
130 lines
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package tc.oc.evil;
import java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException;
import javax.inject.Inject;
import javax.inject.Singleton;
import tc.oc.commons.core.reflect.MethodResolver;
import tc.oc.commons.core.reflect.Methods;
* Generates classes that implement the decorator pattern, wrapping another object
* of a common supertype, and forwarding some methods to that object, while overriding
* others to alter its behavior.
* Specifically, this factory takes a possibly abstract class implementing {@link Decorator},
* and generates a non-abstract subclass that forwards all methods to whatever is returned
* from {@link Decorator#delegate()}. The decorated type can be an interface, an abstract class,
* or a concrete class. Methods that are overridden in the decorator are not forwarded,
* nor are methods that do not exist in the decorated class at all.
* The generated subclass will inherit all accessible constructors from its superclass.
* However, these cannot be called directly. Instances must be created through the
* create methods in this class.
* Example:
* <pre>
* interface Thing {
* void woot();
* void donk();
* }
* class BoringThing implements Thing {
* &#64;Override public void woot() { ... }
* &#64;Override public void donk() { ... }
* }
* abstract class SuperThing implements Thing, Decorator&lt;Thing&gt; {
* private final Thing thing;
* protected SuperThing(Thing thing) { this.thing = thing; }
* &#64;Override public Thing delegate() { return thing; }
* &#64;Override public void woot() { ... }
* }
* SuperThing st = decoratorFactory.create(
* Thing.class,
* SuperThing.class,
* new Class[]{ Thing.class },
* new Object[]{ new BoringThing() }
* );
* st.woot() // calls SuperThing#woot()
* st.donk() // calls BoringThing#donk()
* </pre>
public class DecoratorFactory {
private static final DecoratorFactory INSTANCE = new DecoratorFactory(new LibCGDecoratorGenerator());
public static DecoratorFactory get() {
return INSTANCE;
private final DecoratorGenerator generator;
private final Cache<Class<? extends Decorator<?>>, DecoratorGenerator.Meta<?, ?>> cache = CacheBuilder.newBuilder().build();
private DecoratorFactory(DecoratorGenerator generator) {
this.generator = generator;
public <T, D extends Decorator<T>> D create(Class<T> type, Class<D> decorator, Class<?>[] argumentTypes, Object[] arguments) {
try {
return meta(type, decorator).newInstance(argumentTypes, arguments);
} catch(Exception e) {
throw Throwables.propagate(e);
public <T, D extends Decorator<T>> D create(Class<T> type, Class<D> decorator) {
try {
return meta(type, decorator).newInstance();
} catch(Exception e) {
throw Throwables.propagate(e);
* Given a type, and another type that decorates it, return a non-abstract class
* extending the decorator type, generating any needed delegating methods.
* Generated classes are cached and reused per decorator class.
public <T, D extends Decorator<T>> Class<? extends D> implement(Class<T> type, Class<D> decorator) {
return meta(type, decorator).implementation;
private <T, D extends Decorator<T>> void validate(Class<T> type, Class<D> decorator) {
final MethodResolver resolver = new MethodResolver(decorator);
Methods.accessibleMethods(decorator).forEach(method -> {
if(!(Methods.respondsTo(decorator, method) || resolver.hasMethod(type, method))) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Method " + method +
" is abstract in decorator " + decorator.getName() +
" and cannot be forwarded to " + type.getName());
private <T, D extends Decorator<T>> DecoratorGenerator.Meta<T, D> meta(Class<T> type, Class<D> decorator) {
// Try once without locking or creating the loader
final DecoratorGenerator.Meta<?, ?> meta = cache.getIfPresent(decorator);
if(meta != null) return (DecoratorGenerator.Meta<T, D>) meta;
// Try again
try {
return (DecoratorGenerator.Meta<T, D>) cache.get(decorator, () -> {
validate(type, decorator);
return generator.implement(type, decorator);
} catch(ExecutionException | UncheckedExecutionException e) {
throw (RuntimeException) e.getCause();