= Loaded Maps = Edition = Gamemode = Gamemodes = Genre = Objective = Author = Authors = Contributors = Rules = Max players = XML = View the XML code that controls this map = Proto = Source = Folder = Current Rotation = Loaded Rotations map.genre.objectives = Objectives map.genre.deathmatch = Deathmatch map.genre.other = Other map.edition.standard = Standard map.edition.ranked = Ranked map.edition.tournament = Tournament map.phase.production = Production map.phase.development = Development map.gamemode.short.tdm = TDM map.gamemode.short.ctw = CTW map.gamemode.short.ctf = CTF map.gamemode.short.dtc = DTC map.gamemode.short.dtm = DTM = A/D map.gamemode.short.koth = KoTH map.gamemode.short.blitz = Blitz map.gamemode.short.rage = Rage map.gamemode.short.scorebox = Scorebox map.gamemode.short.arcade = Arcade = GS map.gamemode.short.ffa = FFA map.gamemode.short.mixed = Mixed map.gamemode.short.skywars = Skywars map.gamemode.short.survival = SG map.gamemode.long.tdm = Team Deathmatch map.gamemode.long.ctw = Capture the Wool map.gamemode.long.ctf = Capture the Flag map.gamemode.long.dtc = Destroy the Core map.gamemode.long.dtm = Destroy the Monument = Attack/Defend map.gamemode.long.koth = King of the Hill map.gamemode.long.blitz = Blitz map.gamemode.long.rage = Rage map.gamemode.long.scorebox = Scorebox map.gamemode.long.arcade = Arcade = Ghost Squadron map.gamemode.long.ffa = Free-for-all map.gamemode.long.mixed = Mixed map.gamemode.long.skywars = Skywars map.gamemode.long.survival = Survival Games command.match.matchInfo.title = Match command.match.matchInfo.title.tip = View this match on the web command.match.matchInfo.time = Time command.match.matchInfo.matchTime = Match Time command.match.matchInfo.goals = Goals command.match.matchInfo.players = Players command.match.matchInfo.observers = Observers command.match.matchInfo.ranking = Ranking command.match.matchInfo.ranking.message = The result of this match will affect your win/loss stats and ranking! command.class.list.title = Classes # {0} = the current page # {1} = the total number of pages = {0} of {1} command.development.listErrors.title = XML Errors inventory.closeButton = Close teleportTool.displayName = Teleport Tool editWand.displayName = Edit Wand # display name of the hotbar item that opens the picker teamClass.picker.displayName = Team/Class Selection teamSelection.picker.displayName = Team Selection class.picker.displayName = Class Selection ffa.picker.displayName = Join Match leave.picker.displayName = Leave Match # tooltip that shows when you mouse-over the picker hotbar item teamSelection.picker.tooltip = Join the game! leave.picker.tooltip = Join the observers # title of the inventory window that opens when you click on the hotbar item # Length limit: 26 characters teamClass.picker.title = Choose your team/class teamSelection.picker.title = Pick your team class.picker.title = Choose your class teamSelection.picker.autoJoin.displayName = Auto Join teamSelection.picker.autoJoin.tooltip = Puts you on the team with the fewest players teamSelection.picker.capacity = Team is at capacity, you can not join. teamSelection.picker.clickToJoin = You are able to pick your team, click to join! teamSelection.picker.clickToRejoin = Click to rejoin your team! teamSelection.picker.noPermissions = Premium users can pick their teams! # {0} = the shop URL = Buy premium at {0} tutorial.displayName = View Tutorial # {0} = the map name tutorial.tooltip = Learn how to play {0}! player.inventoryPreview.potionEffects = Potion Effects player.inventoryPreview.hungerLevel = Hunger level player.inventoryPreview.healthLevel = Health level player.inventoryPreview.specialAbilities = Special Abilities specialAbility.flying = Flying specialAbility.doubleJump = Double Jump specialAbility.knockbackResistance = Knockback Resistance ({0}%) specialAbility.knockbackReduction = Knockback Reduction ({0}%) specialAbility.walkSpeed = Walking Speed ({0}x) maps.singularCompound = 1 map # {0} = number of maps maps.pluralCompound = {0} maps countdown.singularCompound = {0} second # {0} = number of seconds countdown.pluralCompound = {0} seconds broadcast.go = Go! broadcast.matchStart = The match has started! broadcast.startCancelled = Match start cancelled # {0} = number of winners broadcast.gameOver.multipleWinners = {0} winners! # {0} = the winner broadcast.gameOver.teamWinText = {0} wins! broadcast.gameOver.teamWinText.plural = {0} win! broadcast.gameOver.gameOverText = Game over! broadcast.gameOver.teamWon = Your team won! broadcast.gameOver.teamLost = Your team lost # {0} = singular / plural substitution broadcast.score.limitReached = Score limit of {0} reached broadcast.serverRestart.kickMsg = Server restarting! # {0} = the current map broadcast.currentlyPlaying = Currently playing {0} # {0} = list of authors broadcast.welcomeMessage.createdBy = Created by {0} # {0} = list of mutations broadcast.welcomeMessage.mutations = Mutations: {0} = {0} ({1}%) = others = many, many players = unknown forces # {0} = team # {1} = objective # {2} = team objective.lose = {0} lost {1} objective.capture = {0} captured {1} objective.take = {0} took {1} from {2} # {0} = player # {1} = objective # {2} = team match.complete.wool = {0} placed {1} for {2} = You picked up {1} for {2} match.touch.wool.teamSuffix = {1} picked up by {0} for {2} match.complete.core = {2}'s {1} has leaked match.touch.core.owner = {2}'s {1} has been damaged = You damaged {2}'s {1} match.touch.core.owner.toucher = {2}'s {1} damaged by {0} match.touch.core.toucher = {1} damaged by {0} match.complete.destroyable = {2}'s {1} destroyed by {0} match.touch.destroyable.owner = {2}'s {1} has been damaged = You damaged {2}'s {1} match.touch.destroyable.owner.toucher = {2}'s {1} damaged by {0} match.touch.destroyable.toucher = {1} damaged by {0} # This is NOT just for destroyables match.touch.destroyable.deferredNotice = You will receive credit when this objective is completed. # {0} = flag name # {1} = player name match.flag.pickup = {0} picked up by {1} match.flag.capture = {0} captured by {1} # {0} = flag name match.flag.captureDenied = {0} will be captured when allowed match.flag.drop = {0} has been dropped match.flag.return = {0} has been returned match.flag.respawn = {0} has respawned match.flag.respawnTogether = {0} will respawn when all flags are captured = You picked up {0} = You are carrying {0} = You captured {0} # {0} = flag name # {1} = seconds until respawn match.flag.willRespawn = {0} will respawn in {1} seconds # {0} flag being captured # {1} flag preventing capture match.flag.captureDenied.byFlag = {0} will be captured when {1} is dropped # {0} = the player # {1} = singular / plural substitution # {2} = the team name = {0} scored {1} for {2} match.score.scorebox.individual = {0} scored {1} points.singularCompound = {0} point points.pluralCompound = {0} points # {0} = time left in match match.timeRemaining = Time Remaining: {0} match.objectiveMode.header = Mode Changes match.objectiveMode.noModes = No mode changes scheduled # {0} = material = {0} Monument Mode = {0} Core Mode = {0} Objective Mode # {0} = objective mode e.g. "Gold Core Mode" # {1} = time remaining until mode change match.objectiveMode.countdown = {0} in {1} # {0} = time limit timeLimit.description.generic = match ends after {0} # {0} = time limit # {1} = what happens after the time limit timeLimit.description.result = {1} after {0} # {0} = time limit # {1} = what happens after the time limit timeLimit.commandOutput = The time limit is {0} with the result {1} timeLimit.preMatchWarning = This match has a time limit of {0} timeLimit.none = There is no time limit timeLimit.cancelled = Time limit cancelled timeLimit.matchEndRemaining = The match ended with {0} remaining timeLimit.maxDays = Time limit cannot exceed {0} days match.lane.exit = You have left your lane match.scoreboard.default.title = Match match.scoreboard.objectives.title = Objectives match.scoreboard.scores.title = Scores match.scoreboard.blitz.title = Blitz match.scoreboard.livesRemaining.title = Lives Remaining match.scoreboard.playersRemaining.title = Players Remaining match.scoreboard.rage.title = Blitz: RAGE = Ghost Squadron tablist.authors.tooMany = type /map for info countdown.cycle.message = Cycling to {0} in {1} countdown.cycle.complete = Cycled to {0} countdown.matchStart.message = Match starting in {0} countdown.huddle.message = Team huddle ends in {0} broadcast.serverRestart.message = Server restarting in {0} defuse.displayName = TNT Defuser defuse.tooltip = Right-click to defuse TNT in a 5-block radius # Length limit: 26 characters rating.rateThisMap = Rate This Map rating.choice.terrible = Terrible! rating.choice.bad = Bad rating.choice.ok = OK rating.choice.good = Good rating.choice.amazing = Amazing! death.respawn.unconfirmed = Left click to respawn death.respawn.unconfirmed.time = Left click to respawn in {0}s death.respawn.confirmed.time = Respawning in {0}s death.respawn.confirmed.waiting = You will respawn as soon as possible... death.respawn.confirmed.waiting.flagDropped = You will respawn when the flag is dropped... stamina.label = Stamina stamina.depleted = Exhausted # {0} = one of the stamina.mutator.* strings stamina.depletedFromMutator = Exhausted from {0} stamina.mutator.sneak = sneaking stamina.mutator.stand = standing stamina.mutator.walk = walking = sprinting stamina.mutator.jump = jumping = sprint-jumping stamina.mutator.injury = injuries stamina.mutator.melee-miss = swinging stamina.mutator.melee-hit = fighting stamina.mutator.archery = shooting broadcast.allChestsRefilled = All chests have been refilled broadcast.allPlayersGlowing = All players are now glowing broadcast.chestsRefillIn3And5 = Chests will refill in 3 minutes and 5 minutes broadcast.alliancesNotAllowed = Creating alliances with other players is NOT allowed countdown.chestsRefill = Chests will refill in {0} countdown.glowingEffect = Glowing effect in {0}