
Copyright (c) 2006-2012, Arvid Norberg
All rights reserved.

Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
are met:

    * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
      notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
    * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
      notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in
      the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
    * Neither the name of the author nor the names of its
      contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived
      from this software without specific prior written permission.




#include <algorithm>
#include <vector>

#ifdef _MSC_VER
#pragma warning(push, 1)

#include <boost/limits.hpp>

#ifdef _MSC_VER
#pragma warning(pop)

#include "libtorrent/config.hpp"
#include "libtorrent/torrent_handle.hpp"
#include "libtorrent/entry.hpp"
#include "libtorrent/session_status.hpp"
#include "libtorrent/version.hpp"
#include "libtorrent/fingerprint.hpp"
#include "libtorrent/disk_io_thread.hpp"
#include "libtorrent/peer_id.hpp"
#include "libtorrent/alert.hpp" // alert::error_notification
#include "libtorrent/add_torrent_params.hpp"
#include "libtorrent/rss.hpp"
#include "libtorrent/build_config.hpp"

#include "libtorrent/storage.hpp"

#ifdef _MSC_VER
#	include <eh.h>

// this is a nasty openssl macro
#ifdef set_key
#undef set_key

namespace libtorrent
	struct plugin;
	struct torrent_plugin;
	class torrent;
	struct ip_filter;
	class port_filter;
	class connection_queue;
	class alert;

	// The default values of the session settings are set for a regular bittorrent client running
	// on a desktop system. There are functions that can set the session settings to pre set
	// settings for other environments. These can be used for the basis, and should be tweaked to
	// fit your needs better.
	// ``min_memory_usage`` returns settings that will use the minimal amount of RAM, at the
	// potential expense of upload and download performance. It adjusts the socket buffer sizes,
	// disables the disk cache, lowers the send buffer watermarks so that each connection only has
	// at most one block in use at any one time. It lowers the outstanding blocks send to the disk
	// I/O thread so that connections only have one block waiting to be flushed to disk at any given
	// time. It lowers the max number of peers in the peer list for torrents. It performs multiple
	// smaller reads when it hashes pieces, instead of reading it all into memory before hashing.
	// This configuration is inteded to be the starting point for embedded devices. It will
	// significantly reduce memory usage.
	// ``high_performance_seed`` returns settings optimized for a seed box, serving many peers
	// and that doesn't do any downloading. It has a 128 MB disk cache and has a limit of 400 files
	// in its file pool. It support fast upload rates by allowing large send buffers.
	TORRENT_EXPORT session_settings min_memory_usage();
	TORRENT_EXPORT session_settings high_performance_seed();

#error TORRENT_CFG is not defined!


	namespace aux
		struct session_impl;

	class TORRENT_EXPORT session_proxy
		friend class session;
		session_proxy() {}
		session_proxy(boost::shared_ptr<aux::session_impl> impl)
			: m_impl(impl) {}
		boost::shared_ptr<aux::session_impl> m_impl;

#define TORRENT_LOGPATH_ARG_DEFAULT , std::string logpath = "."

	// The session holds all state that spans multiple torrents. Among other things it runs the network
	// loop and manages all torrents.
	// Once it's created, the session object will spawn the main thread that will do all the work.
	// The main thread will be idle as long it doesn't have any torrents to participate in.
	class TORRENT_EXPORT session: public boost::noncopyable

		// If the fingerprint in the first overload is omited, the client will get a default
		// fingerprint stating the version of libtorrent. The fingerprint is a short string that will be
		// used in the peer-id to identify the client and the client's version. For more details see the
		// fingerprint class. The constructor that only takes a fingerprint will not open a
		// listen port for the session, to get it running you'll have to call ``session::listen_on()``.
		// The other constructor, that takes a port range and an interface as well as the fingerprint
		// will automatically try to listen on a port on the given interface. For more information about
		// the parameters, see ``listen_on()`` function.
		// The flags paramater can be used to start default features (upnp & nat-pmp) and default plugins
		// (ut_metadata, ut_pex and smart_ban). The default is to start those things. If you do not want
		// them to start, pass 0 as the flags parameter.
		// The ``alert_mask`` is the same mask that you would send to set_alert_mask().
		session(fingerprint const& print = fingerprint("LT"
			, int flags = start_default_features | add_default_plugins
			, boost::uint32_t alert_mask = alert::error_notification
			init(std::make_pair(0, 0), "", print, alert_mask);
		session(fingerprint const& print
			, std::pair<int, int> listen_port_range
			, char const* listen_interface = ""
			, int flags = start_default_features | add_default_plugins
			, int alert_mask = alert::error_notification
			TORRENT_ASSERT(listen_port_range.first > 0);
			TORRENT_ASSERT(listen_port_range.first < listen_port_range.second);
			init(listen_port_range, listen_interface, print, alert_mask);
		// The destructor of session will notify all trackers that our torrents have been shut down.
		// If some trackers are down, they will time out. All this before the destructor of session
		// returns. So, it's advised that any kind of interface (such as windows) are closed before
		// destructing the session object. Because it can take a few second for it to finish. The
		// timeout can be set with ``set_settings()``.

		enum save_state_flags_t
			save_settings =     0x001,
			save_dht_settings = 0x002,
			save_dht_state =    0x004,
			save_proxy =        0x008,
			save_i2p_proxy =    0x010,
			save_encryption_settings = 0x020,
			save_as_map =       0x040,
			save_feeds =        0x080

			save_dht_proxy = save_proxy,
			save_peer_proxy = save_proxy,
			save_web_proxy = save_proxy,
			save_tracker_proxy = save_proxy

		// loads and saves all session settings, including dht_settings, encryption settings and proxy
		// settings. ``save_state`` writes all keys to the ``entry`` that's passed in, which needs to
		// either not be initialized, or initialized as a dictionary.
		// ``load_state`` expects a lazy_entry which can be built from a bencoded buffer with
		// lazy_bdecode().
		// The ``flags`` arguments passed in to ``save_state`` can be used to filter which parts
		// of the session state to save. By default, all state is saved (except for the individual
		// torrents). see save_state_flags_t
		void save_state(entry& e, boost::uint32_t flags = 0xffffffff) const;
		void load_state(lazy_entry const& e);

		// .. note::
		// 	these calls are potentially expensive and won't scale well
		// 	with lots of torrents. If you're concerned about performance, consider
		// 	using ``post_torrent_updates()`` instead.
		// ``get_torrent_status`` returns a vector of the torrent_status for every
		// torrent which satisfies ``pred``, which is a predicate function which determines
		// if a torrent should be included in the returned set or not. Returning true means
		// it should be included and false means excluded. The ``flags`` argument is the same
		// as to ``torrent_handle::status()``. Since ``pred`` is guaranteed to be called for
		// every torrent, it may be used to count the number of torrents of different categories
		// as well.
		// ``refresh_torrent_status`` takes a vector of torrent_status structs (for instance
		// the same vector that was returned by get_torrent_status() ) and refreshes the
		// status based on the ``handle`` member. It is possible to use this function by
		// first setting up a vector of default constructed ``torrent_status`` objects, only
		// initializing the ``handle`` member, in order to request the torrent status for
		// multiple torrents in a single call. This can save a significant amount of time
		// if you have a lot of torrents.
		// Any torrent_status object whose ``handle`` member is not referring to a
		// valid torrent are ignored.
		void get_torrent_status(std::vector<torrent_status>* ret
			, boost::function<bool(torrent_status const&)> const& pred
			, boost::uint32_t flags = 0) const;
		void refresh_torrent_status(std::vector<torrent_status>* ret
			, boost::uint32_t flags = 0) const;

		// This functions instructs the session to post the state_update_alert, containing
		// the status of all torrents whose state changed since the last time this function
		// was called.
		// Only torrents who has the state subscription flag set will be included. This flag
		// is on by default. See add_torrent_params_.
		void post_torrent_updates();

		io_service& get_io_service();

		// ``find_torrent()`` looks for a torrent with the given info-hash. In case there
		// is such a torrent in the session, a torrent_handle to that torrent is returned.
		// In case the torrent cannot be found, an invalid torrent_handle is returned.
		// See ``torrent_handle::is_valid()`` to know if the torrent was found or not.
		// ``get_torrents()`` returns a vector of torrent_handles to all the torrents
		// currently in the session.
		torrent_handle find_torrent(sha1_hash const& info_hash) const;
		std::vector<torrent_handle> get_torrents() const;

		// You add torrents through the add_torrent() function where you give an
		// object with all the parameters. The add_torrent() overloads will block
		// until the torrent has been added (or failed to be added) and returns an
		// error code and a torrent_handle. In order to add torrents more efficiently,
		// consider using async_add_torrent() which returns immediately, without
		// waiting for the torrent to add. Notification of the torrent being added is sent
		// as add_torrent_alert.
		// The overload that does not take an error_code throws an exception on
		// error and is not available when building without exception support.
		// The torrent_handle returned by add_torrent() can be used to retrieve information
		// about the torrent's progress, its peers etc. It is also used to abort a torrent.
		// If the torrent you are trying to add already exists in the session (is either queued
		// for checking, being checked or downloading) ``add_torrent()`` will throw
		// libtorrent_exception which derives from ``std::exception`` unless duplicate_is_error
		// is set to false. In that case, add_torrent() will return the handle to the existing
		// torrent.
		// all torrent_handles must be destructed before the session is destructed!
		torrent_handle add_torrent(add_torrent_params const& params);
		torrent_handle add_torrent(add_torrent_params const& params, error_code& ec);
		void async_add_torrent(add_torrent_params const& params);
		// deprecated in 0.14
		torrent_handle add_torrent(
			torrent_info const& ti
			, std::string const& save_path
			, entry const& resume_data = entry()
			, storage_mode_t storage_mode = storage_mode_sparse
			, bool paused = false
			, storage_constructor_type sc = default_storage_constructor) TORRENT_DEPRECATED;

		// deprecated in 0.14
		torrent_handle add_torrent(
			boost::intrusive_ptr<torrent_info> ti
			, std::string const& save_path
			, entry const& resume_data = entry()
			, storage_mode_t storage_mode = storage_mode_sparse
			, bool paused = false
			, storage_constructor_type sc = default_storage_constructor
			, void* userdata = 0) TORRENT_DEPRECATED;

		// deprecated in 0.14
		torrent_handle add_torrent(
			char const* tracker_url
			, sha1_hash const& info_hash
			, char const* name
			, std::string const& save_path
			, entry const& resume_data = entry()
			, storage_mode_t storage_mode = storage_mode_sparse
			, bool paused = false
			, storage_constructor_type sc = default_storage_constructor
			, void* userdata = 0) TORRENT_DEPRECATED;

		// In case you want to destruct the session asynchrounously, you can request a session
		// destruction proxy. If you don't do this, the destructor of the session object will
		// block while the trackers are contacted. If you keep one ``session_proxy`` to the
		// session when destructing it, the destructor will not block, but start to close down
		// the session, the destructor of the proxy will then synchronize the threads. So, the
		// destruction of the session is performed from the ``session`` destructor call until the
		// ``session_proxy`` destructor call. The ``session_proxy`` does not have any operations
		// on it (since the session is being closed down, no operations are allowed on it). The
		// only valid operation is calling the destructor::
		// 	class session_proxy
		// 	{
		// 	public:
		// 		session_proxy();
		// 		~session_proxy()
		// 	};
		session_proxy abort() { return session_proxy(m_impl); }

		// Pausing the session has the same effect as pausing every torrent in it, except that
		// torrents will not be resumed by the auto-manage mechanism. Resuming will restore the
		// torrents to their previous paused state. i.e. the session pause state is separate from
		// the torrent pause state. A torrent is inactive if it is paused or if the session is
		// paused.
		void pause();
		void resume();
		bool is_paused() const;

		// returns session wide-statistics and status. For more information, see the ``session_status`` struct.
		session_status status() const;

		// Returns status of the disk cache for this session.
		// For more information, see the cache_status type.
		cache_status get_cache_status() const;

		// fills out the supplied vector with information for
		// each piece that is currently in the disk cache for the torrent with the
		// specified info-hash (``ih``).
		void get_cache_info(sha1_hash const& ih
			, std::vector<cached_piece_info>& ret) const;

		// This adds an RSS feed to the session. The feed will be refreshed
		// regularly and optionally add all torrents from the feed, as they
		// appear.
		// Before adding the feed, you must set the ``url`` field to the
		// feed's url. It may point to an RSS or an atom feed.
		// The returned feed_handle is a handle which is used to interact
		// with the feed, things like forcing a refresh or querying for
		// information about the items in the feed. For more information,
		// see feed_handle.
		feed_handle add_feed(feed_settings const& feed);

		// Removes a feed from being watched by the session. When this
		// call returns, the feed handle is invalid and won't refer
		// to any feed.
		void remove_feed(feed_handle h);

		// Returns a list of all RSS feeds that are being watched by the session.
		void get_feeds(std::vector<feed_handle>& f) const;

		// starts/stops UPnP, NATPMP or LSD port mappers
		// they are stopped by default
		// These functions are not available in case ``TORRENT_DISABLE_DHT`` is
		// defined. ``start_dht`` starts the dht node and makes the trackerless service
		// available to torrents. The startup state is optional and can contain nodes
		// and the node id from the previous session. The dht node state is a bencoded
		// dictionary with the following entries:
		// nodes
		// 	A list of strings, where each string is a node endpoint encoded in binary. If
		// 	the string is 6 bytes long, it is an IPv4 address of 4 bytes, encoded in
		// 	network byte order (big endian), followed by a 2 byte port number (also
		// 	network byte order). If the string is 18 bytes long, it is 16 bytes of IPv6
		// 	address followed by a 2 bytes port number (also network byte order).
		// node-id
		// 	The node id written as a readable string as a hexadecimal number.
		// ``dht_state`` will return the current state of the dht node, this can be used
		// to start up the node again, passing this entry to ``start_dht``. It is a good
		// idea to save this to disk when the session is closed, and read it up again
		// when starting.
		// If the port the DHT is supposed to listen on is already in use, and exception
		// is thrown, ``asio::error``.
		// ``stop_dht`` stops the dht node.
		// ``add_dht_node`` adds a node to the routing table. This can be used if your
		// client has its own source of bootstrapping nodes.
		// ``set_dht_settings`` sets some parameters availavle to the dht node. See
		// dht_settings for more information.
		// ``is_dht_running()`` returns true if the DHT support has been started and false
		// otherwise.
		void start_dht();
		void stop_dht();
		void set_dht_settings(dht_settings const& settings);
		bool is_dht_running() const;

		// ``add_dht_node`` takes a host name and port pair. That endpoint will be
		// pinged, and if a valid DHT reply is received, the node will be added to
		// the routing table.
		// ``add_dht_router`` adds the given endpoint to a list of DHT router nodes.
		// If a search is ever made while the routing table is empty, those nodes will
		// be used as backups. Nodes in the router node list will also never be added
		// to the regular routing table, which effectively means they are only used
		// for bootstrapping, to keep the load off them.
		// An example routing node that you could typically add is
		// ``router.bittorrent.com``.
		void add_dht_node(std::pair<std::string, int> const& node);
		void add_dht_router(std::pair<std::string, int> const& node);

		// deprecated in 0.15
		// use save_state and load_state instead
		entry dht_state() const TORRENT_DEPRECATED;
		void start_dht(entry const& startup_state) TORRENT_DEPRECATED;

		// This function adds an extension to this session. The argument is a function
		// object that is called with a ``torrent*`` and which should return a
		// ``boost::shared_ptr<torrent_plugin>``. To write custom plugins, see
		// `libtorrent plugins`_. For the typical bittorrent client all of these
		// extensions should be added. The main plugins implemented in libtorrent are:
		// metadata extension
		// 	Allows peers to download the metadata (.torren files) from the swarm
		// 	directly. Makes it possible to join a swarm with just a tracker and
		// 	info-hash.
		// ::
		// 	#include <libtorrent/extensions/metadata_transfer.hpp>
		// 	ses.add_extension(&libtorrent::create_metadata_plugin);
		// uTorrent metadata
		// 	Same as ``metadata extension`` but compatible with uTorrent.
		// ::
		// 	#include <libtorrent/extensions/ut_metadata.hpp>
		// 	ses.add_extension(&libtorrent::create_ut_metadata_plugin);
		// uTorrent peer exchange
		// 	Exchanges peers between clients.
		// ::
		// 	#include <libtorrent/extensions/ut_pex.hpp>
		// 	ses.add_extension(&libtorrent::create_ut_pex_plugin);
		// smart ban plugin
		// 	A plugin that, with a small overhead, can ban peers
		// 	that sends bad data with very high accuracy. Should
		// 	eliminate most problems on poisoned torrents.
		// ::
		// 	#include <libtorrent/extensions/smart_ban.hpp>
		// 	ses.add_extension(&libtorrent::create_smart_ban_plugin);
		// .. _`libtorrent plugins`: libtorrent_plugins.html
		void add_extension(boost::function<boost::shared_ptr<torrent_plugin>(torrent*, void*)> ext);
		void add_extension(boost::shared_ptr<plugin> ext);

		// These functions are not available if ``TORRENT_DISABLE_GEO_IP`` is defined. They
		// expects a path to the `MaxMind ASN database`_ and `MaxMind GeoIP database`_
		// respectively. This will be used to look up which AS and country peers belong to.
		// ``as_for_ip`` returns the AS number for the IP address specified. If the IP is not
		// in the database or the ASN database is not loaded, 0 is returned.
		// .. _`MaxMind ASN database`: http://www.maxmind.com/app/asnum
		// .. _`MaxMind GeoIP database`: http://www.maxmind.com/app/geolitecountry
		void load_asnum_db(char const* file);
		void load_country_db(char const* file);
		int as_for_ip(address const& addr);
		// all wstring APIs are deprecated since 0.16.11
		// instead, use the wchar -> utf8 conversion functions
		// and pass in utf8 strings
		void load_country_db(wchar_t const* file) TORRENT_DEPRECATED;
		void load_asnum_db(wchar_t const* file) TORRENT_DEPRECATED;

		// deprecated in 0.15
		// use load_state and save_state instead
		void load_state(entry const& ses_state) TORRENT_DEPRECATED;
		entry state() const TORRENT_DEPRECATED;

		// Sets a filter that will be used to reject and accept incoming as well as outgoing
		// connections based on their originating ip address. The default filter will allow
		// connections to any ip address. To build a set of rules for which addresses are
		// accepted and not, see ip_filter.
		// Each time a peer is blocked because of the IP filter, a peer_blocked_alert is
		// generated.
		// ``get_ip_filter()`` Returns the ip_filter currently in the session. See ip_filter.
		void set_ip_filter(ip_filter const& f);
		ip_filter get_ip_filter() const;
		void set_port_filter(port_filter const& f);
		void set_peer_id(peer_id const& pid);
		void set_key(int key);
		peer_id id() const;

		// ``is_listening()`` will tell you whether or not the session has successfully
		// opened a listening port. If it hasn't, this function will return false, and
		// then you can use ``listen_on()`` to make another attempt.
		// ``listen_port()`` returns the port we ended up listening on. Since you just pass
		// a port-range to the constructor and to ``listen_on()``, to know which port it
		// ended up using, you have to ask the session using this function.
		// ``listen_on()`` will change the listen port and/or the listen interface. If the
		// session is already listening on a port, this socket will be closed and a new socket
		// will be opened with these new settings. The port range is the ports it will try
		// to listen on, if the first port fails, it will continue trying the next port within
		// the range and so on. The interface parameter can be left as 0, in that case the
		// os will decide which interface to listen on, otherwise it should be the ip-address
		// of the interface you want the listener socket bound to. ``listen_on()`` returns the
		// error code of the operation in ``ec``. If this indicates success, the session is
		// listening on a port within the specified range. If it fails, it will also
		// generate an appropriate alert (listen_failed_alert).
		// If all ports in the specified range fails to be opened for listening, libtorrent will
		// try to use port 0 (which tells the operating system to pick a port that's free). If
		// that still fails you may see a listen_failed_alert with port 0 even if you didn't
		// ask to listen on it.
		// It is possible to prevent libtorrent from binding to port 0 by passing in the flag
		// ``session::no_system_port`` in the ``flags`` argument.
		// The interface parameter can also be a hostname that will resolve to the device you
		// want to listen on. If you don't specify an interface, libtorrent may attempt to
		// listen on multiple interfaces (typically and ::). This means that if your
		// IPv6 interface doesn't work, you may still see a listen_failed_alert, even though
		// the IPv4 port succeeded.
		// The ``flags`` parameter can either be 0 or ``session::listen_reuse_address``, which
		// will set the reuse address socket option on the listen socket(s). By default, the
		// listen socket does not use reuse address. If you're running a service that needs
		// to run on a specific port no matter if it's in use, set this flag.
		// If you're also starting the DHT, it is a good idea to do that after you've called
		// ``listen_on()``, since the default listen port for the DHT is the same as the tcp
		// listen socket. If you start the DHT first, it will assume the tcp port is free and
		// open the udp socket on that port, then later, when ``listen_on()`` is called, it
		// may turn out that the tcp port is in use. That results in the DHT and the bittorrent
		// socket listening on different ports. If the DHT is active when ``listen_on`` is
		// called, the udp port will be rebound to the new port, if it was configured to use
		// the same port as the tcp socket, and if the listen_on call failed to bind to the
		// same port that the udp uses.
		// If you want the OS to pick a port for you, pass in 0 as both first and second.
		// The reason why it's a good idea to run the DHT and the bittorrent socket on the same
		// port is because that is an assumption that may be used to increase performance. One
		// way to accelerate the connecting of peers on windows may be to first ping all peers
		// with a DHT ping packet, and connect to those that responds first. On windows one
		// can only connect to a few peers at a time because of a built in limitation (in XP
		// Service pack 2).
		void listen_on(
			std::pair<int, int> const& port_range
			, error_code& ec
			, const char* net_interface = 0
			, int flags = 0);
		unsigned short listen_port() const;
		unsigned short ssl_listen_port() const;
		bool is_listening() const;

		// if the listen port failed in some way
		// you can retry to listen on another port-
		// range with this function. If the listener
		// succeeded and is currently listening,
		// a call to this function will shut down the
		// listen port and reopen it using these new
		// properties (the given interface and port range).
		// As usual, if the interface is left as 0
		// this function will return false on failure.
		// If it fails, it will also generate alerts describing
		// the error. It will return true on success.
		enum listen_on_flags_t
			// this is always on starting with 0.16.2
			listen_reuse_address = 0x01,
			listen_no_system_port = 0x02

		// deprecated in 0.16
		bool listen_on(
			std::pair<int, int> const& port_range
			, const char* net_interface = 0
			, int flags = 0) TORRENT_DEPRECATED;

		enum options_t
			delete_files = 1

		enum session_flags_t
			add_default_plugins = 1,
			start_default_features = 2

		// ``remove_torrent()`` will close all peer connections associated with the torrent and tell
		// the tracker that we've stopped participating in the swarm. The optional second argument
		// `options`` can be used to delete all the files downloaded by this torrent. To do this, pass
		// in the value ``session::delete_files``. The removal of the torrent is asyncronous, there is
		// no guarantee that adding the same torrent immediately after it was removed will not throw
		// a libtorrent_exception exception. Once the torrent is deleted, a torrent_deleted_alert
		// is posted.
		void remove_torrent(const torrent_handle& h, int options = 0);

		// Sets the session settings and the packet encryption settings respectively.
		// See session_settings and pe_settings for more information on available
		// options.
		void set_settings(session_settings const& s);
		session_settings settings() const;
		void set_pe_settings(pe_settings const& settings);
		pe_settings get_pe_settings() const;

		// These functions sets and queries the proxy settings to be used for the session.
		// For more information on what settings are available for proxies, see
		// proxy_settings.
		void set_proxy(proxy_settings const& s);
		proxy_settings proxy() const;

		void enable_stats_logging(bool s);

		// deprecated in 0.16
		// Get the number of uploads.
		int num_uploads() const TORRENT_DEPRECATED;

		// Get the number of connections. This number also contains the
		// number of half open connections.
		int num_connections() const TORRENT_DEPRECATED;

		// deprecated in 0.15.
		void set_peer_proxy(proxy_settings const& s) TORRENT_DEPRECATED;
		void set_web_seed_proxy(proxy_settings const& s) TORRENT_DEPRECATED;
		void set_tracker_proxy(proxy_settings const& s) TORRENT_DEPRECATED;

		proxy_settings peer_proxy() const TORRENT_DEPRECATED;
		proxy_settings web_seed_proxy() const TORRENT_DEPRECATED;
		proxy_settings tracker_proxy() const TORRENT_DEPRECATED;

		void set_dht_proxy(proxy_settings const& s) TORRENT_DEPRECATED;
		proxy_settings dht_proxy() const TORRENT_DEPRECATED;

		// ``set_i2p_proxy`` sets the i2p_ proxy, and tries to open a persistant
		// connection to it. The only used fields in the proxy settings structs
		// are ``hostname`` and ``port``.
		// ``i2p_proxy`` returns the current i2p proxy in use.
		// .. _i2p: http://www.i2p2.de
		void set_i2p_proxy(proxy_settings const& s);
		proxy_settings i2p_proxy() const;

		// deprecated in 0.16
		int upload_rate_limit() const TORRENT_DEPRECATED;
		int download_rate_limit() const TORRENT_DEPRECATED;
		int local_upload_rate_limit() const TORRENT_DEPRECATED;
		int local_download_rate_limit() const TORRENT_DEPRECATED;
		int max_half_open_connections() const TORRENT_DEPRECATED;

		void set_local_upload_rate_limit(int bytes_per_second) TORRENT_DEPRECATED;
		void set_local_download_rate_limit(int bytes_per_second) TORRENT_DEPRECATED;
		void set_upload_rate_limit(int bytes_per_second) TORRENT_DEPRECATED;
		void set_download_rate_limit(int bytes_per_second) TORRENT_DEPRECATED;
		void set_max_uploads(int limit) TORRENT_DEPRECATED;
		void set_max_connections(int limit) TORRENT_DEPRECATED;
		void set_max_half_open_connections(int limit) TORRENT_DEPRECATED;

		int max_connections() const TORRENT_DEPRECATED;
		int max_uploads() const TORRENT_DEPRECATED;

		// ``pop_alert()`` is used to ask the session if any errors or events has occurred. With
		// set_alert_mask() you can filter which alerts to receive through ``pop_alert()``.
		// For information about the alert categories, see alerts_.
		// ``pop_alerts()`` pops all pending alerts in a single call. In high performance environments
		// with a very high alert churn rate, this can save significant amount of time compared to
		// popping alerts one at a time. Each call requires one round-trip to the network thread. If
		// alerts are produced in a higher rate than they can be popped (when popped one at a time)
		// it's easy to get stuck in an infinite loop, trying to drain the alert queue. Popping the entire
		// queue at once avoids this problem.
		// However, the ``pop_alerts`` function comes with significantly more responsibility. You pass
		// in an *empty* ``std::dequeue<alert*>`` to it. If it's not empty, all elements in it will
		// be deleted and then cleared. All currently pending alerts are returned by being swapped
		// into the passed in container. The responsibility of deleting the alerts is transferred
		// to the caller. This means you need to call delete for each item in the returned dequeue.
		// It's probably a good idea to delete the alerts as you handle them, to save one extra
		// pass over the dequeue.
		// Alternatively, you can pass in the same container the next time you call ``pop_alerts``.
		// ``wait_for_alert`` blocks until an alert is available, or for no more than ``max_wait``
		// time. If ``wait_for_alert`` returns because of the time-out, and no alerts are available,
		// it returns 0. If at least one alert was generated, a pointer to that alert is returned.
		// The alert is not popped, any subsequent calls to ``wait_for_alert`` will return the
		// same pointer until the alert is popped by calling ``pop_alert``. This is useful for
		// leaving any alert dispatching mechanism independent of this blocking call, the dispatcher
		// can be called and it can pop the alert independently.
		// In the python binding, ``wait_for_alert`` takes the number of milliseconds to wait as an integer.
		// To control the max number of alerts that's queued by the session, see
		// ``session_settings::alert_queue_size``.
		// save_resume_data_alert and save_resume_data_failed_alert are always posted, regardelss
		// of the alert mask.
		std::auto_ptr<alert> pop_alert();
		void pop_alerts(std::deque<alert*>* alerts);
		alert const* wait_for_alert(time_duration max_wait);

		void set_severity_level(alert::severity_t s) TORRENT_DEPRECATED;

		size_t set_alert_queue_size_limit(size_t queue_size_limit_) TORRENT_DEPRECATED;

		// Changes the mask of which alerts to receive. By default only errors are reported.
		// ``m`` is a bitmask where each bit represents a category of alerts.
		// See category_t enum for options.
		void set_alert_mask(boost::uint32_t m);

		// This sets a function to be called (from within libtorrent's netowrk thread) every time an alert
		// is posted. Since the function (``fun``) is run in libtorrent's internal thread, it may not call
		// any of libtorrent's external API functions. Doing so results in a dead lock.
		// The main intention with this function is to support integration with platform-dependent message
		// queues or signalling systems. For instance, on windows, one could post a message to an HNWD or
		// on linux, write to a pipe or an eventfd.
		void set_alert_dispatch(boost::function<void(std::auto_ptr<alert>)> const& fun);

		connection_queue& get_connection_queue();

		// Starts and stops Local Service Discovery. This service will broadcast
		// the infohashes of all the non-private torrents on the local network to
		// look for peers on the same swarm within multicast reach.
		// It is turned off by default.
		void start_lsd();
		void stop_lsd();

		// Starts and stops the UPnP service. When started, the listen port and the DHT
		// port are attempted to be forwarded on local UPnP router devices.
		// The upnp object returned by ``start_upnp()`` can be used to add and remove
		// arbitrary port mappings. Mapping status is returned through the
		// portmap_alert and the portmap_error_alert. The object will be valid until
		// ``stop_upnp()`` is called. See upnp-and-nat-pmp_.
		// It is off by default.
 		void start_upnp();
		void stop_upnp();

		// Starts and stops the NAT-PMP service. When started, the listen port and the DHT
		// port are attempted to be forwarded on the router through NAT-PMP.
		// The natpmp object returned by ``start_natpmp()`` can be used to add and remove
		// arbitrary port mappings. Mapping status is returned through the
		// portmap_alert and the portmap_error_alert. The object will be valid until
		// ``stop_natpmp()`` is called. See upnp-and-nat-pmp_.
		// It is off by default.
		void start_natpmp();
		void stop_natpmp();

		void init(std::pair<int, int> listen_range, char const* listen_interface
			, fingerprint const& id, boost::uint32_t alert_mask);
		void set_log_path(std::string const& p);
		void start(int flags);

		// data shared between the main thread
		// and the working thread
		boost::shared_ptr<aux::session_impl> m_impl;
