language: rust cache: cargo env: global: - PROJECT_NAME=iptoasn-webservice - MAKE_DEB=yes - DEB_MAINTAINER="Frank Denis " - DEB_DESCRIPTION="Webservice for the database" matrix: include: - os: linux rust: nightly env: TARGET=x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu - os: linux rust: stable env: TARGET=x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu allow_failures: # TODO You might need to allow failures for some target on some channel for some reason. Below # there's one (commented out) example of how to do that. Just change the OS, channel and TARGET # as needed. # - os: linux # rust: nightly # env: TARGET=x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu before_install: - export PATH="$PATH:$HOME/.cargo/bin" install: - bash ci/ script: - bash ci/ before_deploy: - bash ci/ deploy: provider: releases api_key: secure: 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 file_glob: true file: ${PROJECT_NAME}-${TRAVIS_TAG}-${TARGET}.* # don't delete the artifacts from previous phases skip_cleanup: true # deploy when a new tag is pushed on: condition: $TRAVIS_RUST_VERSION = nightly tags: true branches: only: # Pushes and PR to the master branch - master # IMPORTANT Ruby regex to match tags. Required, or travis won't trigger deploys when a new tag # is pushed. This regex matches semantic versions like v1.2.3-rc4+2016.02.22 - /^\d+\.\d+\.\d+.*$/ notifications: email: on_success: change