
92 lines
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Raw Normal View History

2019-08-25 06:46:40 +02:00
#ifndef GD_MAIN_H
#define GD_MAIN_H
#include <ultra64.h>
// In various files of the Goddard subsystem, there are miscellaneous
// unused rodata strings. These can be generated via a printf call that
// is stubbed out, but not via define printf(...), as IDO 5.3 C
// preprocessor did not support va_arg defines. Goddard, however, did
// use gd_printf, which is distinct from this type of stubbed call, as
// gd_printf actually is called. This could be because gd_printf could
// forward to printf (currently unclear whether it might or might not,
// gd_printf is awaiting decompilation), which would indicate goddard was
// in the middle of moving these calls to the wrapper function. The unmoved
// calls result in the unused rodata strings.
#ifdef __GNUC__
#define printf(...) \
_Pragma ("GCC diagnostic push") \
_Pragma ("GCC diagnostic ignored \"-Wunused-value\"") \
(__VA_ARGS__); \
_Pragma ("GCC diagnostic pop")
#define printf
// structs
struct GdControl { // gGdCtrl
/* 0x00 */ s32 unk00;
/* 0x04 */ u8 pad04[4];
/* 0x08 */ s32 dleft; // Dpad-left (mask)
/* 0x0C */ s32 dright; // Dpad-right (mask)
/* 0x10 */ s32 dup; // Dpad-up (mask)
/* 0x14 */ s32 ddown; // Dpad-down (mask)
/* 0x18 */ s32 cleft; // bool C-left
/* 0x1C */ s32 cright; // bool C-right
/* 0x20 */ s32 cup; // bool C-up
/* 0x24 */ s32 cdown; // bool C-down
/* 0x28 */ void * unk28; // null-checked ptr? symbol not deref-ed in extant code?
/* 0x2C */ void * unk2C; // some sort of old texture ptr? symbol not deref-ed in extant code?
/* 0x30 */ void * unk30; // null-checked ptr? symbol not deref-ed in extant code?
/* 0x34 */ s32 btnA; // bool A button
/* 0x38 */ s32 btnB; // bool B button
/* 0x3C */ u8 pad3C[0x44-0x3C];
/* 0x44 */ s32 trgL; // bool L trigger pressed
/* 0x48 */ s32 trgR; // bool R trigger pressed
/* 0x4C */ s32 unk4C;
/* 0x50 */ s32 unk50;
/* 0x54 */ s32 newStartPress; // toggle bit? start pressed?
/* 0x58 */ u8 pad58[0x7C-0x58];
/* 0x7C */ f32 stickXf;
/* 0x80 */ f32 stickYf;
/* 0x84 */ u8 pad84[4];
/* 0x88 */ f32 unk88;
/* 0x8C */ u8 pad8c[0xA0-0x8C];
/* 0xA0 */ f32 unkA0;
/* 0xA4 */ u8 padA4[0xAC-0xA4];
/* 0xAC */ f32 unkAC;
/* 0xB0 */ u8 padB0[0xB8-0xB0];
/* 0xB8 */ s32 csrXatApress; // cursor x position when there was a new (A) press?
/* 0xBC */ s32 csrYatApress; // cursor y position when there was a new (A) press?
/* 0xC0 */ s32 stickDeltaX;
/* 0xC4 */ s32 stickDeltaY;
/* 0xC8 */ s32 stickX;
/* 0xCC */ s32 stickY;
/* 0xD0 */ s32 csrX; // bounded by screen view
/* 0xD4 */ s32 csrY; // bounded by screen view
/* 0xD8 */ /* hand/cursor state bitfield? */
/* b80 */ u8 btnApressed : 1; // bool (A) pressed
/* b40 */ u8 unkD8b40 : 1; // set to FALSE and unused
/* b20 */ u8 unkD8b20 : 1; // set to FALSE and unused
/* b10 */ u8 btnAnewPress : 1; // bool new (A) press
/* b08 */ u8 unkD8b08 : 1;
/* b04 */ u8 unkD8b04 : 1;
/* b02 */ u8 AbtnPressWait : 1; // bool 10 frames between (A) presses (cursor cool down?)
/* 0xDC */ u32 frameAbtnPressed; // first frame of new a press
/* 0xE0 */ u8 padE0[0xE8-0xE0];
/* 0xE8 */ u32 frameCount; // frame count?
/* 0xEC */ u8 padEC[0xF0-0xEC];
/* 0xF0 */ struct GdControl *prevFrame; // previous frame data
// data
extern s32 gGdMoveScene;
extern f32 D_801A8058;
extern s32 gGdUseVtxNormal;
// bss
extern struct GdControl gGdCtrl;
extern struct GdControl gGdCtrlPrev;
#endif /* GD_MAIN_H */