/* Copyright (c) 2003, Arvid Norberg All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * Neither the name of the author nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "libtorrent/torrent_handle.hpp" #include "libtorrent/session.hpp" #include "libtorrent/torrent_info.hpp" #include "libtorrent/url_handler.hpp" #include "libtorrent/bencode.hpp" #include "libtorrent/hasher.hpp" #include "libtorrent/entry.hpp" #include "libtorrent/peer.hpp" #include "libtorrent/peer_id.hpp" #include "libtorrent/alert.hpp" #include "libtorrent/identify_client.hpp" #include "libtorrent/alert_types.hpp" #if defined(_MSC_VER) && _MSC_VER < 1300 namespace std { using ::isalnum; }; #endif using namespace libtorrent; namespace { enum { // wait 60 seconds before retrying a failed tracker tracker_retry_delay = 60 }; int calculate_block_size(const torrent_info& i) { const int default_block_size = 16 * 1024; // if pieces are too small, adjust the block size if (i.piece_length() < default_block_size) { return i.piece_length(); } // if pieces are too large, adjust the block size if (i.piece_length() / default_block_size > piece_picker::max_blocks_per_piece) { return i.piece_length() / piece_picker::max_blocks_per_piece; } // otherwise, go with the default return default_block_size; } /* struct find_peer_by_id { find_peer_by_id(const peer_id& i, const torrent* t): id(i), tor(t) {} bool operator()(const detail::session_impl::connection_map::value_type& c) const { if (c.second->get_peer_id() != id) return false; if (tor != c.second->associated_torrent()) return false; // have a special case for all zeros. We can have any number // of peers with that id, since it's used to indicate no id. if (std::count(id.begin(), id.end(), 0) == 20) return false; return true; } const peer_id& id; const torrent* tor; }; */ struct find_peer_by_ip { find_peer_by_ip(const address& a, const torrent* t): ip(a), tor(t) {} bool operator()(const detail::session_impl::connection_map::value_type& c) const { if (c.first->sender().ip() != ip.ip()) return false; if (tor != c.second->associated_torrent()) return false; return true; } const address& ip; const torrent* tor; }; struct peer_by_id { peer_by_id(const peer_id& i): id(i) {} bool operator()(const std::pair& p) const { if (p.second->get_peer_id() != id) return false; // have a special case for all zeros. We can have any number // of peers with that id, since it's used to indicate no id. if (std::count(id.begin(), id.end(), 0) == 20) return false; return true; } const peer_id& id; }; } namespace libtorrent { std::string unescape_string(std::string const& s) { std::string ret; for (std::string::const_iterator i = s.begin(); i != s.end(); ++i) { if (*i != '%') ret += *i; else { if (i == s.end()) throw std::runtime_error("invalid escaped string"); ++i; int high = *i - '0'; if (i == s.end()) throw std::runtime_error("invalid escaped string"); ++i; int low = *i - '0'; if (high >= 16 || low >= 16 || high < 0 || low < 0) throw std::runtime_error("invalid escaped string"); ret += char(high * 16 + low); } } return ret; } std::string escape_string(const char* str, int len) { static const char special_chars[] = "$-_.+!*'(),"; std::stringstream ret; ret << std::hex << std::setfill('0'); for (int i = 0; i < len; ++i) { if (std::isalnum(static_cast(*str)) || std::count( special_chars , special_chars+sizeof(special_chars)-1 , *str)) { ret << *str; } else { ret << "%" << std::setw(2) << (int)static_cast(*str); } ++str; } return ret.str(); } torrent::torrent( detail::session_impl& ses , const torrent_info& torrent_file , const boost::filesystem::path& save_path) : m_block_size(calculate_block_size(torrent_file)) , m_abort(false) , m_event(tracker_request::started) , m_torrent_file(torrent_file) , m_storage(m_torrent_file, save_path) , m_next_request(boost::posix_time::second_clock::local_time()) , m_duration(1800) , m_policy(new policy(this)) , m_ses(ses) , m_picker(torrent_file.piece_length() / m_block_size, (torrent_file.total_size()+m_block_size-1)/m_block_size) , m_last_working_tracker(0) , m_currently_trying_tracker(0) , m_time_scaler(0) , m_priority(.5) , m_num_pieces(0) , m_got_tracker_response(false) , m_ratio(0.f) { assert(torrent_file.begin_files() != torrent_file.end_files()); m_have_pieces.resize(torrent_file.num_pieces(), false); } torrent::~torrent() { if (m_ses.m_abort) m_abort = true; } void torrent::tracker_response( std::vector& peer_list , int interval) { m_last_working_tracker = m_torrent_file.prioritize_tracker(m_currently_trying_tracker); m_next_request = boost::posix_time::second_clock::local_time() + boost::posix_time::seconds(m_duration); m_currently_trying_tracker = 0; m_duration = interval; // connect to random peers from the list std::random_shuffle(peer_list.begin(), peer_list.end()); #ifndef NDEBUG std::stringstream s; s << "TRACKER RESPONSE:\n" "interval: " << m_duration << "\n" "peers:\n"; for (std::vector::const_iterator i = peer_list.begin(); i != peer_list.end(); ++i) { s << " " << std::setfill(' ') << std::setw(16) << i->ip << " " << std::setw(5) << std::dec << i->port << " "; if (!i->id.is_all_zeros()) s << " " << i->id << " " << identify_client(i->id); s << "\n"; } debug_log(s.str()); #endif // for each of the peers we got from the tracker for (std::vector::iterator i = peer_list.begin(); i != peer_list.end(); ++i) { // don't make connections to ourself if (i->id == m_ses.get_peer_id()) continue; address a(i->ip, i->port); m_policy->peer_from_tracker(a, i->id); } m_got_tracker_response = true; } /* bool torrent::has_peer(const peer_id& id) const { assert(std::count_if(m_connections.begin() , m_connections.end() , peer_by_id(id)) <= 1); // pretend that we are connected to // ourself to avoid real connections // to ourself if (id == m_ses.m_peer_id) return true; return std::find_if( m_connections.begin() , m_connections.end() , peer_by_id(id)) != m_connections.end(); } */ size_type torrent::bytes_left() const { return m_torrent_file.total_size() - bytes_done(); } size_type torrent::bytes_done() const { const int last_piece = m_torrent_file.num_pieces()-1; size_type total_done = m_num_pieces * m_torrent_file.piece_length(); // if we have the last piece, we have to correct // the amount we have, since the first calculation // assumed all pieces were of equal size if (m_have_pieces[last_piece]) { total_done -= m_torrent_file.piece_length(); total_done += m_torrent_file.piece_size(last_piece); } const std::vector& dl_queue = m_picker.get_download_queue(); const int blocks_per_piece = m_torrent_file.piece_length() / m_block_size; for (std::vector::const_iterator i = dl_queue.begin(); i != dl_queue.end(); ++i) { assert(!m_have_pieces[i->index]); for (int j = 0; j < blocks_per_piece; ++j) { total_done += (i->finished_blocks[j]) * m_block_size; } // correction if this was the last piece // and if we have the last block if (i->index == last_piece && i->finished_blocks[m_picker.blocks_in_last_piece()-1]) { total_done -= m_block_size; total_done += m_torrent_file.piece_size(last_piece) % m_block_size; } } // TODO: may report too much if two peers are downloading // the same block for (const_peer_iterator i = begin(); i != end(); ++i) { boost::optional p = i->second->downloading_piece(); if (p) { if (m_have_pieces[p->piece_index]) continue; if (m_picker.is_finished(piece_block(p->piece_index, p->block_index))) continue; total_done += p->bytes_downloaded; assert(p->bytes_downloaded <= p->full_block_bytes); } } return total_done; } void torrent::piece_failed(int index) { if (m_ses.m_alerts.should_post(alert::info)) { std::stringstream s; s << "hash for piece " << index << " failed"; m_ses.m_alerts.post_alert(hash_failed_alert(get_handle(), index, s.str())); } std::vector
downloaders; m_picker.get_downloaders(downloaders, index); // decrease the trust point of all peers that sent // parts of this piece. for (std::vector
::iterator i = downloaders.begin(); i != downloaders.end(); ++i) { peer_iterator p = m_connections.find(*i); if (p == m_connections.end()) continue; p->second->received_invalid_data(); if (p->second->trust_points() <= -5) { // we don't trust this peer anymore // ban it. m_policy->ban_peer(*p->second); } } // we have to let the piece_picker know that // this piece failed the check as it can restore it // and mark it as being interesting for download // TODO: do this more intelligently! and keep track // of how much crap (data that failed hash-check) and // how much redundant data we have downloaded // if some clients has sent more than one piece // start with redownloading the pieces that the client // that has sent the least number of pieces m_picker.restore_piece(index); m_storage.mark_failed(index); assert(m_have_pieces[index] == false); } void torrent::announce_piece(int index) { std::vector
downloaders; m_picker.get_downloaders(downloaders, index); // increase the trust point of all peers that sent // parts of this piece. for (std::vector
::iterator i = downloaders.begin(); i != downloaders.end(); ++i) { peer_iterator p = m_connections.find(*i); if (p == m_connections.end()) continue; p->second->received_valid_data(); } m_picker.we_have(index); for (peer_iterator i = m_connections.begin(); i != m_connections.end(); ++i) i->second->announce_piece(index); } tracker_request torrent::generate_tracker_request(int port) { m_duration = 1800; m_next_request = boost::posix_time::second_clock::local_time() + boost::posix_time::seconds(m_duration); tracker_request req; req.info_hash = m_torrent_file.info_hash(); req.id = m_ses.get_peer_id(); req.downloaded = m_stat.total_payload_download(); req.uploaded = m_stat.total_payload_upload(); req.left = bytes_left(); req.listen_port = port; req.event = m_event; req.url = m_torrent_file.trackers()[m_currently_trying_tracker].url; return req; } void torrent::remove_peer(peer_connection* p) { peer_iterator i = m_connections.find(p->get_socket()->sender()); assert(i != m_connections.end()); // if the peer_connection was downloading any pieces // abort them for (std::deque::const_iterator i = p->download_queue().begin(); i != p->download_queue().end(); ++i) { m_picker.abort_download(*i); } std::vector piece_list; const std::vector& pieces = p->get_bitfield(); for (std::vector::const_iterator i = pieces.begin(); i != pieces.end(); ++i) { if (*i) piece_list.push_back(i - pieces.begin()); } std::random_shuffle(piece_list.begin(), piece_list.end()); for (std::vector::iterator i = piece_list.begin(); i != piece_list.end(); ++i) { peer_lost(*i); } m_policy->connection_closed(*p); m_connections.erase(i); #ifndef NDEBUG // m_picker.integrity_check(this); #endif } peer_connection& torrent::connect_to_peer(const address& a) { boost::shared_ptr s(new socket(socket::tcp, false)); s->connect(a); boost::shared_ptr c(new peer_connection( m_ses , m_ses.m_selector , this , s)); if (m_ses.m_upload_rate != -1) c->set_send_quota(0); detail::session_impl::connection_map::iterator p = m_ses.m_connections.insert(std::make_pair(s, c)).first; // add the newly connected peer to this torrent's peer list assert(m_connections.find(p->second->get_socket()->sender()) == m_connections.end()); m_connections.insert( std::make_pair( p->second->get_socket()->sender() , boost::get_pointer(p->second))); m_ses.m_selector.monitor_readability(s); m_ses.m_selector.monitor_errors(s); return *c; } void torrent::attach_peer(peer_connection* p) { assert(m_connections.find(p->get_socket()->sender()) == m_connections.end()); assert(!p->is_local()); m_connections.insert(std::make_pair(p->get_socket()->sender(), p)); detail::session_impl::connection_map::iterator i = m_ses.m_connections.find(p->get_socket()); assert(i != m_ses.m_connections.end()); m_policy->new_connection(*i->second); } void torrent::disconnect_all() { for (peer_iterator i = m_connections.begin(); i != m_connections.end(); ++i) { assert(i->second->associated_torrent() == this); i->second->disconnect(); } } void torrent::completed() { if (alerts().should_post(alert::info)) { alerts().post_alert(torrent_finished_alert( get_handle() , "torrent is finished downloading")); } // disconnect all seeds for (peer_iterator i = m_connections.begin(); i != m_connections.end(); ++i) { assert(i->second->associated_torrent() == this); if (i->second->is_seed()) i->second->disconnect(); } // make the next tracker request // be a completed-event m_event = tracker_request::completed; force_tracker_request(); } void torrent::try_next_tracker() { m_currently_trying_tracker++; if (m_currently_trying_tracker >= m_torrent_file.trackers().size()) { // if we've looped the tracker list, wait a bit before retrying m_currently_trying_tracker = 0; m_next_request = boost::posix_time::second_clock::local_time() + boost::posix_time::seconds(tracker_retry_delay); } else { // don't delay before trying the next tracker m_next_request = boost::posix_time::second_clock::local_time(); } } void torrent::check_files(detail::piece_checker_data& data, boost::mutex& mutex) { m_storage.check_pieces(mutex, data, m_have_pieces); m_num_pieces = std::accumulate( m_have_pieces.begin() , m_have_pieces.end() , 0); m_picker.files_checked(m_have_pieces, data.unfinished_pieces); #ifndef NDEBUG m_picker.integrity_check(this); #endif } alert_manager& torrent::alerts() const { return m_ses.m_alerts; } torrent_handle torrent::get_handle() const { return torrent_handle(&m_ses, 0, m_torrent_file.info_hash()); } #ifndef NDEBUG void torrent::check_invariant() { assert(m_num_pieces == std::count(m_have_pieces.begin(), m_have_pieces.end(), true)); } #endif void torrent::second_tick() { m_time_scaler++; if (m_time_scaler >= 10) { m_time_scaler = 0; m_policy->pulse(); } for (peer_iterator i = m_connections.begin(); i != m_connections.end(); ++i) { peer_connection* p = i->second; const stat& s = p->statistics(); m_stat += s; p->second_tick(); } m_stat.second_tick(); } bool torrent::verify_piece(int piece_index) { size_type size = m_torrent_file.piece_size(piece_index); std::vector buffer(size); assert(size > 0); m_storage.read(&buffer[0], piece_index, 0, size); hasher h; h.update(&buffer[0], size); sha1_hash digest = h.final(); if (m_torrent_file.hash_for_piece(piece_index) != digest) return false; if (!m_have_pieces[piece_index]) m_num_pieces++; m_have_pieces[piece_index] = true; assert(std::accumulate(m_have_pieces.begin(), m_have_pieces.end(), 0) == m_num_pieces); return true; } torrent_status torrent::status() const { assert(std::accumulate( m_have_pieces.begin() , m_have_pieces.end() , 0) == m_num_pieces); torrent_status st; st.total_done = bytes_done(); // payload transfer st.total_payload_download = m_stat.total_payload_download(); st.total_payload_upload = m_stat.total_payload_upload(); // total transfer st.total_download = m_stat.total_payload_download() + m_stat.total_protocol_download(); st.total_upload = m_stat.total_payload_upload() + m_stat.total_protocol_upload(); // transfer rate st.download_rate = m_stat.download_rate(); st.upload_rate = m_stat.upload_rate(); st.progress = st.total_done / static_cast(m_torrent_file.total_size()); st.next_announce = next_announce() - boost::posix_time::second_clock::local_time(); st.announce_interval = boost::posix_time::seconds(m_duration); st.num_peers = m_connections.size(); st.pieces = &m_have_pieces; if (m_got_tracker_response == false) st.state = torrent_status::connecting_to_tracker; else if (m_num_pieces == m_have_pieces.size()) st.state = torrent_status::seeding; else st.state = torrent_status::downloading; return st; } void torrent::tracker_request_timed_out() { #ifndef NDEBUG debug_log("*** tracker timed out"); #endif if (m_ses.m_alerts.should_post(alert::warning)) { std::stringstream s; s << "tracker: \"" << m_torrent_file.trackers()[m_currently_trying_tracker].url << "\" timed out"; m_ses.m_alerts.post_alert(tracker_alert(get_handle(), s.str())); } // TODO: increase the retry_delay for // each failed attempt on the same tracker! // maybe we should add a counter that keeps // track of how many times a specific tracker // has timed out? try_next_tracker(); } // TODO: this function should also take the // HTTP-response code as an argument. // with some codes, we should just consider // the tracker as a failure and not retry // it anymore void torrent::tracker_request_error(int response_code, const std::string& str) { #ifndef NDEBUG debug_log(std::string("*** tracker error: ") + str); #endif if (m_ses.m_alerts.should_post(alert::warning)) { std::stringstream s; s << "tracker: \"" << m_torrent_file.trackers()[m_currently_trying_tracker].url << "\" " << str; m_ses.m_alerts.post_alert(tracker_alert(get_handle(), s.str())); } try_next_tracker(); } #ifndef NDEBUG void torrent::debug_log(const std::string& line) { (*m_ses.m_logger) << line << "\n"; } #endif }