#ifndef _ULTRA64_PI_H_ #define _ULTRA64_PI_H_ /* Ultra64 Parallel Interface */ /* Types */ typedef struct { #ifndef VERSION_EU u32 errStatus; #endif void *dramAddr; void *C2Addr; u32 sectorSize; u32 C1ErrNum; u32 C1ErrSector[4]; } __OSBlockInfo; typedef struct { u32 cmdType; // 0 u16 transferMode; // 4 u16 blockNum; // 6 s32 sectorNum; // 8 uintptr_t devAddr; // c #ifdef VERSION_EU u32 unk10; //error status added moved to blockinfo #endif u32 bmCtlShadow; // 10 u32 seqCtlShadow; // 14 __OSBlockInfo block[2]; // 18 } __OSTranxInfo; typedef struct OSPiHandle_s { struct OSPiHandle_s *next; u8 type; u8 latency; u8 pageSize; u8 relDuration; u8 pulse; u8 domain; u32 baseAddress; u32 speed; __OSTranxInfo transferInfo; } OSPiHandle; typedef struct { u8 type; uintptr_t address; } OSPiInfo; typedef struct { u16 type; u8 pri; u8 status; OSMesgQueue *retQueue; } OSIoMesgHdr; typedef struct { /*0x00*/ OSIoMesgHdr hdr; /*0x08*/ void *dramAddr; /*0x0C*/ uintptr_t devAddr; /*0x10*/ size_t size; #ifdef VERSION_EU OSPiHandle *piHandle; // from the official definition #endif } OSIoMesg; /* Definitions */ #define OS_READ 0 // device -> RDRAM #define OS_WRITE 1 // device <- RDRAM #define OS_MESG_PRI_NORMAL 0 #define OS_MESG_PRI_HIGH 1 /* Functions */ s32 osPiStartDma(OSIoMesg *mb, s32 priority, s32 direction, uintptr_t devAddr, void *vAddr, size_t nbytes, OSMesgQueue *mq); void osCreatePiManager(OSPri pri, OSMesgQueue *cmdQ, OSMesg *cmdBuf, s32 cmdMsgCnt); OSMesgQueue *osPiGetCmdQueue(void); s32 osPiWriteIo(uintptr_t devAddr, u32 data); s32 osPiReadIo(uintptr_t devAddr, u32 *data); s32 osPiRawStartDma(s32 dir, u32 cart_addr, void *dram_addr, size_t size); s32 osEPiRawStartDma(OSPiHandle *piHandle, s32 dir, u32 cart_addr, void *dram_addr, size_t size); #endif