forked from premiere/premiere-libtorrent
generate rst instead of html for reference documentation. This allows for RST markup in comments
This commit is contained in:
@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ def is_visible(desc):
def highlight_signature(s):
name = s.split('(')
name2 = name[0].split(' ')
name2[-1] = '<strong>' + name2[-1] + '</strong>'
name2[-1] = '**' + name2[-1] + '** '
name[0] = ' '.join(name2)
return '('.join(name)
@ -209,6 +209,7 @@ def parse_class(lno, lines, filename):
if l.startswith('//'):
if verbose: print 'desc %s' % l
l = l.split('//')[1]
if len(l) and l[0] == ' ': l = l[1:]
context += l + '\n'
@ -298,6 +299,7 @@ def parse_enum(lno, lines, filename):
if l.startswith('//'):
if verbose: print 'desc %s' % l
l = l.split('//')[1]
if len(l) and l[0] == ' ': l = l[1:]
context += l + '\n'
@ -413,6 +415,7 @@ for filename in files:
if l.startswith('//'):
if verbose: print 'desc %s' % l
l = l.split('//')[1]
if len(l) and l[0] == ' ': l = l[1:]
context += l + '\n'
@ -521,7 +524,7 @@ categories = {}
for c in classes:
cat = categorize_symbol(c['name'], c['file'])
if not cat in categories:
categories[cat] = { 'classes': [], 'functions': [], 'enums': [], 'filename': 'reference-%s.html' % cat.replace(' ', '_')}
categories[cat] = { 'classes': [], 'functions': [], 'enums': [], 'filename': 'reference-%s.rst' % cat.replace(' ', '_')}
if c['file'] in overviews:
categories[cat]['overview'] = overviews[c['file']]
@ -532,7 +535,7 @@ for c in classes:
for f in functions:
cat = categorize_symbol(first_item(f['names']), f['file'])
if not cat in categories:
categories[cat] = { 'classes': [], 'functions': [], 'enums': [], 'filename': 'reference-%s.html' % cat.replace(' ', '_')}
categories[cat] = { 'classes': [], 'functions': [], 'enums': [], 'filename': 'reference-%s.rst' % cat.replace(' ', '_')}
if f['file'] in overviews:
categories[cat]['overview'] = overviews[f['file']]
@ -544,37 +547,64 @@ for f in functions:
for e in enums:
cat = categorize_symbol(e['name'], e['file'])
if not cat in categories:
categories[cat] = { 'classes': [], 'functions': [], 'enums': [], 'filename': 'reference-%s.html' % cat.replace(' ', '_')}
categories[cat] = { 'classes': [], 'functions': [], 'enums': [], 'filename': 'reference-%s.rst' % cat.replace(' ', '_')}
symbols[e['name']] = categories[cat]['filename'] + '#' + html_sanitize(e['name'])
out = open('reference.html', 'w+')
<link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css" type="text/css" />
<h1>libtorrent reference documentation</h1>
<div style="column-count: 5; -webkit-column-count: 5; -moz-column-count: 5">''')
def print_declared_in(out, o):
out.write('<p>Declared in <a href="../include/%s">"%s"</a></p>' % (o['file'], html_sanitize(o['file'])))
out.write('Declared in "%s"\n\n' % print_link(o['file'], '../include/%s' % o['file']))
def print_link(out, name):
our.write('<a href="%s">%s</a>' % (symbols[name], name))
link_targets = []
def print_link(name, target):
global link_targets
return "`%s`__" % name
def dump_link_targets():
global link_targets
ret = ''
for l in link_targets:
ret += '__ %s\n' % l
link_targets = []
return ret
def heading(string, c):
return string + '\n' + (c * len(string)) + '\n'
out = open('reference.rst', 'w+')
libtorrent reference documentation
.. raw:: html
<div style="column-count: 4; -webkit-column-count: 4; -moz-column-count: 4">
for cat in categories:
print >>out, '<h2>%s</h2><p>' % cat
category_filename = categories[cat]['filename']
print >>out, '%s' % heading(cat, '-')
category_filename = categories[cat]['filename'].replace('.rst', '.html')
for c in categories[cat]['classes']:
print >>out, '<a href="%s#%s">%s %s</a><br/>' % (category_filename, html_sanitize(c['name']), html_sanitize(c['type']), html_sanitize(c['name']))
print >>out, '| ' + print_link(c['name'], category_filename + '#' + c['name'])
for f in categories[cat]['functions']:
for n in f['names']:
name = html_sanitize(n)
print >>out, '<a href="%s#%s">%s()</a><br/>' % (category_filename, name, name)
print >>out, '| ' + print_link(n + '()', category_filename + '#' + n)
for e in categories[cat]['enums']:
print >>out, '<a href="%s#%s">enum %s</a><br/>' % (category_filename, html_sanitize(e['name']), html_sanitize(e['name']))
print >>out, '</p>'
print >>out, '| ' + print_link(e['name'], category_filename + '#' + e['name'])
print >>out, ''
print >>out, dump_link_targets()
.. raw:: html
for cat in categories:
@ -584,105 +614,121 @@ for cat in categories:
functions = categories[cat]['functions']
enums = categories[cat]['enums']
<link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css" type="text/css" />
</head><body><div id="container">''')
if 'overview' in categories[cat]:
out.write('<h1>%s</h1><p>%s</p>' % (cat, html_sanitize(categories[cat]['overview'])))
out.write('%s\n%s' % (heading(cat, '='), categories[cat]['overview']))
for c in classes:
out.write('<a name="%s"></a><h2>%s %s</h2>' % (html_sanitize(c['name']), html_sanitize(c['type']), html_sanitize(c['name'])))
out.write('%s\n' % heading(c['name'], '-'))
print_declared_in(out, c)
out.write('<p>%s</p>' % html_sanitize(c['desc']))
out.write('%s\n\n.. parsed-literal::\n\t' % c['desc'])
out.write('<pre class="literal-block">')
print >>out, '%s\n{' % html_sanitize(c['decl'])
block = '\n%s\n{\n' % c['decl']
for f in c['fun']:
for s in f['signatures']:
print >>out, ' %s' % highlight_signature(html_sanitize(s.replace('\n', '\n ')))
block += ' %s\n' % highlight_signature(s.replace('\n', '\n '))
if len(c['fun']) > 0 and len(c['enums']) + len(c['fields']) > 0: print >>out, ''
if len(c['fun']) > 0 and len(c['enums']) > 0: block += '\n'
first = True
for e in c['enums']:
if not first:
print >>out, ''
block += '\n'
first = False
print >>out,' enum %s\n {' % html_sanitize(e['name'])
block += ' enum %s\n {\n' % e['name']
for v in e['values']:
print >>out,' %s,' % html_sanitize(v['name'])
print >>out,' };'
block += ' %s,\n' % v['name']
block += ' };\n'
if len(c['fun']) + len(c['enums']) > 0 and len(c['fields']): print >>out, ''
if len(c['fun']) + len(c['enums']) > 0 and len(c['fields']): block += '\n'
for f in c['fields']:
for s in f['signatures']:
print >>out, ' %s' % html_sanitize(s)
block += ' %s\n' % s
block += '};'
print >>out, block.replace('\n', '\n\t') + '\n'
for f in c['fun']:
if f['desc'] == '': continue
title = ''
for n in f['names']:
name = html_sanitize(n)
print >>out, '<a name="%s"></a>' % name
print >>out, '<h3>'
for n in f['names']:
name = html_sanitize(n)
print >>out, '%s() ' % name
print >>out, '</h3>'
print >>out, '<blockquote><pre class="literal-block">'
title += '%s() ' % n
print >>out, heading(title.strip(), '.')
block = '.. parsed-literal::\n\n'
for s in f['signatures']:
print >>out, highlight_signature(html_sanitize(s.replace('\n', '\n ')))
print >>out, '</pre></blockquote>'
print >>out, '<p>%s</p>' % html_sanitize(f['desc'])
block += highlight_signature(s.replace('\n', '\n ')) + '\n'
print >>out, '%s\n' % block.replace('\n', '\n\t')
print >>out, '%s' % f['desc']
for e in c['enums']:
if e['desc'] == '': continue
print >>out, '<a name="%s::%s"></a><h3>enum %s</h3>' % (html_sanitize(e['name']), html_sanitize(c['name']), html_sanitize(e['name']))
print >>out, '<table><tr><th>value</th><th>description</th></tr>'
print >>out, heading('enum %s' % e['name'], '.')
width = [len('value'), len('description')]
for v in e['values']:
print >>out, '<tr><td>%s</td><td>%s</td></tr>' % (html_sanitize(v['name']), html_sanitize(v['desc']))
print >>out, '</table>'
width[0] = max(width[0], len(v['name']))
for d in v['desc'].split('\n'):
width[1] = max(width[1], len(d))
print >>out, '+-' + ('-' * width[0]) + '-+-' + ('-' * width[1]) + '-+'
print >>out, '| ' + 'value'.ljust(width[0]) + ' | ' + 'description'.ljust(width[1]) + ' |'
print >>out, '+=' + ('=' * width[0]) + '=+=' + ('=' * width[1]) + '=+'
for v in e['values']:
d = v['desc'].split('\n')
if len(d) == 0: d = ['']
print >>out, '| ' + v['name'].ljust(width[0]) + ' | ' + d[0].ljust(width[1]) + ' |'
for s in d[1:]:
print >>out, '| ' + (' ' * width[0]) + ' | ' + s.ljust(width[1]) + ' |'
print >>out, '+-' + ('-' * width[0]) + '-+-' + ('-' * width[1]) + '-+'
print >>out, ''
for f in c['fields']:
if f['desc'] == '': continue
for n in f['names']:
print >>out, '<a name="%s"></a>' % html_sanitize(c['name'] + '::' + n)
print >>out, '<dt>'
for n in f['names']:
print >>out, '%s ' % html_sanitize(n)
print >>out, '</dt><dd>%s</dd>' % html_sanitize(f['desc'])
print >>out, '%s ' % n,
print >>out, ''
print >>out, '\t%s' % f['desc'].replace('\n', '\n\t')
for f in functions:
h = ''
for n in f['names']:
name = html_sanitize(n)
print >>out, '<a name="%s"></a>' % name
print >>out, '<h2>'
for n in f['names']:
name = html_sanitize(n)
print >>out, '%s() ' % name
print >>out, '</h2>'
h += '%s() ' % n
print >>out, heading(h, '.')
print_declared_in(out, f)
print >>out, '<blockquote><pre class="literal-block">'
block = '.. parsed-literal::\n\n'
for s in f['signatures']:
print >>out, highlight_signature(html_sanitize(s))
print >>out, '</pre></blockquote>'
print >>out, '<p>%s</p>' % html_sanitize(f['desc'])
block += highlight_signature(s) + '\n'
print >>out, '%s\n' % block.replace('\n', '\n\t')
print >>out, f['desc']
for e in enums:
name = html_sanitize(e['name'])
print >>out, '<a name="%s"></a><h2>enum %s</h2>' % (name, name)
print >>out, heading('enum %s' % e['name'], '.')
print_declared_in(out, e)
print >>out, '<table><tr><th>value</th><th>description</th></tr>'
for v in e['values']:
print >>out, '<tr><td>%s</td><td>%s</td></tr>' % (html_sanitize(v['name']), html_sanitize(v['desc']))
print >>out, '</table>'
width = [len('value'), len('description')]
for v in e['values']:
width[0] = max(width[0], len(v['name']))
for d in v['desc'].split('\n'):
width[1] = max(width[1], len(d))
print >>out, '+-' + ('-' * width[0]) + '-+-' + ('-' * width[1]) + '-+'
print >>out, '| ' + 'value'.ljust(width[0]) + ' | ' + 'description'.ljust(width[1]) + ' |'
print >>out, '+=' + ('=' * width[0]) + '=+=' + ('=' * width[1]) + '=+'
for v in e['values']:
d = v['desc'].split('\n')
if len(d) == 0: d = ['']
print >>out, '| ' + v['name'].ljust(width[0]) + ' | ' + d[0].ljust(width[1]) + ' |'
for s in d[1:]:
print >>out, '| ' + (' ' * width[0]) + ' | ' + s.ljust(width[1]) + ' |'
print >>out, '+-' + ('-' * width[0]) + '-+-' + ('-' * width[1]) + '-+'
print >>out, ''
print >>out, dump_link_targets()
@ -22,11 +22,25 @@ TARGETS = index \
running_tests \
utp \
tuning \
hacking \
reference \
reference-Core \
reference-String \
reference-Network \
reference-Plugins \
reference-Create_Torrents \
reference-Error_codes \
reference-Time \
reference-Storage \
reference-File \
reference-Utility \
reference-Bencoding \
reference-Alerts \
FIGURES = read_disk_buffers write_disk_buffers troubleshooting
html: $(TARGETS:=.html) $(FIGURES:=.png) todo.html reference.html
html: $(TARGETS:=.html) $(FIGURES:=.png) todo.html
pdf: $(TARGETS:=.pdf) $(FIGURES:=.eps)
@ -37,7 +51,7 @@ all: html
||| ../src/*.cpp ../include/libtorrent/*.hpp
|||| ../include/libtorrent/*.hpp
|||| ../include/libtorrent/*.hpp
@ -118,7 +118,6 @@ div.section p, div.section ul, div.section dl {
#header {
height: 116px;
width: 695px;
background: url(../img/orange.png) #FDA72A no-repeat top left;
@ -135,7 +134,6 @@ div.section p, div.section ul, div.section dl {
#footer {
clear: both;
width: 695px;
height: 49px;
background: #D3D3D3 url(../img/footer.png) no-repeat left top;
text-align: center;
@ -262,7 +262,7 @@ namespace libtorrent
// constructor functions, if any (see `add_extension()`_).
void* userdata;
// can be set to control the initial file priorities when adding
// can be set to control the initial file priorities when adding
// a torrent. The semantics are the same as for ``torrent_handle::prioritize_files()``.
std::vector<boost::uint8_t> file_priorities;
@ -64,7 +64,6 @@ namespace libtorrent
torrent_handle TORRENT_EXPORT add_feed_item(session& s, feed_item const& fi
, add_torrent_params const& p);
torrent_handle TORRENT_EXPORT add_feed_item(session& s, feed_item const& fi
, add_torrent_params const& p, error_code& ec);
@ -72,7 +71,7 @@ namespace libtorrent
// and configuration for a specific feed. All of
// these settings can be changed by the user
// after adding the feed
struct feed_settings
struct TORRENT_EXPORT feed_settings
: auto_download(true)
@ -96,7 +95,7 @@ namespace libtorrent
add_torrent_params add_args;
struct feed_status
struct TORRENT_EXPORT feed_status
feed_status(): last_update(0), next_update(0)
, updating(false), ttl(0) {}
@ -130,7 +129,7 @@ namespace libtorrent
struct feed_state;
class http_parser;
boost::shared_ptr<feed> new_feed(aux::session_impl& ses, feed_settings const& sett);
boost::shared_ptr<feed> TORRENT_EXPORT new_feed(aux::session_impl& ses, feed_settings const& sett);
// this is the internal object holding all state about an
// RSS feed. All user interaction with this object
Reference in New Issue