#!/bin/bash # Super Mario 64 PC on Raspberry Pi # Find latest updates and code on https://www.github.com/sm64pc/sm64pc # ToDo: Test on more Pi models with fresh Raspbian and allow existing src folders to be updated. # clear echo "This script will assist with compiling Super Mario 64 on Raspbian 10" echo "Note that accelerated OpenGL (vc4_drm) is required for maximum performance" echo "Checking Raspberry Pi model..." lowmem=0 pi=0 pimodel=$(uname -m 2>/dev/null || echo unknown) pitype=$(tr -d '\0' < /sys/firmware/devicetree/base/model) if [[ $pimodel =~ "armv6" ]] then echo "" echo "Raspberry Pi Model 1/0(W) detected (LOWMEM)" echo "Warning: Additional steps may be required to safely compile and maximize performance" pi=1; lowmem=1; exp=1; fi if [[ $pimodel =~ "armv7" ]] then echo echo "Raspberry Pi Model 2/3 detected (32bit)" pi=2; lowmem=0; fi if [[ $pimodel =~ "aarch64" && $pitype =~ "4" ]] then echo echo "Raspberry Pi Model 4 detected" echo "Audio errors reported" echo "Fixing audio config, reboot after compilation completes to activate" sudo sed -i 's/load-module module-udev-detect/load-module module-udev-detect tsched=0/' /etc/pulse/default.pa #load-module module-udev-detect tsched=0 pi=4; lowmem=0; exp=1; fi if [[ $exp == 1 ]] then echo "" echo "Notice: Due to detected Pi version, compilation and execution of Super Mario 64 (RPi) is experimental." echo "Further steps may be required and software / driver compatibility is not guaranteed." read -p "Continue setup & compilation (Y/N): " exp if [[ $exp =~ "Y" ]] then echo "" else exit fi echo "Please report any problems encountered to https://github.com/sm64pc/sm64pc issue tracker." echo "" sleep 7 fi #////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// clear echo "Super Mario 64 RPi Initial Setup" if [[ $pi != 4 ]] then #Dumb idea, but quick hack. #We CANNOT enable VC4 for Pi4 as it uses VC6 inxinf=$(inxi -Gx) echo "Checking for pre-enabled VC4 acceleration (inxi -Gx)" if [[ $inxinf =~ "not found" ]] then echo "Error: inxi not installed. Installing..." sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install inxi inxi=$(inxi -Gx) if [[ $inxinf =~ "not found" ]] then echo "Warning: Setup will not continue unless inxi is installed" echo "Please ensure your Pi is in a state to download and install packages" sleep 3 exit fi fi if [[ $inxinf =~ "vc4_drm" ]] then echo "Success: VC4 OpenGL acceleration found!" echo "" sleep 4 else echo "" echo "OpenGL driver not found. opening Raspi-Config..." echo "Please enable raspi-config -> ADV Opt -> OpenGL -> Enable FullKMS Renderer" echo "" sleep 5 sudo raspi-config vc4add=$(cat /boot/config.txt | grep -e "dtoverlay=vc4-kms-v3d") if [[ $vc4add =~ "vc4" ]] then echo "OGL driver now enabled on reboot" fi fi if [[ $lowmem == 1 ]] then fixmem=$(cat /boot/cmdline.txt | grep cma=128M) if [[ $fixmem =~ "cma=128M" ]] then echo "" echo "Notice: Low-RAM RasPi model detected, BUT fixes already applied." echo "Continuing setup." else echo "" echo "Warning: VC4 enabled, but your RasPi has 512MB or less RAM" echo "To ensure VC4_DRM and game compilation is succesful, video memory will be reduced" echo "gpu_mem=48M (config.txt) | cma=128M (cmdline.txt) will be written to /boot " echo "" read -p "Fix mem? (Y/N): " fixmem if [[ $fixmem =~ "Y" ]] then sudo sh -c "echo 'gpu_mem=48' >> /boot/config.txt" sudo sh -c "echo 'cma=128M' >> /boot/cmdline.txt" sync echo "Wrote configuration changes to SD card." sleep 2 else echo "" echo "Warning: Compilation freezes & errors are likely to occur on your Pi" echo "" sleep 3 fi fi fi if [[ $fixmem =~ "Y" || $vc4add =~ "vc4" ]] then clear echo "System configuration has changed!" read -p "Reboot to enable changes? (Y/N): " fixstart if [[ $fixstart =~ "Y" ]] then echo "" echo "Rebooting RasPi in 4 seconds! Press Control-C to cancel." sleep 4 sudo reboot fi fi fi # "Should never run on a Pi 4" part ends here #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- clear echo "Beginning installation" echo "" echo "Step 1. Installing latest dependencies" echo "Allow installation & checking of Super Mario 64 compile dependencies?" read -p "Install? (Y/N): " instdep if [[ $instdep =~ "Y" ]] then echo "" sudo apt-get update sudo apt install build-essential git python3 libaudiofile-dev libglew-dev libsdl2-dev sync else echo "" echo "Super Mario 64 dependencies not installed." echo "Please manually install if Raspbian is modified from stock" echo "" sleep 3 fi #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- clear echo "Optional: Compile SDL2 with 'KMSDRM' for enhanced performance?" echo "KMSDRM allows Super Mario 64 to be run without GUI/Desktop (Xorg) enabled on boot" echo "" echo "Warning: Compile could take up to an hour on older Raspberry Pi models" read -p "Proceed? (Y/N): " sdlcomp if [[ $sdlcomp =~ "Y" ]] then echo "" echo "Installing dependencies for SDL2 compilation" sudo sed -i '/^#\sdeb-src /s/^#//' "/etc/apt/sources.list" sudo apt build-dep libsdl2 sudo apt install libdrm-dev libgbm-dev sync echo "" echo "Creating folder src in HOME directory for compile" echo "" mkdir $HOME/src cd $HOME/src mkdir $HOME/src/sdl2 cd $HOME/src/sdl2 sleep 2 echo "Downloading SDL2 from libsdl.org and unzipping to HOME/src/sdl2/SDL2" wget https://www.libsdl.org/release/SDL2-2.0.10.tar.gz sync tar xzf ./SDL2*.gz sync cd ./SDL2* echo "Configuring SDL2 library to enable KMSDRM (Xorg free rendering)" ./configure --enable-video-kmsdrm echo "Compiling modified SDL2 and installing." make sudo make install fi #---------------------------------------------------------------------- #--------------------------------------------------------------------- sleep 2 clear echo "Super Mario 64 RPi preparation & downloader" echo "" echo "Checking in current directory and" echo "checking in "$HOME"/src/sm64pi/sm64pc/ for existing Super Mario 64 PC files" echo "" sm64dircur=$(ls ./Makefile) sm64dir=$(ls $HOME/src/sm64pi/sm64pc/Makefile) if [[ $sm64dircur =~ "Makefile" ]] #If current directory has a makefile then sm64dir=$sm64dircur curdir=1; #If current directory has a Makefile or is git zip fi if [[ $sm64dir =~ "Makefile" ]]; then echo "Existing Super Mario 64 PC port files found!" echo "Redownload files (fresh compile)?" read -p "Redownload? (Y/N): " sm64git if [[ $sm64git =~ "N" ]] # Do NOT redownload, USE current directory for compile then sm64dir=1; # Don't redownload files , use current directory (has sm64 files) curdir=1 fi else #Do a fresh compile in HOME/src/sm64pi/sm64pc/ sm64dir=0; curdir=0; fi #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ if [[ $sm64git =~ "Y" || $sm64dir == 0 || $curdir == 0 ]] #If user wants to redownload or NOT git-zip execution then echo "Step 2. Super Mario 64 PC-Port will now be downloaded from github" echo "Current folder will NOT be compiled." read -p "Proceed? (Y/N): " gitins if [[ $gitins =~ "Y" ]] then echo "" echo "Creating directory "$HOME"/src/sm64pi" mkdir $HOME/src/ cd $HOME/src/ mkdir $HOME/src/sm64pi cd $HOME/src/sm64pi echo "" echo "Downloading latest Super Mario 64 PC-port code" git clone https://github.com/sm64pc/sm64pc cd $HOME/src/sm64pi/sm64pc/ echo "Download complete" echo "" sleep 2 fi #End of downloader fi sleep 2 #------------------------------------------------------------------- #------------------------------------------------------------------ clear echo "Super Mario 64 RPi compilation" echo "" echo "Step 3. Compiling Super Mario 64 for the Raspberry Pi" echo "" echo "Warning: Super Mario 64 assets are required in order to compile" if [[ $curdir == 1 ]] then echo "Assets will be extracted from "$PWD" " else echo "Assets will be extracted from $HOME/src/sm64pi/sm64pc/baserom.(us/eu/jp).z64 " fi if [[ $curdir == 1 ]] then sm64z64=$(find ./* | grep baserom) #See if current directory is prepped else sm64z64=$(find $HOME/src/sm64pi/sm64pc/* | grep baserom) #see if fresh compile directory is prepped fi if [[ $sm64z64 =~ "baserom" ]] then echo "" echo "Super Mario 64 assets found in compilation directory" echo "Continuing with compilation" else echo "" echo "Please satisfy this requirement before continuing." echo "Exiting Super Mario 64 RasPi setup and compilation script." echo "" echo "Note: Re-run script once baserom(s) are inserted into" if [[ $curdir == 1 ]] then echo $PWD echo "" else echo "" echo $HOME/src/sm64pi/sm64pc/ fi sleep 5 exit fi #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sleep 3 clear echo "" if [[ $curdir != 1 ]] # If we're not compiling from a git zip / random directory then cd $HOME/src/sm64pi/sm64pc/ fi echo "Beginning Super Mario 64 RasPi compilation!" echo "" echo "Warning: Compilation may take up to an hour on weaker hardware" echo "At least 300MB of free storage AND RAM is recommended" echo "" make clean sync make TARGET_RPI=1 sync #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- if [[ $curdir == 1 ]] then sm64done=$(find ./build/*/* | grep .arm) else sm64done=$(find $HOME/src/sm64pi/sm64pc/build/*/* | grep .arm) fi echo "" if [[ $sm64done =~ ".arm" ]] then echo "Super Mario 64 RasPi compilation successful!" echo "You may find it in" if [[ $curdir == 1 ]] then $sm64loc=$(ls ./build/*pc/*.arm) else $sm64loc=$(ls $HOME/src/sm64pi/sm64pc/build/*pc/*.arm) fi echo $sm64loc echo "" echo "Execute compiled Super Mario 64 RasPi?" read -p "Run game (Y/N): " sm64run if [[ $sm64run =~ "Y" ]] then cd chmod +x $sm64loc bash $sm64loc sleep 1 fi else echo "Cannot find compiled sm64*.arm binary..." echo "Please note of any errors during compilation process and report them to" echo "https://github.com/sm64pc/sm64pc" sleep 5 fi exit