''' This module generates dialogue data from Discord dumps. Specifically, it: - Looks for a DHT (https://github.com/chylex/Discord-History-Tracker) database in `/data/discord/archive.dht` to parse - Builds a list of senders who meet certain criteria (enough messages sent, messages long enough), then - Attempts to find uninterruped conversations between them and another person in public channels. Since a DHT database necessarily contains personal information, this module must be manually enabled and populated with your own data. ''' import logging import os import re import sqlite3 import typing as t from waifu.modules import BaseModule from waifu.utils.dataset import get_data_path # Matches user mentions, channel links, emotes and maybe other stuff. SPECIAL_TOKENS_REGEX = re.compile(r"<[@:#].+?>") logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) class DiscordVDM(BaseModule): '''A Vanilla Dialogue Module powered by Discord dumps.''' def generator(self) -> t.Generator[str, None, None]: root_data_path = get_data_path("discord") db_path = os.path.join(root_data_path, "archive.dht") db = sqlite3.connect(db_path) db.row_factory = sqlite3.Row cursor = db.cursor() sender_ids = _get_filtered_sender_ids(cursor) for sender_id in sender_ids: last_message_id = None while (episode_contents := _build_episode_turns( db, sender_id, start_after_message_id=last_message_id)) is not None: turns, last_message_id = episode_contents # Discard short episodes. if len(turns) < 8: logger.debug("Found short %s-turn episode, discarding.", len(turns)) continue # Discard conversations with overly short messages. lengths = [len(x) for x in turns] avg = sum(lengths) / len(lengths) if avg < 64: logger.debug( "Found conversation where average message length was %s, discarding.", avg) continue yield "\n".join(turns) # # Private helpers. # def _clean_string(string: str) -> str: '''Removes user mentions, channel links and so on.''' return re.sub(SPECIAL_TOKENS_REGEX, "", string).strip() def _looks_like_ooc(raw_string: str) -> bool: '''Tries to figure out whether a message looks like it's out of character.''' string = raw_string.strip() if string[0] == "(" and string[-1] == ")": return True if "OOC:" in string: return True return False def _get_filtered_sender_ids(cursor: sqlite3.Cursor) -> list[int]: '''Gets a list of sender_ids that meet the filtering criteria.''' res = cursor.execute(''' SELECT sender_id FROM ( SELECT "sender_id", AVG(LENGTH("text")) AS average_message_length, COUNT("sender_id") AS messages_sent FROM "messages" GROUP BY "sender_id" ORDER BY "average_message_length" DESC ) WHERE "messages_sent" > 8 AND "average_message_length" >= 32; ''').fetchall() return [x[0] for x in res] def _build_episode_turns( db: sqlite3.Connection, sender_id: int, start_after_message_id: int | None = None ) -> tuple[list[str], int] | None: logger.debug("Building episode for sender_id %s, starting after message %s", sender_id, start_after_message_id) # Fetch the first message for the episode. if start_after_message_id: query = """ SELECT message_id, channel_id FROM messages WHERE sender_id = :sender_id AND message_id > :message_id; """ else: query = """ SELECT message_id, channel_id FROM messages WHERE sender_id = :sender_id LIMIT 1; """ cursor = db.cursor() res = cursor.execute(query, { "sender_id": sender_id, "message_id": start_after_message_id, }).fetchone() if res is None: logger.debug("No more suitable first messages found.") return None message_id, channel_id = res["message_id"], res["channel_id"] logger.debug("Found suitable first message %s by %s.", message_id, sender_id) # From there, fetch that specific channel's log from that point on. query = """ SELECT * FROM messages WHERE channel_id = :channel_id AND message_id >= :message_id ; """ res = cursor.execute(query, { "channel_id": channel_id, "message_id": message_id, }) person_a_id = sender_id person_b_id = None last_message_id = -1 turns: list[str] = [] while (row := res.fetchone()) is not None: last_message_id = row["message_id"] # Save who `sender_id` is talking to. if person_b_id is None and row["sender_id"] != person_a_id: person_b_id = row["sender_id"] # Somebody else came into the conversation. Stop episode here. if person_b_id and row["sender_id"] not in (person_a_id, person_b_id): logger.debug( "%s barged into a conversation between %s and %s, assuming end of episode.", row["sender_id"], person_a_id, person_b_id, ) break cleaned_text = _clean_string(row["text"]) if not cleaned_text: # Message was empty after cleaning it up, skip. continue if _looks_like_ooc(cleaned_text): # Self-explanatory. continue # Get username. # TODO(11b): Anonymize. username_query = "SELECT name FROM users WHERE id = :user_id" username = db.cursor().execute(username_query, { "user_id": row["sender_id"] }).fetchone()["name"] # Build up the string and add it to the episode. turn_string = f"{username}: {cleaned_text}" turns.append(turn_string) if len(turns) == 0: logger.debug( "Empty episode, assuming no more conversations from this sender.") return None return turns, last_message_id