more use of auto, const and minor code refactor in ut_pex.cpp

This commit is contained in:
Alden Torres 2017-09-20 19:39:34 -04:00 committed by Arvid Norberg
parent 5c91301e6d
commit a8c020892a
1 changed files with 25 additions and 30 deletions

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namespace libtorrent {namespace {
static const char extension_name[] = "ut_pex";
const char extension_name[] = "ut_pex";
@ -100,12 +100,11 @@ namespace libtorrent {namespace {
// max_peer_entries limits the packet size
void tick() override
time_point now = aux::time_now();
time_point const now = aux::time_now();
if (now - seconds(60) < m_last_msg) return;
m_last_msg = now;
int num_peers = m_torrent.num_peers();
if (num_peers == 0) return;
if (m_torrent.num_peers() == 0) return;
entry pex;
std::string& pla = pex["added"].string();
@ -128,16 +127,14 @@ namespace libtorrent {namespace {
m_peers_in_message = 0;
int num_added = 0;
for (torrent::peer_iterator i = m_torrent.begin()
, end(m_torrent.end()); i != end; ++i)
for (auto const peer : m_torrent)
peer_connection* peer = *i;
if (!send_peer(*peer)) continue;
tcp::endpoint remote = peer->remote();
std::set<tcp::endpoint>::iterator di = dropped.find(remote);
auto const di = dropped.find(remote);
if (di == dropped.end())
// don't write too big of a package
@ -224,7 +221,7 @@ namespace libtorrent {namespace {
int m_peers_in_message;
// explicitly disallow assignment, to silence msvc warning
ut_pex_plugin& operator=(ut_pex_plugin const&);
ut_pex_plugin& operator=(ut_pex_plugin const&) = delete;
struct ut_pex_peer_plugin final
@ -258,13 +255,13 @@ namespace libtorrent {namespace {
bdecode_node const messages = h.dict_find_dict("m");
if (!messages) return false;
int index = int(messages.dict_find_int_value(extension_name, -1));
int const index = int(messages.dict_find_int_value(extension_name, -1));
if (index == -1) return false;
m_message_index = index;
return true;
bool on_extended(int length, int msg, span<char const> body) override
bool on_extended(int const length, int const msg, span<char const> body) override
if (msg != extension_index) return false;
if (m_message_index == 0) return false;
@ -277,7 +274,7 @@ namespace libtorrent {namespace {
if (int(body.size()) < length) return true;
time_point now = aux::time_now();
time_point const now = aux::time_now();
if (now - seconds(60) < m_last_pex[0])
// this client appears to be trying to flood us
@ -314,9 +311,9 @@ namespace libtorrent {namespace {
for (int i = 0; i < num_peers; ++i)
tcp::endpoint adr = detail::read_v4_endpoint<tcp::endpoint>(in);
peers4_t::value_type v(adr.address().to_v4().to_bytes(), adr.port());
peers4_t::iterator j = std::lower_bound(m_peers.begin(), m_peers.end(), v);
tcp::endpoint const adr = detail::read_v4_endpoint<tcp::endpoint>(in);
peers4_t::value_type const v(adr.address().to_v4().to_bytes(), adr.port());
auto const j = std::lower_bound(m_peers.begin(), m_peers.end(), v);
if (j != m_peers.end() && *j == v) m_peers.erase(j);
@ -335,7 +332,7 @@ namespace libtorrent {namespace {
for (int i = 0; i < num_peers; ++i)
tcp::endpoint adr = detail::read_v4_endpoint<tcp::endpoint>(in);
tcp::endpoint const adr = detail::read_v4_endpoint<tcp::endpoint>(in);
char const flags = *fin++;
if (int(m_peers.size()) >= m_torrent.settings().get_int(settings_pack::max_pex_peers))
@ -344,8 +341,8 @@ namespace libtorrent {namespace {
// ignore local addresses unless the peer is local to us
if (is_local(adr.address()) && !is_local(m_pc.remote().address())) continue;
peers4_t::value_type v(adr.address().to_v4().to_bytes(), adr.port());
peers4_t::iterator j = std::lower_bound(m_peers.begin(), m_peers.end(), v);
peers4_t::value_type const v(adr.address().to_v4().to_bytes(), adr.port());
auto const j = std::lower_bound(m_peers.begin(), m_peers.end(), v);
// do we already know about this peer?
if (j != m_peers.end() && *j == v) continue;
m_peers.insert(j, v);
@ -366,9 +363,9 @@ namespace libtorrent {namespace {
for (int i = 0; i < num_peers; ++i)
tcp::endpoint adr = detail::read_v6_endpoint<tcp::endpoint>(in);
peers6_t::value_type v(adr.address().to_v6().to_bytes(), adr.port());
peers6_t::iterator j = std::lower_bound(m_peers6.begin(), m_peers6.end(), v);
tcp::endpoint const adr = detail::read_v6_endpoint<tcp::endpoint>(in);
peers6_t::value_type const v(adr.address().to_v6().to_bytes(), adr.port());
auto const j = std::lower_bound(m_peers6.begin(), m_peers6.end(), v);
if (j != m_peers6.end() && *j == v) m_peers6.erase(j);
@ -388,15 +385,15 @@ namespace libtorrent {namespace {
for (int i = 0; i < num_peers; ++i)
tcp::endpoint adr = detail::read_v6_endpoint<tcp::endpoint>(in);
tcp::endpoint const adr = detail::read_v6_endpoint<tcp::endpoint>(in);
char const flags = *fin++;
// ignore local addresses unless the peer is local to us
if (is_local(adr.address()) && !is_local(m_pc.remote().address())) continue;
if (int(m_peers6.size()) >= m_torrent.settings().get_int(settings_pack::max_pex_peers))
peers6_t::value_type v(adr.address().to_v6().to_bytes(), adr.port());
peers6_t::iterator j = std::lower_bound(m_peers6.begin(), m_peers6.end(), v);
peers6_t::value_type const v(adr.address().to_v6().to_bytes(), adr.port());
auto const j = std::lower_bound(m_peers6.begin(), m_peers6.end(), v);
// do we already know about this peer?
if (j != m_peers6.end() && *j == v) continue;
m_peers6.insert(j, v);
@ -437,7 +434,7 @@ namespace libtorrent {namespace {
// don't send pex messages more often than 1 every 100 ms, and
// allow pex messages to be sent 5 seconds apart if there isn't
// contention
int delay = (std::min)((std::max)(60000 / num_peers, 100), 3000);
int const delay = std::min(std::max(60000 / num_peers, 100), 3000);
if (now - milliseconds(delay) < global_last)
@ -492,7 +489,7 @@ namespace libtorrent {namespace {
bdecode_node m;
error_code ec;
int ret = bdecode(&pex_msg[0], &pex_msg[0] + pex_msg.size(), m, ec);
int const ret = bdecode(&pex_msg[0], &pex_msg[0] + pex_msg.size(), m, ec);
@ -531,10 +528,8 @@ namespace libtorrent {namespace {
int num_added = 0;
for (torrent::peer_iterator i = m_torrent.begin()
, end(m_torrent.end()); i != end; ++i)
for (auto const peer : m_torrent)
peer_connection* peer = *i;
if (!send_peer(*peer)) continue;
// don't write too big of a package
@ -631,7 +626,7 @@ namespace libtorrent {namespace {
bool m_first_time;
// explicitly disallow assignment, to silence msvc warning
ut_pex_peer_plugin& operator=(ut_pex_peer_plugin const&);
ut_pex_peer_plugin& operator=(ut_pex_peer_plugin const&) = delete;
std::shared_ptr<peer_plugin> ut_pex_plugin::new_connection(peer_connection_handle const& pc)