
403 lines
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#include "test.hpp"
#include "libtorrent/bandwidth_manager.hpp"
#include "libtorrent/socket.hpp"
#include "libtorrent/stat.hpp"
#include "libtorrent/time.hpp"
#include <boost/lexical_cast.hpp>
struct torrent;
struct peer_connection;
using namespace libtorrent;
struct torrent
torrent(bandwidth_manager<peer_connection, torrent>& m)
: m_bandwidth_manager(m)
void assign_bandwidth(int channel, int amount, int max_block_size)
// std::cerr << time_now_string()
// << ": assign bandwidth, " << amount << " blk: " << max_block_size << std::endl;
assert(amount > 0);
if (amount < max_block_size)
expire_bandwidth(channel, max_block_size - amount);
int bandwidth_throttle(int channel) const
{ return m_bandwidth_limit[channel].throttle(); }
int max_assignable_bandwidth(int channel) const
{ return m_bandwidth_limit[channel].max_assignable(); }
void request_bandwidth(int channel
, boost::intrusive_ptr<peer_connection> const& p
, bool non_prioritized)
// std::cerr << time_now_string()
// << ": request bandwidth" << std::endl;
int block_size = m_bandwidth_limit[channel].throttle() / 10;
if (m_bandwidth_limit[channel].max_assignable() > 0)
perform_bandwidth_request(channel, p, block_size, non_prioritized);
// skip forward in the queue until we find a prioritized peer
// or hit the front of it.
queue_t::reverse_iterator i = m_bandwidth_queue[channel].rbegin();
while (i != m_bandwidth_queue[channel].rend() && i->non_prioritized) ++i;
m_bandwidth_queue[channel].insert(i.base(), bw_queue_entry<peer_connection>(
p, block_size, non_prioritized));
void expire_bandwidth(int channel, int amount)
// std::cerr << time_now_string()
// << ": expire bandwidth, " << amount << std::endl;
assert(amount > 0);
while (!m_bandwidth_queue[channel].empty())
bw_queue_entry<peer_connection> qe = m_bandwidth_queue[channel].front();
if (m_bandwidth_limit[channel].max_assignable() == 0)
perform_bandwidth_request(channel, qe.peer
, qe.max_block_size, qe.non_prioritized);
void perform_bandwidth_request(int channel
, boost::intrusive_ptr<peer_connection> const& p
, int block_size
, bool non_prioritized)
, block_size, non_prioritized);
bandwidth_limit m_bandwidth_limit[1];
typedef std::deque<bw_queue_entry<peer_connection> > queue_t;
queue_t m_bandwidth_queue[1];
bandwidth_manager<peer_connection, torrent>& m_bandwidth_manager;
struct peer_connection
peer_connection(io_service& ios, boost::shared_ptr<torrent> const& t
, bool prio, bool ignore_limits, std::string name)
: m_torrent(t)
, m_prioritized(prio)
, m_ignore_limits(ignore_limits)
, m_abort(false)
, m_ios(ios)
, m_name(name)
, m_refs(0)
bool ignore_bandwidth_limits() { return m_ignore_limits; }
int max_assignable_bandwidth(int channel) const
{ return m_bandwidth_limit[channel].max_assignable(); }
boost::weak_ptr<torrent> associated_torrent() const
{ return m_torrent; }
bool is_disconnecting() const { return m_abort; }
void assign_bandwidth(int channel, int amount)
// std::cerr << time_now_string() << ": [" << m_name
// << "] assign bandwidth, " << amount << std::endl;
assert(amount > 0);
boost::shared_ptr<torrent> t = m_torrent.lock();
if (!t) return;
m_stats.sent_bytes(amount, 0);, t, int(0)
, intrusive_ptr<peer_connection>(this), !m_prioritized));
void start()
boost::shared_ptr<torrent> t = m_torrent.lock();
if (!t) return;
t->request_bandwidth(0, this, !m_prioritized);
void stop() { m_abort = true; }
void expire_bandwidth(int channel, int amount)
assert(amount > 0);
// std::cerr << time_now_string() << ": [" << m_name
// << "] expire bandwidth, " << amount << std::endl;
void tick()
// std::cerr << time_now_string() << ": [" << m_name
// << "] tick, rate: " << m_stats.upload_rate() << std::endl;
int bandwidth_throttle(int channel) const
{ return m_bandwidth_limit[channel].throttle(); }
bandwidth_limit m_bandwidth_limit[1];
boost::weak_ptr<torrent> m_torrent;
bool m_prioritized;
bool m_ignore_limits;
bool m_abort;
stat m_stats;
io_service& m_ios;
std::string m_name;
int m_refs;
void intrusive_ptr_add_ref(peer_connection* p)
void intrusive_ptr_release(peer_connection* p)
if (--p->m_refs == 0)
delete p;
typedef std::vector<boost::intrusive_ptr<peer_connection> > connections_t;
void do_tick(asio::error_code const&e, deadline_timer& tick, connections_t& v)
if (e) return;
std::for_each(v.begin(), v.end()
, boost::bind(&peer_connection::tick, _1));
tick.async_wait(boost::bind(&do_tick, _1, boost::ref(tick), boost::ref(v)));
void do_stop(deadline_timer& tick, connections_t& v)
std::for_each(v.begin(), v.end()
, boost::bind(&peer_connection::stop, _1));
void run_test(io_service& ios, connections_t& v)
std::cerr << "-------------\n" << std::endl;
deadline_timer tick(ios);
tick.async_wait(boost::bind(&do_tick, _1, boost::ref(tick), boost::ref(v)));
deadline_timer complete(ios);
complete.expires_from_now(seconds(stat::history * 2));
complete.async_wait(boost::bind(&do_stop, boost::ref(tick), boost::ref(v)));
std::for_each(v.begin(), v.end()
, boost::bind(&peer_connection::start, _1));;
bool close_to(float val, float comp, float err)
return fabs(val - comp) <= err;
void spawn_connections(connections_t& v, io_service& ios
, boost::shared_ptr<torrent> t, int num, char const* prefix)
for (int i = 0; i < num; ++i)
v.push_back(new peer_connection(ios, t, true, false
, prefix + boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(i)));
void test_equal_connections(int num, int limit)
std::cerr << "test equal connections " << num << " " << limit << std::endl;
io_service ios;
bandwidth_manager<peer_connection, torrent> manager(ios, 0);
boost::shared_ptr<torrent> t1(new torrent(manager));
connections_t v;
spawn_connections(v, ios, t1, num, "p");
run_test(ios, v);
float sum = 0.f;
float err = std::max(limit / num * 0.3f, 1000.f);
for (connections_t::iterator i = v.begin()
, end(v.end()); i != end; ++i)
sum += (*i)->m_stats.upload_rate();
std::cerr << (*i)->m_stats.upload_rate()
<< " target: " << (limit / num) << " eps: " << err << std::endl;
TEST_CHECK(close_to((*i)->m_stats.upload_rate(), limit / num, err));
std::cerr << "sum: " << sum << " target: " << limit << std::endl;
TEST_CHECK(close_to(sum, limit, 50));
void test_single_peer(int limit, bool torrent_limit)
std::cerr << "test single peer " << limit << " " << torrent_limit << std::endl;
io_service ios;
bandwidth_manager<peer_connection, torrent> manager(ios, 0);
boost::shared_ptr<torrent> t1(new torrent(manager));
if (torrent_limit)
connections_t v;
spawn_connections(v, ios, t1, 1, "p");
run_test(ios, v);
float sum = 0.f;
for (connections_t::iterator i = v.begin()
, end(v.end()); i != end; ++i)
sum += (*i)->m_stats.upload_rate();
std::cerr << sum << " target: " << limit << std::endl;
TEST_CHECK(close_to(sum, limit, 1000));
void test_equal_torrents(int num, int limit)
std::cerr << "test equal torrents " << num << " " << limit << std::endl;
io_service ios;
bandwidth_manager<peer_connection, torrent> manager(ios, 0);
boost::shared_ptr<torrent> t1(new torrent(manager));
boost::shared_ptr<torrent> t2(new torrent(manager));
connections_t v1;
spawn_connections(v1, ios, t1, num, "t1p");
connections_t v2;
spawn_connections(v2, ios, t2, num, "t2p");
connections_t v;
std::copy(v1.begin(), v1.end(), std::back_inserter(v));
std::copy(v2.begin(), v2.end(), std::back_inserter(v));
run_test(ios, v);
float sum = 0.f;
for (connections_t::iterator i = v1.begin()
, end(v1.end()); i != end; ++i)
sum += (*i)->m_stats.upload_rate();
std::cerr << sum << " target: " << limit << std::endl;
TEST_CHECK(close_to(sum, limit, 1000));
sum = 0.f;
for (connections_t::iterator i = v2.begin()
, end(v2.end()); i != end; ++i)
sum += (*i)->m_stats.upload_rate();
std::cerr << sum << " target: " << limit << std::endl;
TEST_CHECK(close_to(sum, limit, 1000));
void test_peer_priority(int limit, bool torrent_limit)
std::cerr << "test peer priority " << limit << " " << torrent_limit << std::endl;
io_service ios;
bandwidth_manager<peer_connection, torrent> manager(ios, 0);
boost::shared_ptr<torrent> t1(new torrent(manager));
if (torrent_limit)
connections_t v1;
spawn_connections(v1, ios, t1, 10, "p");
connections_t v;
std::copy(v1.begin(), v1.end(), std::back_inserter(v));
boost::intrusive_ptr<peer_connection> p(
new peer_connection(ios, t1, false, false, "no-priority"));
run_test(ios, v);
float sum = 0.f;
for (connections_t::iterator i = v1.begin()
, end(v1.end()); i != end; ++i)
sum += (*i)->m_stats.upload_rate();
std::cerr << sum << " target: " << limit << std::endl;
TEST_CHECK(close_to(sum, limit, 50));
std::cerr << "non-prioritized rate: " << p->m_stats.upload_rate() << std::endl;
TEST_CHECK(p->m_stats.upload_rate() < 10);
void test_no_starvation(int limit)
std::cerr << "test no starvation " << limit << std::endl;
io_service ios;
bandwidth_manager<peer_connection, torrent> manager(ios, 0);
boost::shared_ptr<torrent> t1(new torrent(manager));
boost::shared_ptr<torrent> t2(new torrent(manager));
const int num_peers = 20;
connections_t v1;
spawn_connections(v1, ios, t1, num_peers, "p");
connections_t v;
std::copy(v1.begin(), v1.end(), std::back_inserter(v));
boost::intrusive_ptr<peer_connection> p(
new peer_connection(ios, t2, false, false, "no-priority"));
run_test(ios, v);
float sum = 0.f;
for (connections_t::iterator i = v.begin()
, end(v.end()); i != end; ++i)
sum += (*i)->m_stats.upload_rate();
std::cerr << sum << " target: " << limit << std::endl;
TEST_CHECK(close_to(sum, limit, 50));
std::cerr << "non-prioritized rate: " << p->m_stats.upload_rate() << std::endl;
TEST_CHECK(close_to(p->m_stats.upload_rate(), limit / (num_peers + 1), 1000));
int test_main()
using namespace libtorrent;
test_equal_connections(2, 20000);
test_equal_connections(3, 20000);
test_equal_connections(5, 20000);
test_equal_connections(7, 20000);
test_equal_connections(33, 60000);
test_equal_connections(33, 500000);
test_equal_torrents(1, 40000);
test_equal_torrents(24, 50000);
test_single_peer(40000, true);
test_single_peer(40000, false);
test_peer_priority(40000, false);
test_peer_priority(40000, true);
return 0;