feat: implement userscript to dump CAI chats/basic bot info

This commit is contained in:
11b 2022-12-20 21:34:39 -03:00
parent ecd4efe3ce
commit 4f78bb73cb
2 changed files with 214 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
# CharacterAI Dumper Userscript
This userscript allows you to download your saved messages with any bot you've ever talked to, given you can reach their chat history page.
## How to use
- Install a userscript manager.
- Personally I tested this with [Violentmonkey](https://violentmonkey.github.io/get-it/) on Firefox, but I think Greasemonkey and Tampermonkey should work as well.
- [Click here](TODO) and install the userscript.
- Now, while you're talking to a character, click on "View Saved Chats" to go to the histories page:
- TODO: Image here.
- After a few seconds, a `Download` link should pop up next to the "Your past conversations with so-and-so" header:
- TODO: Image here.
- Clicking on the link will download a `.json` file containing the bot's basic info (name, description, greeting) and all the interactions you've ever had with it.
**NOTE:** The script attempts to anonymize the dumped data (it scrubs known sensitive fields and attempts to replace any instances of your name within messages), but if you're paranoid, you should open the downloaded JSON and search for your username/email/display name just to make sure.
## Troubleshooting
If the `Download` link doesn't show up after a few seconds and you're on the proper page, check the DevTools console for errors.
The most probable causes of breakage are:
- You have some browser extension which stopped the userscript from loading its external dependencies properly; or
- CharacterAI changed their API around in ways the script didn't expect, and I'll need to release an update.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,190 @@
// ==UserScript==
// @name CharacterAI Dumper
// @namespace Violentmonkey Scripts
// @match https://beta.character.ai/*
// @grant none
// @version 1.0
// @author 0x000011b
// @description Allows downloading saved chat messages from CharacterAI.
// @downloadURL https://git.fuwafuwa.moe/waifu-collective/toolbox/raw/branch/master/extras/characterai-dumper/characterai-dumper-user.js
// @updateURL https://git.fuwafuwa.moe/waifu-collective/toolbox/raw/branch/master/extras/characterai-dumper/characterai-dumper-user.js
// ==/UserScript==
const log = (firstArg, ...remainingArgs) =>
console.log(`[CharacterAI Dumper v1.0] ${firstArg}`, ...remainingArgs);
log.error = (firstArg, ...remainingArgs) =>
console.error(`[CharacterAI Dumper v1.0] ${firstArg}`, ...remainingArgs);
const CHARACTER_INFO_URL = "https://beta.character.ai/chat/character/info/";
const characterToSavedDataMap = {};
// Code to add download link to the page.
const addDownloadLinkFor = (dataString, filename) => {
// Don't create duplicate links.
if (document.getElementById("injected-chat-dl-link")) {
// We want to add a link next to the "your past conversations with XXX" text.
const suspectedElements = document.getElementsByClassName("home-sec-header");
for (const element of suspectedElements) {
if (!element.textContent.includes("Your Past Conversations with")) {
const dataBlob = new Blob([dataString], { type: "text/plain" });
const downloadLink = document.createElement("a");
downloadLink.id = "injected-chat-dl-link";
downloadLink.textContent = "Download";
downloadLink.href = URL.createObjectURL(dataBlob);
downloadLink.download = filename;
downloadLink.style = "padding-left: 8px";
// Logic to remove personal data from the dumps.
const escapeStringForRegExp = (stringToGoIntoTheRegex) => {
return stringToGoIntoTheRegex.replace(/[-\/\\^$*+?.()|[\]{}]/g, "\\$&");
const anonymizeHistories = (histories) => {
let nameToReplace;
for (const history of histories.histories) {
for (const msg of history.msgs) {
if (msg.src.is_human) {
// First, save the user's name so we can replace it in the messages.
nameToReplace ||= msg.display_name;
// Need to anonymize `src`.
msg.src.user.username = "[USERNAME_REDACTED]";
msg.src.user.first_name = "[FIRST_NAME_REDACTED]";
msg.src.user.account.name = "[ACCOUNT_NAME_REDACTED]";
msg.src.user.name = "[NAME_REDACTED]";
msg.src.name = "[NAME_REDACTED]";
msg.display_name = "[DISPLAY_NAME_REDACTED]";
} else {
nameToReplace ||= msg.tgt.name;
// Need to anonymize `tgt`.
msg.tgt.user.username = "[USERNAME_REDACTED]";
msg.tgt.user.first_name = "[FIRST_NAME_REDACTED]";
msg.tgt.user.account.name = "[ACCOUNT_NAME_REDACTED]";
msg.tgt.user.name = "[NAME_REDACTED]";
msg.tgt.name = "[NAME_REDACTED]";
// And since this is a bot message, there's a chance that the bot
// uttered the user's name, so let's replace that inside the message
// text.
const replacementRegex = new RegExp(
"\\b" + escapeStringForRegExp(nameToReplace) + "\\b",
msg.text.replace(replacementRegex, "[DISPLAY_NAME_REDACTED]");
// This was modified in-place, but we return it here for simplicity at the
// call site even though it's technically useless (and slightly misleading).
return histories;
// Request intercept and data handling logic.
const configureXHookIntercepts = () => {
xhook.after((_req, res) => {
try {
const endpoint = res.finalUrl;
if (
endpoint !== CHARACTER_INFO_URL &&
) {
// We don't care about other endpoints.
const data = JSON.parse(res.data);
let characterIdentifier;
if (res.finalUrl === CHARACTER_INFO_URL) {
characterIdentifier = data.character.name;
log(`Got character info for ${characterIdentifier}, caching...`);
if (!characterToSavedDataMap[characterIdentifier]) {
characterToSavedDataMap[characterIdentifier] = {};
characterToSavedDataMap[characterIdentifier].info = data;
} else if (res.finalUrl === CHARACTER_HISTORIES_URL) {
characterIdentifier = data.histories[0].msgs[0].src.name;
log(`Got chat histories for ${characterIdentifier}, caching...`);
if (!characterToSavedDataMap[characterIdentifier]) {
characterToSavedDataMap[characterIdentifier] = {};
characterToSavedDataMap[characterIdentifier].histories =
const currentCharacter = characterToSavedDataMap[characterIdentifier];
if (currentCharacter.info && currentCharacter.histories) {
// We have all the downloadable data for this character, and we're on the
// correct page. Create the download link.
`Got all the data for ${characterIdentifier}, creating download link.`
"If it doesn't show up, here's the data:",
// For some reason, the link doesn't get added if we call this right now,
// so we wait a little while instead. Probably React re-render fuckery.
() =>
} catch (err) {
log.error("ERROR:", err);
// This is where XHook (lib for intercepting XHR/AJAX calls) gets injected into
// the document, and once it gets properly parsed it'll call out to the setup
// function.
// Copy-pasted and slightly adapted from: https://stackoverflow.com/a/8578840
log("Injecting XHook to intercept XHR/AJAX calls.");
(function (document, elementTagName, elementTagId) {
var js,
fjs = document.getElementsByTagName(elementTagName)[0];
if (document.getElementById(elementTagId)) {
js = document.createElement(elementTagName);
js.id = elementTagId;
js.onload = function () {
log("Done! Configuring intercepts.");
// Link to hosted version taken from the official repo:
// https://github.com/jpillora/xhook
js.src = "https://jpillora.com/xhook/dist/xhook.min.js";
fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js, fjs);
})(document, "script", "xhook");