improve session stats logging and parsing

This commit is contained in:
Arvid Norberg 2012-03-11 05:35:29 +00:00
parent 671694959f
commit d8b221c795
2 changed files with 164 additions and 60 deletions

View File

@ -4,6 +4,9 @@
# file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
import os, sys, time, os
from multiprocessing.pool import ThreadPool
thread_pool = ThreadPool(4)
stat = open(sys.argv[1])
line = stat.readline()
@ -14,35 +17,69 @@ keys = line.strip().split(':')[1:]
output_dir = 'session_stats_report'
def gen_report(name, unit, lines, short_unit, generation, log_file, histogram=False):
line_graph = 0
histogram = 1
stacked = 2
graph_colors = []
pattern = [[0,0,1], [0,1,0], [1,0,0], [1,0,1], [0,1,1], [1,1,0]]
def process_color(c, op):
for i in range(3):
if op == 0:
c[i] = min(255, c[i] + 0xb0)
if op == 2:
c[i] = max(0, c[i] - 0x50)
return c
for i in range(0,len(pattern) * 3):
op = i / len(pattern)
c = list(pattern[i % len(pattern)])
for i in range(3): c[i] *= 0xff
c = process_color(c, op)
c = '#%02x%02x%02x' % (c[0], c[1], c[2])
line_colors = list(graph_colors)
def plot_fun(script):
os.system('gnuplot "%s" 2>/dev/null' % script);
def gen_report(name, unit, lines, short_unit, generation, log_file, type=line_graph):
except: pass
filename = os.path.join(output_dir, 'session_stats_%s_%04d.png' % (name, generation))
thumb = os.path.join(output_dir, 'session_stats_%s_%04d_thumb.png' % (name, generation))
filename = os.path.join(output_dir, '%s_%04d.png' % (name, generation))
thumb = os.path.join(output_dir, '%s_%04d_thumb.png' % (name, generation))
# don't re-render a graph unless the logfile has changed
dst1 = os.stat(filename)
dst2 = os.stat(thumb)
src = os.stat(log_file)
if dst1.st_mtime > src.st_mtime and dst2.st_mtime > src.st_mtime:
return None
except: pass
out = open('session_stats.gnuplot', 'wb')
script = os.path.join(output_dir, '%s_%04d.gnuplot' % (name, generation))
out = open(script, 'wb')
print >>out, "set term png size 1200,700"
print >>out, 'set output "%s"' % filename
print >>out, 'set yrange [0:*]'
print >>out, "set tics nomirror"
print >>out, "set key box"
if histogram:
if type == histogram:
binwidth = 0.005;
print >>out, 'binwidth=%f' % binwidth
@ -63,6 +100,34 @@ def gen_report(name, unit, lines, short_unit, generation, log_file, histogram=Fa
print >>out, ''
print >>out, ''
elif type == stacked:
print >>out, 'set xrange [0:*]'
print >>out, 'set ylabel "%s"' % unit
print >>out, 'set xlabel "time (s)"'
print >>out, 'set format y "%%.1s%%c%s";' % short_unit
print >>out, 'set style fill solid 1.0 noborder'
print >>out, 'plot',
column = 2
first = True
prev = ''
graph = ''
plot_expression = ''
color = 0
for k in lines:
column = keys.index(k) + 2
print '"%s" not found' % k
if not first:
plot_expression = ', ' + plot_expression
graph += '+'
axis = 'x1y1'
graph += '$%d' % column
plot_expression = ' "%s" using 1:(%s) title "%s" axes %s with filledcurves y1=0 lc rgb "%s"' % (log_file, graph, k, axis, graph_colors[color % len(graph_colors)]) + plot_expression
first = False
color += 1
print >>out, plot_expression
print >>out, 'set xrange [0:*]'
print >>out, 'set ylabel "%s"' % unit
@ -71,6 +136,7 @@ def gen_report(name, unit, lines, short_unit, generation, log_file, histogram=Fa
print >>out, 'plot',
column = 2
first = True
color = 0
for k in lines:
column = keys.index(k) + 2
@ -79,9 +145,9 @@ def gen_report(name, unit, lines, short_unit, generation, log_file, histogram=Fa
if not first: print >>out, ', ',
axis = 'x1y1'
print >>out, ' "%s" using 1:%d title "%s" axes %s with steps' % (log_file, column, k, axis),
print >>out, ' "%s" using 1:%d title "%s" axes %s with steps lc rgb "%s"' % (log_file, column, k, axis, line_colors[color % len(line_colors)]),
first = False
column = column + 1
color += 1
print >>out, ''
print >>out, 'set term png size 150,100'
@ -99,9 +165,7 @@ def gen_report(name, unit, lines, short_unit, generation, log_file, histogram=Fa
print >>out, 'set bmargin 0'
print >>out, "replot"
os.system('gnuplot session_stats.gnuplot 2>/dev/null');
return script
def gen_html(reports, generations):
file = open(os.path.join(output_dir, 'index.html'), 'w+')
@ -117,14 +181,16 @@ def gen_html(reports, generations):
for i in reports:
print >>file, '<div id="head"><h1>%s </h1><h2>%s</h2><div><div id="graphs">' % (i[0], i[3])
for g in generations:
print >>file, '<a href="session_stats_%s_%04d.png"><img src="session_stats_%s_%04d_thumb.png"></a>' % (i[0], g, i[0], g)
print >>file, '<a href="%s_%04d.png"><img src="%s_%04d_thumb.png"></a>' % (i[0], g, i[0], g)
print >>file, '</div>'
print >>file, '</body></html>'
reports = [
('torrents', 'num', '', 'number of torrents in different torrent states', ['downloading torrents', 'seeding torrents', 'checking torrents', 'stopped torrents', 'upload-only torrents', 'error torrents']),
('torrents', 'num', '', 'number of torrents in different torrent states', ['downloading torrents', 'seeding torrents', \
'checking torrents', 'stopped torrents', 'upload-only torrents', 'error torrents', 'queued seed torrents', \
'queued download torrents'], stacked),
('torrents_want_peers', 'num', '', 'number of torrents that want more peers', ['torrents want more peers']),
('peers', 'num', '', 'num connected peers', ['peers', 'connecting peers', 'connection attempts', 'banned peers', 'total peers']),
('peers_max', 'num', '', 'num connected peers', ['peers', 'connecting peers', 'connection attempts', 'banned peers', 'max connections', 'total peers']),
@ -142,11 +208,11 @@ reports = [
('peer_errors_transport', 'num', '', 'number of peers by transport protocol', ['error tcp peers', 'error utp peers']),
('peer_errors_encryption', 'num', '', 'number of peers by encryption level', ['error encrypted peers', 'error rc4 peers', 'peer disconnects']),
('incoming requests', 'num', '', 'incoming 16kiB block requests', ['pending incoming block requests', 'average pending incoming block requests']),
('waste', '% of all downloaded bytes', '%%', 'proportion of all downloaded bytes that were wasted', ['% failed payload bytes', '% wasted payload bytes', '% protocol bytes']),
('waste by source', '% of all wasted bytes', '%%', 'what\' causing the waste', [ 'redundant timed-out', 'redundant cancelled', 'redundant unknown', 'redundant seed', 'redundant end-game', 'redundant closing']),
('waste', '% of all downloaded bytes', '%%', 'proportion of all downloaded bytes that were wasted', ['% failed payload bytes', '% wasted payload bytes', '% protocol bytes'], stacked),
('waste by source', '% of all wasted bytes', '%%', 'what\' causing the waste', [ 'redundant timed-out', 'redundant cancelled', 'redundant unknown', 'redundant seed', 'redundant end-game', 'redundant closing'], stacked),
('average_disk_time_absolute', 'job time', 's', 'running averages of timings of disk operations', ['disk read time', 'disk write time', 'disk hash time', 'disk job time', 'disk sort time']),
('average_disk_queue_time', 'job queued time', 's', 'running averages of disk queue time', ['disk queue time', 'disk job time']),
('disk_time', '% of total disk job time', '%%', 'proportion of time spent by the disk thread', ['% read time', '% write time', '% hash time', '% sort time']),
('disk_time', '% of total disk job time', '%%', 'proportion of time spent by the disk thread', ['% read time', '% write time', '% hash time', '% sort time'], stacked),
('disk_cache_hits', 'blocks (16kiB)', '', '', ['disk block read', 'read cache hits', 'disk block written', 'disk read back']),
('disk_cache', 'blocks (16kiB)', '', 'disk cache size and usage', ['disk buffer allocations', 'read disk cache size', 'disk cache size', 'cache size']),
('disk_readback', '% of written blocks', '%%', 'portion of written blocks that had to be read back for hash verification', ['% read back']),
@ -156,29 +222,35 @@ reports = [
('mixed mode', 'rate', 'B/s', 'rates by transport protocol', ['TCP up rate','TCP down rate','uTP up rate','uTP down rate','TCP up limit','TCP down limit']),
('connection_type', 'num', '', 'peers by transport protocol', ['utp peers','tcp peers']),
('uTP delay', 'buffering delay', 's', 'network delays measured by uTP', ['uTP peak send delay','uTP peak recv delay', 'uTP avg send delay', 'uTP avg recv delay']),
('uTP send delay histogram', 'buffering delay', 's', 'send delays measured by uTP', ['uTP avg send delay'], True),
('uTP recv delay histogram', 'buffering delay', 's', 'receive delays measured by uTP', ['uTP avg recv delay'], True),
('uTP stats', 'num', 's', 'number of uTP sockets by state', ['uTP idle', 'uTP syn-sent', 'uTP connected', 'uTP fin-sent', 'uTP close-wait']),
('system memory', '', '', 'virtual memory page count', ['active resident pages', 'inactive resident pages', 'pinned resident pages', 'free pages']),
('uTP send delay histogram', 'buffering delay', 's', 'send delays measured by uTP', ['uTP avg send delay'], histogram),
('uTP recv delay histogram', 'buffering delay', 's', 'receive delays measured by uTP', ['uTP avg recv delay'], histogram),
('uTP stats', 'num', '', 'number of uTP sockets by state', ['uTP idle', 'uTP syn-sent', 'uTP connected', 'uTP fin-sent', 'uTP close-wait'], stacked),
('system memory', '', '', 'virtual memory page count', ['active resident pages', 'inactive resident pages', 'pinned resident pages', 'free pages'], stacked),
('memory paging', '', '', 'vm disk activity', ['pageins', 'pageouts']),
('page faults', '', '', '', ['page faults']),
('CPU usage', '%', '', '', ['network thread system time', 'network thread user+system time']),
('boost.asio messages', 'events/s', '', 'number of messages posted per second', [ \
'read_counter', 'write_counter', 'tick_counter', 'lsd_counter', \
'lsd_peer_counter', 'udp_counter', 'accept_counter', 'disk_queue_counter', \
'disk_read_counter', 'disk_write_counter']),
('send_buffer_sizes', 'num', '', '', ['up 8', 'up 16', 'up 32', 'up 64', 'up 128', 'up 256', 'up 512', 'up 1024', 'up 2048', 'up 4096', 'up 8192', 'up 16384', 'up 32768', 'up 65536', 'up 131072', 'up 262144']),
('recv_buffer_sizes', 'num', '', '', ['down 8', 'down 16', 'down 32', 'down 64', 'down 128', 'down 256', 'down 512', 'down 1024', 'down 2048', 'down 4096', 'down 8192', 'down 16384', 'down 32768', 'down 65536', 'down 131072', 'down 262144']),
'disk_read_counter', 'disk_write_counter'], stacked),
('send_buffer_sizes', 'num', '', '', ['up 8', 'up 16', 'up 32', 'up 64', 'up 128', 'up 256', \
'up 512', 'up 1024', 'up 2048', 'up 4096', 'up 8192', 'up 16384', 'up 32768', 'up 65536', \
'up 131072', 'up 262144'], stacked),
('recv_buffer_sizes', 'num', '', '', ['down 8', 'down 16', 'down 32', 'down 64', 'down 128', \
'down 256', 'down 512', 'down 1024', 'down 2048', 'down 4096', 'down 8192', 'down 16384', \
'down 32768', 'down 65536', 'down 131072', 'down 262144'], stacked),
# ('absolute_waste', 'num', '', ['failed bytes', 'redundant bytes', 'download rate']),
#somewhat uninteresting stats
('tick_rate', 'time between ticks', 's', '', ['tick interval', 'tick residual']),
('peer_dl_rates', 'num', '', 'peers split into download rate buckets', ['peers down 0', 'peers down 0-2', 'peers down 2-5', 'peers down 5-10', 'peers down 50-100', 'peers down 100-']),
('peer_dl_rates2', 'num', '', 'peers split into download rate buckets (only downloading peers)', ['peers down 0-2', 'peers down 2-5', 'peers down 5-10', 'peers down 50-100', 'peers down 100-']),
('peer_ul_rates', 'num', '', 'peers split into upload rate buckets', ['peers up 0', 'peers up 0-2', 'peers up 2-5', 'peers up 5-10', 'peers up 50-100', 'peers up 100-']),
('peer_ul_rates2', 'num', '', 'peers split into upload rate buckets (only uploading peers)', ['peers up 0-2', 'peers up 2-5', 'peers up 5-10', 'peers up 50-100', 'peers up 100-']),
('piece_picker_end_game', 'blocks', '', '', ['end game piece picker blocks', 'piece picker blocks', 'piece picks', 'reject piece picks', 'unchoke piece picks', 'incoming redundant piece picks', 'incoming piece picks', 'end game piece picks', 'snubbed piece picks']),
('piece_picker', 'blocks', '', '', ['piece picks', 'reject piece picks', 'unchoke piece picks', 'incoming redundant piece picks', 'incoming piece picks', 'end game piece picks', 'snubbed piece picks']),
('peer_dl_rates', 'num', '', 'peers split into download rate buckets', ['peers down 0', 'peers down 0-2', 'peers down 2-5', 'peers down 5-10', 'peers down 50-100', 'peers down 100-'], stacked),
('peer_dl_rates2', 'num', '', 'peers split into download rate buckets (only downloading peers)', ['peers down 0-2', 'peers down 2-5', 'peers down 5-10', 'peers down 50-100', 'peers down 100-'], stacked),
('peer_ul_rates', 'num', '', 'peers split into upload rate buckets', ['peers up 0', 'peers up 0-2', 'peers up 2-5', 'peers up 5-10', 'peers up 50-100', 'peers up 100-'], stacked),
('peer_ul_rates2', 'num', '', 'peers split into upload rate buckets (only uploading peers)', ['peers up 0-2', 'peers up 2-5', 'peers up 5-10', 'peers up 50-100', 'peers up 100-'], stacked),
('piece_picker_end_game', 'blocks', '', '', ['end game piece picker blocks', 'piece picker blocks', \
'piece picks', 'reject piece picks', 'unchoke piece picks', 'incoming redundant piece picks', \
'incoming piece picks', 'end game piece picks', 'snubbed piece picks'], stacked),
('piece_picker', 'blocks', '', '', ['piece picks', 'reject piece picks', 'unchoke piece picks', 'incoming redundant piece picks', 'incoming piece picks', 'end game piece picks', 'snubbed piece picks'], stacked),
print 'generating graphs'
@ -187,17 +259,22 @@ log_file_path, log_file = os.path.split(sys.argv[1])
log_file_list = log_file.split('.')
g = int(log_file_list[1])
generations = []
scripts = []
while os.path.exists(os.path.join(log_file_path, log_file)):
print '[%s] %04d\r[' % (' ' * len(reports), g),
for i in reports:
histogram = False
try: histogram = i[5]
type = line_graph
try: type = i[5]
except: pass
gen_report(i[0], i[1], i[4], i[2], g, os.path.join(log_file_path, log_file), histogram)
print ''
script = gen_report(i[0], i[1], i[4], i[2], g, os.path.join(log_file_path, log_file), type)
if script != None: scripts.append(script)
g += 1
log_file_list[1] = '%04d' % g
log_file = '.'.join(log_file_list)
print 'generating html'
# run gnuplot on all scripts, in parallel, scripts)
print '\ngenerating html'
gen_html(reports, generations)

View File

@ -1122,7 +1122,11 @@ namespace aux {
fputs("second:uploaded bytes:downloaded bytes:downloading torrents:seeding torrents"
":peers:connecting peers:disk block buffers:num list peers"
":peer allocations:peer storage bytes"
":checking torrents:stopped torrents:upload-only torrents"
":checking torrents"
":stopped torrents"
":upload-only torrents"
":queued seed torrents"
":queued download torrents"
":peers bw-up:peers bw-down:peers disk-up:peers disk-down"
":upload rate:download rate:disk write queued bytes"
":peers down 0:peers down 0-2:peers down 2-5:peers down 5-10:peers down 10-50"
@ -3593,12 +3597,16 @@ namespace aux {
void session_impl::print_log_line(int tick_interval_ms, ptime now)
int connect_candidates = 0;
int downloading_torrents = 0;
int seeding_torrents = 0;
int checking_torrents = 0;
int stopped_torrents = 0;
int error_torrents = 0;
int upload_only_torrents = 0;
int downloading_torrents = 0;
int seeding_torrents = 0;
int queued_seed_torrents = 0;
int queued_download_torrents = 0;
int error_torrents = 0;
int num_peers = 0;
int peer_dl_rate_buckets[7];
int peer_ul_rate_buckets[7];
@ -3626,31 +3634,48 @@ namespace aux {
for (torrent_map::iterator i = m_torrents.begin()
, end(m_torrents.end()); i != end; ++i)
int connection_slots = (std::max)(i->second->max_connections() - i->second->num_peers(), 0);
int candidates = i->second->get_policy().num_connect_candidates();
torrent* t = i->second.get();
int connection_slots = (std::max)(t->max_connections() - t->num_peers(), 0);
int candidates = t->get_policy().num_connect_candidates();
connect_candidates += (std::min)(candidates, connection_slots);
num_peers += i->second->get_policy().num_peers();
num_peers += t->get_policy().num_peers();
if (i->second->want_more_peers()) ++num_want_more_peers;
if (i->second->max_connections() > 0)
if (t->want_more_peers()) ++num_want_more_peers;
if (t->max_connections() > 0)
num_limited_peers += i->second->num_peers();
num_limited_peers += i->second->max_connections();
num_limited_peers += t->num_peers();
num_limited_peers += t->max_connections();
if (i->second->is_seed())
if (t->has_error())
if (t->is_paused())
if (!t->is_auto_managed())
if (t->is_seed())
if (i->second->state() == torrent_status::checking_files
|| i->second->state() == torrent_status::queued_for_checking)
if (i->second->is_paused())
if (i->second->is_upload_only())
else if (i->second->is_seed())
else if (i->second->is_upload_only())
if (i->second->has_error())
@ -3818,6 +3843,8 @@ namespace aux {
STAT_LOG(d, checking_torrents);
STAT_LOG(d, stopped_torrents);
STAT_LOG(d, upload_only_torrents);
STAT_LOG(d, queued_seed_torrents);
STAT_LOG(d, queued_download_torrents);
STAT_LOG(d, m_upload_rate.queue_size());
STAT_LOG(d, m_download_rate.queue_size());
STAT_LOG(d, m_disk_queues[peer_connection::upload_channel]);