# sm64pc OpenGL adaptation of [n64decomp/sm64](https://github.com/n64decomp/sm64). Feel free to report bugs and contribute, but remember, there must be **no upload of any copyrighted asset**. Run `./extract-assets.py --clean && make clean` or `make distclean` to remove ROM-originated content. ## Features * Native rendering. You can now play SM64 without the need of an emulator. * Variable aspect ratio and resolution. The game can now correctly render at basically any window size. * Native xinput controller support. On Linux, DualShock 4 has been confirmed to work plug-and-play. * True analog camera control is now available on our [testing branch](https://github.com/sm64pc/sm64pc/tree/testing). ## Building ### On Linux #### 1. Copy baserom(s) for asset extraction For each version (jp/us/eu) that you want to build an executable for, put an existing ROM at `./baserom.<version>.z64` for asset extraction. #### 2. Install build dependencies The build system has the following package requirements: * python3 >= 3.6 * libsdl2-dev * [audiofile](https://audiofile.68k.org/) * libglew-dev * git __Debian / Ubuntu - targeting 32 bits__ ``` sudo apt install build-essential git python3 libaudiofile-dev libglew-dev:i386 libsdl2-dev:i386 ``` __Debian / Ubuntu - targeting 64 bits__ ``` sudo apt install build-essential git python3 libaudiofile-dev libglew-dev libsdl2-dev ``` __Arch Linux__ ``` sudo pacman -S base-devel python audiofile sdl2 glew ``` __Void Linux - targeting 64 bits__ ``` sudo xbps-install -S base-devel python3 audiofile-devel SDL2-devel glew-devel ``` __Void Linux - targeting 32 bits__ ``` sudo xbps-install -S base-devel python3 audiofile-devel-32bit SDL2-devel-32bit glew-devel-32bit ``` #### 3. Build the executable. Run `make` to build (defaults to `VERSION=us`) ``` make VERSION=jp -j6 # build (J) version with 6 jobs make VERSION=us WINDOWS_BUILD=1 # builds a (U) Windows executable make TARGET_RPI=1 # targets an executable for a Raspberry Pi ``` ### On Windows #### 1. Set up MSYS2, following [this guide](https://github.com/orlp/dev-on-windows/wiki/Installing-GCC--&-MSYS2). #### 2. Install dependencies ``` pacman -S mingw-w64-i686-glew mingw-w64-x86_64-glew mingw-w64-i686-SDL2 mingw-w64-x86_64-SDL2 python3 ``` #### 3. Copy baserom(s) for asset extraction For each version (jp/us/eu) that you want to build an executable for, put an existing ROM at `./baserom.<version>.z64` for asset extraction. #### 4. On MSYS2, navigate to the sm64pc folder and then enter `./tools/audiofile-0.3.6/`. Inside this directory, run ``` autoreconf -i ``` Only leave this directory on step 9. #### 5. Run the `configure` script ``` PATH=/mingw64/bin:/mingw32/bin:$PATH LIBS=-lstdc++ ./configure --disable-docs ``` #### 6. Run the `make` script ``` PATH=/mingw64/bin:/mingw32/bin:$PATH make ``` #### 7. Create a lib directory in `tools/` ``` mkdir ../lib ``` #### 8. Copy the compiled libaudiofile to `tools/lib/` ``` cp libaudiofile/.libs/libaudiofile.a ../lib/ cp libaudiofile/.libs/libaudiofile.la ../lib/ ``` #### 9. Navigate back to `tools/`, then alter the `Makefile` and add `-lstdc++` on the following line ``` tabledesign_CFLAGS := -Wno-uninitialized -laudiofile -lstdc++ ``` #### 10. Run `make` ``` PATH=/mingw64/bin:/mingw32/bin:$PATH make ``` #### 11. Navigate back to the sm64pc root directory. #### 12. Finally, run `make` once more. (Note that mingw32 and mingw64 have been swapped. This is so you can build the 32bit application successfully.) ``` PATH=/mingw32/bin:/mingw64/bin:$PATH make ``` ### For the web The game can be compiled for web browsers that support WebGL using [Emscripten](https://github.com/emscripten-core). To do so, install [emsdk](https://github.com/emscripten-core/emsdk) and run `make TARGET_WEB=1`. ## Optional enhancements On the `./enhancements` folder, you'll find several .patch files, which can be applied in the following manner: ``` git apply fps.patch --ignore-whitespace --reject ``` If any rejections occur, you can search for them with `find | grep .rej`. Try to solve rejections through [wiggle](https://github.com/neilbrown/wiggle). ``` wiggle rejection.rej --replace ``` ### Current issues * Support for the EU version is still experimental. * There seems to be savedata-related problems on some 64-bits builds. * Camera controls are also bugged for some.