package; import java.util.Optional; import javax.annotation.Nullable; import org.bukkit.entity.Item; import org.bukkit.entity.Player; import org.bukkit.event.Event; import org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack; import tc.oc.commons.bukkit.inventory.InventorySlot; import static; public class PlayerItemTransferEvent extends ItemTransferEvent { private final Player player; @Nullable protected final ItemStack cursorItems; public PlayerItemTransferEvent(Event cause, Type type, Player player, Optional> from, Optional> to, ItemStack itemStack, @Nullable Item itemEntity, int quantity, @Nullable ItemStack cursorItems) { super(cause, type, from, to, itemStack, itemEntity, quantity); this.player = checkNotNull(player); this.cursorItems = cursorItems; } @Override public String toString() { String s = super.toString(); s += " player=" + this.player.getName(); if(this.cursorItems != null) { s += " cursor=" + this.cursorItems; } return s; } public Player getPlayer() { return player; } @Override public Player getActor() { return getPlayer(); } @Nullable public ItemStack getCursorItems() { return cursorItems; } /** * Return the quantity of items stackable with the given item that * the player was in posession of prior to the transfer event. This * includes any items being carried on the cursor. */ public int getPriorQuantity(ItemStack type) { int quantity = 0; for(ItemStack stack : this.player.getInventory().contents()) { if(stack != null && stack.isSimilar(type)) { quantity += stack.getAmount(); } } if(this.cursorItems != null && this.cursorItems.isSimilar(type)) { quantity += this.cursorItems.getAmount(); } return quantity; } /** * Equivalent to getPriorQuantity(getItemStack()) */ public int getPriorQuantity() { return this.getPriorQuantity(this.itemStack); } public boolean isFromPlayer() { return from.isPresent() && player.equals(from.get().inventory().getHolder()); } public boolean isToPlayer() { return to.isPresent() && player.equals(to.get().inventory().getHolder()); } public boolean isAcquiring() { return type == Type.TAKE || (!isFromPlayer() && isToPlayer()); } public boolean isRelinquishing() { return type == Type.PLACE || (isFromPlayer() && !isToPlayer()); } }