package tc.oc.commons.core.commands; import javax.annotation.Nullable; import javax.inject.Provider; /** * Platform-neutral interface used to register classes containing commands. * * Generally, you should use a {@link CommandBinder} to register command classes, * rather than using this interface directly. */ public interface CommandRegistry { /** * Register the given command class. * * At startup, the command framework will scan the class for command methods, * but will not yet try to provision an instance of the class. * * If a {@link Provider} is given, then the command framework will use it to * provision an instance of the command class every time the command * is executed, which allows is to be scoped. If you want a single instance * of the class to be reused forever, then it should be bound in @Singleton scope. * * If the provider is null, and the class contains non-static command methods, * then the command framework will try to get a provider from the Guice Injector, * so a binding must exist for the exact {@code clazz} that is registered. * Any nested command classes will be provisioned in the same way. * * The binding can provide a subclass of {@link T} if desired, but only methods on * {@code clazz} will be seen by the reflective scanner. */ void register(Class clazz, @Nullable Provider provider); default void register(Class clazz) { register(clazz, null); } }