import { Matrix4, Vector3, Vector4 } from "three"; let matrixRotation = new Matrix4().makeRotationX(90 * Math.PI / 180); let matrixScale = new Matrix4().makeScale(10, 10, 10); let vertex = new Vector3(); let geometry; export function parse(mesh) { if (!mesh.isMesh) { console.warn('Mesh type unsupported', mesh); return; } debugger; geometry = mesh.geometry; if (geometry.isBufferGeometry) { var newGeometry = geometry.clone(geometry); var vertices = geometry.getAttribute('position'); // vertices if (vertices !== undefined) { let verticesCount = vertices.count; if (geometry.morphTargetInfluences !== undefined && geometry.morphTargetInfluences.reduce((p, c) => p + c) > 0) { console.log(`morphed: ${}`); } else { console.log(`not morphed: ${}`); } for (let i = 0; i < verticesCount; i++) { vertex.x = vertices.getX(i); vertex.y = vertices.getY(i); vertex.z = vertices.getZ(i); if (geometry.skinIndexNames == undefined || geometry.skinIndexNames == 0) { vertex .applyMatrix4(mesh.matrixWorld) .applyMatrix4(matrixRotation) .applyMatrix4(matrixScale); newGeometry.attributes.position.setXYZ(i, vertex.x, vertex.y, vertex.z); } else { // TODO: does this line need the same condition as the ternary below? if (geometry.morphTargetInfluences !== undefined) { var morphVector = new Vector4(vertex.x, vertex.y, vertex.z); var tempMorph = new Vector4(); for (var mt = 0; mt < geometry.morphAttributes.position.length; mt++) { if (geometry.morphTargetInfluences[mt] == 0) continue; if (geometry.morphTargetDictionary.hide == mt) continue; var morph = new Vector4( geometry.morphAttributes.position[mt].getX(i), geometry.morphAttributes.position[mt].getY(i), geometry.morphAttributes.position[mt].getZ(i)); tempMorph.addScaledVector(morph.sub(morphVector), geometry.morphTargetInfluences[mt]); } morphVector.add(tempMorph); } let finalVector = new Vector4(); for (let j = 0; j < geometry.skinIndexNames.length; j++) { //console.log(geometry.skinIndexNames) newFunction_1(i, j, mesh, morphVector, finalVector); } newGeometry.attributes.position.setXYZ(i, finalVector.x, finalVector.y, finalVector.z); } } } } else { console.warn('Geometry type unsupported', geometry); } return newGeometry; } function newFunction_1(i, j, mesh, morphVector, finalVector) { var skinIndices = geometry.getAttribute([geometry.skinIndexNames[j]]); var weights = geometry.getAttribute([geometry.skinWeightNames[j]]); var skinIndex = [ skinIndices.getX(i), skinIndices.getY(i), skinIndices.getZ(i), skinIndices.getW(i) ]; var skinWeight = [ weights.getX(i), weights.getY(i), weights.getZ(i), weights.getW(i) ]; var inverses = [ mesh.skeleton.boneInverses[skinIndex[0]], mesh.skeleton.boneInverses[skinIndex[1]], mesh.skeleton.boneInverses[skinIndex[2]], mesh.skeleton.boneInverses[skinIndex[3]] ]; var skinMatrices = [ mesh.skeleton.bones[skinIndex[0]].matrixWorld, mesh.skeleton.bones[skinIndex[1]].matrixWorld, mesh.skeleton.bones[skinIndex[2]].matrixWorld, mesh.skeleton.bones[skinIndex[3]].matrixWorld ]; for (var k = 0; k < 4; k++) { newFunction(morphVector, finalVector, skinWeight, inverses, skinMatrices, k); } } function newFunction(morphVector, finalVector, skinWeight, inverses, skinMatrices, k) { //var vectorToCopy = geometry.morphTargetInfluences !== undefined && geometry.morphTargetInfluences.reduce((p, c) => p + c) > 0 // ? morphVector // : vertex; var vectorToCopy = vertex; var tempVector = new Vector4(vectorToCopy.x, vectorToCopy.y, vectorToCopy.z) tempVector.multiplyScalar(skinWeight[k]); //the inverse takes the vector into local bone space //which is then transformed to the appropriate world space tempVector .applyMatrix4(inverses[k]) .applyMatrix4(skinMatrices[k]) .applyMatrix4(matrixRotation) .applyMatrix4(matrixScale); finalVector.add(tempVector); }