
673 lines
19 KiB

package tc.oc.pgm.match;
import java.util.Optional;
import java.util.Random;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.UUID;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
import javax.annotation.Nullable;
import org.bukkit.Server;
import org.bukkit.World;
import org.bukkit.entity.Player;
import org.bukkit.event.Event;
import org.bukkit.event.Listener;
import org.bukkit.plugin.Plugin;
import org.bukkit.plugin.PluginManager;
import java.time.Duration;
import java.time.Instant;
import tc.oc.commons.core.inject.InjectionScopable;
import tc.oc.commons.core.random.Entropy;
import tc.oc.commons.core.util.ArrayUtils;
import tc.oc.commons.core.util.PunchClock;
import tc.oc.commons.core.util.Streams;
import tc.oc.pgm.countdowns.SingleCountdownContext;
import tc.oc.pgm.features.Feature;
import tc.oc.pgm.features.FeatureDefinitionContext;
import tc.oc.pgm.features.FeatureFactory;
import tc.oc.pgm.features.MatchFeatureContext;
import tc.oc.pgm.filters.Filterable;
import tc.oc.pgm.filters.query.IMatchQuery;
import tc.oc.pgm.match.inject.MatchBinders;
import tc.oc.pgm.match.inject.MatchScoped;
import tc.oc.pgm.module.ModuleLoadException;
import tc.oc.pgm.time.TickClock;
import tc.oc.pgm.time.TickTime;
public interface Match extends MultiAudience, IMatchQuery, Filterable<IMatchQuery>, MatchPlayerFinder, InjectionScopable<MatchScoped> {
* Unique ID for this match
String getId();
* Readable identifier for this match
default String getSlug() {
return createSlug(serialNumber());
static String createSlug(int serialNumber) {
return "match-" + serialNumber;
* A unique serial number assigned to this match.
* This will be roughly the number of matches that have loaded since server startup.
int serialNumber();
* URL of the match info page
URL getUrl();
@Deprecated // use your own logger
Logger getLogger();
@Deprecated // @Inject me
PGMMap getMap();
@Deprecated // @Inject me
default MapInfo getMapInfo() {
return getMap().getInfo();
@Deprecated // @Inject me
Plugin getPlugin();
@Deprecated // @Inject me
World getWorld();
@Deprecated // @Inject me
Server getServer();
@Deprecated // @Inject me
PluginManager getPluginManager();
default Match getMatch() {
return this;
boolean isMainThread();
@Deprecated // @Inject me
MatchFeatureContext features();
default <T extends Feature<?>> T feature(FeatureFactory<T> factory) {
return features().get(factory);
default Optional<? extends Filterable<? super IMatchQuery>> filterableParent() {
return Optional.empty();
default Stream<? extends Filterable<? extends IMatchQuery>> filterableChildren() {
return parties();
default <R extends Filterable<?>> Stream<? extends R> filterableDescendants(Class<R> type) {
Stream<R> result = Stream.of();
if(type.isAssignableFrom(Match.class)) {
result = Stream.concat(result, Stream.of((R) this));
if(Party.class.isAssignableFrom(type)) {
result = Stream.concat(result, Streams.instancesOf(parties(), type));
if(type.isAssignableFrom(MatchPlayer.class)) {
result = Stream.concat(result, (Stream<? extends R>) players());
return result;
@Deprecated // @Inject me
MatchScheduler getScheduler(MatchScope scope);
@Deprecated // @Inject me
TickClock getClock();
@Deprecated // @Inject TickClock
default Instant getInstantNow() {
return getClock().now().instant;
* Return a {@link Entropy} that changes state between ticks,
* and remains in a constant state for the duration of each tick.
Entropy entropyForTick();
@Deprecated // use Entropy
Random getRandom();
@Deprecated // Does nothing special, just use EventBus
void callEvent(Event event);
* Register an event {@link Listener} scoped to this match.
* The listener will only receive events from this match,
* and it will be automatically unregistered when the match unloads.
* The {@link MatchScope} associated with the listener determines when
* event handlers are called. An exception will be thrown if no scope
* can be derived.
* @see MatchBinders#matchListener the preferred way to do this
void registerEvents(Listener listener);
* Unregister a {@link Listener} that was previously passed to {@link #registerEvents}.
void unregisterEvents(Listener listener);
* Register any {@link Repeatable} methods found on the given object
* to be called during this match.
* The {@link MatchScope} associated with the object/method determines when
* it is called. An exception will be thrown if no scope can be derived.
void registerRepeatable(Object object);
* Unregister an object that was previously passed to {@link #registerRepeatable}.
void unregisterRepeatable(Object object);
* Register {@link Repeatable} methods on the given object, and also
* register it for events if it is a {@link Listener}.
* @see #registerEvents
* @see #registerRepeatable
default void registerEventsAndRepeatables(Object thing) {
if(thing instanceof Listener) registerEvents((Listener) thing);
* Unregister {@link Repeatable} methods on the given object, and also
* unregister it for events if it is a {@link Listener}.
* @see #unregisterEvents
* @see #unregisterRepeatable
default void unregisterEventsAndRepeatables(Object thing) {
if(thing instanceof Listener) unregisterEvents((Listener) thing);
* Return the {@link MapModuleContext} that was used to load this match.
* This may not be the current context in the {@link PGMMap} object, if
* it has just reloaded, for example (that's why it needs to be cached).
@Deprecated // @Inject me
MapModuleContext getModuleContext();
@Deprecated // @Inject me
FeatureDefinitionContext featureDefinitions();
@Deprecated // @Inject me
@Nullable <T extends MatchModule> T getMatchModule(Class<T> matchModuleClass);
@Deprecated // @Inject me
boolean hasMatchModule(Class<? extends MatchModule> matchModuleClass);
@Deprecated // @Inject me
<T extends MatchModule> T needMatchModule(Class<T> matchModuleClass);
@Deprecated // @Inject me
SingleCountdownContext countdowns();
* True if this Match is loaded. This is only set true after the entire loading
* process is complete i.e. all modules are loaded, events are called etc. Likewise,
* it is set false before the unloading process starts. It is safe to call this method
* from any thread.
boolean isLoaded();
* The time that this match started loading (it may not have finished yet).
* This is never null, as it is set immediately on match construction.
Instant getLoadTime();
* True if this match has completely unloaded.
boolean isUnloaded();
* The time that this match started unloading (it may not have finished yet),
* or null if the match has not started unloading yet.
@Nullable Instant getUnloadTime();
* Load the match
void load() throws ModuleLoadException;
* Unload the match
void unload();
* The time that this match last transitioned into the given state,
* or null if the match has never been in that state.
* @see #matchState
@Nullable Instant getStateChangeTime(MatchState state);
* Is this match currently in the given state?
* @see #matchState
default boolean inState(MatchState state) {
return matchState() == state;
* Is this match currently in the given scope?
default boolean inScope(MatchScope scope) {
switch(scope) {
case LOADED: return !isUnloaded(); // This scope includes (un)loading
case RUNNING: return isRunning();
default: throw new IllegalStateException();
default boolean isStarting() {
return inState(MatchState.Starting);
default boolean isRunning() {
return inState(MatchState.Running);
default boolean isFinished() {
return inState(MatchState.Finished);
default boolean hasStarted() {
return inState(MatchState.Running) || inState(MatchState.Finished);
default boolean canTransitionTo(MatchState state) {
return matchState().canTransitionTo(state);
default boolean canBeIn(MatchState state) {
return inState(state) || canTransitionTo(state);
* Is this match in a state where it can be unloaded, without interrupting anything important?
default boolean canAbort() {
// Don't allow restart while match is running or starting, unless it's empty.
switch(matchState()) {
case Idle:
case Finished:
return true;
return getParticipatingPlayers().isEmpty();
* Transition into the given state
* @throws IllegalStateException if the transition is invalid
void transitionTo(MatchState newState);
default void ensureState(MatchState state) {
if(!inState(state)) {
default void end() {
default void ensureNotRunning() {
if(isRunning()) {
* If the match has not started yet, returns null.
* If the match is running, return the current time.
* If the match is finished, return the time that it finished.
default @Nullable Instant getEndTime() {
if(isFinished()) {
return getStateChangeTime(MatchState.Finished);
} else if(this.hasStarted()) {
return getClock().now().instant;
} else {
return null;
* If the match has not started, throws {@link IllegalStateException}
* If the match is running, return the time since it started.
* If the match is finished, return the total time it ran for.
default Duration getLength() {
Instant startTime = getStateChangeTime(MatchState.Running);
if(startTime == null) {
throw new IllegalStateException("match has not started yet");
return Duration.between(startTime, getEndTime());
* Get the duration of the match, or zero if the match has not started
default Duration runningTime() {
Instant startTime = getStateChangeTime(MatchState.Running);
if(startTime == null) {
return Duration.ZERO;
return Duration.between(startTime, getEndTime());
* The range of player counts this match can support.
* This is initially zero, and is updated by some modules that load.
* @see #setPlayerLimits
Range<Integer> getPlayerLimits();
default int getMaxPlayers() {
return getPlayerLimits().upperEndpoint();
void setPlayerLimits(Range<Integer> limits);
* All players currently in this match
default Stream<MatchPlayer> players() {
return getPlayers().stream();
* All players currently in this match
default Set<MatchPlayer> getPlayers() {
return playersByEntity().values();
* All players currently in this match, by their Bukkit entity
BiMap<Player, MatchPlayer> playersByEntity();
* All players currently in this match, by party type
SetMultimap<Party.Type, MatchPlayer> playersByType();
default Set<MatchPlayer> getPlayers(Party.Type type) {
return playersByType().get(type);
default Set<MatchPlayer> getObservingPlayers() {
return playersByType().get(Party.Type.Observing);
default Set<MatchPlayer> getParticipatingPlayers() {
return playersByType().get(Party.Type.Participating);
* Players who have been in a participating {@link Party} after match commitment.
* @see #commit
Set<PlayerId> getPastParticipants();
default boolean hasEverParticipated(PlayerId playerId) {
return getPastParticipants().contains(playerId);
* The {@link PunchClock} that tracks the cumulative participation times
* of all players who have ever participated in this match.
PunchClock<PlayerId> getParticipationClock();
* Find a {@link MatchUserContext} for the player with the given {@link UUID}.
* This can be used to retrieve {@link MatchUserFacet}s.
Optional<MatchUserContext> userContext(UUID uuid);
default Optional<MatchPlayer> player(UserId userId) {
return MatchPlayerFinder.super.player(userId);
default Optional<MatchPlayer> participant(UserId userId) {
return MatchPlayerFinder.super.participant(userId);
default Stream<MatchPlayer> participants() {
return getParticipatingPlayers().stream();
default Stream<MatchPlayer> observers() {
return getObservingPlayers().stream();
default @Nullable MatchPlayer getPlayer(@Nullable Player bukkit) {
return bukkit == null ? null : playersByEntity().get(bukkit);
* Add the given {@link Player} to this match, if they are not already in it.
* The player will be added to the default {@link Party}
* and teleported to the match {@link World}.
void addPlayer(Player bukkit);
default void addAllPlayers(Stream<Player> bukkits) {
* Remove the given player from this match.
* All match-related state will be torn down, but the player
* will not be removed from the {@link World}.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the given player is not in this match
void removePlayer(MatchPlayer player);
* Remove the given {@link Player} from this match, if they are currently in it.
* If the player is the only member of an automatic {@link Party}, then that
* party is also removed from the match (see {@link Party#isAutomatic()}).
* @see #removePlayer
default void removePlayer(Player bukkit) {
final MatchPlayer player = getPlayer(bukkit);
if(player != null) {
default void removeAllPlayers() {
while(getPlayers().size() > 0) {
* Return all {@link Party}s currently in the match
Set<Party> getParties();
* Return all {@link Competitor}s currently in the match
Set<Competitor> getCompetitors();
default Stream<Party> parties() {
return getParties().stream();
default Stream<Competitor> competitors() {
return getCompetitors().stream();
* Return all {@link Competitor}s that the given player has ever been
* a member of, after the match was committed. This will always be empty
* before the match is committed.
* @see #commit
Set<Competitor> getPastCompetitors(PlayerId playerId);
* Return the most recent {@link Competitor} that the given player
* has been a member of, since the match was committed. Returns null
* if the player has never competed in this match, or the match has
* not been committed yet.
* @see #commit
default @Nullable Competitor getLastCompetitor(PlayerId playerId) {
return Iterables.getLast(getPastCompetitors(playerId), null);
* Is the given {@link Party} currently in this match?
boolean hasParty(Party party);
* Add the given {@link Party} to this match.
* The party must be empty of players, and not already in this match.
void addParty(Party party);
* Remove the given {@link Party} from this match.
* The party must be empty of players, and currently in this match.
void removeParty(Party party);
* Return the default {@link Party} for this match.
* This is the party that new players are added to automatically.
Party getDefaultParty();
* Add the given {@link MatchPlayer} to the given {@link Party}, after removing
* them from any current party they are in. If the party is not currently in
* this match, and it is an automatic party, then the party is also added to the
* match (see {@link Party#isAutomatic}).
* This is the ONLY way that external code can change a player's party.
* Any other methods that appear to do so are meant for internal use only.
boolean setPlayerParty(MatchPlayer player, Party newParty, boolean force);
* Commit the match, if it is not already committed. Commitment is a boolean
* state that starts false and becomes true at some point before or at match start.
* The transition only happens once per match, and is irreversible, even if the start
* countdown is cancelled.
* The commitment event is when teams are chosen/balanced (depending on settings),
* and also when players become committed to playing the match, if that is enabled.
* If mid-match join is disallowed, this is also when that restriction becomes effective.
* Commitment happens automatically at match start, if this method has not been
* called before then.
void commit();
* Has this match been committed yet?
* @see #commit
default boolean isCommitted() {
return getCommitTime() != null;
* The time that this match was committed, or null if it has not been committed yet.
* @see #commit
@Nullable TickTime getCommitTime();
default void sendMessageExcept(BaseComponent message, MatchPlayer... except) {
players().filter(player -> !ArrayUtils.contains(except, player))
.forEach(player -> player.sendMessage(message));
default void sendMessageExcept(BaseComponent message, MatchPlayerState... except) {
players().filter(player -> Stream.of(except).noneMatch(ex -> ex.isPlayer(player)))
.forEach(player -> player.sendMessage(message));