# sm64ex Fork of [sm64-port/sm64-port](https://github.com/sm64-port/sm64-port) with additional features. Feel free to report bugs and contribute, but remember, there must be **no upload of any copyrighted asset**. Run `./extract_assets.py --clean && make clean` or `make distclean` to remove ROM-originated content. Please contribute **first** to the [nightly branch](https://github.com/sm64pc/sm64ex/tree/nightly/). New functionality will be merged to master once they're considered to be well-tested. *Read this in other languages: [Español](README_es_ES.md), [Português](README_pt_BR.md) or [简体中文](README_zh_CN.md).* ## New features * Options menu with various settings, including button remapping. * Optional external data loading (so far only textures and assembled soundbanks), providing support for custom texture packs. * Optional analog camera and mouse look (using [Puppycam](https://github.com/FazanaJ/puppycam)). * Optional OpenGL1.3-based renderer for older machines, as well as the original GL2.1, D3D11 and D3D12 renderers from Emill's [n64-fast3d-engine](https://github.com/Emill/n64-fast3d-engine/). * Option to disable drawing distances. * Optional model and texture fixes (e.g. the smoke texture). * Skip introductory Peach & Lakitu cutscenes with the `--skip-intro` CLI option * Cheats menu in Options (activate with `--cheats` or by pressing L thrice in the pause menu). * Support for both little-endian and big-endian save files (meaning you can use save files from both sm64-port and most emulators), as well as an optional text-based save format. Recent changes in Nightly have moved the save and configuration file path to `%HOMEPATH%\AppData\Roaming\sm64ex` on Windows and `$HOME/.local/share/sm64ex` on Linux. This behaviour can be changed with the `--savepath` CLI option. For example `--savepath .` will read saves from the current directory (which not always matches the exe directory, but most of the time it does); `--savepath '!'` will read saves from the executable directory. ## Building For building instructions, please refer to the [wiki](https://github.com/sm64pc/sm64ex/wiki). **Make sure you have MXE first before attempting to compile for Windows on Linux and WSL. Follow the guide on the wiki.**