
589 lines
19 KiB

package tc.oc.pgm.teams;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.Optional;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.function.Supplier;
import java.util.function.ToIntFunction;
import javax.annotation.Nullable;
import javax.inject.Inject;
import net.md_5.bungee.api.ChatColor;
import org.apache.commons.lang.math.Fraction;
import org.bukkit.command.CommandSender;
import java.time.Duration;
import tc.oc.commons.core.util.Comparables;
import tc.oc.commons.core.util.Numbers;
import tc.oc.commons.core.util.PunchClock;
import tc.oc.pgm.features.SluggedFeature;
import tc.oc.pgm.join.JoinConfiguration;
import tc.oc.pgm.join.JoinDenied;
import tc.oc.pgm.join.JoinHandler;
import tc.oc.pgm.join.JoinMatchModule;
import tc.oc.pgm.join.JoinResult;
import tc.oc.pgm.match.Competitor;
import tc.oc.pgm.match.Match;
import tc.oc.pgm.match.MatchPlayer;
import tc.oc.pgm.match.MultiPlayerParty;
/** Mutable class to represent a team created from a TeamInfo instance that is
* tied to a specific match and will only live as long as the match lives.
* Teams support custom names and colors that differ from the defaults
* specified by the map creator.
public class Team extends MultiPlayerParty implements Competitor, SluggedFeature<TeamFactory> {
// The maximum allowed ratio between the "fullness" of any two teams in a match,
// as measured by the Team.getFullness method. An imbalance of one player is
// always allowed, even if it exceeds this ratio.
public static final Fraction MAX_IMBALANCE = Fraction.getFraction(6, 5);
public interface Factory {
Team create(TeamFactory definition);
private final TeamFactory info;
private final JoinConfiguration joinConfiguration;
private final TeamConfiguration teamConfiguration;
private TeamMatchModule tmm;
protected @Nullable String name = null;
protected @Nullable Component componentName;
protected Component chatPrefix;
protected Optional<Integer> minPlayers = Optional.empty(),
maxPlayers = Optional.empty(),
maxOverfill = Optional.empty();
protected final Document document = new Document();
protected final Set<PlayerId> pastPlayers = new HashSet<>();
// Recorded in the match document, Tourney plugin sets this
protected @Nullable String leagueTeamId;
// Players who have ever been on this team and their participation/absence times
protected final PunchClock<PlayerId> participationClock = new PunchClock<>(getMatch()::runningTime);
/** Construct a Team instance with the necessary information.
* @param info Defaults to use for name and color.
* @param match Match this team is in.
* @param joinConfiguration
* @param teamConfiguration
@Inject Team(@Assisted TeamFactory info, Match match, JoinConfiguration joinConfiguration, TeamConfiguration teamConfiguration) {
super(match); = info;
this.joinConfiguration = joinConfiguration;
this.teamConfiguration = teamConfiguration;
public String toString() {
return getClass().getSimpleName() + "{match=" + getMatch() + ", name=" + getName() + "}";
public boolean equals(Object that) {
return this == that || (that instanceof Team &&
getDefinition().equals(((Team) that).getDefinition()) &&
getMatch().equals(((Team) that).getMatch()));
public int hashCode() {
return Objects.hash(getDefinition(), getMatch());
protected TeamMatchModule module() {
if(tmm == null) {
tmm = getMatch().needMatchModule(TeamMatchModule.class);
return tmm;
public String getId() {
return slug();
public String slug() {
return match.featureDefinitions().slug(getDefinition());
/** Gets map specified information about this team.
* @return Map-specific information about the team.
public TeamFactory getInfo() {
public @Nullable String getLeagueTeamId() {
return leagueTeamId;
public void setLeagueTeamId(@Nullable String leagueTeamId) {
this.leagueTeamId = leagueTeamId;
public MatchDoc.Team getDocument() {
return document;
public TeamFactory getDefinition() {
public Type getType() {
return Type.Participating;
public boolean isParticipatingType() {
return true;
public boolean isParticipating() {
return match.isRunning();
public boolean isObservingType() {
return false;
public boolean isObserving() {
return !match.isRunning();
public String getDefaultName() {
return info.getDefaultName();
/** Gets the name of this team that can be modified using setTeam. If no
* custom name is set then this will return the default team name as
* specified in the team info.
* @return Name of the team without colors.
public String getName() {
return name != null ? name : getDefaultName();
public String getShortName() {
String lower = getName().toLowerCase();
if(lower.endsWith(" team")) {
return getName().substring(0, lower.length() - " team".length());
} else if(lower.startsWith("team ")) {
return getName().substring("team ".length());
} else {
return getName();
public String getName(@Nullable CommandSender viewer) {
return getName();
public boolean isNamePlural() {
// Assume custom names are singular
return == null &&;
/** Gets the combination of the team color with the team name.
* @return Colored version of the team name.
public String getColoredName() {
return getColor() + getName();
public String getColoredName(@Nullable CommandSender viewer) {
return getColor() + getName(viewer);
/** Sets a custom name for this team that should be unique in the match.
* Note that setting the name to null will reset it to the default name as
* specified in the team info.
* @param newName New name for this team. Should not include colors.
public void setName(@Nullable String newName) {
if(Objects.equals(, newName) || this.getName().equals(newName)) return;
String oldName = this.getName(); = newName;
this.componentName = null;
this.match.callEvent(new PartyRenameEvent(this, oldName, this.getName()));
public ChatColor getColor() {
public BaseComponent getComponentName() {
if(componentName == null) {
this.componentName = new Component(getName(), ChatUtils.convert(getColor()));
return componentName;
public BaseComponent getStyledName(NameStyle style) {
return getComponentName();
public BaseComponent getChatPrefix() {
if(chatPrefix == null) {
this.chatPrefix = new Component("[" + getShortName() + "] ", ChatUtils.convert(getColor()));
return chatPrefix;
public org.bukkit.scoreboard.Team.OptionStatus getNameTagVisibility() {
return info.getNameTagVisibility();
public int getMinPlayers() {
return minPlayers.orElse(info.getMinPlayers().orElse(teamConfiguration.minimumPlayers()));
public int getMaxPlayers() {
return maxPlayers.orElse(info.getMaxPlayers());
public int getMaxOverfill() {
return maxOverfill.orElse(info.getMaxOverfill().orElse(joinConfiguration.overfillFromMax(getMaxPlayers())));
public void setMinSize(@Nullable Integer minPlayers) {
this.minPlayers = Optional.ofNullable(minPlayers);
if(getMaxPlayers() < getMinPlayers()) {
this.maxPlayers = Optional.of(getMinPlayers());
if(getMaxOverfill() < getMaxPlayers()) {
this.maxOverfill = Optional.of(getMaxPlayers());
getMatch().callEvent(new TeamResizeEvent(this));
public void resetMinSize() {
public void setMaxSize(@Nullable Integer maxPlayers, @Nullable Integer maxOverfill) {
this.maxPlayers = Optional.ofNullable(maxPlayers);
this.maxOverfill = Optional.ofNullable(maxOverfill);
if(getMinPlayers() > getMaxPlayers()) {
this.minPlayers = Optional.of(getMaxPlayers());
if(getMaxOverfill() < getMaxPlayers()) {
this.maxOverfill = Optional.of(getMaxPlayers());
getMatch().callEvent(new TeamResizeEvent(this));
public void resetMaxSize() {
setMaxSize(null, null);
public PunchClock<PlayerId> getParticipationClock() {
return participationClock;
public Duration getCumulativeParticipation(PlayerId playerId) {
return getParticipationClock().getCumulativePresence(playerId);
public Set<PlayerId> getPastPlayers() {
return pastPlayers;
public boolean addPlayerInternal(MatchPlayer player) {
if(super.addPlayerInternal(player)) {
if(getMatch().isCommitted()) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
public boolean removePlayerInternal(MatchPlayer player) {
if(super.removePlayerInternal(player)) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
public void commit() {
for(MatchPlayer player : getPlayers()) {
public boolean isAutomatic() {
return false;
protected @Nullable MatchPlayer joiningPlayer() {
final Change change = CHANGE.get();
return change != null && equals(change.newTeam) ? change.player : null;
public Set<MatchPlayer> getPlayers() {
final Change change = CHANGE.get();
if(change != null) {
if(equals(change.oldTeam)) {
return Sets.difference(super.getPlayers(), Collections.singleton(change.player));
} else if(equals(change.newTeam)) {
return Sets.union(super.getPlayers(), Collections.singleton(change.player));
return super.getPlayers();
* Return the number of players on this team.
* If priority is true, exclude players who can be bumped off the team.
public int getSize() {
final int realSize = super.getPlayers().size();
final Change change = CHANGE.get();
if(change != null) {
if(equals(change.oldTeam)) {
return realSize - 1;
} else if(equals(change.newTeam)) {
return realSize + 1;
return realSize;
* Get the "fullness" of this team, relative to some capacity returned by
* the given function. The return value is always in the range 0 to 1.
public Fraction getFullness(ToIntFunction<? super Team> maxFunction) {
final int max = maxFunction.applyAsInt(this);
return max == 0 ? Fraction.ONE
: Fraction.getReducedFraction(getSize(), max);
* Get the maximum number of players currently allowed on this team without
* exceeding any limits.
public int getMaxBalancedSize() {
// Find the minimum fullness among other teams
final Fraction minFullness = (Fraction) module().getTeams()
.filter(team -> !equals(team))
.map(team -> team.getFullness(Team::getMaxOverfill))
// Calculate the dynamic limit to maintain balance with other teams (this can be zero)
int slots = Numbers.ceil(Comparables.min(Fraction.ONE, minFullness.multiplyBy(MAX_IMBALANCE))
.multiplyBy(Fraction.getFraction(getMaxOverfill(), 1)));
// Clamp to the static limit defined for this team (cannot be zero unless the static limit is zero)
return Math.min(getMaxOverfill(), Math.max(1, slots));
public boolean isStacked() {
return this.getSize() > this.getMaxBalancedSize();
public int getTotalSlots(MatchPlayer joining) {
return getMatch().needMatchModule(JoinMatchModule.class).canJoinFull(joining) ? getMaxOverfill() : getMaxPlayers();
* Return the number of available slots for the given player. If priority is true,
* and the joining player has priority kick privileges, assume that non-privileged
* players can be kicked off the team to make room.
public int getOpenSlots(MatchPlayer joining, boolean priorityKick) {
// Can always join obs
if(this.getType() == Type.Observing) return 1;
// Count existing team members with and without join privileges
int normal = 0, privileged = 0;
final JoinMatchModule jmm = getMatch().needMatchModule(JoinMatchModule.class);
for(MatchPlayer player : this.getPlayers()) {
if(jmm.canPriorityKick(player)) privileged++;
else normal++;
// Get the total slots available to the joining player
// Deduct slots in use by privileged players, who cannot be kicked
int slots = getTotalSlots(joining) - privileged;
// If normal players cannot be bumped, deduct them as well
if(!priorityKick || !jmm.canPriorityKick(joining)) {
slots -= normal;
return Math.max(0, slots);
* @return if there is a free slot available for the given player to join this team.
* If the player is already on this team, the test behaves as if they are not.
public boolean hasOpenSlots(MatchPlayer joining, boolean priorityKick) {
return this.getOpenSlots(joining, priorityKick) > 0;
* Perform a join query specific to this team, similar to {@link JoinHandler#queryJoin}.
* @param joining Player who is joining
* @param priorityKick If false, priority kicking is not considered at all.
* If true, priority kicking is considered if the player has that privilege.
* @param rejoin If true, assume the player was previously on this team and is rejoining.
* @return The result of the hypothetical join
public JoinResult queryJoin(MatchPlayer joining, boolean priorityKick, boolean rejoin) {
if(hasOpenSlots(joining, false)) {
return new JoinTeam(this, rejoin, false);
if(priorityKick && hasOpenSlots(joining, true)) {
return new JoinTeam(this, rejoin, true);
return JoinDenied.unavailable("command.gameplay.join.completelyFull", getComponentName());
// TODO: send an update to the API when any of these values change
class Document implements MatchDoc.Team {
public String _id() {
return slug();
public String name() {
return getName();
public @Nullable Integer min_players() {
return getMinPlayers();
public @Nullable Integer max_players() {
return getMaxPlayers();
public @Nullable net.md_5.bungee.api.ChatColor color() {
return ChatUtils.convert(getColor());
public @Nullable Integer size() {
return getParticipationClock().getAllWithPresence().size();
public String league_team_id() {
return leagueTeamId;
* Run the given block with a temporary team change in effect for all team queries and calculations.
* All {@link Team}s will behave as if the given player has left their current team, if any, and
* joined the given team, if its non-null.
* If the given player is null, or the specified change is not actually a change, the block is
* run without altering any behavior. Whatever the block returns is returned by this method.
* This mechanism affects {@link #getPlayers()}, {@link #getSize()}, and any other method derived
* from those, which includes all the methods involved in joining and balancing teams. This is
* useful for performing calculations about some hypothetical state, without actually changing
* the current state.
* Internally, this works by storing the change in a static {@link ThreadLocal}, which is checked
* by various methods. If a change is present, they adjust their behavior to reflect the change.
* The effects of this method are only visible while it is executing, and only to the current thread.
* Only one change can be simulated at a time on any particular thread. Calling this method again
* from within the block will throw a {@link IllegalStateException}.
public static <R> R withChange(@Nullable MatchPlayer player, @Nullable Team newTeam, Supplier<R> block) {
if(player == null || Objects.equals(player.partyMaybe().orElse(null), newTeam)) {
return block.get();
} else {
if(CHANGE.get() != null) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Nested call to Team.withChange");
try {
CHANGE.set(new Change(player, Teams.get(player), newTeam));
return block.get();
} finally {
private static final ThreadLocal<Change> CHANGE = new ThreadLocal<>();
private static class Change {
final MatchPlayer player;
final @Nullable Team oldTeam;
final @Nullable Team newTeam;
private Change(MatchPlayer player, Team oldTeam, Team newTeam) {
this.player = player;
this.oldTeam = oldTeam;
this.newTeam = newTeam;