#ifdef EXT_OPTIONS_MENU #include "sm64.h" #include "text_strings.h" #include "engine/math_util.h" #include "audio/external.h" #include "game/camera.h" #include "game/level_update.h" #include "game/print.h" #include "game/segment2.h" #include "game/save_file.h" #ifdef BETTERCAMERA #include "game/bettercamera.h" #endif #include "game/mario_misc.h" #include "game/game_init.h" #include "game/ingame_menu.h" #include "game/options_menu.h" #include "pc/pc_main.h" #include "pc/cliopts.h" #include "pc/cheats.h" #include "pc/configfile.h" #include "pc/controller/controller_api.h" #include #include "../../include/libc/stdlib.h" u8 optmenu_open = 0; static u8 optmenu_binding = 0; static u8 optmenu_bind_idx = 0; /* Keeps track of how many times the user has pressed L while in the options menu, so cheats can be unlocked */ static s32 l_counter = 0; // How to add stuff: // strings: add them to include/text_strings.h.in // and to menuStr[] / opts*Str[] // options: add them to the relevant options list // menus: add a new submenu definition and a new // option to the optsMain list static const u8 toggleStr[][16] = { { TEXT_OPT_DISABLED }, { TEXT_OPT_ENABLED }, }; static const u8 optSmallStr[][32] = { { TEXT_OPT_BUTTON1 }, { TEXT_OPT_BUTTON2 }, { TEXT_OPT_L_HIGHLIGHT }, { TEXT_OPT_R_HIGHLIGHT }, }; static const u8 menuStr[][32] = { { TEXT_OPT_OPTIONS }, { TEXT_OPT_CAMERA }, { TEXT_OPT_CONTROLS }, { TEXT_OPT_VIDEO }, { TEXT_OPT_AUDIO }, { TEXT_EXIT_GAME }, { TEXT_OPT_CHEATS }, }; static const u8 optsCameraStr[][32] = { { TEXT_OPT_CAMX }, { TEXT_OPT_CAMY }, { TEXT_OPT_INVERTX }, { TEXT_OPT_INVERTY }, { TEXT_OPT_CAMC }, { TEXT_OPT_CAMP }, { TEXT_OPT_ANALOGUE }, { TEXT_OPT_MOUSE }, { TEXT_OPT_CAMD }, { TEXT_OPT_CAMON }, }; static const u8 optsVideoStr[][32] = { { TEXT_OPT_FSCREEN }, { TEXT_OPT_TEXFILTER }, { TEXT_OPT_NEAREST }, { TEXT_OPT_LINEAR }, { TEXT_OPT_RESETWND }, { TEXT_OPT_VSYNC }, { TEXT_OPT_AUTO }, { TEXT_OPT_HUD }, { TEXT_OPT_THREEPT }, { TEXT_OPT_APPLY }, }; static const u8 optsAudioStr[][32] = { { TEXT_OPT_MVOLUME }, { TEXT_OPT_MUSVOLUME }, { TEXT_OPT_SFXVOLUME }, { TEXT_OPT_ENVVOLUME }, }; static const u8 optsCheatsStr[][64] = { { TEXT_OPT_CHEAT1 }, { TEXT_OPT_CHEAT2 }, { TEXT_OPT_CHEAT3 }, { TEXT_OPT_CHEAT4 }, { TEXT_OPT_CHEAT5 }, { TEXT_OPT_CHEAT6 }, { TEXT_OPT_CHEAT7 }, { TEXT_OPT_CHEAT8 }, { TEXT_OPT_CHEAT9 }, { TEXT_OPT_FOREVER_CAP }, }; static const u8 bindStr[][32] = { { TEXT_OPT_UNBOUND }, { TEXT_OPT_PRESSKEY }, { TEXT_BIND_A }, { TEXT_BIND_B }, { TEXT_BIND_START }, { TEXT_BIND_L }, { TEXT_BIND_R }, { TEXT_BIND_Z }, { TEXT_BIND_C_UP }, { TEXT_BIND_C_DOWN }, { TEXT_BIND_C_LEFT }, { TEXT_BIND_C_RIGHT }, { TEXT_BIND_UP }, { TEXT_BIND_DOWN }, { TEXT_BIND_LEFT }, { TEXT_BIND_RIGHT }, { TEXT_OPT_DEADZONE }, { TEXT_OPT_RUMBLE }, }; static const u8 *filterChoices[] = { optsVideoStr[2], optsVideoStr[3], optsVideoStr[8], }; static const u8 *vsyncChoices[] = { toggleStr[0], toggleStr[1], optsVideoStr[6], }; enum OptType { OPT_INVALID = 0, OPT_TOGGLE, OPT_CHOICE, OPT_SCROLL, OPT_SUBMENU, OPT_BIND, OPT_BUTTON, }; struct SubMenu; struct Option { enum OptType type; const u8 *label; union { u32 *uval; bool *bval; }; union { struct { const u8 **choices; u32 numChoices; }; struct { u32 scrMin; u32 scrMax; u32 scrStep; }; struct SubMenu *nextMenu; void (*actionFn)(struct Option *, s32); }; }; struct SubMenu { struct SubMenu *prev; // this is set at runtime to avoid needless complication const u8 *label; struct Option *opts; s32 numOpts; s32 select; s32 scroll; }; /* helper macros */ #define DEF_OPT_TOGGLE(lbl, bv) \ { .type = OPT_TOGGLE, .label = lbl, .bval = bv } #define DEF_OPT_SCROLL(lbl, uv, min, max, st) \ { .type = OPT_SCROLL, .label = lbl, .uval = uv, .scrMin = min, .scrMax = max, .scrStep = st } #define DEF_OPT_CHOICE(lbl, uv, ch) \ { .type = OPT_CHOICE, .label = lbl, .uval = uv, .choices = ch, .numChoices = sizeof(ch) / sizeof(ch[0]) } #define DEF_OPT_SUBMENU(lbl, nm) \ { .type = OPT_SUBMENU, .label = lbl, .nextMenu = nm } #define DEF_OPT_BIND(lbl, uv) \ { .type = OPT_BIND, .label = lbl, .uval = uv } #define DEF_OPT_BUTTON(lbl, act) \ { .type = OPT_BUTTON, .label = lbl, .actionFn = act } #define DEF_SUBMENU(lbl, opt) \ { .label = lbl, .opts = opt, .numOpts = sizeof(opt) / sizeof(opt[0]) } /* button action functions */ static void optmenu_act_exit(UNUSED struct Option *self, s32 arg) { if (!arg) game_exit(); // only exit on A press and not directions } static void optvideo_reset_window(UNUSED struct Option *self, s32 arg) { if (!arg) { // Restrict reset to A press and not directions configWindow.reset = true; configWindow.settings_changed = true; } } static void optvideo_apply(UNUSED struct Option *self, s32 arg) { if (!arg) configWindow.settings_changed = true; } /* submenu option lists */ #ifdef BETTERCAMERA static struct Option optsCamera[] = { DEF_OPT_TOGGLE( optsCameraStr[9], &configEnableCamera ), DEF_OPT_TOGGLE( optsCameraStr[6], &configCameraAnalog ), DEF_OPT_TOGGLE( optsCameraStr[7], &configCameraMouse ), DEF_OPT_TOGGLE( optsCameraStr[2], &configCameraInvertX ), DEF_OPT_TOGGLE( optsCameraStr[3], &configCameraInvertY ), DEF_OPT_SCROLL( optsCameraStr[0], &configCameraXSens, 1, 100, 1 ), DEF_OPT_SCROLL( optsCameraStr[1], &configCameraYSens, 1, 100, 1 ), DEF_OPT_SCROLL( optsCameraStr[4], &configCameraAggr, 0, 100, 1 ), DEF_OPT_SCROLL( optsCameraStr[5], &configCameraPan, 0, 100, 1 ), DEF_OPT_SCROLL( optsCameraStr[8], &configCameraDegrade, 0, 100, 1 ), }; #endif static struct Option optsControls[] = { DEF_OPT_BIND( bindStr[ 2], configKeyA ), DEF_OPT_BIND( bindStr[ 3], configKeyB ), DEF_OPT_BIND( bindStr[ 4], configKeyStart ), DEF_OPT_BIND( bindStr[ 5], configKeyL ), DEF_OPT_BIND( bindStr[ 6], configKeyR ), DEF_OPT_BIND( bindStr[ 7], configKeyZ ), DEF_OPT_BIND( bindStr[ 8], configKeyCUp ), DEF_OPT_BIND( bindStr[ 9], configKeyCDown ), DEF_OPT_BIND( bindStr[10], configKeyCLeft ), DEF_OPT_BIND( bindStr[11], configKeyCRight ), DEF_OPT_BIND( bindStr[12], configKeyStickUp ), DEF_OPT_BIND( bindStr[13], configKeyStickDown ), DEF_OPT_BIND( bindStr[14], configKeyStickLeft ), DEF_OPT_BIND( bindStr[15], configKeyStickRight ), // max deadzone is 31000; this is less than the max range of ~32768, but this // way, the player can't accidentally lock themselves out of using the stick DEF_OPT_SCROLL( bindStr[16], &configStickDeadzone, 0, 100, 1 ), DEF_OPT_SCROLL( bindStr[17], &configRumbleStrength, 0, 100, 1) }; static struct Option optsVideo[] = { DEF_OPT_TOGGLE( optsVideoStr[0], &configWindow.fullscreen ), DEF_OPT_TOGGLE( optsVideoStr[5], &configWindow.vsync ), DEF_OPT_CHOICE( optsVideoStr[1], &configFiltering, filterChoices ), DEF_OPT_TOGGLE( optsVideoStr[7], &configHUD ), DEF_OPT_BUTTON( optsVideoStr[4], optvideo_reset_window ), DEF_OPT_BUTTON( optsVideoStr[9], optvideo_apply ), }; static struct Option optsAudio[] = { DEF_OPT_SCROLL( optsAudioStr[0], &configMasterVolume, 0, MAX_VOLUME, 1 ), DEF_OPT_SCROLL( optsAudioStr[1], &configMusicVolume, 0, MAX_VOLUME, 1), DEF_OPT_SCROLL( optsAudioStr[2], &configSfxVolume, 0, MAX_VOLUME, 1), DEF_OPT_SCROLL( optsAudioStr[3], &configEnvVolume, 0, MAX_VOLUME, 1), }; static struct Option optsCheats[] = { DEF_OPT_TOGGLE( optsCheatsStr[0], &Cheats.EnableCheats ), DEF_OPT_TOGGLE( optsCheatsStr[1], &Cheats.MoonJump ), DEF_OPT_TOGGLE( optsCheatsStr[2], &Cheats.GodMode ), DEF_OPT_TOGGLE( optsCheatsStr[3], &Cheats.InfiniteLives ), DEF_OPT_TOGGLE( optsCheatsStr[4], &Cheats.SuperSpeed ), DEF_OPT_TOGGLE( optsCheatsStr[5], &Cheats.Responsive ), DEF_OPT_TOGGLE( optsCheatsStr[6], &Cheats.ExitAnywhere ), DEF_OPT_TOGGLE( optsCheatsStr[7], &Cheats.HugeMario ), DEF_OPT_TOGGLE( optsCheatsStr[8], &Cheats.TinyMario ), DEF_OPT_TOGGLE( optsCheatsStr[9], &Cheats.ForeverCap ), }; /* submenu definitions */ #ifdef BETTERCAMERA static struct SubMenu menuCamera = DEF_SUBMENU( menuStr[1], optsCamera ); #endif static struct SubMenu menuControls = DEF_SUBMENU( menuStr[2], optsControls ); static struct SubMenu menuVideo = DEF_SUBMENU( menuStr[3], optsVideo ); static struct SubMenu menuAudio = DEF_SUBMENU( menuStr[4], optsAudio ); static struct SubMenu menuCheats = DEF_SUBMENU( menuStr[6], optsCheats ); /* main options menu definition */ static struct Option optsMain[] = { #ifdef BETTERCAMERA DEF_OPT_SUBMENU( menuStr[1], &menuCamera ), #endif DEF_OPT_SUBMENU( menuStr[2], &menuControls ), DEF_OPT_SUBMENU( menuStr[3], &menuVideo ), DEF_OPT_SUBMENU( menuStr[4], &menuAudio ), DEF_OPT_BUTTON ( menuStr[5], optmenu_act_exit ), // NOTE: always keep cheats the last option here because of the half-assed way I toggle them DEF_OPT_SUBMENU( menuStr[6], &menuCheats ) }; static struct SubMenu menuMain = DEF_SUBMENU( menuStr[0], optsMain ); /* implementation */ static s32 optmenu_option_timer = 0; static u8 optmenu_hold_count = 0; static struct SubMenu *currentMenu = &menuMain; static inline s32 wrap_add(s32 a, const s32 b, const s32 min, const s32 max) { a += b; if (a < min) a = max - (min - a) + 1; else if (a > max) a = min + (a - max) - 1; return a; } static void uint_to_hex(u32 num, u8 *dst) { u8 places = 4; while (places--) { const u32 digit = num & 0xF; dst[places] = digit; num >>= 4; } dst[4] = DIALOG_CHAR_TERMINATOR; } //Displays a box. static void optmenu_draw_box(s16 x1, s16 y1, s16 x2, s16 y2, u8 r, u8 g, u8 b) { gDPPipeSync(gDisplayListHead++); gDPSetRenderMode(gDisplayListHead++, G_RM_OPA_SURF, G_RM_OPA_SURF2); gDPSetCycleType(gDisplayListHead++, G_CYC_FILL); gDPSetFillColor(gDisplayListHead++, GPACK_RGBA5551(r, g, b, 255)); gDPFillRectangle(gDisplayListHead++, x1, y1, x2 - 1, y2 - 1); gDPPipeSync(gDisplayListHead++); gDPSetCycleType(gDisplayListHead++, G_CYC_1CYCLE); } static void optmenu_draw_text(s16 x, s16 y, const u8 *str, u8 col) { const u8 textX = get_str_x_pos_from_center(x, (u8*)str, 10.0f); gDPSetEnvColor(gDisplayListHead++, 0, 0, 0, 255); print_generic_string(textX+1, y-1, str); if (col == 0) { gDPSetEnvColor(gDisplayListHead++, 255, 255, 255, 255); } else { gDPSetEnvColor(gDisplayListHead++, 255, 32, 32, 255); } print_generic_string(textX, y, str); } static void optmenu_draw_opt(const struct Option *opt, s16 x, s16 y, u8 sel) { u8 buf[32] = { 0 }; if (opt->type == OPT_SUBMENU || opt->type == OPT_BUTTON) y -= 6; optmenu_draw_text(x, y, opt->label, sel); switch (opt->type) { case OPT_TOGGLE: optmenu_draw_text(x, y-13, toggleStr[(int)*opt->bval], sel); break; case OPT_CHOICE: optmenu_draw_text(x, y-13, opt->choices[*opt->uval], sel); break; case OPT_SCROLL: int_to_str(*opt->uval, buf); optmenu_draw_text(x, y-13, buf, sel); break; case OPT_BIND: x = 112; for (u8 i = 0; i < MAX_BINDS; ++i, x += 48) { const u8 white = (sel && (optmenu_bind_idx == i)); // TODO: button names if (opt->uval[i] == VK_INVALID) { if (optmenu_binding && white) optmenu_draw_text(x, y-13, bindStr[1], 1); else optmenu_draw_text(x, y-13, bindStr[0], white); } else { uint_to_hex(opt->uval[i], buf); optmenu_draw_text(x, y-13, buf, white); } } break; default: break; }; } static void optmenu_opt_change(struct Option *opt, s32 val) { switch (opt->type) { case OPT_TOGGLE: *opt->bval = !*opt->bval; break; case OPT_CHOICE: *opt->uval = wrap_add(*opt->uval, val, 0, opt->numChoices - 1); break; case OPT_SCROLL: *opt->uval = wrap_add(*opt->uval, opt->scrStep * val, opt->scrMin, opt->scrMax); break; case OPT_SUBMENU: opt->nextMenu->prev = currentMenu; currentMenu = opt->nextMenu; break; case OPT_BUTTON: if (opt->actionFn) opt->actionFn(opt, val); break; case OPT_BIND: if (val == 0xFF) { // clear the bind opt->uval[optmenu_bind_idx] = VK_INVALID; } else if (val == 0) { opt->uval[optmenu_bind_idx] = VK_INVALID; optmenu_binding = 1; controller_get_raw_key(); // clear the last key, which is probably A } else { optmenu_bind_idx = wrap_add(optmenu_bind_idx, val, 0, MAX_BINDS - 1); } break; default: break; } } static inline s16 get_hudstr_centered_x(const s16 sx, const u8 *str) { const u8 *chr = str; s16 len = 0; while (*chr != GLOBAR_CHAR_TERMINATOR) ++chr, ++len; return sx - len * 6; // stride is 12 } //Options menu void optmenu_draw(void) { s16 scroll; s16 scrollpos; const s16 labelX = get_hudstr_centered_x(160, currentMenu->label); gSPDisplayList(gDisplayListHead++, dl_rgba16_text_begin); gDPSetEnvColor(gDisplayListHead++, 255, 255, 255, 255); print_hud_lut_string(HUD_LUT_GLOBAL, labelX, 40, currentMenu->label); gSPDisplayList(gDisplayListHead++, dl_rgba16_text_end); if (currentMenu->numOpts > 4) { optmenu_draw_box(272, 90, 280, 208, 0x80, 0x80, 0x80); scrollpos = 54 * ((f32)currentMenu->scroll / (currentMenu->numOpts-4)); optmenu_draw_box(272, 90+scrollpos, 280, 154+scrollpos, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF); } gSPDisplayList(gDisplayListHead++, dl_ia_text_begin); gDPSetScissor(gDisplayListHead++, G_SC_NON_INTERLACE, 0, 80, SCREEN_WIDTH, SCREEN_HEIGHT); for (u8 i = 0; i < currentMenu->numOpts; i++) { scroll = 140 - 32 * i + currentMenu->scroll * 32; // FIXME: just start from the first visible option bruh if (scroll <= 140 && scroll > 32) optmenu_draw_opt(¤tMenu->opts[i], 160, scroll, (currentMenu->select == i)); } gDPSetScissor(gDisplayListHead++, G_SC_NON_INTERLACE, 0, 0, SCREEN_WIDTH, SCREEN_HEIGHT); gDPSetEnvColor(gDisplayListHead++, 255, 255, 255, 255); print_generic_string(72, 132 - (32 * (currentMenu->select - currentMenu->scroll)), optSmallStr[2]); print_generic_string(232, 132 - (32 * (currentMenu->select - currentMenu->scroll)), optSmallStr[3]); gSPDisplayList(gDisplayListHead++, dl_ia_text_end); } //This has been separated for interesting reasons. Don't question it. void optmenu_draw_prompt(void) { gSPDisplayList(gDisplayListHead++, dl_ia_text_begin); optmenu_draw_text(264, 212, optSmallStr[optmenu_open], 0); gSPDisplayList(gDisplayListHead++, dl_ia_text_end); } void optmenu_toggle(void) { if (optmenu_open == 0) { #ifndef nosound play_sound(SOUND_MENU_CHANGE_SELECT, gDefaultSoundArgs); #endif // HACK: hide the last option in main if cheats are disabled menuMain.numOpts = sizeof(optsMain) / sizeof(optsMain[0]); if (!Cheats.EnableCheats) { menuMain.numOpts--; if (menuMain.select >= menuMain.numOpts) { menuMain.select = 0; // don't bother menuMain.scroll = 0; } } currentMenu = &menuMain; optmenu_open = 1; /* Resets l_counter to 0 every time the options menu is open */ l_counter = 0; } else { #ifndef nosound play_sound(SOUND_MENU_MARIO_CASTLE_WARP2, gDefaultSoundArgs); #endif optmenu_open = 0; #ifdef BETTERCAMERA newcam_init_settings(); // load bettercam settings from config vars #endif controller_reconfigure(); // rebind using new config values configfile_save(configfile_name()); } } void optmenu_check_buttons(void) { if (optmenu_binding) { u32 key = controller_get_raw_key(); if (key != VK_INVALID) { #ifndef nosound play_sound(SOUND_MENU_CHANGE_SELECT, gDefaultSoundArgs); #endif currentMenu->opts[currentMenu->select].uval[optmenu_bind_idx] = key; optmenu_binding = 0; optmenu_option_timer = 12; } return; } if (gPlayer1Controller->buttonPressed & R_TRIG) optmenu_toggle(); /* Enables cheats if the user press the L trigger 3 times while in the options menu. Also plays a sound. */ if ((gPlayer1Controller->buttonPressed & L_TRIG) && !Cheats.EnableCheats) { if (l_counter == 2) { Cheats.EnableCheats = true; play_sound(SOUND_MENU_STAR_SOUND, gDefaultSoundArgs); l_counter = 0; } else { l_counter++; } } if (!optmenu_open) return; u8 allowInput = 0; optmenu_option_timer--; if (optmenu_option_timer <= 0) { if (optmenu_hold_count == 0) { optmenu_hold_count++; optmenu_option_timer = 10; } else { optmenu_option_timer = 3; } allowInput = 1; } if (ABS(gPlayer1Controller->stickY) > 60) { if (allowInput) { #ifndef nosound play_sound(SOUND_MENU_CHANGE_SELECT, gDefaultSoundArgs); #endif if (gPlayer1Controller->stickY >= 60) { currentMenu->select--; if (currentMenu->select < 0) currentMenu->select = currentMenu->numOpts-1; } else { currentMenu->select++; if (currentMenu->select >= currentMenu->numOpts) currentMenu->select = 0; } if (currentMenu->select < currentMenu->scroll) currentMenu->scroll = currentMenu->select; else if (currentMenu->select > currentMenu->scroll + 3) currentMenu->scroll = currentMenu->select - 3; } } else if (ABS(gPlayer1Controller->stickX) > 60) { if (allowInput) { #ifndef nosound play_sound(SOUND_MENU_CHANGE_SELECT, gDefaultSoundArgs); #endif if (gPlayer1Controller->stickX >= 60) optmenu_opt_change(¤tMenu->opts[currentMenu->select], 1); else optmenu_opt_change(¤tMenu->opts[currentMenu->select], -1); } } else if (gPlayer1Controller->buttonPressed & A_BUTTON) { if (allowInput) { #ifndef nosound play_sound(SOUND_MENU_CHANGE_SELECT, gDefaultSoundArgs); #endif optmenu_opt_change(¤tMenu->opts[currentMenu->select], 0); } } else if (gPlayer1Controller->buttonPressed & B_BUTTON) { if (allowInput) { if (currentMenu->prev) { #ifndef nosound play_sound(SOUND_MENU_CHANGE_SELECT, gDefaultSoundArgs); #endif currentMenu = currentMenu->prev; } else { // can't go back, exit the menu altogether optmenu_toggle(); } } } else if (gPlayer1Controller->buttonPressed & Z_TRIG) { // HACK: clear binds with Z if (allowInput && currentMenu->opts[currentMenu->select].type == OPT_BIND) optmenu_opt_change(¤tMenu->opts[currentMenu->select], 0xFF); } else if (gPlayer1Controller->buttonPressed & START_BUTTON) { if (allowInput) optmenu_toggle(); } else { optmenu_hold_count = 0; optmenu_option_timer = 0; } } #endif // EXT_OPTIONS_MENU