#include #include #include "debug_utils.h" #include "dynlist_proc.h" #include "gd_macros.h" #include "gd_main.h" #include "gd_math.h" #include "gd_types.h" #include "macros.h" #include "objects.h" #include "old_menu.h" #include "renderer.h" #include "shape_helper.h" #include "draw_objects.h" #include "gfx_dimensions.h" /** * @file draw_objects.c * This file contains the functions and helpers for rendering the various * GdObj primitives to the screen. */ // forward declarations void func_80179B64(struct ObjGroup *); void update_shaders(struct ObjShape *, struct GdVec3f *); void draw_shape_faces(struct ObjShape *); void register_light(struct ObjLight *); // types /** * Modes for drawscene() */ enum SceneType { RENDER_SCENE = 26, ///< render the primitives to screen FIND_PICKS = 27 ///< only check position of primitives relative to cursor click }; /** * A possible remnant of an early `ObjVertex` structure that contained * texture S,T coordinates. */ struct BetaVtx { /* 0x00 */ u8 pad[0x44 - 0]; /* 0x44 */ f32 s; /* 0x48 */ f32 t; }; // data static struct GdColour sClrWhite = { 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 }; // @ 801A8070 static struct GdColour sClrRed = { 1.0, 0.0, 0.0 }; // @ 801A807C static struct GdColour sClrGreen = { 0.0, 1.0, 0.0 }; // @ 801A8088 static struct GdColour sClrBlue = { 0.0, 0.0, 1.0 }; // @ 801A8094 static struct GdColour sClrErrDarkBlue = { 0.0, 0.0, 6.0 }; // @ 801A80A0 static struct GdColour sClrPink = { 1.0, 0.0, 1.0 }; // @ 801A80AC static struct GdColour sClrBlack = { 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 }; // @ 801A80B8 static struct GdColour sClrGrey = { 0.6, 0.6, 0.6 }; // @ 801A80C4 static struct GdColour sClrDarkGrey = { 0.4, 0.4, 0.4 }; // @ 801A80D0 static struct GdColour sClrYellow = { 1.0, 1.0, 0.0 }; // @ 801A80DC static struct GdColour sLightColours[1] = { { 1.0, 1.0, 0.0 } }; // @ 801A80E8 static struct GdColour *sSelectedColour = &sClrRed; // @ 801A80F4 struct ObjCamera *gViewUpdateCamera = NULL; // @ 801A80F8 static void *sUnref801A80FC = NULL; static s32 sUnreadShapeFlag = 0; // @ 801A8100 struct GdColour *sColourPalette[5] = { // @ 801A8104 &sClrWhite, &sClrYellow, &sClrRed, &sClrBlack, &sClrBlack }; struct GdColour *sWhiteBlack[2] = { //@ 801A8118 &sClrWhite, &sClrBlack, }; static Mat4f sUnref801A8120 = { { 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 }, { 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 }, { 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0 }, { 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0 } }; static Mat4f sUnrefIden801A8160 = { { 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 }, { 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0 }, { 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0 }, { 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0 } }; static s32 sLightDlCounter = 1; // @ 801A81A0 static s32 sUnref801A81A4[4] = { 0 }; // bss u8 gUnref_801B9B30[0x88]; struct ObjGroup *gGdLightGroup; // @ 801B9BB8; is this the main light group? only light group? static u8 sUnref_801B9BBC[0x40]; static enum SceneType sSceneProcessType; // @ 801B9C00 static s32 sUseSelectedColor; // @ 801B9C04 static s16 sPickBuffer[100]; ///< buffer of objects near click static s32 sPickDataTemp; ///< now, only data is the object number of a selected joint static f32 sPickObjDistance; ///< distance between object position and cursor click location static struct GdObj *sPickedObject; ///< object selected with cursor /// Various counters and pointers set in update_view() and used in various `draw_XXX` functions static struct { u32 pad00; // @ 801B9CE0 struct ObjView *view; // @ 801B9CE4 s32 unreadCounter; // @ 801B9CE8 s32 mtlDlNum; // @ 801B9CEC; name is a big guess s32 shapesDrawn; // @ 801B9CF0 s32 unused18; // @ 801B9CF4 } sUpdateViewState; static struct ObjLight *sPhongLight; // material light? phong light? static struct GdVec3f sPhongLightPosition; //@ 801B9D00; guess; light source unit position for light // flagged 0x20 (sPhongLight) static struct GdVec3f sLightPositionOffset; // @ 801B9D10 static struct GdVec3f sLightPositionCache[8]; // @ 801B9D20; unit positions static s32 sNumActiveLights; // @ 801B9D80; maybe? static struct GdVec3f sGrabCords; ///< x, y grabbable point near cursor /** * Set the ambient light color and turn on G_CULL_BACK. */ void setup_lights(void) { set_light_num(NUMLIGHTS_2); gd_setproperty(GD_PROP_AMB_COLOUR, 0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f); gd_setproperty(GD_PROP_CULLING, 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); // set G_CULL_BACK return; // dead code gd_setproperty(GD_PROP_STUB17, 2.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); gd_setproperty(GD_PROP_ZBUF_FN, 24.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); gd_setproperty(GD_PROP_CULLING, 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); return; } /** * @note Not called */ void Unknown801781DC(struct ObjZone *zone) { struct GdVec3f lightPos; // 3c struct ObjUnk200000 *unk; f32 sp34; f32 sp30; f32 sp2C; struct ObjLight *light; register struct Links *link = zone->unk30->link1C; // s0 (24) struct GdObj *obj; // 20 while (link != NULL) { obj = link->obj; light = (struct ObjLight *) gGdLightGroup->link1C->obj; lightPos.x = light->position.x; lightPos.y = light->position.y; lightPos.z = light->position.z; unk = (struct ObjUnk200000 *) obj; sp34 = gd_dot_vec3f(&unk->unk34->normal, &unk->unk30->pos); sp30 = gd_dot_vec3f(&unk->unk34->normal, &lightPos); lightPos.x -= unk->unk34->normal.x * (sp30 - sp34); lightPos.y -= unk->unk34->normal.y * (sp30 - sp34); lightPos.z -= unk->unk34->normal.z * (sp30 - sp34); unk->unk30->pos.x = lightPos.x; unk->unk30->pos.y = lightPos.y; unk->unk30->pos.z = lightPos.z; sp2C = ABS((sp30 - sp34)); if (sp2C > 600.0f) { sp2C = 600.0f; } sp2C = 1.0 - sp2C / 600.0; unk->unk30->normal.x = sp2C * light->colour.r; unk->unk30->normal.y = sp2C * light->colour.g; unk->unk30->normal.z = sp2C * light->colour.b; link = link->next; } } /* 226C6C -> 226FDC */ void draw_shape(struct ObjShape *shape, s32 flag, f32 c, f32 d, f32 e, // "sweep" indices 0-2 x, y, z f32 f, f32 g, f32 h, // translate shape + store offset (unused) f32 i, f32 j, f32 k, // translate shape f32 l, f32 m, f32 n, // rotate x, y, z s32 colorIdx, Mat4f *rotMtx) { UNUSED u8 unused[8]; struct GdVec3f sp1C; restart_timer("drawshape"); sUpdateViewState.shapesDrawn++; if (shape == NULL) { return; } sp1C.x = sp1C.y = sp1C.z = 0.0f; if (flag & 2) { translate_load_mtx_gddl(f, g, h); sp1C.x += f; sp1C.y += g; sp1C.z += h; } if ((flag & 0x10) && rotMtx != NULL) { add_mat4_load_to_dl(rotMtx); sp1C.x += (*rotMtx)[3][0]; sp1C.y += (*rotMtx)[3][1]; sp1C.z += (*rotMtx)[3][2]; } if (flag & 8) { if (m != 0.0f) { func_8019F2C4(m, 121); } if (l != 0.0f) { func_8019F2C4(l, 120); } if (n != 0.0f) { func_8019F2C4(n, 122); } } if (colorIdx != 0) { sUseSelectedColor = TRUE; sSelectedColour = gd_get_colour(colorIdx); if (sSelectedColour != NULL) { func_801A086C(-1, sSelectedColour, GD_MTL_LIGHTS); } else { fatal_print("Draw_shape(): Bad colour"); } } else { sUseSelectedColor = FALSE; sSelectedColour = NULL; } if (sNumActiveLights != 0 && shape->mtlGroup != NULL) { if (rotMtx != NULL) { sp1C.x = (*rotMtx)[3][0]; sp1C.y = (*rotMtx)[3][1]; sp1C.z = (*rotMtx)[3][2]; } else { sp1C.x = sp1C.y = sp1C.z = 0.0f; } update_shaders(shape, &sp1C); } if (flag & 4) { translate_mtx_gddl(i, j, k); } if (flag & 1) { func_8019F258(c, d, e); } draw_shape_faces(shape); sUseSelectedColor = FALSE; split_timer("drawshape"); } void draw_shape_2d(struct ObjShape *shape, s32 flag, UNUSED f32 c, UNUSED f32 d, UNUSED f32 e, f32 f, f32 g, f32 h, UNUSED f32 i, UNUSED f32 j, UNUSED f32 k, UNUSED f32 l, UNUSED f32 m, UNUSED f32 n, UNUSED s32 color, UNUSED s32 p) { UNUSED u8 unused[8]; struct GdVec3f sp1C; restart_timer("drawshape2d"); sUpdateViewState.shapesDrawn++; if (shape == NULL) { return; } if (flag & 2) { sp1C.x = f; sp1C.y = g; sp1C.z = h; if (gViewUpdateCamera != NULL) { gd_rotate_and_translate_vec3f(&sp1C, &gViewUpdateCamera->unkE8); } translate_load_mtx_gddl(sp1C.x, sp1C.y, sp1C.z); } draw_shape_faces(shape); split_timer("drawshape2d"); } void draw_light(struct ObjLight *light) { struct GdVec3f sp94; Mat4f sp54; UNUSED Mat4f *uMatPtr; // 50 UNUSED f32 uMultiplier; // 4c struct ObjShape *shape; // 48 if (sSceneProcessType == FIND_PICKS) { return; } sLightColours[0].r = light->colour.r; sLightColours[0].g = light->colour.g; sLightColours[0].b = light->colour.b; if (light->flags & LIGHT_UNK02) { gd_set_identity_mat4(&sp54); sp94.x = -light->unk80.x; sp94.y = -light->unk80.y; sp94.z = -light->unk80.z; gd_create_origin_lookat(&sp54, &sp94, 0.0f); uMultiplier = light->unk38 / 45.0; shape = D_801A82E4; uMatPtr = &sp54; } else { uMultiplier = 1.0f; shape = light->unk9C; uMatPtr = NULL; if (++sLightDlCounter >= 17) { sLightDlCounter = 1; } shape->gdDls[2] = sLightDlCounter; } draw_shape_2d(shape, 2, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, light->position.x, light->position.y, light->position.z, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, -1, 0); } void draw_material(struct ObjMaterial *mtl) { s32 mtlType = mtl->type; // 24 if (mtlType == GD_MTL_SHINE_DL) { if (sPhongLight != NULL && sPhongLight->unk30 > 0.0f) { if (gViewUpdateCamera != NULL) { func_801A0478(mtl->gddlNumber, gViewUpdateCamera, &sPhongLight->position, &sLightPositionOffset, &sPhongLightPosition, &sPhongLight->colour); } else { fatal_printf("draw_material() no active camera for phong"); } } else { mtlType = GD_MTL_BREAK; } } if (sUseSelectedColor == FALSE) { func_801A086C(mtl->gddlNumber, &mtl->Kd, mtlType); } else { func_801A086C(mtl->gddlNumber, sSelectedColour, GD_MTL_LIGHTS); } } /** * Create a `GdDisplayList` and store its number in the input `ObjMaterial` * if this material doesn't have one */ void create_mtl_gddl_if_empty(struct ObjMaterial *mtl) { if (mtl->gddlNumber == 0) { mtl->gddlNumber = create_mtl_gddl(mtl->type); } } /** * A function for checking if an `ObjFace` has bad vertices. These could be either * unconverted vertex data, or old vertex structures (like `BetaVtx`) * @note Not called */ void check_face_bad_vtx(struct ObjFace *face) { s32 i; struct ObjVertex *vtx; for (i = 0; i < face->vtxCount; i++) { vtx = face->vertices[i]; // These seem to be checks against bad conversions, or an outdated vertex structure..? if ((uintptr_t) vtx == 39) { gd_printf("bad1\n"); return; } if ((uintptr_t) vtx->gbiVerts == 0x3F800000) { fatal_printf("bad2 %x,%d,%d,%d\n", (u32) (uintptr_t) vtx, vtx->scaleFactor, vtx->id, vtx->header.type); } } } /** * @brief Convert a numeric index into pointer to a struct GdColour * * A simple switch case to convert from index @p idx to a pointer to the * three f32 GdColour structure. Goddard stored the index in a structure, * and uses this function to get the colour RGB values if needed. * -1 uses the environment colour. * A possible enhancement for this is to ennumerate all colours, and then * use those enumerations and/or enum type where ever a colour is requested * * @param idx Index of colour * @return Pointer to a GdColour struct */ struct GdColour *gd_get_colour(s32 idx) { switch (idx + 1) { case 1: return &sClrBlack; break; case 2: return &sClrWhite; break; case 3: return &sClrRed; break; case 4: return &sClrGreen; break; case 5: return &sClrBlue; break; case 6: return &sClrGrey; break; case 7: return &sClrDarkGrey; break; case 8: return &sClrErrDarkBlue; break; case 11: return &sClrBlack; break; case 9: return &sClrYellow; break; case 10: return &sClrPink; break; case 0: return &sLightColours[0]; break; default: return NULL; } } /** * Uncalled function that would render a triangle * @note Not called */ void Unknown80178ECC(f32 v0X, f32 v0Y, f32 v0Z, f32 v1X, f32 v1Y, f32 v1Z) { f32 difY = v1Y - v0Y; f32 difX = v1X - v0X; f32 difZ = v1Z - v0Z; add_tri_to_dl(v0X, v0Y, v0Z, v1X, v1Y, v1Z, v0X + difY * 0.1, v0Y + difX * 0.1, v0Z + difZ * 0.1); } /** * Rendering function for `ObjFace` structures. It has a fair amount * of stub code */ void draw_face(struct ObjFace *face) { struct ObjVertex *vtx; // 3c f32 z; // 38 f32 y; // 34 f32 x; // 30 UNUSED u8 pad[12]; s32 i; // 20; also used to store mtl's gddl number s32 hasTextCoords; // 1c Vtx *gbiVtx; // 18 add_to_stacktrace("draw_face"); hasTextCoords = FALSE; if (sUseSelectedColor == FALSE && face->mtlId >= 0) // -1 == colored face { if (face->mtl != NULL) { if ((i = face->mtl->gddlNumber) != 0) { if (i != sUpdateViewState.mtlDlNum) { func_801A0070(); branch_to_gddl(i); sUpdateViewState.mtlDlNum = i; } } } if (FALSE) { } } check_tri_display(face->vtxCount); if (!gGdUseVtxNormal) { set_Vtx_norm_buf_1(&face->normal); } for (i = 0; i < face->vtxCount; i++) { vtx = face->vertices[i]; x = vtx->pos.x; y = vtx->pos.y; z = vtx->pos.z; if (gGdUseVtxNormal) { set_Vtx_norm_buf_2(&vtx->normal); } //! @bug This function seems to have some parts based on older versions of ObjVertex //! as the struct requests fields passed the end of an ObjVertex. //! The bad code is statically unreachable, so... if (hasTextCoords) { set_vtx_tc_buf(((struct BetaVtx *) vtx)->s, ((struct BetaVtx *) vtx)->t); } gbiVtx = make_vtx_if_new(x, y, z, vtx->alpha); if (gbiVtx != NULL) { vtx->gbiVerts = make_vtx_link(vtx->gbiVerts, gbiVtx); } } func_8019FEF0(); imout(); } /** * Render a filled rectangle from (`ulx`, `uly`) to (`lrx`, `lry`). * * @param color `GdColour` index * @param ulx,uly upper left point * @param lrx,lry lower right point */ void draw_rect_fill(s32 color, f32 ulx, f32 uly, f32 lrx, f32 lry) { gd_set_fill(gd_get_colour(color)); gd_draw_rect(ulx, uly, lrx, lry); } /** * Render a stroked rectangle (aka border box) from (`ulx`, `uly`) to (`lrx`, `lry`). * * @param color `GdColour` index * @param ulx,uly upper left point * @param lrx,lry lower right point */ void draw_rect_stroke(s32 color, f32 ulx, f32 uly, f32 lrx, f32 lry) { gd_set_fill(gd_get_colour(color)); gd_draw_border_rect(ulx, uly, lrx, lry); } /** * Uncalled function that calls other orphan stub functions. * @note Not called */ void Unknown801792F0(struct GdObj *obj) { char objId[32]; struct GdVec3f objPos; sprint_obj_id(objId, obj); set_cur_dynobj(obj); d_get_world_pos(&objPos); func_801A4438(objPos.x, objPos.y, objPos.z); func_801A48D8(objId); } /* 227B20 -> 227DF8; orig name: Proc80179350 */ void draw_label(struct ObjLabel *label) { struct GdVec3f position; // 144 char strbuf[0x100]; UNUSED u8 unused[16]; struct ObjValPtrs *valptr; // 2c union ObjVarVal varval; // 28 valptrproc_t valfn = label->valfn; if ((valptr = label->valptr) != NULL) { if (valptr->unk20 == 0x40000) { set_cur_dynobj(valptr->obj); d_get_world_pos(&position); } else { position.x = position.y = position.z = 0.0f; } switch (valptr->datatype) { case OBJ_VALUE_FLOAT: get_objvalue(&varval, OBJ_VALUE_FLOAT, valptr->obj, valptr->offset); if (valfn != NULL) { valfn(&varval, varval); } sprintf(strbuf, label->fmtstr, varval.f); break; case OBJ_VALUE_INT: get_objvalue(&varval, OBJ_VALUE_INT, valptr->obj, valptr->offset); if (valfn != NULL) { valfn(&varval, varval); } sprintf(strbuf, label->fmtstr, varval.i); break; default: if (label->fmtstr != NULL) { gd_strcpy(strbuf, label->fmtstr); } else { gd_strcpy(strbuf, "NONAME"); } break; } } else { position.x = position.y = position.z = 0.0f; if (label->fmtstr != NULL) { gd_strcpy(strbuf, label->fmtstr); } else { gd_strcpy(strbuf, "NONAME"); } } position.x += label->vec14.x; position.y += label->vec14.y; position.z += label->vec14.z; func_801A4438(position.x, position.y, position.z); func_801A48C4(label->unk30); func_801A48D8(strbuf); } /* 227DF8 -> 227F3C; orig name: Proc80179628 */ void draw_net(struct ObjNet *self) { struct ObjNet *net = self; s32 netColor; UNUSED u8 unused[80]; if (sSceneProcessType == FIND_PICKS) { return; } if (net->header.drawFlags & OBJ_USE_ENV_COLOUR) { netColor = 8; } else { netColor = net->unk40; } if (net->unk1A8 != NULL) { draw_shape((struct ObjShape *) net->unk1A8, 0x10, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, netColor, &net->mat168); } if (net->unk1C8 != NULL) { draw_group(net->unk1C8); } } /* 227F3C -> 22803C; orig name: Proc8017976C */ void draw_gadget(struct ObjGadget *gdgt) { s32 colour = 0; if (gdgt->unk5C != 0) { colour = gdgt->unk5C; } draw_rect_fill(colour, gdgt->unk14.x, gdgt->unk14.y, gdgt->unk14.x + gdgt->unk28 * gdgt->unk40.x, gdgt->unk14.y + gdgt->unk40.y); if (gdgt->header.drawFlags & OBJ_USE_ENV_COLOUR) { draw_rect_stroke(8, gdgt->unk14.x, gdgt->unk14.y, gdgt->unk14.x + gdgt->unk28 * gdgt->unk40.x, gdgt->unk14.y + gdgt->unk40.y); } gdgt->header.drawFlags &= ~OBJ_USE_ENV_COLOUR; } /* 22803C -> 22829C */ void draw_camera(struct ObjCamera *cam) { struct GdVec3f sp44; UNUSED f32 sp40 = 0.0f; sp44.x = 0.0f; sp44.y = 0.0f; sp44.z = 0.0f; if (cam->unk30 != NULL) { set_cur_dynobj(cam->unk30); d_get_world_pos(&sp44); sp44.x += cam->unk34.x; sp44.y += cam->unk34.y; sp44.z += cam->unk34.z; ; // needed to match } else { sp44.x = cam->unk34.x; sp44.y = cam->unk34.y; sp44.z = cam->unk34.z; } if (0) { // dead code gd_printf("%f,%f,%f\n", cam->unk14.x, cam->unk14.y, cam->unk14.z); } if (ABS(cam->unk14.x - sp44.x) + ABS(cam->unk14.z - sp44.z) == 0.0f) { gd_printf("Draw_Camera(): Zero view distance\n"); return; } func_8019F318(cam, cam->unk14.x, cam->unk14.y, cam->unk14.z, sp44.x, sp44.y, sp44.z, cam->unkA4); } /** * Forms uncalled recursive loop with func_80179B64(). * This function seems to turn off the otherwise unused `OBJ_DRAW_UNK01` flag * for the GdObj.drawFlags * @note Not called */ void Unknown80179ACC(struct GdObj *obj) { if (obj->type == OBJ_TYPE_NETS) { if (0) { } if (((struct ObjNet *) obj)->unk1C8 != NULL) { func_80179B64(((struct ObjNet *) obj)->unk1C8); } } else { if (0) { } } obj->drawFlags &= ~OBJ_DRAW_UNK01; } /** * Forms uncalled recursive loop with Unknown80179ACC() * @note Not called */ void func_80179B64(struct ObjGroup *group) { apply_to_obj_types_in_group(OBJ_TYPE_LABELS | OBJ_TYPE_GADGETS | OBJ_TYPE_CAMERAS | OBJ_TYPE_NETS | OBJ_TYPE_JOINTS | OBJ_TYPE_BONES, (applyproc_t) Unknown80179ACC, group); } // plc again void func_80179B9C(struct GdVec3f *pos, struct ObjCamera *cam, struct ObjView *view) { f32 aspect = GFX_DIMENSIONS_ASPECT_RATIO; aspect *= 0.75; //func_80196430(pos, &cam->unkE8); gd_rotate_and_translate_vec3f(pos, &cam->unkE8); if (pos->z > -256.0f) { return; } pos->x *= 256.0 / -pos->z / aspect; pos->y *= 256.0 / pos->z; pos->x += view->lowerRight.x / 2.0f; pos->y += view->lowerRight.y / 2.0f; } /** * Check if the current cursor position is near enough to @p input to * grab that `GdObj`. The range is +/- 20 units for being close to a * grab point. * * If the object can be grabbed, its information is stored in a buffer by * `store_in_pickbuf()`. * * @param input `GdObj` to check position of * @return void */ void check_grabable_click(struct GdObj *input) { struct GdVec3f objPos; UNUSED u8 unused[12]; struct GdObj *obj; Mat4f *mtx; if (gViewUpdateCamera == NULL) { return; } obj = input; if (!(obj->drawFlags & OBJ_IS_GRABBALE)) { return; } set_cur_dynobj(obj); mtx = d_get_rot_mtx_ptr(); objPos.x = (*mtx)[3][0]; objPos.y = (*mtx)[3][1]; objPos.z = (*mtx)[3][2]; func_80179B9C(&objPos, gViewUpdateCamera, sUpdateViewState.view); if (ABS(gGdCtrl.csrX - objPos.x) < 20.0f) { if (ABS(gGdCtrl.csrY - objPos.y) < 20.0f) { // store (size, Obj Type, Obj Number) in s16 pick buffer array store_in_pickbuf(2); store_in_pickbuf(obj->type); store_in_pickbuf(obj->number); sGrabCords.x = objPos.x; sGrabCords.y = objPos.y; } } } /** * The main function for rendering the components of an `ObjView`. It called * both for drawing the various `GdObj` primatives as well as when checking * the location of a cursor click. * @note This has to be called from update_view() due to that function setting * state variables on which this function relies * * @param process determines if this is rendering the scene * or just checking click location * @param interactables components of `ObjView` * @param lightgrp lights of `ObjView */ void drawscene(enum SceneType process, struct ObjGroup *interactables, struct ObjGroup *lightgrp) { UNUSED u8 unused[16]; restart_timer("drawscene"); add_to_stacktrace("draw_scene()"); sUnreadShapeFlag = 0; sUpdateViewState.unreadCounter = 0; restart_timer("draw1"); set_gd_mtx_parameters(G_MTX_PROJECTION | G_MTX_MUL | G_MTX_PUSH); if (sUpdateViewState.view->unk38 == 1) { gd_create_perspective_matrix(sUpdateViewState.view->clipping.z, sUpdateViewState.view->lowerRight.x / sUpdateViewState.view->lowerRight.y, sUpdateViewState.view->clipping.x, sUpdateViewState.view->clipping.y); } else { gd_create_ortho_matrix( -sUpdateViewState.view->lowerRight.x / 2.0, sUpdateViewState.view->lowerRight.x / 2.0, -sUpdateViewState.view->lowerRight.y / 2.0, sUpdateViewState.view->lowerRight.y / 2.0, sUpdateViewState.view->clipping.x, sUpdateViewState.view->clipping.y); } if (lightgrp != NULL) { set_gd_mtx_parameters(G_MTX_MODELVIEW | G_MTX_LOAD | G_MTX_PUSH); apply_to_obj_types_in_group(OBJ_TYPE_LIGHTS | OBJ_TYPE_PARTICLES, (applyproc_t) apply_obj_draw_fn, lightgrp); set_gd_mtx_parameters(G_MTX_PROJECTION | G_MTX_MUL | G_MTX_PUSH); } if (gViewUpdateCamera != NULL) { draw_camera(gViewUpdateCamera); } else { translate_mtx_gddl(0.0f, 0.0f, -1000.0f); } setup_lights(); set_gd_mtx_parameters(G_MTX_MODELVIEW | G_MTX_LOAD | G_MTX_PUSH); idn_mtx_push_gddl(); sSceneProcessType = process; if ((sNumActiveLights = sUpdateViewState.view->flags & VIEW_LIGHT)) { sUpdateViewState.view->flags &= ~VIEW_LIGHT; } sNumActiveLights = 1; apply_to_obj_types_in_group(OBJ_TYPE_LIGHTS, (applyproc_t) register_light, gGdLightGroup); split_timer("draw1"); restart_timer("drawobj"); add_to_stacktrace("process_group"); if (sSceneProcessType == FIND_PICKS) { apply_to_obj_types_in_group(OBJ_TYPE_ALL, (applyproc_t) check_grabable_click, interactables); } else { apply_to_obj_types_in_group(OBJ_TYPE_LIGHTS | OBJ_TYPE_GADGETS | OBJ_TYPE_NETS | OBJ_TYPE_PARTICLES, (applyproc_t) apply_obj_draw_fn, interactables); } imout(); split_timer("drawobj"); gd_setproperty(GD_PROP_LIGHTING, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); apply_to_obj_types_in_group(OBJ_TYPE_LABELS, (applyproc_t) apply_obj_draw_fn, interactables); gd_setproperty(GD_PROP_LIGHTING, 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); pop_mtx_gddl(); imout(); split_timer("drawscene"); return; } /** * A drawing function that does nothing. This function is used for * `GdObj`s that don't need to be rendered */ void nop_obj_draw(UNUSED struct GdObj *nop) { } /** * Render the `faceGroup` of an `ObjShape`. This is called from * draw_shape() and draw_shape_2d(), or when creating the shape * `GdDisplayList` when calling create_shape_gddl() */ void draw_shape_faces(struct ObjShape *shape) { sUpdateViewState.mtlDlNum = 0; sUpdateViewState.unreadCounter = 0; gddl_is_loading_stub_dl(FALSE); sUnreadShapeFlag = (s32) shape->flag & 1; func_801A02B8(shape->unk58); if (shape->gdDls[gGdFrameBuf] != 0) { func_8019BD0C(shape->gdDls[gGdFrameBuf], shape->gdDls[2]); } else if (shape->faceGroup != NULL) { func_801A0038(); draw_group(shape->faceGroup); func_801A0070(); } } /** * Rendering function for `ObjParticle`. */ void draw_particle(struct GdObj *obj) { struct ObjParticle *ptc = (struct ObjParticle *) obj; UNUSED u8 unused1[16]; struct GdColour *white; // 60 struct GdColour *black; // 5c f32 sp58; UNUSED u8 unused2[16]; if (ptc->unk5C > 0) { white = sColourPalette[0]; black = sWhiteBlack[1]; sp58 = ptc->unk5C / 10.0; sLightColours[0].r = (white->r - black->r) * sp58 + black->r; sLightColours[0].g = (white->g - black->g) * sp58 + black->g; sLightColours[0].b = (white->b - black->b) * sp58 + black->b; ; // needed to match } else { sLightColours[0].r = 0.0f; sLightColours[0].g = 0.0f; sLightColours[0].b = 0.0f; } if (ptc->unk5C > 0) { ptc->unk1C->gdDls[2] = ptc->unk5C; draw_shape_2d(ptc->unk1C, 2, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, ptc->unk20.x, ptc->unk20.y, ptc->unk20.z, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, -1, 0); } if (ptc->unk60 == 3) { if (ptc->unk6C != NULL) { draw_group(ptc->unk6C); } } } /** * Rendering fucntion for `ObjBone`. * * @note This function returns before doing any work. It seems * that Goddard moved away from using bones in the final code */ void draw_bone(struct GdObj *obj) { struct ObjBone *bone = (struct ObjBone *) obj; UNUSED u8 unused1[4]; s32 colour; UNUSED u8 unused2[4]; struct GdVec3f scale; // guess return; // dead code scale.x = 1.0f; scale.y = 1.0f; scale.z = bone->unkF8 / 50.0f; if (bone->header.drawFlags & OBJ_USE_ENV_COLOUR) { colour = 8; } else { colour = bone->unk100; } bone->header.drawFlags &= ~OBJ_USE_ENV_COLOUR; if (sSceneProcessType != FIND_PICKS) { draw_shape(bone->unkF0, 0x1B, scale.x, scale.y, scale.z, bone->unk14.x, bone->unk14.y, bone->unk14.z, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, bone->unk28.x, bone->unk28.y, bone->unk28.z, colour, &bone->mat70); } } /** * Rendering function for `ObjJoint`. */ void draw_joint(struct GdObj *obj) { struct ObjJoint *joint = (struct ObjJoint *) obj; UNUSED u8 unused1[4]; UNUSED f32 sp7C = 70.0f; UNUSED u8 unused2[4]; UNUSED s32 sp74 = 1; s32 colour; UNUSED u8 unused[8]; struct ObjShape *boneShape; UNUSED u8 unused3[28]; if ((boneShape = joint->unk20) == NULL) { return; } if (joint->header.drawFlags & OBJ_USE_ENV_COLOUR) { colour = 8; } else { colour = joint->unk1C8; } draw_shape(boneShape, 0x10, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, colour, &joint->mat128); } /** * Call `apply_obj_draw_fn()` to all `GdObj` in input `ObjGroup` * * @param grp `ObjGroup` of objects to draw * @return void */ void draw_group(struct ObjGroup *grp) { if (grp == NULL) { fatal_print("Draw_Group: Bad group definition!"); } apply_to_obj_types_in_group(OBJ_TYPE_ALL, (applyproc_t) apply_obj_draw_fn, grp); } /** * Rendering function for `ObjPlane`. */ void draw_plane(struct GdObj *obj) { struct ObjPlane *plane = (struct ObjPlane *) obj; if (obj->drawFlags & OBJ_USE_ENV_COLOUR) { obj->drawFlags &= ~OBJ_USE_ENV_COLOUR; ; // needed to match; presumably setting up the color to draw the plane with } else { sUseSelectedColor = FALSE; } draw_face(plane->unk40); } /** * Apply `GdObj.objDrawFn` to the input `GdObj` if that object is draw-able. * * @param obj `GdObj` to draw * @return void */ void apply_obj_draw_fn(struct GdObj *obj) { if (obj == NULL) { fatal_print("Bad object!"); } if (obj->drawFlags & OBJ_NOT_DRAWABLE) { return; } obj->objDrawFn(obj); } /** * Count input `ObjLight` as an active light, if it wasn't already counted. */ void register_light(struct ObjLight *light) { set_light_id(light->id); gd_setproperty(GD_PROP_LIGHTING, 2.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); if (light->flags & LIGHT_NEW_UNCOUNTED) { sNumActiveLights++; } light->flags &= ~LIGHT_NEW_UNCOUNTED; } /* 229180 -> 229564 */ void Proc8017A980(struct ObjLight *light) { f32 sp24; // diffuse factor? f32 sp20; f32 sp1C; light->colour.r = light->diffuse.r * light->unk30; light->colour.g = light->diffuse.g * light->unk30; light->colour.b = light->diffuse.b * light->unk30; sLightPositionCache[light->id].x = light->position.x - sLightPositionOffset.x; sLightPositionCache[light->id].y = light->position.y - sLightPositionOffset.y; sLightPositionCache[light->id].z = light->position.z - sLightPositionOffset.z; gd_normalize_vec3f(&sLightPositionCache[light->id]); if (light->flags & LIGHT_UNK20) { sPhongLightPosition.x = sLightPositionCache[light->id].x; sPhongLightPosition.y = sLightPositionCache[light->id].y; sPhongLightPosition.z = sLightPositionCache[light->id].z; sPhongLight = light; } sp24 = light->unk30; if (light->flags & LIGHT_UNK02) { sp20 = -gd_dot_vec3f(&sLightPositionCache[light->id], &light->unk80); sp1C = 1.0 - light->unk38 / 90.0; if (sp20 > sp1C) { sp20 = (sp20 - sp1C) * (1.0 / (1.0 - sp1C)); if (sp20 > 1.0) { sp20 = 1.0; } else if (sp20 < 0.0f) { sp20 = 0.0f; } } else { sp20 = 0.0f; } sp24 *= sp20; } set_light_id(light->id); gd_setproperty(GD_PROP_DIFUSE_COLOUR, light->diffuse.r * sp24, light->diffuse.g * sp24, light->diffuse.b * sp24); gd_setproperty(GD_PROP_LIGHT_DIR, sLightPositionCache[light->id].x, sLightPositionCache[light->id].y, sLightPositionCache[light->id].z); gd_setproperty(GD_PROP_LIGHTING, 2.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); } /* 229568 -> 229658; orig name: func_8017AD98 */ void update_shaders(struct ObjShape *shape, struct GdVec3f *offset) { restart_timer("updateshaders"); stash_current_gddl(); sLightPositionOffset.x = offset->x; sLightPositionOffset.y = offset->y; sLightPositionOffset.z = offset->z; sPhongLight = NULL; if (gGdLightGroup != NULL) { apply_to_obj_types_in_group(OBJ_TYPE_LIGHTS, (applyproc_t) Proc8017A980, gGdLightGroup); } if (shape->mtlGroup != NULL) { apply_to_obj_types_in_group(OBJ_TYPE_MATERIALS, (applyproc_t) apply_obj_draw_fn, shape->mtlGroup); } pop_gddl_stash(); split_timer("updateshaders"); } /** * Create `GdDisplayList`s for any `ObjMaterial`s in `shape` that don't already * have a GdDL. Doesn't do anything if `shape`'s `mtlGroup` is NULL * * @param shape Input `ObjShape` to create material GdDLs for * @return void */ void create_shape_mtl_gddls(struct ObjShape *shape) { if (shape->mtlGroup != NULL) { apply_to_obj_types_in_group(OBJ_TYPE_MATERIALS, (applyproc_t) create_mtl_gddl_if_empty, shape->mtlGroup); } } /** * Uncalled function that calls a stubbed function (`func_8017BED0()`) for all * `GdObj`s in @p grp * * @param grp Unknown group of objects * @return void * @note Not called */ void unref_8017AEDC(struct ObjGroup *grp) { register struct Links *link = grp->link1C; while (link != NULL) { struct GdObj *obj = link->obj; func_8017BED0(grp, obj); link = link->next; } } /** * Start a new `GdDisplayList` struct and store its reference index * in the input `ObjShape`. * * @param s `ObjShape` to create GdDL for * @return Either `-1` if the DL couldn't be created, * or the created DL's reference index * @bug Nothing is returned if the DL is created * @note Contains string literals that suggest a removed `printf` call */ #ifdef AVOID_UB void #else s32 #endif create_shape_gddl(struct ObjShape *s) { struct ObjShape *shape = s; // 24 s32 shapedl; // 20 UNUSED s32 enddl; // 1C create_shape_mtl_gddls(shape); shapedl = gd_startdisplist(7); if (shapedl == 0) { #ifdef AVOID_UB return; #else return -1; #endif } setup_lights(); sUseSelectedColor = FALSE; if (shape->unk3C == 0) { draw_shape_faces(shape); } enddl = gd_enddlsplist_parent(); shape->gdDls[0] = shapedl; shape->gdDls[1] = shapedl; if (shape->name[0] != '\0') { printf("Generated '%s' (%d) display list ok.(%d)\n", shape->name, shapedl, enddl); } else { printf("Generated 'UNKNOWN' (%d) display list ok.(%d)\n", shapedl, enddl); } } /** * Create `GdDisplayList` structs for all `ObjShapes` in `grp` by calling * `create_shape_gddl()`. * * @param grp `ObjGroup` containing `ObjShape` to create GdDLs for * @return void * @note Contains string literals that suggest a removed `printf` call */ void create_gddl_for_shapes(struct ObjGroup *grp) { UNUSED s32 shapedls = apply_to_obj_types_in_group(OBJ_TYPE_SHAPES, (applyproc_t) create_shape_gddl, grp); printf("made %d display lists\n", shapedls); } /** * Map material id's to `ObjMaterial` pointers for an `ObjGroup` of `ObjFace` structs. * This is the final function used in dynlist processing (see `chk_shapegen()`) * * @param[in,out] faces `ObjGroup` of `ObjFace` structs to map over * @param[in] mtls `ObjGroup` of `ObjMaterial` structs to map ids to pointers * @return void */ void map_face_materials(struct ObjGroup *faces, struct ObjGroup *mtls) { struct ObjFace *face; register struct Links *linkFaces; struct GdObj *temp; register struct Links *linkMtls; struct ObjMaterial *mtl; linkFaces = faces->link1C; while (linkFaces != NULL) { temp = linkFaces->obj; face = (struct ObjFace *) temp; linkMtls = mtls->link1C; while (linkMtls != NULL) { mtl = (struct ObjMaterial *) linkMtls->obj; if (mtl->id == face->mtlId) { break; } linkMtls = linkMtls->next; } if (linkMtls != NULL) { face->mtl = mtl; } linkFaces = linkFaces->next; } } /** * @brief Calculate the normal for @p vtx based on `ObjFaces` in @p facegrp * * Calculate the normal for the input `ObjVetex` @p vtx based on the * `ObjFace` structures in @p facegrp of which that vertex is a part. * * @param vtx `ObjVertex` to update normal * @param facegrp `ObjGroup` of `ObjFace` structures that use @p vtx * @return void */ void calc_vtx_normal(struct ObjVertex *vtx, struct ObjGroup *facegrp) { s32 i; s32 facesAdded; register struct Links *faceLink; struct ObjFace *curFace; vtx->normal.x = vtx->normal.y = vtx->normal.z = 0.0f; facesAdded = 0; faceLink = facegrp->link1C; while (faceLink != NULL) { curFace = (struct ObjFace *) faceLink->obj; for (i = 0; i < curFace->vtxCount; i++) { if (curFace->vertices[i] == vtx) { vtx->normal.x += curFace->normal.x; vtx->normal.y += curFace->normal.y; vtx->normal.z += curFace->normal.z; facesAdded++; } } faceLink = faceLink->next; } if (facesAdded != 0) { vtx->normal.x /= facesAdded; vtx->normal.y /= facesAdded; vtx->normal.z /= facesAdded; } } /** * @brief Convert vertex indices in an `ObjFace` into pointers * * Using the group of `ObjVertex` or `ObjParticle` structures in @p verts, * convert indices in @p face into pointers. The indices are offests * into the list contained in @p verts group * * @param face `ObjFace` to find vertices for * @param verts `ObjGroup` to index in for `ObjVertex` or `ObjPaticle` structures * @return void */ void find_thisface_verts(struct ObjFace *face, struct ObjGroup *verts) { s32 i; u32 linkVtxIdx; struct Links *link; for (i = 0; i < face->vtxCount; i++) { link = verts->link1C; linkVtxIdx = 0; while (link != NULL) { if (link->obj->type == OBJ_TYPE_VERTICES || link->obj->type == OBJ_TYPE_PARTICLES) { // it seems that the vertices in a face are first pointer-sized indices // to a given vertix or particle link in the second argument's group. if (linkVtxIdx++ == (u32) (uintptr_t) face->vertices[i]) { break; } } link = link->next; } if (link == NULL) { fatal_printf("find_thisface_verts(): Vertex not found"); } face->vertices[i] = (struct ObjVertex *) link->obj; } calc_face_normal(face); } /** * @brief Convert vertex ID numbers for an `ObjGroup` of `ObjFace`s into pointers * to `ObjVertex` structures * * This function takes an `ObjGroup` of `ObjFace` structures whose `vertices` field * has indices and not pointers. These indices are transformed into pointers of * `ObjVertex` or `ObjParticle` structures from the @p vtxgrp `ObjGroup`. * * @param facegrp `ObjGroup` of `ObjFaces` to map vertex indices to pointers * @param vtxgrp `ObjGroup` of `ObjVertices`/`ObjParticles` to be mapped against * @return void * @note It seems that this function was replaced by `chk_shapegen()`, which performs * a very similar task... */ void map_vertices(struct ObjGroup *facegrp, struct ObjGroup *vtxgrp) { register struct Links *faceLink; struct ObjFace *curFace; register struct Links *vtxLink; struct ObjVertex *vtx; add_to_stacktrace("map_vertices"); faceLink = facegrp->link1C; while (faceLink != NULL) { curFace = (struct ObjFace *) faceLink->obj; find_thisface_verts(curFace, vtxgrp); faceLink = faceLink->next; } vtxLink = vtxgrp->link1C; while (vtxLink != NULL) { vtx = (struct ObjVertex *) vtxLink->obj; calc_vtx_normal(vtx, facegrp); vtxLink = vtxLink->next; } imout(); } /** * Unselect a grabbable objects * * @param obj `GdObj` to unselect * @return void * @note Not Called */ void unpick_obj(struct GdObj *obj) { struct GdObj *why = obj; if (why->drawFlags & OBJ_IS_GRABBALE) { why->drawFlags &= ~(OBJ_PICKED | OBJ_USE_ENV_COLOUR); } } /** * @brief Find the closest object to the cursor on an A-button press * * This function is applied to all objects in an `ObjView.components` group * to find the object closest to the cursor when there's an A press * * @param input `GdObj` to check * @return void */ void find_closest_pickable_obj(struct GdObj *input) { struct GdObj *obj = input; UNUSED u8 unused[12]; f32 distance; if (obj->drawFlags & OBJ_IS_GRABBALE) { if (obj->number == sPickDataTemp) { if (gViewUpdateCamera != NULL) { distance = d_calc_world_dist_btwn(&gViewUpdateCamera->header, obj); } else { distance = 0.0f; } if (distance < sPickObjDistance) { sPickObjDistance = distance; sPickedObject = obj; } } } } /** * @brief Set the global view camera if not already set. * * This function is used to find the first `ObjCamera` when running `update_view()`. * * @param cam `ObjCamera` to set to the update camera, if possible * @return void */ void set_view_update_camera(struct ObjCamera *cam) { if (gViewUpdateCamera != NULL) { return; } gViewUpdateCamera = cam; } /** * @brief The main per-frame function for handling a view * * This function handles updating and rendering a given `ObjView` structure. * It also handles the A button input for grabbing an area of an `ObjShape` * that is contained in the `ObjView.components` group * * @param view The `ObjView` to update * @return void */ void update_view(struct ObjView *view) { s32 i; s32 pickOffset; s32 pickDataSize; s32 j; s32 pickDataIdx; s32 pickedObjType; char objTypeAbbr[0x100]; sUpdateViewState.shapesDrawn = 0; sUpdateViewState.unused18 = 0; if (!(view->flags & VIEW_UPDATE)) { view->flags &= ~VIEW_WAS_UPDATED; return; } add_to_stacktrace("UpdateView()"); if (view->proc != NULL) { view->proc(view); } if (!(view->flags & VIEW_WAS_UPDATED)) { view->flags |= VIEW_WAS_UPDATED; } gViewUpdateCamera = NULL; if (view->components != NULL) { apply_to_obj_types_in_group(OBJ_TYPE_CAMERAS, (applyproc_t) set_view_update_camera, view->components); view->activeCam = gViewUpdateCamera; if (view->activeCam != NULL) { gViewUpdateCamera->unk18C = view; } } if (view->flags & VIEW_MOVEMENT) { split_timer("dlgen"); restart_timer("dynamics"); proc_view_movement(view); split_timer("dynamics"); restart_timer("dlgen"); gViewUpdateCamera = view->activeCam; } if (!(view->flags & VIEW_DRAW)) { imout(); return; } sUpdateViewState.view = view; set_active_view(view); view->gdDlNum = gd_startdisplist(8); start_view_dl(sUpdateViewState.view); gd_shading(9); if (view->flags & (VIEW_UNK_2000 | VIEW_UNK_4000)) { gd_set_one_cycle(); } if (view->components != NULL) { if (gGdCtrl.btnApressed) { if (gd_getproperty(3, 0) != FALSE && gGdCtrl.btnAnewPress != FALSE) { init_pick_buf(sPickBuffer, ARRAY_COUNT(sPickBuffer)); drawscene(FIND_PICKS, sUpdateViewState.view->components, NULL); pickOffset = get_cur_pickbuf_offset(sPickBuffer); sPickDataTemp = 0; sPickedObject = NULL; sPickObjDistance = 10000000.0f; if (pickOffset < 0) { fatal_printf("UpdateView(): Pick buffer too small"); } else if (pickOffset > 0) { pickDataIdx = 0; for (i = 0; i < pickOffset; i++) { pickDataSize = sPickBuffer[pickDataIdx++]; if (pickDataSize != 0) { switch ((pickedObjType = sPickBuffer[pickDataIdx++])) { case OBJ_TYPE_JOINTS: gd_strcpy(objTypeAbbr, "J"); break; case OBJ_TYPE_NETS: gd_strcpy(objTypeAbbr, "N"); break; case OBJ_TYPE_PARTICLES: gd_strcpy(objTypeAbbr, "P"); break; default: gd_strcpy(objTypeAbbr, "?"); break; } } if (pickDataSize >= 2) { for (j = 0; j < pickDataSize - 1; j++) { sPickDataTemp = sPickBuffer[pickDataIdx++]; apply_to_obj_types_in_group(pickedObjType, (applyproc_t) find_closest_pickable_obj, sUpdateViewState.view->components); } } } } if (sPickedObject != NULL) { sPickedObject->drawFlags |= OBJ_PICKED; sPickedObject->drawFlags |= OBJ_USE_ENV_COLOUR; sUpdateViewState.view->pickedObj = sPickedObject; gGdCtrl.csrXatApress = gGdCtrl.csrX = sGrabCords.x; gGdCtrl.csrYatApress = gGdCtrl.csrY = sGrabCords.y; } } find_and_drag_picked_object(sUpdateViewState.view->components); } else // check for any previously picked objects, and turn off? { if (sUpdateViewState.view->pickedObj != NULL) { sUpdateViewState.view->pickedObj->drawFlags &= ~OBJ_PICKED; sUpdateViewState.view->pickedObj->drawFlags &= ~OBJ_USE_ENV_COLOUR; sUpdateViewState.view->pickedObj = NULL; } } drawscene(RENDER_SCENE, sUpdateViewState.view->components, sUpdateViewState.view->lights); } border_active_view(); gd_enddlsplist_parent(); imout(); return; } /** * Stub function. * @note Not Called */ void unref_8017BC94(void) { }