/** * Behavior for bhvBetaChestBottom and bhvBetaChestLid. * These are apparently the beta versions of chests. * They do not spawn stars or appear in groups; they only * open and spawn an air bubble. In other words, they're * practically the same as underwater chests in-game, except * without any star-giving or puzzle functionality. */ /** * Init function for bhvBetaChestBottom. */ void bhv_beta_chest_bottom_init(void) { // Set the object's model cur_obj_set_model(MODEL_TREASURE_CHEST_BASE); // ??? Pointless code? // Maybe chests were originally intended to have random yaws. // Shoshinkai 1995 footage shows chests in DDD scattered around // a point with different yaws. Maybe this feature was lazily // cancelled by setting the yaw to 0, right before this beta // object was discarded? o->oMoveAngleYaw = RandomU16(); o->oMoveAngleYaw = 0; // Spawn the chest lid 97 units in the +Y direction and 77 units in the -Z direction. spawn_object_relative(0, 0, 97, -77, o, MODEL_TREASURE_CHEST_LID, bhvBetaChestLid); } /** * Update function for bhvBetaChestBottom. * This gives the chest a "virtual hitbox" that pushes Mario away * with radius 200 units and height 200 units. */ void bhv_beta_chest_bottom_loop(void) { cur_obj_push_mario_away_from_cylinder(200.0f, 200.0f); } /** * Update function for bhvBetaChestLid. * The chest lid handles all the logic of the chest, * namely opening the chest and spawning an air bubble. */ void bhv_beta_chest_lid_loop(void) { switch (o->oAction) { case BETA_CHEST_ACT_IDLE_CLOSED: if (dist_between_objects(o->parentObj, gMarioObject) < 300.0f) { o->oAction++; // Set to BETA_CHEST_ACT_OPENING } break; case BETA_CHEST_ACT_OPENING: if (o->oTimer == 0) { // Spawn the bubble 80 units in the -Y direction and 120 units in the +Z direction. spawn_object_relative(0, 0, -80, 120, o, MODEL_BUBBLE, bhvWaterAirBubble); play_sound(SOUND_GENERAL_CLAM_SHELL1, o->header.gfx.cameraToObject); } // Rotate the lid 0x400 (1024) angle units per frame backwards. // When the lid becomes vertical, stop rotating. o->oFaceAnglePitch -= 0x400; if (o->oFaceAnglePitch < -0x4000) { o->oAction++; // Set to BETA_CHEST_ACT_IDLE_OPEN } // Fall-through case BETA_CHEST_ACT_IDLE_OPEN: break; } }