server: id: 0123456789abcdef01234567 # _id field from the server document (should be 24 hex digits) datacenter: DV # datacenter name e.g. "US" box: pro # local box name role: LOBBY # ServerDoc.Role value # HTTP client settings api: http: base-url: http://localhost:3010 threads: 0 connect-timeout: 20000 read-timeout: 20000 retries: 10 # AMQP client settings queue: addresses: - localhost username: guest password: guest virtual-host: / connection-timeout: 0 network-recovery-interval: 5000 threads: 0 # Logging config - you can use this to set the initial level # of ANY java.util.logging.Logger in the server process. # Replace '.' with '-' in the logger name. # # "log list" command will show all loggers. # "log level " can be used to change levels in-game. logging: root: level: INFO