mirror of https://github.com/sm64pc/sm64pc.git
Fixed language json loader on Windows
This commit is contained in:
@ -5,57 +5,75 @@
#include <string.h>
#include "dialog_ids.h"
#include "game/ingame_menu.h"
#include <unistd.h>
#include <limits.h>
#include "libs/dir_utils.h"
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <windows.h>
struct DialogEntry* * dialogPool;
#define _READFILE_GUESS 256
char* load_file(char const* path) {
char* buffer = 0;
long length = 0;
FILE * f = fopen (path, "rb");
#define SPANISH "./res/texts/es.json"
#define ENGLISH "./res/texts/us.json"
if (f) {
fseek (f, 0, SEEK_END);
length = ftell (f);
fseek (f, 0, SEEK_SET);
buffer = (char*) malloc((length+1)*sizeof(char));
if (buffer) {
fread(buffer, sizeof(char), length, f);
buffer[length] = '\0';
return buffer;
char* read_file(char* name){
FILE* file;
file = fopen(name, "r");
return NULL;
char* result = malloc(sizeof(char) * _READFILE_GUESS + 1);
if(result == NULL)
return NULL;
size_t pos = 0;
size_t capacity = _READFILE_GUESS;
char ch;
while((ch = getc(file)) != EOF){
result[pos++] = ch;
if(pos >= capacity){
capacity += _READFILE_GUESS;
result = realloc(result, sizeof(char) * capacity + 1);
if(result == NULL)
return NULL;
return NULL;
result = realloc(result, sizeof(char) * pos);
if(result == NULL)
return NULL;
result[pos] = '\0';
return result;
void preloadTexts(){
char * cwd = "/home/alex/Documents/Projects/Render96/Render96ex - FastBuild/build/us_pc";
//getcwd(cwd, sizeof(cwd));
#ifndef WIN32
char * file = "/res/texts/es.json";
char * file = "\\res\\texts\\es.json";
char * file = ENGLISH;
char * language_file = malloc((strlen(cwd) + strlen(file)) * sizeof(char));
strcpy(language_file, "");
strcat(language_file, cwd);
strcat(language_file, file);
#ifndef WIN32
char * language_file = realpath(file, NULL);
char * language_file = malloc(_MAX_PATH * sizeof(char));
_fullpath(language_file, file, _MAX_PATH );
printf("Loading File: %s\n", language_file);
char * jsonTxt = load_file( language_file );
if(jsonTxt == NULL) return;
char * jsonTxt = read_file(language_file);
cJSON *json = cJSON_Parse(jsonTxt);
if (json == NULL) {
const char *error_ptr = cJSON_GetErrorPtr();
if (error_ptr != NULL) {
fprintf(stderr, "Error before: %s\n", error_ptr);
fprintf(stderr, "Error loading the JSON file\n");
@ -66,14 +84,14 @@ void preloadTexts(){
cJSON_ArrayForEach(dialog, dialogs) {
int id = cJSON_GetObjectItemCaseSensitive(dialog, "ID")->valueint;
struct DialogEntry *entry = malloc (sizeof (struct DialogEntry));
entry->unused = 1;
entry->linesPerBox = cJSON_GetObjectItemCaseSensitive(dialog, "linesPerBox")->valueint;
entry->leftOffset = cJSON_GetObjectItemCaseSensitive(dialog, "leftOffset")->valueint;
entry->width = cJSON_GetObjectItemCaseSensitive(dialog, "width")->valueint;
const cJSON *line = NULL;
const cJSON *lines = NULL;
lines = cJSON_GetObjectItemCaseSensitive(dialog, "lines");
@ -92,11 +110,12 @@ void preloadTexts(){
entry->str = getTranslatedText(dialogTxt);
entry->str = getTranslatedText(dialogTxt);
dialogPool[id] = entry;
void alloc_dialog_pool(void){
@ -104,7 +123,7 @@ void alloc_dialog_pool(void){
for(int i = 0; i < DIALOG_COUNT; i++){
struct DialogEntry *entry = malloc (sizeof (struct DialogEntry));
entry->unused = 1;
entry->linesPerBox = 6;
entry->leftOffset = 95;
@ -112,6 +131,6 @@ void alloc_dialog_pool(void){
entry->str = getTranslatedText("You are not supposed\nto be here.\n\nKeep this as a secret\n\n- Render96 Team");
dialogPool[i] = entry;
@ -1,51 +1,51 @@
#include "txtconv.h"
struct Character charmap[340] = {
{"0", 0x00}, {"0", 0x00}, {"1", 0x01}, {"1", 0x01}, {"2", 0x02}, {"2", 0x02}, {"3", 0x03}, {"3", 0x03}, {"4", 0x04},
{"4", 0x04}, {"5", 0x05}, {"5", 0x05}, {"6", 0x06}, {"6", 0x06}, {"7", 0x07}, {"7", 0x07}, {"8", 0x08}, {"8", 0x08},
{"9", 0x09}, {"9", 0x09}, {"A", 0x0A}, {"A", 0x0A}, {"B", 0x0B}, {"B", 0x0B}, {"C", 0x0C}, {"C", 0x0C}, {"D", 0x0D},
{"D", 0x0D}, {"E", 0x0E}, {"E", 0x0E}, {"F", 0x0F}, {"F", 0x0F}, {"G", 0x10}, {"G", 0x10}, {"H", 0x11}, {"H", 0x11},
{"I", 0x12}, {"I", 0x12}, {"J", 0x13}, {"J", 0x13}, {"K", 0x14}, {"K", 0x14}, {"L", 0x15}, {"L", 0x15}, {"M", 0x16},
{"M", 0x16}, {"N", 0x17}, {"N", 0x17}, {"O", 0x18}, {"O", 0x18}, {"P", 0x19}, {"P", 0x19}, {"Q", 0x1A}, {"Q", 0x1A},
{"R", 0x1B}, {"R", 0x1B}, {"S", 0x1C}, {"S", 0x1C}, {"T", 0x1D}, {"T", 0x1D}, {"U", 0x1E}, {"U", 0x1E}, {"V", 0x1F},
{"V", 0x1F}, {"W", 0x20}, {"W", 0x20}, {"X", 0x21}, {"X", 0x21}, {"Y", 0x22}, {"Y", 0x22}, {"Z", 0x23}, {"Z", 0x23},
{"a", 0x24}, {"b", 0x25}, {"c", 0x26}, {"d", 0x27}, {"e", 0x28}, {"f", 0x29}, {"g", 0x2A}, {"h", 0x2B}, {"i", 0x2C},
{"j", 0x2D}, {"k", 0x2E}, {"l", 0x2F}, {"m", 0x30}, {"n", 0x31}, {"o", 0x32}, {"p", 0x33}, {"q", 0x34}, {"r", 0x35},
{"s", 0x36}, {"t", 0x37}, {"u", 0x38}, {"v", 0x39}, {"w", 0x3A}, {"x", 0x3B}, {"y", 0x3C}, {"z", 0x3D}, {"\\", 0x3E},
{".", 0x3F}, {"☺", 0x41}, {"あ", 0x40}, {"い", 0x41}, {"う", 0x42}, {"え", 0x43}, {"お", 0x44}, {"か", 0x45}, {"き", 0x46},
{"く", 0x47}, {"け", 0x48}, {"こ", 0x49}, {"さ", 0x4A}, {"し", 0x4B}, {"す", 0x4C}, {"せ", 0x4D}, {"そ", 0x4E}, {"た", 0x4F},
{"ち", 0x50}, {"つ", 0x51}, {"て", 0x52}, {"と", 0x53}, {"な", 0x54}, {"に", 0x55}, {"ぬ", 0x56}, {"ね", 0x57}, {"の", 0x58},
{"は", 0x59}, {"ひ", 0x5A}, {"ふ", 0x5B}, {"へ", 0x5C}, {"ほ", 0x5D}, {"ま", 0x5E}, {"み", 0x5F}, {"む", 0x60}, {"め", 0x61},
{"も", 0x62}, {"や", 0x63}, {"ゆ", 0x64}, {"よ", 0x65}, {"ら", 0x66}, {"り", 0x67}, {"る", 0x68}, {"れ", 0x69}, {"ろ", 0x6A},
{"わ", 0x6B}, {"を", 0x6C}, {"ん", 0x6D}, {"。", 0x6E}, {",", 0x6F}, {"、", 0x6F}, {"ア", 0x70}, {"イ", 0x71}, {"ウ", 0x72},
{"エ", 0x73}, {"オ", 0x74}, {"カ", 0x75}, {"キ", 0x76}, {"ク", 0x77}, {"ケ", 0x78}, {"コ", 0x79}, {"サ", 0x7A}, {"シ", 0x7B},
{"ス", 0x7C}, {"セ", 0x7D}, {"ソ", 0x7E}, {"タ", 0x7F}, {"チ", 0x80}, {"ツ", 0x81}, {"テ", 0x82}, {"ト", 0x83}, {"ナ", 0x84},
{"ニ", 0x85}, {"ヌ", 0x86}, {"ネ", 0x87}, {"ノ", 0x88}, {"ハ", 0x89}, {"ヒ", 0x8A}, {"フ", 0x8B}, {"ヘ", 0x8C}, {"ホ", 0x8D},
{"マ", 0x8E}, {"ミ", 0x8F}, {"ム", 0x90}, {"メ", 0x91}, {"モ", 0x92}, {"ヤ", 0x93}, {"ユ", 0x94}, {"ヨ", 0x95}, {"ラ", 0x96},
{"リ", 0x97}, {"ル", 0x98}, {"レ", 0x99}, {"ロ", 0x9A}, {"ワ", 0x9B}, {"ヲ", 0x9C}, {"ン", 0x9D}, {" ", 0x9E}, {" ", 0x9E},
{"-", 0x9F}, {"ー", 0x9F}, {"ぇ", 0xA0}, {"っ", 0xA1}, {"ゃ", 0xA2}, {"ゅ", 0xA3}, {"ょ", 0xA4}, {"ぁ", 0xA5}, {"ぃ", 0xA6},
{"ぅ", 0xA7}, {"ぉ", 0xA8}, {"ェ", 0xD0}, {"ッ", 0xD1}, {"ャ", 0xD2}, {"ュ", 0xD3}, {"ョ", 0xD4}, {"ァ", 0xD5}, {"ィ", 0xD6},
{"ゥ", 0xD7}, {"ォ", 0xD8}, {"[%]", 0xE0}, {"(", 0xE1}, {"(", 0xE1}, {")(", 0xE2}, {")(", 0xE2}, {")", 0xE3}, {")", 0xE3},
{"+", 0xE4}, {"↔", 0xE4}, {"&", 0xE5}, {":", 0xE6}, {"゛", 0xF0}, {"゜", 0xF1}, {"!", 0xF2}, {"!", 0xF2}, {"%", 0xF3},
{"%", 0xF3}, {"?", 0xF4}, {"?", 0xF4}, {"『", 0xF5}, {"』", 0xF6}, {"~", 0xF7}, {"~", 0xF7}, {"…", 0xF8}, {"$", 0xF9},
{"★", 0xFA}, {"×", 0xFB}, {"・", 0xFC}, {"☆", 0xFD}, {"\n", 0xFE}, {"が", 0x45}, {"ぎ", 0x46}, {"ぐ", 0x47}, {"げ", 0x48},
{"ご", 0x49}, {"ざ", 0x4A}, {"じ", 0x4B}, {"ず", 0x4C}, {"ぜ", 0x4D}, {"ぞ", 0x4E}, {"だ", 0x4F}, {"ぢ", 0x50}, {"づ", 0x51},
{"で", 0x52}, {"ど", 0x53}, {"ば", 0x59}, {"び", 0x5A}, {"ぶ", 0x5B}, {"べ", 0x5C}, {"ぼ", 0x5D}, {"ガ", 0x75}, {"ギ", 0x76},
{"グ", 0x77}, {"ゲ", 0x78}, {"ゴ", 0x79}, {"ザ", 0x7A}, {"ジ", 0x7B}, {"ズ", 0x7C}, {"ゼ", 0x7D}, {"ゾ", 0x7E}, {"ダ", 0x7F},
{"ヂ", 0x80}, {"ヅ", 0x81}, {"デ", 0x82}, {"ド", 0x83}, {"バ", 0x89}, {"ビ", 0x8A}, {"ブ", 0x8B}, {"ベ", 0x8C}, {"ボ", 0x8D},
{"ぱ", 0x59}, {"ぴ", 0x5A}, {"ぷ", 0x5B}, {"ぺ", 0x5C}, {"ぽ", 0x5D}, {"パ", 0x89}, {"ピ", 0x8A}, {"プ", 0x8B}, {"ペ", 0x8C},
{"ポ", 0x8D}, {"^", 0x50}, {"|", 0x51}, {"<", 0x52}, {">", 0x53}, {"[A]", 0x54}, {"[B]", 0x55}, {"[C]", 0x56}, {"[Z]", 0x57},
{"[R]", 0x58}, {"/", 0xD0}, {"the", 0xD1}, {"you", 0xD2}, {"à", 0x60}, {"â", 0x61}, {"ä", 0x62}, {"À", 0x64}, {"Â", 0x65},
{"Ä", 0x66}, {"è", 0x70}, {"ê", 0x71}, {"ë", 0x72}, {"é", 0x73}, {"È", 0x74}, {"Ê", 0x75}, {"Ë", 0x76}, {"É", 0x77},
{"ù", 0x80}, {"û", 0x81}, {"ü", 0x82}, {"Ù", 0x84}, {"Û", 0x85}, {"Ü", 0x86}, {"ô", 0x91}, {"ö", 0x92}, {"Ô", 0x95},
{"0", 0x00}, {"0", 0x00}, {"1", 0x01}, {"1", 0x01}, {"2", 0x02}, {"2", 0x02}, {"3", 0x03}, {"3", 0x03}, {"4", 0x04},
{"4", 0x04}, {"5", 0x05}, {"5", 0x05}, {"6", 0x06}, {"6", 0x06}, {"7", 0x07}, {"7", 0x07}, {"8", 0x08}, {"8", 0x08},
{"9", 0x09}, {"9", 0x09}, {"A", 0x0A}, {"A", 0x0A}, {"B", 0x0B}, {"B", 0x0B}, {"C", 0x0C}, {"C", 0x0C}, {"D", 0x0D},
{"D", 0x0D}, {"E", 0x0E}, {"E", 0x0E}, {"F", 0x0F}, {"F", 0x0F}, {"G", 0x10}, {"G", 0x10}, {"H", 0x11}, {"H", 0x11},
{"I", 0x12}, {"I", 0x12}, {"J", 0x13}, {"J", 0x13}, {"K", 0x14}, {"K", 0x14}, {"L", 0x15}, {"L", 0x15}, {"M", 0x16},
{"M", 0x16}, {"N", 0x17}, {"N", 0x17}, {"O", 0x18}, {"O", 0x18}, {"P", 0x19}, {"P", 0x19}, {"Q", 0x1A}, {"Q", 0x1A},
{"R", 0x1B}, {"R", 0x1B}, {"S", 0x1C}, {"S", 0x1C}, {"T", 0x1D}, {"T", 0x1D}, {"U", 0x1E}, {"U", 0x1E}, {"V", 0x1F},
{"V", 0x1F}, {"W", 0x20}, {"W", 0x20}, {"X", 0x21}, {"X", 0x21}, {"Y", 0x22}, {"Y", 0x22}, {"Z", 0x23}, {"Z", 0x23},
{"a", 0x24}, {"b", 0x25}, {"c", 0x26}, {"d", 0x27}, {"e", 0x28}, {"f", 0x29}, {"g", 0x2A}, {"h", 0x2B}, {"i", 0x2C},
{"j", 0x2D}, {"k", 0x2E}, {"l", 0x2F}, {"m", 0x30}, {"n", 0x31}, {"o", 0x32}, {"p", 0x33}, {"q", 0x34}, {"r", 0x35},
{"s", 0x36}, {"t", 0x37}, {"u", 0x38}, {"v", 0x39}, {"w", 0x3A}, {"x", 0x3B}, {"y", 0x3C}, {"z", 0x3D}, {"'", 0x3E},
{".", 0x3F}, {"☺", 0x41}, {"あ", 0x40}, {"い", 0x41}, {"う", 0x42}, {"え", 0x43}, {"お", 0x44}, {"か", 0x45}, {"き", 0x46},
{"く", 0x47}, {"け", 0x48}, {"こ", 0x49}, {"さ", 0x4A}, {"し", 0x4B}, {"す", 0x4C}, {"せ", 0x4D}, {"そ", 0x4E}, {"た", 0x4F},
{"ち", 0x50}, {"つ", 0x51}, {"て", 0x52}, {"と", 0x53}, {"な", 0x54}, {"に", 0x55}, {"ぬ", 0x56}, {"ね", 0x57}, {"の", 0x58},
{"は", 0x59}, {"ひ", 0x5A}, {"ふ", 0x5B}, {"へ", 0x5C}, {"ほ", 0x5D}, {"ま", 0x5E}, {"み", 0x5F}, {"む", 0x60}, {"め", 0x61},
{"も", 0x62}, {"や", 0x63}, {"ゆ", 0x64}, {"よ", 0x65}, {"ら", 0x66}, {"り", 0x67}, {"る", 0x68}, {"れ", 0x69}, {"ろ", 0x6A},
{"わ", 0x6B}, {"を", 0x6C}, {"ん", 0x6D}, {"。", 0x6E}, {",", 0x6F}, {"、", 0x6F}, {"ア", 0x70}, {"イ", 0x71}, {"ウ", 0x72},
{"エ", 0x73}, {"オ", 0x74}, {"カ", 0x75}, {"キ", 0x76}, {"ク", 0x77}, {"ケ", 0x78}, {"コ", 0x79}, {"サ", 0x7A}, {"シ", 0x7B},
{"ス", 0x7C}, {"セ", 0x7D}, {"ソ", 0x7E}, {"タ", 0x7F}, {"チ", 0x80}, {"ツ", 0x81}, {"テ", 0x82}, {"ト", 0x83}, {"ナ", 0x84},
{"ニ", 0x85}, {"ヌ", 0x86}, {"ネ", 0x87}, {"ノ", 0x88}, {"ハ", 0x89}, {"ヒ", 0x8A}, {"フ", 0x8B}, {"ヘ", 0x8C}, {"ホ", 0x8D},
{"マ", 0x8E}, {"ミ", 0x8F}, {"ム", 0x90}, {"メ", 0x91}, {"モ", 0x92}, {"ヤ", 0x93}, {"ユ", 0x94}, {"ヨ", 0x95}, {"ラ", 0x96},
{"リ", 0x97}, {"ル", 0x98}, {"レ", 0x99}, {"ロ", 0x9A}, {"ワ", 0x9B}, {"ヲ", 0x9C}, {"ン", 0x9D}, {" ", 0x9E}, {" ", 0x9E},
{"-", 0x9F}, {"ー", 0x9F}, {"ぇ", 0xA0}, {"っ", 0xA1}, {"ゃ", 0xA2}, {"ゅ", 0xA3}, {"ょ", 0xA4}, {"ぁ", 0xA5}, {"ぃ", 0xA6},
{"ぅ", 0xA7}, {"ぉ", 0xA8}, {"ェ", 0xD0}, {"ッ", 0xD1}, {"ャ", 0xD2}, {"ュ", 0xD3}, {"ョ", 0xD4}, {"ァ", 0xD5}, {"ィ", 0xD6},
{"ゥ", 0xD7}, {"ォ", 0xD8}, {"[%]", 0xE0}, {"(", 0xE1}, {"(", 0xE1}, {")(", 0xE2}, {")(", 0xE2}, {")", 0xE3}, {")", 0xE3},
{"+", 0xE4}, {"↔", 0xE4}, {"&", 0xE5}, {":", 0xE6}, {"゛", 0xF0}, {"゜", 0xF1}, {"!", 0xF2}, {"!", 0xF2}, {"%", 0xF3},
{"%", 0xF3}, {"?", 0xF4}, {"?", 0xF4}, {"『", 0xF5}, {"』", 0xF6}, {"~", 0xF7}, {"~", 0xF7}, {"…", 0xF8}, {"$", 0xF9},
{"★", 0xFA}, {"×", 0xFB}, {"・", 0xFC}, {"☆", 0xFD}, {"\n", 0xFE}, {"が", 0x45}, {"ぎ", 0x46}, {"ぐ", 0x47}, {"げ", 0x48},
{"ご", 0x49}, {"ざ", 0x4A}, {"じ", 0x4B}, {"ず", 0x4C}, {"ぜ", 0x4D}, {"ぞ", 0x4E}, {"だ", 0x4F}, {"ぢ", 0x50}, {"づ", 0x51},
{"で", 0x52}, {"ど", 0x53}, {"ば", 0x59}, {"び", 0x5A}, {"ぶ", 0x5B}, {"べ", 0x5C}, {"ぼ", 0x5D}, {"ガ", 0x75}, {"ギ", 0x76},
{"グ", 0x77}, {"ゲ", 0x78}, {"ゴ", 0x79}, {"ザ", 0x7A}, {"ジ", 0x7B}, {"ズ", 0x7C}, {"ゼ", 0x7D}, {"ゾ", 0x7E}, {"ダ", 0x7F},
{"ヂ", 0x80}, {"ヅ", 0x81}, {"デ", 0x82}, {"ド", 0x83}, {"バ", 0x89}, {"ビ", 0x8A}, {"ブ", 0x8B}, {"ベ", 0x8C}, {"ボ", 0x8D},
{"ぱ", 0x59}, {"ぴ", 0x5A}, {"ぷ", 0x5B}, {"ぺ", 0x5C}, {"ぽ", 0x5D}, {"パ", 0x89}, {"ピ", 0x8A}, {"プ", 0x8B}, {"ペ", 0x8C},
{"ポ", 0x8D}, {"^", 0x50}, {"|", 0x51}, {"<", 0x52}, {">", 0x53}, {"[A]", 0x54}, {"[B]", 0x55}, {"[C]", 0x56}, {"[Z]", 0x57},
{"[R]", 0x58}, {"/", 0xD0}, {"the", 0xD1}, {"you", 0xD2}, {"à", 0x60}, {"â", 0x61}, {"ä", 0x62}, {"À", 0x64}, {"Â", 0x65},
{"Ä", 0x66}, {"è", 0x70}, {"ê", 0x71}, {"ë", 0x72}, {"é", 0x73}, {"È", 0x74}, {"Ê", 0x75}, {"Ë", 0x76}, {"É", 0x77},
{"ù", 0x80}, {"û", 0x81}, {"ü", 0x82}, {"Ù", 0x84}, {"Û", 0x85}, {"Ü", 0x86}, {"ô", 0x91}, {"ö", 0x92}, {"Ô", 0x95},
{"Ö", 0x96}, {"î", 0xA1}, {"ï", 0xA2}, {"ß", 0xEC}, {"Ç", 0xED}, {"ç", 0xEE}, {"„", 0xF0}
struct Character getCharacter(char* ch){
struct Character tmp = {NULL, 0};
for(s32 cmid = 0; cmid < 340; cmid++){
if(strcmp(charmap[cmid].txt, ch) == 0) {
tmp = charmap[cmid];
if(strncmp(charmap[cmid].txt, ch, strlen(charmap[cmid].txt)) == 0) {
tmp = charmap[cmid];
@ -66,11 +66,11 @@ u8 * getTranslatedText(char * txt){
for(cid = 0; cid < strSize; cid++){
char ch = txt[cid];
if(ch == '['){
if(ch == '['){
tmpIcon[0] = ch;
tmpIcon[1] = txt[cid + 1];
tmpIcon[2] = txt[cid + 2];
struct Character ctm = getCharacter(tmpIcon);
struct Character ctm = getCharacter(tmpIcon);
if(ctm.value != NULL){
tmp[cid - shiftArr] = ctm.value;
shiftArr += 2;
@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ u8 * getTranslatedText(char * txt){
memset(tmpIcon, 0, sizeof(tmpIcon));
char findTxt[1] = {ch};
char findTxt[1] = {ch};
struct Character ctm = getCharacter(findTxt);
if(ctm.value != NULL){
tmp[cid - shiftArr] = ctm.value;
@ -90,6 +90,6 @@ u8 * getTranslatedText(char * txt){
tmp = realloc(tmp, (strSize - shiftArr + 1) * sizeof(u8));
tmp[strSize - shiftArr] = 0xFF;
return tmp;
@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
#include "types.h"
struct Character{
char * txt;
char txt[3];
s32 value;
Reference in New Issue