/* Copyright (c) 2008, Arvid Norberg All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * Neither the name of the author nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include "libtorrent/piece_picker.hpp" #include "libtorrent/policy.hpp" #include "libtorrent/bitfield.hpp" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "test.hpp" using namespace libtorrent; const int blocks_per_piece = 4; bitfield string2vec(char const* have_str) { const int num_pieces = strlen(have_str); bitfield have(num_pieces, false); for (int i = 0; i < num_pieces; ++i) if (have_str[i] != ' ') have.set_bit(i); return have; } // availability is a string where each character is the // availability of that piece, '1', '2' etc. // have_str is a string where each character represents a // piece, ' ' means we don't have the piece and any other // character means we have it boost::shared_ptr setup_picker( char const* availability , char const* have_str , char const* priority , char const* partial) { const int num_pieces = strlen(availability); assert(int(strlen(have_str)) == num_pieces); boost::shared_ptr p(new piece_picker); p->init(blocks_per_piece, blocks_per_piece, num_pieces); for (int i = 0; i < num_pieces; ++i) { const int avail = availability[i] - '0'; assert(avail >= 0); for (int j = 0; j < avail; ++j) p->inc_refcount(i); } bitfield have = string2vec(have_str); for (int i = 0; i < num_pieces; ++i) { if (partial[i] == 0) break; if (partial[i] == ' ') continue; int blocks = 0; if (partial[i] >= '0' && partial[i] <= '9') blocks = partial[i] - '0'; else blocks = partial[i] - 'a' + 10; int counter = 0; for (int j = 0; j < 4; ++j) { TEST_CHECK(!p->is_finished(piece_block(i, j))); if ((blocks & (1 << j)) == 0) continue; ++counter; bool ret = p->mark_as_downloading(piece_block(i, j), 0, piece_picker::slow); TEST_CHECK(ret == true); TEST_CHECK(p->is_requested(piece_block(i, j)) == bool(blocks & (1 << j))); p->mark_as_writing(piece_block(i, j), 0); TEST_CHECK(!p->is_finished(piece_block(i, j))); // trying to mark a block as requested after it has been completed // should fail (return false) ret = p->mark_as_downloading(piece_block(i, j), 0, piece_picker::slow); TEST_CHECK(ret == false); p->mark_as_finished(piece_block(i, j), 0); TEST_CHECK(p->is_downloaded(piece_block(i, j)) == bool(blocks & (1 << j))); TEST_CHECK(p->is_finished(piece_block(i, j)) == bool(blocks & (1 << j))); } piece_picker::downloading_piece st; p->piece_info(i, st); TEST_CHECK(st.writing == 0); TEST_CHECK(st.requested == 0); TEST_CHECK(st.index == i); TEST_CHECK(st.finished == counter); TEST_CHECK(st.finished + st.requested + st.writing == counter); TEST_CHECK(p->is_piece_finished(i) == (counter == 4)); } for (int i = 0; i < num_pieces; ++i) { if (priority[i] == 0) break; const int prio = priority[i] - '0'; assert(prio >= 0); p->set_piece_priority(i, prio); TEST_CHECK(p->piece_priority(i) == prio); } for (int i = 0; i < num_pieces; ++i) { if (!have[i]) continue; p->we_have(i); for (int j = 0; j < blocks_per_piece; ++j) TEST_CHECK(p->is_finished(piece_block(i, j))); } std::vector availability_vec; p->get_availability(availability_vec); for (int i = 0; i < num_pieces; ++i) { const int avail = availability[i] - '0'; assert(avail >= 0); TEST_CHECK(avail == availability_vec[i]); } #ifdef TORRENT_DEBUG p->check_invariant(); #endif return p; } bool verify_pick(boost::shared_ptr p , std::vector const& picked, bool allow_multi_blocks = false) { #ifdef TORRENT_DEBUG p->check_invariant(); #endif if (!allow_multi_blocks) { for (std::vector::const_iterator i = picked.begin() , end(picked.end()); i != end; ++i) { if (p->num_peers(*i) > 0) return false; } } // make sure there are no duplicated std::set blocks; std::copy(picked.begin(), picked.end() , std::insert_iterator >(blocks, blocks.end())); std::cerr << " verify: " << picked.size() << " " << blocks.size() << std::endl; return picked.size() == blocks.size(); } void print_pick(std::vector const& picked) { for (int i = 0; i < int(picked.size()); ++i) { std::cout << "(" << picked[i].piece_index << ", " << picked[i].block_index << ") "; } std::cout << std::endl; } void print_title(char const* name) { std::cerr << "==== " << name << " ====\n"; } std::vector pick_pieces(boost::shared_ptr const& p, char const* availability , int num_blocks, int prefer_whole_pieces, void* peer_struct, piece_picker::piece_state_t state , int options, std::vector const& suggested_pieces) { std::vector picked; p->pick_pieces(string2vec(availability), picked, num_blocks, prefer_whole_pieces, peer_struct , state, options, suggested_pieces, 20); print_pick(picked); TEST_CHECK(verify_pick(p, picked)); return picked; } int test_pick(boost::shared_ptr const& p, int options = piece_picker::rarest_first) { const std::vector empty_vector; std::vector picked = pick_pieces(p, "*******", 1, 0, 0 , piece_picker::fast, options, empty_vector); if (picked.empty()) return -1; return picked[0].piece_index; } int test_main() { int tmp1; int tmp2; int tmp3; tcp::endpoint endp; piece_picker::downloading_piece st; policy::ipv4_peer peer_struct(endp, true, 0); std::vector picked; boost::shared_ptr p; const std::vector empty_vector; int options = piece_picker::rarest_first; // ======================================================== // test abort_download print_title("test abort_download"); p = setup_picker("1111111", " ", "7110000", ""); picked = pick_pieces(p, "*******", blocks_per_piece, 0, 0, piece_picker::fast , options, empty_vector); TEST_CHECK(p->is_requested(piece_block(0, 0)) == false); TEST_CHECK(std::find(picked.begin(), picked.end(), piece_block(0,0)) != picked.end()); p->abort_download(piece_block(piece_block(0,0))); picked = pick_pieces(p, "*******", blocks_per_piece, 0, 0, piece_picker::fast , options, empty_vector); TEST_CHECK(p->is_requested(piece_block(0, 0)) == false); TEST_CHECK(std::find(picked.begin(), picked.end(), piece_block(0,0)) != picked.end()); p->mark_as_downloading(piece_block(0,0), &tmp1, piece_picker::fast); picked = pick_pieces(p, "*******", blocks_per_piece, 0, 0, piece_picker::fast , options, empty_vector); TEST_CHECK(p->is_requested(piece_block(0, 0)) == true); TEST_CHECK(std::find(picked.begin(), picked.end(), piece_block(0,0)) == picked.end()); p->abort_download(piece_block(0,0)); picked = pick_pieces(p, "*******", blocks_per_piece, 0, 0, piece_picker::fast , options, empty_vector); TEST_CHECK(p->is_requested(piece_block(0, 0)) == false); TEST_CHECK(std::find(picked.begin(), picked.end(), piece_block(0,0)) != picked.end()); p->mark_as_downloading(piece_block(0,0), &tmp1, piece_picker::fast); p->mark_as_downloading(piece_block(0,1), &tmp1, piece_picker::fast); p->abort_download(piece_block(0,0)); picked = pick_pieces(p, "*******", blocks_per_piece, 0, 0, piece_picker::fast , options, empty_vector); TEST_CHECK(p->is_requested(piece_block(0, 0)) == false); TEST_CHECK(std::find(picked.begin(), picked.end(), piece_block(0,0)) != picked.end()); p->mark_as_downloading(piece_block(0,0), &tmp1, piece_picker::fast); p->mark_as_writing(piece_block(0,0), &tmp1); p->write_failed(piece_block(0,0)); picked = pick_pieces(p, "*******", blocks_per_piece, 0, 0, piece_picker::fast , options, empty_vector); TEST_CHECK(p->is_requested(piece_block(0, 0)) == false); TEST_CHECK(std::find(picked.begin(), picked.end(), piece_block(0,0)) != picked.end()); p->mark_as_downloading(piece_block(0,0), &tmp1, piece_picker::fast); p->mark_as_writing(piece_block(0,0), &tmp1); p->mark_as_finished(piece_block(0,0), &tmp1); p->abort_download(piece_block(0,0)); picked = pick_pieces(p, "*******", blocks_per_piece, 0, 0, piece_picker::fast , options, empty_vector); TEST_CHECK(p->is_requested(piece_block(0, 0)) == false); TEST_CHECK(std::find(picked.begin(), picked.end(), piece_block(0,0)) == picked.end()); p = setup_picker("1111111", " ", "7110000", ""); p->mark_as_downloading(piece_block(0,0), &tmp1, piece_picker::fast); p->mark_as_finished(piece_block(0,1), 0); p->piece_info(0, st); TEST_CHECK(st.requested == 1); TEST_CHECK(st.finished == 1); TEST_CHECK(st.state == piece_picker::fast); p->abort_download(piece_block(0,0)); p->piece_info(0, st); TEST_CHECK(st.requested == 0); TEST_CHECK(st.finished == 1); TEST_CHECK(st.state == piece_picker::none); picked = pick_pieces(p, "*******", blocks_per_piece, 0, 0, piece_picker::fast , options, empty_vector); TEST_CHECK(p->is_requested(piece_block(0, 0)) == false); TEST_CHECK(std::find(picked.begin(), picked.end(), piece_block(0,0)) != picked.end()); // ======================================================== // make sure the block that is picked is from piece 1, since it // it is the piece with the lowest availability print_title("test pick lowest availability"); p = setup_picker("2223333", "* * * ", "", ""); TEST_CHECK(test_pick(p) == 1); // ======================================================== // make sure pieces with equal priority and availability // are picked at random print_title("test random pick at same priority"); std::map random_prio_pieces; for (int i = 0; i < 100; ++i) { p = setup_picker("1111112", " ", "", ""); ++random_prio_pieces[test_pick(p)]; } TEST_CHECK(random_prio_pieces.size() == 6); for (std::map::iterator i = random_prio_pieces.begin() , end(random_prio_pieces.end()); i != end; ++i) std::cout << i->first << ": " << i->second << " "; std::cout << std::endl; // ======================================================== // make sure the block that is picked is from piece 5, since it // has the highest priority among the available pieces print_title("test pick highest priority"); p = setup_picker("1111111", "* * * ", "1111121", ""); TEST_CHECK(test_pick(p) == 5); // ======================================================== print_title("test reverse rarest first"); p = setup_picker("4179253", " ", "", ""); picked = pick_pieces(p, "*******", 7 * blocks_per_piece, 0, &peer_struct, piece_picker::fast , piece_picker::rarest_first | piece_picker::reverse, empty_vector); int expected_common_pieces[] = {3, 2, 5, 0, 6, 4, 1}; for (int i = 0; i < int(picked.size()); ++i) TEST_CHECK(picked[i] == piece_block(expected_common_pieces[i / blocks_per_piece], i % blocks_per_piece)); // piece 3 should be prioritized since it's a partial p = setup_picker("1122111", " ", "3333333", " 1 "); TEST_CHECK(test_pick(p, piece_picker::rarest_first | piece_picker::reverse) == 3); // ======================================================== // make sure the 4 blocks are picked from the same piece if // whole pieces are preferred. Priority and availability is more // important. Piece 1 has the lowest availability even though // it is not a whole piece print_title("test pick whole pieces"); p = setup_picker("2212222", " ", "1111111", "1023460"); picked = pick_pieces(p, "****** ", 1, 1, &peer_struct, piece_picker::fast, options, empty_vector); TEST_CHECK(int(picked.size()) == 3); for (int i = 0; i < blocks_per_piece && i < int(picked.size()); ++i) TEST_CHECK(picked[i].piece_index == 2); p = setup_picker("1111111", " ", "1111111", ""); picked = pick_pieces(p, "****** ", 1, 1, &peer_struct, piece_picker::fast, options, empty_vector); TEST_CHECK(int(picked.size()) == blocks_per_piece); for (int i = 0; i < blocks_per_piece && i < int(picked.size()); ++i) TEST_CHECK(picked[i].block_index == i); p = setup_picker("2221222", " ", "", ""); picked = pick_pieces(p, "*******", 1, 7, &peer_struct, piece_picker::fast, options, empty_vector); TEST_CHECK(int(picked.size()) == 7 * blocks_per_piece); for (int i = 0; i < int(picked.size()); ++i) TEST_CHECK(picked[i] == piece_block(i / blocks_per_piece, i % blocks_per_piece)); // ======================================================== // test the distributed copies function. It should include ourself // in the availability. i.e. piece 0 has availability 2. // there are 2 pieces with availability 2 and 5 with availability 3 print_title("test distributed copies"); p = setup_picker("1233333", "* ", "", ""); std::pair dc = p->distributed_copies(); TEST_CHECK(dc == std::make_pair(2, 5000 / 7)); // ======================================================== // make sure filtered pieces are ignored print_title("test filtered pieces"); p = setup_picker("1111111", " ", "0010000", ""); TEST_CHECK(test_pick(p, piece_picker::rarest_first) == 2); TEST_CHECK(test_pick(p, piece_picker::rarest_first | piece_picker::reverse) == 2); TEST_CHECK(test_pick(p, piece_picker::sequential) == 2); TEST_CHECK(test_pick(p, piece_picker::sequential | piece_picker::reverse) == 2); // ======================================================== // make sure we_dont_have works print_title("test we_dont_have"); p = setup_picker("1111111", "*******", "0100000", ""); TEST_CHECK(p->have_piece(1)); TEST_CHECK(p->have_piece(2)); p->we_dont_have(1); p->we_dont_have(2); TEST_CHECK(!p->have_piece(1)); TEST_CHECK(!p->have_piece(2)); picked = pick_pieces(p, "*** ** ", 1, 0, 0, piece_picker::fast, options, empty_vector); TEST_CHECK(int(picked.size()) > 0); TEST_CHECK(picked.front().piece_index == 1); // ======================================================== // make sure init preserves priorities print_title("test init"); p = setup_picker("1111111", " ", "1111111", ""); TEST_CHECK(p->num_filtered() == 0); TEST_CHECK(p->num_have_filtered() == 0); TEST_CHECK(p->num_have() == 0); p->set_piece_priority(0, 0); TEST_CHECK(p->num_filtered() == 1); TEST_CHECK(p->num_have_filtered() == 0); TEST_CHECK(p->num_have() == 0); p->we_have(0); TEST_CHECK(p->num_filtered() == 0); TEST_CHECK(p->num_have_filtered() == 1); TEST_CHECK(p->num_have() == 1); p->init(blocks_per_piece, blocks_per_piece, blocks_per_piece * 7); TEST_CHECK(p->piece_priority(0) == 0); TEST_CHECK(p->num_filtered() == 1); TEST_CHECK(p->num_have_filtered() == 0); TEST_CHECK(p->num_have() == 0); // ======================================================== // make sure requested blocks aren't picked print_title("test don't pick requested blocks"); p = setup_picker("1111111", " ", "", ""); picked = pick_pieces(p, "*******", 1, 0, 0, piece_picker::fast, options, empty_vector); TEST_CHECK(int(picked.size()) > 0); piece_block first = picked.front(); p->mark_as_downloading(picked.front(), &peer_struct, piece_picker::fast); TEST_CHECK(p->num_peers(picked.front()) == 1); picked = pick_pieces(p, "*******", 1, 0, 0, piece_picker::fast, options, empty_vector); TEST_CHECK(int(picked.size()) > 0); TEST_CHECK(picked.front() != first); // ======================================================== // make sure downloading pieces have higher priority print_title("test downloading piece priority"); p = setup_picker("1111111", " ", "", ""); picked = pick_pieces(p, "*******", 1, 0, 0, piece_picker::fast, options, empty_vector); TEST_CHECK(int(picked.size()) > 0); first = picked.front(); p->mark_as_downloading(picked.front(), &peer_struct, piece_picker::fast); TEST_CHECK(p->num_peers(picked.front()) == 1); picked = pick_pieces(p, "*******", 1, 0, 0, piece_picker::fast, options, empty_vector); TEST_CHECK(int(picked.size()) > 0); TEST_CHECK(picked.front() != first); TEST_CHECK(picked.front().piece_index == first.piece_index); // ======================================================== // make sure downloading pieces closer to completion have higher priority // piece 3 has only 1 block from being completed, and should be picked print_title("test downloading piece order"); p = setup_picker("1111111", " ", "", "013700f"); picked = pick_pieces(p, "*******", 1, 0, 0, piece_picker::fast , options | piece_picker::prioritize_partials, empty_vector); TEST_CHECK(int(picked.size()) > 0); TEST_CHECK(picked.front() == piece_block(3, 3)); // ======================================================== // test sequential download print_title("test sequential download"); p = setup_picker("7654321", " ", "", ""); picked = pick_pieces(p, "*******", 7 * blocks_per_piece, 0, 0, piece_picker::fast , piece_picker::sequential, empty_vector); TEST_CHECK(int(picked.size()) == 7 * blocks_per_piece); for (int i = 0; i < int(picked.size()); ++i) TEST_CHECK(picked[i] == piece_block(i / blocks_per_piece, i % blocks_per_piece)); // ======================================================== // test reverse sequential download print_title("test reverse sequential download"); p = setup_picker("7654321", " ", "", ""); picked = pick_pieces(p, "*******", 7 * blocks_per_piece, 0, 0, piece_picker::fast , piece_picker::sequential | piece_picker::reverse, empty_vector); TEST_CHECK(int(picked.size()) == 7 * blocks_per_piece); for (int i = 0; i < int(picked.size()); ++i) TEST_CHECK(picked[i] == piece_block(6 - (i / blocks_per_piece), i % blocks_per_piece)); // ======================================================== // test cursors print_title("test cursors"); p = setup_picker("7654321", " ", "", ""); TEST_CHECK(p->cursor() == 0); TEST_CHECK(p->reverse_cursor() == 7); p->we_have(1); TEST_CHECK(p->cursor() == 0); TEST_CHECK(p->reverse_cursor() == 7); p->we_have(0); TEST_CHECK(p->cursor() == 2); TEST_CHECK(p->reverse_cursor() == 7); p->we_have(5); TEST_CHECK(p->cursor() == 2); TEST_CHECK(p->reverse_cursor() == 7); p->we_have(6); TEST_CHECK(p->cursor() == 2); TEST_CHECK(p->reverse_cursor() == 5); p->we_have(4); p->we_have(3); p->we_have(2); TEST_CHECK(p->cursor() == 7); TEST_CHECK(p->reverse_cursor() == 0); p->we_dont_have(3); TEST_CHECK(p->cursor() == 3); TEST_CHECK(p->reverse_cursor() == 4); p = setup_picker("7654321", " ", "", ""); TEST_CHECK(p->cursor() == 0); TEST_CHECK(p->reverse_cursor() == 7); p->set_piece_priority(1, 0); TEST_CHECK(p->cursor() == 0); TEST_CHECK(p->reverse_cursor() == 7); p->set_piece_priority(0, 0); TEST_CHECK(p->cursor() == 2); TEST_CHECK(p->reverse_cursor() == 7); p->set_piece_priority(5, 0); TEST_CHECK(p->cursor() == 2); TEST_CHECK(p->reverse_cursor() == 7); p->set_piece_priority(6, 0); TEST_CHECK(p->cursor() == 2); TEST_CHECK(p->reverse_cursor() == 5); p->set_piece_priority(4, 0); p->set_piece_priority(3, 0); p->set_piece_priority(2, 0); TEST_CHECK(p->cursor() == 7); TEST_CHECK(p->reverse_cursor() == 0); p->set_piece_priority(3, 1); TEST_CHECK(p->cursor() == 3); TEST_CHECK(p->reverse_cursor() == 4); // ======================================================== // test piece priorities print_title("test piece priorities"); p = setup_picker("5555555", " ", "7654321", ""); TEST_CHECK(p->num_filtered() == 0); TEST_CHECK(p->num_have_filtered() == 0); p->set_piece_priority(0, 0); TEST_CHECK(p->num_filtered() == 1); TEST_CHECK(p->num_have_filtered() == 0); p->mark_as_finished(piece_block(0,0), 0); p->we_have(0); TEST_CHECK(p->num_filtered() == 0); TEST_CHECK(p->num_have_filtered() == 1); p->we_dont_have(0); p->set_piece_priority(0, 7); picked = pick_pieces(p, "*******", 7 * blocks_per_piece, 0, 0 , piece_picker::fast, options, empty_vector); TEST_CHECK(int(picked.size()) == 7 * blocks_per_piece); for (int i = 0; i < int(picked.size()); ++i) TEST_CHECK(picked[i] == piece_block(i / blocks_per_piece, i % blocks_per_piece)); // test changing priority on a piece we have p->we_have(0); p->set_piece_priority(0, 0); p->set_piece_priority(0, 1); p->set_piece_priority(0, 0); std::vector prios; p->piece_priorities(prios); TEST_CHECK(prios.size() == 7); int prio_comp[] = {0, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1}; TEST_CHECK(std::equal(prios.begin(), prios.end(), prio_comp)); std::vector filter; p->filtered_pieces(filter); TEST_CHECK(prios.size() == 7); bool filter_comp[] = {true, false, false, false, false, false, false}; TEST_CHECK(std::equal(filter.begin(), filter.end(), filter_comp)); // ======================================================== // test restore_piece print_title("test restore piece"); p = setup_picker("1234567", " ", "", ""); p->mark_as_finished(piece_block(0,0), 0); p->mark_as_finished(piece_block(0,1), 0); p->mark_as_finished(piece_block(0,2), 0); p->mark_as_finished(piece_block(0,3), 0); picked = pick_pieces(p, "*******", 1, 0, 0, piece_picker::fast, options, empty_vector); TEST_CHECK(int(picked.size()) >= 1); TEST_CHECK(picked.front().piece_index == 1); p->restore_piece(0); picked = pick_pieces(p, "*******", 1, 0, 0, piece_picker::fast, options, empty_vector); TEST_CHECK(int(picked.size()) >= 1); TEST_CHECK(picked.front().piece_index == 0); p->mark_as_finished(piece_block(0,0), 0); p->mark_as_finished(piece_block(0,1), 0); p->mark_as_finished(piece_block(0,2), 0); p->mark_as_finished(piece_block(0,3), 0); p->set_piece_priority(0, 0); picked = pick_pieces(p, "*******", 1, 0, 0, piece_picker::fast, options, empty_vector); TEST_CHECK(int(picked.size()) >= 1); TEST_CHECK(picked.front().piece_index == 1); p->restore_piece(0); picked = pick_pieces(p, "*******", 1, 0, 0, piece_picker::fast, options, empty_vector); TEST_CHECK(int(picked.size()) >= 1); TEST_CHECK(picked.front().piece_index == 1); p->set_piece_priority(0, 1); picked = pick_pieces(p, "*******", 1, 0, 0, piece_picker::fast, options, empty_vector); TEST_CHECK(int(picked.size()) >= 1); TEST_CHECK(picked.front().piece_index == 0); // ======================================================== // test random mode print_title("test random pick"); p = setup_picker("1234567", " ", "1111122", ""); std::set random_pieces; for (int i = 0; i < 100; ++i) random_pieces.insert(test_pick(p, 0)); TEST_CHECK(random_pieces.size() == 7); random_pieces.clear(); for (int i = 0; i < 7; ++i) { int piece = test_pick(p, 0); p->we_have(piece); random_pieces.insert(piece); } TEST_CHECK(random_pieces.size() == 7); // ======================================================== // make sure that blocks from a slow piece are picked // by a fast peer if there are no other options print_title("test downloading piece affinity"); p = setup_picker("1111111", " ", "", ""); p->mark_as_downloading(piece_block(2,2), &tmp1, piece_picker::slow); picked = pick_pieces(p, "*******", 7 * blocks_per_piece - 1, 0, &tmp2 , piece_picker::fast, options | piece_picker::speed_affinity, empty_vector); TEST_CHECK(picked.size() == 7 * blocks_per_piece - 1); TEST_CHECK(std::find(picked.begin(), picked.end(), piece_block(2,2)) == picked.end()); // piece 2 sould be the last one (least matching piece to pick) TEST_CHECK(picked[7 * blocks_per_piece - 2].piece_index == 2); TEST_CHECK(picked[7 * blocks_per_piece - 3].piece_index == 2); TEST_CHECK(picked[7 * blocks_per_piece - 4].piece_index == 2); // test the affinity of pieces with the same speed state p = setup_picker("1111111", " ", "", ""); p->mark_as_downloading(piece_block(3,2), &tmp1, piece_picker::slow); p->mark_as_downloading(piece_block(2,2), &tmp1, piece_picker::medium); p->mark_as_downloading(piece_block(4,2), &tmp1, piece_picker::fast); picked = pick_pieces(p, "*******", 2 * blocks_per_piece, 0, 0 , piece_picker::fast, piece_picker::prioritize_partials | piece_picker::speed_affinity , empty_vector); TEST_CHECK(picked.size() == 2 * blocks_per_piece); TEST_CHECK(picked[0].piece_index == 4); TEST_CHECK(picked[blocks_per_piece - 1].piece_index == 2); TEST_CHECK(picked[2 * blocks_per_piece - 2].piece_index == 3); // ======================================================== // make sure the piece picker will pick pieces that // are already requested from other peers if it has to print_title("test picking downloading blocks"); p = setup_picker("1111111", " ", "", ""); p->mark_as_downloading(piece_block(2,2), &tmp1, piece_picker::fast); p->mark_as_downloading(piece_block(1,2), &tmp1, piece_picker::slow); picked.clear(); p->pick_pieces(string2vec("*******"), picked, 7 * blocks_per_piece, 0, 0 , piece_picker::fast, piece_picker::prioritize_partials, empty_vector, 20); TEST_CHECK(verify_pick(p, picked, true)); print_pick(picked); // don't pick both busy pieces, just one TEST_EQUAL(picked.size(), 7 * blocks_per_piece - 1); picked.clear(); p->pick_pieces(string2vec("*******"), picked, 7 * blocks_per_piece, 0, 0 , piece_picker::fast, piece_picker::prioritize_partials | piece_picker::rarest_first, empty_vector, 20); TEST_CHECK(verify_pick(p, picked, true)); print_pick(picked); TEST_EQUAL(picked.size(), 7 * blocks_per_piece - 1); picked.clear(); p->pick_pieces(string2vec("*******"), picked, 7 * blocks_per_piece, 0, 0 , piece_picker::fast, piece_picker::rarest_first, empty_vector, 20); TEST_CHECK(verify_pick(p, picked, true)); print_pick(picked); TEST_EQUAL(picked.size(), 7 * blocks_per_piece - 1); // ======================================================== // test clear_peer print_title("test clear_peer"); p = setup_picker("1123333", " ", "", ""); p->mark_as_downloading(piece_block(0, 0), &tmp1, piece_picker::slow); p->mark_as_downloading(piece_block(0, 1), &tmp2, piece_picker::slow); p->mark_as_downloading(piece_block(0, 2), &tmp3, piece_picker::slow); p->mark_as_downloading(piece_block(1, 1), &tmp1, piece_picker::slow); p->mark_as_downloading(piece_block(2, 1), &tmp2, piece_picker::slow); p->mark_as_downloading(piece_block(3, 1), &tmp3, piece_picker::slow); std::vector dls; void* expected_dls1[] = {&tmp1, &tmp2, &tmp3, 0}; void* expected_dls2[] = {0, &tmp1, 0, 0}; void* expected_dls3[] = {0, &tmp2, 0, 0}; void* expected_dls4[] = {0, &tmp3, 0, 0}; void* expected_dls5[] = {&tmp1, 0, &tmp3, 0}; p->get_downloaders(dls, 0); TEST_CHECK(std::equal(dls.begin(), dls.end(), expected_dls1)); p->get_downloaders(dls, 1); TEST_CHECK(std::equal(dls.begin(), dls.end(), expected_dls2)); p->get_downloaders(dls, 2); TEST_CHECK(std::equal(dls.begin(), dls.end(), expected_dls3)); p->get_downloaders(dls, 3); TEST_CHECK(std::equal(dls.begin(), dls.end(), expected_dls4)); p->clear_peer(&tmp2); p->get_downloaders(dls, 0); TEST_CHECK(std::equal(dls.begin(), dls.end(), expected_dls5)); // ======================================================== // test have_all and have_none print_title("test have_all and have_none"); p = setup_picker("0123333", "* ", "", ""); dc = p->distributed_copies(); std::cout << "distributed copies: " << dc.first << "." << (dc.second / 1000.f) << std::endl; TEST_CHECK(dc == std::make_pair(1, 5000 / 7)); p->inc_refcount_all(); dc = p->distributed_copies(); TEST_CHECK(dc == std::make_pair(2, 5000 / 7)); p->dec_refcount_all(); dc = p->distributed_copies(); std::cout << "distributed copies: " << dc.first << "." << (dc.second / 1000.f) << std::endl; TEST_CHECK(dc == std::make_pair(1, 5000 / 7)); p->inc_refcount(0); p->dec_refcount_all(); dc = p->distributed_copies(); std::cout << "distributed copies: " << dc.first << "." << (dc.second / 1000.f) << std::endl; TEST_CHECK(dc == std::make_pair(0, 6000 / 7)); TEST_CHECK(test_pick(p) == 2); // ======================================================== // test have_all and have_none print_title("test have_all and have_none with sequential download"); p = setup_picker("0123333", "* ", "", ""); dc = p->distributed_copies(); std::cout << "distributed copies: " << dc.first << "." << (dc.second / 1000.f) << std::endl; TEST_CHECK(dc == std::make_pair(1, 5000 / 7)); p->inc_refcount_all(); dc = p->distributed_copies(); std::cout << "distributed copies: " << dc.first << "." << (dc.second / 1000.f) << std::endl; TEST_CHECK(dc == std::make_pair(2, 5000 / 7)); TEST_CHECK(test_pick(p) == 1); // ======================================================== // test inc_ref and dec_ref print_title("test inc_ref dec_ref"); p = setup_picker("1233333", " * ", "", ""); TEST_CHECK(test_pick(p) == 0); p->dec_refcount(0); TEST_CHECK(test_pick(p) == 1); p->dec_refcount(4); p->dec_refcount(4); TEST_CHECK(test_pick(p) == 4); // decrease refcount on something that's not in the piece list p->dec_refcount(5); p->inc_refcount(5); bitfield bits(7); bits.clear_all(); bits.set_bit(0); p->inc_refcount(bits); bits.clear_all(); bits.set_bit(4); p->dec_refcount(bits); TEST_CHECK(test_pick(p) == 0); // ======================================================== // test unverified_blocks, marking blocks and get_downloader print_title("test unverified blocks"); p = setup_picker("1111111", " ", "", "0300700"); TEST_CHECK(p->unverified_blocks() == 2 + 3); TEST_CHECK(p->get_downloader(piece_block(4, 0)) == 0); TEST_CHECK(p->get_downloader(piece_block(4, 1)) == 0); TEST_CHECK(p->get_downloader(piece_block(4, 2)) == 0); TEST_CHECK(p->get_downloader(piece_block(4, 3)) == 0); p->mark_as_downloading(piece_block(4, 3), &peer_struct, piece_picker::fast); TEST_CHECK(p->get_downloader(piece_block(4, 3)) == &peer_struct); p->piece_info(4, st); TEST_CHECK(st.requested == 1); TEST_CHECK(st.writing == 0); TEST_CHECK(st.finished == 3); TEST_CHECK(p->unverified_blocks() == 2 + 3); p->mark_as_writing(piece_block(4, 3), &peer_struct); TEST_CHECK(p->get_downloader(piece_block(4, 3)) == &peer_struct); p->piece_info(4, st); TEST_CHECK(st.requested == 0); TEST_CHECK(st.writing == 1); TEST_CHECK(st.finished == 3); TEST_CHECK(p->unverified_blocks() == 2 + 3); p->mark_as_finished(piece_block(4, 3), &peer_struct); TEST_CHECK(p->get_downloader(piece_block(4, 3)) == &peer_struct); p->piece_info(4, st); TEST_CHECK(st.requested == 0); TEST_CHECK(st.writing == 0); TEST_CHECK(st.finished == 4); TEST_CHECK(p->unverified_blocks() == 2 + 4); p->we_have(4); p->piece_info(4, st); TEST_CHECK(st.requested == 0); TEST_CHECK(st.writing == 0); TEST_CHECK(st.finished == 4); TEST_CHECK(p->get_downloader(piece_block(4, 3)) == 0); TEST_CHECK(p->unverified_blocks() == 2); // ======================================================== // test prefer_whole_pieces print_title("test prefer whole pieces"); p = setup_picker("1111111", " ", "", ""); picked = pick_pieces(p, "*******", 1, 3, 0, piece_picker::fast, options, empty_vector); TEST_CHECK(int(picked.size()) >= 3 * blocks_per_piece); piece_block b = picked.front(); for (int i = 1; i < int(picked.size()); ++i) { TEST_CHECK(picked[i].piece_index * blocks_per_piece + picked[i].block_index == b.piece_index * blocks_per_piece + b.block_index + 1); b = picked[i]; } picked = pick_pieces(p, "*******", 1, 3, 0, piece_picker::fast, options, empty_vector); TEST_CHECK(int(picked.size()) >= 3 * blocks_per_piece); b = picked.front(); for (int i = 1; i < int(picked.size()); ++i) { TEST_CHECK(picked[i].piece_index * blocks_per_piece + picked[i].block_index == b.piece_index * blocks_per_piece + b.block_index + 1); b = picked[i]; } // make sure pieces that don't match the 'whole pieces' requirement // are picked if there's no other choice p = setup_picker("1111111", " ", "", ""); p->mark_as_downloading(piece_block(2,2), &tmp1, piece_picker::fast); picked = pick_pieces(p, "*******", 7 * blocks_per_piece - 1, 1, 0 , piece_picker::fast, options, empty_vector); TEST_CHECK(picked.size() == 7 * blocks_per_piece - 1); TEST_CHECK(std::find(picked.begin(), picked.end(), piece_block(2,2)) == picked.end()); //#error test picking with partial pieces and other peers present so that both backup_pieces and backup_pieces2 are used // ======================================================== // test parole mode print_title("test parole mode"); p = setup_picker("3333133", " ", "", ""); p->mark_as_finished(piece_block(0, 0), 0); picked = pick_pieces(p, "*******", 1, 1, 0, piece_picker::fast , options | piece_picker::on_parole | piece_picker::prioritize_partials, empty_vector); TEST_CHECK(int(picked.size()) == blocks_per_piece - 1); for (int i = 1; i < int(picked.size()); ++i) TEST_CHECK(picked[i] == piece_block(0, i + 1)); // make sure that the partial piece is not picked by a // peer that is has not downloaded/requested the other blocks picked = pick_pieces(p, "*******", 1, 1, &peer_struct, piece_picker::fast , options | piece_picker::on_parole | piece_picker::prioritize_partials, empty_vector); TEST_CHECK(int(picked.size()) == blocks_per_piece); for (int i = 1; i < int(picked.size()); ++i) TEST_CHECK(picked[i] == piece_block(4, i)); // ======================================================== // test suggested pieces print_title("test suggested pieces"); p = setup_picker("1111222233334444", " ", "", ""); int v[] = {1, 5}; std::vector suggested_pieces(v, v + 2); picked = pick_pieces(p, "****************", 1, 1, 0, piece_picker::fast, options, suggested_pieces); TEST_CHECK(int(picked.size()) >= blocks_per_piece); for (int i = 1; i < int(picked.size()); ++i) TEST_CHECK(picked[i] == piece_block(1, i)); p->set_piece_priority(0, 0); p->set_piece_priority(1, 0); p->set_piece_priority(2, 0); p->set_piece_priority(3, 0); picked = pick_pieces(p, "****************", 1, 1, 0, piece_picker::fast, options, suggested_pieces); TEST_CHECK(int(picked.size()) >= blocks_per_piece); for (int i = 1; i < int(picked.size()); ++i) TEST_CHECK(picked[i] == piece_block(5, i)); p = setup_picker("1111222233334444", "**** ", "", ""); picked = pick_pieces(p, "****************", 1, 1, 0, piece_picker::fast, options, suggested_pieces); TEST_CHECK(int(picked.size()) >= blocks_per_piece); for (int i = 1; i < int(picked.size()); ++i) TEST_CHECK(picked[i] == piece_block(5, i)); // MISSING TESTS: // 1. abort_download // 2. write_failed /* p.pick_pieces(peer1, picked, 1, false, 0, piece_picker::fast, true); TEST_CHECK(int(picked.size()) == 1); TEST_CHECK(picked.front().piece_index == 2); // now pick a piece from peer2. The block is supposed to be // from piece 3, since it is the rarest piece that peer has. picked.clear(); p.pick_pieces(peer2, picked, 1, false, 0, piece_picker::fast, true); TEST_CHECK(int(picked.size()) == 1); TEST_CHECK(picked.front().piece_index == 3); // same thing for peer3. picked.clear(); p.pick_pieces(peer3, picked, 1, false, 0, piece_picker::fast, true); TEST_CHECK(int(picked.size()) == 1); TEST_CHECK(picked.front().piece_index == 5); // now, if all peers would have piece 1 (the piece we have partially) // it should be prioritized over picking a completely new piece. peer3[1] = true; p.inc_refcount(1); picked.clear(); p.pick_pieces(peer3, picked, 1, false, 0, piece_picker::fast, true); TEST_CHECK(int(picked.size()) == 1); TEST_CHECK(picked.front().piece_index == 1); // and the block picked should not be 0 or 2 // since we already have those blocks TEST_CHECK(picked.front().block_index != 0); TEST_CHECK(picked.front().block_index != 2); // now, if we mark piece 1 and block 0 in piece 2 // as being downloaded and picks a block from peer1, // it should pick a block from piece 2. But since // block 0 is marked as requested from another peer, // the piece_picker will continue to pick blocks // until it can return at least 1 block (since we // tell it we want one block) that is not being // downloaded from anyone else. This is to make it // possible for us to determine if we want to request // the block from more than one peer. // Both piece 1 and 2 are partial pieces, but pice // 2 is the rarest, so that's why it is picked. // we have block 0 and 2 already, so we can't mark // them as begin downloaded. p.mark_as_downloading(piece_block(1, 1), &peer_struct, piece_picker::fast); p.mark_as_downloading(piece_block(1, 3), &peer_struct, piece_picker::fast); p.mark_as_downloading(piece_block(2, 0), &peer_struct, piece_picker::fast); std::vector const& downloads = p.get_download_queue(); TEST_CHECK(downloads.size() == 2); TEST_CHECK(downloads[0].index == 1); TEST_CHECK(downloads[0].info[0].state == piece_picker::block_info::state_finished); TEST_CHECK(downloads[0].info[1].state == piece_picker::block_info::state_requested); TEST_CHECK(downloads[0].info[2].state == piece_picker::block_info::state_finished); TEST_CHECK(downloads[0].info[3].state == piece_picker::block_info::state_requested); TEST_CHECK(downloads[1].index == 2); TEST_CHECK(downloads[1].info[0].state == piece_picker::block_info::state_requested); TEST_CHECK(downloads[1].info[1].state == piece_picker::block_info::state_none); TEST_CHECK(downloads[1].info[2].state == piece_picker::block_info::state_none); TEST_CHECK(downloads[1].info[3].state == piece_picker::block_info::state_none); TEST_CHECK(p.is_requested(piece_block(1, 1))); TEST_CHECK(p.is_requested(piece_block(1, 3))); TEST_CHECK(p.is_requested(piece_block(2, 0))); TEST_CHECK(!p.is_requested(piece_block(2, 1))); picked.clear(); p.pick_pieces(peer1, picked, 1, false, 0, piece_picker::fast, true); TEST_CHECK(int(picked.size()) == 2); piece_block expected3[] = { piece_block(2, 0), piece_block(2, 1) }; TEST_CHECK(std::equal(picked.begin() , picked.end(), expected3)); // now, if we assume we're downloading at such a speed that // we might prefer to download whole pieces at a time from // this peer. It should not pick piece 1 or 2 (since those are // partially selected) picked.clear(); p.pick_pieces(peer1, picked, 1, true, 0, piece_picker::fast, true); // it will pick 4 blocks, since we said we // wanted whole pieces. TEST_CHECK(int(picked.size()) == 4); piece_block expected4[] = { piece_block(3, 0), piece_block(3, 1) , piece_block(3, 2), piece_block(3, 3) }; TEST_CHECK(std::equal(picked.begin() , picked.end(), expected4)); // now, try the same thing, but pick as many pieces as possible // to make sure it can still fall back on partial pieces picked.clear(); p.pick_pieces(peer1, picked, 100, true, 0, piece_picker::fast, true); TEST_CHECK(int(picked.size()) == 12); piece_block expected5[] = { piece_block(3, 0), piece_block(3, 1) , piece_block(3, 2), piece_block(3, 3) , piece_block(5, 0), piece_block(5, 1) , piece_block(5, 2), piece_block(5, 3) , piece_block(2, 0), piece_block(2, 1) , piece_block(2, 2), piece_block(2, 3) }; TEST_CHECK(std::equal(picked.begin() , picked.end(), expected5)); // now, try the same thing, but pick as many pieces as possible // to make sure it can still fall back on partial pieces picked.clear(); p.pick_pieces(peer1, picked, 100, true, &peer_struct, piece_picker::fast, true); TEST_CHECK(int(picked.size()) == 11); piece_block expected6[] = { piece_block(2, 1), piece_block(2, 2) , piece_block(2, 3) , piece_block(3, 0), piece_block(3, 1) , piece_block(3, 2), piece_block(3, 3) , piece_block(5, 0), piece_block(5, 1) , piece_block(5, 2), piece_block(5, 3) }; TEST_CHECK(std::equal(picked.begin() , picked.end(), expected6)); // make sure the piece picker allows filtered pieces // to become available p.mark_as_finished(piece_block(4, 2), 0); */ return 0; }