#include #include #include "memory.h" #include "data.h" #include "load.h" #include "seqplayer.h" #include "playback.h" #include "synthesis.h" #include "effects.h" s32 note_init_for_layer(struct Note *note, struct SequenceChannelLayer *seqLayer); void func_80318870(struct Note *note) { if (note->parentLayer->adsr.releaseRate == 0) { adsr_init(¬e->adsr, note->parentLayer->seqChannel->adsr.envelope, ¬e->adsrVolScale); } else { adsr_init(¬e->adsr, note->parentLayer->adsr.envelope, ¬e->adsrVolScale); } note->adsr.state = ADSR_STATE_INITIAL; note_init_volume(note); note_enable(note); } void note_disable2(struct Note *note) { note_disable(note); } void func_80318908(void) { f32 scale; f32 frequency; u8 reverb; f32 velocity; f32 pan; f32 cap; struct Note *note; struct NoteAttributes *attributes; struct AudioListItem *it; s32 i; // Macro versions of audio_list_push_front and audio_list_remove // (PREPEND does not actually need to be a macro, but it seems likely.) #define PREPEND(item, head_arg) \ ((it = (item), it->prev != NULL) \ ? it \ : (it->prev = (head_arg), it->next = (head_arg)->next, (head_arg)->next->prev = it, \ (head_arg)->next = it, (head_arg)->u.count++, it->pool = (head_arg)->pool, it)) #define POP(item) \ ((it = (item), it->prev == NULL) \ ? it \ : (it->prev->next = it->next, it->next->prev = it->prev, it->prev = NULL, it)) for (i = 0; i < gMaxSimultaneousNotes; i++) { note = &gNotes[i]; if (note->priority != NOTE_PRIORITY_DISABLED) { if (note->priority == NOTE_PRIORITY_STOPPING || note->unk0b10) { if (note->adsrVolScale == 0 || note->unk0b10) { if (note->wantedParentLayer != NO_LAYER) { note_disable2(note); if (note->wantedParentLayer->seqChannel != NULL) { if (note_init_for_layer(note, note->wantedParentLayer) == TRUE) { note_disable2(note); POP(¬e->listItem); PREPEND(¬e->listItem, &gNoteFreeLists.disabled); } else { note_vibrato_init(note); audio_list_push_back(¬e->listItem.pool->active, POP(¬e->listItem)); note->wantedParentLayer = NO_LAYER; } } else { note_disable2(note); audio_list_push_back(¬e->listItem.pool->disabled, POP(¬e->listItem)); note->wantedParentLayer = NO_LAYER; continue; } } else { note_disable2(note); audio_list_push_back(¬e->listItem.pool->disabled, POP(¬e->listItem)); continue; } } } else { if (note->adsr.state == ADSR_STATE_DISABLED) { note_disable2(note); audio_list_push_back(¬e->listItem.pool->disabled, POP(¬e->listItem)); continue; } } adsr_update(¬e->adsr); note_vibrato_update(note); attributes = ¬e->attributes; if (note->priority == NOTE_PRIORITY_STOPPING) { frequency = attributes->freqScale; velocity = attributes->velocity; pan = attributes->pan; reverb = attributes->reverb; } else { frequency = note->parentLayer->noteFreqScale; velocity = note->parentLayer->noteVelocity; pan = note->parentLayer->notePan; reverb = note->parentLayer->seqChannel->reverb; } scale = note->adsrVolScale; frequency *= note->vibratoFreqScale * note->portamentoFreqScale; cap = 3.99992f; if (gAiFrequency != 32006) { frequency *= US_FLOAT(32000.0) / (f32) gAiFrequency; } frequency = (frequency < cap ? frequency : cap); scale *= 4.3498e-5f; // ~1 / 23000 velocity = velocity * scale * scale; note_set_frequency(note, frequency); note_set_vel_pan_reverb(note, velocity, pan, reverb); continue; } } #undef PREPEND #undef POP } void seq_channel_layer_decay_release_internal(struct SequenceChannelLayer *seqLayer, s32 target) { struct Note *note; struct NoteAttributes *attributes; if (seqLayer == NO_LAYER || seqLayer->note == NULL) { return; } note = seqLayer->note; attributes = ¬e->attributes; if (seqLayer->seqChannel != NULL && seqLayer->seqChannel->noteAllocPolicy == 0) { seqLayer->note = NULL; } if (note->wantedParentLayer == seqLayer) { note->wantedParentLayer = NO_LAYER; } if (note->parentLayer != seqLayer) { return; } seqLayer->unk1 = 0; if (note->adsr.state != ADSR_STATE_DECAY) { attributes->freqScale = seqLayer->noteFreqScale; attributes->velocity = seqLayer->noteVelocity; attributes->pan = seqLayer->notePan; if (seqLayer->seqChannel != NULL) { attributes->reverb = seqLayer->seqChannel->reverb; } note->priority = NOTE_PRIORITY_STOPPING; note->prevParentLayer = note->parentLayer; note->parentLayer = NO_LAYER; if (target == ADSR_STATE_RELEASE) { note->adsr.fadeOutVel = 0x8000 / gAudioUpdatesPerFrame; note->adsr.action |= ADSR_ACTION_RELEASE; } else { note->adsr.action |= ADSR_ACTION_DECAY; if (seqLayer->adsr.releaseRate == 0) { note->adsr.fadeOutVel = seqLayer->seqChannel->adsr.releaseRate * 24; } else { note->adsr.fadeOutVel = seqLayer->adsr.releaseRate * 24; } note->adsr.sustain = (note->adsr.current * seqLayer->seqChannel->adsr.sustain) / 0x10000; } } if (target == ADSR_STATE_DECAY) { audio_list_remove(¬e->listItem); audio_list_push_front(¬e->listItem.pool->decaying, ¬e->listItem); } } void seq_channel_layer_note_decay(struct SequenceChannelLayer *seqLayer) { seq_channel_layer_decay_release_internal(seqLayer, ADSR_STATE_DECAY); } void seq_channel_layer_note_release(struct SequenceChannelLayer *seqLayer) { seq_channel_layer_decay_release_internal(seqLayer, ADSR_STATE_RELEASE); } // wave synthesizer void func_80318F04(struct Note *note, struct SequenceChannelLayer *seqLayer) { s32 i; s32 j; s32 pos; s32 stepSize; s32 offset; u8 lim; u8 origSampleCount = note->sampleCount; if (seqLayer->freqScale < US_FLOAT(1.0)) { note->sampleCount = 64; seqLayer->freqScale *= US_FLOAT(1.0465); stepSize = 1; } else if (seqLayer->freqScale < US_FLOAT(2.0)) { note->sampleCount = 32; seqLayer->freqScale *= US_FLOAT(0.52325); stepSize = 2; } else if (seqLayer->freqScale < US_FLOAT(4.0)) { note->sampleCount = 16; seqLayer->freqScale *= US_FLOAT(0.26263); stepSize = 4; } else { note->sampleCount = 8; seqLayer->freqScale *= US_FLOAT(0.13081); stepSize = 8; } if (note->sampleCount == origSampleCount && seqLayer->seqChannel->instOrWave == note->instOrWave) { return; } // Load wave sample note->instOrWave = (u8) seqLayer->seqChannel->instOrWave; for (i = -1, pos = 0; pos < 0x40; pos += stepSize) { i++; note->unk34->samples[i] = gWaveSamples[seqLayer->seqChannel->instOrWave - 0x80][pos]; } // Repeat sample for (offset = note->sampleCount; offset < 0x40; offset += note->sampleCount) { lim = note->sampleCount; if (offset < 0 || offset > 0) { for (j = 0; j < lim; j++) { note->unk34->samples[offset + j] = note->unk34->samples[j]; } } else { for (j = 0; j < lim; j++) { note->unk34->samples[offset + j] = note->unk34->samples[j]; } } } osWritebackDCache(note->unk34->samples, sizeof(note->unk34->samples)); } void func_80319164(struct Note *note, struct SequenceChannelLayer *seqLayer) { s32 sampleCount = note->sampleCount; func_80318F04(note, seqLayer); if (sampleCount != 0) { note->unk14 *= note->sampleCount / sampleCount; } else { note->unk14 = 0; } } void init_note_list(struct AudioListItem *list) { list->prev = list; list->next = list; list->u.count = 0; } void init_note_lists(struct NotePool *pool) { init_note_list(&pool->disabled); init_note_list(&pool->decaying); init_note_list(&pool->releasing); init_note_list(&pool->active); pool->disabled.pool = pool; pool->decaying.pool = pool; pool->releasing.pool = pool; pool->active.pool = pool; } void init_note_free_list(void) { s32 i; init_note_lists(&gNoteFreeLists); for (i = 0; i < gMaxSimultaneousNotes; i++) { gNotes[i].listItem.u.value = &gNotes[i]; gNotes[i].listItem.prev = NULL; audio_list_push_back(&gNoteFreeLists.disabled, &gNotes[i].listItem); } } void note_pool_clear(struct NotePool *pool) { s32 i; struct AudioListItem *source; struct AudioListItem *cur; struct AudioListItem *dest; s32 j; for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) { switch (i) { case 0: source = &pool->disabled; dest = &gNoteFreeLists.disabled; break; case 1: source = &pool->decaying; dest = &gNoteFreeLists.decaying; break; case 2: source = &pool->releasing; dest = &gNoteFreeLists.releasing; break; case 3: source = &pool->active; dest = &gNoteFreeLists.active; break; } j = 0; do { cur = source->next; if (cur == source) break; audio_list_remove(cur); audio_list_push_back(dest, cur); j++; } while (j <= gMaxSimultaneousNotes); } } void note_pool_fill(struct NotePool *pool, s32 count) { s32 i; s32 j; struct Note *note; struct AudioListItem *source; struct AudioListItem *dest; note_pool_clear(pool); for (i = 0, j = 0; j < count; i++) { if (i == 4) return; switch (i) { case 0: source = &gNoteFreeLists.disabled; dest = &pool->disabled; break; case 1: source = &gNoteFreeLists.decaying; dest = &pool->decaying; break; case 2: source = &gNoteFreeLists.releasing; dest = &pool->releasing; break; case 3: source = &gNoteFreeLists.active; dest = &pool->active; break; } while (j < count) { note = audio_list_pop_back(source); if (note == NULL) break; audio_list_push_back(dest, ¬e->listItem); j++; } } } void audio_list_push_front(struct AudioListItem *list, struct AudioListItem *item) { // add 'item' to the front of the list given by 'list', if it's not in any list if (item->prev == NULL) { item->prev = list; item->next = list->next; list->next->prev = item; list->next = item; list->u.count++; item->pool = list->pool; } } void audio_list_remove(struct AudioListItem *item) { // remove 'item' from the list it's in, if any if (item->prev != NULL) { item->prev->next = item->next; item->next->prev = item->prev; item->prev = NULL; } } struct Note *pop_node_with_value_less_equal(struct AudioListItem *list, s32 limit) { struct AudioListItem *cur = list->next; struct AudioListItem *best; if (cur == list) { return NULL; } best = cur; for (; cur != list; cur = cur->next) { if (((struct Note *) best->u.value)->priority >= ((struct Note *) cur->u.value)->priority) { best = cur; } } if (limit < ((struct Note *) best->u.value)->priority) { return NULL; } audio_list_remove(best); return best->u.value; } s32 note_init_for_layer(struct Note *note, struct SequenceChannelLayer *seqLayer) { note->prevParentLayer = NO_LAYER; note->parentLayer = seqLayer; note->priority = seqLayer->seqChannel->notePriority; if (IS_BANK_LOAD_COMPLETE(seqLayer->seqChannel->bankId) == FALSE) { return TRUE; } note->bankId = seqLayer->seqChannel->bankId; note->stereoHeadsetEffects = seqLayer->seqChannel->stereoHeadsetEffects; note->sound = seqLayer->sound; seqLayer->unk1 = 3; seqLayer->note = note; seqLayer->seqChannel->noteUnused = note; seqLayer->seqChannel->layerUnused = seqLayer; if (note->sound == NULL) { func_80318F04(note, seqLayer); } func_80318870(note); return FALSE; } void func_80319728(struct Note *note, struct SequenceChannelLayer *seqLayer) { seq_channel_layer_note_release(note->parentLayer); note->wantedParentLayer = seqLayer; } void note_release_and_take_ownership(struct Note *note, struct SequenceChannelLayer *seqLayer) { note->wantedParentLayer = seqLayer; note->priority = NOTE_PRIORITY_STOPPING; note->adsr.fadeOutVel = 0x8000 / gAudioUpdatesPerFrame; note->adsr.action |= ADSR_ACTION_RELEASE; } struct Note *alloc_note_from_disabled(struct NotePool *pool, struct SequenceChannelLayer *seqLayer) { struct Note *note = audio_list_pop_back(&pool->disabled); if (note != NULL) { if (note_init_for_layer(note, seqLayer) == TRUE) { audio_list_push_front(&gNoteFreeLists.disabled, ¬e->listItem); return NULL; } audio_list_push_front(&pool->active, ¬e->listItem); } return note; } struct Note *alloc_note_from_decaying(struct NotePool *pool, struct SequenceChannelLayer *seqLayer) { struct Note *note = audio_list_pop_back(&pool->decaying); if (note != NULL) { note_release_and_take_ownership(note, seqLayer); audio_list_push_back(&pool->releasing, ¬e->listItem); } return note; } struct Note *alloc_note_from_active(struct NotePool *pool, struct SequenceChannelLayer *seqLayer) { struct Note *note = pop_node_with_value_less_equal(&pool->active, seqLayer->seqChannel->notePriority); if (note != NULL) { func_80319728(note, seqLayer); audio_list_push_back(&pool->releasing, ¬e->listItem); } return note; } struct Note *alloc_note(struct SequenceChannelLayer *seqLayer) { struct Note *ret; u32 policy = seqLayer->seqChannel->noteAllocPolicy; if (policy & NOTE_ALLOC_LAYER) { ret = seqLayer->note; if (ret != NULL && ret->prevParentLayer == seqLayer) { note_release_and_take_ownership(ret, seqLayer); audio_list_remove(&ret->listItem); audio_list_push_back(&gNoteFreeLists.releasing, &ret->listItem); return ret; } } if (policy & NOTE_ALLOC_CHANNEL) { if (!(ret = alloc_note_from_disabled(&seqLayer->seqChannel->notePool, seqLayer)) && !(ret = alloc_note_from_decaying(&seqLayer->seqChannel->notePool, seqLayer)) && !(ret = alloc_note_from_active(&seqLayer->seqChannel->notePool, seqLayer))) { seqLayer->unk1 = 0; return NULL; } return ret; } if (policy & NOTE_ALLOC_SEQ) { if (!(ret = alloc_note_from_disabled(&seqLayer->seqChannel->notePool, seqLayer)) && !(ret = alloc_note_from_disabled(&seqLayer->seqChannel->seqPlayer->notePool, seqLayer)) && !(ret = alloc_note_from_decaying(&seqLayer->seqChannel->notePool, seqLayer)) && !(ret = alloc_note_from_decaying(&seqLayer->seqChannel->seqPlayer->notePool, seqLayer)) && !(ret = alloc_note_from_active(&seqLayer->seqChannel->notePool, seqLayer)) && !(ret = alloc_note_from_active(&seqLayer->seqChannel->seqPlayer->notePool, seqLayer))) { seqLayer->unk1 = 0; return NULL; } return ret; } if (policy & NOTE_ALLOC_GLOBAL_FREELIST) { if (!(ret = alloc_note_from_disabled(&gNoteFreeLists, seqLayer)) && !(ret = alloc_note_from_decaying(&gNoteFreeLists, seqLayer)) && !(ret = alloc_note_from_active(&gNoteFreeLists, seqLayer))) { seqLayer->unk1 = 0; return NULL; } return ret; } if (!(ret = alloc_note_from_disabled(&seqLayer->seqChannel->notePool, seqLayer)) && !(ret = alloc_note_from_disabled(&seqLayer->seqChannel->seqPlayer->notePool, seqLayer)) && !(ret = alloc_note_from_disabled(&gNoteFreeLists, seqLayer)) && !(ret = alloc_note_from_decaying(&seqLayer->seqChannel->notePool, seqLayer)) && !(ret = alloc_note_from_decaying(&seqLayer->seqChannel->seqPlayer->notePool, seqLayer)) && !(ret = alloc_note_from_decaying(&gNoteFreeLists, seqLayer)) && !(ret = alloc_note_from_active(&seqLayer->seqChannel->notePool, seqLayer)) && !(ret = alloc_note_from_active(&seqLayer->seqChannel->seqPlayer->notePool, seqLayer)) && !(ret = alloc_note_from_active(&gNoteFreeLists, seqLayer))) { seqLayer->unk1 = 0; return NULL; } return ret; } void func_80319BC8(void) { struct Note *note; s32 i; s32 cond; for (i = 0; i < gMaxSimultaneousNotes; i++) { note = &gNotes[i]; if (note->parentLayer != NO_LAYER) { cond = FALSE; if (!note->parentLayer->enabled && note->priority >= NOTE_PRIORITY_MIN) { cond = TRUE; } else if (note->parentLayer->seqChannel == NULL) { audio_list_push_back(&gLayerFreeList, ¬e->parentLayer->listItem); seq_channel_layer_disable(note->parentLayer); note->priority = NOTE_PRIORITY_STOPPING; } else if (note->parentLayer->seqChannel->seqPlayer == NULL) { sequence_channel_disable(note->parentLayer->seqChannel); note->priority = NOTE_PRIORITY_STOPPING; } else if (note->parentLayer->seqChannel->seqPlayer->muted) { if (note->parentLayer->seqChannel->muteBehavior & (MUTE_BEHAVIOR_80 | MUTE_BEHAVIOR_40)) { cond = TRUE; } } else { cond = FALSE; } if (cond) { seq_channel_layer_note_release(note->parentLayer); audio_list_remove(¬e->listItem); audio_list_push_front(¬e->listItem.pool->disabled, ¬e->listItem); note->priority = NOTE_PRIORITY_STOPPING; } } } } void note_init_all(void) { struct Note *note; s32 i; for (i = 0; i < gMaxSimultaneousNotes; i++) { note = &gNotes[i]; note->enabled = FALSE; note->stereoStrongRight = FALSE; note->stereoStrongLeft = FALSE; note->stereoHeadsetEffects = FALSE; note->priority = NOTE_PRIORITY_DISABLED; note->parentLayer = NO_LAYER; note->wantedParentLayer = NO_LAYER; note->prevParentLayer = NO_LAYER; note->reverb = 0; note->usesStereo = FALSE; note->sampleCount = 0; note->instOrWave = 0; note->targetVolLeft = 0; note->targetVolRight = 0; note->frequency = 0.0f; note->unused1 = 0x3f; note->attributes.velocity = 0.0f; note->adsrVolScale = 0; note->adsr.state = ADSR_STATE_DISABLED; note->adsr.action = 0; note->vibratoState.active = FALSE; note->portamento.cur = 0.0f; note->portamento.speed = 0.0f; note->unk34 = soundAlloc(&D_802212C8, 0x190); } }