import json import logging import os import re import typing as t from dataclasses import dataclass from waifu.core.consts import PromptConstants from waifu.datasets import BaseDataset from waifu.utils.dataset import get_data_path # The regex used to find message variants (e.g.: `%{Hi|Hello} there!`) KAJIWOTO_VARIANT_REGEX = re.compile(r'%{(.+?)}') logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) @dataclass(frozen=True) class KajiwotoMessageResponsePair: message_id: str bot_id: str user_message: str bot_response: str condition: str @dataclass(frozen=True) class BotMetadata: bot_id: str name: str description: str personalities: t.List[t.List[str]] has_nsfw: bool tags: t.List[str] class KajiwotoDataset(BaseDataset[t.List[KajiwotoMessageResponsePair]]): ''' The Kajiwoto dataset. Takes care of properly handling chat history/message context. ''' def __init__(self) -> None: self.filepaths = _enumerate_kajiwoto_json_files() self.cached_metadata: dict[str, BotMetadata] = {} def get_metadata_for_bot(self, bot_id: str) -> BotMetadata: '''Returns known medatada for the given bot ID.''' if bot_id in self.cached_metadata: return self.cached_metadata[bot_id] dataset_path = get_data_path(dataset_name="kajiwoto") metadata_filepath = os.path.join(dataset_path, f"{bot_id}_metadata.json") with open(metadata_filepath, "r", encoding="utf-8") as metadata_file: metadata_dict = json.loads(["data"]["aiTrainerGroup"] metadata = _metadata_dict_to_dataclass(metadata_dict) return metadata def generator( self ) -> t.Generator[t.List[KajiwotoMessageResponsePair], None, None]: for filepath in self.filepaths: with open(filepath, "r", encoding="utf-8") as file: messages = json.loads(["data"]["aiTrainedList"] # So, there's a tricky thing to handle in these datasets which # is the fact that follow-up messages are saved as completely # separate entries in the messages array. For example, if we # have a chat log like: # # Human: 1 # Bot: 2 # Human: 3 # Bot: 4 # # We will have, in the messages array, something like: # [ # {"userMessage": "3", message: "4", "history": ["1"]}, # {"userMessage": "1", message: "2"}, # ] # # As far as I could tell, whenever a message has a "history" # field, it usually doesn't make sense by itself. Or even by # appending history. One needs to look up the original message # and reply pair using the history field, then build up the # sequence again manually. # # As such, for each file, we need to load the entire thing into # memory to run over it and build an index to do just that # (lookups via the history field), so here we go: history_contents_to_original_msg_idx: dict[str, int] = {} used_message_indexes: t.Set[int] = set() for idx, msg in enumerate(messages): if msg["history"]: # Message already references an earlier message-reply # pair. As far as I could tell, that means _this_ # specific message can't be referenced, so no point in # saving an index for it here. continue history_contents_to_original_msg_idx[ msg["userMessage"]] = idx # Now that we have the history index, let's go over _only_ the # messages that need to be concatenated with their history. for idx, msg in enumerate(messages): if not msg.get("history", None): continue history_contents = msg["history"][0] # Sometimes, a message seems to reference a previous one # that does not exist. Don't know what's up with that, so # let's just ignore. if not history_contents in history_contents_to_original_msg_idx: continue # Fetch the original "history" message to use as context. original_msg_idx = history_contents_to_original_msg_idx[ history_contents] original_msg = messages[original_msg_idx] # Yield the conversation episode. yield [ _dict_to_dataclass(original_msg), _dict_to_dataclass(msg), ] # Save the indexes of both of these so we don't re-use them # without the proper context. used_message_indexes.add(idx) used_message_indexes.add(original_msg_idx) # Now let's go over regular, history-free messages. for idx, msg in enumerate(messages): if idx in used_message_indexes: continue yield [_dict_to_dataclass(msg)] # # Public helpers. # seen_special_tokens: set[str] = set() seen_scenes: set[str] = set() def replace_special_tokens_in(string: str) -> str: ''' Replaces known special tokens (e.g.: `%{name}`) with their expected equivalents. ''' string = string.replace("%{name}", PromptConstants.USER_TOKEN) string = string.replace("%{kajiname}", PromptConstants.BOT_TOKEN) if (match :=, string)) is not None: special_token = match.groups()[0] if '|' not in special_token and special_token not in seen_special_tokens: logger.warning("Unhandled Kajiwoto token: %s", special_token) seen_special_tokens.add(special_token) if (scene_match :="#scene=(.+?)\b", string)) is not None: seen_scene = scene_match.groups()[0] if seen_scene not in seen_scenes: logger.debug("Unhandled Kajiwoto scene: %s", seen_scene) seen_scenes.add(seen_scene) # Drop the scene marker. Maybe we can use it for something useful, but # I can't think of anything at the moment. string = string.replace(f"#scene={seen_scene}", "").strip() # TODO: There's a few of these which I haven't handled yet. E.g.: # %{pronoun} (before and after a dot, so careful with caps). return string def generate_variants_for( string: str, max_generations: int = 16, start_counter_at: int = 0) -> t.Generator[str, None, None]: ''' Given a string like "%{Hello|Hi} there{.|!}, this should yield: - Hello there. - Hello there! - Hi there. - Hi there! ''' # Some bot creators went wild with the variants, which causes ridiculous # generations if we try to exhaust all possibilities so we cap that here. # `start_counter_at` is used for keeping track across recursive calls. counter = start_counter_at if (match :=, string)) is not None: # Once we have a "%{X|Y|Z}" matched inside the original string, we: # - Fetch .groups()[0] (which will give us `X|Y|Z`) # - Split by `|` (so we have ["X", "Y", "Z"]) # - Filter out empty strings alternatives = filter(lambda x: x.strip(), match.groups()[0].split("|")) # Then, we break the string apart into what comes before and after the # alternatives, that way we can re-build with "prefix + choice + sufix". prefix = string[:match.start()] sufix = string[match.end():] for alternative in alternatives: variant = f'{prefix}{alternative}{sufix}' # However, some strings have multiple variant blocks. In that case, # we operate on them recursively until we have just regular strings # after generating all possible variants. still_have_match =, variant) is not None if still_have_match: for inner_variant in generate_variants_for( variant, start_counter_at=counter): yield inner_variant # Keep track and break after `max_generations`. counter += 1 if max_generations is not None and counter >= max_generations: break else: yield variant # Keep track and break after `max_generations`. counter += 1 if max_generations is not None and counter >= max_generations: break else: yield string # # Private helpers. # def _enumerate_kajiwoto_json_files() -> list[str]: ''' Returns a list of paths to all available `.json` files for the `kajiwoto` dataset. ''' dataset_path = get_data_path(dataset_name="kajiwoto") items = os.listdir(dataset_path) files: list[str] = [] for item in items: if not item.endswith(".json"): # Don't care about other file types. continue if item.endswith("_metadata.json"): # Don't want to list metadata files here. continue item_path = os.path.join(dataset_path, item) if not os.path.isfile(item_path): # Don't care about folders. continue absolute_item_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(dataset_path, item)) files.append(absolute_item_path) return files def _dict_to_dataclass(obj: dict[str, str]) -> KajiwotoMessageResponsePair: return KajiwotoMessageResponsePair( message_id=obj["id"], bot_id=obj["aiTrainerGroupId"], condition=obj["condition"], user_message=obj["userMessage"], bot_response=obj["message"], ) def _metadata_dict_to_dataclass(obj: dict[str, t.Any]) -> BotMetadata: return BotMetadata( bot_id=obj["id"], name=obj["name"], description=obj["description"], personalities=obj["personalities"], has_nsfw=obj["nsfw"], tags=obj["tags"], )