mirror of https://github.com/sm64pc/sm64pc.git
The last of TARGET_N64 finally gets thanos'd
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,386 +0,0 @@
#include <ultra64.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "sm64.h"
#if defined(TARGET_N64) && (defined(VERSION_EU) || defined(VERSION_SH))
s32 _Printf(char *(*prout)(char *, const char *, size_t), char *dst, const char *fmt, va_list args);
u8 gCrashScreenCharToGlyph[128] = {
-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1,
-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 41, -1, -1, -1, 43, -1, -1, 37, 38, -1, 42,
-1, 39, 44, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 36, -1, -1, -1, -1, 40, -1, 10,
11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32,
33, 34, 35, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22,
23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1,
// Bit-compressed font. '#' = 1, '.' = 0
u32 gCrashScreenFont[7 * 9 + 1] = {
0x70871c30, // .###.. ..#... .###.. .###.. ..##.. ..
0x8988a250, // #...#. .##... #...#. #...#. .#.#.. ..
0x88808290, // #...#. ..#... ....#. ....#. #..#.. ..
0x88831c90, // #...#. ..#... ..##.. .###.. #..#.. ..
0x888402f8, // #...#. ..#... .#.... ....#. #####. ..
0x88882210, // #...#. ..#... #..... #...#. ...#.. ..
0x71cf9c10, // .###.. .###.. #####. .###.. ...#.. ..
0xf9cf9c70, // #####. .###.. #####. .###.. .###.. ..
0x8228a288, // #..... #...#. #...#. #...#. #...#. ..
0xf200a288, // ####.. #..... ....#. #...#. #...#. ..
0x0bc11c78, // ....#. ####.. ...#.. .###.. .####. ..
0x0a222208, // ....#. #...#. ..#... #...#. ....#. ..
0x8a222288, // #...#. #...#. ..#... #...#. #...#. ..
0x71c21c70, // .###.. .###.. ..#... .###.. .###.. ..
0x23c738f8, // ..#... ####.. .###.. ###... #####. ..
0x5228a480, // .#.#.. #...#. #...#. #..#.. #..... ..
0x8a282280, // #...#. #...#. #..... #...#. #..... ..
0x8bc822f0, // #...#. ####.. #..... #...#. ####.. ..
0xfa282280, // #####. #...#. #..... #...#. #..... ..
0x8a28a480, // #...#. #...#. #...#. #..#.. #..... ..
0x8bc738f8, // #...#. ####.. .###.. ###... #####. ..
0xf9c89c08, // #####. .###.. #...#. .###.. ....#. ..
0x82288808, // #..... #...#. #...#. ..#... ....#. ..
0x82088808, // #..... #..... #...#. ..#... ....#. ..
0xf2ef8808, // ####.. #.###. #####. ..#... ....#. ..
0x82288888, // #..... #...#. #...#. ..#... #...#. ..
0x82288888, // #..... #...#. #...#. ..#... #...#. ..
0x81c89c70, // #..... .###.. #...#. .###.. .###.. ..
0x8a08a270, // #...#. #..... #...#. #...#. .###.. ..
0x920da288, // #..#.. #..... ##.##. #...#. #...#. ..
0xa20ab288, // #.#... #..... #.#.#. ##..#. #...#. ..
0xc20aaa88, // ##.... #..... #.#.#. #.#.#. #...#. ..
0xa208a688, // #.#... #..... #...#. #..##. #...#. ..
0x9208a288, // #..#.. #..... #...#. #...#. #...#. ..
0x8be8a270, // #...#. #####. #...#. #...#. .###.. ..
0xf1cf1cf8, // ####.. .###.. ####.. .###.. #####. ..
0x8a28a220, // #...#. #...#. #...#. #...#. ..#... ..
0x8a28a020, // #...#. #...#. #...#. #..... ..#... ..
0xf22f1c20, // ####.. #...#. ####.. .###.. ..#... ..
0x82aa0220, // #..... #.#.#. #.#... ....#. ..#... ..
0x82492220, // #..... #..#.. #..#.. #...#. ..#... ..
0x81a89c20, // #..... .##.#. #...#. .###.. ..#... ..
0x8a28a288, // #...#. #...#. #...#. #...#. #...#. ..
0x8a28a288, // #...#. #...#. #...#. #...#. #...#. ..
0x8a289488, // #...#. #...#. #...#. .#.#.. #...#. ..
0x8a2a8850, // #...#. #...#. #.#.#. ..#... .#.#.. ..
0x894a9420, // #...#. .#.#.. #.#.#. .#.#.. ..#... ..
0x894aa220, // #...#. .#.#.. #.#.#. #...#. ..#... ..
0x70852220, // .###.. ..#... .#.#.. #...#. ..#... ..
0xf8011000, // #####. ...... ...#.. .#.... ...... ..
0x08020800, // ....#. ...... ..#... ..#... ...... ..
0x10840400, // ...#.. ..#... .#.... ...#.. ...... ..
0x20040470, // ..#... ...... .#.... ...#.. .###.. ..
0x40840400, // .#.... ..#... .#.... ...#.. ...... ..
0x80020800, // #..... ...... ..#... ..#... ...... ..
0xf8011000, // #####. ...... ...#.. .#.... ...... ..
0x70800000, // .###.. ..#... ...... ...... ...... ..
0x88822200, // #...#. ..#... ..#... #...#. ...... ..
0x08820400, // ....#. ..#... ..#... ...#.. ...... ..
0x108f8800, // ...#.. ..#... #####. ..#... ...... ..
0x20821000, // ..#... ..#... ..#... .#.... ...... ..
0x00022200, // ...... ...... ..#... #...#. ...... ..
0x20800020, // ..#... ..#... ...... ...... ..#... ..
char *gCauseDesc[18] = {
"TLB modification",
"TLB exception on load",
"TLB exception on store",
"Address error on load",
"Address error on store",
"Bus error on inst.",
"Bus error on data",
"System call exception",
"Breakpoint exception",
"Reserved instruction",
"Coprocessor unusable",
"Arithmetic overflow",
"Trap exception",
"Virtual coherency on inst.",
"Floating point exception",
"Watchpoint exception",
"Virtual coherency on data",
char *gFpcsrDesc[6] = {
"Unimplemented operation", "Invalid operation", "Division by zero", "Overflow", "Underflow",
"Inexact operation",
extern u64 osClockRate;
struct {
OSThread thread;
u64 stack[0x800 / sizeof(u64)];
OSMesgQueue mesgQueue;
OSMesg mesg;
u16 *framebuffer;
u16 width;
u16 height;
} gCrashScreen;
void crash_screen_draw_rect(s32 x, s32 y, s32 w, s32 h) {
u16 *ptr;
s32 i, j;
ptr = gCrashScreen.framebuffer + gCrashScreen.width * y + x;
for (i = 0; i < h; i++) {
for (j = 0; j < w; j++) {
// 0xe738 = 0b1110011100111000
*ptr = ((*ptr & 0xe738) >> 2) | 1;
ptr += gCrashScreen.width - w;
void crash_screen_draw_glyph(s32 x, s32 y, s32 glyph) {
const u32 *data;
u16 *ptr;
u32 bit;
u32 rowMask;
s32 i, j;
data = &gCrashScreenFont[glyph / 5 * 7];
ptr = gCrashScreen.framebuffer + gCrashScreen.width * y + x;
for (i = 0; i < 7; i++) {
bit = 0x80000000U >> ((glyph % 5) * 6);
rowMask = *data++;
for (j = 0; j < 6; j++) {
*ptr++ = (bit & rowMask) ? 0xffff : 1;
bit >>= 1;
ptr += gCrashScreen.width - 6;
static char *write_to_buf(char *buffer, const char *data, size_t size) {
return (char *) memcpy(buffer, data, size) + size;
void crash_screen_print(s32 x, s32 y, const char *fmt, ...) {
char *ptr;
u32 glyph;
s32 size;
char buf[0x100];
va_list args;
va_start(args, fmt);
size = _Printf(write_to_buf, buf, fmt, args);
if (size > 0) {
ptr = buf;
while (size > 0) {
while (*ptr) {
glyph = gCrashScreenCharToGlyph[*ptr & 0x7f];
if (glyph != 0xff) {
crash_screen_draw_glyph(x, y, glyph);
x += 6;
void crash_screen_sleep(s32 ms) {
u64 cycles = ms * 1000LL * osClockRate / 1000000ULL;
while (osGetTime() < cycles) {
void crash_screen_print_float_reg(s32 x, s32 y, s32 regNum, void *addr) {
u32 bits;
s32 exponent;
bits = *(u32 *) addr;
exponent = ((bits & 0x7f800000U) >> 0x17) - 0x7f;
if ((exponent >= -0x7e && exponent <= 0x7f) || bits == 0) {
crash_screen_print(x, y, "F%02d:%.3e", regNum, *(f32 *) addr);
} else {
crash_screen_print(x, y, "F%02d:---------", regNum);
void crash_screen_print_fpcsr(u32 fpcsr) {
s32 i;
u32 bit;
bit = 1 << 17;
crash_screen_print(30, 155, "FPCSR:%08XH", fpcsr);
for (i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
if (fpcsr & bit) {
crash_screen_print(132, 155, "(%s)", gFpcsrDesc[i]);
bit >>= 1;
void draw_crash_screen(OSThread *thread) {
s16 cause;
__OSThreadContext *tc = &thread->context;
cause = (tc->cause >> 2) & 0x1f;
if (cause == 23) // EXC_WATCH
cause = 16;
if (cause == 31) // EXC_VCED
cause = 17;
crash_screen_draw_rect(25, 20, 270, 25);
crash_screen_print(30, 25, "THREAD:%d (%s)", thread->id, gCauseDesc[cause]);
crash_screen_print(30, 35, "PC:%08XH SR:%08XH VA:%08XH", tc->pc, tc->sr, tc->badvaddr);
crash_screen_draw_rect(25, 45, 270, 185);
crash_screen_print(30, 50, "AT:%08XH V0:%08XH V1:%08XH", (u32) tc->at, (u32) tc->v0,
(u32) tc->v1);
crash_screen_print(30, 60, "A0:%08XH A1:%08XH A2:%08XH", (u32) tc->a0, (u32) tc->a1,
(u32) tc->a2);
crash_screen_print(30, 70, "A3:%08XH T0:%08XH T1:%08XH", (u32) tc->a3, (u32) tc->t0,
(u32) tc->t1);
crash_screen_print(30, 80, "T2:%08XH T3:%08XH T4:%08XH", (u32) tc->t2, (u32) tc->t3,
(u32) tc->t4);
crash_screen_print(30, 90, "T5:%08XH T6:%08XH T7:%08XH", (u32) tc->t5, (u32) tc->t6,
(u32) tc->t7);
crash_screen_print(30, 100, "S0:%08XH S1:%08XH S2:%08XH", (u32) tc->s0, (u32) tc->s1,
(u32) tc->s2);
crash_screen_print(30, 110, "S3:%08XH S4:%08XH S5:%08XH", (u32) tc->s3, (u32) tc->s4,
(u32) tc->s5);
crash_screen_print(30, 120, "S6:%08XH S7:%08XH T8:%08XH", (u32) tc->s6, (u32) tc->s7,
(u32) tc->t8);
crash_screen_print(30, 130, "T9:%08XH GP:%08XH SP:%08XH", (u32) tc->t9, (u32) tc->gp,
(u32) tc->sp);
crash_screen_print(30, 140, "S8:%08XH RA:%08XH", (u32) tc->s8, (u32) tc->ra);
crash_screen_print_float_reg(30, 170, 0, &tc->fp0.f.f_even);
crash_screen_print_float_reg(120, 170, 2, &tc->fp2.f.f_even);
crash_screen_print_float_reg(210, 170, 4, &tc->fp4.f.f_even);
crash_screen_print_float_reg(30, 180, 6, &tc->fp6.f.f_even);
crash_screen_print_float_reg(120, 180, 8, &tc->fp8.f.f_even);
crash_screen_print_float_reg(210, 180, 10, &tc->fp10.f.f_even);
crash_screen_print_float_reg(30, 190, 12, &tc->fp12.f.f_even);
crash_screen_print_float_reg(120, 190, 14, &tc->fp14.f.f_even);
crash_screen_print_float_reg(210, 190, 16, &tc->fp16.f.f_even);
crash_screen_print_float_reg(30, 200, 18, &tc->fp18.f.f_even);
crash_screen_print_float_reg(120, 200, 20, &tc->fp20.f.f_even);
crash_screen_print_float_reg(210, 200, 22, &tc->fp22.f.f_even);
crash_screen_print_float_reg(30, 210, 24, &tc->fp24.f.f_even);
crash_screen_print_float_reg(120, 210, 26, &tc->fp26.f.f_even);
crash_screen_print_float_reg(210, 210, 28, &tc->fp28.f.f_even);
crash_screen_print_float_reg(30, 220, 30, &tc->fp30.f.f_even);
OSThread *get_crashed_thread(void) {
OSThread *thread;
thread = __osGetCurrFaultedThread();
while (thread->priority != -1) {
if (thread->priority > OS_PRIORITY_IDLE && thread->priority < OS_PRIORITY_APPMAX
&& (thread->flags & 3) != 0) {
return thread;
thread = thread->tlnext;
return NULL;
void thread2_crash_screen(UNUSED void *arg) {
OSMesg mesg;
OSThread *thread;
osSetEventMesg(OS_EVENT_CPU_BREAK, &gCrashScreen.mesgQueue, (OSMesg) 1);
osSetEventMesg(OS_EVENT_FAULT, &gCrashScreen.mesgQueue, (OSMesg) 2);
do {
osRecvMesg(&gCrashScreen.mesgQueue, &mesg, 1);
thread = get_crashed_thread();
} while (thread == NULL);
for (;;) {
void crash_screen_set_framebuffer(u16 *framebuffer, s16 width, s16 height) {
gCrashScreen.framebuffer = framebuffer;
gCrashScreen.framebuffer = (u16 *)((uintptr_t)framebuffer | 0xa0000000);
gCrashScreen.width = width;
gCrashScreen.height = height;
void crash_screen_init(void) {
gCrashScreen.framebuffer = (u16 *) (osMemSize | 0x80000000) - SCREEN_WIDTH * SCREEN_HEIGHT;
gCrashScreen.framebuffer = (u16 *) (osMemSize | 0xA0000000) - SCREEN_WIDTH * SCREEN_HEIGHT;
gCrashScreen.width = SCREEN_WIDTH;
gCrashScreen.height = SCREEN_HEIGHT;
gCrashScreen.height = 0x10;
osCreateMesgQueue(&gCrashScreen.mesgQueue, &gCrashScreen.mesg, 1);
osCreateThread(&gCrashScreen.thread, 2, thread2_crash_screen, NULL,
(u8 *) gCrashScreen.stack + sizeof(gCrashScreen.stack),
Reference in New Issue