
715 lines
18 KiB

#ifndef DYNOS_CPP_H
#define DYNOS_CPP_H
#ifdef __cplusplus
#include "dynos.h"
#define FUNCTION_CODE (u32) 0x434E5546
#define POINTER_CODE (u32) 0x52544E50
// Enums
enum {
enum {
// These ones are used by the Warp to Level built-in submenu
#ifndef DYNOS_COOP
enum {
// DynOS Array
// A vector-like array, implemented to be processed really fast, but cannot handle C++ complex classes like std::string
template <typename T>
class Array {
inline Array() : mBuffer(NULL), mCount(0), mCapacity(0) {
inline Array(const std::initializer_list<T> &aList) : mBuffer(NULL), mCount(0), mCapacity(0) {
memcpy(mBuffer, aList.begin(), mCount * sizeof(T));
inline Array(const T *aBegin, const T *aEnd) : mBuffer(NULL), mCount(0), mCapacity(0) {
Resize(aEnd - aBegin);
memcpy(mBuffer, aBegin, mCount * sizeof(T));
inline Array(const Array &aOther) : mBuffer(NULL), mCount(0), mCapacity(0) {
memcpy(mBuffer, aOther.mBuffer, mCount * sizeof(T));
inline void operator=(const Array &aOther) {
memcpy(mBuffer, aOther.mBuffer, mCount * sizeof(T));
inline ~Array() {
void Resize(s32 aCount) {
if (aCount > mCapacity) {
mCapacity = MAX(aCount, MAX(16, mCapacity * 2));
T *_Buffer = (T *) calloc(mCapacity, sizeof(T));
if (mBuffer) {
memcpy(_Buffer, mBuffer, mCount * sizeof(T));
mBuffer = _Buffer;
mCount = aCount;
void Add(const T& aItem) {
Resize(mCount + 1);
mBuffer[mCount - 1] = aItem;
void Remove(s32 aIndex) {
memmove(mBuffer + aIndex, mBuffer + aIndex + 1, (mCount - aIndex - 1) * sizeof(T));
void Pop() {
void RemoveAll() {
mCount = 0;
void Clear() {
if (mBuffer) free(mBuffer);
mBuffer = NULL;
mCount = 0;
mCapacity = 0;
s32 Find(const T& aItem) const {
for (s32 i = 0; i != mCount; ++i) {
if (mBuffer[i] == aItem) {
return i;
return -1;
template <typename Predicate>
s32 FindIf(Predicate aPredicate) const {
for (s32 i = 0; i != mCount; ++i) {
if (aPredicate(mBuffer[i])) {
return i;
return -1;
inline const T *begin() const { return mBuffer; }
inline const T *end() const { return mBuffer + mCount; }
inline T *begin() { return mBuffer; }
inline T *end() { return mBuffer + mCount; }
inline const T &operator[](s32 aIndex) const { return mBuffer[aIndex]; }
inline T &operator[](s32 aIndex) { return mBuffer[aIndex]; }
inline s32 Count() const { return mCount; }
inline bool Empty() const { return mCount == 0; }
void Read(FILE *aFile) {
s32 _Length = 0; fread(&_Length, sizeof(s32), 1, aFile);
fread(mBuffer, sizeof(T), _Length, aFile);
void Write(FILE *aFile) const {
fwrite(&mCount, sizeof(s32), 1, aFile);
fwrite(mBuffer, sizeof(T), mCount, aFile);
T *mBuffer;
s32 mCount;
s32 mCapacity;
// DynOS String
// A fixed-size string that doesn't require heap memory allocation
#define STRING_SIZE 95
class String {
inline String() : mCount(0) {
mBuffer[0] = 0;
inline String(const char *aString) : mCount(0) {
if (aString) {
u64 _Length = strlen(aString);
mCount = MIN(_Length, STRING_SIZE - 1);
memcpy(mBuffer, aString, _Length);
mBuffer[mCount] = 0;
template <typename... Args>
inline String(const char *aFmt, Args... aArgs) : mCount(0) {
snprintf(mBuffer, STRING_SIZE, aFmt, aArgs...);
mCount = (u8) strlen(mBuffer);
mBuffer[mCount] = 0;
inline String(const String &aOther) : mCount(0) {
mCount = aOther.mCount;
memcpy(mBuffer, aOther.mBuffer, mCount);
mBuffer[mCount] = 0;
inline void operator=(const String &aOther) {
mCount = aOther.mCount;
memcpy(mBuffer, aOther.mBuffer, mCount);
mBuffer[mCount] = 0;
void Add(char aChar) {
if (mCount == STRING_SIZE - 1) return;
mBuffer[mCount++] = aChar;
mBuffer[mCount] = 0;
void Remove(s32 aIndex) {
memmove(mBuffer + aIndex, mBuffer + aIndex + 1, (mCount-- - aIndex - 1));
mBuffer[mCount] = 0;
void RemoveAll() {
mCount = 0;
mBuffer[0] = 0;
void Clear() {
mCount = 0;
mBuffer[0] = 0;
s32 Find(char aChar, s32 aStart = 0) const {
for (u8 i = (u8) aStart; i < mCount; ++i) {
if (mBuffer[i] == aChar) {
return (s32) i;
return -1;
s32 Find(const char *aString, s32 aStart = 0) const {
const char *_Ptr = strstr(mBuffer + aStart, aString);
if (_Ptr) return (s32) (_Ptr - mBuffer);
return -1;
s32 FindLast(char aChar) const {
for (u8 i = mCount; i != 0; --i) {
if (mBuffer[i - 1] == aChar) {
return (s32) (i - 1);
return -1;
String SubString(s32 aStart, s32 aCount = STRING_SIZE - 1) const {
if (aStart >= mCount) return String();
if (aCount < 0) aCount = STRING_SIZE - 1;
aCount = MIN(aCount, mCount - aStart);
String _String;
_String.mCount = aCount;
memcpy(_String.mBuffer, mBuffer + aStart, aCount);
_String.mBuffer[aCount] = 0;
return _String;
inline const char *begin() const { return mBuffer; }
inline const char *end() const { return mBuffer + mCount; }
inline char *begin() { return mBuffer; }
inline char *end() { return mBuffer + mCount; }
inline const char &operator[](s32 aIndex) const { return mBuffer[aIndex]; }
inline char &operator[](s32 aIndex) { return mBuffer[aIndex]; }
inline s32 Length() const { return (s32) mCount; }
inline bool Empty() const { return mCount == 0; }
bool operator==(const char *aString) const {
if (strlen(aString) != mCount) return false;
for (u8 i = 0; i != mCount; ++i) {
if (aString[i] != mBuffer[i]) {
return false;
return true;
bool operator==(const String &aOther) const {
if (aOther.mCount != mCount) return false;
for (u8 i = 0; i != mCount; ++i) {
if (aOther.mBuffer[i] != mBuffer[i]) {
return false;
return true;
bool operator!=(const char *aString) const {
if (strlen(aString) != mCount) return true;
for (u8 i = 0; i != mCount; ++i) {
if (aString[i] != mBuffer[i]) {
return true;
return false;
bool operator!=(const String &aOther) const {
if (aOther.mCount != mCount) return true;
for (u8 i = 0; i != mCount; ++i) {
if (aOther.mBuffer[i] != mBuffer[i]) {
return true;
return false;
void Read(FILE *aFile) {
fread(&mCount, sizeof(u8), 1, aFile);
fread(mBuffer, sizeof(char), mCount, aFile);
mBuffer[mCount] = 0;
void Write(FILE *aFile) const {
fwrite(&mCount, sizeof(u8), 1, aFile);
fwrite(mBuffer, sizeof(char), mCount, aFile);
s32 ParseInt() const {
s32 i = 0;
if (mBuffer[1] == 'x') {
sscanf(mBuffer + 2, "%x", &i);
} else {
sscanf(mBuffer, "%d", &i);
return i;
f32 ParseFloat() const {
f32 f = 0.f;
sscanf(mBuffer, "%f", &f);
return f;
char mBuffer[STRING_SIZE];
u8 mCount;
static_assert(sizeof(String) == (STRING_SIZE + 1), "sizeof(String) must be (STRING_SIZE + 1)");
// Types
template <typename U, typename V>
using Pair = std::pair<U, V>;
typedef std::string SysPath;
class NoCopy {
NoCopy() {}
~NoCopy() {}
NoCopy(const NoCopy &) = delete;
void operator=(const NoCopy &) = delete;
struct TexData : NoCopy {
Array<u8> mPngData;
Array<u8> mRawData;
s32 mRawWidth = -1;
s32 mRawHeight = -1;
s32 mRawFormat = -1;
s32 mRawSize = -1;
bool mUploaded = false;
struct AnimData : NoCopy {
s16 mFlags = 0;
s16 mUnk02 = 0;
s16 mUnk04 = 0;
s16 mUnk06 = 0;
s16 mUnk08 = 0;
Pair<String, s16> mUnk0A;
Pair<String, Array<s16>> mValues;
Pair<String, Array<u16>> mIndex;
u32 mLength = 0;
template <typename T>
struct DataNode : NoCopy {
String mName;
T* mData = NULL;
u32 mSize = 0;
Array<String> mTokens;
u64 mModelIdentifier = 0;
u64 mLoadIndex = 0;
template <typename T>
using DataNodes = Array<DataNode<T>*>;
struct GfxContext {
DataNode<TexData>* mCurrentTexture = NULL;
DataNode<TexData>* mCurrentPalette = NULL;
template <typename T>
using AnimBuffer = Pair<String, Array<T>>;
struct GfxData : NoCopy {
// Model data
DataNodes<Lights1> mLights;
DataNodes<TexData> mTextures;
DataNodes<Vtx> mVertices;
DataNodes<Gfx> mDisplayLists;
DataNodes<GeoLayout> mGeoLayouts;
// Animation data
Array<AnimBuffer<s16> *> mAnimValues;
Array<AnimBuffer<u16> *> mAnimIndices;
DataNodes<AnimData> mAnimations;
Array<Pair<String, void *>> mAnimationTable;
// Current
u64 mLoadIndex = 0;
s32 mErrorCount = 0;
u32 mModelIdentifier = 0;
SysPath mPackFolder;
Array<void *> mPointerList;
GfxContext mGfxContext;
Array<GfxContext> mGeoNodeStack;
struct ActorGfx {
GfxData *mGfxData = NULL;
GraphNode *mGraphNode = NULL;
s32 mPackIndex = 0;
struct PackData {
SysPath mPath;
typedef Pair<String, const u8 *> Label;
struct DynosOption : NoCopy {
String mName;
String mConfigName; // Name used in the config file
Label mLabel;
Label mTitle; // Full caps label, displayed with colored font
DynosOption *mPrev;
DynosOption *mNext;
DynosOption *mParent;
bool mDynos; // true from create, false from convert
u8 mType;
struct Toggle : NoCopy {
bool *mTog;
} mToggle;
struct Choice : NoCopy {
Array<Label> mChoices;
s32 *mIndex;
} mChoice;
struct Scroll : NoCopy {
s32 mMin;
s32 mMax;
s32 mStep;
s32 *mValue;
} mScroll;
struct Bind : NoCopy {
u32 mMask;
u32 *mBinds;
s32 mIndex;
} mBind;
struct Button : NoCopy {
String mFuncName;
} mButton;
struct Submenu : NoCopy {
DynosOption *mChild;
bool mEmpty;
} mSubMenu;
typedef bool (*DynosLoopFunc)(DynosOption *, void *);
// Utils
template <typename T>
T* New(u64 aCount = 1llu) {
T *_Ptr = (T *) calloc(aCount, sizeof(T));
for (u64 i = 0; i != aCount; ++i) {
new (_Ptr + i) T(); // Calls the constructor of type T at address (_Ptr + i)
return _Ptr;
template <typename T>
void Delete(T *& aPtr) {
if (aPtr) aPtr->~T();
aPtr = NULL;
template <typename T>
T *CopyBytes(const T *aPtr, u64 aSize) {
T *_Ptr = (T *) calloc(1, aSize);
memcpy(_Ptr, aPtr, aSize);
return _Ptr;
template <typename T = void>
Array<String> Split(const char *aBuffer, const String &aDelimiters, const String &aEndCharacters = {}, bool aHandleDoubleQuotedStrings = false) {
Array<String> _Tokens;
String _Token;
bool _TreatSpaceAsChar = false;
u64 _Length = strlen(aBuffer);
for (u64 i = 0; i <= _Length; ++i) {
if (i == _Length || aDelimiters.Find(aBuffer[i]) != -1) {
if (aBuffer[i] == ' ' && _TreatSpaceAsChar) {
} else {
if (!_Token.Empty()) {
if (aEndCharacters.Find(aBuffer[i]) != -1) {
} else {
if (aBuffer[i] == '\"' && aHandleDoubleQuotedStrings) {
_TreatSpaceAsChar = !_TreatSpaceAsChar;
} else {
return _Tokens;
template <typename T>
T ReadBytes(FILE* aFile) {
T _Item = { 0 };
fread(&_Item, sizeof(T), 1, aFile);
return _Item;
template <typename T>
void WriteBytes(FILE* aFile, const T& aItem) {
fwrite(&aItem, sizeof(T), 1, aFile);
template <typename... Args>
void PrintNoNewLine(const char *aFmt, Args... aArgs) {
printf(aFmt, aArgs...);
template <typename... Args>
void Print(const char *aFmt, Args... aArgs) {
printf(aFmt, aArgs...);
#define PrintError(...) { \
if (aGfxData->mErrorCount == 0) Print(" ERROR!"); \
Print(__VA_ARGS__); \
aGfxData->mErrorCount++; \
template <typename... Args>
SysPath fstring(const char *aFmt, Args... aArgs) {
char buffer[1024];
snprintf(buffer, 1024, aFmt, aArgs...);
return SysPath(buffer);
// Wraps the static into a function, to call the constructor on first use
#define STATIC_STORAGE(type, name) \
static type &__##name() { \
static type s##name; \
return s##name; \
// Main
void DynOS_Init();
void DynOS_UpdateOpt(void *aPad);
void *DynOS_UpdateCmd(void *aCmd);
void DynOS_UpdateGfx();
bool DynOS_IsTransitionActive();
#ifndef DYNOS_COOP
void DynOS_ReturnToMainMenu();
void DynOS_Coop_SendCommand(s32 aType, s32 aLevel, s32 aArea, s32 aAct);
// Opt
s32 DynOS_Opt_GetValue(const String &aName);
void DynOS_Opt_SetValue(const String &aName, s32 aValue);
void DynOS_Opt_AddAction(const String &aFuncName, bool (*aFuncPtr)(const char *), bool aOverwrite);
void DynOS_Opt_Init();
void DynOS_Opt_InitVanilla(DynosOption *&aOptionsMenu);
void DynOS_Opt_Update(OSContPad *aPad);
bool DynOS_Opt_ControllerUpdate(DynosOption *aOpt, void *aData);
s32 DynOS_Opt_ControllerGetKeyPressed();
void DynOS_Opt_LoadConfig(DynosOption *aMenu);
void DynOS_Opt_SaveConfig(DynosOption *aMenu);
void DynOS_Opt_DrawMenu(DynosOption *aCurrentOption, DynosOption *aCurrentMenu, DynosOption *aOptionsMenu, DynosOption *aDynosMenu);
void DynOS_Opt_DrawPrompt(DynosOption *aCurrentMenu, DynosOption *aOptionsMenu, DynosOption *aDynosMenu);
// Gfx
u8 *DynOS_Gfx_TextureConvertToRGBA32(const u8 *aData, u64 aLength, s32 aFormat, s32 aSize, const u8 *aPalette);
bool DynOS_Gfx_ImportTexture(void **aOutput, void *aPtr, s32 aTile, void *aGfxRApi, void **aHashMap, void *aPool, u32 *aPoolPos, u32 aPoolSize);
Array<ActorGfx> &DynOS_Gfx_GetActorList();
Array<PackData *> &DynOS_Gfx_GetPacks();
Array<String> DynOS_Gfx_Init();
void DynOS_Gfx_Update();
void DynOS_Gfx_SwapAnimations(void *aPtr);
bool DynOS_Gfx_WriteBinary(const SysPath &aOutputFilename, GfxData *aGfxData);
GfxData *DynOS_Gfx_LoadFromBinary(const SysPath &aFilename);
void DynOS_Gfx_Free(GfxData *aGfxData);
void DynOS_Gfx_GeneratePack(const SysPath &aPackFolder);
// String
u8 *DynOS_String_Convert(const char *aString, bool aHeapAlloc);
u8 *DynOS_String_Decapitalize(u8 *aStr64);
s32 DynOS_String_Length(const u8 *aStr64);
s32 DynOS_String_WidthChar64(u8 aChar64);
s32 DynOS_String_Width(const u8 *aStr64);
// Geo
s32 DynOS_Geo_GetActorCount();
const char *DynOS_Geo_GetActorName(s32 aIndex);
void *DynOS_Geo_GetActorLayout(s32 aIndex);
s32 DynOS_Geo_GetActorIndex(const void *aGeoLayout);
void *DynOS_Geo_GetFunctionPointerFromName(const String &aName);
void *DynOS_Geo_GetFunctionPointerFromIndex(s32 aIndex);
s32 DynOS_Geo_GetFunctionIndex(const void *aPtr);
void *DynOS_Geo_GetGraphNode(const void *aGeoLayout, bool aKeepInMemory);
// Levels
s32 DynOS_Level_GetCount();
const s32 *DynOS_Level_GetList();
s32 DynOS_Level_GetCourse(s32 aLevel);
const void *DynOS_Level_GetScript(s32 aLevel);
const u8 *DynOS_Level_GetName(s32 aLevel, bool aDecaps, bool aAddCourseNumber);
const u8 *DynOS_Level_GetActName(s32 aLevel, s32 aAct, bool aDecaps, bool aAddStarNumber);
const u8 *DynOS_Level_GetAreaName(s32 aLevel, s32 aArea, bool aDecaps);
s16 *DynOS_Level_GetWarp(s32 aLevel, s32 aArea, u8 aWarpId);
s16 *DynOS_Level_GetWarpEntry(s32 aLevel, s32 aArea);
s16 *DynOS_Level_GetWarpDeath(s32 aLevel, s32 aArea);
// Warps
void *DynOS_Warp_Update(void *aCmd, bool aIsLevelInitDone);
bool DynOS_Warp_ToLevel(s32 aLevel, s32 aArea, s32 aAct);
bool DynOS_Warp_RestartLevel();
bool DynOS_Warp_ExitLevel(s32 aDelay);
bool DynOS_Warp_ToCastle(s32 aLevel);
#ifndef DYNOS_COOP
void DynOS_Warp_SetParam(s32 aLevel, s32 aIndex);
const char *DynOS_Warp_GetParamName(s32 aLevel, s32 aIndex);