package tc.oc.lobby.bukkit; import me.anxuiz.settings.*; import me.anxuiz.settings.bukkit.PlayerSettingCallback; import me.anxuiz.settings.bukkit.PlayerSettings; import me.anxuiz.settings.types.EnumType; import org.bukkit.entity.Player; import tc.oc.commons.bukkit.hologram.Hologram; import tc.oc.commons.bukkit.hologram.content.HologramAnimation; import javax.annotation.Nonnull; public class Settings { private final Lobby plugin; public Settings(Lobby plugin) { this.plugin = plugin; } public void register() { SettingRegistry registry = PlayerSettings.getRegistry(); SettingCallbackManager callbacks = PlayerSettings.getCallbackManager(); registry.register(HOLOGRAMS); /* 1.8 - disable callbacks.addCallback(HOLOGRAMS, new PlayerSettingCallback() { @Override public void notifyChange(@Nonnull Player player, @Nonnull Setting setting, @Nonnull Object o, @Nonnull Object o2) { HologramOption option = (HologramOption) o2; for (Hologram hologram : plugin.holograms) { if (option == Settings.HologramOption.ALL || (!(hologram.getContent() instanceof HologramAnimation) && option == Settings.HologramOption.STATIC)) {; } else { hologram.hide(player); } } } }); */ } public static enum HologramOption {ALL, STATIC, NONE} public static final Setting HOLOGRAMS = new SettingBuilder() .name("Holograms").alias("hologram").alias("holo") .summary("Enables the visibility of holograms") .type( new EnumType("hologram options", HologramOption.class) { // migration @Override public Object parse(String raw) throws TypeParseException { try { return super.parse(raw); } catch (TypeParseException e) { if (raw.equalsIgnoreCase("true")) { return HologramOption.STATIC; } else if (raw.equalsIgnoreCase("false")) { return HologramOption.NONE; } else { throw e; } } } } ) .defaultValue(HologramOption.NONE).get(); }