
487 lines
15 KiB
Raw Normal View History

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <tinfl.h>
#include "macros.h"
#include "../platform.h"
#include "fs.h"
#include "dirtree.h"
#define ZIP_BUFSIZE 16384
#define ZIP_EOCD_BUFSIZE 65578
#define ZIP_LFH_SIG 0x04034b50
#define ZIP_CDH_SIG 0x02014b50
#define ZIP_EOCD_SIG 0x06054b50
typedef struct {
fs_dirtree_t tree; // this should always be first, so this could be used as a dirtree root
const char *realpath; // physical path to the zip file
FILE *zipf; // open zip file handle, if any
} zip_pack_t;
typedef struct {
fs_dirtree_entry_t tree; // this should always be first, so this could be used as a dirtree entry
uint64_t ofs; // offset to compressed data in zip
uint16_t bits; // general purpose zip flags
uint16_t comptype; // compression method
uint32_t crc; // CRC-32
uint64_t comp_size; // size of compressed data in zip
uint64_t uncomp_size; // size of decompressed data
uint16_t attr_int; // internal attributes
uint32_t attr_ext; // external attributes
bool ofs_fixed; // if true, `ofs` points to the file data, otherwise to LFH
} zip_entry_t;
typedef struct {
zip_entry_t *entry; // the dirtree entry of this file
uint32_t comp_pos; // read position in compressed data
uint32_t uncomp_pos; // read position in uncompressed data
uint8_t *buffer; // decompression buffer (if compressed)
z_stream zstream; // tinfl zlib stream
FILE *fstream; // duplicate of zipf of the parent zip file
} zip_file_t;
static int64_t zip_find_eocd(FILE *f, int64_t *outlen) {
// the EOCD is somewhere in the last 65557 bytes of the file
// get the total file size
fseek(f, 0, SEEK_END);
const int64_t fsize = ftell(f);
if (fsize <= 16) return -1; // probably not a zip
const int64_t rx = (fsize < ZIP_EOCD_BUFSIZE ? fsize : ZIP_EOCD_BUFSIZE);
uint8_t *buf = malloc(rx);
if (!buf) return -1;
// read that entire chunk and search for EOCD backwards from the end
fseek(f, fsize - rx, SEEK_SET);
if (fread(buf, rx, 1, f)) {
for (int64_t i = rx - 8; i >= 0; --i) {
if ((buf[i + 0] == 0x50) && (buf[i + 1] == 0x4B) &&
(buf[i + 2] == 0x05) && (buf[i + 3] == 0x06)) {
// gotem
if (outlen) *outlen = fsize;
return fsize - rx + i;
return -1;
static bool zip_parse_eocd(FILE *f, uint64_t *cdir_ofs, uint64_t *data_ofs, uint64_t *count) {
int64_t fsize = 0;
// EOCD record struct
struct eocd_s {
uint32_t sig;
uint16_t this_disk;
uint16_t cdir_disk;
uint16_t disk_entry_count;
uint16_t total_entry_count;
uint32_t cdir_size;
uint32_t cdir_ofs;
uint16_t comment_len;
// zip comment follows
} __attribute__((__packed__));
struct eocd_s eocd;
// find the EOCD and seek to it
int64_t pos = zip_find_eocd(f, &fsize);
if (pos < 0) return false;
fseek(f, pos, SEEK_SET);
// read it
if (!fread(&eocd, sizeof(eocd), 1, f)) return false;
// double check the sig
if (LE_TO_HOST32(eocd.sig) != ZIP_EOCD_SIG) return false;
// disks should all be 0
if (eocd.this_disk || eocd.cdir_disk) return false;
// total entry count should be the same as disk entry count
if (eocd.disk_entry_count != eocd.total_entry_count) return false;
*count = LE_TO_HOST16(eocd.total_entry_count);
*cdir_ofs = LE_TO_HOST32(eocd.cdir_ofs);
eocd.cdir_size = LE_TO_HOST32(eocd.cdir_size);
// end of central dir can't be before central dir
if ((uint64_t)pos < *cdir_ofs + eocd.cdir_size) return false;
*data_ofs = (uint64_t)(pos - (*cdir_ofs + eocd.cdir_size));
*cdir_ofs += *data_ofs;
// make sure end of comment matches end of file
eocd.comment_len = LE_TO_HOST16(eocd.comment_len);
return ((pos + 22 + eocd.comment_len) == fsize);
static bool zip_fixup_offset(zip_file_t *zipfile) {
// LFH record struct
struct lfh_s {
uint32_t sig;
uint16_t version_required;
uint16_t bits;
uint16_t comptype;
uint16_t mod_time;
uint16_t mod_date;
uint32_t crc;
uint32_t comp_size;
uint32_t uncomp_size;
uint16_t fname_len;
uint16_t extra_len;
// file name, extra field and data follow
} __attribute__((__packed__));
struct lfh_s lfh;
zip_entry_t *ent = zipfile->entry;
fseek(zipfile->fstream, ent->ofs, SEEK_SET);
if (!fread(&lfh, sizeof(lfh), 1, zipfile->fstream)) return false;
// we only need these two
lfh.fname_len = LE_TO_HOST16(lfh.fname_len);
lfh.extra_len = LE_TO_HOST16(lfh.extra_len);
// ofs will now point to actual data
ent->ofs += sizeof(lfh) + lfh.fname_len + lfh.extra_len;
ent->ofs_fixed = true; // only need to do this once
return true;
static zip_entry_t *zip_load_entry(FILE *f, fs_dirtree_t *tree, const uint64_t data_ofs) {
// CDH record struct
struct cdh_s {
uint32_t sig;
uint16_t version_used;
uint16_t version_required;
uint16_t bits;
uint16_t comptype;
uint16_t mod_time;
uint16_t mod_date;
uint32_t crc;
uint32_t comp_size;
uint32_t uncomp_size;
uint16_t fname_len;
uint16_t extra_len;
uint16_t comment_len;
uint16_t start_disk;
uint16_t attr_int;
uint32_t attr_ext;
uint32_t lfh_ofs;
// file name, extra field and comment follow
} __attribute__((__packed__));
struct cdh_s cdh;
zip_entry_t zipent;
memset(&zipent, 0, sizeof(zipent));
if (!fread(&cdh, sizeof(cdh), 1, f)) return NULL;
// check cdir entry header signature
if (LE_TO_HOST32(cdh.sig) != ZIP_CDH_SIG) return NULL;
// byteswap and copy some important fields
zipent.bits = LE_TO_HOST16(cdh.bits);
zipent.comptype = LE_TO_HOST16(cdh.comptype);
zipent.crc = LE_TO_HOST32(cdh.crc);
zipent.comp_size = LE_TO_HOST32(cdh.comp_size);
zipent.uncomp_size = LE_TO_HOST32(cdh.uncomp_size);
zipent.ofs = LE_TO_HOST32(cdh.lfh_ofs);
zipent.attr_int = LE_TO_HOST16(cdh.attr_int);
zipent.attr_ext = LE_TO_HOST32(cdh.attr_ext);
cdh.fname_len = LE_TO_HOST16(cdh.fname_len);
cdh.comment_len = LE_TO_HOST16(cdh.comment_len);
cdh.extra_len = LE_TO_HOST16(cdh.extra_len);
// read the name
char *name = calloc(1, cdh.fname_len + 1);
if (!name) return NULL;
if (!fread(name, cdh.fname_len, 1, f)) { free(name); return NULL; }
// this is a directory if the name ends in a path separator
bool is_dir = false;
if (name[cdh.fname_len - 1] == '/') {
is_dir = true;
name[cdh.fname_len - 1] = 0;
name[cdh.fname_len] = 0;
// add to directory tree
zip_entry_t *retent = (zip_entry_t *)fs_dirtree_add(tree, name, is_dir);
if (!retent) return NULL;
// copy the data we read into the new entry
zipent.tree = retent->tree;
memcpy(retent, &zipent, sizeof(zipent));
// this points to the LFH now; will be fixed up on file open
// while the CDH includes an "extra field length" field, it's usually different
retent->ofs += data_ofs;
// skip to the next CDH
fseek(f, cdh.extra_len + cdh.comment_len, SEEK_CUR);
return retent;
static inline bool zip_load_entries(FILE *f, fs_dirtree_t *tree, const uint64_t cdir_ofs, const uint64_t data_ofs, const uint64_t count) {
fseek(f, cdir_ofs, SEEK_SET);
for (uint64_t i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
if (!zip_load_entry(f, tree, data_ofs))
return false;
return true;
static inline bool is_zip(FILE *f) {
uint32_t sig = 0;
if (fread(&sig, sizeof(sig), 1, f)) {
// the first LFH might be at the start of the zip
if (LE_TO_HOST32(sig) == ZIP_LFH_SIG)
return true;
// no signature, might still be a zip because fuck you
// the only way now is to try and find the end of central directory
return zip_find_eocd(f, NULL) >= 0;
return false;
static void *pack_zip_mount(const char *realpath) {
uint64_t cdir_ofs, data_ofs, count;
zip_pack_t *pack = NULL;
f = fopen(realpath, "rb");
if (!f) goto _fail;
if (!is_zip(f)) goto _fail;
pack = calloc(1, sizeof(zip_pack_t));
if (!pack) goto _fail;
if (!zip_parse_eocd(f, &cdir_ofs, &data_ofs, &count))
goto _fail;
if (!fs_dirtree_init(&pack->tree, sizeof(zip_entry_t)))
goto _fail;
if (!zip_load_entries(f, &pack->tree, cdir_ofs, data_ofs, count))
goto _fail;
pack->realpath = sys_strdup(realpath);
pack->zipf = f;
return pack;
if (f) fclose(f);
if (pack) free(pack);
return NULL;
static void pack_zip_unmount(void *pack) {
zip_pack_t *zip = (zip_pack_t *)pack;
if (zip->realpath) free((void *)zip->realpath);
if (zip->zipf) fclose(zip->zipf);
static bool pack_zip_is_file(void *pack, const char *fname) {
zip_entry_t *ent = (zip_entry_t *)fs_dirtree_find((fs_dirtree_t *)pack, fname);
return ent && !ent->tree.is_dir;
static bool pack_zip_is_dir(void *pack, const char *fname) {
zip_entry_t *ent = (zip_entry_t *)fs_dirtree_find((fs_dirtree_t *)pack, fname);
return ent && ent->tree.is_dir;
static inline void pack_zip_close_zipfile(zip_file_t *zipfile) {
if (zipfile->buffer) {
if (zipfile->fstream) fclose(zipfile->fstream);
static fs_file_t *pack_zip_open(void *pack, const char *vpath) {
fs_file_t *fsfile = NULL;
zip_file_t *zipfile = NULL;
zip_pack_t *zip = (zip_pack_t *)pack;
zip_entry_t *ent = (zip_entry_t *)fs_dirtree_find((fs_dirtree_t *)zip, vpath);
if (!ent || ent->tree.is_dir) goto _fail; // we're expecting a fucking file here
zipfile = calloc(1, sizeof(zip_file_t));
if (!zipfile) goto _fail;
zipfile->entry = ent;
// obtain an additional file descriptor
// fdopen(dup(fileno())) is not very portable and might not create separate state
zipfile->fstream = fopen(zip->realpath, "rb");
if (!zipfile->fstream) goto _fail;
// make ent->ofs point to the actual file data if it doesn't already
if (!ent->ofs_fixed)
if (!zip_fixup_offset(zipfile))
goto _fail; // this shouldn't generally happen but oh well
// if there's compression, assume it's zlib
if (ent->comptype != 0) {
zipfile->buffer = malloc(ZIP_BUFSIZE);
if (!zipfile->buffer)
goto _fail;
if (inflateInit2(&zipfile->zstream, -MAX_WBITS) != Z_OK)
goto _fail;
fsfile = malloc(sizeof(fs_file_t));
if (!fsfile) goto _fail;
fsfile->handle = zipfile;
fsfile->parent = NULL;
// point to the start of the file data
fseek(zipfile->fstream, ent->ofs, SEEK_SET);
return fsfile;
if (zipfile) pack_zip_close_zipfile(zipfile);
if (fsfile) free(fsfile);
return NULL;
static void pack_zip_close(UNUSED void *pack, fs_file_t *file) {
if (!file) return;
zip_file_t *zipfile = (zip_file_t *)file->handle;
if (zipfile) pack_zip_close_zipfile(zipfile);
static int64_t pack_zip_read(UNUSED void *pack, fs_file_t *file, void *buf, const uint64_t size) {
zip_file_t *zipfile = (zip_file_t *)file->handle;
zip_entry_t *ent = zipfile->entry;
int64_t avail = ent->uncomp_size - zipfile->uncomp_pos;
int64_t max_read = ((int64_t)size > avail) ? avail : (int64_t)size;
int64_t rx = 0;
int err = 0;
if (max_read == 0) return 0;
if (ent->comptype == 0) {
// no compression, just read
rx = fread(buf, 1, size, zipfile->fstream);
} else {
zipfile->zstream.next_out = buf;
zipfile->zstream.avail_out = (unsigned int)max_read;
while (rx < max_read) {
const uint32_t before = (uint32_t)zipfile->zstream.total_out;
// check if we ran out of compressed bytes and read more if we did
if (zipfile->zstream.avail_in == 0) {
int32_t comp_rx = ent->comp_size - zipfile->comp_pos;
if (comp_rx > 0) {
if (comp_rx > ZIP_BUFSIZE) comp_rx = ZIP_BUFSIZE;
comp_rx = fread(zipfile->buffer, 1, comp_rx, zipfile->fstream);
if (comp_rx == 0) break;
zipfile->comp_pos += (uint32_t)comp_rx;
zipfile->zstream.next_in = zipfile->buffer;
zipfile->zstream.avail_in = (unsigned int)comp_rx;
// inflate
err = inflate(&zipfile->zstream, Z_SYNC_FLUSH);
rx += zipfile->zstream.total_out - before;
if (err != Z_OK) break;
zipfile->uncomp_pos += rx;
return rx;
static bool pack_zip_seek(UNUSED void *pack, fs_file_t *file, const int64_t ofs) {
zip_file_t *zipfile = (zip_file_t *)file->handle;
zip_entry_t *ent = zipfile->entry;
uint8_t buf[512];
if (ofs > (int64_t)ent->uncomp_size) return false;
if (ent->comptype == 0) {
if (fseek(zipfile->fstream, ofs + ent->ofs, SEEK_SET) == 0)
zipfile->uncomp_pos = ofs;
} else {
// if seeking backwards, gotta redecode the stream from the start until that point
// so we make a copy of the zstream and clear it with a new one
if (ofs < zipfile->uncomp_pos) {
z_stream zstream;
memset(&zstream, 0, sizeof(zstream));
if (inflateInit2(&zstream, -MAX_WBITS) != Z_OK)
return false;
// reset the underlying file handle back to the start
if (fseek(zipfile->fstream, ent->ofs, SEEK_SET) != 0)
return false;
// free and replace the old one
memcpy(&zipfile->zstream, &zstream, sizeof(zstream));
zipfile->uncomp_pos = zipfile->comp_pos = 0;
// continue decoding the stream until we hit the new offset
while (zipfile->uncomp_pos != ofs) {
uint32_t max_read = (uint32_t)(ofs - zipfile->uncomp_pos);
if (max_read > sizeof(buf)) max_read = sizeof(buf);
if (pack_zip_read(pack, file, buf, max_read) != max_read)
return false;
return true;
static int64_t pack_zip_tell(UNUSED void *pack, fs_file_t *file) {
return ((zip_file_t *)file->handle)->uncomp_pos;
static int64_t pack_zip_size(UNUSED void *pack, fs_file_t *file) {
zip_file_t *zipfile = (zip_file_t *)file->handle;
return zipfile->entry->uncomp_size;
static bool pack_zip_eof(UNUSED void *pack, fs_file_t *file) {
zip_file_t *zipfile = (zip_file_t *)file->handle;
return zipfile->uncomp_pos >= zipfile->entry->uncomp_size;
fs_packtype_t fs_packtype_zip = {