package tc.oc.pgm.xml; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Optional; import java.util.Set; import; import javax.annotation.Nullable; import; import; import; import; import org.jdom2.Attribute; import org.jdom2.Document; import org.jdom2.Element; import org.jdom2.Parent; import org.jdom2.located.Located; import tc.oc.commons.core.util.ArrayUtils; import tc.oc.commons.core.util.Optionals; /** * A hybrid wrapper for either an {@link Element} or an {@link Attribute}, * enabling both of them to be handled in a generic way. */ public class Node { private final Object node; public Node(Element element) { Preconditions.checkNotNull(element); Preconditions.checkArgument(element instanceof BoundedElement); this.node = element; } public Node(Attribute attribute) { Preconditions.checkNotNull(attribute); this.node = attribute; } public static Node of(Element element) { return new Node(element); } public static Node of(Attribute attribute) { return new Node(attribute); } private static boolean equals(Parent a, Parent b) { if(a == b) return true; if(a instanceof Element && b instanceof Element) { return equals((Element) a, (Element) b); } return a.equals(b); } private static boolean equals(Element a, Element b) { if(a == null || b == null) return false; if(a == b) return true; if(!equals(a.getParent(), b.getParent())) return false; return a.getParent().indexOf(a) == b.getParent().indexOf(b); } private static boolean equals(Attribute a, Attribute b) { if(a == null || b == null) return false; if(a == b) return true; if(!a.getName().equals(b.getName())) return false; return equals(a.getParent(), b.getParent()); } @Override public boolean equals(Object obj) { if(this == obj) return true; if(!(obj instanceof Node)) return false; final Node that = (Node) obj; if(this.node instanceof Attribute && that.node instanceof Attribute) { return equals((Attribute) this.node, (Attribute) that.node); } else if(this.node instanceof Element && that.node instanceof Element) { return equals((Element) this.node, (Element) that.node); } return false; } @Override public int hashCode() { return node.hashCode(); } public String getName() { if(this.node instanceof Attribute) { return ((Attribute) this.node).getName(); } else { return ((Element) this.node).getName(); } } /** * Gets the exact text content of the element or attribute */ public String getValue() { if(this.node instanceof Attribute) { return ((Attribute) this.node).getValue(); } else { return ((Element) this.node).getText(); } } /** * If this Node is wrapping an Attribute, returns the same as {@link #getValue()}. * If this Node is wrapping an Element, returns {@link Element#getTextNormalize()}. */ public String getValueNormalize() { if(this.node instanceof Attribute) { return ((Attribute) this.node).getValue(); } else { return ((Element) this.node).getTextNormalize(); } } public boolean isAttribute() { return this.node instanceof Attribute; } public boolean isElement() { return this.node instanceof Element; } public Attribute asAttribute() { return asType(Attribute.class); } public Element asElement() { return asType(Element.class); } public Stream attributes() { return node instanceof Element ? ((Element) node).getAttributes().stream().map(Node::of) : Stream.empty(); } public Stream elements() { return node instanceof Element ? ((Element) node).getChildren().stream().map(Node::of) : Stream.empty(); } public boolean hasNodes() { if(!(node instanceof Element)) return false; final Element element = (Element) node; return !(element.getAttributes().isEmpty() && element.getChildren().isEmpty()); } public Stream nodes() { return Stream.concat(attributes(), elements()); } private T asType(Class type) { if(type.isInstance(node)) { return type.cast(node); } throw new Error("Node is not a " + type.getSimpleName() + ": " + describeWithLocation()); } public Optional tryAttribute() { return Optionals.cast(node, Attribute.class); } public Optional tryElement() { return Optionals.cast(node, Element.class); } public @Nullable Document getDocument() { if(this.node instanceof Attribute) { return ((Attribute) this.node).getDocument(); } else { return ((Element) this.node).getDocument(); } } public Optional document() { return Optional.ofNullable(getDocument()); } public Optional documentUri() { return document().map(Document::getBaseURI); } public String describeType() { if(node instanceof Element) return "element"; if(node instanceof Attribute) return "attribute"; return node.getClass().getSimpleName(); } private static String describe(Element el) { return "'" + el.getName() + "' element"; } public String describe() { if(node instanceof Element) { return describe((Element) node); } else { Attribute attr = (Attribute) node; return "'" + attr.getName() + "' attribute of " + describe(attr.getParent()); } } public static int startLine(Object node) { if(node instanceof BoundedElement) { return ((BoundedElement) node).getStartLine(); } else if(node instanceof Located) { return ((Located) node).getLine(); } else if(node instanceof Attribute) { return startLine(((Attribute) node).getParent()); } else { return 0; } } public int startLine() { return startLine(node); } public int endLine() { if(node instanceof BoundedElement) { return ((BoundedElement) node).getEndLine(); } else if(node instanceof Located) { return ((Located) node).getLine(); } else if(node instanceof Attribute) { return startLine(((Attribute) node).getParent()); } else { return 0; } } public int column() { if(node instanceof Located) { return ((Located) node).getColumn(); } else { return 0; } } public static Optional describeLocation(int startLine, int endLine, int column) { if(startLine > 0) { if(endLine > 0 && endLine != startLine) { return Optional.of("line " + startLine + " to " + endLine); } if(column > 0) { return Optional.of("line " + startLine + ", column " + column); } return Optional.of("line " + startLine); } return Optional.empty(); } public Optional describeLocation() { return describeLocation(startLine(), endLine(), column()); } public String describeWithLocation() { return Optionals.reduce(describe(), describeLocation(), (d, l) -> d + " @ " + l); } public String describeWithDocumentAndLocation() { return Optionals.reduce(describeWithLocation(), documentUri(), (loc, doc) -> doc + " - " + loc); } @Override public String toString() { return describeWithLocation(); } private static Node wrapUnique(Node prev, boolean unique, String name, Object thing) throws InvalidXMLException { if(thing == null) return prev; Node node = thing instanceof Element ? new Node((Element) thing) : new Node((Attribute) thing); if(unique && prev != null) throw new InvalidXMLException("Multiple values for '" + name + "'", node); return node; } /** * Return a new Node wrapping an Attribute of the given Element matching one of * the given names, or null if the given Element has no matching Attributes. */ public static @Nullable Node fromAttr(Element el, String name, String... aliases) throws InvalidXMLException { return fromAttr(el, name, ImmutableSet.copyOf(aliases)); } public static @Nullable Node fromAttr(Element el, String name, Set aliases) throws InvalidXMLException { Node node = null; for(String alias : Sets.union(ImmutableSet.of(name), aliases)) { node = wrapUnique(node, true, alias, el.getAttribute(alias)); } return node; } public static Optional tryAttr(Element el, String name, String... aliases) throws InvalidXMLException { return Optional.ofNullable(fromAttr(el, name, aliases)); } /** * Return a new Node wrapping the named Attribute of the given Element. * If the Attribute does not exist, throw an InvalidXMLException complaining about it. */ public static Node fromRequiredAttr(Element el, String name, String... aliases) throws InvalidXMLException { Node node = fromAttr(el, name, aliases); if(node == null) { throw new InvalidXMLException("attribute '" + name + "' is required", el); } return node; } public static Stream attributes(Element el) { return el.getAttributes().stream().map(Node::of); } public static Stream attributes(Element el, String name, String... aliases) { return attributes(el, ImmutableSet.builder().add(name).add(aliases).build()); } public static Stream attributes(Element el, Set names) { return el.getAttributes() .stream() .filter(attr -> names.contains(attr.getName())) .map(Node::of); } public static Stream elements(Element parent) { return parent.getChildren().stream().map(Node::of); } public static Stream elements(Element parent, String name, String... aliases) { return elements(parent, ImmutableSet.builder().add(name).add(aliases).build()); } public static Stream elements(Element parent, Set names) { return parent.getChildren() .stream() .filter(el -> names.contains(el.getName())) .map(Node::of); } public static Stream nodes(Element parent) { return Stream.concat(attributes(parent), elements(parent)); } public static Stream nodes(Node parent) { return parent.isElement() ? nodes(parent.asElement()) : Stream.empty(); } public static Stream nodes(Element parent, Set names) { return Stream.concat(attributes(parent, names), elements(parent, names)); } public static List fromAttrs(Element el) throws InvalidXMLException { return Lists.transform(el.getAttributes(), Node::of); } public static List fromChildren(List nodes, Element el, String name, String... aliases) throws InvalidXMLException { aliases = ArrayUtils.append(aliases, name); for(Element child : el.getChildren()) { if(ArrayUtils.contains(aliases, child.getName())) { nodes.add(Node.of(child)); } } return nodes; } public static List fromChildren(Element el, String name, String... aliases) throws InvalidXMLException { return fromChildren(new ArrayList<>(), el, name, aliases); } public static @Nullable Node fromNullable(Element el) { return el == null ? null : Node.of(el); } public static @Nullable Node fromNullable(Attribute attr) { return attr == null ? null : Node.of(attr); } public static @Nullable Node fromChildOrAttr(Element el, boolean unique, boolean required, String name, String... aliases) throws InvalidXMLException { aliases = ArrayUtils.append(aliases, name); Node node = null; for(String alias : aliases) { node = wrapUnique(node, unique, alias, el.getAttribute(alias)); for(Element child : el.getChildren(alias)) { node = wrapUnique(node, unique, alias, child); } } if(required && node == null) { throw new InvalidXMLException("attribute or child element '" + name + "' is required", el); } return node; } public static @Nullable Node fromChildOrAttr(Element el, boolean unique, String name, String... aliases) throws InvalidXMLException { return fromChildOrAttr(el, unique, false, name, aliases); } public static @Nullable Node fromChildOrAttr(Element el, String name, String... aliases) throws InvalidXMLException { return fromChildOrAttr(el, true, name, aliases); } public static @Nullable Node fromLastChildOrAttr(Element el, String name, String... aliases) throws InvalidXMLException { return fromChildOrAttr(el, false, false, name, aliases); } public static Node fromRequiredChildOrAttr(Element el, String name, String... aliases) throws InvalidXMLException { return fromChildOrAttr(el, true, true, name, aliases); } public static Node fromRequiredLastChildOrAttr(Element el, String name, String... aliases) throws InvalidXMLException { return fromChildOrAttr(el, false, true, name, aliases); } public static Optional childOrAttr(Element el, String name, String... aliases) throws InvalidXMLException { return Optional.ofNullable(fromChildOrAttr(el, name, aliases)); } }