedef std::vector(torrent*, void*)> > torrent_plugins_t; for (torrent_plugins_t::const_iterator i = params.extensions.begin() , end(params.extensions.end()); i != end; ++i) { torrent_ptr->add_extension((*i)(torrent_ptr.get(), params.userdata)); } add_extensions_to_torrent(torrent_ptr, params.userdata); #endif #ifndef TORRENT_DISABLE_DHT if (m_dht && params.ti) { torrent_info::nodes_t const& nodes = params.ti->nodes(); std::for_each(nodes.begin(), nodes.end(), boost::bind( (void(dht::dht_tracker::*)(std::pair const&)) &dht::dht_tracker::add_node , boost::ref(m_dht), _1)); } #endif #if TORRENT_HAS_BOOST_UNORDERED sha1_hash next_lsd(0); sha1_hash next_dht(0); if (m_next_lsd_torrent != m_torrents.end()) next_lsd = m_next_lsd_torrent->first; #ifndef TORRENT_DISABLE_DHT if (m_next_dht_torrent != m_torrents.end()) next_dht = m_next_dht_torrent->first; #endif float load_factor = m_torrents.load_factor(); #endif // TORRENT_HAS_BOOST_UNORDERED m_torrents.insert(std::make_pair(*ih, torrent_ptr)); TORRENT_ASSERT(m_torrents.size() >= m_torrent_lru.size()); #ifndef TORRENT_DISABLE_ENCRYPTION hasher h; h.update("req2", 4); h.update((char*)&(*ih)[0], 20); // this is SHA1("req2" + info-hash), used for // encrypted hand shakes m_obfuscated_torrents.insert(std::make_pair(h.final(), torrent_ptr)); #endif if (torrent_ptr->is_pinned() == false) { evict_torrents_except(torrent_ptr.get()); bump_torrent(torrent_ptr.get()); } #if TORRENT_HAS_BOOST_UNORDERED // if this insert made the hash grow, the iterators became invalid // we need to reset them if (m_torrents.load_factor() < load_factor) { // this indicates the hash table re-hashed if (!next_lsd.is_all_zeros()) m_next_lsd_torrent = m_torrents.find(next_lsd); #ifndef TORRENT_DISABLE_DHT if (!next_dht.is_all_zeros()) m_next_dht_torrent = m_torrents.find(next_dht); #endif } #endif // TORRENT_HAS_BOOST_UNORDERED if (!params.uuid.empty() || !params.url.empty()) m_uuids.insert(std::make_pair(params.uuid.empty() ? params.url : params.uuid, torrent_ptr)); if (m_alerts.should_post()) m_alerts.post_alert(torrent_added_alert(torrent_ptr->get_handle())); // recalculate auto-managed torrents sooner (or put it off) // if another torrent will be added within one second from now // we want to put it off again anyway. So that while we're adding // a boat load of torrents, we postpone the recalculation until // we're done adding them all (since it's kind of an expensive operation) if (params.flags & add_torrent_params::flag_auto_managed) trigger_auto_manage(); return torrent_handle(torrent_ptr); } void session_impl::update_outgoing_interfaces() { INVARIANT_CHECK; std::string net_interfaces = m_settings.get_str(settings_pack::outgoing_interfaces); // declared in string_util.hpp parse_comma_separated_string(net_interfaces, m_net_interfaces); } tcp::endpoint session_impl::bind_outgoing_socket(socket_type& s, address const& remote_address, error_code& ec) const { tcp::endpoint bind_ep(address_v4(), 0); if (m_settings.get_int(settings_pack::outgoing_port) > 0) { s.set_option(socket_acceptor::reuse_address(true), ec); // ignore errors because the underlying socket may not // be opened yet. This happens when we're routing through // a proxy. In that case, we don't yet know the address of // the proxy server, and more importantly, we don't know // the address family of its address. This means we can't // open the socket yet. The socks abstraction layer defers // opening it. ec.clear(); bind_ep.port(next_port()); } if (!m_net_interfaces.empty()) { if (m_interface_index >= m_net_interfaces.size()) m_interface_index = 0; std::string const& ifname = m_net_interfaces[m_interface_index++]; if (ec) return bind_ep; bind_ep.address(bind_to_device(m_io_service, s, remote_address.is_v4() , ifname.c_str(), bind_ep.port(), ec)); return bind_ep; } // if we're not binding to a specific interface, bind // to the same protocol family as the target endpoint if (is_any(bind_ep.address())) { #if TORRENT_USE_IPV6 if (remote_address.is_v6()) bind_ep.address(address_v6::any()); else #endif bind_ep.address(address_v4::any()); } s.bind(bind_ep, ec); return bind_ep; } // verify that the given local address satisfies the requirements of // the outgoing interfaces. i.e. that one of the allowed outgoing // interfaces has this address. For uTP sockets, which are all backed // by an unconnected udp socket, we won't be able to tell what local // address is used for this peer's packets, in that case, just make // sure one of the allowed interfaces exists and maybe that it's the // default route. For systems that have SO_BINDTODEVICE, it should be // enough to just know that one of the devices exist bool session_impl::verify_bound_address(address const& addr, bool utp , error_code& ec) { // we have specific outgoing interfaces specified. Make sure the // local endpoint for this socket is bound to one of the allowed // interfaces. the list can be a mixture of interfaces and IP // addresses. first look for the address for (int i = 0; i < int(m_net_interfaces.size()); ++i) { error_code err; address ip = address::from_string(m_net_interfaces[i].c_str(), err); if (err) continue; if (ip == addr) return true; } // we didn't find the address as an IP in the interface list. Now, // resolve which device (if any) has this IP address. std::string device = device_for_address(addr, m_io_service, ec); if (ec) return false; // if no device was found to have this address, we fail if (device.empty()) return false; for (int i = 0; i < int(m_net_interfaces.size()); ++i) { if (m_net_interfaces[i] == device) return true; } return false; } void session_impl::remove_torrent(const torrent_handle& h, int options) { INVARIANT_CHECK; boost::shared_ptr tptr = h.m_torrent.lock(); if (!tptr) return; m_alerts.post_alert(torrent_removed_alert(tptr->get_handle(), tptr->info_hash())); remove_torrent_impl(tptr, options); tptr->abort(); tptr->set_queue_position(-1); } void session_impl::remove_torrent_impl(boost::shared_ptr tptr, int options) { // remove from uuid list if (!tptr->uuid().empty()) { std::map >::iterator j = m_uuids.find(tptr->uuid()); if (j != m_uuids.end()) m_uuids.erase(j); } torrent_map::iterator i = m_torrents.find(tptr->torrent_file().info_hash()); // this torrent might be filed under the URL-hash if (i == m_torrents.end() && !tptr->url().empty()) { std::string const& url = tptr->url(); sha1_hash urlhash = hasher(&url[0], url.size()).final(); i = m_torrents.find(urlhash); } if (i == m_torrents.end()) return; torrent& t = *i->second; if (options & session::delete_files) { if (!t.delete_files()) { if (m_alerts.should_post()) m_alerts.post_alert(torrent_delete_failed_alert(t.get_handle() , error_code(), t.torrent_file().info_hash())); } } if (m_torrent_lru.size() > 0 && (t.prev != NULL || t.next != NULL || m_torrent_lru.front() == &t)) m_torrent_lru.erase(&t); TORRENT_ASSERT(t.prev == NULL && t.next == NULL); tptr->update_gauge(); #if TORRENT_USE_ASSERTS sha1_hash i_hash = t.torrent_file().info_hash(); #endif #ifndef TORRENT_DISABLE_DHT if (i == m_next_dht_torrent) ++m_next_dht_torrent; #endif if (i == m_next_lsd_torrent) ++m_next_lsd_torrent; m_torrents.erase(i); TORRENT_ASSERT(m_torrents.size() >= m_torrent_lru.size()); #ifndef TORRENT_DISABLE_ENCRYPTION hasher h; h.update("req2", 4); h.update((char*)&tptr->info_hash()[0], 20); m_obfuscated_torrents.erase(h.final()); #endif #ifndef TORRENT_DISABLE_DHT if (m_next_dht_torrent == m_torrents.end()) m_next_dht_torrent = m_torrents.begin(); #endif if (m_next_lsd_torrent == m_torrents.end()) m_next_lsd_torrent = m_torrents.begin(); // this torrent may open up a slot for a queued torrent trigger_auto_manage(); TORRENT_ASSERT(m_torrents.find(i_hash) == m_torrents.end()); } void session_impl::update_listen_interfaces() { INVARIANT_CHECK; std::string net_interfaces = m_settings.get_str(settings_pack::listen_interfaces); std::vector > new_listen_interfaces; // declared in string_util.hpp parse_comma_separated_string_port(net_interfaces, new_listen_interfaces); #if defined(TORRENT_VERBOSE_LOGGING) || defined(TORRENT_LOGGING) session_log("update listen interfaces: %s", net_interfaces.c_str()); #endif // if the interface is the same and the socket is open // don't do anything if (new_listen_interfaces == m_listen_interfaces && !m_listen_sockets.empty()) return; m_listen_interfaces = new_listen_interfaces; // for backwards compatibility. Some components still only supports // a single listen interface m_listen_interface.address(address_v4::any()); m_listen_interface.port(0); if (m_listen_interfaces.size() > 0) { error_code ec; m_listen_interface.port(m_listen_interfaces[0].second); char const* device_name = m_listen_interfaces[0].first.c_str(); // if the first character is [, skip it since it may be an // IPv6 address m_listen_interface.address(address::from_string( device_name[0] == '[' ? device_name + 1 : device_name, ec)); if (ec) { #if defined(TORRENT_VERBOSE_LOGGING) || defined(TORRENT_LOGGING) session_log("failed to treat %s as an IP address [ %s ]" , device_name, ec.message().c_str()); #endif // it may have been a device name. std::vector ifs = enum_net_interfaces(m_io_service, ec); #if defined(TORRENT_VERBOSE_LOGGING) || defined(TORRENT_LOGGING) if (ec) session_log("failed to enumerate interfaces [ %s ]" , ec.message().c_str()); #endif bool found = false; for (int i = 0; i < int(ifs.size()); ++i) { // we're looking for a specific interface, and its address // (which must be of the same family as the address we're // connecting to) if (strcmp(ifs[i].name, device_name) != 0) continue; m_listen_interface.address(ifs[i].interface_address); #if defined(TORRENT_VERBOSE_LOGGING) || defined(TORRENT_LOGGING) session_log("binding to %s" , m_listen_interface.address().to_string(ec).c_str()); #endif found = true; break; } if (!found) { #if defined(TORRENT_VERBOSE_LOGGING) || defined(TORRENT_LOGGING) session_log("failed to find device %s", device_name); #endif // effectively disable whatever socket decides to bind to this m_listen_interface.address(address_v4::loopback()); } } } } void session_impl::update_privileged_ports() { if (m_settings.get_bool(settings_pack::no_connect_privileged_ports)) { m_port_filter.add_rule(0, 1024, port_filter::blocked); // Close connections whose endpoint is filtered // by the new ip-filter for (torrent_map::iterator i = m_torrents.begin() , end(m_torrents.end()); i != end; ++i) i->second->ip_filter_updated(); } else { m_port_filter.add_rule(0, 1024, 0); } } void session_impl::update_auto_sequential() { for (torrent_map::iterator i = m_torrents.begin() , end(m_torrents.end()); i != end; ++i) i->second->update_auto_sequential(); } void session_impl::update_proxy() { // in case we just set a socks proxy, we might have to // open the socks incoming connection if (!m_socks_listen_socket) open_new_incoming_socks_connection(); m_udp_socket.set_proxy_settings(proxy()); #ifdef TORRENT_USE_OPENSSL m_ssl_udp_socket.set_proxy_settings(proxy()); #endif } void session_impl::update_upnp() { if (m_settings.get_bool(settings_pack::enable_upnp)) start_upnp(); else stop_upnp(); } void session_impl::update_natpmp() { if (m_settings.get_bool(settings_pack::enable_natpmp)) start_natpmp(); else stop_natpmp(); } void session_impl::update_lsd() { if (m_settings.get_bool(settings_pack::enable_lsd)) start_lsd(); else stop_lsd(); } void session_impl::update_dht() { #ifndef TORRENT_DISABLE_DHT if (m_settings.get_bool(settings_pack::enable_dht)) start_dht(); else stop_dht(); #endif } void session_impl::update_count_slow() { error_code ec; for (torrent_map::const_iterator i = m_torrents.begin() , end(m_torrents.end()); i != end; ++i) { i->second->on_inactivity_tick(ec); } } address session_impl::listen_address() const { for (std::list::const_iterator i = m_listen_sockets.begin() , end(m_listen_sockets.end()); i != end; ++i) { if (i->external_address != address()) return i->external_address; } return address(); } boost::uint16_t session_impl::listen_port() const { // if peer connections are set up to be received over a socks // proxy, and it's the same one as we're using for the tracker // just tell the tracker the socks5 port we're listening on if (m_socks_listen_socket && m_socks_listen_socket->is_open()) return m_socks_listen_port; // if not, don't tell the tracker anything if we're in force_proxy // mode. We don't want to leak our listen port since it can // potentially identify us if it is leaked elsewere if (m_settings.get_bool(settings_pack::force_proxy)) return 0; if (m_listen_sockets.empty()) return 0; return m_listen_sockets.front().external_port; } boost::uint16_t session_impl::ssl_listen_port() const { #ifdef TORRENT_USE_OPENSSL // if peer connections are set up to be received over a socks // proxy, and it's the same one as we're using for the tracker // just tell the tracker the socks5 port we're listening on if (m_socks_listen_socket && m_socks_listen_socket->is_open()) return m_socks_listen_port; // if not, don't tell the tracker anything if we're in force_proxy // mode. We don't want to leak our listen port since it can // potentially identify us if it is leaked elsewere if (m_settings.get_bool(settings_pack::force_proxy)) return 0; for (std::list::const_iterator i = m_listen_sockets.begin() , end(m_listen_sockets.end()); i != end; ++i) { if (i->ssl) return i->external_port; } if (m_ssl_udp_socket.is_open()) return m_ssl_udp_socket.local_port(); #endif return 0; } void session_impl::announce_lsd(sha1_hash const& ih, int port, bool broadcast) { // use internal listen port for local peers if (m_lsd.get()) m_lsd->announce(ih, port, broadcast); } void session_impl::on_lsd_peer(tcp::endpoint peer, sha1_hash const& ih) { m_stats_counters.inc_stats_counter(counters::on_lsd_peer_counter); TORRENT_ASSERT(is_single_thread()); INVARIANT_CHECK; boost::shared_ptr t = find_torrent(ih).lock(); if (!t) return; // don't add peers from lsd to private torrents if (t->torrent_file().priv() || (t->torrent_file().is_i2p() && !m_settings.get_bool(settings_pack::allow_i2p_mixed))) return; #if defined(TORRENT_VERBOSE_LOGGING) || defined(TORRENT_LOGGING) session_log("added peer from local discovery: %s", print_endpoint(peer).c_str()); #endif t->add_peer(peer, peer_info::lsd); t->do_connect_boost(); if (m_alerts.should_post()) m_alerts.post_alert(lsd_peer_alert(t->get_handle(), peer)); } void session_impl::on_port_map_log( char const* msg, int map_transport) { TORRENT_ASSERT(map_transport >= 0 && map_transport <= 1); // log message #ifdef TORRENT_UPNP_LOGGING char const* transport_names[] = {"NAT-PMP", "UPnP"}; m_upnp_log << time_now_string() << " " << transport_names[map_transport] << ": " << msg; #endif if (m_alerts.should_post()) m_alerts.post_alert(portmap_log_alert(map_transport, msg)); } void session_impl::on_port_mapping(int mapping, address const& ip, int port , error_code const& ec, int map_transport) { TORRENT_ASSERT(is_single_thread()); TORRENT_ASSERT(map_transport >= 0 && map_transport <= 1); if (mapping == m_udp_mapping[map_transport] && port != 0) { m_external_udp_port = port; if (m_alerts.should_post()) m_alerts.post_alert(portmap_alert(mapping, port , map_transport)); return; } if (mapping == m_tcp_mapping[map_transport] && port != 0) { if (ip != address()) { // TODO: 1 report the proper address of the router as the source IP of // this understanding of our external address, instead of the empty address set_external_address(ip, source_router, address()); } if (!m_listen_sockets.empty()) { m_listen_sockets.front().external_address = ip; m_listen_sockets.front().external_port = port; } if (m_alerts.should_post()) m_alerts.post_alert(portmap_alert(mapping, port , map_transport)); return; } if (ec) { if (m_alerts.should_post()) m_alerts.post_alert(portmap_error_alert(mapping , map_transport, ec)); } else { if (m_alerts.should_post()) m_alerts.post_alert(portmap_alert(mapping, port , map_transport)); } } // TODO: 3 deprecate this function. All of this functionality should be // exposed as performance counters session_status session_impl::status() const { // INVARIANT_CHECK; TORRENT_ASSERT(is_single_thread()); session_status s; s.optimistic_unchoke_counter = m_optimistic_unchoke_time_scaler; s.unchoke_counter = m_unchoke_time_scaler; s.num_peers = int(m_connections.size()); s.num_dead_peers = int(m_undead_peers.size()); s.num_unchoked = m_stats_counters[counters::num_peers_up_unchoked_all]; s.allowed_upload_slots = m_allowed_upload_slots; s.num_torrents = m_torrents.size(); // only non-paused torrents want tick s.num_paused_torrents = m_torrents.size() - m_torrent_lists[torrent_want_tick].size(); s.total_redundant_bytes = m_stats_counters[counters::recv_redundant_bytes]; s.total_failed_bytes = m_stats_counters[counters::recv_failed_bytes]; s.up_bandwidth_queue = m_upload_rate.queue_size(); s.down_bandwidth_queue = m_download_rate.queue_size(); s.up_bandwidth_bytes_queue = int(m_upload_rate.queued_bytes()); s.down_bandwidth_bytes_queue = int(m_download_rate.queued_bytes()); s.disk_write_queue = m_stats_counters[counters::num_peers_down_disk]; s.disk_read_queue = m_stats_counters[counters::num_peers_up_disk]; s.has_incoming_connections = m_stats_counters[counters::has_incoming_connections]; // total s.download_rate = m_stat.download_rate(); s.total_upload = m_stat.total_upload(); s.upload_rate = m_stat.upload_rate(); s.total_download = m_stat.total_download(); // payload s.payload_download_rate = m_stat.transfer_rate(stat::download_payload); s.total_payload_download = m_stat.total_transfer(stat::download_payload); s.payload_upload_rate = m_stat.transfer_rate(stat::upload_payload); s.total_payload_upload = m_stat.total_transfer(stat::upload_payload); // IP-overhead s.ip_overhead_download_rate = m_stat.transfer_rate(stat::download_ip_protocol); s.total_ip_overhead_download = m_stat.total_transfer(stat::download_ip_protocol); s.ip_overhead_upload_rate = m_stat.transfer_rate(stat::upload_ip_protocol); s.total_ip_overhead_upload = m_stat.total_transfer(stat::upload_ip_protocol); // tracker s.total_tracker_download = m_stats_counters[counters::recv_tracker_bytes]; s.total_tracker_upload = m_stats_counters[counters::sent_tracker_bytes]; // dht s.total_dht_download = m_stats_counters[counters::recv_dht_bytes]; s.total_dht_upload = m_stats_counters[counters::sent_dht_bytes]; // deprecated s.tracker_download_rate = 0; s.tracker_upload_rate = 0; s.dht_download_rate = 0; s.dht_upload_rate = 0; #ifndef TORRENT_DISABLE_DHT if (m_dht) { m_dht->dht_status(s); } else #endif { s.dht_nodes = 0; s.dht_node_cache = 0; s.dht_torrents = 0; s.dht_global_nodes = 0; s.dht_total_allocations = 0; } m_utp_socket_manager.get_status(s.utp_stats); // this loop is potentially expensive. It could be optimized by // simply keeping a global counter int peerlist_size = 0; for (torrent_map::const_iterator i = m_torrents.begin() , end(m_torrents.end()); i != end; ++i) { peerlist_size += i->second->num_known_peers(); } s.peerlist_size = peerlist_size; return s; } #ifndef TORRENT_DISABLE_DHT void session_impl::start_dht() { start_dht(m_dht_state); } void on_bootstrap(alert_manager& alerts) { if (alerts.should_post()) alerts.post_alert(dht_bootstrap_alert()); } void session_impl::start_dht(entry const& startup_state) { INVARIANT_CHECK; stop_dht(); m_dht = new dht::dht_tracker(*this, m_udp_socket, m_dht_settings, m_stats_counters, &startup_state); for (std::list::iterator i = m_dht_router_nodes.begin() , end(m_dht_router_nodes.end()); i != end; ++i) { m_dht->add_router_node(*i); } m_dht->start(startup_state, boost::bind(&on_bootstrap, boost::ref(m_alerts))); m_udp_socket.subscribe(m_dht.get()); } void session_impl::stop_dht() { if (!m_dht) return; m_udp_socket.unsubscribe(m_dht.get()); m_dht->stop(); m_dht = 0; } void session_impl::set_dht_settings(dht_settings const& settings) { m_dht_settings = settings; } #ifndef TORRENT_NO_DEPRECATE entry session_impl::dht_state() const { if (!m_dht) return entry(); return m_dht->state(); } #endif void session_impl::add_dht_node_name(std::pair const& node) { if (m_dht) m_dht->add_node(node); } void session_impl::add_dht_router(std::pair const& node) { #if defined TORRENT_ASIO_DEBUGGING add_outstanding_async("session_impl::on_dht_router_name_lookup"); #endif m_host_resolver.async_resolve(node.first, 0 , boost::bind(&session_impl::on_dht_router_name_lookup , this, _1, _2, node.second)); } void session_impl::on_dht_router_name_lookup(error_code const& e , std::vector
const& addresses, int port) { #if defined TORRENT_ASIO_DEBUGGING complete_async("session_impl::on_dht_router_name_lookup"); #endif if (e) { if (m_alerts.should_post()) m_alerts.post_alert(dht_error_alert( dht_error_alert::hostname_lookup, e)); return; } for (std::vector
::const_iterator i = addresses.begin() , end(addresses.end()); i != end; ++i) { // router nodes should be added before the DHT is started (and bootstrapped) udp::endpoint ep(*i, port); if (m_dht) m_dht->add_router_node(ep); m_dht_router_nodes.push_back(ep); } } // callback for dht_immutable_get void session_impl::get_immutable_callback(sha1_hash target , dht::item const& i) { TORRENT_ASSERT(!i.is_mutable()); m_alerts.post_alert(dht_immutable_item_alert(target, i.value())); } void session_impl::dht_get_immutable_item(sha1_hash const& target) { if (!m_dht) return; m_dht->get_item(target, boost::bind(&session_impl::get_immutable_callback , this, target, _1)); } // callback for dht_mutable_get void session_impl::get_mutable_callback(dht::item const& i) { TORRENT_ASSERT(i.is_mutable()); m_alerts.post_alert(dht_mutable_item_alert(i.pk(), i.sig(), i.seq() , i.salt(), i.value())); } // key is a 32-byte binary string, the public key to look up. // the salt is optional void session_impl::dht_get_mutable_item(boost::array key , std::string salt) { if (!m_dht) return; m_dht->get_item(key.data(), boost::bind(&session_impl::get_mutable_callback , this, _1), salt); } void on_dht_put(alert_manager& alerts, sha1_hash target) { if (alerts.should_post()) alerts.post_alert(dht_put_alert(target)); } void session_impl::dht_put_item(entry data, sha1_hash target) { if (!m_dht) return; m_dht->put_item(data, boost::bind(&on_dht_put, boost::ref(m_alerts) , target)); } void put_mutable_callback(alert_manager& alerts, dht::item& i , boost::function& , boost::uint64_t&, std::string const&)> cb) { entry value = i.value(); boost::array sig = i.sig(); boost::array pk = i.pk(); boost::uint64_t seq = i.seq(); std::string salt = i.salt(); cb(value, sig, seq, salt); i.assign(value, salt, seq, pk.data(), sig.data()); if (alerts.should_post()) alerts.post_alert(dht_put_alert(pk, sig, salt, seq)); } void session_impl::dht_put_mutable_item(boost::array key , boost::function& , boost::uint64_t&, std::string const&)> cb , std::string salt) { if (!m_dht) return; m_dht->put_item(key.data(), boost::bind(&put_mutable_callback , boost::ref(m_alerts), _1, cb), salt); } #endif void session_impl::maybe_update_udp_mapping(int nat, int local_port, int external_port) { int local, external, protocol; if (nat == 0 && m_natpmp.get()) { if (m_udp_mapping[nat] != -1) { if (m_natpmp->get_mapping(m_udp_mapping[nat], local, external, protocol)) { // we already have a mapping. If it's the same, don't do anything if (local == local_port && external == external_port && protocol == natpmp::udp) return; } m_natpmp->delete_mapping(m_udp_mapping[nat]); } m_udp_mapping[nat] = m_natpmp->add_mapping(natpmp::udp , local_port, external_port); return; } else if (nat == 1 && m_upnp.get()) { if (m_udp_mapping[nat] != -1) { if (m_upnp->get_mapping(m_udp_mapping[nat], local, external, protocol)) { // we already have a mapping. If it's the same, don't do anything if (local == local_port && external == external_port && protocol == natpmp::udp) return; } m_upnp->delete_mapping(m_udp_mapping[nat]); } m_udp_mapping[nat] = m_upnp->add_mapping(upnp::udp , local_port, external_port); return; } } #if !defined TORRENT_DISABLE_ENCRYPTION void session_impl::add_obfuscated_hash(sha1_hash const& obfuscated , boost::weak_ptr const& t) { m_obfuscated_torrents.insert(std::make_pair(obfuscated, t.lock())); } #endif // TORRENT_DISABLE_ENCRYPTION bool session_impl::is_listening() const { return !m_listen_sockets.empty(); } session_impl::~session_impl() { // this is not allowed to be the network thread! TORRENT_ASSERT(is_not_thread()); m_io_service.post(boost::bind(&session_impl::abort, this)); // now it's OK for the network thread to exit m_work.reset(); #if defined TORRENT_ASIO_DEBUGGING int counter = 0; while (log_async()) { sleep(1000); ++counter; printf("\x1b[2J\x1b[0;0H\x1b[33m==== Waiting to shut down: %d ==== \x1b[0m\n\n" , counter); } async_dec_threads(); fprintf(stderr, "\n\nEXPECTS NO MORE ASYNC OPS\n\n\n"); // m_io_service.post(boost::bind(&io_service::stop, &m_io_service)); #endif if (m_thread) m_thread->join(); m_udp_socket.unsubscribe(this); m_udp_socket.unsubscribe(&m_utp_socket_manager); m_udp_socket.unsubscribe(&m_tracker_manager); #ifdef TORRENT_USE_OPENSSL m_ssl_udp_socket.unsubscribe(this); m_ssl_udp_socket.unsubscribe(&m_utp_socket_manager); #endif TORRENT_ASSERT(m_torrents.empty()); TORRENT_ASSERT(m_connections.empty()); #ifdef TORRENT_REQUEST_LOGGING if (m_request_log) fclose(m_request_log); #endif #if defined TORRENT_ASIO_DEBUGGING FILE* f = fopen("wakeups.log", "w+"); if (f != NULL) { ptime m = min_time(); if (_wakeups.size() > 0) m = _wakeups[0].timestamp; ptime prev = m; boost::uint64_t prev_csw = 0; if (_wakeups.size() > 0) prev_csw = _wakeups[0].context_switches; fprintf(f, "abs. time\trel. time\tctx switch\tidle-wakeup\toperation\n"); for (int i = 0; i < _wakeups.size(); ++i) { wakeup_t const& w = _wakeups[i]; bool idle_wakeup = w.context_switches > prev_csw; fprintf(f, "%" PRId64 "\t%" PRId64 "\t%" PRId64 "\t%c\t%s\n" , total_microseconds(w.timestamp - m) , total_microseconds(w.timestamp - prev) , w.context_switches , idle_wakeup ? '*' : '.' , w.operation); prev = w.timestamp; prev_csw = w.context_switches; } fclose(f); } #endif } #ifndef TORRENT_NO_DEPRECATE int session_impl::max_connections() const { return m_settings.get_int(settings_pack::connections_limit); } int session_impl::max_uploads() const { return m_settings.get_int(settings_pack::unchoke_slots_limit); } void session_impl::set_local_download_rate_limit(int bytes_per_second) { settings_pack* p = new settings_pack; p->set_int(settings_pack::local_download_rate_limit, bytes_per_second); apply_settings_pack(p); } void session_impl::set_local_upload_rate_limit(int bytes_per_second) { settings_pack* p = new settings_pack; p->set_int(settings_pack::local_upload_rate_limit, bytes_per_second); apply_settings_pack(p); } void session_impl::set_download_rate_limit(int bytes_per_second) { settings_pack* p = new settings_pack; p->set_int(settings_pack::download_rate_limit, bytes_per_second); apply_settings_pack(p); } void session_impl::set_upload_rate_limit(int bytes_per_second) { settings_pack* p = new settings_pack; p->set_int(settings_pack::upload_rate_limit, bytes_per_second); apply_settings_pack(p); } void session_impl::set_max_connections(int limit) { settings_pack* p = new settings_pack; p->set_int(settings_pack::connections_limit, limit); apply_settings_pack(p); } void session_impl::set_max_uploads(int limit) { settings_pack* p = new settings_pack; p->set_int(settings_pack::unchoke_slots_limit, limit); apply_settings_pack(p); } int session_impl::local_upload_rate_limit() const { return upload_rate_limit(m_local_peer_class); } int session_impl::local_download_rate_limit() const { return download_rate_limit(m_local_peer_class); } int session_impl::upload_rate_limit() const { return upload_rate_limit(m_global_class); } int session_impl::download_rate_limit() const { return download_rate_limit(m_global_class); } #endif void session_impl::update_peer_tos() { error_code ec; #if TORRENT_USE_IPV6 && defined IPV6_TCLASS if (m_udp_socket.local_endpoint(ec).address().is_v6()) m_udp_socket.set_option(traffic_class(m_settings.get_int(settings_pack::peer_tos)), ec); else #endif m_udp_socket.set_option(type_of_service(m_settings.get_int(settings_pack::peer_tos)), ec); #ifdef TORRENT_USE_OPENSSL #if TORRENT_USE_IPV6 && defined IPV6_TCLASS if (m_ssl_udp_socket.local_endpoint(ec).address().is_v6()) m_ssl_udp_socket.set_option(traffic_class(m_settings.get_int(settings_pack::peer_tos)), ec); else #endif m_ssl_udp_socket.set_option(type_of_service(m_settings.get_int(settings_pack::peer_tos)), ec); #endif #if defined TORRENT_VERBOSE_LOGGING session_log(">>> SET_TOS [ udp_socket tos: %x e: %s ]" , m_settings.get_int(settings_pack::peer_tos) , ec.message().c_str()); #endif } void session_impl::update_user_agent() { // replace all occurances of '\n' with ' '. std::string agent = m_settings.get_str(settings_pack::user_agent); std::string::iterator i = agent.begin(); while ((i = std::find(i, agent.end(), '\n')) != agent.end()) *i = ' '; m_settings.set_str(settings_pack::user_agent, agent); } void session_impl::update_unchoke_limit() { int unchoke_limit = m_settings.get_int(settings_pack::unchoke_slots_limit); m_allowed_upload_slots = unchoke_limit; if (m_allowed_upload_slots < 0) m_allowed_upload_slots = (std::numeric_limits::max)(); m_stats_counters.set_value(counters::num_unchoke_slots , m_allowed_upload_slots); if (m_settings.get_int(settings_pack::num_optimistic_unchoke_slots) >= m_allowed_upload_slots / 2) { if (m_alerts.should_post()) m_alerts.post_alert(performance_alert(torrent_handle() , performance_alert::too_many_optimistic_unchoke_slots)); } } void session_impl::update_connection_speed() { if (m_settings.get_int(settings_pack::connection_speed) < 0) m_settings.set_int(settings_pack::connection_speed, 200); } void session_impl::update_queued_disk_bytes() { boost::uint64_t cache_size = m_settings.get_int(settings_pack::cache_size); if (m_settings.get_int(settings_pack::max_queued_disk_bytes) / 16 / 1024 > cache_size / 2 && cache_size > 5 && m_alerts.should_post()) { m_alerts.post_alert(performance_alert(torrent_handle() , performance_alert::too_high_disk_queue_limit)); } } void session_impl::update_alert_queue_size() { m_alerts.set_alert_queue_size_limit(m_settings.get_int(settings_pack::alert_queue_size)); } bool session_impl::preemptive_unchoke() const { return m_stats_counters[counters::num_peers_up_unchoked] < m_allowed_upload_slots || m_settings.get_int(settings_pack::unchoke_slots_limit) < 0; } void session_impl::update_dht_upload_rate_limit() { m_udp_socket.set_rate_limit(m_settings.get_int(settings_pack::dht_upload_rate_limit)); } void session_impl::update_disk_threads() { if (m_settings.get_int(settings_pack::aio_threads) < 1) m_settings.set_int(settings_pack::aio_threads, 1); #if !TORRENT_USE_PREAD && !TORRENT_USE_PREADV // if we don't have pread() nor preadv() there's no way // to perform concurrent file operations on the same file // handle, so we must limit the disk thread to a single one if (m_settings.get_int(settings_pack::aio_threads) > 1) m_settings.set_int(settings_pack::aio_threads, 1); #endif m_disk_thread.set_num_threads(m_settings.get_int(settings_pack::aio_threads)); } void session_impl::update_network_threads() { int num_threads = m_settings.get_int(settings_pack::network_threads); int num_pools = num_threads > 0 ? num_threads : 1; while (num_pools > m_net_thread_pool.size()) { m_net_thread_pool.push_back(boost::make_shared()); m_net_thread_pool.back()->set_num_threads(1); } while (num_pools < m_net_thread_pool.size()) { m_net_thread_pool.erase(m_net_thread_pool.end() - 1); } if (num_threads == 0 && m_net_thread_pool.size() > 0) { m_net_thread_pool[0]->set_num_threads(0); } } // TODO: 3 If socket jobs could be higher level, to include RC4 encryption and decryption, // we would offload the main thread even more void session_impl::post_socket_job(socket_job& j) { uintptr_t idx = 0; if (m_net_thread_pool.size() > 1) { // each peer needs to be pinned to a specific thread // since reading and writing simultaneously on the same // socket from different threads is not supported by asio. // as long as a specific socket is consistently used from // the same thread, it's safe idx = uintptr_t(j.peer.get()); idx ^= idx >> 8; idx %= m_net_thread_pool.size(); } m_net_thread_pool[idx]->post_job(j); } void session_impl::update_cache_buffer_chunk_size() { if (m_settings.get_int(settings_pack::cache_buffer_chunk_size) <= 0) m_settings.set_int(settings_pack::cache_buffer_chunk_size, 1); } void session_impl::update_report_web_seed_downloads() { // if this flag changed, update all web seed connections bool report = m_settings.get_bool(settings_pack::report_web_seed_downloads); for (connection_map::iterator i = m_connections.begin() , end(m_connections.end()); i != end; ++i) { int type = (*i)->type(); if (type == peer_connection::url_seed_connection || type == peer_connection::http_seed_connection) (*i)->ignore_stats(!report); } } void session_impl::trigger_auto_manage() { if (m_pending_auto_manage || m_abort) return; m_pending_auto_manage = true; m_need_auto_manage = true; // if we haven't started yet, don't actually trigger this if (!m_thread) return; m_io_service.post(boost::bind(&session_impl::on_trigger_auto_manage, this)); } void session_impl::on_trigger_auto_manage() { assert(m_pending_auto_manage); if (!m_need_auto_manage || m_abort) { m_pending_auto_manage = false; return; } // don't clear m_pending_auto_manage until after we've // recalculated the auto managed torrents. The auto-managed // logic may trigger another auto-managed event otherwise recalculate_auto_managed_torrents(); m_pending_auto_manage = false; } void session_impl::update_socket_buffer_size() { error_code ec; set_socket_buffer_size(m_udp_socket, m_settings, ec); if (ec) { if (m_alerts.should_post()) m_alerts.post_alert(udp_error_alert(udp::endpoint(), ec)); } #ifdef TORRENT_USE_OPENSSL set_socket_buffer_size(m_ssl_udp_socket, m_settings, ec); if (ec) { if (m_alerts.should_post()) m_alerts.post_alert(udp_error_alert(udp::endpoint(), ec)); } #endif } void session_impl::update_dht_announce_interval() { #ifndef TORRENT_DISABLE_DHT if (!m_dht) { #if defined(TORRENT_VERBOSE_LOGGING) || defined(TORRENT_LOGGING) session_log("not starting DHT announce timer: m_dht == NULL"); #endif return; } m_dht_interval_update_torrents = m_torrents.size(); // if we haven't started yet, don't actually trigger this if (!m_thread) { #if defined(TORRENT_VERBOSE_LOGGING) || defined(TORRENT_LOGGING) session_log("not starting DHT announce timer: thread not running yet"); #endif return; } if (m_abort) { #if defined(TORRENT_VERBOSE_LOGGING) || defined(TORRENT_LOGGING) session_log("not starting DHT announce timer: m_abort set"); #endif return; } #if defined TORRENT_ASIO_DEBUGGING add_outstanding_async("session_impl::on_dht_announce"); #endif error_code ec; int delay = (std::max)(m_settings.get_int(settings_pack::dht_announce_interval) / (std::max)(int(m_torrents.size()), 1), 1); m_dht_announce_timer.expires_from_now(seconds(delay), ec); m_dht_announce_timer.async_wait( boost::bind(&session_impl::on_dht_announce, this, _1)); #endif } void session_impl::update_anonymous_mode() { if (!m_settings.get_bool(settings_pack::anonymous_mode)) return; m_settings.set_str(settings_pack::user_agent, ""); url_random((char*)&m_peer_id[0], (char*)&m_peer_id[0] + 20); } void session_impl::update_force_proxy() { m_udp_socket.set_force_proxy(m_settings.get_bool(settings_pack::force_proxy)); #ifdef TORRENT_USE_OPENSSL m_ssl_udp_socket.set_force_proxy(m_settings.get_bool(settings_pack::force_proxy)); #endif if (!m_settings.get_bool(settings_pack::force_proxy)) return; // if we haven't started yet, don't actually trigger this if (!m_thread) return; // enable force_proxy mode. We don't want to accept any incoming // connections, except through a proxy. stop_lsd(); stop_upnp(); stop_natpmp(); #ifndef TORRENT_DISABLE_DHT stop_dht(); #endif // close the listen sockets error_code ec; for (std::list::iterator i = m_listen_sockets.begin() , end(m_listen_sockets.end()); i != end; ++i) i->sock->close(ec); m_listen_sockets.clear(); } #ifndef TORRENT_NO_DEPRECATE void session_impl::update_local_download_rate() { if (m_settings.get_int(settings_pack::local_download_rate_limit) < 0) m_settings.set_int(settings_pack::local_download_rate_limit, 0); set_download_rate_limit(m_local_peer_class , m_settings.get_int(settings_pack::local_download_rate_limit)); } void session_impl::update_local_upload_rate() { if (m_settings.get_int(settings_pack::local_upload_rate_limit) < 0) m_settings.set_int(settings_pack::local_upload_rate_limit, 0); set_upload_rate_limit(m_local_peer_class , m_settings.get_int(settings_pack::local_upload_rate_limit)); } #endif void session_impl::update_download_rate() { if (m_settings.get_int(settings_pack::download_rate_limit) < 0) m_settings.set_int(settings_pack::download_rate_limit, 0); set_download_rate_limit(m_global_class , m_settings.get_int(settings_pack::download_rate_limit)); } void session_impl::update_upload_rate() { if (m_settings.get_int(settings_pack::upload_rate_limit) < 0) m_settings.set_int(settings_pack::upload_rate_limit, 0); set_upload_rate_limit(m_global_class , m_settings.get_int(settings_pack::upload_rate_limit)); } void session_impl::update_connections_limit() { if (m_settings.get_int(settings_pack::connections_limit) <= 0) { m_settings.set_int(settings_pack::connections_limit, (std::numeric_limits::max)()); #if TORRENT_USE_RLIMIT rlimit l; if (getrlimit(RLIMIT_NOFILE, &l) == 0 && l.rlim_cur != RLIM_INFINITY) { m_settings.set_int(settings_pack::connections_limit , l.rlim_cur - m_settings.get_int(settings_pack::file_pool_size)); if (m_settings.get_int(settings_pack::connections_limit) < 5) m_settings.set_int(settings_pack::connections_limit, 5); } #endif } if (num_connections() > m_settings.get_int(settings_pack::connections_limit) && !m_torrents.empty()) { // if we have more connections that we're allowed, disconnect // peers from the torrents so that they are all as even as possible int to_disconnect = num_connections() - m_settings.get_int(settings_pack::connections_limit); int last_average = 0; int average = m_settings.get_int(settings_pack::connections_limit) / m_torrents.size(); // the number of slots that are unused by torrents int extra = m_settings.get_int(settings_pack::connections_limit) % m_torrents.size(); // run 3 iterations of this, then we're probably close enough for (int iter = 0; iter < 4; ++iter) { // the number of torrents that are above average int num_above = 0; for (torrent_map::iterator i = m_torrents.begin() , end(m_torrents.end()); i != end; ++i) { int num = i->second->num_peers(); if (num <= last_average) continue; if (num > average) ++num_above; if (num < average) extra += average - num; } // distribute extra among the torrents that are above average if (num_above == 0) num_above = 1; last_average = average; average += extra / num_above; if (extra == 0) break; // save the remainder for the next iteration extra = extra % num_above; } for (torrent_map::iterator i = m_torrents.begin() , end(m_torrents.end()); i != end; ++i) { int num = i->second->num_peers(); if (num <= average) continue; // distribute the remainder int my_average = average; if (extra > 0) { ++my_average; --extra; } int disconnect = (std::min)(to_disconnect, num - my_average); to_disconnect -= disconnect; i->second->disconnect_peers(disconnect , error_code(errors::too_many_connections, get_libtorrent_category())); } } } #ifndef TORRENT_NO_DEPRECATE void session_impl::update_rate_limit_utp() { if (m_settings.get_bool(settings_pack::rate_limit_utp)) { // allow the global or local peer class to limit uTP peers m_peer_class_type_filter.add(peer_class_type_filter::utp_socket , m_local_peer_class); m_peer_class_type_filter.add(peer_class_type_filter::utp_socket , m_global_class); m_peer_class_type_filter.add(peer_class_type_filter::ssl_utp_socket , m_local_peer_class); m_peer_class_type_filter.add(peer_class_type_filter::ssl_utp_socket , m_global_class); } else { // don't add the global or local peer class to limit uTP peers m_peer_class_type_filter.remove(peer_class_type_filter::utp_socket , m_local_peer_class); m_peer_class_type_filter.remove(peer_class_type_filter::utp_socket , m_global_class); m_peer_class_type_filter.remove(peer_class_type_filter::ssl_utp_socket , m_local_peer_class); m_peer_class_type_filter.remove(peer_class_type_filter::ssl_utp_socket , m_global_class); } } void session_impl::update_ignore_rate_limits_on_local_network() { init_peer_class_filter(m_settings.get_bool(settings_pack::ignore_limits_on_local_network)); } #endif void session_impl::update_alert_mask() { m_alerts.set_alert_mask(m_settings.get_int(settings_pack::alert_mask)); } void session_impl::set_alert_dispatch(boost::function)> const& fun) { m_alerts.set_dispatch_function(fun); } // this function is called on the user's thread // not the network thread std::auto_ptr session_impl::pop_alert() { int num_resume = 0; std::auto_ptr ret = m_alerts.get(num_resume); if (num_resume > 0) { // we can only issue more resume data jobs from // the network thread m_io_service.post(boost::bind(&session_impl::async_resume_dispatched , this, num_resume)); } return ret; } // this function is called on the user's thread // not the network thread void session_impl::pop_alerts(std::deque* alerts) { int num_resume = 0; m_alerts.get_all(alerts, num_resume); // we can only issue more resume data jobs from // the network thread m_io_service.post(boost::bind(&session_impl::async_resume_dispatched , this, num_resume)); } alert const* session_impl::wait_for_alert(time_duration max_wait) { return m_alerts.wait_for_alert(max_wait); } #ifndef TORRENT_NO_DEPRECATE size_t session_impl::set_alert_queue_size_limit(size_t queue_size_limit_) { m_settings.set_int(settings_pack::alert_queue_size, queue_size_limit_); return m_alerts.set_alert_queue_size_limit(queue_size_limit_); } #endif void session_impl::start_lsd() { INVARIANT_CHECK; if (m_lsd) return; m_lsd = new lsd(m_io_service , boost::bind(&session_impl::on_lsd_peer, this, _1, _2)); } natpmp* session_impl::start_natpmp() { INVARIANT_CHECK; if (m_natpmp) return m_natpmp.get(); // the natpmp constructor may fail and call the callbacks // into the session_impl. natpmp* n = new (std::nothrow) natpmp(m_io_service , m_listen_interface.address() , boost::bind(&session_impl::on_port_mapping , this, _1, _2, _3, _4, 0) , boost::bind(&session_impl::on_port_map_log , this, _1, 0)); if (n == 0) return 0; m_natpmp = n; int ssl_port = ssl_listen_port(); if (m_listen_interface.port() > 0) { remap_tcp_ports(1, m_listen_interface.port(), ssl_port); } if (m_udp_socket.is_open()) { m_udp_mapping[0] = m_natpmp->add_mapping(natpmp::udp , m_listen_interface.port(), m_listen_interface.port()); } #ifdef TORRENT_USE_OPENSSL if (m_ssl_udp_socket.is_open() && ssl_port > 0) { m_ssl_udp_mapping[0] = m_natpmp->add_mapping(natpmp::udp , ssl_port, ssl_port); } #endif return n; } upnp* session_impl::start_upnp() { INVARIANT_CHECK; if (m_upnp) return m_upnp.get(); // the upnp constructor may fail and call the callbacks upnp* u = new (std::nothrow) upnp(m_io_service , m_listen_interface.address() , m_settings.get_str(settings_pack::user_agent) , boost::bind(&session_impl::on_port_mapping , this, _1, _2, _3, _4, 1) , boost::bind(&session_impl::on_port_map_log , this, _1, 1) , m_settings.get_bool(settings_pack::upnp_ignore_nonrouters)); if (u == 0) return 0; m_upnp = u; int ssl_port = ssl_listen_port(); m_upnp->discover_device(); if (m_listen_interface.port() > 0 || ssl_port > 0) { remap_tcp_ports(2, m_listen_interface.port(), ssl_port); } if (m_udp_socket.is_open()) { m_udp_mapping[1] = m_upnp->add_mapping(upnp::udp , m_listen_interface.port(), m_listen_interface.port()); } #ifdef TORRENT_USE_OPENSSL if (m_ssl_udp_socket.is_open() && ssl_port > 0) { m_ssl_udp_mapping[1] = m_upnp->add_mapping(upnp::udp , ssl_port, ssl_port); } #endif return u; } int session_impl::add_port_mapping(int t, int external_port , int local_port) { int ret = 0; if (m_upnp) ret = m_upnp->add_mapping((upnp::protocol_type)t, external_port , local_port); if (m_natpmp) ret = m_natpmp->add_mapping((natpmp::protocol_type)t, external_port , local_port); return ret; } void session_impl::delete_port_mapping(int handle) { if (m_upnp) m_upnp->delete_mapping(handle); if (m_natpmp) m_natpmp->delete_mapping(handle); } void session_impl::stop_lsd() { if (m_lsd.get()) m_lsd->close(); m_lsd = 0; } void session_impl::stop_natpmp() { if (m_natpmp.get()) { m_natpmp->close(); m_udp_mapping[0] = -1; m_tcp_mapping[0] = -1; #ifdef TORRENT_USE_OPENSSL m_ssl_tcp_mapping[0] = -1; m_ssl_udp_mapping[0] = -1; #endif } m_natpmp = 0; } void session_impl::stop_upnp() { if (m_upnp.get()) { m_upnp->close(); m_udp_mapping[1] = -1; m_tcp_mapping[1] = -1; #ifdef TORRENT_USE_OPENSSL m_ssl_tcp_mapping[1] = -1; m_ssl_udp_mapping[1] = -1; #endif } m_upnp = 0; } external_ip const& session_impl::external_address() const { return m_external_ip; } // this is the DHT observer version. DHT is the implied source void session_impl::set_external_address(address const& ip , address const& source) { set_external_address(ip, source_dht, source); } void session_impl::set_external_address(address const& ip , int source_type, address const& source) { #if defined TORRENT_VERBOSE_LOGGING session_log(": set_external_address(%s, %d, %s)", print_address(ip).c_str() , source_type, print_address(source).c_str()); #endif if (!m_external_ip.cast_vote(ip, source_type, source)) return; #if defined TORRENT_VERBOSE_LOGGING session_log(" external IP updated"); #endif if (m_alerts.should_post()) m_alerts.post_alert(external_ip_alert(ip)); for (torrent_map::iterator i = m_torrents.begin() , end(m_torrents.end()); i != end; ++i) { i->second->new_external_ip(); } // since we have a new external IP now, we need to // restart the DHT with a new node ID #ifndef TORRENT_DISABLE_DHT // TODO: 1 we only need to do this if our global IPv4 address has changed // since the DHT (currently) only supports IPv4. Since restarting the DHT // is kind of expensive, it would be nice to not do it unnecessarily if (m_dht) { entry s = m_dht->state(); int cur_state = 0; int prev_state = 0; entry* nodes1 = s.find_key("nodes"); if (nodes1 && nodes1->type() == entry::list_t) cur_state = nodes1->list().size(); entry* nodes2 = m_dht_state.find_key("nodes"); if (nodes2 && nodes2->type() == entry::list_t) prev_state = nodes2->list().size(); if (cur_state > prev_state) m_dht_state = s; start_dht(m_dht_state); } #endif } // decrement the refcount of the block in the disk cache // since the network thread doesn't need it anymore void session_impl::reclaim_block(block_cache_reference ref) { m_disk_thread.reclaim_block(ref); } char* session_impl::allocate_disk_buffer(char const* category) { return m_disk_thread.allocate_disk_buffer(category); } char* session_impl::async_allocate_disk_buffer(char const* category , boost::function const& handler) { return m_disk_thread.async_allocate_disk_buffer(category, handler); } void session_impl::free_disk_buffer(char* buf) { m_disk_thread.free_disk_buffer(buf); } char* session_impl::allocate_disk_buffer(bool& exceeded , boost::shared_ptr o , char const* category) { return m_disk_thread.allocate_disk_buffer(exceeded, o, category); } char* session_impl::allocate_buffer() { TORRENT_ASSERT(is_single_thread()); #ifdef TORRENT_DISABLE_POOL_ALLOCATOR int num_bytes = send_buffer_size(); return (char*)malloc(num_bytes); #else return (char*)m_send_buffers.malloc(); #endif } void session_impl::free_buffer(char* buf) { TORRENT_ASSERT(is_single_thread()); #ifdef TORRENT_DISABLE_POOL_ALLOCATOR free(buf); #else m_send_buffers.free(buf); #endif } #if TORRENT_USE_INVARIANT_CHECKS void session_impl::check_invariant() const { TORRENT_ASSERT(is_single_thread()); int loaded_limit = m_settings.get_int(settings_pack::active_loaded_limit); TORRENT_ASSERT(m_num_save_resume <= loaded_limit); // if (m_num_save_resume < loaded_limit) // TORRENT_ASSERT(m_save_resume_queue.empty()); TORRENT_ASSERT(m_torrents.size() >= m_torrent_lru.size()); if (m_settings.get_int(settings_pack::unchoke_slots_limit) < 0 && m_settings.get_int(settings_pack::choking_algorithm) == settings_pack::fixed_slots_choker) TORRENT_ASSERT(m_allowed_upload_slots == (std::numeric_limits::max)()); for (int l = 0; l < num_torrent_lists; ++l) { std::vector const& list = m_torrent_lists[l]; for (std::vector::const_iterator i = list.begin() , end(list.end()); i != end; ++i) { TORRENT_ASSERT((*i)->m_links[l].in_list()); } } #if TORRENT_HAS_BOOST_UNORDERED boost::unordered_set unique_torrents; #else std::set unique_torrents; #endif for (list_iterator i = m_torrent_lru.iterate(); i.get(); i.next()) { torrent* t = (torrent*)i.get(); TORRENT_ASSERT(t->is_loaded()); TORRENT_ASSERT(unique_torrents.count(t) == 0); unique_torrents.insert(t); } TORRENT_ASSERT(unique_torrents.size() == m_torrent_lru.size()); int torrent_state_gauges[counters::num_error_torrents - counters::num_checking_torrents + 1]; memset(torrent_state_gauges, 0, sizeof(torrent_state_gauges)); #if defined TORRENT_EXPENSIVE_INVARIANT_CHECKS #if TORRENT_HAS_BOOST_UNORDERED boost::unordered_set unique; #else std::set unique; #endif #endif int num_active_downloading = 0; int num_active_finished = 0; int total_downloaders = 0; for (torrent_map::const_iterator i = m_torrents.begin() , end(m_torrents.end()); i != end; ++i) { boost::shared_ptr t = i->second; if (t->want_peers_download()) ++num_active_downloading; if (t->want_peers_finished()) ++num_active_finished; TORRENT_ASSERT(!(t->want_peers_download() && t->want_peers_finished())); ++torrent_state_gauges[t->current_stats_state() - counters::num_checking_torrents]; int pos = t->queue_position(); if (pos < 0) { TORRENT_ASSERT(pos == -1); continue; } ++total_downloaders; #if defined TORRENT_EXPENSIVE_INVARIANT_CHECKS unique.insert(t->queue_position()); #endif } for (int i = 0, j = counters::num_checking_torrents; j < counters::num_error_torrents + 1; ++i, ++j) { TORRENT_ASSERT(torrent_state_gauges[i] == m_stats_counters[j]); } #if defined TORRENT_EXPENSIVE_INVARIANT_CHECKS TORRENT_ASSERT(int(unique.size()) == total_downloaders); #endif TORRENT_ASSERT(num_active_downloading == m_torrent_lists[torrent_want_peers_download].size()); TORRENT_ASSERT(num_active_finished == m_torrent_lists[torrent_want_peers_finished].size()); #if TORRENT_HAS_BOOST_UNORDERED boost::unordered_set unique_peers; #else std::set unique_peers; #endif TORRENT_ASSERT(m_settings.get_int(settings_pack::connections_limit) > 0); int unchokes = 0; int unchokes_all = 0; int num_optimistic = 0; int disk_queue[2] = {0, 0}; for (connection_map::const_iterator i = m_connections.begin(); i != m_connections.end(); ++i) { TORRENT_ASSERT(*i); boost::shared_ptr t = (*i)->associated_torrent().lock(); TORRENT_ASSERT(unique_peers.find(i->get()) == unique_peers.end()); unique_peers.insert(i->get()); if ((*i)->m_channel_state[0] & peer_info::bw_disk) ++disk_queue[0]; if ((*i)->m_channel_state[1] & peer_info::bw_disk) ++disk_queue[1]; peer_connection* p = i->get(); TORRENT_ASSERT(!p->is_disconnecting()); if (p->ignore_unchoke_slots()) { if (!p->is_choked()) ++unchokes_all; continue; } if (!p->is_choked()) { ++unchokes; ++unchokes_all; } if (p->peer_info_struct() && p->peer_info_struct()->optimistically_unchoked) { ++num_optimistic; TORRENT_ASSERT(!p->is_choked()); } } for (std::vector >::const_iterator i = m_undead_peers.begin(); i != m_undead_peers.end(); ++i) { peer_connection* p = i->get(); if (p->ignore_unchoke_slots()) { if (!p->is_choked()) ++unchokes_all; continue; } if (!p->is_choked()) { ++unchokes_all; ++unchokes; } if (p->peer_info_struct() && p->peer_info_struct()->optimistically_unchoked) { ++num_optimistic; TORRENT_ASSERT(!p->is_choked()); } } TORRENT_ASSERT(disk_queue[peer_connection::download_channel] == m_stats_counters[counters::num_peers_down_disk]); TORRENT_ASSERT(disk_queue[peer_connection::upload_channel] == m_stats_counters[counters::num_peers_up_disk]); if (m_settings.get_int(settings_pack::num_optimistic_unchoke_slots)) { TORRENT_ASSERT(num_optimistic <= m_settings.get_int( settings_pack::num_optimistic_unchoke_slots)); } int unchoked_counter_all = m_stats_counters[counters::num_peers_up_unchoked_all]; int unchoked_counter = m_stats_counters[counters::num_peers_up_unchoked]; int unchoked_counter_optimistic = m_stats_counters[counters::num_peers_up_unchoked_optimistic]; TORRENT_ASSERT_VAL(unchoked_counter_all == unchokes_all, unchokes_all); TORRENT_ASSERT_VAL(unchoked_counter == unchokes, unchokes); TORRENT_ASSERT_VAL(unchoked_counter_optimistic == num_optimistic, num_optimistic); for (torrent_map::const_iterator j = m_torrents.begin(); j != m_torrents.end(); ++j) { TORRENT_ASSERT(boost::get_pointer(j->second)); } } #endif #if defined TORRENT_VERBOSE_LOGGING || defined TORRENT_LOGGING || defined TORRENT_ERROR_LOGGING tracker_logger::tracker_logger(session_interface& ses): m_ses(ses) {} void tracker_logger::tracker_warning(tracker_request const& req , std::string const& str) { debug_log("*** tracker warning: %s", str.c_str()); } void tracker_logger::tracker_response(tracker_request const& , libtorrent::address const& tracker_ip , std::list
const& ip_list , struct tracker_response const& resp) { #if defined TORRENT_VERBOSE_LOGGING || defined TORRENT_LOGGING debug_log("TRACKER RESPONSE\n" "interval: %d\n" "external ip: %s\n" "we connected to: %s\n" "peers:" , resp.interval , print_address(resp.external_ip).c_str() , print_address(tracker_ip).c_str()); for (std::vector::const_iterator i = resp.peers.begin(); i != resp.peers.end(); ++i) { debug_log(" %16s %5d %s %s", i->hostname.c_str(), i->port , i->pid.is_all_zeros()?"":to_hex(i->pid.to_string()).c_str() , identify_client(i->pid).c_str()); } for (std::vector::const_iterator i = resp.peers4.begin(); i != resp.peers4.end(); ++i) { debug_log(" %s:%d", print_address(address_v4(i->ip)).c_str(), i->port); } #if TORRENT_USE_IPV6 for (std::vector::const_iterator i = resp.peers6.begin(); i != resp.peers6.end(); ++i) { debug_log(" [%s]:%d", print_address(address_v6(i->ip)).c_str(), i->port); } #endif #endif } void tracker_logger::tracker_request_timed_out( tracker_request const&) { debug_log("*** tracker timed out"); } void tracker_logger::tracker_request_error(tracker_request const& r , int response_code, error_code const& ec, const std::string& str , int retry_interval) { debug_log("*** tracker error: %d: %s %s" , response_code, ec.message().c_str(), str.c_str()); } void tracker_logger::debug_log(const char* fmt, ...) const { va_list v; va_start(v, fmt); char usr[1024]; vsnprintf(usr, sizeof(usr), fmt, v); va_end(v); m_ses.session_log("%s", usr); } #endif }}