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package tc.oc.pgm.commands;
import java.util.List;
import javax.inject.Inject;
import com.sk89q.minecraft.util.commands.Command;
import com.sk89q.minecraft.util.commands.CommandContext;
import com.sk89q.minecraft.util.commands.CommandException;
import com.sk89q.minecraft.util.commands.CommandPermissions;
import com.sk89q.minecraft.util.commands.Console;
import org.bukkit.ChatColor;
import org.bukkit.command.CommandSender;
import java.time.Duration;
import tc.oc.commons.bukkit.channels.admin.AdminChannel;
import tc.oc.commons.core.commands.Commands;
import tc.oc.commons.core.commands.TranslatableCommandException;
import tc.oc.commons.core.restart.RestartManager;
import tc.oc.commons.core.util.TimeUtils;
import tc.oc.pgm.PGM;
import tc.oc.pgm.PGMTranslations;
import tc.oc.pgm.blitz.BlitzMatchModule;
import tc.oc.pgm.blitz.BlitzMatchModuleImpl;
import tc.oc.pgm.blitz.BlitzProperties;
import tc.oc.pgm.blitz.Lives;
import tc.oc.pgm.match.Competitor;
import tc.oc.pgm.match.Match;
import tc.oc.pgm.match.MatchManager;
import tc.oc.pgm.match.MatchState;
import tc.oc.pgm.restart.RestartListener;
import tc.oc.pgm.victory.VictoryMatchModule;
import tc.oc.pgm.rotation.RotationManager;
import tc.oc.pgm.rotation.RotationState;
public class AdminCommands implements Commands {
private final RestartManager restartManager;
private final RestartListener restartListener;
private final AdminChannel adminChannel;
@Inject AdminCommands(RestartManager restartManager, RestartListener restartListener, AdminChannel adminChannel) {
this.restartManager = restartManager;
this.restartListener = restartListener;
this.adminChannel = adminChannel;
aliases = {"restart"},
desc = "Queues a server restart after a certain amount of time",
usage = "[seconds] - defaults to 30 seconds",
flags = "f",
min = 0,
max = 1
public void restart(CommandContext args, CommandSender sender) throws CommandException {
// Countdown defers automatic restart, so don't allow excessively long times
Duration countdown = TimeUtils.min(
tc.oc.commons.bukkit.commands.CommandUtils.getDuration(args, 0, Duration.ofSeconds(30)),
final Match match = CommandUtils.getMatch(sender);
if(!match.canAbort() && !args.hasFlag('f')) {
throw new CommandException(PGMTranslations.get().t("command.admin.restart.matchRunning", sender));
restartListener.queueRestart(match, countdown, "/restart command");
aliases = {"postponerestart", "pr"},
usage = "[matches]",
desc = "Cancels any queued restarts and postpones automatic restart to at least " +
"the given number of matches from now (default and maximum is 10).",
min = 0,
max = 1
public void postponeRestart(CommandContext args, CommandSender sender) throws CommandException {
final Integer matches = restartListener.restartAfterMatches(CommandUtils.getMatch(sender), args.getInteger(0, 10));
if(matches == null) {
sender.sendMessage(ChatColor.RED + "Automatic match count restart disabled");
} else if(matches > 0) {
sender.sendMessage(ChatColor.RED + "Server will restart automatically in " + matches + " matches");
} else if(matches == 0) {
sender.sendMessage(ChatColor.RED + "Server will restart automatically after the current match");
aliases = {"end", "finish"},
desc = "Ends the current running match, optionally with a winner",
usage = "[competitor]",
min = 0,
max = -1
public void end(CommandContext args, CommandSender sender) throws CommandException {
Match match = PGM.getMatchManager().getCurrentMatch(sender);
Competitor winner = null;
if(args.argsLength() > 0) {
winner = CommandUtils.getCompetitor(args.getJoinedStrings(0), sender);
if(match.isFinished()) {
throw new TranslatableCommandException("command.admin.start.matchFinished");
} else if(!match.canTransitionTo(MatchState.Finished)) {
throw new TranslatableCommandException("command.admin.end.unknownError");
if(winner != null) {
aliases = {"setnext", "sn"},
desc = "Sets the next map. Note that the rotation will go to this map then resume as normal.",
usage = "[map name]",
flags = "f",
min = 1,
max = -1
public List<String> setnext(CommandContext args, CommandSender sender) throws CommandException {
final String mapName = args.argsLength() > 0 ? args.getJoinedStrings(0) : "";
if(args.getSuggestionContext() != null) {
return CommandUtils.completeMapName(mapName);
MatchManager mm = PGM.getMatchManager();
boolean restartQueued = restartManager.isRestartRequested(ServerDoc.Restart.Priority.NORMAL);
if (restartQueued && !args.hasFlag('f')) {
throw new CommandException(PGMTranslations.get().t("command.admin.setNext.restartQueued", sender));
mm.setNextMap(CommandUtils.getMap(mapName, sender));
if (restartQueued) {
sender.sendMessage(ChatColor.GREEN + PGMTranslations.get().t("command.admin.cancelRestart.restartUnqueued", sender));
sender.sendMessage(ChatColor.DARK_PURPLE + PGMTranslations.get().t("command.admin.set.success", sender, ChatColor.GOLD + mm.getNextMap().getInfo().name + ChatColor.DARK_PURPLE));
adminChannel.sendMessage(sender.getName() + ChatColor.RESET + " set the next map to " + ChatColor.YELLOW + mm.getNextMap().getInfo().name);
return null;
aliases = {"cancel"},
desc = "Cancels all active PGM countdowns and disables auto-start and auto-cycle for the current match",
min = 0,
max = 0
public void cancel(CommandContext args, CommandSender sender) throws CommandException {
sender.sendMessage(ChatColor.GREEN + PGMTranslations.get().t("command.admin.cancel.success", sender));
aliases = {"skip"},
desc = "Skip maps in the rotation",
usage = "[n] - defaults to 1",
min = 0,
max = 1
public void skip(CommandContext args, CommandSender sender) throws CommandException {
RotationManager manager = PGM.getMatchManager().getRotationManager();
RotationState rotation = manager.getRotation();
if(args.argsLength() > 0) {
int n = args.getInteger(0, 1);
rotation = rotation.skip(n);
ChatColor.GREEN +
PGMTranslations.get().t("command.admin.skip.successMultiple", sender,
PGMTranslations.get().t(n == 1 ? "maps.singularCompound" : "maps.pluralCompound", sender, n),
rotation.getNext().getInfo().getShortDescription(sender) + ChatColor.GREEN
} else {
PGMMap skippedMap = rotation.getNext();
rotation = rotation.skip(1);
sender.sendMessage(ChatColor.GREEN + PGMTranslations.get().t("command.admin.skip.success", sender, skippedMap.getInfo().getShortDescription(sender) + ChatColor.GREEN));
aliases = {"skipto"},
desc = "Skip to a certain point in the rotation",
usage = "[n]",
min = 1,
max = 1
public void skipto(CommandContext args, CommandSender sender) throws CommandException {
RotationManager manager = PGM.getMatchManager().getRotationManager();
RotationState rotation = manager.getRotation();
int newNextId = args.getInteger(0) - 1;
if(RotationState.isNextIdValid(rotation.getMaps(), newNextId)) {
rotation = rotation.skipTo(newNextId);
sender.sendMessage(ChatColor.GREEN + PGMTranslations.get().t("command.admin.skipto.success", sender, rotation.getNext().getInfo().getShortDescription(sender) + ChatColor.GREEN));
} else {
throw new CommandException(PGMTranslations.get().t("command.admin.skipto.invalidPoint", sender));
aliases = {"pgm"},
desc = "Reload the PGM configuration",
usage = "",
min = 0,
max = 0
public void pgm(CommandContext args, CommandSender sender) throws CommandException {
sender.sendMessage(ChatColor.GREEN + PGMTranslations.get().t("command.admin.pgm", sender));
aliases = {"blitz"},
desc = "Enable blitz on the fly",
usage = "<lives> <type>",
min = 0,
max = 2
public void blitz(CommandContext args, CommandSender sender) throws CommandException {
Match match = CommandUtils.getMatch(sender);
BlitzMatchModule blitz = match.needMatchModule(BlitzMatchModuleImpl.class);
if(blitz.activated()) {
int lives = args.getInteger(0, 1);
Lives.Type type = tc.oc.commons.bukkit.commands.CommandUtils.getEnum(args, sender, 1, Lives.Type.class, Lives.Type.INDIVIDUAL);
if(lives >= 1) {
blitz.activate(BlitzProperties.create(match, lives, type));