# Mirai BotNet Leaked Linux.Mirai Source Code for Research/IoT Development Purposes Uploaded for research purposes and so we can develop IoT and such. See "ForumPost.txt" or [ForumPost.md](ForumPost.md) for the post in which it leaks, if you want to know how it is all set up and the likes. ## Requirements * gcc * golang * electric-fence * mysql-server * mysql-client ## Credits [Anna-senpai](https://hackforums.net/showthread.php?tid=5420472) ## Disclaimer This repository is for academic purposes, the use of this software is your responsibility. ## Warning The [zip file](https://www.virustotal.com/en/file/f10667215040e87dae62dd48a5405b3b1b0fe7dbbfbf790d5300f3cd54893333/analysis/1477822491/) for this repo is being identified by some AV programs as malware. Please take caution.