
133 lines
4.3 KiB

package tc.oc.pgm.regions;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Random;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.function.Predicate;
import org.bukkit.World;
import org.bukkit.block.Block;
import org.bukkit.util.BlockVector;
import org.bukkit.geometry.Cuboid;
import org.bukkit.util.Vector;
import tc.oc.commons.bukkit.util.BlockVectorSet;
import tc.oc.pgm.filters.Filter;
import tc.oc.pgm.filters.query.BlockQuery;
import tc.oc.pgm.utils.MaterialPattern;
import static;
* Region represented by a list of single blocks. This will check if a point
* is inside the block at all.
public class FiniteBlockRegion extends Region.Impl {
private final BlockVectorSet positions;
private final Cuboid bounds;
public FiniteBlockRegion(Collection<BlockVector> positions) {
this.positions = BlockVectorSet.of(positions);
// calculate AABB
final Vector min = new Vector(Double.MAX_VALUE);
final Vector max = new Vector(-Double.MAX_VALUE);
for(BlockVector pos : this.positions) {
min.setX(Math.min(min.getX(), pos.getBlockX()));
min.setY(Math.min(min.getY(), pos.getBlockY()));
min.setZ(Math.min(min.getZ(), pos.getBlockZ()));
max.setX(Math.max(max.getX(), pos.getBlockX() + 1));
max.setY(Math.max(max.getY(), pos.getBlockY() + 1));
max.setZ(Math.max(max.getZ(), pos.getBlockZ() + 1));
this.bounds = Cuboid.between(min, max);
public int size() {
return positions.size();
public boolean contains(Vector point) {
return bounds.contains(point) && positions.contains(point.toBlockVector());
public boolean canGetRandom() {
return true;
public boolean isBlockBounded() {
return true;
public Cuboid getBounds() {
return this.bounds;
public Vector getRandom(Random random) {
final BlockVector randomBlock = positions.chooseRandom(random);
double dx = random.nextDouble();
double dy = random.nextDouble();
double dz = random.nextDouble();
return randomBlock.add(dx, dy, dz);
public Iterator<BlockVector> getBlockVectorIterator() {
return positions.mutableIterator();
public Set<BlockVector> getBlockVectors() {
return positions;
public Stream<BlockVector> blockPositions() {
public static class Factory {
private final SemanticVersion mapProto;
public Factory(SemanticVersion mapProto) {
this.mapProto = mapProto;
public FiniteBlockRegion fromWorld(Region region, World world, MaterialPattern...materials) {
return fromWorld(region, world, Arrays.asList(materials));
public FiniteBlockRegion fromWorld(Region region, World world, Collection<MaterialPattern> materials) {
return fromWorld(region, world, (Predicate<Block>) block -> -> m.matches(block.getState().getMaterialData())));
public FiniteBlockRegion fromWorld(Region region, World world, Filter filter) {
return fromWorld(region, world, (Predicate<Block>) block -> filter.query(new BlockQuery(block)).isAllowed());
public FiniteBlockRegion fromWorld(Region region, World world, Predicate<Block> filter) {
if(region instanceof CuboidRegion && mapProto.isOlderThan(REGION_FIX_VERSION)) {
// Due to an old bug, legacy maps have cuboids that are one block too big
region = new CuboidRegion(region.getBounds().minimum(), region.getBounds().maximum().plus(1, 1, 1));
return new FiniteBlockRegion(region.blockPositions()
.filter(pos -> filter.test(world.getBlockAt(pos.getBlockX(), pos.getBlockY(), pos.getBlockZ())))