#include #include #include #include #include // Analog camera movement by Pathétique (github.com/vrmiguel), y0shin and Mors // Contribute or communicate bugs at github.com/vrmiguel/sm64-analog-camera #include #include "controller_api.h" #include "controller_sdl.h" #include "../configfile.h" #include "../platform.h" #include "../fs/fs.h" #include "game/level_update.h" // mouse buttons are also in the controller namespace (why), just offset 0x100 #define VK_OFS_SDL_MOUSE 0x0100 #define VK_BASE_SDL_MOUSE (VK_BASE_SDL_GAMEPAD + VK_OFS_SDL_MOUSE) #define MAX_JOYBINDS 32 #define MAX_MOUSEBUTTONS 8 // arbitrary extern int16_t rightx; extern int16_t righty; #ifdef BETTERCAMERA int mouse_x; int mouse_y; extern u8 newcam_mouse; #endif static bool init_ok; static SDL_GameController *sdl_cntrl; static SDL_Haptic *sdl_haptic; static u32 num_joy_binds = 0; static u32 num_mouse_binds = 0; static u32 joy_binds[MAX_JOYBINDS][2]; static u32 mouse_binds[MAX_JOYBINDS][2]; static bool joy_buttons[SDL_CONTROLLER_BUTTON_MAX ] = { false }; static u32 mouse_buttons = 0; static u32 last_mouse = VK_INVALID; static u32 last_joybutton = VK_INVALID; static inline void controller_add_binds(const u32 mask, const u32 *btns) { for (u32 i = 0; i < MAX_BINDS; ++i) { if (btns[i] >= VK_BASE_SDL_GAMEPAD && btns[i] <= VK_BASE_SDL_GAMEPAD + VK_SIZE) { if (btns[i] >= VK_BASE_SDL_MOUSE && num_joy_binds < MAX_JOYBINDS) { mouse_binds[num_mouse_binds][0] = btns[i] - VK_BASE_SDL_MOUSE; mouse_binds[num_mouse_binds][1] = mask; ++num_mouse_binds; } else if (num_mouse_binds < MAX_JOYBINDS) { joy_binds[num_joy_binds][0] = btns[i] - VK_BASE_SDL_GAMEPAD; joy_binds[num_joy_binds][1] = mask; ++num_joy_binds; } } } } static void controller_sdl_bind(void) { bzero(joy_binds, sizeof(joy_binds)); bzero(mouse_binds, sizeof(mouse_binds)); num_joy_binds = 0; num_mouse_binds = 0; controller_add_binds(A_BUTTON, configKeyA); controller_add_binds(B_BUTTON, configKeyB); controller_add_binds(Z_TRIG, configKeyZ); controller_add_binds(STICK_UP, configKeyStickUp); controller_add_binds(STICK_LEFT, configKeyStickLeft); controller_add_binds(STICK_DOWN, configKeyStickDown); controller_add_binds(STICK_RIGHT, configKeyStickRight); controller_add_binds(U_CBUTTONS, configKeyCUp); controller_add_binds(L_CBUTTONS, configKeyCLeft); controller_add_binds(D_CBUTTONS, configKeyCDown); controller_add_binds(R_CBUTTONS, configKeyCRight); controller_add_binds(L_TRIG, configKeyL); controller_add_binds(R_TRIG, configKeyR); controller_add_binds(START_BUTTON, configKeyStart); } static void controller_sdl_init(void) { if (SDL_Init(SDL_INIT_GAMECONTROLLER | SDL_INIT_EVENTS | SDL_INIT_HAPTIC) != 0) { fprintf(stderr, "SDL init error: %s\n", SDL_GetError()); return; } // try loading an external gamecontroller mapping file uint64_t gcsize = 0; void *gcdata = fs_load_file("gamecontrollerdb.txt", &gcsize); if (gcdata && gcsize) { SDL_RWops *rw = SDL_RWFromConstMem(gcdata, gcsize); if (rw) { int nummaps = SDL_GameControllerAddMappingsFromRW(rw, SDL_TRUE); if (nummaps >= 0) printf("loaded %d controller mappings from 'gamecontrollerdb.txt'\n", nummaps); } free(gcdata); } #ifdef BETTERCAMERA if (newcam_mouse == 1) SDL_SetRelativeMouseMode(SDL_TRUE); SDL_GetRelativeMouseState(&mouse_x, &mouse_y); #endif controller_sdl_bind(); init_ok = true; } static SDL_Haptic *controller_sdl_init_haptics(const int joy) { SDL_Haptic *hap = SDL_HapticOpen(joy); if (!hap) return NULL; if (SDL_HapticRumbleSupported(hap) != SDL_TRUE) { SDL_HapticClose(hap); return NULL; } if (SDL_HapticRumbleInit(hap) != 0) { SDL_HapticClose(hap); return NULL; } printf("controller %s has haptics support, rumble enabled\n", SDL_JoystickNameForIndex(joy)); return hap; } static void controller_sdl_read(OSContPad *pad) { if (!init_ok) { return; } #ifdef BETTERCAMERA if (newcam_mouse == 1 && sCurrPlayMode != 2) SDL_SetRelativeMouseMode(SDL_TRUE); else SDL_SetRelativeMouseMode(SDL_FALSE); u32 mouse = SDL_GetRelativeMouseState(&mouse_x, &mouse_y); for (u32 i = 0; i < num_mouse_binds; ++i) if (mouse & SDL_BUTTON(mouse_binds[i][0])) pad->button |= mouse_binds[i][1]; // remember buttons that changed from 0 to 1 last_mouse = (mouse_buttons ^ mouse) & mouse; mouse_buttons = mouse; #endif SDL_GameControllerUpdate(); if (sdl_cntrl != NULL && !SDL_GameControllerGetAttached(sdl_cntrl)) { SDL_HapticClose(sdl_haptic); SDL_GameControllerClose(sdl_cntrl); sdl_cntrl = NULL; sdl_haptic = NULL; } if (sdl_cntrl == NULL) { for (int i = 0; i < SDL_NumJoysticks(); i++) { if (SDL_IsGameController(i)) { sdl_cntrl = SDL_GameControllerOpen(i); if (sdl_cntrl != NULL) { sdl_haptic = controller_sdl_init_haptics(i); break; } } } if (sdl_cntrl == NULL) { return; } } for (u32 i = 0; i < SDL_CONTROLLER_BUTTON_MAX; ++i) { const bool new = SDL_GameControllerGetButton(sdl_cntrl, i); const bool pressed = !joy_buttons[i] && new; joy_buttons[i] = new; if (pressed) last_joybutton = i; } u32 buttons_down = 0; for (u32 i = 0; i < num_joy_binds; ++i) if (joy_buttons[joy_binds[i][0]]) buttons_down |= joy_binds[i][1]; pad->button |= buttons_down; const u32 xstick = buttons_down & STICK_XMASK; const u32 ystick = buttons_down & STICK_YMASK; if (xstick == STICK_LEFT) pad->stick_x = -128; else if (xstick == STICK_RIGHT) pad->stick_x = 127; if (ystick == STICK_DOWN) pad->stick_y = -128; else if (ystick == STICK_UP) pad->stick_y = 127; int16_t leftx = SDL_GameControllerGetAxis(sdl_cntrl, SDL_CONTROLLER_AXIS_LEFTX); int16_t lefty = SDL_GameControllerGetAxis(sdl_cntrl, SDL_CONTROLLER_AXIS_LEFTY); rightx = SDL_GameControllerGetAxis(sdl_cntrl, SDL_CONTROLLER_AXIS_RIGHTX); righty = SDL_GameControllerGetAxis(sdl_cntrl, SDL_CONTROLLER_AXIS_RIGHTY); int16_t ltrig = SDL_GameControllerGetAxis(sdl_cntrl, SDL_CONTROLLER_AXIS_TRIGGERLEFT); int16_t rtrig = SDL_GameControllerGetAxis(sdl_cntrl, SDL_CONTROLLER_AXIS_TRIGGERRIGHT); #ifdef TARGET_WEB // Firefox has a bug: https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1606562 // It sets down y to 32768.0f / 32767.0f, which is greater than the allowed 1.0f, // which SDL then converts to a int16_t by multiplying by 32767.0f, which overflows into -32768. // Maximum up will hence never become -32768 with the current version of SDL2, // so this workaround should be safe in compliant browsers. if (lefty == -32768) { lefty = 32767; } if (righty == -32768) { righty = 32767; } #endif if (rightx < -0x4000) pad->button |= L_CBUTTONS; if (rightx > 0x4000) pad->button |= R_CBUTTONS; if (righty < -0x4000) pad->button |= U_CBUTTONS; if (righty > 0x4000) pad->button |= D_CBUTTONS; if (ltrig > 30 * 256) pad->button |= Z_TRIG; if (rtrig > 30 * 256) pad->button |= R_TRIG; uint32_t magnitude_sq = (uint32_t)(leftx * leftx) + (uint32_t)(lefty * lefty); uint32_t stickDeadzoneActual = configStickDeadzone * DEADZONE_STEP; if (magnitude_sq > (uint32_t)(stickDeadzoneActual * stickDeadzoneActual)) { pad->stick_x = leftx / 0x100; int stick_y = -lefty / 0x100; pad->stick_y = stick_y == 128 ? 127 : stick_y; } } static void controller_sdl_rumble_play(f32 strength, f32 length) { if (sdl_haptic) SDL_HapticRumblePlay(sdl_haptic, strength, (u32)(length * 1000.0f)); } static void controller_sdl_rumble_stop(void) { if (sdl_haptic) SDL_HapticRumbleStop(sdl_haptic); } static u32 controller_sdl_rawkey(void) { if (last_joybutton != VK_INVALID) { const u32 ret = last_joybutton; last_joybutton = VK_INVALID; return ret; } for (int i = 0; i < MAX_MOUSEBUTTONS; ++i) { if (last_mouse & SDL_BUTTON(i)) { const u32 ret = VK_OFS_SDL_MOUSE + i; last_mouse = 0; return ret; } } return VK_INVALID; } static void controller_sdl_shutdown(void) { if (SDL_WasInit(SDL_INIT_GAMECONTROLLER)) { if (sdl_cntrl) { SDL_GameControllerClose(sdl_cntrl); sdl_cntrl = NULL; } if (sdl_haptic) { SDL_HapticClose(sdl_haptic); sdl_haptic = NULL; } SDL_QuitSubSystem(SDL_INIT_GAMECONTROLLER); } init_ok = false; } struct ControllerAPI controller_sdl = { VK_BASE_SDL_GAMEPAD, controller_sdl_init, controller_sdl_read, controller_sdl_rawkey, controller_sdl_rumble_play, controller_sdl_rumble_stop, controller_sdl_bind, controller_sdl_shutdown };