#!/usr/bin/env python import os, sys, time # usage: parse_log.py log-file [socket-index to focus on] socket_filter = None if len(sys.argv) >= 3: socket_filter = sys.argv[2].strip() if socket_filter == None: print "scanning for socket with the most packets" file = open(sys.argv[1], 'rb') sockets = {} for l in file: if not 'our_delay' in l: continue try: a = l.strip().split(" ") socket_index = a[1][:-1] except: continue # msvc's runtime library doesn't prefix pointers # with '0x' # if socket_index[:2] != '0x': # continue if socket_index in sockets: sockets[socket_index] += 1 else: sockets[socket_index] = 1 items = sockets.items() items.sort(lambda x, y: y[1] - x[1]) count = 0 for i in items: print '%s: %d' % (i[0], i[1]) count += 1 if count > 5: break file.close() socket_filter = items[0][0] print '\nfocusing on socket %s' % socket_filter file = open(sys.argv[1], 'rb') out_file = 'utp.out%s' % socket_filter; out = open(out_file, 'wb') delay_samples = 'points lc rgb "blue"' delay_base = 'steps lw 2 lc rgb "purple"' target_delay = 'steps lw 2 lc rgb "red"' off_target = 'dots lc rgb "blue"' cwnd = 'steps lc rgb "green"' window_size = 'steps lc rgb "sea-green"' rtt = 'lines lc rgb "light-blue"' metrics = { 'our_delay':['our delay (ms)', 'x1y2', delay_samples], 'upload_rate':['send rate (B/s)', 'x1y1', 'lines'], 'max_window':['cwnd (B)', 'x1y1', cwnd], 'target_delay':['target delay (ms)', 'x1y2', target_delay], 'cur_window':['bytes in-flight (B)', 'x1y1', window_size], 'cur_window_packets':['number of packets in-flight', 'x1y2', 'steps'], 'packet_size':['current packet size (B)', 'x1y2', 'steps'], 'rtt':['rtt (ms)', 'x1y2', rtt], 'off_target':['off-target (ms)', 'x1y2', off_target], 'delay_sum':['delay sum (ms)', 'x1y2', 'steps'], 'their_delay':['their delay (ms)', 'x1y2', delay_samples], 'get_microseconds':['clock (us)', 'x1y1', 'steps'], 'wnduser':['advertised window size (B)', 'x1y1', 'steps'], 'ssthres':['slow-start threshold (B)', 'x1y1', 'steps'], 'delay_base':['delay base (us)', 'x1y1', delay_base], 'their_delay_base':['their delay base (us)', 'x1y1', delay_base], 'their_actual_delay':['their actual delay (us)', 'x1y1', delay_samples], 'actual_delay':['actual_delay (us)', 'x1y1', delay_samples], 'send_buffer':['send buffer size (B)', 'x1y1', 'lines'], 'recv_buffer':['receive buffer size (B)', 'x1y1', 'lines'] } histogram_quantization = 1 socket_index = None columns = [] begin = None title = "-" packet_loss = 0 packet_timeout = 0 delay_histogram = {} packet_size_histogram = {} window_size = {'0': 0, '1': 0} # [35301484] 0x00ec1190: actual_delay:1021583 our_delay:102 their_delay:-1021345 off_target:297 max_window:2687 upload_rate:18942 delay_base:1021481154 delay_sum:-1021242 target_delay:400 acked_bytes:1441 cur_window:2882 scaled_gain:2.432 counter = 0 print "reading log file" for l in file: if "UTP_Connect" in l: title = l[:-2] if socket_filter != None: title += ' socket: %s' % socket_filter else: title += ' sum of all sockets' continue try: a = l.strip().split(" ") t = a[0][1:-1] socket_index = a[1][:-1] except: continue # if socket_index[:2] != '0x': # continue if socket_filter != None and socket_index != socket_filter: continue counter += 1 if (counter % 300 == 0): print "\r%d " % counter, if "lost." in l: packet_loss = packet_loss + 1 continue if "Packet timeout" in l: packet_timeout = packet_timeout + 1 continue if "sending packet" in l: v = l.split('size:')[1].split(' ')[0] packet_size_histogram[v] = 1 + packet_size_histogram.get(v, 0) if "our_delay:" not in l: continue # used for Logf timestamps # t, m = t.split(".") # t = time.strptime(t, "%H:%M:%S") # t = list(t) # t[0] += 107 # t = tuple(t) # m = float(m) # m /= 1000.0 # t = time.mktime(t) + m # used for tick count timestamps t = int(t) if begin is None: begin = t t = t - begin # print time. Convert from milliseconds to seconds print >>out, '%f\t' % (float(t)/1000.), #if t > 200000: # break fill_columns = not columns for i in a[2:]: try: n, v = i.split(':') except: continue v = float(v) if n == "our_delay": bucket = int(v / histogram_quantization) delay_histogram[bucket] = 1 + delay_histogram.get(bucket, 0) if not n in metrics: continue if fill_columns: columns.append(n) if n == "max_window": window_size[socket_index] = v print >>out, '%f\t' % int(reduce(lambda a,b: a+b, window_size.values())), else: print >>out, '%f\t' % v, print >>out, float(packet_loss * 8000), float(packet_timeout * 8000) packet_loss = 0 packet_timeout = 0 out.close() out = open('%s.histogram' % out_file, 'wb') for d,f in delay_histogram.iteritems(): print >>out, float(d*histogram_quantization) + histogram_quantization / 2, f out.close() out = open('%s_packet_size.histogram' % out_file, 'wb') for d,f in packet_size_histogram.iteritems(): print >>out, d, f out.close() plot = [ { 'data': ['upload_rate', 'max_window', 'cur_window', 'wnduser', 'cur_window_packets', 'packet_size', 'rtt'], 'title': 'send-packet-size', 'y1': 'Bytes', 'y2': 'Time (ms)' }, { 'data': ['max_window', 'cur_window', 'our_delay', 'target_delay', 'ssthres'], 'title': 'cwnd', 'y1': 'Bytes', 'y2': 'Time (ms)' }, { 'data': ['our_delay', 'max_window', 'target_delay', 'cur_window', 'wnduser', 'cur_window_packets'], 'title': 'uploading', 'y1': 'Bytes', 'y2': 'Time (ms)' }, { 'data': ['our_delay', 'max_window', 'target_delay', 'cur_window', 'send_buffer'], 'title': 'uploading_packets', 'y1': 'Bytes', 'y2': 'Time (ms)' }, { 'data': ['their_delay', 'target_delay', 'rtt'], 'title': 'their_delay', 'y1': '', 'y2': 'Time (ms)' }, { 'data': ['their_actual_delay','their_delay_base'], 'title': 'their_delay_base', 'y1': 'Time (us)', 'y2': '' }, { 'data': ['our_delay', 'target_delay', 'rtt'], 'title': 'our-delay', 'y1': '', 'y2': 'Time (ms)' }, { 'data': ['actual_delay', 'delay_base'], 'title': 'our_delay_base', 'y1': 'Time (us)', 'y2': '' } ] out = open('utp.gnuplot', 'w+') files = '' #print >>out, 'set xtics 0, 20' print >>out, "set term png size 1280,800" print >>out, 'set output "%s.delays.png"' % out_file print >>out, 'set xrange [0:200]' print >>out, 'set xlabel "delay (ms)"' print >>out, 'set boxwidth 1' print >>out, 'set ylabel "number of packets"' print >>out, 'plot "%s.histogram" using 1:2 with boxes fs solid 0.3' % out_file files += out_file + '.delays.png ' print >>out, 'set output "%s.packet_sizes.png"' % out_file print >>out, 'set xrange [0:*]' print >>out, 'set xlabel "packet size (B)"' print >>out, 'set boxwidth 1' print >>out, 'set ylabel "number of packets sent"' print >>out, 'set logscale y' print >>out, 'plot "%s_packet_size.histogram" using 1:2 with boxes fs solid 0.3' % out_file print >>out, 'set nologscale y' files += out_file + '.packet_sizes.png ' print >>out, "set style data steps" #print >>out, "set yrange [0:*]" print >>out, "set y2range [*:*]" #set hidden3d #set title "Peer bandwidth distribution" #set xlabel "Ratio" for p in plot: print >>out, 'set title "%s %s"' % (p['title'], title) print >>out, 'set xlabel "time (s)"' print >>out, 'set ylabel "%s"' % p['y1'] print >>out, "set tics nomirror" print >>out, 'set y2tics' print >>out, 'set y2label "%s"' % p['y2'] print >>out, 'set xrange [0:*]' print >>out, "set key box" print >>out, "set term png size 1280,800" print >>out, 'set output "%s-%s.png"' % (out_file, p['title']) files += '%s-%s.png ' % (out_file, p['title']) comma = '' print >>out, "plot", for c in p['data']: if not c in metrics: continue i = columns.index(c) print >>out, '%s"%s" using ($1/1000):%d title "%s-%s" axes %s with %s' % (comma, out_file, i + 2, metrics[c][0], metrics[c][1], metrics[c][1], metrics[c][2]), comma = ', ' print >>out, '' out.close() os.system("gnuplot utp.gnuplot") os.system("open %s" % files)