forked from premiere/premiere-libtorrent
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
Copyright (c) 2003, Arvid Norberg
Copyright (c) 2003-2017, Arvid Norberg
All rights reserved.
Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
using libtorrent::total_milliseconds;
void sleep_ms(int milliseconds)
#elif defined TORRENT_BEOS
snooze_until(system_time() + std::int64_t(milliseconds) * 1000, B_SYSTEM_TIMEBASE);
usleep(milliseconds * 1000);
#ifdef _WIN32
#include <windows.h>
@ -154,7 +143,7 @@ retry:
if (ret < 0 && errno != 0 && errno != ETIMEDOUT)
std::fprintf(stderr, "select failed: %s\n", strerror(errno));
return false;
@ -278,38 +267,6 @@ bool is_absolute_path(std::string const& f)
std::string leaf_path(std::string f)
if (f.empty()) return "";
char const* first = f.c_str();
char const* sep = strrchr(first, '/');
#if defined(TORRENT_WINDOWS) || defined(TORRENT_OS2)
char const* altsep = strrchr(first, '\\');
if (sep == 0 || altsep > sep) sep = altsep;
if (sep == nullptr) return f;
if (sep - first == int(f.size()) - 1)
// if the last character is a / (or \)
// ignore it
int len = 0;
while (sep > first)
if (*sep == '/'
#if defined(TORRENT_WINDOWS) || defined(TORRENT_OS2)
|| *sep == '\\'
return std::string(sep + 1, len);
return std::string(first, len);
return std::string(sep + 1);
std::string path_append(std::string const& lhs, std::string const& rhs)
if (lhs.empty() || lhs == ".") return rhs;
@ -341,18 +298,6 @@ std::string make_absolute_path(std::string const& p)
return ret;
bool is_hex(char const *in, int len)
for (char const* end = in + len; in < end; ++in)
if (*in >= '0' && *in <= '9') continue;
if (*in >= 'A' && *in <= 'F') continue;
if (*in >= 'a' && *in <= 'f') continue;
return false;
return true;
std::string print_endpoint(libtorrent::tcp::endpoint const& ep)
using namespace libtorrent;
@ -368,24 +313,8 @@ std::string print_endpoint(libtorrent::tcp::endpoint const& ep)
return buf;
struct torrent_entry
explicit torrent_entry(libtorrent::torrent_handle h) : handle(std::move(h)) {}
libtorrent::torrent_handle handle;
libtorrent::torrent_status status;
// maps filenames to torrent_handles
typedef std::map<std::string, libtorrent::torrent_handle> handles_t;
typedef std::map<libtorrent::sha1_hash, std::string> files_t;
files_t hash_to_filename;
using libtorrent::torrent_status;
bool yes(libtorrent::torrent_status const&)
{ return true; }
FILE* g_log_file = nullptr;
int peer_index(libtorrent::tcp::endpoint addr, std::vector<libtorrent::peer_info> const& peers)
@ -642,7 +571,8 @@ void add_magnet(lt::session& ses, lt::string_view uri)
void add_torrent(libtorrent::session& ses, handles_t& files, std::string torrent)
// return false on failure
bool add_torrent(libtorrent::session& ses, std::string torrent)
using namespace libtorrent;
static int counter = 0;
@ -655,7 +585,7 @@ void add_torrent(libtorrent::session& ses, handles_t& files, std::string torrent
std::printf("failed to load torrent \"%s\": %s\n"
, torrent.c_str(), ec.message().c_str());
return false;
add_torrent_params p;
@ -679,7 +609,7 @@ void add_torrent(libtorrent::session& ses, handles_t& files, std::string torrent
p.flags &= ~add_torrent_params::flag_duplicate_is_error;
p.userdata = static_cast<void*>(new std::string(torrent));
files.insert(std::pair<const std::string, torrent_handle>(torrent, torrent_handle()));
return true;
std::vector<std::string> list_dir(std::string path
@ -734,19 +664,13 @@ std::vector<std::string> list_dir(std::string path
return ret;
bool filter_fun(lt::string_view p)
void scan_dir(std::string const& dir_path, libtorrent::session& ses)
return p.size() > 8 && p.substr(p.size() - 8) == ".torrent";
void scan_dir(std::string const& dir_path, libtorrent::session& ses, handles_t& files)
std::set<std::string> valid;
using namespace libtorrent;
error_code ec;
std::vector<std::string> ents = list_dir(dir_path, filter_fun, ec);
std::vector<std::string> ents = list_dir(dir_path
, [](lt::string_view p) { return p.size() > 8 && p.substr(p.size() - 8) == ".torrent"; }, ec);
if (ec)
std::fprintf(stderr, "failed to list directory: (%s : %d) %s\n"
@ -758,44 +682,15 @@ void scan_dir(std::string const& dir_path, libtorrent::session& ses, handles_t&
std::string const file = path_append(dir_path, e);
handles_t::iterator k = files.find(file);
if (k != files.end())
// there's a new file in the monitor directory, load it up
if (add_torrent(ses, file))
if (::remove(file.c_str()) < 0)
std::fprintf(stderr, "failed to remove torrent file: \"%s\"\n"
, file.c_str());
// the file has been added to the dir, start
// downloading it.
add_torrent(ses, files, file);
// remove the torrents that are no longer in the directory
for (handles_t::iterator i = files.begin(); !files.empty() && i != files.end();)
if (i->first.empty() || valid.find(i->first) != valid.end())
torrent_handle& h = i->second;
if (!h.is_valid())
i = files.erase(i);
// the alert handler for save_resume_data_alert
// will save it to disk
i = files.erase(i);
@ -847,8 +742,7 @@ int save_file(std::string const& filename, std::vector<char> const& v)
// returns true if the alert was handled (and should not be printed to the log)
// returns false if the alert was not handled
bool handle_alert(torrent_view& view, session_view& ses_view
, libtorrent::session& ses, libtorrent::alert* a
, handles_t& files, std::set<libtorrent::torrent_handle>& non_files)
, libtorrent::session& ses, libtorrent::alert* a)
using namespace libtorrent;
@ -938,56 +832,31 @@ bool handle_alert(torrent_view& view, session_view& ses_view
if (metadata_received_alert* p = alert_cast<metadata_received_alert>(a))
// if we have a monitor dir, save the .torrent file we just received in it
// also, add it to the files map, and remove it from the non_files list
// to keep the scan dir logic in sync so it's not removed, or added twice
torrent_handle h = p->handle;
if (h.is_valid())
std::shared_ptr<const torrent_info> ti = h.torrent_file();
create_torrent ct(*ti);
entry te = ct.generate();
std::vector<char> buffer;
bencode(std::back_inserter(buffer), te);
sha1_hash hash = ti->info_hash();
std::string filename = ti->name() + "." + to_hex(hash) + ".torrent";
filename = path_append(monitor_dir, filename);
save_file(filename, buffer);
files.insert(std::pair<std::string, libtorrent::torrent_handle>(filename, h));
hash_to_filename[hash] = filename;
else if (add_torrent_alert* p = alert_cast<add_torrent_alert>(a))
std::string filename;
if (p->params.userdata)
std::string* f = static_cast<std::string*>(p->params.userdata);
delete f;
if (p->error)
std::fprintf(stderr, "failed to add torrent: %s %s\n", filename.c_str()
std::fprintf(stderr, "failed to add torrent: %s %s\n"
, p->params.ti ? p->params.ti->name().c_str() : p->
, p->error.message().c_str());
torrent_handle h = p->handle;
if (!filename.empty())
files[filename] = h;
// TODO: why aren't these set in the add_torrent_params
// if we have a peer specified, connect to it
if (!peer.empty())
@ -1002,21 +871,6 @@ bool handle_alert(torrent_view& view, session_view& ses_view
h.connect_peer(tcp::endpoint(address::from_string(ip, ec), std::uint16_t(peer_port)));
sha1_hash info_hash;
if (p->params.ti)
info_hash = p->params.ti->info_hash();
else if (!p->params.info_hash.is_all_zeros())
info_hash = p->params.info_hash;
info_hash = h.info_hash();
hash_to_filename.insert(std::make_pair(info_hash, filename));
else if (torrent_finished_alert* p = alert_cast<torrent_finished_alert>(a))
@ -1037,13 +891,6 @@ bool handle_alert(torrent_view& view, session_view& ses_view
auto const buf = write_resume_data_buf(p->params);
torrent_status st = h.status(torrent_handle::query_save_path);
save_file(resume_file(st.info_hash), buf);
if (h.is_valid()
&& non_files.find(h) == non_files.end()
&& std::none_of(files.begin(), files.end()
, [&h](handles_t::value_type const& hn) { return hn.second == h; }))
else if (save_resume_data_failed_alert* p = alert_cast<save_resume_data_failed_alert>(a))
@ -1054,13 +901,6 @@ bool handle_alert(torrent_view& view, session_view& ses_view
std::fprintf(stderr, "FAILED TO SAVE RESUME DATA: %s\n"
, h.status().name.c_str());
if (h.is_valid()
&& non_files.find(h) == non_files.end()
&& std::none_of(files.begin(), files.end()
, [&h](handles_t::value_type const& hn) { return hn.second == h; }))
else if (torrent_paused_alert* p = alert_cast<torrent_paused_alert>(a))
@ -1084,8 +924,8 @@ bool handle_alert(torrent_view& view, session_view& ses_view
void print_piece(libtorrent::partial_piece_info* pp
, libtorrent::cached_piece_info* cs
void print_piece(libtorrent::partial_piece_info const* pp
, libtorrent::cached_piece_info const* cs
, std::vector<libtorrent::peer_info> const& peers
, std::string& out)
@ -1154,43 +994,54 @@ int main(int argc, char* argv[])
if (argc == 1)
std::fprintf(stderr, "usage: client_test [OPTIONS] [TORRENT|MAGNETURL|URL]\n\n"
" -f <log file> logs all events to the given file\n"
" -s <path> sets the save path for downloads\n"
" -m <path> sets the .torrent monitor directory\n"
" -t <seconds> sets the scan interval of the monitor dir\n"
" -F <milliseconds> sets the UI refresh rate. This is the number of\n"
" milliseconds between screen refreshes.\n"
" -k enable high performance settings. This overwrites any other\n"
" previous command line options, so be sure to specify this first\n"
" -G Add torrents in seed-mode (i.e. assume all pieces\n"
" are present and check hashes on-demand)\n"
" --<name-of-setting>=<value>\n"
" set the libtorrent setting <name> to <value>\n"
" --list-settings print all libtorrent settings and exit\n"
" -T <limit> sets the max number of connections per torrent\n"
" -U <rate> sets per-torrent upload rate\n"
" -D <rate> sets per-torrent download rate\n"
" -Q enables share mode. Share mode attempts to maximize\n"
" share ratio rather than downloading\n"
" -r <IP:port> connect to specified peer\n"
" -x <file> loads an emule IP-filter file\n"
" -Y Rate limit local peers\n"
std::fprintf(stderr, R"(usage: client_test [OPTIONS] [TORRENT|MAGNETURL]
-f <log file> logs all events to the given file
-s <path> sets the save path for downloads. This also determines
the resume data save directory. Torrents from the resume
directory are automatically added to the session on
-m <path> sets the .torrent monitor directory. torrent files
dropped in the directory are added the session and the
resume data directory, and removed from the monitor dir.
-t <seconds> sets the scan interval of the monitor dir
-F <milliseconds> sets the UI refresh rate. This is the number of
milliseconds between screen refreshes.
-k enable high performance settings. This overwrites any other
previous command line options, so be sure to specify this first
-G Add torrents in seed-mode (i.e. assume all pieces
are present and check hashes on-demand)
set the libtorrent setting <name> to <value>
--list-settings print all libtorrent settings and exit
-T <limit> sets the max number of connections per torrent
-U <rate> sets per-torrent upload rate
-D <rate> sets per-torrent download rate
-Q enables share mode. Share mode attempts to maximize
share ratio rather than downloading
-r <IP:port> connect to specified peer
-x <file> loads an emule IP-filter file
-Y Rate limit local peers)"
" -i <i2p-host> the hostname to an I2P SAM bridge to use\n"
R"( -i <i2p-host> the hostname to an I2P SAM bridge to use
" -a <mode> sets the allocation mode. [sparse|allocate]\n"
" -0 disable disk I/O, read garbage and don't flush to disk\n"
"TORRENT is a path to a .torrent file\n"
"MAGNETURL is a magnet link\n"
"\n") ;
-a <mode> sets the allocation mode. [sparse|allocate]
-0 disable disk I/O, read garbage and don't flush to disk
TORRENT is a path to a .torrent file
MAGNETURL is a magnet link
)") ;
return 0;
@ -1211,15 +1062,6 @@ int main(int argc, char* argv[])
time_point next_dir_scan = clock_type::now();
// the string is the filename of the .torrent file, but only if
// it was added through the directory monitor. It is used to
// be able to remove torrents that were added via the directory
// monitor when they're not in the directory anymore.
handles_t files;
// torrents that were not added via the monitor dir
std::set<torrent_handle> non_files;
// load the torrents given on the commandline
std::vector<lt::string_view> torrents;
ip_filter loaded_ip_filter;
@ -1397,13 +1239,42 @@ int main(int argc, char* argv[])
for (auto const& i : torrents)
if (i.substr(0, 7) == "magnet:")
if (i.substr(0, 7) == "magnet:") add_magnet(ses, i);
else add_torrent(ses, i.to_string());
// load resume files
std::string const resume_dir = path_append(save_path, ".resume");
std::vector<std::string> ents = list_dir(resume_dir
, [](lt::string_view p) { return p.size() > 7 && p.substr(p.size() - 7) == ".resume"; }, ec);
if (ec)
std::fprintf(stderr, "failed to list resume directory \"%s\": (%s : %d) %s\n"
, resume_dir.c_str(), ec.category().name(), ec.value(), ec.message().c_str());
for (auto const& e : ents)
add_magnet(ses, i);
add_torrent(ses, files, i.to_string());
std::string const file = path_append(resume_dir, e);
std::vector<char> resume_data;
load_file(file, resume_data, ec);
if (ec)
std::printf(" failed to load resume file \"%s\": %s\n"
, file.c_str(), ec.message().c_str());
add_torrent_params p = lt::read_resume_data(&resume_data[0], int(resume_data.size()), ec);
if (ec)
std::printf(" failed to parse resume data \"%s\": %s\n"
, file.c_str(), ec.message().c_str());
@ -1546,21 +1417,21 @@ int main(int argc, char* argv[])
int ret = std::scanf("%c", &response);
if (ret == 1 && response == 'y')
// also delete the .torrent file from the torrent directory
handles_t::iterator i = std::find_if(files.begin(), files.end()
, [&st] (handles_t::value_type const& hn) { return hn.second == st.handle; });
if (i != files.end())
error_code err;
std::string path;
if (is_absolute_path(i->first)) path = i->first;
else path = path_append(monitor_dir, i->first);
if (::remove(path.c_str()) < 0)
std::printf("failed to delete .torrent file: %s\n", err.message().c_str());
// also delete the resume file
std::string const rpath = resume_file(st.info_hash);
if (::remove(rpath.c_str()) < 0)
std::printf("failed to delete resume file (\"%s\")\n"
, rpath.c_str());
if (st.handle.is_valid())
ses.remove_torrent(st.handle, lt::session::delete_files);
std::printf("failed to delete torrent, invalid handle: %s\n"
@ -1584,14 +1455,12 @@ int main(int argc, char* argv[])
// save resume data for all torrents
std::vector<torrent_status> torr;
ses.get_torrent_status(&torr, &yes, 0);
ses.get_torrent_status(&torr, [](torrent_status const& st)
{ return st.need_save_resume; }, 0);
for (torrent_status const& st : torr)
if (st.need_save_resume)
@ -1708,20 +1577,15 @@ int main(int argc, char* argv[])
// loop through the alert queue to see if anything has happened.
std::vector<alert*> alerts;
for (std::vector<alert*>::iterator i = alerts.begin()
, end(alerts.end()); i != end; ++i)
for (auto i : alerts)
if (!::handle_alert(view, ses_view, ses, *i, files, non_files))
// if we didn't handle the alert, print it to the log
std::string event_string;
print_alert(*i, event_string);
if (events.size() >= 20) events.pop_front();
} catch (std::exception const&) {}
if (::handle_alert(view, ses_view, ses, i)) continue;
// if we didn't handle the alert, print it to the log
std::string event_string;
print_alert(i, event_string);
if (events.size() >= 20) events.pop_front();
@ -1794,6 +1658,7 @@ int main(int argc, char* argv[])
time_point const now = clock_type::now();
if (h.is_valid())
torrent_status const& s = view.get_active_torrent();
@ -1810,7 +1675,6 @@ int main(int argc, char* argv[])
if (print_trackers)
time_point const now = clock_type::now();
for (announce_entry const& ae : h.trackers())
if (pos + 1 >= terminal_height) break;
@ -1846,24 +1710,23 @@ int main(int argc, char* argv[])
{ return lhs.piece < rhs.piece; });
int p = 0; // this is horizontal position
for (std::vector<cached_piece_info>::iterator i = cs.pieces.begin();
i != cs.pieces.end(); ++i)
for (cached_piece_info const& i : cs.pieces)
if (pos + 3 >= terminal_height) break;
partial_piece_info* pp = nullptr;
partial_piece_info tmp;
tmp.piece_index = i->piece;
tmp.piece_index = i.piece;
std::vector<partial_piece_info>::iterator ppi
= std::lower_bound(queue.begin(), queue.end(), tmp
, [](partial_piece_info const& lhs, partial_piece_info const& rhs)
{ return lhs.piece_index < rhs.piece_index; });
if (ppi != queue.end() && ppi->piece_index == i->piece) pp = &*ppi;
if (ppi != queue.end() && ppi->piece_index == i.piece) pp = &*ppi;
print_piece(pp, &*i, peers, out);
print_piece(pp, &i, peers, out);
int num_blocks = pp ? pp->blocks_in_piece : int(i->blocks.size());
int num_blocks = pp ? pp->blocks_in_piece : int(i.blocks.size());
p += num_blocks + 8;
bool continuous_mode = 8 + num_blocks > terminal_width;
if (continuous_mode)
@ -1884,14 +1747,13 @@ int main(int argc, char* argv[])
if (pp) queue.erase(ppi);
for (std::vector<partial_piece_info>::iterator i = queue.begin()
, end(queue.end()); i != end; ++i)
for (partial_piece_info const& i : queue)
if (pos + 3 >= terminal_height) break;
print_piece(&*i, nullptr, peers, out);
print_piece(&i, nullptr, peers, out);
int num_blocks = i->blocks_in_piece;
int num_blocks = i.blocks_in_piece;
p += num_blocks + 8;
bool continuous_mode = 8 + num_blocks > terminal_width;
if (continuous_mode)
@ -2010,11 +1872,10 @@ int main(int argc, char* argv[])
if (print_log)
for (std::deque<std::string>::iterator i = events.begin();
i != events.end(); ++i)
for (auto const& e : events)
if (pos + 1 >= terminal_height) break;
out += *i;
out += e;
out += "\x1b[K\n";
pos += 1;
@ -2026,11 +1887,10 @@ int main(int argc, char* argv[])
if (!monitor_dir.empty()
&& next_dir_scan < clock_type::now())
if (!monitor_dir.empty() && next_dir_scan < now)
scan_dir(monitor_dir, ses, files);
next_dir_scan = clock_type::now() + seconds(poll_interval);
scan_dir(monitor_dir, ses);
next_dir_scan = now + seconds(poll_interval);
@ -2047,17 +1907,10 @@ int main(int argc, char* argv[])
return true;
}, 0);
// sort them by queue position. We want to remove them from the back of the
// queue, so save higher queue positions first
std::sort(temp.begin(), temp.end(), [](torrent_status const& lhs, torrent_status const& rhs)
return lhs.queue_position > rhs.queue_position;
for (auto const& st : temp)
// save_resume_data will generate an alert when it's done
std::printf("\r%d ", num_outstanding_resume_data);
@ -2070,16 +1923,12 @@ int main(int argc, char* argv[])
std::vector<alert*> alerts;
std::string const now = timestamp();
for (std::vector<alert*>::iterator i = alerts.begin()
, end(alerts.end()); i != end; ++i)
for (auto i : alerts)
if (!::handle_alert(view, ses_view, ses, *i, files, non_files))
// if we didn't handle the alert, print it to the log
std::string event_string;
print_alert(*i, event_string);
if (::handle_alert(view, ses_view, ses, i)) continue;
// if we didn't handle the alert, print it to the log
std::string event_string;
print_alert(i, event_string);
@ -2098,7 +1947,8 @@ int main(int argc, char* argv[])
std::printf("closing session");
std::printf("closing session\n");
return 0;
Reference in New Issue