package tc.oc.commons.core.commands; import java.util.Arrays; import javax.annotation.Nullable; import javax.inject.Inject; import com.sk89q.minecraft.util.commands.CommandContext; import com.sk89q.minecraft.util.commands.CommandException; import; import; import tc.oc.commons.core.util.SystemFutureCallback; import tc.oc.commons.core.util.ThrowingConsumer; import tc.oc.minecraft.api.command.CommandSender; import static; /** * Callback that executes as part of a player-invoked command. * * If the future task or any handler throws a {@link CommandException}, * the error is displayed to the {@link Audience} and no exception is logged. * * Any other exception, that is not handled by a failure handler, displays * an "internal error" message to the {@link Audience}, in addition to * logging the error. */ public class CommandFutureCallback extends SystemFutureCallback { @Inject private static Audiences audiences; @Inject private static CommandExceptionHandler.Factory exceptionHandlerFactory; public static CommandFutureCallback onSuccess(CommandSender sender, ThrowingConsumer handler) { return onSuccess(sender, null, null, handler); } public static CommandFutureCallback onSuccess(CommandSender sender, @Nullable CommandContext command, ThrowingConsumer handler) { return onSuccess(sender, CommandInvocationInfo.of(sender, command), handler); } public static CommandFutureCallback onSuccess(CommandSender sender, @Nullable String command, @Nullable String[] args, ThrowingConsumer handler) { return new CommandFutureCallback<>(audiences.get(sender), CommandInvocationInfo.of(sender, command, args == null ? null : Arrays.asList(args)), checkNotNull(handler)); } public static CommandFutureCallback onSuccess(CommandSender sender, CommandInvocationInfo command, ThrowingConsumer handler) { return new CommandFutureCallback<>(audiences.get(sender), command, checkNotNull(handler)); } private final Audience audience; private final CommandInvocationInfo command; /** * @deprecated use {@link #onSuccess} */ @Deprecated public CommandFutureCallback(Audience audience) { this(audience, CommandInvocationInfo.empty(), null); } private CommandFutureCallback(Audience audience, CommandInvocationInfo command, @Nullable ThrowingConsumer handler) { super(handler); this.audience = checkNotNull(audience); this.command = checkNotNull(command); } /** * @deprecated use {@link #onSuccess} */ @Deprecated public void onCommandSuccess(T result) throws CommandException {} @Override public void onSuccessThrows(T result) throws Throwable { onCommandSuccess(result); } @Override protected void handleDefaultFailure(Throwable e) { exceptionHandlerFactory.create(audience, command) .handleException(e, this, creationSite); } }