
131 lines
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command.admin.restart.matchRunning = You may not restart during a match. Use -f to override.
command.admin.cycle.matchRunning = You may not cycle during a match. Use -f to override.
command.admin.start.matchRunning = Match is already running.
command.admin.start.matchFinished = Match has already finished.
command.admin.start.unknownState = Match could not be started at this time.
command.admin.end.unknownError = Match could not be ended at this time.
command.admin.setNext.restartQueued = You may not set the next map when a restart is queued. Use -f to override.
command.admin.mapreload.disabledAutomatic = This command is disabled. Maps will reload automatically if changes are detected.
command.admin.skipto.invalidPoint = Specified rotation point is not valid. = Team chat is already your default channel. = Your team channel could not be resolved. Please try again in a few moments. = No class matched query.
# {0} = the class
command.class.restricted = The {0} class is restricted
command.class.stickyClass = You may not change classes because your current class is sticky.
command.class.notEnabled = Classes are not enabled on this map.
command.gameplay.myteam.notOnTeam = You are not on a team.
command.gameplay.leave.alreadyOnObservers = You are already on the observing team.
command.gameplay.leave.leaveDenied = You are not allowed to observe this match
command.gameplay.join.alreadyOnTeam = You have already joined {0}
command.gameplay.join.alreadyJoined = You have already joined the match
command.gameplay.join.completelyFull = Sorry, {0} is completely full
command.gameplay.join.switchDisabled = You have permanently joined {0} for this match
command.gameplay.join.choiceDisabled = Team choosing is disabled
command.gameplay.join.choiceDenied = You are not allowed to choose your team
command.gameplay.join.matchStarted = This match has already started. Please wait for the next match.
command.gameplay.join.matchFinished = This match is over - the next match will start in a moment
command.gameplay.join.joinDenied = You are not allowed to join this match
command.gameplay.join.notSupported = No loaded module supports joining
command.gameplay.join.uneven = You cannot join because it would make the teams uneven
# {0} = user being forced = {0} is exempt from being forced on to teams. = You may not shuffle teams during a match.
# {0} = team name = A team by the name of {0} already exists.
finalizedMatch.join.overMessage = Match is over
finalizedMatch.join.cycleMessage = Please wait for the server to cycle
command.mapNotFound = No maps matched query.
command.moduleNotFound = The {0} module is not in use for this match
command.noTeams = Teams are not in use for this match
command.noPlayers = Players cannot join this match
command.teamNotFound = No teams matched query.
command.competitorNotFound = No competitors matched query.
command.rotationNotFound = No rotations matched query.
command.playerNotFound = No players matched query.
command.multiplePlayersFound = More than one player found! Use @<name> for exact matching.
command.unknownError = An unknown error has occurred. Please refer to the server console.
gameplay.ffa.kickedForPremium = You were kicked from the match to make room for a premium player
gameplay.kickedForPremium = You were kicked off {0} to make room for a premium player
gameplay.kickedForBalance = You were moved to {0} to balance team sizes
gameplay.autoJoinSwitch = (you didn't choose a team, so we assumed you wouldn't mind)
match.core.damageOwn = You may not damage your own core.
match.destroyable.damageOwn = You may not damage your own objective.
match.destroyable.repairOther = You may not repair an enemy objective.
match.destroyable.repairDisabled = This objective may not be repaired.
player.inventoryPreview.noPotionEffects = No potion effects
player.inventoryPreview.notViewable = Player's inventory is not currently viewable
# {0} = the team that may place the wool
# {1} = the wool
match.wool.placeOther = Only a member of {0} may place {1} here!
# {0} = the correct wool
match.wool.placeWrong = Only {0} may be placed here!
# {0} = the wool
match.wool.craftDisabled = You may not craft {0}.
match.flag.cannotBreak = The flag cannot be broken
match.flag.cannotBreakBlockUnder = The block under the flag cannot be broken
match.bed.disabled = Beds are disabled on this map!
match.lane.enderPearl.disabled = You may not use Ender Pearls to leave your lane
match.lane.reEntry.disabled = You may not re-enter your lane
match.ghostSquadron.landmine.invalidLocation = You can't place a landmine there!
match.ghostSquadron.landmine.alreadyExists = A landmine already exists there!
match.ghostSquadron.landmine.tooClose = You can't place landmines that close to one another!
match.portal.protectMessage = You may not obstruct this area
tutorial.teleport.unsafe = WARNING: Unable to safely teleport you to tutorial spot!
defuse.water = You may not defuse TNT in water.
defuse.enemy = You may not defuse enemy TNT.
noPermissions = You do not have permission.
invalidInput.string.numberExpected = Number expected in place of '{0}'
incorrectWorld.kickMessage = Uh oh! We had an error. Please try rejoining.
serverFull = Server is full
autoJoin.teamsFull = Teams are full
autoJoin.capacity = Teams are at capacity
autoJoin.matchFull = Match is full
match.invalid = Invalid match
match.noCombatLog = You are in too much danger to leave the match right now
match.enderChestsDisabled = Ender chests are disabled on this server
match.playableArea.blockInteractWarning = You may not interact with blocks outside the playing field
match.playableArea.leaveAreaWarning = You may not leave the playing field
# {0} = Maximum build height in meters
match.maxBuildHeightWarning = You have reached the maximum build height ({0} blocks)
command.rate.invalidRating = Rating must be between {0} and {1}, inclusive.
command.ratingsDisabled = Map ratings are not enabled on this server.
rating.lowParticipation = Sorry, you haven't participated in this match enough to rate the map
rating.whilePlaying = To rate the map while playing, type {0}
rating.sameRating = You have already rated this map a {0}.
huddle.globalChatDisabled = Global chat is disabled during team huddle