
805 lines
22 KiB
Raw Normal View History

2019-08-25 06:46:40 +02:00
#include <ultra64.h>
#include "sm64.h"
#include "obj_behaviors.h"
#include "rendering_graph_node.h"
#include "memory.h"
#include "engine/behavior_script.h"
#include "engine/surface_collision.h"
#include "engine/math_util.h"
#include "display.h"
#include "object_helpers.h"
#include "behavior_data.h"
#include "mario.h"
#include "game.h"
#include "camera.h"
#include "mario_actions_cutscene.h"
#include "object_list_processor.h"
#include "save_file.h"
#include "area.h"
#include "mario_misc.h"
#include "level_update.h"
#include "audio/external.h"
#include "behavior_actions.h"
#include "spawn_object.h"
#include "spawn_sound.h"
#include "room.h"
#include "envfx_bubbles.h"
#include "ingame_menu.h"
#include "interaction.h"
#define o gCurrentObject
#define OBJ_COL_FLAG_GROUNDED (1 << 0)
#define OBJ_COL_FLAG_HIT_WALL (1 << 1)
#define OBJ_COL_FLAG_UNDERWATER (1 << 2)
#define OBJ_COL_FLAG_NO_Y_VEL (1 << 3)
struct Surface *D_803600E0;
/* DATA */
s8 D_80331500 = 1;
s16 D_80331504 = 0;
s8 D_80331508 = 0;
s8 D_8033150C = 0;
s8 D_80331510 = 0;
s32 count_objects_with_behavior(void *);
extern void *ccm_seg7_trajectory_snowman;
extern void *inside_castle_seg7_trajectory_mips;
void func_802E2F40(void) {
D_80331508 = 0;
struct Struct802E2F58 *func_802E2F58(s32 arg0, struct Object *arg1, UNUSED s32 arg2) {
struct Struct802E2F58 *sp34;
Gfx *sp30;
struct Object *sp2c;
struct Object *sp28;
UNUSED struct Object *sp24;
UNUSED s32 sp20;
sp34 = NULL;
if (arg0 == 1) {
sp2c = (struct Object *) gCurGraphNodeObject;
sp28 = arg1;
sp24 = arg1;
if (gCurGraphNodeHeldObject != NULL)
sp2c = (struct Object *) gCurGraphNodeHeldObject->objNode;
sp34 = (struct Struct802E2F58 *) alloc_display_list(0x18);
sp30 = (Gfx *) sp34;
sp28->header.gfx.node.flags =
(sp28->header.gfx.node.flags & 0xFF) | 0x500; // sets bits 8, 10 and zeros upper byte
gDPSetEnvColor(sp30++, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, sp2c->oOpacity);
return sp34;
f32 absf_2(f32 f) {
if (f < 0)
f *= -1.0f;
return f;
// f12 = objVelX
// f14 = objVelZ
// sp8 = nX
// spc = nY
// sp10 = nZ
// sp14 = objYawX
void TurnObjAwayFromSurface(f32 objVelX, f32 objVelZ, f32 nX, UNUSED f32 nY, f32 nZ, f32 *objYawX,
f32 *objYawZ) {
*objYawX = (nZ * nZ - nX * nX) * objVelX / (nX * nX + nZ * nZ)
- 2 * objVelZ * (nX * nZ) / (nX * nX + nZ * nZ);
*objYawZ = (nX * nX - nZ * nZ) * objVelZ / (nX * nX + nZ * nZ)
- 2 * objVelX * (nX * nZ) / (nX * nX + nZ * nZ);
// sp78 = objVelX
// sp7c = objVelZ
// sp70, f12 = objNewX
// sp74, f14 = objY
// sp80 = objNewZ
// sp38 = objVelXCopy
// sp34 = objVelZCopy
s32 ObjFindWall(f32 objNewX, f32 objY, f32 objNewZ, f32 objVelX, f32 objVelZ) {
struct WallCollisionData hitbox;
f32 wall_nX, wall_nY, wall_nZ, objVelXCopy, objVelZCopy, objYawX, objYawZ;
hitbox.x = objNewX;
hitbox.y = objY;
hitbox.z = objNewZ;
hitbox.offsetY = o->hitboxHeight / 2.0f;
hitbox.radius = o->hitboxRadius;
if (find_wall_collisions(&hitbox) != 0) {
o->oPosX = hitbox.x;
o->oPosY = hitbox.y;
o->oPosZ = hitbox.z;
wall_nX = hitbox.walls[0]->normal.x;
wall_nY = hitbox.walls[0]->normal.y;
wall_nZ = hitbox.walls[0]->normal.z;
objVelXCopy = objVelX;
objVelZCopy = objVelZ;
TurnObjAwayFromSurface(objVelXCopy, objVelZCopy, wall_nX, wall_nY, wall_nZ, &objYawX, &objYawZ);
o->oMoveAngleYaw = atan2s(objYawZ, objYawX);
return 0;
return 1;
// sp48 = objFloor
// sp4c = floorY
// sp50 = objVelX
// sp54 = objVelZ
// sp38 = objVelXCopy
// sp34 = objVelZCopy
s32 TurnObjAwayFromAwkwardFloor(struct Surface *objFloor, f32 floorY, f32 objVelX, f32 objVelZ) {
f32 floor_nX, floor_nY, floor_nZ, objVelXCopy, objVelZCopy, objYawX, objYawZ;
if (objFloor == NULL) {
//! TRUNC overflow exception after 36 minutes
o->oMoveAngleYaw += 32767.999200000002; /* ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ */
return 0;
floor_nX = objFloor->normal.x;
floor_nY = objFloor->normal.y;
floor_nZ = objFloor->normal.z;
if (floor_nY < 0.5 && floorY > o->oPosY) {
objVelXCopy = objVelX;
objVelZCopy = objVelZ;
TurnObjAwayFromSurface(objVelXCopy, objVelZCopy, floor_nX, floor_nY, floor_nZ, &objYawX,
o->oMoveAngleYaw = atan2s(objYawZ, objYawX);
return 0;
return 1;
// sp38 = obj
// sp3c = normalX
// sp40 = normalY
// sp44 = normalZ
void ObjOrientGraph(struct Object *obj, f32 normalX, f32 normalY, f32 normalZ) {
Vec3f sp2c, sp20;
f32(*throwMatrix)[4][4]; // TODO: use Mtx type
if (D_80331500 == 0)
if ((obj->header.gfx.node.flags & 0x4) != 0)
return; // bit 2
throwMatrix = (f32(*)[4][4]) alloc_display_list(0x40);
if (throwMatrix == NULL)
sp2c[0] = obj->oPosX;
sp2c[1] = obj->oPosY + obj->oGraphYOffset;
sp2c[2] = obj->oPosZ;
sp20[0] = normalX;
sp20[1] = normalY;
sp20[2] = normalZ;
mtxf_align_terrain_normal(*throwMatrix, sp20, sp2c, obj->oFaceAngleYaw);
obj->header.gfx.throwMatrix = (void *) throwMatrix;
// sp4 = floor_nY
void CalcObjFriction(f32 *objFriction, f32 floor_nY) {
if (floor_nY < 0.2 && o->oFriction < 0.9999)
*objFriction = 0;
*objFriction = o->oFriction;
// sp28 = objFloor
// sp2c = objFloorY
// sp30 = objVelX
// sp34 = objVelZ
// sp24 = floor_nX
// sp20 = floor_nY
// sp1c = floor_nZ
void CalcNewObjVelAndPosY(struct Surface *objFloor, f32 objFloorY, f32 objVelX, f32 objVelZ) {
f32 floor_nX = objFloor->normal.x;
f32 floor_nY = objFloor->normal.y;
f32 floor_nZ = objFloor->normal.z;
f32 objFriction;
o->oVelY -= o->oGravity;
if (o->oVelY > 75.0)
o->oVelY = 75.0;
if (o->oVelY < -75.0)
o->oVelY = -75.0;
o->oPosY += o->oVelY;
if (o->oPosY < objFloorY) {
o->oPosY = objFloorY;
if (o->oVelY < -17.5)
o->oVelY = -(o->oVelY / 2.0f);
o->oVelY = 0;
//! potential TRUNC crash
if ((s32) o->oPosY >= (s32) objFloorY && (s32) o->oPosY < (s32) objFloorY + 37) {
ObjOrientGraph(o, floor_nX, floor_nY, floor_nZ);
objVelX += floor_nX * (floor_nX * floor_nX + floor_nZ * floor_nZ)
/ (floor_nX * floor_nX + floor_nY * floor_nY + floor_nZ * floor_nZ) * o->oGravity
* 2.0f;
objVelZ += floor_nZ * (floor_nX * floor_nX + floor_nZ * floor_nZ)
/ (floor_nX * floor_nX + floor_nY * floor_nY + floor_nZ * floor_nZ) * o->oGravity
* 2.0f;
if (objVelX < 0.000001 && objVelX > -0.000001)
objVelX = 0;
if (objVelZ < 0.000001 && objVelZ > -0.000001)
objVelZ = 0;
if (objVelX != 0 || objVelZ != 0)
o->oMoveAngleYaw = atan2s(objVelZ, objVelX);
CalcObjFriction(&objFriction, floor_nY);
o->oForwardVel = sqrtf(objVelX * objVelX + objVelZ * objVelZ) * objFriction;
// sp28 = objFloor
// sp2c = floorY
// sp30 = objVelX
// sp34 = objVelZ
// sp38 = waterY
// sp24 = floor_nX
// sp20 = floor_nY
// sp1c = floor_nZ
// sp18 = netYAccel
void CalcNewObjVelAndPosYUnderwater(struct Surface *objFloor, f32 floorY, f32 objVelX, f32 objVelZ,
f32 waterY) {
f32 floor_nX = objFloor->normal.x;
f32 floor_nY = objFloor->normal.y;
f32 floor_nZ = objFloor->normal.z;
f32 netYAccel = (1.0f - o->oBuoyancy) * (-1.0f * o->oGravity);
o->oVelY -= netYAccel;
if (o->oVelY > 75.0)
o->oVelY = 75.0;
if (o->oVelY < -75.0)
o->oVelY = -75.0;
o->oPosY += o->oVelY;
if (o->oPosY < floorY) {
o->oPosY = floorY;
if (o->oVelY < -17.5)
o->oVelY = -(o->oVelY / 2.0f);
o->oVelY = 0;
if (o->oForwardVel > 12.5 && (waterY + 30.0f) > o->oPosY && waterY - 30.0f < o->oPosY)
o->oVelY = -o->oVelY;
if ((s32) o->oPosY >= (s32) floorY && (s32) o->oPosY < (s32) floorY + 37) {
ObjOrientGraph(o, floor_nX, floor_nY, floor_nZ);
objVelX += floor_nX * (floor_nX * floor_nX + floor_nZ * floor_nZ)
/ (floor_nX * floor_nX + floor_nY * floor_nY + floor_nZ * floor_nZ) * netYAccel
* 2.0f;
objVelZ += floor_nZ * (floor_nX * floor_nX + floor_nZ * floor_nZ)
/ (floor_nX * floor_nX + floor_nY * floor_nY + floor_nZ * floor_nZ) * netYAccel
* 2.0f;
if (objVelX < 0.000001 && objVelX > -0.000001)
objVelX = 0;
if (objVelZ < 0.000001 && objVelZ > -0.000001)
objVelZ = 0;
if (o->oVelY < 0.000001 && o->oVelY > -0.000001)
o->oVelY = 0;
if (objVelX != 0 || objVelZ != 0)
o->oMoveAngleYaw = atan2s(objVelZ, objVelX);
o->oForwardVel = sqrtf(objVelX * objVelX + objVelZ * objVelZ) * 0.8;
o->oVelY *= 0.8;
// sp4 = xVel
// sp0 = zVel
void ObjUpdatePosVelXZ(void) {
f32 xVel = o->oForwardVel * sins(o->oMoveAngleYaw);
f32 zVel = o->oForwardVel * coss(o->oMoveAngleYaw);
o->oPosX += xVel;
o->oPosZ += zVel;
// sp20 = waterY
// sp24 = objY
// sp1c = globalTimer
void ObjSplash(s32 waterY, s32 objY) {
u32 globalTimer = gGlobalTimer;
if ((f32)(waterY + 30) > o->oPosY && o->oPosY > (f32)(waterY - 30)) {
spawn_object(o, MODEL_WATER_WAVES_SURF, bhvObjectWaterWave);
if (o->oVelY < -20.0f)
if ((objY + 50) < waterY && (globalTimer & 0x1F) == 0)
spawn_object(o, MODEL_WHITE_PARTICLE_SMALL, bhvObjectBubble); /* 0x1F is bits 4-0 */
// sp3c = objX
// sp38 = objY
// sp34 = objZ
// sp28 = objVelX
// sp24 = objVelZ
// sp30 = floorY
// sp2c = waterY
// sp22 = collisionFlags
s16 ObjectStep(void) {
f32 objX = o->oPosX;
f32 objY = o->oPosY;
f32 objZ = o->oPosZ;
f32 floorY;
f32 waterY = -10000.0;
f32 objVelX = o->oForwardVel * sins(o->oMoveAngleYaw);
f32 objVelZ = o->oForwardVel * coss(o->oMoveAngleYaw);
s16 collisionFlags = 0;
if (ObjFindWall(objX + objVelX, objY, objZ + objVelZ, objVelX, objVelZ) == 0)
collisionFlags += OBJ_COL_FLAG_HIT_WALL;
floorY = find_floor(objX + objVelX, objY, objZ + objVelZ, &D_803600E0);
if (TurnObjAwayFromAwkwardFloor(D_803600E0, floorY, objVelX, objVelZ) == 1) {
waterY = find_water_level(objX + objVelX, objZ + objVelZ);
if (waterY > objY) {
CalcNewObjVelAndPosYUnderwater(D_803600E0, floorY, objVelX, objVelZ, waterY);
collisionFlags += OBJ_COL_FLAG_UNDERWATER;
} else
CalcNewObjVelAndPosY(D_803600E0, floorY, objVelX, objVelZ);
} else
collisionFlags +=
((collisionFlags & OBJ_COL_FLAG_HIT_WALL) ^ OBJ_COL_FLAG_HIT_WALL); /* bit 1 = 1 */
if ((s32) o->oPosY == (s32) floorY)
collisionFlags += OBJ_COL_FLAG_GROUNDED;
if ((s32) o->oVelY == 0)
collisionFlags += OBJ_COL_FLAG_NO_Y_VEL;
ObjSplash((s32) waterY, (s32) o->oPosY);
return collisionFlags;
// sp1e = collisionFlags
s16 func_802E4204(void) {
s16 collisionFlags = 0;
D_80331500 = 0;
collisionFlags = ObjectStep();
D_80331500 = 1;
return collisionFlags;
Uses an object's forward velocity and yaw to move its X, Y, and Z positions.
This does accept an object as an argument, though it is always called with `o`.
If it wasn't called with `o`, it would modify `o`'s X and Z velocities based on
`obj`'s forward velocity and yaw instead of `o`'s, and wouldn't update `o`'s
void obj_move_xyz_using_fvel_and_yaw(struct Object *obj) {
o->oVelX = obj->oForwardVel * sins(obj->oMoveAngleYaw);
o->oVelZ = obj->oForwardVel * coss(obj->oMoveAngleYaw);
obj->oPosX += o->oVelX;
obj->oPosY += obj->oVelY;
obj->oPosZ += o->oVelZ;
// sp18 = arg2
s32 is_point_within_radius_of_mario(f32 x, f32 y, f32 z, s32 dist) {
f32 mGfxX = gMarioObject->header.gfx.pos[0];
f32 mGfxY = gMarioObject->header.gfx.pos[1];
f32 mGfxZ = gMarioObject->header.gfx.pos[2];
if ((x - mGfxX) * (x - mGfxX) + (y - mGfxY) * (y - mGfxY) + (z - mGfxZ) * (z - mGfxZ)
< (f32)(dist * dist))
return 1;
return 0;
// sp14 = x
// sp18 = y
// sp1c = z
// spc = objX
// sp8 = objY
// sp4 = objZ
s32 IsPointCloseToObject(struct Object *obj, f32 x, f32 y, f32 z, s32 dist) {
f32 objX = obj->oPosX;
f32 objY = obj->oPosY;
f32 objZ = obj->oPosZ;
if ((x - objX) * (x - objX) + (y - objY) * (y - objY) + (z - objZ) * (z - objZ)
< (f32)(dist * dist))
return 1;
return 0;
// sp28 = obj
// sp2c = arg1
// sp24 = objX
// sp20 = objY
// sp1c = objZ
void SetObjectVisibility(struct Object *obj, s32 arg1) {
f32 objX = obj->oPosX;
f32 objY = obj->oPosY;
f32 objZ = obj->oPosZ;
if (is_point_within_radius_of_mario(objX, objY, objZ, arg1) == 1)
obj->header.gfx.node.flags &= ~0x10; /* bit 4 = 0 */
obj->header.gfx.node.flags |= 0x10; /* bit 4 = 1 */
// sp28 = obj
// sp2c = homeX
// sp30 = y
// sp34 = homeZ
s32 ObjLeaveIfMarioIsNearHome(struct Object *obj, f32 homeX, f32 y, f32 homeZ, s32 dist) {
f32 homeDistX = homeX - obj->oPosX;
f32 homeDistZ = homeZ - obj->oPosZ;
s16 angleAwayFromHome = atan2s(homeDistZ, homeDistX);
if (is_point_within_radius_of_mario(homeX, y, homeZ, dist) == 1)
return 1;
else {
obj->oMoveAngleYaw = approach_s16_symmetric(obj->oMoveAngleYaw, angleAwayFromHome, 320);
return 0;
// sp28 = obj
// sp2c = homeX
// sp30 = homeY
// sp34 = homeZ
void ObjDisplaceHome(struct Object *obj, f32 homeX, UNUSED f32 homeY, f32 homeZ, s32 baseDisp) {
s16 angleToNewHome;
f32 homeDistX, homeDistZ;
if ((s32)(RandomFloat() * 50.0f) == 0) {
obj->oHomeX = (f32)(baseDisp * 2) * RandomFloat() - (f32) baseDisp + homeX;
obj->oHomeZ = (f32)(baseDisp * 2) * RandomFloat() - (f32) baseDisp + homeZ;
homeDistX = obj->oHomeX - obj->oPosX;
homeDistZ = obj->oHomeZ - obj->oPosZ;
angleToNewHome = atan2s(homeDistZ, homeDistX);
obj->oMoveAngleYaw = approach_s16_symmetric(obj->oMoveAngleYaw, angleToNewHome, 320);
s32 func_802E46C0(u32 arg0, u32 arg1, s16 arg2) {
s16 sp6 = (u16) arg1 - (u16) arg0;
if (((f32) sins(-arg2) < (f32) sins(sp6)) && ((f32) sins(sp6) < (f32) sins(arg2))
&& (coss(sp6) > 0))
return 1;
return 0;
// sp60= arg0
// sp64 = x
// sp68 = y
// sp6c = z
// sp38 = hitbox
s32 func_802E478C(Vec3f dist, f32 x, f32 y, f32 z, f32 arg4) {
struct WallCollisionData hitbox;
UNUSED u8 filler[0x20];
hitbox.x = x;
hitbox.y = y;
hitbox.z = z;
hitbox.offsetY = 10.0f;
hitbox.radius = arg4;
if (find_wall_collisions(&hitbox) != 0) {
dist[0] = hitbox.x - x;
dist[1] = hitbox.y - y;
dist[2] = hitbox.z - z;
return 1;
} else
return 0;
// sp20 = obj
// sp24 = nCoins
void ObjSpawnYellowCoins(struct Object *obj, s32 nCoins) {
struct Object *coin;
s8 count;
for (count = 0; count < (s8) nCoins; count++) {
coin = spawn_object(obj, MODEL_YELLOW_COIN, bhvMovingYellowCoin);
coin->oForwardVel = RandomFloat() * 20.0f;
coin->oVelY = RandomFloat() * 40.0f + 20.0f;
coin->oMoveAngleYaw = RandomU16();
s32 ObjFlickerAndDisappear(struct Object *obj, s16 arg1) {
if (obj->oTimer < arg1)
return 0;
if (obj->oTimer < arg1 + 40) {
if (obj->oTimer % 2 != 0)
obj->header.gfx.node.flags |= 0x10; /* bit 4 = 1 */
obj->header.gfx.node.flags &= ~0x10; /* bit 4 = 0 */
} else {
obj->activeFlags = 0;
return 1;
return 0;
s8 func_802E49A4(s16 arg0) {
s16 sp6;
if (gMarioCurrentRoom == 0) {
if (arg0 == D_80331504)
return 1;
return 0;
} else {
if (arg0 == gMarioCurrentRoom)
sp6 = 1;
sp6 = 0;
D_80331504 = gMarioCurrentRoom;
return sp6;
// sp20 = arg0
// sp24 = arg1
// sp28 = arg2
// sp2c = arg3
s16 func_802E4A38(s32 *arg0, s16 arg1, f32 arg2, s32 arg3) {
s16 sp1e;
if ((is_point_within_radius_of_mario(o->oPosX, o->oPosY, o->oPosZ, (s32) arg2) == 1
&& func_802E46C0(o->oFaceAngleYaw, gMarioObject->header.gfx.angle[1] + 0x8000, 0x1000) == 1
&& func_802E46C0(o->oMoveAngleYaw, o->oAngleToMario, 0x1000) == 1)
|| (*arg0 == 1)) {
*arg0 = 1;
if (set_mario_npc_dialog(arg3) == 2) {
sp1e = func_8028F8E0(162, o, arg1);
if (sp1e != 0) {
*arg0 = 0;
return sp1e;
return 0;
return 0;
void ObjCheckFloorDeath(s16 collisionFlags, struct Surface *floor) {
if (floor == NULL)
if ((collisionFlags & 0x1) == 1) /* bit 0 */
switch (floor->type) {
o->oAction = OBJ_ACT_LAVA_DEATH;
// sp10 = arg0
s32 ObjLavaDeath(void) {
struct Object *deathSmoke;
if (o->oTimer >= 31) {
o->activeFlags = 0;
return 1;
} else
o->oPosY -= 10.0f;
if ((o->oTimer % 8) == 0) {
deathSmoke = spawn_object(o, MODEL_SMOKE, bhvBobombBullyDeathSmoke);
deathSmoke->oPosX += RandomFloat() * 20.0f;
deathSmoke->oPosY += RandomFloat() * 20.0f;
deathSmoke->oPosZ += RandomFloat() * 20.0f;
deathSmoke->oForwardVel = RandomFloat() * 10.0f;
return 0;
// sp30 = arg0
// sp34 = arg1
// sp38 = arg2
// sp3c = arg3
void SpawnOrangeNumber(s8 arg0, s16 arg1, s16 arg2, s16 arg3) {
struct Object *orangeNumber;
if (arg0 >= 10)
orangeNumber = spawn_object_relative(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, o, MODEL_NUMBER, bhvOrangeNumber);
orangeNumber->oPosY += 25.0f;
s32 Unknown802E4DF4(s16 *arg0) {
if (*(arg0 + D_8033150C) == 0) {
D_8033150C = 0;
return 1;
if ((*(arg0 + D_8033150C) & gPlayer3Controller->buttonPressed) != 0) {
D_80331510 = 0;
} else if (D_80331510 == 10 || gPlayer3Controller->buttonPressed != 0) {
D_8033150C = 0;
D_80331510 = 0;
return 0;
return 0;
#include "behaviors/"
#include "behaviors/"
#include "behaviors/"
#include "behaviors/"
#include "behaviors/"
#include "behaviors/"
#include "behaviors/"
#include "behaviors/"
#include "behaviors/"
#include "behaviors/"
#include "behaviors/"
#include "behaviors/"
#include "behaviors/"
#include "behaviors/"
#include "behaviors/"
#include "behaviors/"
#include "behaviors/"
#include "behaviors/"
#include "behaviors/"
#include "behaviors/"
#include "behaviors/"
#include "behaviors/"
#include "behaviors/"
#include "behaviors/"
#include "behaviors/"
#include "behaviors/"
#include "behaviors/"
// not part of behavior files
// or are they? TODO:
void BehWaterfallSoundLoop(void) {
void BehVolcanoSoundLoop(void) {
void BehCastleFlagWavingInit(void) {
o->header.gfx.unk38.animFrame = RandomFloat() * 28.0f;
void BehBirdsSoundLoop(void) {
if (gCurrLevelCamera->currPreset == CAMERA_PRESET_BEHIND_MARIO)
switch (o->oBehParams2ndByte) {
case 0:
case 1:
case 2:
void bhv_ambient_sounds_init(void) {
if (gCurrLevelCamera->currPreset == CAMERA_PRESET_BEHIND_MARIO)
play_sound(SOUND_CH6_CASTLEOUTDOORSAMBIENT, gDefaultSoundArgs);
void BehSandSoundLoop(void) {
if (gCurrLevelCamera->currPreset == CAMERA_PRESET_BEHIND_MARIO)
void BehHiddenAt120StarsInit(void) {
if (save_file_get_total_star_count(gCurrSaveFileNum - 1, 0, 24) >= 120)
o->activeFlags = 0;
#include "behaviors/"
#include "behaviors/"
#include "behaviors/"
#include "behaviors/"
#include "behaviors/"
#include "behaviors/"
#include "behaviors/"
#include "behaviors/"
#include "behaviors/"
#include "behaviors/"
#include "behaviors/"
#include "behaviors/"
#include "behaviors/"
#include "behaviors/"
#include "behaviors/"
#include "behaviors/"
#include "behaviors/"
#include "behaviors/"
#include "behaviors/"
#include "behaviors/"
#include "behaviors/"